The new science of weight loss and obesity | Dr. Louis J Aronne

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*Naturally high in copper which contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and the normal function of the immune system
Obesity is a physiological condition that can be managed with the right education and treatment.
In today's episode, Dr. Louis J. Aronne, a leading expert in obesity research, sheds light on the science behind weight management and obesity treatment.
Dr. Aronne dives into groundbreaking weight loss medications. He also explores how lifestyle and eating habits affect long-term health and why medications combined with dietary changes can unlock transformative results.
Louis J. Aronne, M.D. is a leading authority on obesity and its treatment. He’s a former president of The Obesity Society, which publishes the peer-reviewed scientific journal Obesity, of which Dr. Aronne is an associate editor. He has also authored more than 60 papers and book chapters on the topic.
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00:00 Introduction
01:01 Quickfire questions
03:51 What is obesity?
05:06 What’s the difference between being overweight and obesity?
07:38 Why has there been such a quick rise in obesity?
10:55 Why it's not just a lack of willpower
13:50 The complexity of weight regulation
15:54 What is Leptin and why is it so important for weight control?
19:51 The brain’s role in weight regulation
20:36 Curing obesity in animal studies
22:29 Did hunter-gatherers gain weight?
23:58 Natural experiments in weight gain and loss
26:01 Can medications cause weight gain?
28:42 The impact of calorie restriction diets
30:13 Reducing diabetes risk through weight loss
34:10 Research into medications as a tool for weight loss
38:36 How well do weight loss drugs work?
41:38 The future of weight loss drugs
43:51 Will you regain the weight if you stop taking weight loss drugs?
48:08 Can obesity be avoided without the use of drugs?
49:42 Concerns about weight loss drugs
📚 Books from our ZOE Scientists:
- Food For Life by Prof. Tim Spector:
- Fibre Fuelled by Dr Will Bulsiewicz:
- Every Body Should Know This by Dr Federica Amati:
Mentioned in today's episode:
Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after "The Biggest Loser" competition, published in Obesity. Link:
The Finnish diabetes prevention study (DPS), published in Diabetes Care
National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), from National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease
Have feedback or a topic you'd like us to cover? Let us know here:
Episode transcripts are available:

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@tkspiece2310 2 күн бұрын
Thanks to the Zoe team for another informative session. I for one would rather not go anywhere near big pharma's contribution to our overall ill health. My aim is to learn about natural ways of using food as medicine, regulating hormones including leptin and ghrelin, exercise, sleep, etc, and all the natural abilities we seem to have lost. The last thing I am interested in is yet another big pharma plaster for a festering wound. If folks just rely on yet another diet pill, how will they ever get the underlying cause under control??! Thanks, doc, but no thanks.
@roswithabed3650 4 сағат бұрын
@16Elless Күн бұрын
The guest is obviously big (no pun intended) on pharmaceuticals. I wonder where his funding comes from. I’m 5 feet tall/short. Mid 60’s, on no meds. Decided a couple of years ago to massively reduce UPF, seed oils etc even though my diet wasn’t that bad but once I started paying attention to food ingredient lists I realised improvements were needed. No more low fat anything, only healthy fats & started time restricted eating. I dropped about 18lbs so was no longer overweight & I’ve kept most of it off. You have to take responsibility for what goes in your mouth but these days it’s never anyone’s fault!
@Caladcholg 23 сағат бұрын
No pun intended, but pun accepted. 😊. Good on you for taking personal responsibility in reducing UPFs, seed oils, and engaging in intermittent fasting. Taking pharmaceuticals to solve all problems is the 'fad diet' is like to see relegated to the dustbin of history.
@r2d2tbay39 17 сағат бұрын
Mmm .... interesting thought (re big Pharma and need to know where this chaps funding is coming from - totally fair enough and worth looking into BUT ... helpful that science has shown that FOR SOME PEOPLE the poor diets which are so prevalent nowadays .... causes real and permanent damage to their ability to lose weight) ..... I have been offered BARRIATRIC SURGERY (NHS) but my instincts told me that was a VERY BAD IDEA ... especially as NHS still following old and poor knowledge ...... I've been 'dieting' old style for decades ..... each time having lost a lot of weight but then having gained more ..... and am now hugely overweight ..... I did lose weight at first on Zoe (avoiding UPF, eating seeds, oils, nuts, fruit, vegetables, lots of black beans ...... (still struggling to get enough protein each day though as I don't eat meat but trying to become competent at cooking fish which is too expensive to 'get wrong') and combining this with 'intermittent fasting' / 'time restricted eating' ...... HOWEVER I am on quite a few medications in the treatment of a 'broken thyroid' (from a medication given in the past for 'BiPolar') .... and a changed medication in the treatment of BiPolar .... and these are known to have effects on weight gain ...... (I do manage to discipline my severely despite all the damage spoken of in the lecture ... much of which you seem to have swept aside ......... you are fortunate indeed that the control of what you put in your mouth actually brings you desired results.
@roswithabed3650 4 сағат бұрын
I can say the same but I started out at only 30 pounds overweight which I gained from the onset of perimenopause. Started on HRT as well. And learned to stay away from HPF as you do.
@raewynannbenten1385 2 күн бұрын
None of this addresses the real elephant in the room. Just how broken our food systems are, from all the vested financial interests of big Ag, to the massive industries producing shitty ultra processed foods that now make up 80% or more of most people’s daily diet, to big pharma that also profit from billions of people made sick by the food they consume. Governments are not interested in heavily regulating the food industry because too much money is at stake. The lobbyists of Big Ag, Big Food and Big Pharma have captured the ears of both the advisors to and the decision makers on, the food regulatory bodies. Only when the soaring cost of health care totally out strips the billions in profits, will they act. It only took them 60 plus years to regulate tobacco, even when the science was clear for decades.
@wholefoodplantbasedmama5398 Күн бұрын
Totally agree.
@ricknicholson5894 16 сағат бұрын
This is why I do OMAD (one meal a day). It has so many benefits. It eliminates about 85 % of all my historical glucose spikes, if I don't eat I don't spike (not quite true but close) From not eating breakfast, lunch, really bad snack, maybe bedtime snack to one meal a day. If I start with in salad (OMAD eating), then made at home items, not processed crap (the closest I come is McCain's Frozen Fries in an airfryer), I escape the rigged food industry creating crap (which I used to eat all the time) that is designed to sell, not to provide nutrition. My own personal opinion is that calories that are assigned to my body type and height are overestimated. I've been told a number of times I should be eating 2000 calories a day. I suspect I would be better off at 1700. But I'm a gorger, I've got to eat so I feel really full. I can do that with OMAD as long as I supplement my eating with a decent extended walking regime and wretched hill walking. I can eat 2500 calories and if I burn 700 calories beyound normal caloric maintenance, I don't gain weight. And I might lose some weight. Interestingly, I notice with OMAD my taste sensitivity seems to increase. Foods that would taste okay have a "brighter" taste. The food has more appeal.
@83shaunam 2 күн бұрын
I thought it was mostly a willpower thing and I've been beating myself up for 10 years, thinking I was just a POS human with not enough willpower. Then I got some information about my body and was able to make changes to better regulate my blood glucose (NOT low carb, thank goodness, I'm not giving up rice and potatoes) and it's like a switch was flipped. Sugar cravings GONE. Urge to overeat GONE. Weight is falling off and I'm not even trying. I'm not counting calories. I'm not doing intense workouts. I'm actually quite sedentary because I've got a nearly bedbound child on hospice. I'm going to get a walking pad to get moving more, but I don't leave the house unless I really need to. I don't want to risk not being there when my daughter passes. It's really difficult to understand until you've felt it happen in your own body. I never judged people that were very overweight. My weight has been a struggle, but it's never been high enough to cause a real problem. 40 to 50 extra lbs, not hundreds. All of my health conditions I developed when I was a size 4. So even though I'm what people call "small fat", I don't judge those that are hundreds of lbs overweight because I KNOW it's a struggle. Even if it WAS all about willpower...I understood. And I judged myself endlessly, but did not judge others. I figured they just had a harder time than me. Before I fixed my issue, I was thinking about food, especially sugar, CONSTANTLY. It was controlling my life. I was having awful anxiety just trying to grocery shop because I wanted all the food, but knew I needed to moderate myself. And sometimes I'd do ok and other times I'd fail horribly at moderation. But even when I was doing well, it was constantly on my mind. And I was having to heavily restrict to lose anything. Then the switch flipped. It happened nearly overnight. I'm still in awe of how DIFFERENT I feel. There was something wrong in my body, plain and simple. And some people will never understand. "Just stop eating so much" is real easy to say when you've got a body and brain and hormones that work properly. Back before I developed chronic illnesses and before I started struggling with my weight, it WAS that simple for me. After both of my kids were born, it took awhile, but I'd diet a bit and get back to my prepregnancy weight. Then I got sick and one of those illnesses just did me dirty for the last 10 years, causing me to gain, despite me fighting back. I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to figure it out.
@dodgeball693 2 күн бұрын
Maybe I missed it, but what did you actually do?
@laurensargent9471 2 күн бұрын
Very interested in what you did to regain balance
@wholefoodplantbasedmama5398 Күн бұрын
Did you use a less inflammatory diet or pharmaceutical intervention or both?
@ricknicholson5894 2 күн бұрын
I feel telling people exercise is not helpful for weight loss is detrimental and in some cases wrong. You don't find many fat marathon runners for example. A combination of exercise and mindful food preparation and eating is the way to go. Even if you walk 8,000 steps, you burn calories and those calories for that day may make the difference between weight maintenance and weight gain. The reason I react is I know some will hear exercise doesn't help and use that as an excuse to not do it. I know you all know this but healthy living is a package deal, best to get some exercise in with some limited cardio, I walk briskly up a wretched hill to get my cardio, eating, sleeping, walking with friends, and some stretching and or resistance training or isometrics. Throw in some mindfulness about how fortunate you are in your environment and life circumstances and pursue interests into your very old age. It's a package deal.
@luvurab 2 күн бұрын
You are absolutely correct. Too many of us are looking for that ‘one’ pill or something simple to miraculously lose weight. And it is not just about losing the weight, you then need to keep it off. The only way to do that is to fix any root problems (hormones? Poor sleep?) and make permanent lifestyle changes. There is no other way around it.
@ricknicholson5894 2 күн бұрын
@@luvurab I just do OMAD, one meal a day, good for weight loss and a major reduction in glucose spikes.
@javiTests 2 күн бұрын
Also, exercise helps to maintain a healthy metabolism, so you can be overweight but with a healthy metabolism and that's important. And if you gain muscle, it uses more calories to be maintained than other types of cells, so the basal metabolic rate increases and helps to maintain weight. So yes, if you want to lose weight, you need to start from the diet, but exercise is good in any case.
@mdekool 2 күн бұрын
Agreed. I can only speak for myself, but after many years of self-observation I am completely sure exercise helps me control food craving/appetite. When due to some outside reasons I have not been able to exercise, I gained significant weight from increasing food intake. I don't think it is correct that the only effect from exercise is the calories you burn.
@IngriddenDigre 2 күн бұрын
I think it comes down to this: if you exercise but don't change how you eat, you will not loose much weight. If you change what you eat, but don't exercise you will loose weight. A lot of people, myself included, hoped for all of my adult life that I can fix things with exercise, but I didn't want to give up my sodas and chocolate. So I didn't. I just increased my exercise till injury. I was able to loose 7 kg over 1 year by continually increased exercise. (78 kg-71kg) Both weight lifting but mostly running. After injury, a family members suicide, and a lot of overwork, I way over-ate and lived of sugary food for periods. Since giving up sodas and chocolate, I've now lost 7 kg over 3 months. (86kg-79kg) That's also after getting back at exercise at the same time. Exercise helps mentally, to cope with life, but the bodily process of loosing weight, I believe is food-based. And that's what I think all the doctors are getting at.
@northyland1157 2 күн бұрын
I lost over 30 lbs from 205lbs to 171lbs. I eat lots of Fats (avocado, fatty meats, nuts, olive oil). Fats make you feel full. I avoid carbs and sugar even in most sweet fruits, except avocado and berries. I also avoid (omega 6) veggie and seed oils. I skip breakfast to allow my body time to burn fat. I even was able to stop taking all meds for my type 2 diabetes including insulin. Try eating this Super Salad. Recipe: Super Salad start with salad, you can add in lettuce, cucumbers, green peppers, then put in some nuts, avocado and berries for sweetness. (strawberries, blue berries, rasp and blackberries are all okay). Make home made dressing as most store dressing have bad oils. (49% Balsamic vinegar, 49% olive oil, a little Dijon mustard and salt/pepper). Everything in this is great for weight loss, including the vinegar and Olive oil! Eat the salad before the rest of the meal, which could be grilled chicken, or scrambled eggs, or a bun-less cheeseburger!
@jeanbartrum2773 2 күн бұрын
I follow Glucose Goddess and fast lik a girl by Mindy Peltz .I just think Im made this way .I find fasting can give me arythmia so have to be careful .Thankz for your suggestions and support
@TommysPianoCorner 2 күн бұрын
Your experience is very common. I found it surprisingly easy to adjust eating when diagnosed with a condition like T2D that we know will almost certainly put us in an early grave. However, it is far more effective if we can help people avoid these diseases in the first place by avoiding highly processed foods!
@debbiebeemer4795 2 күн бұрын
Great for you. But everyone is different. I wish people would stop assuming just because something works for them , then that’s the answer. 🙄
@TommysPianoCorner 2 күн бұрын
@@debbiebeemer4795 you’re absolutely right - we are all different. However, I feel it is vital that people know the entire range of options available to them so that they can make an informed choice. If diagnosed with T2 Diabetes for example, 95% of Drs will tell you that you now have a chronic and progressive condition and the best we can do is help you manage it with medication. They might add ‘try to lose some weight and exercise more’. They may or may not share with you (even though they know it) that the best we’ll achieve with this Medicine is to keep your glucose in the pre diabetic range - not great but better than the diabetic range. Equally, they may or may not warn you that over time, we’ll need to keep increasing the dose and perhaps adding medicines as the condition progresses. However, wouldn’t it be great if they added : alternatively, you can try to change your diet in which case it often goes away completely. You’ll not need any medication and you’ll not develop diabetic complications into the bargain. At least then, if a person says ‘sorry doc, I can’t imagine life without rice so sign me up for the pills’ they have made an informed decision which is absolutely their prerogative. I have many colleagues in this category and I absolutely respect their choice - even though I opted to do the reverse.
@northyland1157 2 күн бұрын
​@@debbiebeemer4795 Can't win um all I suppose..
@TommysPianoCorner 2 күн бұрын
This is frightening on so many levels. Don’t get me wrong, I can really appreciate that someone who has spent his entire career looking for a pharmacological answer to a problem would be so happy. However, what are the implications of saying we will continue to let people damage themselves because we can treat them afterwards? It seems like saying if we had a tablet for lung cancer we could all get right back to smoking. Why not find a drug that lets us drink as much alcohol as the Mediterraneans too whilst we’re at it! Saying that dieticians are delighted because ‘if we give someone a drug that acts on their brain they can follow our advice’ is also frightening. How happy would we be if the govt started putting something in the water that made us more compliant? I am truly delighted that people battling obesity now have a solution like this. However, we should still be focussed on stopping people from getting obese in the first place. Children should not be obese and certainly should not need a pharma solution. My biggest fear is that now, it will be ‘keep enjoying your junk food as part of a balanced, Ozempic controlled diet!’
@r2d2tbay39 17 сағат бұрын
I don't think that's what's being said ...... But I do feel that the food industry must be held to account. I was in touch with COOK pre-prepared meals recently over their claim that their products are prepared with ingredients which you would use at home ...... when there are the likes of 'maltodextrin' and 'potato starch' (amongst many other ingredients) listed in their 'meals' ...... and they replied that they were fully compliant with government regulations (and they are ... but the very wealthy food industry is managing to prevent tighter change to truly good legislation .......... (I am convinced that the huge volumes of cheap highly processed foods are responsible for huge increases in mental health problems in the very young ... ADHD and many other 'neuro-divergent' conditions ........ as well as bodily damage leading to weight gain (but then there is the effect of medications used to treat so many conditions nowadays ... which also cause galloping weight gain .......
@carolynwestlake7670 2 сағат бұрын
I found this podcast very disturbing. Basically, all overweight and obese people have damaged themselves and the only solution is to take medications indefinitely. 😱😱
@BartBVanBockstaele Күн бұрын
If it is not about willpower, I'd like to know what allows me not to eat despite "not being full" AND "being hungry" and losing well over 65 kg, over half my body weight, in the process. I can assure people that "not being full" AND "being hungry" is not fun, and it is something that doesn't seem to go away. Yet, I am doing it anyway. That, to me, *is* willpower.
@sarahsnowe 16 сағат бұрын
Well said. The thing is, most people have never had much willpower or self-discipline. Discipline was imposed by nature (food insecurity) and social hierarchy (the rich could eat a lot and everyone else couldn't). Your medieval peasant would have loved to stuff herself with fat and sugar, but the usual fare was root vegetables, greens in season, pulses, whole grains, and maybe some eggs and milk and a little bit of meat. As long as they had a decent supply of those things (and weren't wiped out by disease, accidents, and war) they could be pretty healthy. Now, with the massive amount of food available (much or most of which isn't "food" as we understand the term), it's down to us to discipline ourselves.
@BartBVanBockstaele 13 сағат бұрын
​@@sarahsnowe You make a great point. Just because many/most people don't have enough self-discipline does not mean self-discipline is not important, it merely means that these people don't have enough self-discipline (obviously ^_^). It is no different than "athletes" pushing themselves to run faster and/or farther and get the results that go with it. People who lose weight simply push themselves lower. Like the athletes, they pay a price and that price is what we call self-discipline or willpower. Denying that is doing a profound DISservice to people. To me, it is a form of malpractice. Weight loss without willpower/self-discipline may well be possible, what do I know? But in my case, it was all about willpower.
@user-gy8yj9ev7l 2 күн бұрын
Another interesting podcast. Despite Jonathan’s efforts Dr Aronne could not be deflected far from Pharma’s message that one need only take the daily pill(s) forever to be well. What research is there to show that an at least comparable result can be achieved without an expensive pharmaceutical product? A good subject within your mission to improve the nation’s health!
@Vandervecken 2 күн бұрын
The idea that willpower doesn't matter still comes down to not being able to ignore hunger. My own personal experience is that willpower does matter. Eventually you do get to a point where you are not hungry all the time anymore, but to get there you need to ignore those hunger signals. It is still up to you whether or not you put fork to mouth.
@dudea3378 2 күн бұрын
Yes but there is a food quality element when it comes to satiety and if you just pick the right foods then you don't need willpower, which may eventually falter anyway.
@rossmurray6849 2 күн бұрын
This podcast actually changed my opinion on that very point. To what degree of precision do you think it is possible for someone to make conscious choices over when to stop eating? How about one extra slice of bread per day? Or one extra teaspoon of sugar? One teaspoon of sugar more or less per day makes a difference of two pounds after a year. And one slice of bread is four or five times that.
@Vandervecken 2 күн бұрын
@dudea3378 well what I am saying is that you need to resist eating even without satiety, at least for a while. But now, years out, satiety and hunger are no issues. In those first 3 years, will power did for quality, well yeah folks need to stop eating upfs as much as possible
@ResidualSelfImage 2 күн бұрын
Medical doctors are not psychologists, so they are not often trained or experienced to provide the support to use will power to lose weight.
@Vandervecken Күн бұрын
@@ResidualSelfImage But I had neither to help me. I just did it myself. And I assure you I am pretty average. I don't have some special will. I'm a regular guy, nothing special.
@susiehooper2798 2 күн бұрын
I'm only half way through this but I'm struggling with the focus on looking at drugs to fix a problem caused by lack of regulation of the food industry by governments. Food science looks at what additives make people want to eat more-SUGAR and chemicals put in processed food rather than making your own nutritious food from natural ingredients. I've watched several videos with Dr Robert Lustig who I think has received death threats for trying to address the causes of increasing obesity and metabolic/inflammatory disorders in the 20th/21st century:
@pynn1000 2 күн бұрын
Interesting summary. As predicted, I'm one of the people uncomfortable that we have to consider mass use of hormone treatment for a problem we collectively have created. Real food, massive job, must be on the agenda.
@stevelanghorn1407 2 күн бұрын
Another fascinating interview. Dr Aronne hit the nail on the head regarding hunter-gatherer cultures. Modern western lifestyle and industrial processed food production / cheap availability is our biggest disease-maker. These Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists are going to be useful for those individuals who have (possibly genetic) complex hormonal issues. Also for those who are simply “too far gone” in terms of chronic obesity etc. Otherwise they are ultimately an artificial intervention…a desperate last chance perhaps. Better to challenge our dreadful western eating habits at the source.
@brettmasonmedia 2 күн бұрын
I don’t know how to trust someone that misunderstands survival of the fittest so badly. It hasn’t nothing to do with fit as in body fat. It’s that which fits bets in the environment among other things.
@ashleykostyniuk4677 5 сағат бұрын
The whole quote is: “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most adaptable to change.” So by that theory, Dr. Aronne would be correct. An animal with excess fat would be better able to adapt to a change in environment that leads to famine.
@evanhadkins5532 2 күн бұрын
"Why it's not just lack of willpower". That "just" is important.
@evanhadkins5532 2 күн бұрын
I owe a great deal to Roy Taylor's findings on weight loss curing type-2 diabetes. I was part of the minority it works for - probably because my dr. picked it up early; the earlier the more likely to be successful.
@evanhadkins5532 2 күн бұрын
I would like to see scientists lead a campaign for governments to encourage the eating of healthy food and not junk food. Have yet to see this - rather than promoting drugs.
@evanhadkins5532 2 күн бұрын
Johan Hari's new book on Ozempic is really good. Personal as well as across the literature.
@Caladcholg 2 күн бұрын
1:58 oh boy, I hope this isn't an ad. Remember, it's not about 'weight' or even 'fat' as far as health is concerned; it's about visceral and ectopic adiposidty. Edit: nevermind, it's an ad. While he isn't pushing snake oil, he is quite literally 36:25 hawking lizard saliva.
@margaretcousins1395 2 күн бұрын
The breakthrough is sorting out the processed foods, including veg processed foods, we all need to get back to real food
@tsbriggs 2 күн бұрын
Dr. Aronne at 20:37: "obesity has been cured, cured, C-U-R-E-D, by giving certain compounds to animals. And what happens is you give it over a period of time, You stop giving it, and the animals maintain their weight. And if you look at what's going on in the part of the brain where damage was previously seen, the hypothalamus, all of a sudden they have new healthy nerves in that part of their brain." Can anyone point me to the research he's referring to? I've never heard of this...
@retrocool Күн бұрын
I'd love to know too. 'Certain compounds' was very cryptic!
@anathamon 15 сағат бұрын
@@retrocoolthey are probably “patent pending” or pending further studies.
@daviessusan1000 Күн бұрын
Please inform us if there are any links to pharmaceutical companies. For transparency
@philiprollins3211 2 күн бұрын
Please Zoe, invite Dr Robert Lustig to discuss these issues with you. Your aims and 'missions' coincide so well.
@stevelanghorn1407 Күн бұрын
Almost…but he’s probably too “omnivore” for their taste!
@roswithabed3650 4 сағат бұрын
He became an advocat for Keto, didn'nt he? And sometimes I think his new ideas about mitochondria dysfunction is either terrific or crap.
@johncalkin7423 2 күн бұрын
I used to watch Dr. Lou's TV show in the early-mid 1990s. I'm very happy that he is still around.
@juliesimpson2122 2 күн бұрын
Excellent interview. Great explanation. I was initially very sceptical about what he was saying about all the new weight loss drugs, but it makes complete sense for those who are struggling to do their best, but nothing changes. Very interesting discussion on how a long term poor diet affects the neurological pathways in the brain. I’m a great advocate of what Zoe is trying to do, with eating healthier, but I can see that this just doesn’t work for some people, no matter how hard they try. He has a very good point that these drugs should not be misused! … but used carefully when needed… lets hope the pharmaceutical companies adhere to this too!!
@Carbhandleruk 2 күн бұрын
No discussion on side effects and tolerance? Legislation could stop production of ultra processed food / labelling on how harmful it can be too.
@ResidualSelfImage 2 күн бұрын
@37:00 A form of GLP-1 is naturally created by the gut microbiome when it processes fiber in the colon which is why high fiber food creates the sense of satiety/fullness and makes dieting and time restricted eating easier to do in treating weigh loss. The concern with the continual consumption of junk food is that replaces nutrient filled foods - mineral, antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients are missing in highly processed foods or not time released optimized to be absorbed by the digestive system. The digestive system is effectiveness depends on a slower time release of nutrients in the food being digested. The high speed absorption of high potency vitamins in pill forms get ejected by the body (by the kidney via urine) because the homeostatic process of the metabolism expels excessive amounts of nutrients it cannot store in fat cells or the bones. The sudden lack of electrolyte minerals in the blood stream when breaking a fast and allowing for high glucose blood levels will cause a mortally dangerous metabolic shock known as the Refeeding syndrome. Which is why water fasting is often accompanied with electrolyte supplements.
@celiacramer4247 2 күн бұрын
Great questions. Clear answers. Good accuracy. Loved it!! Thank you.
@niket62 5 сағат бұрын
This is one is one of my favorite podcasts
@Rachel-em1rq 2 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤ love both these men. The lack of judgement and the amazing understanding of what it is to battle obesity is beyond words.
@daviessusan1000 Күн бұрын
This link with the Pharmaceutical companies!! Lots of money to be made would be my guess 😮. Everyone knows the benefits of losing weight, no new information here. The quality of food available in modern society is what is driving obesity and illness.
@jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 2 күн бұрын
This is a fantastic video.
@ResidualSelfImage 2 күн бұрын
Fat cells and the liver cells are the storage of glucose/energy. The bone marrow is the storage for minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium needed to process the glucose in the blood stream. Weight loss occurs when the metabolism is not digesting food but consuming the glucose reserves in the fat, muscle and liver cells. The glucose is burned from the digestive system first, in the muscles second, the liver cells third, and the fat cells fourth. When all the glucose is burn, the metabolism will convert protein in the muscle cells into glucose to survive ... which is why there is muscle loss in long-term fasting. Dr. Aronne is correct in focusing on brain/nervous system to the leptin hormonal response to fasting as the main challenge to fasting needed to stop eating. @20:00 the hypothalamus brain tolerance/adaptation to process foods weakens the metabolism's sensitivity to the satiety digestive regulatory hormone leptin. @35:00 The new GLP-1 antagonist medication class work on the same satiety digestive regulatory hormone homeostatic process that leptin works with
@alijawad2042 7 сағат бұрын
Great talk.As always, full of science and simple explanation rather than pseudo science .Pls continue to educate and spread the good knowledge.Regards
@user-nb9yl5vz6e Күн бұрын
As someone who has an active Zoe subscription, has REGULARLY had between 0-3% UPFs and has put ON enough weight to become obese, I’d be willing to act a scientific guinea pig.
@janenicholson1399 Күн бұрын
Why didnt he mention the role of sleep in leptin and grehlin production .... I think it is helpful to think of obesity as a disease but I wondered who paid him. To push the drugs and not mention the role of sleep
@roswithabed3650 3 сағат бұрын
I still try to find simple words for the insane idea to keep us as "obedient food and pharma" customers. The goal a kind of patched up industrial health?! 😢
@missp8373 Күн бұрын
I stick to the rule of only consuming up to 25 grams of ADDED sugar a day then just eat everything else you want and I find it works for me. If you reach for a packet of biscuits in supermarket look at the list of ingredients especially the sugar per biscuit and you will see how quickly you get to 25 grams so can judge how many you can eat!
@kkrall8611 Күн бұрын
Thank you for that fantastic interview. Please more about that subject would be very very interessant. Greetings from Austria
@livechangechallenge 2 күн бұрын
Does this doctor have any connection with these pharmaceutical companies? So, what has saying is that the only way to cure this it to take medication? Not really helpful advice sadly 😢
@juliepaulson6822 2 күн бұрын
He works for a weight loss pharmaceutical company. I thought he sounded super biased, too, and had to look him up... (funny, I've commented about this on here, and those comments are gone.)
@SimonBrowneNZ Күн бұрын
Find out who funded the studies he references; then decide if this "advice" is useful.
@stevefenney5812 2 күн бұрын
With the right approach, exercise (i.e. 'unnecessary' and conscious physical activity) = fat loss. It can also shift body composition so that the muscle mass : fat mass ratio is higher. This in turn increases basal metabolism (see below). Not all types of exercise is equally effective. For example, it's quite comfortable to eat before cycling, during cycling, and after cycling. This is not the case with running as the guts are shaken about far more and it is generally more intensive (higher average HR). Also, running generally requires a lower bodyweight than cycling (unless a high amount of elevation cycled), therefore the body adapts to this. Exercise can represent the daily energy deficit for fat loss if intake is equal to basal metabolism + daily living requirements. For example: Basal Metabolism = 1500 kcals DLA = 500 kcals Exercise = 500 kcals (e.g. run 5 miles, cycle 15 miles, walk 10 miles - DON"T COUNT INCIDENTAL STEPS - these are part of DLA) Daily Energy intake = 2000 kcals Daily energy deficit = Exercise = 500 kcals Weekly energy deficit = 3500 kcals = 1lb (0.5kg approx.) fat loss per week. Not to even mention all of the other physio-psycho-social benefits of exercise.
@paulp1372 2 күн бұрын
ZOE - some good perspectives discussed here but this isn't NEW SCIENCE! I respect the opinions of obesty specialists, but - the principles of leptin, ghrehlin and hormone regulation has been around for many years. It's not the only problem. 'New Science' would be to dig up the old Lancet papers; consider and continue on from the research of ecological, food & environment medicine specialists who looked at food and drink many years ago - and then it was somewhat ignored, not included/put aside. WHY? We should look into more depth about WHY food intolerances can be so different for every person and how learning about them can actually assist people lose a hell of a lot of weight - mostly trapped water weight. Question: Why have our intestinal tracts become so leaky. Why has water retention got a lot more to do with weight gain etc for many people in recent years? This would be NEW SCIENCE worth exploring! Just my pennies worth...Great science should be about exploring the bigger debate - even if it's anecdotal evidence based.
@debbiebeemer4795 2 күн бұрын
Omg. Listen to the end. None of what you said was the new science. The new science is about the new weight loss drugs. Listen to the end before commenting.
@Caladcholg 2 күн бұрын
​@@debbiebeemer4795I think he did and disagreed that it's new science. I agree with his disagreement.
@DavidPodolsky 13 сағат бұрын
It is not a new science, however, most people do not know about it, so it is new news for lots of people. Even 90 percent of doctors don't know this.
@DCGreenZone 5 сағат бұрын
Carnivore. Done.
@PeppermintPatties 2 күн бұрын
I'm not doubting this scientist, but I do wonder which companies he has perhaps received payments from!
@karendempsey3805 2 күн бұрын
Same here, goes against my 'gut' instincts
@daviessusan1000 Күн бұрын
Absolutely! This should be made transparent
@SimonBrowneNZ Күн бұрын
@@daviessusan1000 It is transparent, don't you think? "Obesity is a disease" and we have the drugs.
@paulclay4293 2 күн бұрын
Given how damaging ultra processed foods are to health then hopefully they will be highly controlled at some point in the way cigarettes were
@bmcd9490 Күн бұрын
Big Pharma must love this bloke!
@notrueflagshere198 2 күн бұрын
Some study says that eating broccoli reduces leptin resistance.
@debsykes3056 2 күн бұрын
I'm in a wheelchair and was a very healthy weight until having an op that left me with a permanent stoma and an amputated leg. I can't exercise and I'm a kg over what I use to be and feel that I'm overweight. I eat healthily and know that the weight will be going up, not down. Would I be able to, and will it be helpful for me?
@procrastipractice Күн бұрын
So I have a damaged brain from too much weight, although I avoid hyperprocessed food, eat mostly vegetables and move all the time? Great. Now what should I do if I don't want to take drugs? Also, have the researchers at least segregated their data by age and sex? Men and women function differently regarding hormones. What are the recommendations for the different groups of people?
@Lisa_Mojica 2 күн бұрын
I feel full fast and don't eat a lot but have gained weight.
@Monicalala Күн бұрын
I urge you then to watch Secret Eaters
@stefanweilhartner4415 11 сағат бұрын
but leptin resistance is only one part. also GLP-1, PYY, ... output of the L-cells is important. the fat loss effect is not only the brain. it reduces glucagon production 24/7 in the alpha cells, which is the most important function of GLP-1. the reduced glucagon reduces gluconeogenesis 24/7. which reduces blood sugar a tiny bit 24/7. that reduces insulin and insulin resistance and that speeds up lipolysis enzymes. this is a mechanism of GLP-1 that has nothing to do with the brain. one question that is coming up for me is, is insulin resistance affecting hunger? is insulin resistance creating leptin resistance and therefor increasing ghrelin output? my current trail is ACV + water and xylit to alter the gut bacteria, supplement with zinc/selenium to support the thyroid function and glutamine in the morning to reduce cortisol. artificial sweeteners are a bit difficult to cut out. in some cases, they switch off some satiety hormones like PYY. my stomach can be full, but i am still hungry. maybe i can try something with allulose which should do the opposite than aspartame regarding some incretin hormone. a bit of exercise might help me as well. 1 time HIIT to boost mitochondrial growth in certain parts in the body and 2 times zone two to synchronize all other parts with their growth factors might be a good idea as well. i think exercise for weight loss is completely misunderstood and again has nothing to do with burning calories. it is more a hormonal thing like in this discussion. lactate + phenylalanine ==> Lac-Phe reduces ghrelin. ==> 500mg phenylalanine + HIIT
@jimhollyjarrad2221 2 күн бұрын
Would be useful to know if any of the studies were done on women, especially menopausal, as so few studies include women. I have pcos and watched my weight for about 30 years, but still fat around the middle (BMI always been between 28 and 32). Once menopause hit I was unable to stop my weight increasing slowly, even though my diet was good (always under 1500 calories a day plus weights and HIT) so decided to try Wegovy as my GP suggested it due to pcos (I am paying privately). 3rd month, it is very slowly coming off so that is a plus (also doing ZOE too and always score around 80-90). It is very demoralising to constantly watch what you eat, do weights/fitness daily and people just presume you eat too much or that you are lazy, I am very motivated diet and fitness wise. Not sure how much I like Wegovy, not interested in food particularly and some days only eat 600 calories as just don't enjoy food (don't drink alcohol) so was interested to know the long term affects from the podcast as I couldn't do this for life, frequently constipated (fibre always over 25 a day), nausea, but will try one further month on the highest dose to see if the weight loss increases at all.
@ResidualSelfImage 2 күн бұрын
@6:20 Dr Aronne uses the American BMI standard for non Asians. The BMI standard for Asians is stricter/smaller by 1.0....BMI is an approximate estimate of overall fat cell mass size (both the more dangerous visceral adipose tissue around the organs and subcutaneous fat under the skin that is less dangerous)
@KazziH 2 күн бұрын
Was there a placebo effect in the controls?
@Carlena-ok8eb 2 күн бұрын
The camaraderie among participants creates a sense of belonging, like a family united by shared interests.💝
@appl314 2 күн бұрын
What meds initiated weight gain?
@jesssantiago1 20 сағат бұрын
I disagree with you. Obesity is a person's fault because he has a choice on whether to eat processed food (Donuts, soft drinks) or real food (eggs, water) 😬
@CarolynHemphill14 2 күн бұрын
The doctor mentioned that some medications can lead to an ongoing problem with obesity. I am wondering what those specific medications that he was talking about are. When I was a child I was given cortisone due to a bout with pneumonia and it has always felt to me like I have had trouble with my appetite control since then. Once I was put on it, I gained 15 pounds as a child in two weeks, I wonder what damage was done by that. And our antibiotics part of the problem as well? I’ve been on them too many times.
@evanhadkins5532 2 күн бұрын
Lots of (very valuable) consciousness altering drugs (anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications and so on) lead to weight gain. Also steroidal drugs. It does get listed in the side effects.
@raewynannbenten1385 2 күн бұрын
@CarolynHemphill14. FYI cortisol is a steroid medication. Steroid medications have been shown in numerous clinical trials to disrupt metabolism and how the body lays down fat normally. Recent trials also show they can cause dysbiosis in the gut as do antibiotics. The cortisonal steroid group are commonly parcelled out by doctors to treat inflammation, even for minor muscle and joint issues, that given sufficient time would heal naturally on their own. I refuse to take steroids (unless I had severe inflammation of my brain ,liver or lungs which unfortunately afflicted you as a child). Can be a class of drugs with horrible side affects. Often over prescribed for minor injuries.
@Sufferfish 2 күн бұрын
56:30 some is your fault. Some people go through hard stuff to lose weight, gain strength, gain stamina, get a better job, etc etc. I'm 120lbs and if I just start eating whatever I gain weight. So I make myself watch what I'm eating again so I don't keep gaining. Some people are just lazy not fat but fat and lazy despite diet
@JULIEJBF42 Күн бұрын
Can Multiple Sclerosis damage in the brain affect how weight is put on?
@decky9995 Күн бұрын
Excuse me but how can you say it is not persona;l fault. Making a choice to eat or not to eat certain food is a personal decision that carries all consequences that cannot be transferred to something else.
@brucejensen3081 2 күн бұрын
Its a mental issue foremostly. Then confusion with what works. You just dont see people that were once fat, get their head sorted and stay lean as a result being listened too.
@MajorWolf72 2 күн бұрын
„not your fault“ is putting it too simply. YOU still decide, what you eat. You need to make better choices, THAT‘S where it starts. Educate yourself, it’s never been easier than today. Most people could eat healthy, and more would if they knew more about nutrition and their body. But there’s a huge lobby that would hurt if people ate healthy, so it’s not in the interest of the economy and hence politics to promote what’s right. If you were strict you‘d say that’s accessory to murder… The influence on life expectancy of obesity is clear.
@stefanweilhartner4415 10 сағат бұрын
yes and no. if you don't know what is the right thing? if you ask 10 persons, you get 20 different answers.
@MajorWolf72 4 сағат бұрын
@@stefanweilhartner4415 While there’s some degree of confusion, the basic principles are understood. If you ask 10 scientists, you get a pretty solid unified answer. If you ask 10 influencers, you get 20 answers. The art in today’s information overflow is to filter out those who disperse „information“ more for personal gain.
@margaretcousins1395 2 күн бұрын
Not pharmaceuticals again Jonathan - i have come to expect more of Zoe - sorry as normally love your conversations. Just stop the junk food
@stevelanghorn1407 2 күн бұрын
@jaleneellis-weigand2310 Күн бұрын
I agree! This was a total disappointment , and not what I expected from this podcast.
@ShazWag 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting and a great summary at the end. However, I know many obese people who say they don't necessarily eat out of hunger, but rather for comfort (i.e. emotional eaters). I feel that psychological interventions could also help some individuals to change their relationship with food over time, potentially preventing them from becoming lifelong big pharma slaves. Also, I feel that we need longitudinal studies, which I'm sure are going on, to better understand the possible implications of such drugs on other body systems. There's a reason humans weren't meant to naturally produce higher amounts of this peptide. Whilst I get that we no longer eat as we were designed to, we still don't know the long-term effects. For example, would those taking drugs like Ozempic be at higher risk of things like vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which could lead to other adverse effects? I also wonder if this doctor is a shareholder in pharma companies producing this (well you never know - he was certainly promoting them! 🤷🏻‍♀)
@huna1950 2 күн бұрын
Great talk but hear in mind if someone or certain people stay in moldy or bacterial high buildings they’re leptin receptors and insulin receptors are burned and frazzled I was obese on two ribeye per day only for ages lol
@nwobob Күн бұрын
A good interview about on aspect of obesity that I'm sure is relevant. But it looks like he is struggling with his weight at least as much as I am. So there is more yet to learn. Keep plodding away.
@naturopathdave7266 2 күн бұрын
How about the elephant in the room - refined substance addiction and dopamine dysregulation? Sugar oil salt willpower is no match for addiction, to lose weight you need to detox, rehabilitate and eat real food,unprocessed mainly from plants not use pharmaquackery
@nowayjose6700 2 күн бұрын
Waist circumference is a worse measure of health than BMI because it does not account for height. Hip to waist makes more sense, though still pretty crude.
@charleswillcock3235 2 күн бұрын
My sister who knows everything says that your waist should be less than half your height,so if you are 6 foot 72" then your waist should be less than 36" I would say 35.5" would be realistic. Thus height does come in to the equation. As a rough guide I do not think that is a bad idea.
@jeanbartrum2773 2 күн бұрын
I follow a plant based high protein low carb diet in fact a medditeranean diet and am active yet I still dont lose belly fat.I have fasted too but just dont know what else I can do .I drink at least 1 5 litres of water a day and no sugar
@chiyerano 2 күн бұрын
Do you have late meals or snacks after 8 PM or 20:00 hrs? If so, this could be a reason why you aren't losing belly fat due to circadian rhythms and such.
@jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 2 күн бұрын
Same here. No diets work for me. I got fat from medications.
@Vandervecken 2 күн бұрын
I can only tell you that, from my personal experience, exercise is critical. I'd easily be 5% higher body fat percentage without my daily HIIT regimen (I'm 10% now). Eight years ago I was 200 lb (I'm a 5'8" man, currently 61 years old). I have been stable in the low 140s for some time. Originally, though, I was quite impatient and intermittent fasted, restricted all bread, rice, and potato completely (ie, ate none of that), and I swam laps every day. Lost 60lb in 6 months. I was skin and bones then. Since then I've swapped a lot of remaining fat for lean muscle. And that's the point--lean muscle is what helps you stay thin. I am not a clinician. But my opinion is that the constant need for glycogen throughput is important. I pretty much wipe out my glycogen stores in a day and a half. My body constantly needs to replenish glycogen, so every single day, after body upkeep, I have to make more glycogen before i make fat. Every day. And since I eat small portions, almost all I eat has to go to those two (upkeep and glycogen). Leaving next to nothing for fat deposition. So between increasing your resting metabolic rate and requiring glycogen replenishment, increased muscle mass is critical. And the way to get there is exercise. And you know, this honestly make sense. Eating serves our activity, not the other way around. The whole purpose of eating is to fuel physical activity. If you keep carting grain to a granary and it's never disbursed to anyone, what's the point? And the grain rots, just as we glycate faster. Energy throughput is important, especially, IMO, in the form of glycogen renewal. The more this occurs and the faster, the better.
@jeanbartrum2773 2 күн бұрын
@@chiyerano no I have a cup of tea at 8pm thats it
@jeanbartrum2773 2 күн бұрын
@@Vandervecken I do weights and walk I guess its in my dna 😒
@c.leee.5613 Күн бұрын
The elephant in the room? Dr. Aronne, while clearly not obese, is overweight. That does send a discomforting message. Just look at the host and then across the table at the weight expert. Hmmm.
@anathamon 15 сағат бұрын
doesn’t look overweight to me?
@stevebaker341 Күн бұрын
After the good doctor misquoted Darwin I found it difficult to appreciate
@sashamellon822 2 күн бұрын
It’s multi national companies fault!
@aljosalp 3 сағат бұрын
It seem, that the guy is on a pharma/food industry payroll. A lot of things he said is ok, but he ommited the implication of gut and gut bacteria. Also he mentioned over caloric and overprocesswd food but he did not put on them the main reason why is happening. Also his reason for hormonal imbalance is due to damaged brain pathways, tilhis is ommitting brain neuroplasticity that is making us get back in balance...
@harryturnbull1884 2 күн бұрын
Please not another pharma promoter? Drugs as a last resort fine but as a generalised treatment like bloody statins? No way. When you going to get on the guy who strides this landscape like a colossus - Herman Pontzer.
@anotherjewishsharpnicholas9425 20 сағат бұрын
He didn't address any of the concerns. What separates this man from any other fundamentalist, a medical degree?
@darlenes520 Күн бұрын
Please stop using a 35 inch waist measurement for women as not overweight. It clearly does not apply to a very small framed 5 foot woman. I would be obese with a 35-inch waist! I can't imagine how much weight it would take for my waist to get that large!
@dnawebbys6119 18 сағат бұрын
I agree with previous Comment. Big thanks Zoe for the insights and much appreciated. But this guy is all about big Pharma and selling drugs. He touches his nose a lot on some of the comments, not sure he is 100% comfortable with some answers. I'm not happy because he does not give us the natural way (without big Pharma) and this is what I look up to in Zoe. Therefore, on this topic, I will find my own natural way without big Pharma messing it up and making big profits from it!
@bennytleilax Күн бұрын
Why is it that it seems like people in the south eastern United States are fatter? Is obesity contageous? Can it be transmitted from one person's microbiome to another's? It has seemed like that to me for years.
@sarahsnowe 17 сағат бұрын
It could be their diet of vast amounts of fat and sugar and maybe their reliance on a nonexistent entity to help them.
@bennytleilax 13 сағат бұрын
@@sarahsnowe I think that you have hit on Occam's solution.
@jbach1841 2 күн бұрын
I lost 140lbs from 2019-2022 and have kept it off. Weight loss for me has always been about the food. I tend to overeat and can pretty much overeat anything. Now if I overeat carrots or fruit, it is much less damaging than overeating cookies, cakes and baked goods. The idea that obesity isn't about willpower is a dangerous concept. Granted, obesity may not be ALL about willpower, but saying it is, gives people permission to sit around and continue overeating. There is always something us individuals can do to manage our weight, even without the magical drugs available now.
@anitahughes3748 2 күн бұрын
@jecookdale6793 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate that there are possibly more Americans than Brits here but could we have these measurements in Metric too. Waist in cm, weight in kg As a 56 yo I have no clue about inches and lbs and don't need to learn it now. Thank you.
@stimunail2170 18 сағат бұрын
So... obesity is a disease that is caused by eating a high calorie, highly palatable diet which damages our nerves in the brain, so our weight is no longer regulated properly. The diet we consume is a choice, so we are choosing to eat the high calorie foods which give us the obesity disease. Just like smoking could give us the disease emphysema. It's a disease we give ourselves, it just doesn't appear out of nowhere. I understand our inability to lose weight once we have the disease is not our fault... but the fact that we have the disease is our fault. We should be educating people that their diet just doesn't affect their weight, appearance and health, but should explain how it damages our nerves irreversibly and will make losing weight in the future nearly impossible to maintain. Perhaps this would help them make better food choices from the beginning. People think if they overeat and gain weight, they can just diet and lose it later on. No one is telling them it creates a disease that makes weight loss unbelievably challenging. Again, just like how we finally hammered home that smoking kills and now most people have stopped, we need to simply spell things out clearly for people in order for them to 'get it'. I don't think anyone is telling this part of the story!
@jackhowarth2600 23 сағат бұрын
Rubbish. The crux of weight gain with age is the accumulated metabolic dysfunctions induced from degraded mitochondrial function. The biggest lie told by the medical establishment is that the elevated BMI with age (shown in the smartbmi calculator for example) is 'normal'. It is not. What it represents is the weight accumulation caused by your metabolism slowing down from mitochondrial damage. Restoring your glutathione levels, inducing mitochondrial repair, mitophagy (destruction of irreversibly damaged mitochondria), autophagy (removal of accumulated waste from within cells) and senolytics to destroy senescent cells (whose secretions impact the performace of neighboring normal cells) in concert with significant exercise everyday is the key.
@sarahsnowe 2 күн бұрын
Nothing is ever anyone's fault anymore, is it? And you can just take a pill . . . . What piffle. Nobody forces anyone to stuff themselves with junk. Learn to shop properly, learn to cook from scratch, don't eat too much, get off your duff and walk a lot (without a Big Mac and Coke in your hands) and hey presto! You too will lose weight and keep it off. Look at footage from the seventies. Look at those people, ask what's changed, and figure it out.
@xfool 23 сағат бұрын
no need to spell out cured lol...
@Arugula100 2 күн бұрын
Why does the guest speaker look overweight?
@gaylemora1390 2 күн бұрын
Yes but you call who are 10 pounds over weight. Pretty funny My grandmother was 60 pounds over weight never had a cold or the flue died in her 90’s 2:24
@vatsmith8759 2 күн бұрын
Think how much longer she might have lived if she hadn't been overweight!
@jo-annecook7333 16 сағат бұрын
Headlines to talk promised much. Listened with hopefulness And trust in Zoe. Very disappointed. Can i trust this man ? Where is the evidence and independent peer review of the science ? If it is true and the pill is the cure for obesity well hard luck it is only available for a few and NO hope as the rest wait 5 years for development or more pills. Helpful advice now please. Jo-Anne
@susiehooper2798 2 күн бұрын
Also I'm interested in the role of psychology in obesity in our 21st century world where the ease of access of high sugar/high fat food is used as a way of emotional coping in a society where we're plugged into screens and many people don't learn to feel, connect with others, connect with their bodies or enjoy nutritious food. Diseases of a socially or spiritually unhealthy society across the world. Interesting link from a psychologist who adresses addictive eating as well as other addictions by teaching people to slow down and tolerate their feelings before reaching for food:
@chinpoeykhoo6261 2 күн бұрын
No one is born obese; rather, it's what you eat over months and years that shapes you. I believe that diet and exercise should help 90% of those facing obesity, with the remainder possibly requiring GLP-1 assistance and gradually reducing the dosage over time to avoid regaining the lost weight. The long-term side effects of weight loss through GLP-1 are still largely unknown, yet many choose it for its direct impact on brain-induced hunger, bypassing the need for exercise and diet control. Healthy diets provide essential nutrients, and exercise enhances aerobic capacity (VO2 max) and muscle strength, whereas GLP-1 offers nothing but a slimmer appearance for social media display. Its popularity is fueled by the benefits it provides to pharmaceutical and processed food industries, perpetuating unhealthy lifestyles akin to cash cows.
@appl314 2 күн бұрын
So is there glp 1 tictacs Rather than the injections?
@RubiconV 2 күн бұрын
Perfect doctor for the millennials that think that nothing is their fault and everyone else is doing it to them.
@jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 2 күн бұрын
Lizard people donate their saliva.
@hamakua484 2 күн бұрын
With the new understanding and mechanism known, obesity is a matter of choice for the majority of people. It is a difficult struggle but still it is a choice. Shall we eliminate personal empowerment and give a trophy to everyone for everything??
@saemj 2 күн бұрын
Stop making excuses. Think before you eat. You cant get obese if you dont put the food into your mouth. All this "we need to shift the blame" and "we need treatments" is ridiculous. The real issue is that for many people, eating has become an addictive behaviour.
@wfpbwfpb 2 күн бұрын
Just another example of removing personal responsibility from the equation. Mostly BS!
@arekh999 2 күн бұрын
What new science… you eat more… and do nothing… what else is there to it…
@jorigecha8547 2 күн бұрын
New science: Eat more and take Ozempic 😂
@vatsmith8759 2 күн бұрын
I still don't see how obesity isn't the 'fault' of the individual. No matter what your hormones might be doing, you know when you're putting on weight and it's your choice whether to carry on eating the same diet or change it. Yes, you may feel hungry but it's a mark of civilization that we are expected to exert willpower over our hormones - as most of us find out just after puberty.
@janedolby 2 күн бұрын
Unfortunately many people, like myself become obese early in life. I'm 61, I was obese by the age of 6, I see lots of fat kids, usually with fat parents. There's almost no chance of permanently losing and maintaining weight loss. I lost 3 stone when I turned 50, over 10 years I've gained a stone. The only thing that occasionally works is 20 hour fasts 3 days a week. I swim 30 lengths 3 days a week, do daily squats, lunges, 5kg kettle bell and resistance band and walk at least 12000 steps a day, I cycle 4 miles 3 times a week, all this just to maintain weight, if I'm lucky I will lose 1lb a month. So it's not as simple for many people who didn't have a choice. Government need to reduce healthy food prices and tax the life out of UPFs
@vatsmith8759 2 күн бұрын
@@janedolby OK, we all know life can be harder for some but where does your excess weight come from if not from the food you choose to eat?
@raewynannbenten1385 2 күн бұрын
@@janedolby I’d go one step further and say they need to regulate properly what is allowed in UPF’s. Taxing doesn’t work. People are addicted and will still buy them, even at highly inflated prices. Instead, ban the use of seed oils, and cut down sugar, salt and (untested) chemical content and harmful additives. Plenty of European countries do not allow either the fast food conglomerates or big food manufacturers to allow the same ingredients and amounts to be sold in their products. Those companies are forced by Govt regulation to reformulate their products to a healthier, smaller and less addictive standard. France is a good example where this is enforced by government regulation. Whereas the USA, the UK, Australia and NZ , have hardly any regulated food content standards, so we have some of the fattest and unhealthiest populations in the world.
@Raven_Poe 2 күн бұрын
So in all this blah blah......what should we eat to lose weight?
@vatsmith8759 2 күн бұрын
Less than you ate to make yourself fat?
@daviessusan1000 Күн бұрын
I don’t think they’re interested. They just want you to take drugs for obesity
@stevelanghorn1407 Күн бұрын
Proper food…meaning fresh meat, fish, eggs, (pulses if you don’t eat animals), vegetables / salads. Lay off anything out of a packet. Limit sugary snacks & your carbs, avoid cheap seed oils, & concentrate on the good fresh protein to keep you feeling full.
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