@joshuahalpern4426 2 сағат бұрын
Some sources disclosed that the Brits may have submitted the Maginot fortifications blueprints to the Germans, which could haven explained the total collapse of the French defense against the Nazis. Regardless of the Balfour declaration, all GB did was to limit drastically the escape of the Jews to the "Palestinian" mandate, turning the international Jewry against them. France and GB disputed hegemony over the Middle East since the end of WWI. De Gaulle was aware of all of the above, but was very weak militarily, so he played politics as best he could.
@donaldjmccann 5 сағат бұрын
In his book "Mere Christinity," pride was considered by C.S. Lewis as the greatest of all sins. Far too many of De Gaulle's actions and attitudes were based upon pride.
@philhermetic 6 сағат бұрын
It is traditional! Britain andFrance have been at war on 23 seperate occasions!
@tonyclifton265 15 сағат бұрын
france was a shit ally in WW2
@tonylove4800 16 сағат бұрын
I guess the French were itching to fight because they hadn't done much to then.
@gpwnedable 19 сағат бұрын
Funny how it's bad for Germany to invade France, but perfectly okay when France does it to other people's lands (it goes without saying that this applies to Britain as well).
@andredeketeleastutecomplex Күн бұрын
Next week: GB wanting to re-colonise Bharat after WW2, ordering killings, and organising bloodbaths, and setting up muslims vs hindus. In other words, the usual hypocricy.
@leroyengland1777 Күн бұрын
The ingratitude from these Gallic surrender monkeys never fails to amaze me……😡🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
@Cesarhiguera664 Күн бұрын
"He was hated in Austria" no he wasn't lol. The Austrians still love the Habsburgs.
@michaelreeves8164 2 күн бұрын
The adage, "You are never too old to learn" is true for me in this video. I am old, but I never knew of this particular piece of history.
@rickreeves3781 2 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this
@treyriver5676 2 күн бұрын
Degaul was a co combatant at bret
@MrSimeonk 3 күн бұрын
I imagine the French version of this piece of history would be very different. The French & Brits had internal Zionism prevalent in both power broking orbits, antagonistic towards indigenous governmental infrastructures.
@HDB1974 3 күн бұрын
Was it snything to do with de gaul announcing that france wouldn't be paying it's share of the debt run up to liberate France by claiming that the french hadn't asked to be liberated?
@thomassalois3508 3 күн бұрын
De Gaulle was always a difficult Ally at best
@The_New_IKB 4 күн бұрын
So the French are arrogant block heads, what a surprise!
@WizardofWellston 6 күн бұрын
Oh, the French probably just needed someone to surrender to again.
@marklelohe3754 6 күн бұрын
Excellent. Thank you for the enlightenment. I wondered why De Gaulle was such an ungrateful shit. Typical French childish pique at not getting his own way. Anyway, I think the length of your presentation was ideal. References is fine but please do continue with completeness, rather than send us off on some boring research reading, that most of us will not have time for.
@noelogara1 7 күн бұрын
Wasn't Britain and France at war over their kingdoms since William the conquerer who was French /Norman /viking? They had the 100 year war in between and many more. It was all about greed of the monarchs.
@hotchihuahua1546 7 күн бұрын
Throughout history Europe has been in conflict with one another ! World War I was a war to end all wars ? Not by a long shot due to the Versailles Treaty ! It was the catalyst for WWII ! From Napoleon and WWI France has been in the middle of it all ! The French folded against the Germans quickly as the Magino Line was not well thought out ! The French did not have the stomach to watch their country be destroyed ! I cannot fault them for that ! They had resistance and the way it was handled is reminiscent of gorilla warfare ! Leaving France mostly intact ! Britain was lucky in that conflict ! They were in essence a castle on an Island with one hell of a moat and Navy !
@munkittytunkitty 7 күн бұрын
How utterly fascinating! I didn't know about any of that - I doubt many people did
@ChrMuslimThor 8 күн бұрын
Perfidious Albion at it again.
@tml721 9 күн бұрын
45 years ago I read a book called "The Deed" it was about Loyd Moyn's assassination. It focused on the 2 men who shot Moyn.
@MarioRmz1996 9 күн бұрын
Long Short answer, "Nostalgia"
@thekyler9529 11 күн бұрын
It's funny that you will find more hateful comments about the French from their supposed friends and allies than from their supposed enemies. Make you wonder why France is still on our side.
@LowellHulsopple 12 күн бұрын
As an English & history (B.A.) scholar of WW2 history, your research is as better than anyone else's, finding even more facts than I've enjoyed before. Excellent work, & may you prosper from this adventure!
@dougajames 12 күн бұрын
Thank you! I did an English and History degree as well strangely enough!
@allandavis8201 12 күн бұрын
I have never rated De Gaulle as a military leader,politician or human being, whilst the British 🇬🇧 and other allies were trying to liberate Europe from the Nazi jackboot De Gaulle was only interested in his own interests and importance, trying to dictate to the very people trying to free France and destroy the Nazis he was more interested in the fact that he was the only person who could authorise the issuing of “script” currency to the allied forces to pay the newly liberated French people for services or goods they needed, needless to say he was ignored and the script money issued, he also wanted, no demanded that he should be the person to address the European occupied countries before anyone else, needless to say he did not get his own way and Eisenhower was rightly the first, and after WWII as the French president he blocked British 🇬🇧 entry to the common market on more than one occasion, he also expelled NATO from French soil, and if memory serves he took France out of NATO, his entire history is littered with instances of him being like a petulant child and putting himself before the French people, he was a very very unlikeable person, and people wonder why I don’t like his time as a military officer,his leadership of the free French and his post war behaviour, and now you know.
@perjohanaxell9862 13 күн бұрын
20 minutes isn't long. I think you did an excellent job explaining the insident and the build up to it. I didn't know anything about it before so it was very interesting thank you.
@SteabhanMacGR2 13 күн бұрын
Churchill is a war criminal
@W.M.Pitt1 Күн бұрын
and you're Irish, nobody's perfect.
@Valkanna.Nublet 13 күн бұрын
It's strange to think that even after the Entente Cordiale and being on the same side in 2 world wars, Britain still had a foreign policy of "France can't have nice things." (Given that Britain still had their global colonial empire they did view colonies as 'nice things' at the time)
@davidseana8729 14 күн бұрын
If it wasn’t for the English and the Americans france would not be saved from Germany!
@JoeCarroll-tr5hw 14 күн бұрын
This should not of happened, Winston l can’t stand this joke anymore because he killed millions and he sell his soul and own country for money he killed the country England, you can see newspapers where he has his family home up for sale. He LOVE THE German people. Then he goes back into government and he has money, and keeps crying WAR WAR WAR…
@UnicornLove5596 14 күн бұрын
Severus Snape was a protagonist by all means of the word- But that doesn't inherently make him a good person.
@user-qs7gx7rp7m 14 күн бұрын
De Gaulle was a 'Posseur' who got away with the ruse. Will never forgive him inserting himself into Canadian politics in a crisis of unity preaching 'Quebec Libre' . . . Preaching to a province that was anti-British with classic Fascist sympathies, in WWII. After all Canada did for his country . . . Grrrrrrr.
@yannislaurin-kamouche 10 күн бұрын
The british treated Québec citiziens like inferior humans and they were keeping them in poverty. The anti british sentiment is justified, also Québec invited Degaule so yes he's part of our business. Cry about it
@user-qs7gx7rp7m 10 күн бұрын
@@yannislaurin-kamouche The British allowed the French Seigneurial system to continue together with a church that kept the peasants in their place. Going on to higher educstion was not encouraged.
@yannislaurin-kamouche 10 күн бұрын
@@user-qs7gx7rp7m So you prove I'm right. The Queen is dead and so soon Canada will be too.
@christopherlevey4056 15 күн бұрын
De Gaulle was a Arrogant coward who ran away then demanded respect he didn't deserve.
@yannislaurin-kamouche 10 күн бұрын
England and USA wanted to turn france into an anglo-saxxon colony. But sure keep calling him "coward" when you all flee to the UK at Dunkirk
@cherrybrandy269 15 күн бұрын
Superbly presented. The French tried to do the same when they reentered Vietnam, formerly French Indo-China, in 1946. The RAF Squadron my father was a part of was transferred from Burma to Vietnam as a peace keeping force in 1945. There were too few of them, so a number of Japanese soldiers were kept on as unarmed police auxiliaries under British control. They weren’t allowed to beat the civilian population as they had done previously and he maintained that his experience of the Vietnamese was very positive. He and his mates could freely wander into the villages and towns and were quite welcome. The problems began when the French returned. They immediately started beating the civilian population, which British MPs and servicing personnel tried to prevent, but much occurred behind closed doors. His Squadron handed everything over to the French (aircraft and ground support equipment) and then departed for home and the rest is history, but he always maintained to the best of his knowledge that the Vietnamese were a friendly people.
@dirtyharrydefeatsislamblmt6900 15 күн бұрын
Chamberlain was an idiot 😡😡🗼
@HenrythePaleoGuy 15 күн бұрын
Really great video Doug! I learned a lot of new things from it. :)
@markvoelker6620 15 күн бұрын
Because the French called the Brits English pigdogs whose mothers were hamsters and fathers smelt of elderberries, and then farted in their general direction.
@Beartore 16 күн бұрын
Thought I was watching the Beeb. Excellent production, good sir, bravo👏
@keithad6485 16 күн бұрын
French sure do march to the beat of a different drum and do not give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of them. Probably a good thing for the French.
@keithad6485 16 күн бұрын
Are you sure De Gaulle was a General when he fled to London. I thought he was a Colonel when the French capitulated.
@Nn-3 16 күн бұрын
1:00 Lol. The northern part wasn't annexed, either. It was occupied. Only Alsace-Lorraine was annexed.
@johnyoung1761 16 күн бұрын
As to the length and detail, I, too, found it very good. Its almost as if the fractal nature of the splintering narrative is the most important thing to recognize about history!
@zen4men 16 күн бұрын
======================================== A first class presentation on a backwater in history. ======================================== De Gaulle was an absolute menace - a man of such haughty pride and ingratitude, he was a complete pain in the ass to deal with. / As for France in Syria, I recall reading a 1920s book on the French suppression of a rebellion, with prisoners thrown to the deaths from the citadel walls of Aleppo during the Hananu Revolt. No wonder they were hated. / If France was funding Zionist terrorists that were killing British soldiers who were freeing Europe from the Nazis, and who assasinated Lord Moyne in 1944, that is unforgivable. / As for the Suez Crisis, the Suez Canal is VITAL to Earth, and should be under international control to ensure it is always open. The stupidity of stopping the 1956 operation has cost the world dear ever since. /
@nomdeplume798 16 күн бұрын
This is a rarely discussed chapter of WW2 and is interesting also with regard to the creation of the state of Israel and how the region has progressed since.
@Jack-he8jv 17 күн бұрын
britain wants stability in a foreign non-western country? how brainwashed are you. in fact britain and france were and are amongst the most hated globably solely due to their complete absence of trustworthiness. example: france butchering of hunders of thousands of algerians after ww2 up until the early 2000s!, their current war with their neo-colonies in africa by installing dictators. britain: backstapping the arab forces after defeating the ottomans, churchil trying to invade ireland through deception but irish president was too smart), their demonic handling of former colonies from spite.
@nobbytang 17 күн бұрын
The french more than retaliated by offering and delivering money , equipment to 2 Jewish terrorist groups called Irgun and the stern gang ….from 1945 to 1948 Britain suffered 250 casualties by these groups …they even tried a bombing campaign on the British mainland using (in a bomb that didn’t go off ) french explosives….
@MrLachlan1903 17 күн бұрын
The French give everyone a reason to hate them.
@willevans429 17 күн бұрын
Well this was new to me, well done, very well put together