@maryneko-chan3035 6 сағат бұрын
I quit LoL years ago because it became kind of boring, and moved to Eternal Return, when it had the Battle Royale mode (I didn't play much once they removed it). XD Recently, I considered going back to LoL, but my main role was support, and it's totally lost its purpose. It made me really sad. u_u Now, I might go back to ER and I'm happy I found your channel.
@chino200ms Күн бұрын
Also,i wanna bring another topic,for studios like Hoyoverse and etc People forgot that singleplayer games aren't a fucking gacha dude. For me personally,these type of games are like a good book that you can read all day all night untill it's finished,now when the game says me "hell nah you stop at nothing and you go play events or some shit nobody cares lmao" like hoyo games do or any other gacha to that matter. I wanna stop when i want to,not when the game needs to because it's fucking unfinished. People say that these games are no rush,they lie. And the lie is huge. If you like certain character and the banner is the only way you can get them if you don't swipe or no life in this shit say bye bye for god knows how much time pass,months,even years. Not even saying that events are what gives characters personality for the most part and oh well sometimes it's literally a 1 event in a lifetime. Just stop praising gachas,please bring back normal singleplayer gaming.
@grubbiez Күн бұрын
I agree with everything you said in both comments. I think a lot of us long for what games used to provide for us.
@chino200ms Күн бұрын
Honestly,i'm also frustrated about everything said in the video,even though i'm not as old(i just fucking hope so early 20's are still childhood trust me) and i do feel annoying by the facts that are games like GTA are still here. Don't kill me for saying that,but 10 years ago gta 5 was the most innovative game and now it still fucking is,companies just don't wanna do anything if it works already,you all know the "gta remastered" scandal and if gta 6 fails when it comes out,which is probably will be the case honestly i don't think that a big company will remember that they used to make good games for people There are honestly still good examples of why the current era of remaster or remake of the old games are still gonna work,but i think people are too conservative about it,i'll take my example as Persona series. They look greedy and for some parts they actually are,but that's how the things are done in business,you gotta get money for your hard work,but they still making good games and they're improving big,their last release of Persona 3 Reload(or remake,whichever) proves that in my opinion. Some might disagree,but it's a good chance for the older community maybe get some flashbacks when they just met the persona series with original persona 3 and for a newcomers to see the story of this game with mindblowing visuals and music as every game does and they also released PC version of Persona 4,that is one of THE games to have a console like Vita for
@DorkTZK 2 күн бұрын
Twitch streams when?
@grubbiez Күн бұрын
I'm still trying to figure out a schedule, but once I do I will be sharing that for sure. 💙
@EnesBereket 5 күн бұрын
I quit the game because everybody was leaving the game and because I was under 30 lvl for normal games I was waiting like 6-7 minutes but now game is looking like gaining some popularity back game has right now 9k live players and 24 hours peak is 21k.
@grubbiez 5 күн бұрын
@@EnesBereket Now is definitely a good time to come back! The game is in a really great spot and the queue times are not bad depending on what time you play. 💙
@EnesBereket 5 күн бұрын
@@grubbiez Yeah I am now coming back and thanks for this great video ❤
@mashuchan7906 5 күн бұрын
Okey to prevent bots really is just that the game is just automatically put u in a lobby were the system thinks your in rank with 😅😅😅 in the early game u tend to gets bot because your new but you levels increasing it would get harder ALSO BE VERY VERY CAUTIOUS AT WHEN THEY LOOK LIKE ITS A BOT GAME SOMETIMES THEY ARE TROLLS WHO ARE HIGH ELO PLAYER AND THEY WILL DESTROY YOU BE WARNED
@Drake_Grazer 6 күн бұрын
Very helpful tips. Thanks for the vid. I'm still working on trying out various characters, but I've been warming up to Aya while she was on Free Rotation at this time. I'm still trying my best on map movement and grouping up because I keep getting lost even with a massive minimal in front of my face xD
@Lord_Bot 8 күн бұрын
Great vid I had no idea what actually dropped from the various bosses
@grubbiez 8 күн бұрын
TIMESTAMPS : 00:00 - intro 01:31 - what is Eternal Return 02:10 - gear + how to improve it 03:11 - mastery levels 04:13 - minimap + notifications 04:48 - team communication 05:08 - early game overview 05:11 - day 1 // purple gear 06:26 - night 1 // group + farm 06:51 - day 2 // legendary objectives spawn 07:49 - night 2 // battle zones + alpha 08:54 - midgame overview 09:43 - day 3 // respawning allies + second legendary objectives spawn 10:26 - night 3 // omega 10:54 - late game overview 11:15 - wickeline 11:33 - rootkit 12:29 - end game overview 13:12 - references for youse guys :D 14:09 - the end
@floodedmars8126 8 күн бұрын
I have 140 hours in ER and mainly played when solos were a things. I never knew the last two zones acted like battle zones. You have some great tutorials!
@grubbiez 8 күн бұрын
@@floodedmars8126 This is actually a change that happened in the latest patch! :)
@dedreduxx 10 күн бұрын
I'm a newer league player (started Nov 2020) but I feel you with the community. I love the actual game itself, but the community is atrocious. Kinda funny how you mentioned DBD as well since I stopped playing that both because of the actual balance and the community. I do view bot lane in a different light than you. Last year, I swapped from maining top to adc since it is so much stronger and easier to carry a game. That being said, I hate that they often refuse to *meaningfully* nerf certain champions because of popularity (staring at Kai'sa). Also, I want to shed some light on the Neeko and Sylas bit. Sylas's background is he was put in jail as a young boy for being born a mage in Demacia. Now that he has broken free, he wants to get revenge and uses the tools of his oppressors against themselves. His Q and E both use the chains that he was bound in to deal damage , with his ult quite literally taking an enemy champion's ability and using it against them. Neeko's ult doesn't exactly fit that idea or design and was probably created just so she had something strong in her kit to make people want to play her. Anyways, loved the video and I thank you for making more beginner focused content for ER! I might've run into you a few times on ER so be merciful please ;-;
@silver3978 11 күн бұрын
What a twist! The character development was insane and I loved Watching the theo go through his own journey only to lose it all right at the 11th hour.
@gamersworld4176 11 күн бұрын
wait let me watch your previous guides first. then i will watch it. brb
@mrgaylordxd 11 күн бұрын
Thank God I found this video!!
@TylerrTazer 11 күн бұрын
Priya tip: You're actually probably better off NOT using stasis as a tac skill, she gets a pretty substantial amount of DR during ult, just use heal, barrier or soul stealer to better support your team and mitigate dives on you if you find that to be a problem
@grubbiez 11 күн бұрын
That makes a lot of sense actually, I can't believe I haven't even considered that before! I will have to give it a try, thank you so much. 💙
@TylerrTazer 11 күн бұрын
@@grubbiez There's so many tiny intricacies with the characters in this game especially when zhonyas is a must buy for like 90% of champs in league so it just kind of makes sense xd
@magnificioso15 13 күн бұрын
@chuchubag 13 күн бұрын
It's a good day to have a long ER video! I'm surprised you didn't include Lenox and Xiukai in the tank section, but then again, you only had room for three and they're all perfect. Also just a few of my 2 cents... Initiating with a W-E-R kidnap combo with Leni is can be a viable strategy and often results in easy kills and is much more reliable than fishing for an R-E stun combo. The reason this can be dangerous is if you're building pure enchantress mode (Elf Dress, Claddagh) which I honestly think players shouldn't. We've had a lot of success building Leni as like an off-tank by rushing Mythril Armor and Commander's Helmet / Astronaut Helmet instead. It gives her the needed chonk to live through an initiation, and since her skills scale off of her level anyway she still manages to heal and shield decently. As for Mai, she definitely can solo tank but it's not as straightforward as other tanks. She kinda needs a few items to get going and her initiation tools also happen to be her peeling tools. It's a fine balance between being a meatshield for your team and going in for an initiation and you'll spend half you time just sponging damage with W. Also, running Quake or Protocol Violation makes her tanking duties much MUCH easier so you can give that a try. Loved this video and can't wait for more!
@yunuda.scarlet 14 күн бұрын
That's not beginner advise, that intermediary. I dont fricking know how the item work or build, i dont even know how to play one perso. Why are you talking about team ? Either way im not helping
@grubbiez 14 күн бұрын
I'm sorry if you were hoping for more basic information! If you have any questions feel free to drop them, I'm more than happy to help out! 💙
@yunuda.scarlet 14 күн бұрын
@@grubbiez nha i give up, geting destroy non-stop, i undertand 50% of the menu, dont find a main interesting and i dont find the game beginer friendly. Even if i have 3 red and my team is full yellow we still get our ahh cick by 2 in yellow, im with people who seem like to be pro when i have 5h in the game. I would love to keep playing, but the game isnt playable for beginer in solo q, and not forgeting the toxic. 7 game to day, all ended with people telling other to Kys or stop playing. I dont understand how the leader board of end game work so i can't understand if i did good or bad. And for the love of god, why the duck do i need to play trio ? I fell bad to give up so soon, but the only time i had fun was with bot, the rest of the time im farming to get fucked by a man with a golf can in a 2 vs 1.
@grubbiez 14 күн бұрын
@@yunuda.scarlet I am sorry it's been a frustrating experience. I agree that the adjustment is quite harsh because bot games is such a slow pace compared to an actual game with people. You probably are losing because of your lack of weapon mastery and not farming enough. They used to have the game be a free for all but if you think the game is hard now then the game would have seemed impossible back then. The team element has actually made the game a lot easier haha. If you feel bad about giving up then maybe don't give up and try to educate yourself instead--obviously you're already doing that by looking up videos which is a great first step. I am not trying to push my discord to get clout, but if you do decide to come back I strongly advise you to join it because then I (or others) can give you 1 on 1 help or even can help you find teammates so that it doesn't feel so impossible with randos. Either way, I hope you come back to the game and give it another shot. This game can feel impossible in the beginning, but once you get past that it is an addicting game to play haha. And if it's just not for you that's okay too!
@yunuda.scarlet 14 күн бұрын
@@grubbiez gonna keep that in mind, but for the farm i can't do more then im doing, since i can't have meteorie or tree of life i can build beter equipement
@grubbiez 14 күн бұрын
@@yunuda.scarlet I would love to add you and play with you at some point if you're willing. Just lmk and we can figure it out! 💙
@kyonejay5073 14 күн бұрын
Vtuber model?
@grubbiez 14 күн бұрын
They're a little expensive for me right now, maybe down the line haha. 💙
@gamerkev30 14 күн бұрын
those were classic sound effect memes, loved it
@anewbeginningquinn 14 күн бұрын
i downloaded the game after watching your video and i hated it lol the 2 games i played seemed like i was playing with bots ? i would get attacked and my own team wouldn't even attack them ? Every team was walking around each other without attacking, it was so weird. Also i didn't understand what to do once i found all the items in one zone, am i suppose to go directly to other zones ? i was just waiting there for 10min until the zone was closed
@grubbiez 14 күн бұрын
So for the first few levels yes you play bot games, and yes it is very awkward haha. It's so you can get familiar with the map, how to build, and where things spawn. Your goal for the beginning of the game is to finish your purple build. You get all items from a zone, and then you should head to the next zone to keep working on your items. Where you go is based off your item load out plan and you should see that in character select, when the game starts and you get prompts to help you during the game to help you figure out where to go next. I could probably help you out more if you want to join the discord, just so I can answer your questions personally. 💙
@anewbeginningquinn 14 күн бұрын
@@grubbiez aw thank you so much for your answer, i'll give it another try! :)
@irvom 15 күн бұрын
Ooh looks like a very thorough video! Gonna make a lot of use out of this, especially on Charlotte and Theo who’ve kinda become my default support picks!
@aliencreative9360 15 күн бұрын
@ghosty_1214 15 күн бұрын
It is so frustating when I keep getting sweet potatoes with Eleven that I don't even pick her in the sunny weather.
@monarchist2486 15 күн бұрын
25:15 Theodore does the most damage out of all supps by far. I would say Priya does deceptively good damage though. If you need proof on the Theodore point just go and watch Onecircle play her in pro games. Theo does gross amounts of damage. Good video for beginners though.
@SpurlockIrishJester 14 күн бұрын
IDK about all that. theo can do a solid amount of damage. In lower elos theo does out damage priya, but in higher elos where people are a little more adept that's not the case anymore.
@grubbiez 15 күн бұрын
TIMESTAMPS : 00:00 - intro 00:27 - breaking down support + misconceptions 03:37 - true supports 04:10 - Charlotte's abilities 06:40 - Charlotte's playstyle 08:42 - Johann's abilities 13:13 - Johann's playstyle 14:22 - Leni's abilities 16:47 - Leni's playstyle 17:44 - damage supports 17:52 - Theodore's abilities 22:05 - Theodore's playstyle 24:13 - Priya's abilities 31:20 - Priya's playstyle 32:25 - Silvia's abilities 36:16 - Silvia's playstyle 38:03 - tank supports 38:14 - Eleven's abilities 41:35 - Eleven's playstyle 43:18 - Estelle's abilities 48:44 - Estelle's playstyle 49:29 - Mai's abilities 54:18 - Mai's playstyle 55:44 - the end + thank you
@josilole6184 15 күн бұрын
This video is too long
@grubbiez 15 күн бұрын
I'm sorry you feel that way! I just wanted to be thorough. 💙
@chino200ms 15 күн бұрын
For Mai tips: the fact of solo tanking is just a skill issue,honestly. If you play the meta Mai builds - try not to proc your healdrone as long as you can because it gives your half hp back for the most part and try to timing your w with the enemy autos,specially if they have on-hits alike katja with blood sniper or you can counter literally someone's character like Aya long enough but i honestly recomend a healing factor builds if there any in the populars atm,specially if you solo tanking - it gives consistant amount of enhanced heal and shields while also giving extra stats - while dancing around with your e bating out important enemy skills and ignoring enemy auto attacks with her w she can be even a good solo tank,but you need to get used to it
@silver3978 15 күн бұрын
Wow i really liked this video! Very informative thanks!
@chino200ms 15 күн бұрын
Will you finally give Adina a try or is there something else that holding back to put her into any type of support? (Like Adina players themselves? XD I'm honestly surprised that this amount of utility that Adina has it's just ignored and there's no way to become a "character representive" by,you know,being good? That's the reason someone like Leni or Charlotte don't have one in a character discord,because requirements(which is having kills for the most realistic scenario,let's be real,what else is needed? And if you play out of supportive playstyle there's no way you can be in the top of the ranking with good enough winrate) for this is stupid and not for this playstyle or character as a whole)
@grubbiez 15 күн бұрын
I absolutely want to give Adina a try, I am not adverse to her at all! I don't think putting her on a support list for new players is the wisest option haha. 🤣
@chino200ms 15 күн бұрын
​@@grubbiez oh,yeah,right,i almost forgot about it XD I just though if Silvia is here why Adina is not?
@grubbiez 15 күн бұрын
​@@chino200msSilvia is literally just switching between two stances and knowing when to engage and when to not. You learn that through trial and error. Adina however is a series of combinations that you have to learn not only what they do and how they interact but they also have to gauge if their current combination is even useful for their present situation. All of this micromanaging while trying to understand build paths and 70+ other characters lol. Adina looks like a textbook compared to Silvia.
@chino200ms 15 күн бұрын
@@grubbiez yeah yeah i get it already there was no need for the explanation,but thanks anyways
@grubbiez 15 күн бұрын
@@chino200ms Oh my bad, I thought you were literally asking why Silvia and not Adina. 🤣 Sorry, not trying to be a jerk at all! I appreciate your opinions Chino. 💙
@artprincessnanachan294 15 күн бұрын
FIRST!!! :D <3
@cooperdrake5270 16 күн бұрын
Aww, nice to meet you grubbz
@cooperdrake5270 16 күн бұрын
This game looks neat! Ive never heard of it! Is the community accepting of new players? Or are folks going to assume i know evergthing and get mad when i dont?
@grubbiez 16 күн бұрын
The community is very welcoming to new players but you need to be vocal that you are to your teammates. Nine times out of ten they are pretty accepting if you are upfront about it. I also just came out with a discord that specifically is for new players if you're looking for help! 💙
@-nufzy- 16 күн бұрын
Please, don't play ranked on Korea, that will ruin your experience.
@grubbiez 16 күн бұрын
I'm ready for a bad time.
@HoangKhangNguyen-bg3kd 17 күн бұрын
A very league player's experience, Hate it, then comeback.. and then uninstall again, you can run but you can't hide.
@chipichipiomo 18 күн бұрын
Average experience running into a rozzi player on day 1 😭
@nguyentruongduy7954 19 күн бұрын
Just starting to play for a week with my friends and we're about lv30 so this video helps a lot. Looking forward to seeing more tips/clips or sth from you. 🎉
@cho6xx 20 күн бұрын
Good vid im not a new player but ive ran out of er content to watch so here i am
@scubydooo9599 20 күн бұрын
Love your energy, and think that you should really experiment like you said. I played ER during pre release - around season 2? (been awhile). Your vids have really helped me get back into it. Wish you the best on this journey! Also your art looks crazy good!!
@grubbiez 20 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind words! 😭 Welcome back to Lumia Island! 🏝️
@LuminantVector 20 күн бұрын
This was nice listen and learn video while I made breakfast
@Chaostsao 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for the Video just starting and appreciate the info.
@linoleon100 21 күн бұрын
Lol the full metal Alchemist edit
@kyng7166 21 күн бұрын
w bard clip
@thecrazylord3000 21 күн бұрын
Take your time, but don't get too stuck on things regarding quality and adding things with editing. Perfectionism in that will only get in the way of learning. Make videos about what you like and ppl that like it will watch it
@chipichipiomo 22 күн бұрын
I just want to say I love the way you make your videos! This honestly inspires me to want to eventually try out some form of content creation in the future since I also really love eternal return. Can’t wait to see more of your videos in the future ❤
@grubbiez 22 күн бұрын
If you do I'd love to support it and watch it! 💙 Thank you so much.
@georgesyr3840 22 күн бұрын
Joined the discord. Happy to be part of a growing community.
@grubbiez 22 күн бұрын
So happy to have you! 💙
@japansies7460 22 күн бұрын
heccckkk yes! you do you, i’m also a big fan of chatty yappy videos while im doing chores 🎉 also a huge fan of horror!! Excited to see where the channel goes
@chino200ms 22 күн бұрын
Grubbz, honestly, you're an inspiration, really. I don't really like watching pro-ish type of content, such as faker gameplay or something like so and it's just copy-paste videos for complete newbies alike "you got a pc now press a start button to start"(and eternal return is no exception though,,I remember Adritoma did a new player video with actual new players, but it's too outdated) , I hope you get my point. I like the fact that there is someone like you, the one that talking about a not so popular game,, playing a role that not really appreciated as much and cares for community. (I just finished the comment, I hope it's not weird jeez)
@grubbiez 22 күн бұрын
What a sweet comment omg! 😭 Thank you so much. 💙 I love the game and the community and I just want to see it grow.
@JPNox 22 күн бұрын
So ... karaoke stream when?
@grubbiez 22 күн бұрын
Oh gosh no no lol 💙
@grubbiez 22 күн бұрын
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 - intro + new mic 02:10 - a big thank you to you 03:06 - update + content 05:22 - discord info 06:59 - a little about me 09:25 - the end