@robertmanella528 12 күн бұрын
Talk about God's love& mercy and compassion!! Fear drives people away from salvation!! Fear is the worst motivation there is!!
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for your reply. Yes God is Love, Mercy and Compassion… He is also Holy, Righteous and True! The message and video is NOT fear based but truth driven.. which is the best motivation of all. Showing the realities of hell is not fearful but truthful! Truth will always draw people to Christ and the salvation He offers and provides, to those who believe on/in Him. Let’s also remember Jesus talked about hell more than He ever talked about Heaven during His ministry on earth. Hell is very real, hell exists. Speaking and showing the truth of it is a very loving/compassionate thing a believer can do in warning unbelievers of one’s eternal destiny (without Christ), that they may not be aware of and/or fully understanding. If you are only showing one side of a coin and not the other, it’s only 1/2 a coin that’s being seen. God through His Word provides the full prospective of who He is via His Love, Mercy & Compassion and as well the consequences/realities if one was to ultimately reject Him - His Love, Mercy & Compassion. Blessings.. 🙏🏾
@kenishalindsay9437 20 күн бұрын
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 18 күн бұрын
@@kenishalindsay9437 Amen! 🙏🏾
@jarir.9858 22 күн бұрын
I noticed that the quoted scripture at 12:00 minutes has the wrong chapter listed. This quoted scripture comes from Matthew 22: 37-40 not Matthew 12 ❤
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for letting me know about the typo. Blessings! 🙏🏾
@jarir.9858 14 күн бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ You're very welcome! Blessings to you as well. ❣
@ofinnie 23 күн бұрын
@victoronghs6344 2 ай бұрын
I loved to see Denzel Washington movies and I am glad that he accepted Jesus as his saviour, he is a very motivated person and gave his powerful messages in campus and Christian media.
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 2 ай бұрын
Yes.. amen!
@normalewis2224 2 ай бұрын
None of the churches talk about hell
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 2 ай бұрын
Yes.. this true. It’s a sad state of affairs when most churches/pastors are not preaching the truth from Scripture about hell. It’s all about the feel-good modern gospel, rather than Biblical truths and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ Ай бұрын
@@henreeeef3214 Hi.. thanks for your reply. While I understand your feeling/sentiment, I respectfully disagree with your statement. You are completely wrong in your assessment, and the verse you cited *(Jeremiah 7:31)* is completely taken out of context - it has nothing to do with hellfire, at all! The verse you cited is about God's open rebuke to the Israelites who pretended to love God, but did not, They consistently, persistently and pervasively practiced false, pagan, idolatrous Baal worship - which included human sacrifice/child sacrifice as burnt offerings to the false (demonic) gods. It was man-made, human temporary fire.. not God-made, God-ordained eternal fire. Jesus Himself talked about hell and spoke of it more than He did about heaven during His 3.5 yr ministry. It was Jesus who said in *(Matthew 25: 41),* _"Then shall he (God, Our Heavenly Father) say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:"_ Hell/hellfire was mot made for mankind, but God will most certainly use it for those who choose to remain in sin and rebellion against Him by rejecting His plan of Eternal salvation through Jesus Christ - up until they breathe their last breath and face eternal judgment. This is what is truly repugnant in the eyes and nostrils of God, Our Heavenly Father. Blessings!
@henreeeef3214 Ай бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ This everlasting fire is explained at Revelation 20:14 as the second death. It is not eternal torment but rather the second death.
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ Ай бұрын
@@henreeeef3214 The Second Death is not simply a cessation of life, it's an eternal death. The Second Death is reserved for unbelievers. Those who experience this death are all those whose names are NOT found written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Eternal death, (aka the Second Death), is the ultimate form of separation. If a person/unbeliever dies in a state of spiritual death, they will experience the Final Judgment and complete eternal separation from God. Once a person has experienced the "second death" there is no hope for them, it is irreversible *(Revelation 21: 8).* We know the Second Death is eternal, for scripture tells us in *(Revelation 14: 11),* _"And the smoke of their torment ascends _*_forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night,_*_ who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."_ And in *(Revelation 20: 10),* _"The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. _*_And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."_* This is the same place unbelievers will go, for all eternity.
@henreeeef3214 Ай бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ Rev. 14:9-11; 20:10, KJ: “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: and the smoke of their torment [Greek, basa·ni·smouʹ] ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” What is the ‘torment’ to which these texts refer? It is noteworthy that at Revelation 11:10 (KJ) reference is made to ‘prophets that torment those dwelling on the earth.’ Such torment results from humiliating exposure by the messages that these prophets proclaim. At Revelation 14:9-11 (KJ) worshipers of the symbolic “beast and his image” are said to be “tormented with fire and brimstone.” This cannot refer to conscious torment after death because “the dead know not any thing.” (Eccl. 9:5, KJ) Then, what causes them to experience such torment while they are still alive? It is the proclamation by God’s servants that worshipers of the “beast and his image” will experience second death, which is represented by “the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.” The smoke, associated with their fiery destruction, ascends forever because the destruction will be eternal and will never be forgotten. When Revelation 20:10 says that the Devil is to experience ‘torment forever and ever’ in “the lake of fire and brimstone,” what does that mean? Revelation 21:8 (KJ) says clearly that “the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” means “the second death.” So the Devil’s being “tormented” there forever means that there will be no relief for him; he will be held under restraint forever, actually in eternal death. This use of the word “torment” (from the Greek baʹsa·nos) reminds one of its use at Matthew 18:34, where the same basic Greek word is applied to a ‘jailer.’-RS, AT, ED, NW.
@solemn-man3170 2 ай бұрын
Holding on for dear life when you feel like you can’t take one more day… what do you do ? I think of Him… coming on the clouds of heaven, I think of the rider on the white horse faithful and true. We long for your appearing Lord.
@larryboatman5114 2 ай бұрын
So Pastor Geno Jenning calls you a liar and a hypocrite, because of so past experience with words that I can’t say for fear of GOD that you soppoed to have said, I’m not going to Judge you based of what you I said in the past for if you have Repented to GOD, thru JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, then GOD who is faithful and just will for give all of your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness, if GOD HAS FORGIVING YOU, Then you are forgiven indeed. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AMEN. 🙏🏿 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 GO IN GODS PEACE. 🙏🏿🤔😊
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
Devil in highest authorities to kill food water safety Its bad people
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
Go visit lies Isreal getting Revenue fake war
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
54 beast system setups destroy us all
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
Meth and internet makes you loose your eye sight
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
California beast system the horrible manipulating facebook meta mega beast system makes copys of us all even selling our homes..dating behind your back etc Being you multiple copys
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
Sweeden Devil Chip in hand Davos Switzerland Cern demons have been released to the world
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
India China Saudi Arabia The Devils Beast System
@Angela-po7cr 2 ай бұрын
My neighbor plans to tractor downy house police involved violent land theft..the most corrupt police washington county hillsboro oregon involved in violent land theft help me burglaries..abuse meth heads knocking daily are demons kelly conrad orange car rammed dented my garage still abusive knocking and backstabbing to destroy victim me of severe abuse theft all kinds
@JuniorLewingKoo 2 ай бұрын
Glory to God and acknowledging Jesus Christ. Must the Judeo-Christian world strive to awaken our Jewish and Islamic world of the real Jesus Christ or YESHUAHAMASHIACH. ?. Yes. Glory to God. Amen.
@cadillacslim73 2 ай бұрын
The new king james is corrupt They changed more than the thee and thou
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 2 ай бұрын
Hi..Thanks for replying. While I agree with the idea that some translations are corrupt and horrible, not worthy to be used for Scripture, the KJV itself is NOT a perfect translation, though it’s very good one. The only perfect translation would be the original writings of Scripture which was Hebrew, Aramaic and NT Greek. God Himself doesn’t speak in 16th century English. The scriptures posted before Pastor Lawson’s sermon, say the same thing whether it’s KJV or NKJV (w/out 16th century-Elizabethan English prose). As well as a side note, it’s not NKJV that Pastor Lawson is preaching from. It’s a typo in the video - just decided to leave it as, for it didn’t make a difference.
@cadillacslim73 2 ай бұрын
I respectfully and strongly disagree with You ! The KJB is The Book 📖 I don’t argue about the Diety of Christ… Or the KJB …
@cadillacslim73 2 ай бұрын
And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends. KJB
@cadillacslim73 2 ай бұрын
And one will say to him, ‘What are these wounds between your [a]arms?’ Then he will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’ NKJV HOW IS THIS NOT BLATANT that is not just taking out the “Archaic “ words ….
@cadillacslim73 2 ай бұрын
Love in Christ my Brother.
@cokolate2480 2 ай бұрын
And don't forget to put AI into equation
@cokolate2480 2 ай бұрын
I been feeling out of it for years, but chosed to drown myself in playing games, to get away from world, haven't even watched tv,and when i started in 2023/2024 was so shocking but in same time not what music industry become, gays everywhere, and people are indetifiy as tea spoon and whatnot. And i am happy,i have Heavenly Father with me now
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 2 ай бұрын
Continue to keep the Lord with you. He is faithful and will see you through till the end! 🙏🏾
@nitinkanwar7621 3 ай бұрын
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 2 ай бұрын
Amen.. blessings to you! 🙏🏾
@nitinkanwar7621 2 ай бұрын
@bluefire5842 3 ай бұрын
He realy is a good god.
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 3 ай бұрын
Yes.. Amen! 🙏🏾
@JuniorLewingKoo 3 ай бұрын
Glory to God and acknowledging Jesus Christ or YESHUA HAMASHIACH. Amen.
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 3 ай бұрын
Amen! 🙏🏾
@FredQWu 3 ай бұрын
1 Corinthians 16: 22. 若有人不爱主耶稣基督,这人可诅可咒,主必要来! If any man love not the Lord Je­sus Christ, let him be Anathe­ma Mara­natha!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on the world!! Don't let the shed of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ be in vain!!! Give all our thanks and Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!
@reigns77. 3 ай бұрын
Well put together!!!!! ❤
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 3 ай бұрын
Blessings to you! 🙏🏾
@haifotupue6731 3 ай бұрын
Best advice, knowledge and wisdom.
@barbwire7449 4 ай бұрын
The aliens are coming. Be not deceived. They are not who they claim to be. Wake up and smell the sulfur!
@kalondajackson2802 6 ай бұрын
Thank you in advance
@Ryukuss 6 ай бұрын
thank you Jesus!! Thy right hand upholdeth me.
@marylamb6063 6 ай бұрын
Jesus wasn't the first to preach hell fire. It's not in the Old Testament, but it did begin with books like 1 Enoch and Judith, written 100-200 years before Christ. 1 Enoch and Judith is not Scripture. We see in these books and others the beginning of the Greek version of Hades, which pagan Jews adopted to form their unsciptural Hades/Gehenna. Christ preached the pagan version of Hades/Gehenna.
@repentandfollowjesuschrist6170 6 ай бұрын
Wonder if this r4pist ever repented of his wickedness
@hanakhan2622 6 ай бұрын
If u read this prey for list soul s Mrs h Khan nd husband. N family s
@Jomartproducts 6 ай бұрын
Why is this called 'Christian'? Was Jesus mentioned even one time? Denzel's movies (sex, extreme gratuitous violence) don't seem Christian. Likely he is one of the many false prophets today that preach just be a good person and you go to heaven.
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for replying. He is a Christian believer who puts his faith in Christ. You simply don’t know his background or faith walk, so calling him a “false prophet” is easy to do. When Jesus was on earth, who did he direct worship to? .. God, our Heavenly Father. We come to the Father through faith in Christ. Secondly understand the circumstances of where this speech was given; it wasn’t a religious setting. His movies simply reflect the times we’re living in, and in some cases the retributive justice that ensues. There are Christian believers whose line of work deals with extreme, gratuitous violence on a regular basis. There are Christian believers in the differing worldly spheres (politics, entertainment.. etc), who simply operate behind the scenes that God has placed them in, to be a light and make a difference. Doesn’t make them no less a believer in Jesus.
@Jomartproducts 6 ай бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ so please educate me. Link something that shows his faith in Christ. Why didn't he mention Jesus in this speech? Sorry but he's made movies where he's naked in bed with a naked woman blatantly having intercourse and you are telling me that he's a Christian? Sorry but if you're rationalizing that as coming from a Christian Then you're not much of an ambassador in a Christ... and again I ask for a link to one bit of evidence that shows that he believes in Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior.
@Jomartproducts 6 ай бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ if Denzel has sex with another man in the movie would you actualize that as the days were living in? So why is it different if he's naked on screen having sex with a woman who is not his wife? You want to know why we're in the world we're in right now what will further than men like Denzel Washington and apologists like you that make excuses for his very non-Christian behavior and then pass him off as a Christian and then others look to him and say well he does it I can do it
@tomm6167 6 ай бұрын
Here's how it will end for you, for me, and for everybody: ... at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue *confess* that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11) ...every knee shall bow to me [God], and every tongue shall *confess* to God. (Romans 14:11) Turn to me and be *saved* , all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. By myself I have sworn; from my mouth has gone out in righteousness a word that shall not return: To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall *swear allegiance* . Only in the Lord, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength; to him shall come and be ashamed all who were incensed against him. In the Lord *all* the offspring of Israel shall be *justified* and shall *glory* . (Isaiah 45:22-25) In the two NT verses, the Greek word for *confess* , _exomologeomai,_ is also used by Christ to praise His Father in Matthew 11:25 & Luke 10:21. It's never used in any verse to mean forced praise, which is what many are forced by their theology to argue it can mean here. The implications are enormous. The righteous will _inherit_ heaven, while the unrighteous will first have to spend some time in the lake of fire being punished and purified (Rev. 21:7-8, Malachi 3:2-3, Rev. 22:14-15,17c), before being saved. Even blasphemers of the Spirit, who won't be forgiven in this age or the age to come (Matt. 12:31-32), will be forgiven after that (Ephesians 2:7). --------------- The Total Victory of Christ's "Refined in the Lake of Fire" has details (15 minutes).
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your reply. Universalism belief/doctrine is *NOT* Biblical but heretical, false gospel. The Scriptures are quite clear, *NOT* everyone in the end will be saved because we definitely know that many will choose in the end to reject what Christ taught. Jesus very clearly taught in Matthew 7 that many will choose the wide and easy road to destruction, and that only "few" would choose the path to Eternal Life *(Matthew 7: 12-27).* The Bible is adamant that not everyone will enter God's kingdom but some will be raised for everlasting contempt and annihilated in the Lake Of Fire The Eternal Salvation plan offered by the Lord is universal to all, but it's acceptance and compliance is *NOT* universally applied to all ..for *NOT* all by their own volition, will come to repentance but all will have many chances to repent before each one's respective final outcome. If universalism was really true, then their is no reason for Christ’s death and resurrection - universalism makes His Death, Burial & Resurrection truly in vain. Blessings! 🙏🏽
@tomm6167 4 ай бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 1. I see you've offered no rebuttal to my claim that the three all-knees-bow-all-tongues-confess verses I cited teach universalism. 2. Regarding your last sentence, if a cancer cure with 100% effectiveness was discovered, it would be foolish to refuse it on the grounds that it always works. 3. For the record, you've just accused 30 early church fathers of being heretics: "Christ saves all men. Some he converts by penalties, others who follow Him of their own will ... that every knee may be bent to Him, of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" [Isa. 45:22-23, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10-11, Rev. 5:13] -- *Clement of Alexandria,* _Commentary on 1 John_ "When death shall no longer exist, nor the sting of death, nor any evil at all, then, verily, God will be All in all" [1 Cor. 15:28,55] -- *Origen,* _De Principiis 3:6.3_ "What else does 'until the times of universal restoration' signify to us, if not the aeon to come, in which all beings must receive their perfect restoration?" [Acts 3:21] -- *Eusebius,* leading historian of the early church, _Contra Marcellum __2:4:11_ "A few drops of blood renew the whole world, and become for all men that which rennet is for milk, uniting and drawing us into one." [Col. 1:15-20] -- *Gregory Nazianzus,* _Oration 42_ "Christ captured over again the souls captured by the devil, for that He promised in saying, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.'" [John 12:32, 1 Peter 3:19-20, 4:6, Psalm 68:18, Eph. 4:8-10, and maybe Matt. 12:29] -- *Athanasius,* _Expositions on the Psalms, 68.18_ "The peace [coming] from the Lord is coextensive with all time [eternity]. For all things shall be subject to him, and all things shall acknowledge his empire; and when God shall be all in all, those who now excite discords by revolts, having been quite pacified, [all things] shall praise God in peaceful concord." [Psalm 145:10a, 1 Cor. 15:28, Rev. 5:13] -- *Basil,* _Commentary on Isaiah 9:6_ "So the Son of Man came to save that which was lost, i.e., all, for as in Adam all die, so, too, in Christ shall all be made alive." [Luke 19:10, 1 Cor. 15:22] -- *Ambrose,* _Exposition on the Gospel of Luke 15.3_ "For the wicked there are punishments not perpetual, ... but they are to be tormented for a certain brief period, according to the amount of malice in their works. They shall therefore suffer punishment for a short space, but immortal blessedness, having no end, awaits them; ... the penalties to be inflicted for their many and grave crimes are very far surpassed by the magnitude of the mercy to be showed them. The resurrection, therefore, is regarded as a blessing, not only to the good, but also to the evil." [Isa. 57:16], *Diodore,* _De Oecon_ "Some among the wise and learned … have alluded to this in an enigmatic way, by adducing that God is not only just, but also merciful, and that it becomes the One who judges with justice to have sinners suffer in a measure that is proportional to their sins and then make them worthy of blessedness." -- *Theodore,* _Liber Scholiorum, 2:63_ "'All the kings of the earth shall adore him.' Some, indeed, in the present life willingly, but all the rest after the Resurrection; for not yet do we see all things subject to him, but then every knee shall bow to him." [The "kings of the earth" are rebellious unbelievers in Rev. 6:15, 17:2,18, 18:3,9, 19:19,21 ... but check out what happens in Rev. 21:24-27!] -- *Theodoret,* _On Psalm 72:11_ "Death shall come as a visitor to the impious; it will not be perpetual; it will not annihilate them; but will prolong its visit, till the impiety which is in them shall be consumed." [Matt. 5:26] -- *Jerome,* _On Micah 5:8_ "After the complete abolition of sin, praise shall be sung to God; which praise contain (implies) our being incapable of turning to sin ... when every created being shall be harmonized into one choir ... and when, like a cymbal, the reasonable creation, and that which is now severed by sin ... shall pour forth a pleasing strain, due to mutual harmony. Then comes the praise of every spirit for ever abounding with increase unto eternity." [Psalm 150] -- *Gregory of Nyssa,* _On Psalms, Tract 1, ch. 9_ Other church fathers who believed in eventual universal salvation include *Asterius, Bardaisan, Cyril of Alexandria, Didymus the Blind, Dionysius, Ephrem the Syrian, Gennadius, Hilary, John Cassian, John Chrysostom, Marcellus, Maximus the Confessor, Maximus of Turin, Methodius, Paulinus, Proclus, Titus of Basra & Victorinus.* Sources: Thomas Allin, _Christ Triumphant,_ Annotated by Robin Parry edition, chapters 4-5, 1905 & Ilaria Ramelli, _A Larger Hope?, Volume 1: Universal Salvation from Christian Beginnings to Julian of Norwich,_ 2019
@tomm6167 Ай бұрын
@@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ All will be well: "As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive ... God [will] be all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:22,28) Also see: John 12:32, 17:2, combination of (John 3:35, 6:37), Romans 5:18-19, 8:19-21, 11:32,26, 14:11 , Ephesians 1:10, Philippians 2:10-11, 3:21, Colossians 1:20, 1 Timothy 2:3-6, 4:10, Titus 2:11, 1 Peter 4:6, 1 John 2:2, 4:14, Revelation 5:13, 15:4, 21:5,24-25, 22:2, combination of (Revelation 22:1,14-15,17a,17c), Psalms 22:27,29, 65:2-3, 145:10a, Isaiah 25:6-8, 45:22-25, 57:16, Lamentations 3:22,31, Ezekiel 16:53,55, Malachi 3:2-3 The broad road of destruction (Matthew 7:13) is not the final word: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/gcWqYJSE3t6-g5c.html
@user-zb3nd7pi2l 7 ай бұрын
Sehr klare Botschaft! Danke Herr Jesus
@ShanaHall- 7 ай бұрын
Heavenly Father you are true and just i can't explain it the best part you are true in the name of Jesus
@janiceatkinson8682 7 ай бұрын
I love the Lord...He heard my cry. He sent Denzel to share his story to motivate me and my children. What a great God we have! Thank You Lord!
@ArmyofLove 7 ай бұрын
Amen and Amen If anyone wants to hear a preacher along the same lines, Some of the sermons from S.M Lockridge have been uploaded to KZfaq and will be worth a listen.
@darlacontis2596 8 ай бұрын
thank you!!!
@lindabartlett3918 8 ай бұрын
How has this been seen by so few? I loved this video. It spoke to me in such volumes. I am so blessed to have God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in my life, always guiding, always providing. He is with me through the good and the bad. He holds me up, so that I may continue this mortal journey through life. Denzel, you are an inspiration, thank you for spreading His word. 🙏🙏🙏
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 8 ай бұрын
Amen! Thank you for sharing your lovely words and thoughts! Blessings to you! 🙏🏾
@Do-si 6 ай бұрын
Algorithm does not promote the truth of our lord
@angelarivera3526 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the message! Love you charles stanley ! Miss you so much . Thank you so much, Lord, for using charles to spread your word and love for us.
@samanthacash893 8 ай бұрын
Mr Denzel Washington you give me Hope & Love.... I Admire you thank you for your Time & wisdom....You have a beautiful spirit 🙂....I hope to meet you someday from Australia Goldcoast 🙂 Amen ....
@GreatArabian 17 күн бұрын
@user-wp4ju4hp5w 8 ай бұрын
I am an Atheist but I was amazed at Denzel Washington s performance in the first Equalizer movie when he convicts the Russian Mafia Boss with love.
@elizabethshashikala2804 9 ай бұрын
God's ways are mysterious in reaching the unreached
@christiantruther9367 9 ай бұрын
I can't believe people still think we live on that fake spinning ball, satanic deception, anti scriptural, debunked, blue marble, Pagan, nasa lie, globe HOAX. Wake up, think for yourself! Apparently some are still brainwashed, indoctrinated, uneducated, extremely low IQ and lack basic knowledge. Flat earth is Biblical fact and common sense. The Bible is the Infallible, Inerrant, Eternal, Everlasting, Historically accurate, Incorruptible, word of the ONE true living God. (KJV) NASA, Evolution, Aliens, Global warming, Ghosts, ALL HOAXEs. GOD created the Geocentric, Immovable, Stationary, Fixed, Flat Earth, 6000 years ago as the Bible CLEARLY teaches in 200+ scriptures.
@mblegend3056 9 ай бұрын
@Gajh2014 10 ай бұрын
Remember when God's MIGHTY HAND healed you? If you do you can't forget it, it's GOD and you all alone together. How can you forget it. You cannot because God is your Maker, the Potter, we're His clay.
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 9 ай бұрын
Amen! You can never forget the things God has done for you because of His Grace & Metcy! Blessings! 🙏🏾
@amiecurran7963 10 ай бұрын
@ambassadorwarrior4christ I woke this morning with 2 words emanating in my head . . . "EVENT HORIZON". Other than the movie title from the '90s, I had no clue what this phrase meant, but I knew, without a doubt Holy Spirit put it in my mind! Thus, when I started to search up the meaning, I was lead to your channel and video . . . I believe when we are raptured, we will be carried through a dimensional trough. Your conceptualization is great. I think we are going very, very soon. All glory to God in Jesus's name. Amen 🙏
@AmbassadorWarrior4Christ 9 ай бұрын
Amen! To God be the Glory! Thank you for the wonderful comment. Yes, I agree.. the Rapture is very close; you can sense the nearness of it. It’s definitely an event that’s on the horizon. Once the Rapture happens, it will change the way society will operate going forward. Blessings.. 🙏🏾