Karyn Calabrese Live Q&A 1/18/2017
Teal Swan - Eating Meat and Energy
Chronic Fatigue - Teal Swan
7 жыл бұрын
Why Is Hurting Not Okay? - Teal Swan
Mutant X - Intro from Pilot Episode
Teal Swan - Violet Flame Tutorial
@alex-ander-13 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for the inspiration.
@alex-ander-13 2 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@alex-ander-13 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing this.
@alex-ander-13 3 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@alex-ander-13 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Teal.
@alex-ander-13 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for the inspiration 🤗
@alex-ander-13 6 күн бұрын
8:22 - 9:26 I feel this what Jesus meant when he said: ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
@Anangelfromabove 6 күн бұрын
So stupid. If you can’t feel happy you wouldnt be on that stage I know that for sure
@valedro 12 күн бұрын
I'm wondering, since Teal said that the being is saying "stop" through making the body tired, but also that people with chronic fatigue continue thinking about doing even after their body takes them out. Well if our being is trying to force us to heal, wouldn't it make more sense to make the mind tired instead of body? So that you would be too tired to think and had to follow your natural instincts more? Just wondering...
@rababkhursheed 18 күн бұрын
The girl is in a compleatly dissociated state towards the end. I know how this feels. Everything starts to feel confusing, like youre a ship in a stormy ocean. People speak to you, but you cannot hear them. Things are happeniing around you but you are numb. Good therapy helped. I hope she gets the help too.
@Mantras-and-Mystics 18 күн бұрын
"It was never about anything other than getting people to be with you." I've been avoiding connection with people my whole life. I don't want them to "see" me, know all about me, because then they could "get" ti me and do something bad to me. 😕
@marlena8422 18 күн бұрын
I could identify very much with him ...
@Progressivelyyou 20 күн бұрын
I have to watch this in increments, because I feel triggered, by either Teal or the woman on stage, I'm guessing it's waking something inside myself. Need time to digest lol
@user-nk1rr1bb5i 21 күн бұрын
Can someone explain why when I eat meat my chronic pain and exhaustion go away? This doesn't make sense to me
@emipopescu3257 7 күн бұрын
It's because of vitamin B12. I stopped eating meat and i was feeling tired, painful and had blindness episodes, until i started taking vitamin B12. Now i'm perfectly fine. Of course, you'd first need to check your vitamin B12 (both types) by blood tests before taking the supplements, it's much better
@matimoi 24 күн бұрын
@Nomad.Hawk_87 25 күн бұрын
She's telling the truth... I got a job and I have kept it for the longest time I haven't been able to keep a job... because I fell in love with the work, the people, the place, the objects, the little tasks, the routine that never looks like the same, the contradictions, the difficulties, the beautiful little moments of pure joy... i feel connected. I don't feel lonely anymore. Even when i have an argument, i'm enjoying it, because it's just flow of life and energy... The job is just the excuse. Like "having a passion" is the excuse... the excuse for what ? Connexion ! For me that's what I value the most. And so it became very easy to enter all sorts of new experiences that my "spiritual me" was very reluctant to... Because there was an excuse for connexion :) I really wish him to be able to feel more and more !... Life is pure poetry. Even the painful moments. It's really worth it.
@AngelWings1983 25 күн бұрын
Basically it’s in our DNA until we change it
@alex-ander-13 29 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@kellydawn1432 Ай бұрын
I feel so called out! In the absolute best way. Wow. I am SO SERIOUS about healing
@kellydawn1432 Ай бұрын
Oh wow, if I hurt others "then I don't matter" dang this is so so so good!
@Coga_official Ай бұрын
This will go down as one of the greatest moments ever
@monkboy4628 2 ай бұрын
How do you find people?????? That seems impossible so idk why shes saying to do that. Theyll listen to you once and then leave you becsuse ir a sob story.
@LynaDabouz 2 ай бұрын
I hate teal Swan
@boristepavcevic3323 2 ай бұрын
This is soooo powerful!
@cathypartridge4689 2 ай бұрын
I just realised I was the initial cause of my daughters chronic fatigue. Understanding is healthy for me . I am also understanding how she is pulling herself out of it. Now I can see and support. This is life changing especially for the next generation
@Hammondchris 2 ай бұрын
I absolutely get her! Cry a lot, sad everyday. I know I have a lot to give, i try try try im exhausted
@katharineanonymous6992 3 ай бұрын
Her mom sounds like my mom 🫠
@katharineanonymous6992 3 ай бұрын
I love the sound of his voice. Wonder what he’s doing today in 2024…
@arunagreen8119 3 ай бұрын
West Side story " there is a place for us " comes to mind.
@arunagreen8119 3 ай бұрын
I would tell her to go put some J.S Bach on. Take her out for a meal. She needs to be with some people to have a bit of fun. This is useful for me. I had a knee surgery and now my foot is so bad. Had the issue for years. Teal is right about not resisting. The suicide talk is sad but brave for them all to talk about. She is right about love. All my stress with my foot is making me think I can't do x y and z.
@arunagreen8119 3 ай бұрын
This makes me think of the song " it's not what you do it's the way that you do it".
@Mojojojo-92 3 ай бұрын
I really love her approach - she challenges you, until you’re able to answer your own questions, and then she gives you a piece of her mind❤. I cried while watching but it felt so freeing
@vassviola 4 ай бұрын
I love you very much, Teal! Thank you for being this honest, super and loveable! thank you for your great help! Your smile is shining in my mind and in my heart, makes me happy!
@stadinm1 4 ай бұрын
I relate to this man so much. I wonder where he is now. I hope he is well
@stadinm1 4 ай бұрын
Wow. Just wow.
@opticalman6417 4 ай бұрын
look at the way the guy looking at her he is so brainwashed by her nonesense talk she truth mixed with lies i am not hating on teal some of her content is good others is complete nonesense like this
@opticalman6417 4 ай бұрын
people are not posioning there body by eating meat its the optiminal diet for human health its processe junk thats toxic so she got that twisted its not murder to kill a animal in order for there to be life something must die she talking utter nonesense plenty of people on a meat only diet have cured there mental health issues like depression so no negative energy is being taken on many people feel nice and relaxe and calm on just animal fat and protain
@SonicDruid1 4 ай бұрын
This was absolutely incredible ❤❤❤ Does anyone know what happened to this woman?? Where is she now?
@MarLena_Pisarska 4 ай бұрын
That was amazing episode. Thank you girls, you all are so brave. Since today my life will be different - I promised it to my lowerself ;)
@krikrix16 4 ай бұрын
yeah i dont think that's how chronic fatigue works sorry
@Llaaoo123 5 ай бұрын
@gitu_tg 5 ай бұрын
@drchuckles1203 5 ай бұрын
So does the mind get like inside out and that is why we feel so fucking tight and painful and miserable and shitty and trapped in ourselves and tense? I notice its like a flip to relief and expansiveness if I can somehow slide back out maybe a few times a year and actually truly relaz
@show_me_your_kitties 5 ай бұрын
Simply put, they are going against their true self and they are miserable.
@laurakillian4758 6 ай бұрын
The cry of my heart - I'm hurting. I need help. I have nothing left to give. Can you see me? Are you with me? Will you love me? And one by one they walked away. Lazy. Feeling sorry for yourself. I need things, and you don't have my supply. Worthless. So I chance everything it feels like - will you help me? Can you tell me it's going to be ok? That you believe in me? The responses I got were - if I was you. If you would just. Where's your faith. You're going downhill. Everybody's sick of your shit. Is that the best you can do? I don't Have time to. You must have done something wrong. You're crazy. Why can't you... Whats the hurry to heal? So I can do. So I'm worth something. So people want something from me. So.i can take care of myself.. So even if they don't love me, they will still seek my presence for their personal benefit before abandoning me again. But then the gift is the perception that there's the value of me. The only thing desirable. Nobody picked.me. after decades of pouring out = nobody ever saw me. Only what I did for them. If they acknowledged that. It became common currency. Their deserts. Not recognized as a gift or sacrifice or even special. Worthless. Everything I gave was nothing but it was all of me. Now I must scrape myself together for parts. Tell myself the truth no matter how bad it hurts. I spent myself in the wrong way. Wasted. I could have chosen something eise. Someone else. They didn't like me as a door mat. I don't give 2 shits if they like what I'm bringing forward. It's what I have and it's my gift to.myself. All of the rejected parts are beautiful and I love them. I'm going to bring them out and enjoy them. How much of myself did i try to leave behind? A whole self for. These parts my family may not want, but I do! I love me. I can work with them. I know someone will enjoy me. There are people who.want to give me gifts without expecting anything in return. People that fins me funny, smart and beautiful. People that want me to call them. Love me just as I am. Flaws and all. Not looking for a reason to put me down. I don't have to be afraid. I did this and the lesson is that I taught these people that my presence meant supply at no cost. No matter how they treat me, there will be no consequence. No cost = free=of debatable value because it was never negotiated. I attracted those takers. I never gave them a reason to see ME. I wouldn't even let me see me. I've always known thar any need on my part was rejected abd scorned. As my body cried out, 8 manifested my belief into.this world. If I'm not pleasing....I am reviled. I am alone. Nobody's coming. I'll show them, they should have known I'd have something they wanted once again. I'll give it to.someone else! No. No I won't. The time of me seeing these traits as the ones worthwhile are over. Can u learn to live out of what i have left? Will I have the courage to show myself in all of my nakedness? Can I believe this is beautiful? This pain? This sorrow? This brokenness. This truth. I was never a faulty being when I came in. I was perfect. Wonderful with no changes. Wild and free. All of those parts that I was taught to reject. I take them back! They're mine! These may not work for anyone else. But they work for me! I like them! I will! I won't! And who's going to make me? I'm not going to shut up. I want to hear what I have to say! Pp I'm important. How I feel about things matters. More than anything else, more than anyone else, I AM! I choose me. I will learn who.i am and never apologize for who that is again. I'm not wrong. I'm perfect, just the way i am.
@shereeglasson22 6 ай бұрын
Asking for help. Opening up. Even though you are terrified they will hate you or leave you. It’s too exhausting not to be at some point. OMG. This is how I feel. And like you said I had to literally collapse and that was my body saying: STOP AND ASK FOR HELP. Did they run away. Yes! 99 per cent of them did. But then people who I didn’t even know, or barely know, somehow came out of the woodwork. That was when my guides helped me. They went and got those people and sent them to me. Trust me that the rejection of people who I asked for help not help was the most terrifying part. I knew my friends were going to abandon me and not be there for me. I knew my family were going to be abandon me and not be there for me. And then just going through that pain was such a relief and because my worst fears were confirmed but I was in a better place to move forward
@ausmwaves 6 ай бұрын
This was one of the most liberating facilitation videos for me!!! Thank you so very much to both Teal and the guy on stage for the conversation. Thank you too to the person who posted this! ❤
@cis4cookiethatsgoodenough456 7 ай бұрын
Claris, may I have permission to download this and shorten from when they start to talk to the heart on my Facebook page publically for personal use
@rim3848 7 ай бұрын
Would there be no karma from watching this? Did Teal give the permission for this to be shared here? If anyone can answer, please do 😊
@ZFern9390 7 ай бұрын
It was halarious to hear Teal say her guides "suck" . I went to some sort of a psychic, and she told me i have three guides and one is retarded. It didn't upset me exactly when she said that because i thought it was very funny but the linger time went on that bothered me. I really needed to hear her say guides suck! 😅
@reg8297 8 ай бұрын
I been abused my hole life consequences have been so bad hurt so deep no longer know how to be happy cause I never was I struggled to cope with hunger and an abusive family my hole life n am depressed my entire life from all the trauma n negative events I've gone thru