@itswithakdumbass6844 6 күн бұрын
Samuel is so colonized it’s sad soon as he said he had a yt wife I knew it was going to be bs not because he has a yt wife but because he mentioned it he think he loves god but he loves yt people so much he’ll put there book they gave him before critical thinking
@rikitawimberly775 13 күн бұрын
1:05:17 "God's grace in what the West has done for black people" 🙄 That statement is incredibly short sighted and tone deaf.. The following explanation also uses a super minority immigrant experience and tries to apply it to black Americans at large which is a comparison that can't be made as Garrison pointed out previously.
@okera424 13 күн бұрын
One needs to understand the crux of racism, we only understand the " symptoms " of Racism...
@lolivingston6827 16 күн бұрын
No matter if CRT is tsught or not. If the person listening to it already has a bias. The information will fall on deaf ears. Same for religion. ANY form ot philosophy. We need love and the people who have the power to give it have ZERO amount of love and compassion in their hearts.
@Engrave.Danger 16 күн бұрын
@@lolivingston6827 does any love and compassion manage to make its way past your prejudice? You had a rude response to my respectful comment to Samuel, so I figured I'd reciprocate and question your motives. What are they exactly?
@lolivingston6827 16 күн бұрын
@@Engrave.Danger Actually, your initial comment was dismissive and soaked in wtehi privilege. Attempting to gaslight me now into thinking I'M the "badguy" will simply not work here. Now, if you'd like to start over. I'd gladly TEACH you about "ethnology" like one of my students.🙂
@Engrave.Danger 16 күн бұрын
@@lolivingston6827 so no then. Best of luck with that.
@lolivingston6827 16 күн бұрын
@@Engrave.Danger And best of luck tying your velcro shoes 🙂👍🏾
@davidnguyen7891 19 күн бұрын
Critical race theory does address fatherlessness in black communities. Critical race theory acknowledges the fact that the American government implementation of the drug war disproportionately incarcerated adult black males during the 80s, 90s, and 2000s even though white people consume drugs at the same rate as black people.
@davidnguyen7891 19 күн бұрын
We are all one human race, but white people have divided us into different colors, and that can no longer be ignored or reversed. The social creation of different races by white people has caused a lot of damage to a lot of ethnic groups, that we can no longer just say race is not a thing. It is now embedded into society and we should accept people for who they are. If I break someone’s leg, that person is now a disabled person and their life has now changed because i made them disabled. I now live in a world where able-bodied people and disabled people co-exist. That means I have to create wheelchair ramps and elevators to accommodate, because of what I did to that person. I can’t just say, “why are we dividing people up into disabled people and able-bodied people? We are all one human race.”
@Engrave.Danger 16 күн бұрын
@@davidnguyen7891 I agree with your final sentence. Can I ask what's your basis for claiming that white people divided us into different races?
@gotrac8121 4 күн бұрын
​@@Engrave.Dangeralot of our racial codes came from people who we'd now consider white
@hunterseufert8066 19 күн бұрын
Incredibly productive discussion, of course I still think CRT is incoherent, but this was the best attempt I've seen yet.
@gotrac8121 4 күн бұрын
Well crt was written from lawyers and was kinda meant to stay in that context, so it's not a wonder you find it incoherent
@hunterseufert8066 4 күн бұрын
@@gotrac8121 Is that CRT as a whole? I know that to be true of intersectionality. I thought CRT was more of a 'social studies' field.
@Engrave.Danger 19 күн бұрын
Samuel, I just wanna speak to your story of the girl in the tunnel from your final thought. Any big man that has the potential to overpower a woman gets the exact same response. It's a reasonable case of sexism imo. There are likely to be a few exceptions as far as attire and presentation go but I'd be willing to bet a large black woman wouldn't have received the same reaction. Mind you, there'd be a few exceptions to that as well. ✌️
@lolivingston6827 16 күн бұрын
Can you pin me a story of a large asian man having the cops called on him for simply walking or entering a building? Ill take just one story 😊
@Engrave.Danger 16 күн бұрын
@@lolivingston6827 the average height of Asian men is just under 5'8". What kind of large are we talkin' about here?
@lolivingston6827 16 күн бұрын
@@Engrave.Danger I always find these false delimmas so hypocritical. It's usually when a person wants to feel less guilty or they are hiding the real issue. So they make up something because.... What's your reason again? 🤔
@Engrave.Danger 16 күн бұрын
@@lolivingston6827 you act as though I'm saying no one on the planet ever has racist thoughts or behavior. I have an interest in sociology and I've seen the way abuse victims can behave. It doesn't take much to make certain women uncomfortable and if you've never observed that, it might just be your neighborhood or culture. For all I know you haven't spent much time outside, which is sadly not that uncommon anymore. A recent internet trend asked women if they'd rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear and many of them say a bear. I was nearly killed one night by a couple of men and it certainly has me more alert and ready to defend myself. It was hard to be in crowds for a while or have any strangers behind me. Everything isn't always about race. Even men will increase their pace, cross the road or try to appear taller and stronger when in a potentially vulnerable situation.
@lolivingston6827 16 күн бұрын
@@Engrave.Danger Ironically black men "ethnologically"(As sociology isn't what you're describing lol)have been more a victim to White people in total than white women to ANY group of men. White women are the most protected class in the world. Sadly, this isn't up for debate. This is proven data. IE. Stats on IRIPV/Police brutality/IRSA/any violence, really. So I do understand your need to self-victimize, which is a common amongst 2nd wave feminist. But your strawman fallacy is illogical. I don't care about your "social media" trend examples. That's usually for the uneducated and low of IQ. Im speaking "ethnologically"(Again. Let's please use the correct terminology, lol) in which i Minored. Which is also a science and can be tracked 😀 But hey, I'm sure there's a GED recipient in the comments like yourself that will take the bait on your fallacies. And since you are an enthusiast of social dynamics. I'm sure you are familiar with the fact that sexism and racism are not parallel, lol. Before we continue. Are you familiar with that fact? This is basic "Ethnology," btw 😀
@sofvines3940 19 күн бұрын
Brilliant 👏! Thank you gentlemen!
@sofvines3940 19 күн бұрын
Is there a difference between white and Caucasian?
@Philoglossos 18 күн бұрын
Yes and no. 'Caucasian' can either be a geographical term, referring to people from the Caucasus (Armenians, Georgians, Azeris, Ossetians, Circassians, Chechens), or it can be a term stemming from 19th century racial pseudoscience, according to which the Caucasus were the origin of a unified 'white race' biologically distinct from other races. 'White' describes more or less this same idea, but it's a better term, because it's clear that it's just an arbitrary descriptor, and not a term with any concrete scientific/biological/historical meaning.
@sofvines3940 18 күн бұрын
@@Philoglossos I suppose I'm asking more along the lines of if you identify yourself (or someone identified you) as white, that would be "the political" white, whereas if the term used was "Caucasian" would it carry the same implications?
@Philoglossos 18 күн бұрын
@@sofvines3940 I would still say it depends. Sometimes people use the term 'caucasian' and they consciously mean 'politically white'. Other times people use the term 'caucasian', and while what they are describing is political whiteness, they believe at some level that they are actually talking about an objective, biologically group of inherently 'white' people. But sometimes people using the term 'white' also mean this. So essentially I'd say that the term 'white' lends itself to describing the actually existing phenomenon, but is still often used by people who believe in nonexistent biological whiteness, while 'caucasian' is the inverse.
@EMPOR5615 Күн бұрын
I would say , white is usually connected to a class here in America while caucasian usually implies being European. Like in America if you were Arab you could classify as white here in America not sure if that has changed.
@StumblingThroughItAll 19 күн бұрын
One of my concerns with many pro-CRT'ers is that they make three assumptions: 1. Reification of race is necessary for fighting racism. It is actually through the crude oversimplification of racial differentiation (which I find all CRT'ers to eventually fall into) that racism is birthed. Frederick Douglass warned of this in his final speeches. Even during the height of slavery in the US, a poor southern white man and a poor southern black slave had far more in common than the poor white man had with the wealthy slaveholders. CRT seems to necessitate a view of 2. Power is always evil. As Christians we are to pay close attention to the marginalized in society, but we also are required to hold the marginalized and the powerful to the same standards. I think of the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18. Those with power can use it for good and for evil. Those without as much power still can use what little they have to pursue evil or good. Every single one of us is deeply affected by sin. Square one of Christianity is the understanding that I have been forgiven much and am now called to the task of forgiveness and reconciliation. 3. It assumes that existing structures are all rotten through and through with racism. I find that the likes of Frederick Douglass and MLK would not have agreed. They explicitly relied on the ideals and institutions of the USA experiment as their greatest weapons in the fight against slavery and explicit racial discrimination. Frederick Douglas changed his mind from assuming the US Constitution to be a document supporting racial chattel slavery to being a document that did nothing of the sort and was instead a "glorious liberty document" which could be wielded with great effect in the fight for abolition. Similarly, MLK leaned into the ideals and promise laid out in the Declaration of Independance and Constitution as a potent weapon. The seemingly consistent pessimism of many in the CRT camp seems so counter productive to me.
@StumblingThroughItAll 20 күн бұрын
My child's elementary school began training teachers in Critical Race Theory and Critical Pedagogy in 2020. Training materials include a definition of Whiteness as a combination of "Oppression, White Privilege, White Fragility, and Color Blindness". DiAngelo and Kendi were two of the 6 people who's material was used in the training and for classroom educational materials. One of the others was Ijeoma Oluo who starts out her "training" talk by giving a rundown of the most stereotypical tropes as to what it means to be "black" and goes on to posit that "people of color are generous to talk to white people." It was all so ideological, one-sided, and crude stereotyping. Giving teachers a "training" oversimplistic overview of this material and then encouraging them to take DiAngelo/Kendi/Oluoian concepts into my daughter's 1st grade classroom is a recipe for disaster, IMO.
@TheDangerous123dan Күн бұрын
If you don't mind me asking, what Stare is this? What school district is this? I'm in California and haven't heard of elementary schools using this material. But I'm going to research it. I have a grandson that we have always sent to private Christian schools. But I'm curious. How did or how are you handling the situation? Did you confront the school, remove your kids etc? We had a situation in the private school, it wasn't Christian, we immediately took our grandson out.
@StumblingThroughItAll Күн бұрын
@@TheDangerous123dan Colorado. Denver Public Schools. We ended up pulling our children after school administration and the school board made it clear that they were going to put the pedal to the metal.
@TheDangerous123dan Күн бұрын
​@@StumblingThroughItAll Good to hear. We have to protect our children at all costs. Thanks for sharing. 💯🙏🏾
@honestdiscourse 20 күн бұрын
Join our newsletter to get exclusive content and learn how to become a better conversationalist: www.anchorednorth.org/newsletter.
@junehope5152 20 күн бұрын
Same in the uk Africans and Asians out do whites in education
@filippofittipaldi8050 21 күн бұрын
CRT is a graduate level legal theory that states racism is baked into American Jurisprudence. Things like 3/5 ths of a population count for enslaved people, debt slavery, and housing covenants. It should not be conflated with racist right wing tropes.
@BeanMacdui 21 күн бұрын
Samuel is very grounded and has had a more life experience from growing up in Ghana, moving to Canada and now happily married and living in Ohio. He has experienced a wide variety of the human condition and he speaks from a place of wisdom born of real experiences. The other guy, while well meaning, just doesn’t seem very deep. When I listen to him talk, all I hear is a bunch of words stringed together and, as the coined phrase goes, it sounds like word salad. Things like, ‘having difficult conversations’, the average American is trying to put food on the table and working hard and raising kids etc. they don’t have all this free time to think about themselves much less than anything else! The guy seems to want to remain in this racism loop, maybe because it is still lucrative? We need more Samuels in this world!! ❤
@MotekiEZ 19 күн бұрын
I read a great sense of bias and unfair assumptions here.
@gotrac8121 4 күн бұрын
Just in that same vein you could say One doesn't have as much experience living in America as The other and only wants to live in subjectivety. Try to be mindful, it'll bite you
@rebeccaong5893 21 күн бұрын
CRT is an issue that I am less familiar with, and this conversation has given me a lot to think about from both sides. Thank you to both men for taking the time to come and represent your views! May Christians obey God's will and commands in our approaches to CRT and every other contemporary issue!
@TheDangerous123dan Күн бұрын
I have to agree with Garrison that, crt's definition has been, imo, intentionally expanded to include things that are not actually crt. I believe it's been demonized for divisive political purposes. Personally, I don't have any use for crt, I'm sola scriptura but I'm also about honesty and integrity in what we do as Christians. I follow, both, Samuel and Garrison. Garrison for his historical content and Samuel because he's a brother in Christ and I like an agree with a lot of his writings. I'll be praying for Garrison that he'll return to the faith.
@poerava 21 күн бұрын
Big brother with bigger beard doesn’t understand what CRT is With his LGBTQ ideas, there’s no hate like Christian love 🤦‍♀️ Look up the ‘veil of darkness’ research with over 10M traffic stops assessed and extensive multivariate regression analysis used.
@poerava 21 күн бұрын
95M* traffic stops
@mikeashleigh777 21 күн бұрын
Samuel is spot on. Way to uphold the Truth brother.
@jaysouth3330 21 күн бұрын
1. Yes… generally, history is awful, globally. 2. Single motherhood rates were much lower in 60s.. what happened? 3. California has enshrined in law DEI and CRT in their schools. 4. Federally, DEI and CRT initiatives are passing laws based on race, which is evil. 5. Only reason United States hasn’t ruptured is thanks to white people and their refusal to embrace their racial identity, like so many black Americans have. 6. Ibram X Kendi needs to debate someone like Coleman Hughes. He never will… 7. Unconscious bias is nonsense.. you are hunting ghosts and dabbling in reprogramming. Nonsense 8. America is greatest because it values meritocracy. DEI actively undoes meritocracy. 9. If parents have bias and and cannot correct it with their own children… how can you hope to fix that societally? Insanity 10. Blaming white children for evil some of the ancestors might have committed is evil, pure evil.
@northshorelight35 26 күн бұрын
Only liberal blacks and minorities on the lower rung refuse to believe that not all cultures are equal.
@jefft8597 26 күн бұрын
Two completely clueless people talking about racism.
@ianrowland463 26 күн бұрын
Ask ChatGPT for examples of systemic racism in the last 30 years. Follow up question, “what role did Joe Biden have in (answer #1)?” Fascinating.
@ianrowland463 26 күн бұрын
Another good question, “what role does the First Step Act of 2018 have in reversing negative impacts of the ‘94 Crime Bill on African Americans?” Follow up: What role did DT have in the First Step Act of 2018?”
@xhosagibran370 27 күн бұрын
One thing I’ve noticed with “discussions” like this is that a person(the bigger guy) will throw wild accusations while knowing absolutely nothing about the subject; meanwhile the other person(slim) will try to correct or educate him. That has become the normal discourse and it solves nothing. You can’t have a conversation when two people are talking about two different things. The bigger guy said it himself “if we cannot identify a moment in time” while the entire time he hasn’t identified a single fact from his talking point; just threw an accusation and moved on. Also You care to protect the aborted babies but not the infant mortality rate? The hypocrisy of it all.
@PorkChopAChunky 27 күн бұрын
People are naturally tribal, all people are. You will never convince 8b very different people to get along. Luckily the world is large enough we can live in peace with people we disagree with. The only thing we need to learn is to quit worrying what people think about you and focus on improving the people who do care for you. Find your tribe and screw everyone else.
@EverettCDavis 27 күн бұрын
It's interesting to hear this man tie racism back to sin and how racism is against God and against scripture. But also, for centuries, Christians used scripture to justify slavery and racism....
@PorkChopAChunky 27 күн бұрын
Christians? Try the entire world ding dong
@EverettCDavis 26 күн бұрын
@@PorkChopAChunky The entire world, including non-Christians, used scripture to justify slavery? Why would a non-Christian care what the bible has to say?
@zacharys8090 21 күн бұрын
The men who stood against slavery when the culture wouldn't, were Christians, and they used scripture to back up their abolition.
@Love_justice378 27 күн бұрын
If you dont care of the life and well-being of humans already here, then your prolife stance is hypocritical. Why aren't you fighting for the lives that are already here. Such as the homeless, fosters children, the poor, single mothers. In other words, you should be fighting for affordable housing, helping veterans, affordable child care, universal healthcare, a basic minimum income, and a living wage, to name a few.
@whatabouttheearth 27 күн бұрын
Critical theory has a view? It's an analytical tool. It's a framework for analyzing things related to systems of power.
@Matt-kt9nm 20 күн бұрын
It's not neutral.
@mynameisnotimportant7336 27 күн бұрын
This guy's (on the left) worldview is shaped by his belief in a god and is very troubling.
@whatabouttheearth 27 күн бұрын
This is a Christian channel. And critical theory is an analytical tool. It's a framework for analyzing things related to systems of power and power imbalances.
@whatabouttheearth 27 күн бұрын
This is a Christian channel. And critical theory is an analytical tool. It's a framework for analyzing things related to systems of power and power imbalances.
@HarmonicRezolution 27 күн бұрын
It may be easier to frame the topic in the concept of power dynamics, as its mutable. Racism is too 'solid' a concept, and disempowers both 'parties' the ability to grow, change and adapt the broader society. Nothing is permanent but change, and everyone needs to be a part of growth. This is better navigated with the concept of power than racism, as it addresses the individual as much as cultures.
@phanatic215 27 күн бұрын
America won't stop being racist because it is profitable. Scaring people about black and Mexican boogeyman has sold a lot of guns
@xhosagibran370 27 күн бұрын
Be careful man because once you start talking about power dynamics that’s when they start hurling communism and socialism at you as insults.
@Anxiou5Panda 27 күн бұрын
Here's my 2 cents. The unfortunate thing about social issues like Racism is that, at the end of the day, the victim has to be the better person or else risk continuing the cycle. Here's why I think it is: 1. The racist (or offender), is ignorant. If you choose to ignore and not educate them, they may never realize they are being ignorant and will continue being that way until they die. 2. If you counter racism with racism, let's say, if someone calls you the N word and you respond with whatever word offends them, they'll most likely not relent and will just lash back at you verbally, or worse, this time around physically. You weren't able to change anything, AND you potentially got injuries in the process. 3. If you immediately counter by beating them, as in physically assaulting them, it will look like what they're saying about you is true all along and will be even more convinced that they are indeed correct. 4. If you decide to do the worst, let's say, by murdering them, hoping it will end and you'll finally find peace, chances are it will only push their fellow racists to retaliate even harder, in different and many ways. Your people may avenge you and their people will avenge them, and it just goes round and round. Sometimes, this violent back and forth is taken to the extreme and this is one of the reasons why genocides happen. Yes, sometimes you really have to defend and yourself and exercise violence, but hopefully we do not forget not to become the very same monster we fought. It takes a lot of patience and great communication skills backed with wisdom (and may even need charisma) to finally convince a racist to change their mindset. I do not claim to know the exact numbers for this, but I noticed that, it's the racist's fellow (I'm talking about the person with the same skin color as theirs) that usually succeeds in convincing the said racist to change. Example, if a white guy is being racist, there's a good chance that the person that can stop them and change their mind is also a fellow white person. I also noticed the same thing rings somewhat true for colored people. I'm not denying the fact that a victim successfully changed a racist's mindset, but I'm sure that took more time and effort. I'm sorry for sounding pessimistic, but these are just my observations. Similarly, I was misogynistic back then, but I did not change out of the blue, it took a lot of self-introspection and talks with the opposite and other genders to finally understand that I am in fact wrong. I'm thankful I changed because hating someone for the smallest and most insignificant of reasons is quite exhausting in the long run, it also closes the door to happier experiences.
@sturmstorm 27 күн бұрын
😂 hateful comment deleted and all I did was spit facts….. KZfaq obviously isn’t the place to have open discussion! Your problems are closer to home than you think!
@SuperWhiteshadow1 28 күн бұрын
I’m learning that the most racist ones are the ones fighting against racism.
@whatabouttheearth 27 күн бұрын
Oh bullshit
@whatabouttheearth 27 күн бұрын
Oh bullshit
@jefft8597 26 күн бұрын
Couldn't believe how dense and clueless these two people were.
@chuck9483 28 күн бұрын
The only equality is in segregation. That's the sorry truth.
@smartmouthriveria 28 күн бұрын
Racism is a religion……done.
@poerava 28 күн бұрын
Big brother doesn’t even know what CRT is. Uncle Sam love this man.
@Billiepippen 28 күн бұрын
it's not about ending racism. it is about ending the inequitable relationship black people have with white people that allows them to exploit black people and use them as relative slaves. people can say and think what they want and associate with who they want but the mal distribution of power and resources is what needs to be addressed. can we coexist in a truly egalitarian society?
@worstcaseofcrabsever5510 28 күн бұрын
Many people do not know the reason Memorial day became a holiday. The civil war rocked our nation beyond anything. Hundreds of thousands died. The loss of life and livelihood left people scarred and faded. Black people wanted to show they appreciated the enormous sacrifice that was made on their behalf. They held an event to respect and celebrate those who died. They didn't think these heroes should be forgotten. The event was well received so much that they did it again every year. If those people who lived back then were to learn of CRT they would be vexed and aghast. Look it up. The War was over and the good guys won. Be humble and celebrate the soldiers who died to destroy slavery. Live in the now.
@hpensive 28 күн бұрын
Really, who passed Jim Crows laws and why? In reality there was a Black Liberation movement that was about to start an actual hot war on the ground in southern states right before the war kicked off. What most people fail to understand is that Natives and Free Slaves fought from FL to Kansas in something called the Gulla war. The Seminole groups fought against the North and South and represented a collaborative effort between indigenous and slave bands that wanted liberty away from their oppressors.
@worstcaseofcrabsever5510 27 күн бұрын
@@hpensive I don't see it that way. Those Seminoles and runaway slaves were conquered and driven out By Jackson so they fled to Oklahoma and then they were chased away again 10 years later all the way down to Mexico. This accomplished what? In 1808 the U.S. passed a law banning slaves from Africa from entering the country. Some states outlawed slavery right from the start and thus never even had slavery. Just 32 years after USA became a country they were passing major Federal laws to end slavery. John Brown was the martyr that was needed. His courage and willing ness to sacrifice himself and his sons inspired a mindset for revolution. Abe Lincoln wasn't supposed to win the election. He was the first Republican president ever. The republican party was backed by the growing abolitionist movement and they helped push Lincoln over the top with money donations. The southern states were outraged that they lost the election. With the new abolitionist backed president, they knew the anti-slavery laws would soon come down the pipe. So they launched a preemptive war. They thought they could force a peace deal and become their own nation. It would have been easy to just leave them be and nobody would have to die. But people knew slavery was wrong and they were willing to fight for those enslaved in the south. The writings of Friedrick Douglas gave a much needed voice to spread hope for change. You won't find any wars fought for a more pure intention. Most are fought for money and power. The war cost more than we today can imagine. Yes there would still be lingering racism for a long time after. But even the Jim crow laws were ultimately defeated after only a few years of being law. The good guys won that one too.
@hpensive 27 күн бұрын
​@@worstcaseofcrabsever5510 Almost all the Natives were driven out on the trail of tears. The civil war was the capture of one continent to create the modern US. That wasn't going to happen without the Seminoles and Southerners being subdued.
@nickf7313 26 күн бұрын
@@worstcaseofcrabsever5510 wow. Just wow. Look up a little documentary called “harvest of shame” and tell me again that slavery ended at the civil war.
@worstcaseofcrabsever5510 26 күн бұрын
@@nickf7313 I guess in your world slavery never ended. Got it. And here I thought the civil war really happened. I guess it was just a hoax.
@LilSyl05 28 күн бұрын
American really need to travel the world...
@Themusicalhealer 28 күн бұрын
Racism will exist as long human being are on this planet or we have a alien invasion. Black we have been wrong but it is time for us to move on from this, keep the history alive but we need to work on getting out this hole we in. There are some people that want our down fall, most race have those people.
@phishENchimps 28 күн бұрын
you know what was a good place to deal with racism? Battle of Bunker Hill (North of Hongcheon, 1951. 5. 16~19) the 38th Destroyed any Understanding of what people knew of what Racism was. What those men went through... Oh, those scary names meant nothing.
@cesarviana8060 28 күн бұрын
I’m Hispanic minority in my workplace. They don’t care were I come from. I believe that talking about race it’s counterintuitive, we are American. The best thing about USA is you can be immigrant and come here and become American. I recognize there have been racism but my experience the racism that my family has experienced came in Georgia from black folks. White people in my experience they didn’t matter where I came from. Do I care how black people from that place treated my family, yes, but that happened in that moment and that place. Because of that incident I don’t label all black peoples racist. The people that are racist are people that are hurt, and anybody can be racist, not only white people.
@nickf7313 26 күн бұрын
@@cesarviana8060 CRT is not about personal rascism. It is a law theory, it is about the unequal weight of the justice system, and how the past effects people of race. Talking about race is certainly not counterintuitive. Without reconciliation the legacy of racism will continue to have socioeconomic effects. The very identity of “white” wasn’t even a thing until abolition. It was propaganda used by the capitalist class to pin working-class white Europeans against free slaves to keep both subjugated.
@804EBEATS 28 күн бұрын
Research history. Learn from it. Pass it on. Don't live there but Learn from it.
@surviveunplugged 28 күн бұрын
Why doesn't "white supremacy" and "systemic racism" in America work on Asians, Jews or Indians from India? Why does it only work on blacks and Latinos? Why do Asians, Jews and Indians out perform white Americans in a white supremacy culture or system?
@nickf7313 28 күн бұрын
The common thread in conversations about CRT… those that oppose it have no idea what it is. How do you have a rational conversation about a topic when one person has no idea what the topic even is?
@phanatic215 27 күн бұрын
It is treated as a one definition fits all, by people who don't know what it is. I've seen far too many cable news clips of someone being asked to define CRT, and they start stuttering and trying to pull together something that isn't the dogwhistle "anything that accurately portrays historical white atrocities"
@yisroelackerman 27 күн бұрын
If you can't explain it well enough to make it make sense to others - then you don't really have theory. What you have is a religious doctrine you are trying to sell to others - like what Christians do.
@PorkChopAChunky 27 күн бұрын
What if we do know what it is and still oppose it?
@nickf7313 26 күн бұрын
@@PorkChopAChunky this is an intersectionality we never have to worry about it seems. CRT is just defining reality, you can deny reality if you choose.
@PorkChopAChunky 26 күн бұрын
@nickf7313 Utter nonsense. CRT is nothing more than the perception of a rather small number of people. You stating it's the supreme truth known as reality doesn't make it so. Depending on who it is speaking on CRT it can be almost entirely nonsense.
@Homeatlast101 28 күн бұрын
I rest my case: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/obeleJqbvJrSh4k.html
@honestdiscourse 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching. Our prayer is that these conversations inspire more respectful discussions between people with differing viewpoints. If you'd like to watch the entire 2-hour conversation, you can do that when it releases here: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/iZ2eesipz9nbd2Q.html.
@Homeatlast101 28 күн бұрын
Unfortunately the thin black gentleman is disingenuous as that is what CRT continues to be pushed forward on. The FACT that those who push CRT NEVER want it to end because it is not about ending white supremacy or talking about what is really wrong.... It is always about victimhood of those who refuse to change their evil deeds and the evil agenda behind it which is control, pride, and other sinful agendas that continues to push forward satan's filthy agenda! Unfortunately the thin black gentleman is lying to himself and he knows it.
@91toinfinity 28 күн бұрын
Y'all literally stole Jubilee's idea. Come up with something unique
@GregSukert 28 күн бұрын
​@@91toinfinity I agree! Jubilee is the only channel that can host discussions with people who have differing viewpoints. How dare anyone else do such a thing!
@zacharys8090 29 күн бұрын
Looking forward to this!
@PeterMartyrVermigli_is_cool 4 ай бұрын
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. - Jeremiah 29:13 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out. -Acts 3:19 If you’re in North America, please go check out any of the churches available to you: PCA, OPC, Rpcna, Urcna, or a canrc church (These are conservative and actual Presbyterian churches) If you can’t find one of the conservative presby churches then, maybe a Lcms Lutheran church. If you are Scottish, I recommend the Free Church of Scotland and the APC. (Different from the Church of Scotland) If you’re English I recommend the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England & Wales and the Free Church of England (Different from the Church of England) Also online you can look up church finders for each of the groups, it will show you locations And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. - Hebrews 10:24-25
@eastonnowak4004 5 ай бұрын
Every body deserves God