goofy ahh kid icarus memes
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The Missed Potential of Amiibo
The Lost Art of Game Console Menus
Nintendo 3DS nostalgia
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Physical Games Are Dying...
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Was Mario Party 9 REALLY that bad?
Overwatch 2's Steam reviews
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The Fall & Rise of Mario Games
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Pit has a question
Жыл бұрын
@vincentjack735 Сағат бұрын
The only thing that will save this generation is the same thing that saved the last. GAMES
@MagentaLux456 12 сағат бұрын
Pony: "but but but...... SpIDeR mAn 2" One copy and paste sequal dosen't save a whole generation😂
@marc6371 12 сағат бұрын
What do you mean we've never seen bosses in Mario Party ? ... What about Mario Party DS ? ...
@PuReTiipsy 14 сағат бұрын
Why is everyone complaining about the price tag on the PS5? The capabilities and gaming tech it offers for the price is really a good deal.. Plus, everyone knows that consoles are sold at a loss, hoping to gain that back in sales of subscription services, accessories and games. So yes, some accessories may be over priced, but you don’t need to buy them. These types of videos are useless.
@nouserbri 15 сағат бұрын
LIF 3 being $60 is ridiculous
@SonnenRitter92 19 сағат бұрын
i got 4070ti super and´it is disgrace with the overpriced dust collector i often use to play some blu rays on my good tv with full dolby, THATS IT, since this UHD and music goes on my PC really great and native...... i do not expect ps5 pro to beat my setup. i do own DS EDGE which is great on pc but lacks the way it is done on PS5 (obviously) and i have these INZONE headphones... i do like these things both but i DONT LIKE ANYTHING ON PS5... theres no good games and ragnarok was the last straw, they turned Kratos into BS. THERES NO KILLZONE and hold your horses with the GTA6..... because it will turn into woke fest and die within year. Playstation did DELETE COMMUNITIES.... WTF. i did pay 2years of premium PSN and they banned me from discussion because i have GERMAN NAME and did some made up connection with the bad germans which are somehow good germans today.... they took my PSN nick because of that so i had to pay to get it back and then i did build PC, i got all these souls games on that lame platform as PLATINUM and i tell you one thing, im goin to all this shit again on PC and my library of more then 1000 items ended and credit card was removed, its over von_Speck /they took the non _ one
@RoboticEdward Күн бұрын
Spidey is also more expensive because of the license. They're paying Marvel a ton. The remaster of the first game was 80m+ so like...yeah.
@RBFR01 Күн бұрын
Even with the new games showcase like Gears 6 it's still not good enough. Imo I'd love a 4k Halo 3 and not a Master Chef collection just Halo 3 make it feel like 2007 again that's what I want anyway that was the golden days of gaming for me. Gears of war 1 & 2 are the best and 4-5 were destroyed by crap story lines and microtransactions. Gears of war should never have microtransactions period but uno greed so until Microsoft go back to how gaming was in 2007 I wont be buying any new games because everything is woke shit.
@RBFR01 Күн бұрын
Trash games, SBI ruining everything, greed and broken games is why gaming is just dying.
@spencerklein5520 Күн бұрын
To 9's credit I'd give them some points for trying something new for the Mario Party series. Can't say the same for 10 (Which IMHO is the worst in the series if you don't count the handhelds) for mostly being a rehash of 9.
@blacksongoku312 Күн бұрын
What is that sound clip called at 14:08
@thebanktv6930 Күн бұрын
why buy ps5 while many game need to port to pc for making sale number
@wasdwasd24 Күн бұрын
I totally get you! These are the reasons why for 1, I didn't run out and buy the PlayStation 5 as soon as it launched, and 2, I kept my PlayStation 3 even though I bought a PlayStation 4! Cheers!🎉
@M1stressOfAtrocity Күн бұрын
I literally sold my ps5 last week lmao about to get Switch soon.
@jalenevans3438 Күн бұрын
this video needs to get some serious traction so we can actually get some change i’m tired of playing the same game over and over 😭
@RegularJohn53 2 күн бұрын
This whole 9th gen of consoles are a downfall. After 4 years I still don't see reason to get a PS or XBOX from this gen. Maybe next year when GTA VI releases I'll get an XBOX because of the backward compatibility but as soon as GTA releases on PC I'll sell the XBOX.
@GPlaysCustodio 2 күн бұрын
Fr, I am so sad, I have a PS5 for 1 year and a half, but there’s literally no actual PS5 games on it. What did I buy it for??!!
@overused6632 2 күн бұрын
what about the pathetic state of pc? no pc games just ports
@stealthorango5900 2 күн бұрын
The fact that a lot of gamers prefer playstation 5 over xbox series x just shows the state of decision making nowadays 😂
@CCBrawler2 2 күн бұрын
This is a guy who clearly doesn't understand how a business works.
Like most of the fanboys I mean he doesn't even understand why Tango was shut down even though the devs themselves said that their games didn't make money
@noco-pf3vj 2 күн бұрын
It means PS6 is coming soon? Great, I can't wait for the release of The Last of Us remake remastered remake for PS6.
@matthewharris517 2 күн бұрын
PS2 & PSP would always be their golden age
@onepieceofpie9311 2 күн бұрын
We gotta put KI on that baby meme😂
@TheBoneHeadClan 2 күн бұрын
Apparently it might be that Shinji mikami director of a Resident Evil left the studio and he was the director of The Evil Within one which sold well but not two which sold bad and HiFi Rush which did well but I guess they figure since he's gone the studio doesn't have any star power or creative jeans so they shut everybody down.
@stasing_0718 2 күн бұрын
Even though PlayStation has its own problems to solve, at least the PS5 is still selling well and PlayStation as a brand is still popular. While the Xbox Series X hasn't been selling the best and and Xbox has been relying way more on Gamepass then providing great exclusives for their console. The Gamepass strategy, that they have been focusing on recently, isn't sustainable.
Microsoft has said multiple times that gamepass is profitable they profit off of it on Xbox, PC and I think on Mobile as well your so narrow minded also PS is losing money as well their strategy of paying for timed exclusives isn't working and companies like Square are dropping them
@Pen_Slinger 3 күн бұрын
As a kid I could barely afford to get one Xbox, so when I finally did get one I was kinda upset to hear that a new one was released and no new games would be released for the Classic Box, I kinda felt robbed. I eventually did get the 360 but I only got to enjoy for roughly two years before the One came out and once again made my current system obsolete. Eventually got the One and now history repeats itself with the Tower Box and now I've decided, enough. I've migrated to PC where I look forward to playing all my games and future games without worrying about getting a new system every few years or paying a subscription to play with other people.
@OhMyPoBoy 3 күн бұрын
i bought a unicorn refurbished ps5 from gamestop like a month after release. For $400. With the hype and the discount, i was totally excited and don’t regret my purchase. I’ve had this thing for years now. But i can understand how people are skeptical, considering NO price cuts at all and the landscape looking nearly identical to how it did in 2020
@elliotsturtplus340 3 күн бұрын
It especially doesn’t help with PlayStation state of play and how that’s set up but that’s a different can of worms
@Joseph928100 3 күн бұрын
Ps5 doesn't look at all like a significant graphical leap from ps4 like seriously they look graphically identical.......and yet it still sells well
@supernova_eu_w 3 күн бұрын
As a customer I honestly don’t care about platform exclusives, the more platforms a game runs (well) on the better. It’s honestly more consumer friendly to not lock a game into a platform. If a console can provide good hardware and online platform for the money, I’m down. That’s why I have a PC.
@Hellfox777 3 күн бұрын
LMAO! You're struggling, aren't you? Xbox told you Nintendo and PS weren't competition, and they just proved it. But hey, look at all the games, Sony.... LMMFAO!
@KnucklestheEcidna 3 күн бұрын
honestly the games have been so lame and stagnant for so long now. everyone is better off just making 1 more console and just STICKING WITH IT. Since they're constantly releasing the exact same game over and over. I see no more reason to even BUY new consoles anymore.
@klu.official 3 күн бұрын
I think the games are great I love my ps5
@pickle3116 3 күн бұрын
The only point to this generation was ti advance hardware and that’s it but the consumers have shown that they don’t care to upgrade because almost all big titles are still staying on last gen and with how games aren’t coming out at a constant rate espically all big games wanting to compete at the same time frame which makes us wait even longer
@erickluviano981 3 күн бұрын
It doesn’t help that all the scalpers bought them in mass amounts, and even after 2 years it was still ridiculously hard to get. And I’d you did get lucky enough to have purchased one, you would realize there wasn’t much to play anyways so it killed the hype of having just bought it.
@SSJ3HOKAGE 3 күн бұрын
I get PS has all the "hottest" exclusives but spiderman 2 was a rushed boring game, GOWR was boring, GOW 2018 WAS BORING, almost all of these universally acclaimed exclusived are so stale and don't feel like the PS I grew up with. I switched to the Series x and even though their exclusive line up isn't as great as PS, some how xbox makes me feel like a kid again and I'm loving gamepass.
@dr.hannibal8338 3 күн бұрын
3:52 lmao 😂
@dr.hannibal8338 3 күн бұрын
The deserved downfall of Xenokayoh’s mom
@dantekirenryu980 3 күн бұрын
There is no fucking way Sony spent 315 Millions on Spider Man 2…how? Yeah no where did all that money went?
@JonathanTacoman 3 күн бұрын
Hey look this has to be the 100,000th video about Xbox dying posted this year
Xbox is so dead they are already working on making another console
@HsydenWard 3 күн бұрын
Come on
@HsydenWard 3 күн бұрын
Holy shit
@lurkingsoldi2107 3 күн бұрын
Still better than shitbox
@karolclark791 3 күн бұрын
Keep telling yourself that. So sad you care this much about the competition of your console?
@Dr.Jekyll_ 3 күн бұрын
You’re living in lalaland bro, Sony is doing fine 😅you just don’t like what they’re doing. KZfaqr hating Meanwhile Sony: PlayStation full-year revenues rise to $27.5 billion.
@willthegreat1 4 күн бұрын
Still trust Sony more then Xbox😅
@TheElusiveWolf 4 күн бұрын
As much as it pained me back in the day not being able to play any game on the console of my choice (as a PS player, I really wanted Gears of War and Forza, and God, did I want to play Mario games on my PlayStation), exclusive games were some of the best in the world because they needed to be good to draw people to their console, to sell consoles. They were front and center. Competition creates great results. When you compete with someone, you try to do your best, but if any game is going to be anywhere with billions of people available to buy the games or, well, to now get a subscription, there is no need to be the best; you just need to be good enough...
@yashmandla1234 4 күн бұрын
Ive been using my ps5 to play games from my ps4 backlog
@Blintedhaa 4 күн бұрын
Simple, 2016 they moved to California.
@senormarston 4 күн бұрын
I miss the XBox 360/PS3 days
@COUNTVLAIDMIR 4 күн бұрын
Are you salty PC is making both Sony and MS huge profits? Even though you have Steam, you sound like a console fanboy.
@COUNTVLAIDMIR 4 күн бұрын
Also you lied about MS and Zenimax having no relationship before acquisition, Morrowind is still literally exclusive to the OG Xbox. COD is the way it is now due to Xbox 360 boosting its popularity tenfold. Do more research before you release a crappy console fanboy video.