the perks of loneliness
21 күн бұрын
nature made you queer🌱🌈
an offering to commUnity🤗
the culture of codependency
4 ай бұрын
the TRUTH of education
4 ай бұрын
@1chumley1 6 сағат бұрын
Thank you for posting, Amy! It can be a lot of work just sussing out the origins of these triggers because they are our normal. I often feel that I am triggered when my energy has run out when I might otherwise be okay. It's very confusing to me.
@BlissCity 7 сағат бұрын
Yes!! So helpful Amy 🙏 Thank you
@dannietwinkly8978 14 күн бұрын
(“coming out of his shell”: hard LoL /cherish..) POV: my mom keeps coming into my room and arguing with me regarding aspects of my Queerness/Transness, ie; “why do I have to have facial hair? Why must my hair be blue?” Ordinarily these kinds of arguments would end traumatically & result in me isolating more, but this time she sees and hears I’m watching one of your videos…and like magick, she takes a moment to pause after I explain that I get dysphoria when I don’t have facial hair…and ends the discussion with “okay, I don’t want you to feel that way, I love you”. It’s interesting..having your videos playing on my laptop has become a powerfully effective line of defense against the gaze of her white suburban conditioning! it’s fascinating for me to watch her imprint on you. She listens to you (nodding along), has me explain what she doesn’t understand, appears charmed (coos at the end of your video) and clearly trusts your judgement - innately knows that you’re leading a newer movement of folk into a progressive & empowered possible future. I honestly believe she’s supporting my otherness & trusting me more bc of her exposure to your output. It used to be so scary for me to be around her. My mind is blown. I feel shocked…and I’m tearfully grateful to you for what you contribute to society (and for how that has expanded the choices that are available to me & my quality of life as a result). Bless. You are a lifesaver.
@antwanjwoods 18 күн бұрын
@AlexKellogg-pv4qk 24 күн бұрын
We are social creatures IMO which makes us fight with ourselves sometimes when alone. Not always but sometimes. I think it’s obvious that we are social creatures because I’ve seen what happens to any male who gets put into the box in prison (got caught with a bunch of mushrooms… oops). We almost always lost our mind when left alone for long enough… it’s simply a matter of time. With that being said, many people don’t need a lot of socializing and that’s me. I was super social yet super sensitive as a child until about 25. Alcohol and drugs were a big part of my life from 14-15 Slowly but surely I radically changed and became someone who loves being alone. I love it, but certainly get lonely if I don’t socialize for ‘too’ long. The only thing that gets to me is being single when I am also in-fact single, but that doesn’t get me too down, I suppose I just wouldn’t want to stay single from 39 till 80 haha. When I was social, and when I do feel social, I enjoy ‘less social people’ because they often have standards and are polite and authentic. I think you seem awesome (no offense to the average person) compared to the average person who needs validation from others. Keep enjoying your own company and loving yourself. What sounds better…. Hearing the same old small talk over and over and over or…. Maybe having a new experience or thought all by yourself and enjoying the heck out of the only person who’s really got your back (yourself). I hope you have a wonderful life… but when you feel like you need to be around someone… enjoy that too and treat the person the way you want to be treated regardless if they return the favor. Maybe they will return the favor another time. Socializing is a skill so a little practice doesn’t hurt. When I get lonely I talk to GOD and say thanks for letting me experience this pain and love and everything in between. I often apologize for mistakes as well.. Being alone and being grateful can bring blissful experiences that would make any party on earth seem lame. Being around people doesn’t always prevent blissful type feeling but people are a big distraction. I suppose a real good laugh is something that’s not easily achieved while alone 🧐. But I’ve relaxed and said thanks and kinda meditated while alone before and wow…. It’s a good way to feel at peace and full of love and sometimes even get a blissful feeling that just can’t be had at a group event nearly as easily Have a wonderful life, thanks for sharing. I enjoyed listening and I’m sure some other people will as well Getting back to a nice Saturday night alone and saying thanks to the universe for allowing me to experience life What an incredible experience it can be and the troubling days just make the good ones that much better 🙂
@dannietwinkly8978 27 күн бұрын
so wise🦉very useful reframes🎛️ …speaking of navigating uncomfortable feelings- lately, I’ve been practicing asking my emotions: “what do you need me to know?” This technique was birthed by Adrienne Maree Brown & Prentis Hemphill during their most recent collaboration. It has provided a surprisingly insightful & effective way to shift a stuck mood (especially when I’m feeling frustrated that I’m frustrated 😝 lol). anyway, I love how you think & what you shared helps. hard relate 🐺
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
Love it! Exactly!!💙☮️💚
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
I fully agree. In my opinion, capitalism, misogyny and racism are in a 'symbiotic' relationship in our society. I have no idea how to change any of it but there it is 😏
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Not just opinion - that is a FACT my friend!!! 💯💯💯 All social problems share common roots. This means they can be UProoted symbiotically as well. Returning to our inner nature-based state is one of the keyyyys🗝️
@NikkiCook-fz9mz Ай бұрын
I feeeeeeeeel all the time. My heart hurts for the injustices and lack of love and care for one another. 😕
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Your heart & feeling is a beautiful thing, Nikki. Empathy is a superpower. It is also one we must learn to protect & care for with the reverence it deserves💖
@vivtzka Ай бұрын
Are u woke and the student isn't?
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
I wouldn't say that...more like I've been studying what I teach for 10+ years [institutional oppression] & living it my whole life, whereas the student is coming in with very limited experience/exposure.
@turquoismama33 Ай бұрын
You have presented many components to life on this planet. Very good questions and talking points. I do think you are mixing stewardship & controlling(or dictatorship), though controlling our environment is part of that stewardship, not the dictatorship part; self-control & facades/denying our emotions; religiosity & relationship. Freedom and liberation come with responsibility. Which encompasses proper self-control. Meekness is not weakness, but controlling the power that one has, so as not to cause irrevocable or unnecessary damage or harm. Continuing to feel shame is a choice, easier said than done, true, but we have the power to stop shameful feelings to continue and not live in them. Our thoughts ARE more important than our bodies, though that doesn't mean our bodies are not important. Thoughts and how we think are just MORE important and should control our bodies, which ARE important. We are left with our mind, if we lose our limbs, FACT. True, we can not live without some body parts, but it is the mind(which is part of the soul) that lives past these mortal bodies. Of course, this is all IMO and comes from a Judeo Christian/neurodiverse perspective. So, I welcome any thoughts, questions, comments or even complaints from anyone. We are here to learn from each other. And I have much to learn so far.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
I very much agree with you about the responsibility that comes with freedom & liberation!! I am not sure I'm understanding what you share here about stewardship & dictatorship, but to me this responsibility is definitely where stewardship comes in to play. I believe that responsibility isn't something that needs to be forced or controlled per se, but more something we innately feel as we feel more connected to the world around us. As we feel/know/understand ourselves as interdependent, we no longer have to force obedience (either internally upon ourself, or upon others) - because our natural instinct comes on board & guides us, just as it does for all other living things on Earth✨ This to me is stewardship: humans working with Earth in a way that supports the full ecosystem of this planet & her inhabitants. (I wonder whether we might be saying similar things but using different words?) I do have a slightly differing opinion on whether the brain or body is more important. My studies in trauma, my work as a social worker, and my time as a PhD student of Sociology (in which I studied the health consequences of oppression/discrimination) taught me that trauma lives in the body, and it is truly the body that we must work with in order to be healthy body/mind/spirit - and in order to access the sense of interconnectedness I speak to above. The mind is conditioned by our culture (aka colonialism here in the U.S., and many other places of the world); the mind can be taught to believe many many things that aren't actually true. The body holds our deeper wisdom, and the body is how we access the innate part of us that has access to core universal truths (e.g. our interconnectedness!) That said, I am definitely not saying the mind is not important!! And of course the mind/brain is a part of the body, so none of this can truly be separated. Our thoughts *absolutely* dictate our reality, but the trauma we hold in our body - and the ways our culture has programmed our minds - completely influence our mind. I see the mind as conditioned; I understand the body as the source of our pure human essence. That's a lot, because I have a lot of thoughts about these things😂😂😂 (conditioned by my OWN lived experience!!) - but I really love & appreciate that you are interested in dialogue & sharing thoughts/questions/concerns/existential wonderings/etc! 💜
@turquoismama33 Ай бұрын
​@@amycatwest The stewardship vs separating taking care of/nurturing something & having dominion over it. Which is a type of dictatorship. It comes from the environment/part of the Christian community teachings I have been around. Some of my fellow "Christians" teach having dominion over nature of all facets (animals/weather/plants) by ordering things to happen one way or another. I don't necessarily agree with all they say. Partly, because things in nature need to happen for the benefit of other things. So, when we "command" certain things to stop or change, we are also asking/commanding other things to not happen, that need to happen. For example : 1) Forest fires often are helpful in producing needed nutrients and keeping certain plants/trees alive and healthy, by getting rid of other plants or even an over abundance of insects that are harming the vegetation. So, when the "command" for the fire to stop is voiced, and it is "obeyed" then there can be a level of harm in the effect of that. I don't think many people realize what they are actually asking for. 2)Same goes with rain/flooding. We are adding so many toxins to our world that a certain amount of water needs to be put in certain areas on this planet to dilute the toxins enough to stop the harm they are doing. So, again, when the "command" of rain to stop is "obeyed" then the benefit of dilution is stopped. Another case of some people don't understand what they are asking for. In the context of my belief and how I interpret/understand what is being taught, the order of health is spirit/mind/body, in that order. Though sometimes we do have to cater to the body first to get the other healings (get rid of hunger so one can think clearly). I also have learned(or am learning) that I have to control my body and learn how to get the healing I need in proper order and NOT let the out of order times be the norm, but the abnormal. It's a process and can take much will power, discipline and perseverance. The hope is it gets easier with practice. Sometimes, just not caring can get one over the hump or through the initial hard part. There are different circumstances that can actually help one realize that they CAN do this or that. So, being put in some circumstances, though look like a disaster, can actually be very beneficial and actually be exactly what one needed. Or maybe, it's just "lemons into lemonade" endeavors. I pretty much have realized that it doesn't matter what happens or doesn't happen, it all works out for my good in the end. Very freeing for me. I'll end this book.
@Amber-nm5pn Ай бұрын
Oh thank you for explaining this!
@turquoismama33 Ай бұрын
So, no empathy kicked in for the student, or did I misunderstand?
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Yesss you misunderstood!! Quite the opposite -> when we can disconnect the *present* situation (e.g. the student) activating the trigger from the *past* source OF that trigger, we open ourselves up for empathy. Unpacking my trigger allowed me to see the student as human (aka empathy!) rather than a projection of past people who hurt me💞
@turquoismama33 Ай бұрын
@@amycatwest Do you think this student also may have experienced from people in their life, what you experienced from people in your life? I'm so glad you are working through the triggers. It's helpful to hear other people doing that, as well as one's self. Without knowing exactly what what presented in the student's paper, we can only assess what you are saying, so much. I'm not asking you to share the student's paper contents, just pointing out, we don't know the student's perspective or what was said exactly to trigger you. Personally, I'm glad you are sharing your side, at least. It is a beginning of needed conversations. We have to start somewhere. And maybe if I have had watched/listened to more of your content, I would be leaving different comments. Your title of this video stood out to me in the midst of the YT algorithm. I believe it is the first of your videos for me. I apologize for any offense I may have caused. Like you, I endeavor to understand and properly deal with my triggers. Thumbs up for conquering triggers, there so many for us, no? We are cutting them to a minimum, I would say, or at least for some of us.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
It is totally okay!! As my videos pick up visibility I am quickly discerning between the haterz who just want to hurt feelings, and the people who are truly interested in engagement (like you🤗). ALL of my videos are ideas & explorations from my own lived experiences, so I really appreciate & am open to the dialogue💜💜💜 It's not even really about this particular student (which is why I didn't share details in my video), more about the process of realizing I was triggered & unpacking the root of that particular trigger, but since we're here: the context is some discriminatory/racist opinions the student shared in their final paper for a social work class I teach on institutional oppression. Realizing why I was having a charged emotional response to the situation was the most important thing for me, because I believe it IS important to hold empathy & compassion for all humans (& especially my students), including those who hold biases (which we ALL hold in some form). I see trauma as the root of all of it; if we didn't live in a culture that traumatized us, we wouldn't turn on one another like we do now. I believe there is space for both accountability (since I teach future social workers who need to understand things like racism & subconscious bias in order to sufficiently help people) AND empathy/compassion/care💗
@thegirlandhergong Ай бұрын
I don’t even fit in amongst the weirdos 🥸 lol! Nor do I want to fit in. I’ve made peace with it.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
I LOVE that you are embracing your version of weirdo!! Blaze that uncharted trail🔥🔥🔥
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
I believe one of the root problems in the prevailing culture, which bears fruit in many extremely negative ways, is the incorrect idea that we came INTO the world. That is wrong. We came OUT of the world, the Universe, in exactly the same manner as any other thing that exists here. If one acts upon the first premise, one faces the world as an enemy. If one acts upon the second premise, one sees oneself everywhere and then everyone and everything becomes a presence to be acknowledged and respected. I really appreciate what you have to say. 🙏💙☮️💚
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Ooooo YES YES YES!!!! I looooove that perspective: "INTO" the world vs "OUT" of the world. Very parallel to a contemplation I've had lately of "humans ARE nature" (not even just "part of" nature, because that contributes to a similar disconnection & awakens judgment). Amazing how really all problems can be traced down to common roots;) Very wise words - I so appreciate YOU too!! 💜
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
@@amycatwest That's right, humans are nature. My opinion sounds like spirituality (and is) but I feel that science verifies my beliefs. The concept was introduced to me when I was a child through the writing of Alan W. Watts and everything I have learned since then about the Universe - scientific information and personal experience - points to that being the truth. I hate to sound like a fan girl so I am going to be awkward here... My impression of you is that you are a really cool person. Thanks for interacting with me. I think your ideas are right on and I appreciate that it's you saying them. You seem like a bright reflection of my younger (less-centered) self, in that you are finding a center in a healthier way than I was able to manage. I love to see it and I will continue to check your videos as they drop. Peace 💙🌷💚 ✨Three hours later: It occurs to me that it sounds like I am saying you are not centered. I apologize if it was taken that way. I was only referring to the way I used to deal with things. Poor writing on my part.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Aww I really appreciate these comments💜 Not poor writing at all, I understand what you mean & have also had a journey of getting to this more centered version of myself. It sounds like we are tapping into a similar consciousness/awareness of these things! ✨ It's exciting to see the lines between science & spirituality blur, because there really is no separation - just humans in either "camp" playing out one extreme or the other. Science without spirituality lacks humanity/reality, and spirituality without science easily becomes dogma. I'm so glad to have you following along🥰 - looking forward to continuing the dialogue!!
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
@@amycatwest 🤯😄 it's really exciting to hear my own ideas/contemplations/hypotheses beginning to reverberate outside... Like a recipe that a bunch of people came up with at the same time, alone in their kitchens- same basic ingredients, similar purpose, different seasoning. 🙂It seems to correlate with my concept of a collective unconscious 🌌 💙☮️💚
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Yessss - love that imagery of a co-created recipe!! Are you familiar with the hundredth monkey effect? Totally points to this concept. If we want to use nature-based terminology rather than esoteric/spiritual terms, I would call this "instinct." Just like animals innately know how to support species survival, so too do we. There is an underlying consciousness guiding ALL living beings, and it is utterly THRILLING to live in a time when we are consciously accessing this consciousness!!!! 😜
@Michele-hz3iw Ай бұрын
Could only 1:16…that’s 1:16 mins I’ll never get back. How about just don’t have any triggers.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
@Astr0629 Ай бұрын
I’m sure it took you such a long time to get here and it has been a painful process, I’m working through a couple of triggers now as well. The more I do it the less it feels like I’m dying every time I’m triggered. 99.99999% of the time a trigger takes me back to my upbringing, just like yours did in this instance. I used to react to every trigger, go crazy, treated like I had two heads, feel immense shame and embarrassment, never resolve the issue. Thank you for this video, you condensed down the process into easy to remember steps. ❤😊
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Yesss so well said 💯💯💯 The progress you're(we're) seeing is amazing & a huge sign of our healing!! 💜
@melissaschank5124 Ай бұрын
This is good. TY❤️
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
@a_trauma_llama2991 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the scaffolding of HOW you walk through a trigger in a 'normal' course of a day (or several). This is really useful as I try to figure out my own❤
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
@RobRussellCM Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for posting this - you have really helped me 💛
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
I’m so glad! 💜
@loriculp2857 Ай бұрын
That was so wonderful! Having recently been diagnosed with PTSD, im still working on ways to work on my own triggers. Such good good advice!! TY!!
@jiriskala Ай бұрын
I'm thinking how many times I was the trigger for a teacher and he or she didn't realise that and just failed me.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Yes…so many carry teacher trauma💔 & I’m sorry you’ve had bad experiences too. It’s important to me to speak about this stuff from the lens of an educator for exactly that reason💜
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
@kimlr-herring Ай бұрын
First time seeing you. Too many words will overburden my point,so... Excellent video. Thank you for demonstrating. 💙☮️💚
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
You are so welcome!!💞
@MatthewThomas-ye1ei Ай бұрын
I love seeing people take personal accountability instead of blaming others.
@dannietwinkly8978 Ай бұрын
I love being a woman and a man ….& it is such a privilege and a burden to hold that space in this culture (also- Tis thee 🦋
@sayusayme7729 Ай бұрын
Thank you, I’m truly struggling with these issues. Wow, so helpful. 🦋
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
I'm so glad this was helpful for your process too🌻🥰
@Heather-fx7sr Ай бұрын
MH therapist here and wanted to say I appreciate the language you gave to describe the process and benefit of something none of us are born knowing how to do and many of us don’t see modeled by anyone! Any chance you have a handy metaphor you use to describe this to youth? Subscribed, and excited to have found your channel. Thanks!
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Yayyyy so glad to have you here!! 🥰💜🙏 Ooo & I love your question. One framework I use in teaching [social work students] that I think could translate for youth is the growth cycle of a tree... When we think of a tree, we probably are just imaging the trunk, leaves, & branches, but in fact the root system is the most fundamental part - and is where the tree first developed. If the soil a tree grows in is toxic (aka the origin of the trigger -> usually toxic family dynamics), the whole tree is going to be impacted. We might first notice symptoms of the problem in the leaves & fruit, because that's the part of the tree that is most apparent to us - but we can pull off all the dead leaves & rotten fruit we want, and nothing will get better. We have to go to the roots & understand the deeper cause behind those surface level symptoms. That might be a little more complex than what you're looking for, but I find nature is often the best tool to break down things we humans have made a complex mess of😉 The tree analogy is a powerful one because it can apply to individual level struggles (some of my former students who are now therapists use it in practice!) AND societal/systemic level issues. There's an older video on my channel where I walk through the tree framework if you're interested!
@Heather-fx7sr Ай бұрын
@@amycatwest that’s beautiful and helpful, thank you so much!
@Heather-fx7sr Ай бұрын
@JLakis Ай бұрын
I've attempted to describe this before, the trauma flashback. It feels like time travel. I'm suddenly back in that situation(s). But how you deal with it is interesting and hopefully useful. If I can only get that gap between trigger and response.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Yessss it is TOTALLY like time travel - I've heard it described as an "emotional flashback" too which really matches my experience (because the EMOTIONS can get so big). That gap is where it's all at. The first step in any type of change process is awareness, which then eventually naturally creates more space for that gap - so I think you are on a great pathway by simply beginning to look at & talk about this!
@seacaster Ай бұрын
I love how open you are about dealing with triggers and taking responsibility for them.
@seacaster Ай бұрын
I believe projecting the the problem on many "others" over one "other" may not be helpful to you. In any case you will know in the future if you are trigged again by whatever root issue is there. Byron Kate's One-Two-Three work sheets, which are free online, helped me when I was experiencing something similar. That organization does have trained counselors which can eliminate any wiggle room used to avoid the issues that are hard to face. Hoping the best for you. Blessings
@JLakis Ай бұрын
Why do you say that?
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Ooo thanks for sharing about this worksheet resource, I am familiar with Anna Runckle (Crappy Childhood Fairy) who offers a similar practice that can be soooo helpful for unpacking those deeper triggered feelings. I also think there's a difference between projecting the problem onto others and unpacking the "roots" of a trigger, if I'm interpreting your comment correctly. By understanding that my trigger is actually rooted in past experiences with people from my past (including a parent), it allows me to show up for the hurt inner child part of myself & respond to that inner hurt as I would to any other hurt child. This isn't the same as projecting my trigger back onto those past people/my parent, which would look like externalizing the responsibility for caring for that hurt child...e.g. a mentality of "THEY did this to me, so I'm not responsible for fixing this."
@seacaster Ай бұрын
@@amycatwest I had an experience where I was triggered and used the work sheets, I mentioned, to look at it from all sides. I was just allowing the feelings to be, welcoming them even though it was uncomfortable. When I did it must have made this child trapped inside of me feel safe enough to allow me to become aware of it. It was somewhat embarrassing but at the same time there was an innocence about it. I think awareness is more important than knowledge about it. This work is not for the faint of heart as it requires the courage to be honest with yourself. Blessings
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
​@@seacaster I love this so much!! 💟 Re-connecting with our inner child is soooo much of what healing truly is🥰
@ErikLeed Ай бұрын
Wonderful analysis. Almost makes me kind of excited for my next one so that i can figure it out in a solution-based, positive logical way like you did:) Thanks for your insight!
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Awww I love this comment!!! LET'S GET EXCITED ABOUT TRIGGERS😜 - because they are indeed pathways to deeper self discovery & internal connection! 💜
@tntl7 Ай бұрын
This sounds really good and flattering... But at the same time, i remember my fitting into the mould of the education system making me uncool. I was doing my homework, being obedient and getting good grades, the cool people weren't, because they were the rebellious ones. Was it different where you grew up? I think I was seen as someone "different" back then, but in the end I was just conforming to other standards, to parents and educators who valued nonconformism and free thinking, instead of to a peer group. So I got away feeling like a fraud. (Also, in primary school teachers told me I was bullied by other kids because I was smarter than them - that really fucked me up, don't ever say that to a kid 😅 your "you are more than" kind of echoes that to me. That lead to always wanting to be smarter and better than others, no matter how much I try to respect others and appreciate everyone for their uniqueness, it always sneaks in again through the back door... And when I turn out to be not so smart after all, I have a reflex of feeling like I have no value as a human being)
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
This is suuuuuuch a good perspective, thank you so much for taking the time to share!!! I SUPER appreciate you sharing about how being told you were "smarter than" messed you up as a kid & fed a competitive type of self worth. I can see how "you are more than" has a similar hierarchal ring to it, and that makes sooo much sense. Thank you for HOW you communicated this feedback too btw🙏 I actually really relate to you - I totally found my worth in achievement and obedience growing up. My desire to follow the rules & do well in school MOST definitely made me uncool, on top of (but connected to) the sensitivity/depth I speak to in this video. In my video I'm coming from a slightly different frame: I see fitting into the education system (good grades, obedient, etc) as different from fitting into the cultural system (being able to happily live in the framework of the "American Dream" -> which requires fitting into normative culture: participating in social norms, talking about what other people talk about, feeling fulfilled from culturally normative activities [sports, beer, fireworks, gossip, etc - stuff the "cool kids" tend to be into]) I most DEFINITELY fit into the education system (and the professional workforce system) - from the outside looking in at least. I found my identity & sense of worth from that for manyyyy years of my life. But it was hollow, because I was constantly having to fulfill an illusion of who I was supposed to be. It was hollow, because I DON'T fit into the broader cultural system.
@tntl7 Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond so much in depth as well! That makes a lot of sense. Yes, feeling hollow describes it well. I've also noticed lately that I'm still carrying some shame about that with me, more than 20 years later... And yes, it sounds plausible that sensitivity could make a child more eager to please...
@Boobookittyfluff Ай бұрын
Very nice! Insightful and helpful. I wish everyone was this introspective before responding in a triggered state. Thank you for sharing.
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
OOF I soooo wish that too. It would honestly change everything. And I wish *I* had been this introspective before reacting to my triggers in the past!! I want us to live in a culture where this kind of stuff is taught & normalized! This truly was a breakthrough moment for me, I'm so glad it connects for you too💜
@wall.flower Ай бұрын
Wow.. thank you for making this 🙏🌸 and yea.. lets normalise recognising snd processing triggers
@amycatwest Ай бұрын
Truly my pleasure!!! I'm so glad you connected with my experience💜
@1chumley1 2 ай бұрын
I am happy to hear your message, Amy! What a great companion you have been to me during some very challenging times! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and presence.
@amycatwest 2 ай бұрын
So heartened to hear this Andrew💜 I hope your challenging times shift into more easefulness soon🙏
@raee1265 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for making this video- I can very much relate to feeling alone, isolated, too sensitive, etc. thanks for the reminder I’m not alone and for sharing some thoughtful ideas to deal with feeling disconnected
@amycatwest 2 ай бұрын
You are so welcome!! Thanks for this sweet comment💜💜
@heidiwoodward1987 2 ай бұрын
I have been saying this for years. School was not my strength! My learning style did not match the predetermined teaching patterns. Leaving me to believe I wasn't smart enough & I couldn't achieve. Years later I found myself overcoming my fears & succeeding in higher education. Now I get to be the example for others. You don't have to understand like everyone else. You are still smart. You just learn in different ways. Doesn't mean you're bad. Just means you are special & unique. You bring something to the table that nobody else can. I have had to learn that & now I'm rocking out to my own unique style & talents. ❤
@amycatwest 2 ай бұрын
Yessss Heidi I LOVE this for you💜💜💜 I wish I woulda known then (when I was teaching you) what I know now, but I am SO glad you have paved a pathway of self love & self acceptance for yourself - AND for all the others you will encounter on your journey💜 Super proud of you for walking in your bada$$ authenticity🤗👌⚡️🔥🦄👏
@dannietwinkly8978 2 ай бұрын
I think highly sensitive game-changers are the coolest
@1chumley1 2 ай бұрын
Well put! Such hard things to be aware of, let alone untangle later on!
@amycatwest 2 ай бұрын
SOOOO hard to untangle😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 That's why we gotta talk about it!!!!
@bensprinks 2 ай бұрын
Somebody has been listening to Abraham- Hicks. Well said.
@amycatwest 2 ай бұрын
Haha yesssss Abraham Hicks has definitely been a source of strength & inspo at times I needed it🙏🙏🙏 Grateful for their wisdom, tho this one came all through me😘♥️
@dannietwinkly8978 2 ай бұрын
thanks for sharing your gift 💝 (speaking teaching from the heart)
@dannietwinkly8978 3 ай бұрын
So poignant it made me cry ❤ “If & when we work together as humans AND entities that are alive on this planet…” (I appreciate the inclusion of entities - that feels like an otherwise generally omitted, important missing categorical link)
@1chumley1 3 ай бұрын
Very true! It's so ironic that we in the US pride ourselves on individualism. Nothing could be further from the truth.
@jamesorwell9234 3 ай бұрын
Great delivery (and content)! Down with indoctrinating powerpoint
@amycatwest 3 ай бұрын
@donmezzanatto8607 3 ай бұрын
You must realize all humans came out of Africa, right? So all the tribes that left africa ....are colonists. right? Did you know that the native tribes battled each other for land and resources long before Europeans came to North America?....hmmm Colonists? The only thing you have correct is the media influence. Otherwise, I find you to be really out there sister. Bless your heart
@amycatwest 3 ай бұрын
Colonialism is a systemically & systematically imposed cultural infrastructure - not at all the same thing as migration or tribal battles for resources. But you don't need to see things the way I do!! It's okay if these videos aren't for you;)
@donmezzanatto8607 3 ай бұрын
@@amycatwest You misuse the meaning but anyways good luck!
@amycatwest 3 ай бұрын
Agree to disagree ☮️
@donmezzanatto8607 3 ай бұрын
ok but websters dictionary is available in the
@amycatwest 3 ай бұрын
@donmezzanatto8607 If you're getting your history lessons from dictionaries, that is precisely the problem!! If you're genuinely interested in understanding, I encourage you to check out the resources I share in my video because they helped me better understand too💚 If not, then I wish you peace along your way.
@bruceparker805 3 ай бұрын
I hear ya but prefer to be more words than one and dont need to use colonize for this. Exhaust maybe. Extort maybe. Keep colonize for original meaning.
@amycatwest 3 ай бұрын
Hmm interesting! I understand the original meaning of colonialism to be the suppression of indigeneity (AKA natural human nature). I'm curious what you mean exactly, or how you see it differently?
@katakana1 3 ай бұрын
I FEEL the thing about formal clothes. I'm like "uhhh, where's the connection between wearing fancy clothes and eating at this restaurant? Because you're not being _fancy_ enough? Who said I needed to reach some sort of fanciness quota? What if I just declared the clothes I'm wearing right now to be fancy? Who decides what's fancy? How about this: I'm fancy all the time, and no one else is fancy at any time. Can you explain why that rule is any worse?"
@amycatwest 3 ай бұрын
Right??? Like it’s all made up anyways…soooo why can’t WE make it up?
@dannietwinkly8978 3 ай бұрын