@pavlidesgeorge848 Ай бұрын
@phil6025 Ай бұрын
I got to 10:20. Frontyard can fuck off. They were a pedestrian service 30-odd years ago that certainly didn't engage with the most problematically homeless in the Melbourne CBD. So far as I understand, they then moved down to King Street and established a contact centre on King Street with an actual refuge above, which is the most stupid idea I've ever heard of. Nobody who had any idea what they were doing would ever have done something like that. Given the manner in which Melbourne City Mission screwed over the Information Deli (i.e., the best homelessness service ever to have been established in the Melbourne CBD) nobody should be surprised at the current diabolical state of affairs in the Melbourne city precinct.
@user-up7ip4br3d 3 ай бұрын
That woman gets paid to pretend she cares. She's got all the fancy words. But I can guarantee her boots aren't on the ground. She got pulled out of her cushy office to do this interview. So she can virtue signal. Just a government mouth piece. If the government actually stepped up and did something about homelessness, people like her would be out of the job. They don't make money from healthy happy people. That woman is a parasite.
@phil4977 7 ай бұрын
I live in South Yarra and see homeless men around quite a lot. I always give them money. If I was homeless I’d hope people would help me
@dabbbles Жыл бұрын
The 'solution' is simple. Make 'crown land' available for free (as per the earlier colonists/returned soldiers) and let people get on with building their own houses the best way they can/can afford WITHOUT ENDLESS INTERFERENCE BY BUREAUCRATIC BOOFHEADS AND POLITICIANS.. I've built eight houses (up to and beyond civil requirements) entirely without any 'qualifications' or approvals. The most expensive one cost me $8500 (sic), and recently attracted an offer of $2.8 MILLION (which was rejected by the current owner. The Blackfellas landed here 65 THOUSAND YEARS AGO, and I've never heard of a report that any of them were ever reported to be homeless. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR HOMELESSNESS IN AUSTRALIA...other than 'official' obstruction. If people really cared (and homelessness is but one of several issues.) This country would benefit from a French-style revolution, where all the 'governing classes' are eradicated. PS. I was one of 4 million postwar migrants brought out by Menzies to 'Build the country'. They had NOTHING having just survived the murderous war, and most couldn't even speak English. There was NO 'Social Security': the only promise they had was 'All the work you want'. I don't know of a single one of them that wasn't in their own house in under 5 years (and down to about TWO years!) The ONLY 'rule' was: "If your roof caves in on you don't tell us; the problem is yours". (55 years after I helped my father build our family home it still required a bulldozer to demolish it!)
@user-mk4tk5zc5w Жыл бұрын
why did he say Jews are little drug addicts???
@mysticalgwsam316 Жыл бұрын
this video went off the rails 🥴😡
@user-mk4tk5zc5w Жыл бұрын
@@mysticalgwsam316 FR
@jamienorris007 Жыл бұрын
Think of a rainy wet cold night in Melbourne. Think of sitting three or 4 hours or more shivering from the cold. Then tell me a bottle of plonk don't look like a good option. Even if only to pass out for 3 hours.
@magyaradam Жыл бұрын
There is no excuse to be unemployed in Australia
@gary36104 Жыл бұрын
Politians should be made live homeless for a few days to see how it feels
@storiful Жыл бұрын
I am Homeless in Australia because Our Government chooses to keep bringing in immigrants into Australia and housing them when there is NO housing! This is the real reason why world war 2 happened, because the SS decided to look after their own people. Our Government does NOT care about us Homeless people! Its a Disgrace!!! Reply
@gaetaboots9292 Жыл бұрын
The homeless problem is the worst in America. I’m in Philadelphia and 1 single ave “Kensington ave” has more homeless than your whole country. Not that it’s not a problem where this is filmed
@joebloggs-el3gv Жыл бұрын
As if you care anyway.
@ashleymacinnon9442 Жыл бұрын
I have see the salvos workers in Perth mock their own clients in front of a room full of people
@ashleymacinnon9442 Жыл бұрын
Their is no housing help for the disadvantaged in Perth where I live Except hostels motels boarding even rooms to rent often get snapped up by foreign students I don't know if foreign workers get first dibs or knot with have been called a bum at the motel I rent E with over a hundred grand inheritance it's bullshit would like to know what is causing it
@michellemeuleman385 Жыл бұрын
Government has created this.. it didn’t just happen …
@michellemeuleman385 Жыл бұрын
It’s so sad to see people struggling thanks to our liberal and labour government .. politicians don’t care 🤷‍♀️
@Smickster01 Жыл бұрын
ATTENTION HOMELESS PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA. I urge every homeless australian to band together to end this NOW. IT CAN BE DONE. If you know a homeless person, please extend this info and plan to force the government to act. With inside government info (along with intimate knowledge of the medical industry and its funding) , i can assure the australian governement does not want you to know this and they will not change a single policy on homelessness because it 'DOES NOT YET POSE A REAL FINANCIAL BURDEN ON ANY SYSTEM THAT IS GOVERNEMENT RUN" ,,,,,,,,but, its past time to now create that burden on society using legal and government approved loopholes that has not ever been released. Here is how the government WILL be forced to act NOW: If only 5% of homeless people who are on a centrrelink payment called an ambulance each night at dark and complained of chest pains, you get a free ride to the hospital, and you get a meal (even if its a cheese sandwich from a week ago, its better than a leftover half eaten garbage food). The fact is, that if this occured each night it would send the system into absolute overload and the cost will greatly outweigh the cost of basic housing. CALL THAT AMBULANCE EACH NIGHT< GET YOUR NIGHT IN HOSPITAL< IT IS YOUR RIGHT AS AN AUSTRALIAN TO THIS CARE, AND YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT CHEST PAIN IS A HEART ATTACK OR NOT, THATS THE DOCTORS JOB IN THE HOSPITAL AND THE AMBO DRIVERS WHO TAKE YOU THERE. if youre an ambo or a doc or nurse, youre not going to be happy with this loophole, and it mite make your job harder, but you should complain to the government that other issues are spilling into your sector, and not blame or hate on the homeless that do this. its mostly of the time thru zero fault of the person that theyre homeless and safety is a real issue. if youre arrogant and inhuman, you will oppose this method of protest, if youre a person with a heart and a concience, you should support this action. Already its a small trend to use the hospital and ambo service for homeless people, but unless its a constant nightly surge of calls and hospital waiting rooms and beds, nothing will change, but i promise you after seeing a report on the limits of financial burden for australia, (and/or individual states) within 90 days of daily hospital visits for chest pains, the governemnt will announce a package of unrivaled funding for this massive problem the liberals and labour have caused its citizens. I am homeless and a medical worker, nurse, aged care, disability and mental health work......and yet i cant find a home to rent. END THIS NOW GUYS> CALL THAT AMBO TONITE< but dont do it unless youre going to do it each night....it must be a swamp situation to cause the change that is denied every single budget night. Each night i call my free government ride to hospital, and each night my chest pains are real. ive spent the past 13 of 14 nights in hospital, 12 of those nights in a warm bed, so far only one night sleeping on the waiting room floor. still better than the understairwell of a building full of junkies and criminals. I want to see the hospitals fill up with homeless people, i want the government to understand their blatent ignorance of homelessness wont get lost in politics and refusal to act. we can force them to act and act quickly, and no organisation have ever acted in the defence of homelessness with a view to really fixing the issues. most only want recognition for appearing to give a shit, but they wont ever follow thru as this is only seen a social justice issue and that batton is handed from one idiot to the next. WE AS HOMELESS PEOPLE HAVE THE REAL POWER TO FIX THIS NOW. WE HAVE THE NUMBERS IN EVERY SINGLE CITY AND COUTRY TOWN TO ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELM THE SYSTEM. ABSOLUTE OVERWHELMING OF THE SYSTEM IS THE ONLY WAY TO FORCE A SYTEM TO CHANGE. just asking for change is an idiots form of wishfull thinking.
@claireellis8242 Жыл бұрын
Poverty is lucrative. Uk scrapped all planning regulations. Now families are forced into converted warehouses, on industrial estates. £250 wk rent. No shops, etc. Dangerous and greedy people behind this atrocity.
@claireellis8242 Жыл бұрын
1 in every 200 Ossies are homeless?! Hidden that well and this is 5 years old! 🤬❤️🙏🇬🇧
@jasonzhang7725 Жыл бұрын
I do not understand homeless in Australia jobseeker 282.50 a week, 4 bedroom home rent 400.00 a week. 4 jobseeker people get 1130.00 a week between them. It seems each one of them after paying 100.00 rent would have 182.50 a week for all the other things they need and maybe even be able to save some for a rainy day. This is Australia not the USA.
@joebloggs-el3gv Жыл бұрын
4 bedroom house now $1000 per week
@padamrana3838 Жыл бұрын
I am watching this video from nepal. And i have been to Melbourne and flinder street as well. I hope things will get better for those people who were homeless
@mussnasir8587 2 жыл бұрын
Working with 15 kids in leaving care i could get mostly everything like work, clothes, white goods but never longterm accomodation....ever!
@eaglesquedingo2112 2 жыл бұрын
Very true. They are just discarded of and left to navigate their new world. Removing/stealing children is not always the answer.
@clairewilliams7762 2 жыл бұрын
He should be so proud of himself for not drinking 💕
@shanemoore8055 2 жыл бұрын
i experienced homelessness briefly in my mid 30`s. i found a solution to my problem. i packed my bags and left for China as an English teacher for 17 years. I saved every cent, came back to Australia and bought myself a two bedroom unit CASH. i went to Tasmania in 2015, as it was cheap then to buy property in Tassie. The unit has more than doubled in value since then. I still believe too many people hide behind excuses, and dont make the effort to find solutions. Drugs and alcohol ARE MAIN FACTORS LEADING TO THIS LIFESTYLE. If i stayed in Australia, instead of going to China , i have no doubt, i`d be living amongst these poor people now.
@baron5595 Жыл бұрын
They'll just jump on a plane to China mate. Good one.
@hello-mi2mz 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to all these homeless people I know it's difficult for them to get a job. No one deserves to be homeless! They deserve a home and a good feed 💔😔
@fredflintstoner596 2 жыл бұрын
@chipbuttytime3396 2 жыл бұрын
test them for drugs and help the ones helping themselves, stop importing 3rd world spongers and you'll have plenty of housing
@marcmclane281 2 жыл бұрын
All of these people are sitting on their ASS....maybe that would be a good thing to change....you think???
@frankmc2195 2 жыл бұрын
Why is he not in a home .get a job.
@niladrimukherjee2098 2 жыл бұрын
Hi I an from Undia . Really sad to see those haoless people. I fully agree with the gentelman when he says the Aussie givernment should first help their own people first wuth housing insread of heloing migrants . The assistance that is given to migrants I am sure is generated from taxes thess poor people have paid when they were earning and hence these people should be the first to receive state benefits and the mugrants .
@ginaroebuck1493 2 жыл бұрын
England are housing immigrants and leaving their own people on the streets including soldiers. It's disgusting. I went to knottingley. Council for my son . He ended up with no home and 3children. They said they don't house people who are working. This is madness only helping the people who don't help themselves.
@ginaroebuck1493 2 жыл бұрын
Just watched a video about finding homes for sex offenders. Are you joking when people with young children even babies are sleeping in their cars. The world's gone mad. As usual help the perpitraitor. Victims can fend for themselves.
@leah-fz2gl 2 жыл бұрын
Wish I could win big on lotto and do some kinda homeless people shelter ☹ sad seeing people sleeping out in the streets
@paddymckean8460 2 жыл бұрын
oi dard
@lorinmcmillan2378 2 жыл бұрын
Our housing system is broken ... a complete failure
@katherinegreen9874 2 жыл бұрын
...they all want to live in the same place...ha ha...the city sux...
@I_am_Diogenes 2 жыл бұрын
Gotta call BS right from the start , who did you pay how much to make up those numbers ? NO WAY you polled EVERY single "homeless" in your country . That little sequence alone blows any credibility you MIGHT have had into nothing .
@serinascheiwe549 3 жыл бұрын
The way i felt and or judged by others shouldnt be understood and its not some people dont know how to treat others. It is ignorant off others to judge others simple
@robwestern7702 3 жыл бұрын
The lady with the support service is damn a real ugly soul that obviously looks down at her homeless people that come to her for help if I where them I'd go definitely somewhere else but other than her interview it was nice to see you out there getting involved with these guys that can't get the break they so desperately need I prey for all those in that situation I've been there and it's all a real living hell
@magyaradam Жыл бұрын
Why should she feel sorry for these homeless bums we don't want to work or are a leech on society and mess up every part of town which they go to and constantly ask others for handouts? Stop fake virtue signalling. You'd NEVER let a homeless bum into your house so, stop acting like you are.
@rodney1068 3 жыл бұрын
I visited the United shits of America recently....it's diabolical there the amount of homelessness.... unbelievable
@gardenfresh1268 3 жыл бұрын
They'll give it to someone who wants it more that's why they get more to people from other countries because of there experiences is more extreme sorry to say but that's why they get more
@sallyclay1974 3 жыл бұрын
Sad to see, that this is a global problem now. The homeless crisis, is all over the world now. It's going to get worse, because, after the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures is lifted , these folks will not be able to catch up on their bills. It will have a domino effect. Right now, in this pandemic, it's like putting a bandaid on a gushing wound. The floodgates will open wide. We have alot more socialism, than Capitalism now. The world is in trouble.
@Code_breaker_ 3 жыл бұрын
🐼 🐼 🐼 🐼 🐼 ( 3:45 ) ( 5:24 ) The girl named Summer is a tragic case. I hope she gets good things in the future. 21 • 02 • 2021
@realbudgiesmugglertwohatsb2611 3 жыл бұрын
I respect the way people rather be homeless their dedication to meth and booze and pills it takes awhile to get to that Level.....
@aileenmoore7503 3 жыл бұрын
Summer needs to get help with her drug problem.
@porsha-Armanii6969 3 жыл бұрын
GOD BLESS THEM ❤️👏🏻 all they want is love, safety & our time to talk to them 👏🏻
@Bano385 3 жыл бұрын
Try Central Station at 5am .., Before everyone has been moved on .People sleeping on concrete floors in the Tunnels,no blankets,no nothing.Walk outside of there ,and there is a small park .. walkthrough.Tent City .Church in Roslyn Gardens ,king's Cross,Homeless lying on the concrete steps ,so many people,Men and Women ,lying there ,so many ,it's like a sardine Can and cannot be safe .Try Windsor , Sydney,There is a Charity called Hawkesbury helping hands ,They feed and support the homeless .The People that run this much needed support,know more than the women being interviewed,will ever realise .
@craigy4630 2 жыл бұрын
are you in Melbourne?
@Bano385 2 жыл бұрын
@@craigy4630 Sydney
@Bano385 3 жыл бұрын
I know a 73 yr old Woman,who was renting a Home .When the Rent went up ,she ended up on the Streets, sleeping in her Car ,Couch surfing.It took 3yrs of living like this , before Government Housing became available to her .This Women is a University Academic.
@chrisgreen717 3 жыл бұрын
8:07 so this must be yet another example of "male privilege".