@mikemiller8486 7 минут бұрын
Shaq, would you be more OK with the empire using drones if it’s their way of getting rid of old equipment. Like a sunk cost. The empire already spent money to create the products so they figured why not send them out
@davidlivingston9169 20 минут бұрын
YOUR FREIGHTOR CONVOY, not the enemies!!!!!
@kalsaari4670 38 минут бұрын
I would recommend keep some barracks tier 1 for the support infantry and tier 2 for scout troopers, the later are amazing at securing extra landing zones early!
@xianderthest8014 44 минут бұрын
7:28 Pentastar Alignment.
@ethanshortell3902 48 минут бұрын
I really wanna know how you rotate your camera
@dreadwing01 Сағат бұрын
You need to get Vader quit ignoring it. Tempted to give you a dislike for that lol.
@diamondq7s124 Сағат бұрын
Is the Empire safe with this Moff...... maybe!
@anthonyklanke1397 Сағат бұрын
I love how teeny tiny the Arc Hammer was in the vanilla forces of corruption game 😅
@willthompson2750 Сағат бұрын
Do a playthrough of Black Suns one day please :)
@wills9482 Сағат бұрын
Enemy Frigates: We pose a threat to your early game experience! Shack: Hmmm, new toys.
@atlantic_love 2 сағат бұрын
The size scaling isn't correct. Depending on how you rotate around the mother ship the other ships look much larger than they should.
@atlantic_love 2 сағат бұрын
She's hot.
@dontnohalo2100 2 сағат бұрын
I believe youd be the pengastar allignment
@JustinGoncalves 2 сағат бұрын
when you get darth vader back build is super star destory
@HorrorGraphicHensley 2 сағат бұрын
Having non combative characters is a wonderful idea but must be met with an insane level of balance. You wouldn't want it to to affect the game to the point where if the player pop drops so low it makes the game next to unplayable or unbelievably unenjoyable. So, if it's done properly, it can be truly amazing. If done improperly it can be a player's worst nightmare.
@lacedaemoniorum7439 2 сағат бұрын
Also you go and get Admiral Dalla in the Maw. She has a very nice ISD2
@Marsproject11 2 сағат бұрын
The fact that Shack STILL refuses to get Vader back continues to vex me.
@winniethepooh5554 2 сағат бұрын
Captain Shack thank you for all you do to entertain us with your videos. May ask that one of these Empire at Wars intro when you say “welcome back captain shack here” instead of saying your famous line can we hear you say “ welcome back Moff Shed here” 😂 I thought it would be fun since you are Moff shed for this gameplay for the empire. Anyhoot have an amazing day Captain. Semper Fi and LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!!!
@lacedaemoniorum7439 2 сағат бұрын
Executor is far under power sadly...
@hayden-hr8gq 2 сағат бұрын
Get some death troopers now that you’re a moff
@Kirkmaximus 2 сағат бұрын
Agustus huh? I wonder if he will bring back the Senate like Octavian did. Regardless, owning the northern sector is fantastic for both economic and military reasons. Well done. However, I wonder if the new Moff will learn that he will need 3 major fleets if he hopes to push back against the enemies of the Empire...
@tkc1129 2 сағат бұрын
I kind of love that Shack canceled his alert for his new step in a quest chain and probably won't notice for another 30 episodes. I also love that Shack will get to fight the Royal Dragon over Hapes. :-D They really did almost lose it. LOL
@isaacimperium6321 3 сағат бұрын
Shack pls use the m4 tie bomb form the ark hammer its op and I want to see your reaction
@adamseffect8604 3 сағат бұрын
the idea about droids play is interesting, waiting for ^^
@beskar66 3 сағат бұрын
Congrats on forming the Pentastar Alignment
@Marinealver 3 сағат бұрын
Moff Agustus Shed? Well let's ask Lord Vader what he has to say about that. I believe the COMMANDER Shed still owes him an Apology... In Person!
@LFwitch_hunter 2 сағат бұрын
lol vader is going to literally combust when it leaves the planet prepare to hear on comms about an "abandonded ghost ISD" because vader just obliterated every crew member out of rage because it took so long to free him
@jeremycolon7337 3 сағат бұрын
Pentastar alignment is the faction you are thinking of and they can build venators
@user-zb5sq5do2k 3 сағат бұрын
Lieutenant Victoria Jensen’s log: Week 151 of the Galactic Civil War Aboard the Fear’s Embrace <BEGIN LOG> “Moff Augustus Shed” Has an interesting ring to it, doesn’t it? Moff. Commander Shed was appointed to that position today, so I suppose I can’t really call him “commander Shed” anymore, though Moff fits him just fine. He immediately began working on all his previously impossible and ambitious plans to counter the growing Black Sun and Rebel threats. Our first strikes today included attacking a “small” Black Sun garrison above Ithor. With two titan capital ships, the Ark Hammer and the Fear’s Embrace, attacking them, the battle didn’t last more than five minutes. Kale and the 501st landed on Ithor for a land invasion not long after, and they took out the planet’s massive garrison with minimal casualties while we flew air support and kept their ad-hoc fighter groups from harassing our boys on the ground. Not lot after that, we went to fight against the Black Sun, because they were in our way and hostile towards us. As such, we had to clear out their forces at Terephon, of which there was no shortage of, but they crumbled under over a hundred TIE fighters and half a dozen capital ships easily. Their ships took a beating before eventually running away, as has become the norm in the fleet. Still, it was good progress. And then suddenly Thyferra was under attack. I was familiar with the name but didn’t know much about it aside from its shipyard world status. Thyferra was smaller than Fondor in shipyard size and importance, and yet it had defenses that were leagues better than whatever you could call our defense efforts when Fondor fell. The Black Sun seems to be retaliating our decapitation of their leadership by attacking our shipyards. Like Fondor, we lost, but we at least gave them a bloody nose this time. I expect the next few weeks will have more strikes against key infrastructure worlds from both sides, and I think Saber Squadron and eye will get plenty more marks on our helmets when that happens. <END LOG>
@admiral_pisces7935 3 сағат бұрын
Moff's Log #34. Greetings Commander. Congratualtions on your promotion to Moff. I will be coming to Ord Mantell with some support staff to help you set up. Keeping you as a Moff is in my best interest. Don't underestimate CSA or the Black Sun. I have a feeling all major fleets are still out there. Moff Pisces out.
@shadowwind5846 3 сағат бұрын
Save Vader 😁
@SamuelJamesNary 3 сағат бұрын
Imp Rep 34 - Shed has made tentative steps to follow the Emperor's orders to liberate Myrkr with a move east from Ord Mantell. From his reports from Ithor, the Arc Hammer performed remarkably well in space combat, though noting that it was also kept behind his main capital ship and thus wasn't taking fire. However, the heavily armed and massed numbers of experimental fighters did a good job in dealing with the Black Sun fighters in space. The same, however, cannot be said for the TIE pilots that were sent in to support the ground operations on Ithor. They flew over an AA battery somewhere, and one took so much damage that an Ithorian civilian was able to take it out by throwing his blaster pistol at the damaged TIE. Still, the unit losses at Ithor were not serious and this will further secure the northern sector. Grand Moff Kane has sent congratulatory notes from Bastion on the capture of these regions... and the ISB will send notes to him to retain loyalty to the Emperor and to Lord Vader. There will also be instructions that Kane keep an eye on Shed, as it would appear the Commodore is going around announcing a promotion to Moff... The nerve of a man to announce promotions, of a sort that can ONLY be given by the Emperor and without there being corresponding paperwork to indicate that the Emperor had undertaken such action. For the moment, the larger war and everything else has ben what has prevented Shed's arrogance from coming back to bite him. May he continue to follow the Emperor's orders to liberate Lord Vader at Myrkr... or have a sound military reason for not progressing to liberate the Emperor's apprentice. Vader's fleet... even without their Dark Lord has resumed activity and has moved into Hapen space, which may further strengthen our hold in the core. The newly arrived Bellator Class ship performed well, but it would appear that his fleet placement and awareness are rather green... as he infringed on the Imperial Whaling Service by shooting at Purrgil and wasn't paying attention to sensor data that had a Hapan Battle Dragon closing in on one of his carriers. This hurts... but given that the ship and the fleet commander were just off the line at Kuat, this may count as strike. General Veers and his forces are presently in route to make landings, and we may look to a rapid victory over the Hapans. Which will be good, as the Moffs and officials in the south have panicked at the Black Sun's activity around Fondor. Their fleet of brawlers appeared at Thyferra, representing continued actions in the region. The garrison at Thyferra was strong enough to inflict heavy damage on these ships, taking out one refit destroyer, one light destroyer, one carrier, one Acclimator, and a few light escort ships as well. This proved a strong defense and would give a message to the fleet builders at Kuat the sort of fleet needed to be built. Tectors and ISDs would be the best lead ships, which we are sure Captain Needa, and the Avenger would be happy to lead into battle. But the panicky underlings then got the Byss Defense Fleet to retreat from Druckenwell, despite there being no enemy fleet there... and no other fleet to prevent the Empire's enemies from making major advances in the region... We can forgive the Moffs for being fearful, but it should be noted they make the ISB's job harder when the Navy and Army send in countless reports on traitorous Moffs affecting where military forces are deployed. - Secretary Boss Mann, ISB
@LarsLoveToMosh 4 сағат бұрын
So I never thought that Day may come ,but i'am giving up on this Mod,it is in it's current State simply not enjoyable for me,or better said not anymore. To make it clear I don't want to spread negativity in any shape or form.I'am with the Mod from the very beginning and saw it evolve over the Years and this Moddingteam did a Wonderful Job to create such a long lasting Mod for such a Old Game. What I want is explain why I don't Enjoy that Mod anymore. To put it short I don't like the KI and it's "Tactics" it basically boils down to throw one Mass Wave after another on a target and i find that right now simply annoying and laborious and in some cases outright immersion Breaking... The oh so undermanned and undergunned Rebellion for example can waste away waves of Men and Material on a target every 2 Weeks. Don't get me wrong I can still win most battles if I play them Manually but I'am not interested to defend Kuat every 3 Weeks from a massive Wave of Ships and everytime waste 30 Minutes of real life time on Micromanageing the same Battle. That finally leads to a Point where I feel pressured to Play the Campaign only in one certain very aggressive Way and use every Cheese possible against the AI that can pull out new Units made out of thin Air. And that lastly killed my enjoyment of the Mod. I even tried to play a Campaign on Normal difficulty but this is to easy and not much of a challenge, so in the End I really wished there would be a difficulty between Normal and Hard I guess🤷‍♂️
@NP3GA 4 сағат бұрын
Death squadron log: Politics was never my strong point, I always found myself at home in the cockpit, evading and delivering the final moment of so many, our last battle was no different. Star is eager to expand his own influence, so Shed might have a counter balance, something along those lines, if it means that I get to do what I live for, then I follow, I gave my word after all. Getting rid of the Hapes was something the whole fleet was itching for, me included, so seeing their puny starfighters and starships was always going to be good, yet it somehow became even better. We finally received reinforcements. I heard many things about the Bellators, but actually seeing them in combat was mesmerising. The way it deleted those ships was breathtaking, if only Lord Vader was here to see this. No matter what happens, I must continue, for his sake, and for the empire I guess, Star's rhetoric is starting to get into my head and Naila isn't helping. I hope that this is a brutal campaign, or else I'm loosing my mind.
@billygrantham5380 2 сағат бұрын
(The evening after the space battle Admiral Star calls the Pilot to meet him in his office.) Star: "I called you here to give my thanks Pilot. Your recording did wonders to loosen Shed's grip on imperial resources. Unfortunately, i have regrettable news regarding Lord Vader. Neither Shed, nor High Command have any plans on returning him to the Empire at the present time. Lord Vader's return has been argued against by many, and my voice in favor has been the only one it seems. Even with your recording I cannot override High Command or now, 'Moff' Shed. The only hope i can offer is that our campaign here in the Hapes Cluster meets with overwhelming success. They sent us here so that we might fail like many others throughout galactic history have have. We're tasked with something that hasn't been done in thousands of years, conquering the Cluster. If we survive, Death Squadron will earn a reputation that will last centuries. I am sorry pilot. I earned this posting through merit unlike many other on the Navy. The warfare involved in politics is a much hard war to wage. If we continue to produce results, then perhaps we will gain enough sway to pressure Command to free Lord Vader. Until then, patience." [Shack is being stubborn about getting Vader back and I'm starting to think he's going to purposefully leave him there for a long time.]
@NP3GA 2 сағат бұрын
@@billygrantham5380 (The Pilot hears what Star has to say, takes a moment, and punches a wall so hard it makes a hole.) Pilot: *Deep breath.* You did your best admiral, I'm sure of it, I will do my best in return. As for that (points to the hole.) the least questions you ask, the better. Have a good day. [It really annoys me but you can't have everything I suppose. Nice roleplaying though.]
@Sigma0283 4 сағат бұрын
(Priority Message) To: Moff Augustus Shack From: Fleet Admiral Sigma, ISD Vesalius, Commander of the 5th fleet Subject: Promotion Sir, First an for most, congratulations on your promotion to Moff. The Empire can use more men like you. While the 5th fleet is currently on assignment patrolling the southern quadrant of the galaxy in response to the attack on Thyferra, it also stands ready to provide back up should you need it. I close with a word of advice. While your new position provides you with new found power and access to resources restricted to those of your level and with added authority, I advise caution with this position and to not let that power and authority of the position go to your head like it did with Tarkin. Long live the Empire (Message Ends)
@mikehansford8245 4 сағат бұрын
I remember fighting all those weird tie experimental's in X-Wing Alliance, in the single player campaign.
@botchamaniajeezus 4 сағат бұрын
youre thinking of The Force Unleashed! those games were badass on the Wii.
@SurprisedFireflies-ik4kt 4 сағат бұрын
I have a submod for fall of the republic that makes everything cost 1 credit and has infinite amounts of units that you can deploy . But the downside is so does the AI sp it's pretty challenging
@danielsinferno5733 5 сағат бұрын
Please do penastar playthrough in thrawns revenge.
@legendairenic6247 5 сағат бұрын
Don’t forget the story mission on Ord Mantell
@botchamaniajeezus 5 сағат бұрын
this might be my first time catching any of your EAW campaigns relatively soon to the release of the episode
@Awsomonium 5 сағат бұрын
I just want to see you do a New Republic run in the current era of the mod. I love those Nebula Class Star Destroyers and the Endurance Class Fleet Carriers. :D Holy crap Tectors can tank a lot...I kinda feel like you need your own Tector force with just 3 of them and a tier-3 fighter force as escort. Maybe a Nebulon for jamming and another for redundancy?That'd be a hell of a mobile response force.
@Revkor 5 сағат бұрын
Agustus...well could have been worse, could have been Julius
@tk-6967 5 сағат бұрын
The Black Sun fleet that is terrorising Imperial systems is clearly a major threat to Imperial security. Perhaps if Moff Shed is the the one to destroy it, he will gain more support and independence.
@darthkingedededbobo6117 5 сағат бұрын
why do Shack hate having 15% bonuses to his fleets and armys?
@Zaeikil 5 сағат бұрын
Field Agent Log: Maj. [ERROR: Unauthorized Clearance] Imperial Intelligence Agent “Harbinger” Our requests for supplies and reinforcements are finally being fulfilled with the Northern campaign finally being completed. It appears that Shed is now a Moff as well. However, I feel that what really began to get our orders pushed through is the blackmail on the new Moff from one of the pilots in Death Squadron. Somehow this person managed to secure a recording with Shed refusing orders to go and free Lord Vader. We’ve received two fresh ISD IIs from Kuat along with a Bellator Super Star Destroyer. All of this was given to us along with orders that no officer has received for a very, very long time. The orders were simple. Invade the Hapes cluster. If this campaign is successful this will cement Admiral Stars name in history among legends. Perhaps even the names of everyone here. With our reinforcements and orders we pushed for Terephon. We’ve had plenty of time to analyze the Hapan battle tactics and create counter strategies. What’s more is that we seemingly caught them unaware. They just not of thought that the Admiral knew about Terephon. Those hopes were undoubtedly broken with our new Bellator taking point. Unfortunately the Hapan commander managed to make it out of this fight. They only delay the inevitable. In terms of these head hunter teams, reports have been coming in less. That would most likely be due to both sides being much more wary of each other. Field Agents being more paranoid and the headhunters being more cautious. Not much else to report on in this field. Agent Harbinger, signing off. [END OF LOG]
@billygrantham5380 Сағат бұрын
(Star and Harbinger both look out the bridge viewport of Darkstar at the Bellator 'Death's Honor') Star: "A magnificent ship. Very powerful and very effective. She handled herself well today. Despite the escape of that Royal Battle Dragon, I could not have asked for a better start to this invasion. Thank you for that Agent. Your interrogation work on Colonel Eiolig's prisoners that led us to this isolated planet has given us the foothold we need. They certainly never expected to see us arrive here. Once we secure the planet we'll carve a path to Hapes itself. Although, I did not call you here to ship gaze. I have a mission for your squad." [In case you didn't see it, long range comms and transmissions at Terephon don't work therefore it's an isolated area. My reasoning why the Hapes were surprised was because they believed that the Empire would not notice, or know of, Terephon. Allowing them to hide their fleet there and conduct raids against the imperials. Star and Harbinger found it thanks to Lucius taking those prisoners. I laid it out at the very end of the last thread. Might need to search by new though.]
@Revkor 5 сағат бұрын
I would keep the imp army support for he heals
@Sigma0283 5 сағат бұрын
Personal Log Fleet Admiral Sigma, ISD Vesalius, Commander of the 5th Fleet On patrol near the Myrkr System I was in the middle of a holo-meeting with some of the Captains and Commodores of the 5th Fleet when I received a message from my second in command. I listened to his report. "...... What the @#*$& do you mean Thyferra was attacked!?!" (Slams fist on desk) It's not often that I lose my composure, normally I'm the cool headed type that thinks things out under stress. A large fleet did a surprise attack on Thyferra, a planet crucial to our medical facilities as it's the planet that produces the healing substance called Bacta. This planet has to be secured at all cost. I've once again sent the VSD's Nova and Anubis along with 4 Arquintens cruisers to the edge of the Thyferra system to do a survey and collect data, the report again was not good. Apparently, it's the same Black Sun brawler fleet that attacked Fondor a few weeks ago before the planet was taken. It's become rather obvious now that while the Emipre has been busy focusing on securing the northern part of the galaxy, we left our back door open in the southern sector of the Core Worlds. I received a message from one of the Grand Admirals that the rescue mission to liberate Lord Vader from Myrkr is being put on hold until further notice and that I and the 5th fleet are to redeploy to the southern end of the galaxy and initiate patrols in the surrounding sectors to help maintain order and search for any bases belonging to Black Sun.
@joelcox5801 5 сағат бұрын
Oh hey, the static blaster cannon lost its red highlights?
@inductivegrunt94 5 сағат бұрын
Shed holds the territory originally given to Grand Moff Ardus Kaine, the area of the galaxy that would be known as the Pentastar Alignment after the Battle of Endor. So if this story ends with the Empire falling apart, Shed might start his own Imperial Remnant faction up in that part of space.
@pandamoniumasylumn 5 сағат бұрын
kinda deserver to loose fondor and tyfera because you left those 3 planets alone for so long, the Pirates are able to just build up and hit your worlds that are not heavily guarded becuse you pushed out so much and forgot them..