The Brilliance of Dune
5 ай бұрын
How to Fight Anakin Skywalker
Why is Rings of Power So Hated?
@55tranquility 12 сағат бұрын
I think Steve was never a bully, in season one and two there were actual bullies and Steve did not act like them. Season 1 he was the popular kid at school, he broke Jonathan's camera and didn't stop the graffiti but he also atoned for these actions, he carried guilt for doing them and knew it was wrong. He was a dick to Jonathan this was dick behaviour, but he was already changing when he had a fight with Tommy and cleaned the spray paint. From these points onwards he transformed, but he did not have to do that much to transform - this is not Billy, he was a shallow high schooler not a bad person and he showed he is the kind and caring character that he always was.
@anarchistbunny3339 Күн бұрын
this is one of the dumbest shows ive seen... that little girl is really bad at acting and also she RUINED THE WHOLE FUCKIN SERIES!! come da fuck on... this series is trash and complete shit due to a little girl "trying" to take over the show. so dumb. 🤣🤣🤣
@anarchistbunny3339 Күн бұрын
i dont agree with you at all. when it comes to robin.. shes only a block in steves life.. no one cares for that dumb character.. shes only around to be annoying and "romance" interest..but once steve founds out she likes girls. she should have been killed off. 🤣🤣🤣 so dumb.. why keep a random char around for "romance" interest and not kill her off for a better impact on steves life. Now THAT would have been a hell of story for steve. Eddie would have lived and robin should have died. 🤣🤣🤣
@MrGriff305-j7s 2 күн бұрын
All three seasons were amazing, and you'd have to be a spoiled buffoon to think otherwise.
@kevinmora8551 2 күн бұрын
I thought Dani scoring with his face was a wink to chicharito? Another mexcian who scored in the prem with his face
@user-gi4rj8xb9s 3 күн бұрын
re watched season 1 w my boyfriend. i noticed A. LOT. abt this video talked i can’t wait to see the rest of the seasons w my mans also, saving this video for future reference bc steve is one of my fav characters developing. i love character writing so much sometimes
@dbradford259 3 күн бұрын
He was the best. Too bad they didn't ditch the Victor crap. They should have just replaced the actress.
@Name-ot3xw 3 күн бұрын
*Vin Diesel voice "It's about family"
@Luffy-angel-arechiga. 3 күн бұрын
Klaus was always the funniest and best character in the show
@FemaleVillageElder 4 күн бұрын
It’s got four more seasons to go. As a lifelong Tolkien fan , I want to give it a chance. I like Bear McCreary, but he’s no Howard Shore. And the writing is terrible. Also, I have a problem with the men not having long hair, but that’s just a personal foible. Hopefully they’ll lean on what small amount of dialogue they can glean from the appendices and make it as close to the real second age as they can given the handicap of not having rights to theSilmarillion.
@jeroenjager8064 5 күн бұрын
I mostly like umbrella academy because of him.
@Ultra-Instincts-Shaggy 5 күн бұрын
I feel like Steve is gonna sacrifice himself for somebody and just to have that person die instead to prove him wrong
@maxim0953 5 күн бұрын
Most Amish speak a dialect of German called Pennsylvania German, so Klaus being a German name does make sense
@PhilipePXF 6 күн бұрын
One thing that, if I'm not wrong, both adaptations left out is that Paul is also being trained as a Mentat. Meaning that he has the genetical, psychological, and physical capabilities of being the Kwisatz Haderach
@nekolga7722 6 күн бұрын
In reality claus, Ben, and 5 were the only real reasons I kept watching, I couldn’t really enjoy watching the other characters as they just annoyed me, especially Allison and Viktor
@unfire 6 күн бұрын
I loved when Klaus comes back after using the briefcase, from the look on his face, you KNOW he just got back from Vietnam. There was no other hell he could be returning from.
@elistired9117 6 күн бұрын
if i had a nickle for every time Robert Sheehan played a character that could come back from the dead, i'd have 2 nickles, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
@icantchooseaname6903 6 күн бұрын
honestly Klaus matured more than all of them.. and he's goofy.. like... diego and luther are literally stubborn pricks throughout the seasons.. like luther became an asshole in the first season like putting vanya or I guess viktor but it IS season one so it's technically still vanya.. vanya in a cage .. just like his dad.. like father like son am I right? And Diego's self righteous hero complex still hasn't changed
@icantchooseaname6903 6 күн бұрын
also klaus improving his power too.. i mean aside from viktor.. Klaus also improved so much on his power..
@michaelcrawley7597 7 күн бұрын
Nate was getting laid regularly. It softened him
@sethhornaday5943 7 күн бұрын
I have a broken neck, tumor and a awakening ...psychosis delusional, depression listless, diabetic=walking dead
@frejajohansen 7 күн бұрын
i'm currently rewatching the show with a friend who is watching for the first time - i've been transparent about loving Jamie to death since the beginning, and watching my friend slowly begin to love him against his will is absolutely hilarious
@chrisandmegsmom 7 күн бұрын
I kinda want Nancy to be with Steve. Even though in real life she dates Jonathan, it seems like she has better chemistry with Steve.
@ook428 8 күн бұрын
I love that you used the always sunny in Philadelphia Outro song, when explaining Alison this season. Because she’s been the worst but like with always sunny, none of the characters come off as amazing people),showing a character can have a layer or two of shit (,. Sometimes being the worst at times gives the plot more interest. Glad she didn’t go true with the r word/.
@paulnotar 8 күн бұрын
I feel like you missed the point of the last episode. The season itself was highlighting the people's stories, but the final episode was tying up the team's story. We've seen all of the parts improve, and here we got to see "the whole" try to finish their worst-to-first journey.
@koboldqueen3055 9 күн бұрын
Massive ally move using victors chosen name their.
@vanci3449 9 күн бұрын
It's still very mid and pointless.
@amirriddle 9 күн бұрын
Allison needs a redemption arc ❤❤❤
@sasariwtf 9 күн бұрын
*me trying to make my parents watch season three of umbrella academy before i come out- *
@RyGuyGinger 10 күн бұрын
What in the world was 9:50 about LOL
@ShinraTheSketcher 10 күн бұрын
It's hard, I mean when you're basically an experiment. But what? Are we going to be edgy about it? Fuck no! Because we are a strong heroic man who doesn't need no woman. I mean he is. Not that I relate to him.
@Ghost_guru-d9c 10 күн бұрын
i too react like that when i am out of red bull
@lumu42 10 күн бұрын
totally agree that he's the best. All the characters are great but he's my favorite
@justapoet2794 12 күн бұрын
I recognize this show has flaws and doesn’t handle ALL the scenarios it gives appropriately but regardless of that I think I still need to watch this again. By the way, has it been confirmed for a fourth season? I find it unlikely but I’d certainly welcome it.🙂 Well don’t I look silly… apparently the next season was announced about a month ago 😂
@Ali-xo2de 10 күн бұрын
Yeah hahaha, next season is coming in like two weeks
@jade-leighmacdonald4599 12 күн бұрын
You nailed it perfectly with this video, Klaus is the best character in the show. I think a lot of it has to do with how great of an actor Robert Sheehan is! Five would be right behind him. Victor and Luther can fight for 3rd. Ben and Diego can fight for 5th leaving Allison bringing up the rear.
@okmae._. 12 күн бұрын
"klaus's ongoing luscious hair stuck around" im gonna hold your hand when i tell you this
@pykeeboi658 13 күн бұрын
jamie's trim on the first season was horror
@eviloverlord5671 14 күн бұрын
it also made one decision that separates it from the book massively, Katniss doesn't try to drown a cat in the first minute
@mackenzierouth5402 14 күн бұрын
In season 1, i assumed klaus died and was revived from cpr since we see a person sit up when he comes back, so it makes sense either way
@samaelfromstein1503 14 күн бұрын
It's buggys map in the first place when him and shanks were a crew he got the map won't go into details and spoil which crew they both were on
@samaelfromstein1503 14 күн бұрын
Den den mushi are telepathic snails and take the form of either the person talking or being talked too the other captain I'd not a captain at all but a mountain bandit
@gnawnickvods939 15 күн бұрын
literally refers to a korean character using the word kimono even tho koreans have hanbok, why do white women get everything. they literally wrote in a transition for that bitch, even though she was being paid to play a character. fuck the entire show
@mrosskne 15 күн бұрын
Its. Not it's.
@5252coolguy 15 күн бұрын
I loved Klaus so much I ended up looking up who his actor was and watching Misfits just because of him. Love that show.
@ScottAdair 16 күн бұрын
The same actor was phenomenal in The Misfits on Hulu.
@Brilchan 17 күн бұрын
great video thanks for making it and sharing
@MrPsyJak 17 күн бұрын
@Red-pk8lh 17 күн бұрын
Its funny how you consider each character with such depth and acknowledge their flaws and weaknesses in light of their complexity until we get to Allison. Then, you just start slagging her off. I agree the switch from little miss sunshine in season 2 to the cynical character she becomes in season 3 isnt brilliantly executed, but who she is in season 3 does not make her a terrible person, i'd argue. She is doing bad things because of her greif and loss, and she undeniably lost more than her siblings throughout the series- i mean, her CHILD, for crying out loud- and none of them appear to show any sympathy. We witness the power going to her head as a result of her loss of control over her life, after losing Ray and Claire, and never is this portrayed as a good thing. Broken people can do terrible things. What she did to Luther was horrific, but i dont believe it consigns her to being the 2 dimensional "baddie" of the season. He deserves an apology and she needs to regain his trust. You skip over the fact that she does not in fact make a deal with Reggie just because of her own selfish and evil reasons- she makes him promise no harm would come to her siblinhs, and when she sees he is hurting them, she tries to stop him. This reminds us that she is good at heart, but was blinded by her greif in that moment of making the deal. Well done on the rest of the video, it was very perceptive- i just wish you would have extended some of that to Allisoms character. I find people can be quick to label female, black characters as evil or annoying. I doubt this was concious of you and i understand your arguments entirely, you still have the right to your opinions and no personal beef for holding them, i was just offering another perspective.
@ZealTroublemaker 17 күн бұрын
Me, clicking on videos that I already agree with: 🥰🎉
@nobellprizz2831 18 күн бұрын
I may be in the minority but I really dislike seasons 2 & 3. I think season 2 was decent but foreshadowed the issues in season 3; the more grounded, serious topics would be overshadowed by the whacky funny moments. Season 3 really didnt give enough time to some of the more darker storylines. For example, The Umbrellas vs. The Sparrows had great potential of confronting the differences between the success and failures of the different teams, especially since Ben was still alive. I feel like his death was not explored enough via the other characters; Luther, Diego, Allison, and Four had not seen their brother for a very long time, and in the case of the first three, he had been dead to them because of their failings as a team and family. But there is barely any emotional moments between them, until the last few episodes, and even then, Ben's interactions with the brellies are played for comedy more than emotional turmoil. And the relationships between characters, as well as their relationships with the supporting characters, was either shallow or very rushed. It felt like the showrunners needed the plot to progress as quickly as possible, and so the characters would act in almost unbelievable ways just to make it happen. The Umbrella's have gone through 2 seasons of character development with each other, learning how to be closer as a family and team. And suddenly, with almost no effort on the other characters parts, they are back to their petty squabbles from season 1. I would have been fine with them regressing if it was done as a ploy by other characters, or if it was a test to their previous arcs, but its not. Most of it is for plot convenience or for laughs. Its frustrating. And then there's the characters individual arcs. Allison is definitely the most egregious, with her becoming incredibly volatile at the drop of a hat, with no emotional build-up. Don't even get me started on her and Luther. Also, her power is... So fucking underutilised. I feel like the writers realised she couldve ended the season in five minutes so they had her character turn hostile and petty. But I digress. Allison in season 1 showed remorse for what she did to Victor, even though Vic slit her throat (accidentally). Allison in season 2 wanted to be apart of something more honourable and greater than her previous life as an Umbrella Hero (which I believe was done both for selfish and selfless reasons but I wont rant about here). Allison in season 3 *checks notes* deliberately provoked the Sparrows despite knowing they were dangerous, sa'd Luther, was incredibly hostile to Victor and killed his situationships lovechild out of misplaced revenge, fought tooth and nail against her siblings, and sided with her abusive dad to end the world. Like... What the fuck is this progression??? Ben's loss of leadership wouldve been really cool to see. Wouldve given a great arc to how Ben views his family as competition whereas the Umbrellas (with the exception of Klaus) had remembered him as their brother. Just... ugh. Missed potential at its finest. Viktors transition was the fucking best. My little queer heart exploded with happiness. Luther and Sloane was rushed imo, way to quickly developed I felt nothing for it. Diego needed more. Four was... Actually, he was okay. Klaus needed his immortality to be taken more seriously. The pain of dying and resurecting is an amazing concept, and they played it for laughs. I miss the days of season 1 and 2 where his powers felt grounded and his turbulent relationship with them felt genuine. Sparrows were boring, needed way more time and development. Ill end my rant here because I can go on and on about how season 3 was not very good (again, my opinion) but this is already very long.
@lonelygamer2706 17 күн бұрын
This is so REAL. When I say “I love the umbrella academy!” I only mean s1 (+maybe klaus’s solo comic)… bc I pretty much despise the other seasons
@nobellprizz2831 17 күн бұрын
@@lonelygamer2706 I feel you. Season two had some really great moments but imo, it was loosing the previous grounded identity presented in season 1. I don't enjoy it as much as season 1 but it's still leagues above season 3. I get some people really enjoy Umbrella Academy for the comedy, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. My issue comes from when the other enjoyable aspects of the show - like the serious darker narratives and nuanced character arcs - are lost just so the humour and wackiness can be elevated.
@brobs0463 18 күн бұрын
It’s kind of perfect for this show that half of the characters plot lines are about forgiving and reconnecting with their father so they can move on and become more mature adults (Diego, Luther and Klaus) and it’s all for nothing as Reggie betrays or murders all of his kids proving they were right to begin with for hold that grudge