CMake Tutorial EP 14 | CDash
My Last Archer Engine VLOG
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@richardxiong2825 3 сағат бұрын
Thanks a lot, very helpful tutorial
@Pruegelkram 3 сағат бұрын
Hey there, I built the first binary. Then when I added another folder with the library example and tried to cmake it, all of a sudden I needed to specify my CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER path and CMAKE_C_COMPILER path in the CMakeLists.txt and then I only could cmake by appending "-G Mingw Makefiles". AND after that, now whenever I call make from powershell it switches to a make-shell?? Im utterly confused right now, the beginnings of the tutorial went flawlessly and now not even the first tutorial steps work like they did before. Any Ideas? Im using vscode with msys2 and gcc, g++
@chaoscarl8414 Күн бұрын
I gave up halfway through the video. The background music is far too loud and annoying. It's really hard to hear what you're saying. 😞
@Native722 7 күн бұрын
Do you have a computer science degree? I'm sorry about your mother.
@yasin_karaaslan 8 күн бұрын
Idk why but the tone you have makes me more focused. Thanks
@amarboldbatzorig7313 8 күн бұрын
This tutorial is the best that I have found because it keeps things simple and you explain it well.
@YuWang-b9x 11 күн бұрын
There are no subtitles. It looks a little difficult.
@bayroot7385 12 күн бұрын
Oh my god, finally a video that actually helps. Thank you so much!
@alessiozamboni4694 14 күн бұрын
Nice tutorial, BTW instead of `cd` ,`ls`, `pwd` etc... using `tree` or NERDTree on Vim would be easier to follow. P.S. even the directory in the prompt could help too... P.P.S. even if you avoid to keep `clear` would be at least a bit better
@TheIpicon 15 күн бұрын
literally goated. I've been trying to find a normal humanized explanation on how to link libraries in different places for the past 3 HOURS with no success with no luck until I got to your video!
@mrabadon3657 15 күн бұрын
Hi i have problem. When i print "code ." i get an error.
@SkitzFist1 16 күн бұрын
Why is there a comma after tech? It should be: 'Code, tech and tutorials'
@dudedudedudedude5381 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for your knowledge!
@SuperToughnut 18 күн бұрын
So you know how to to make a library compatible with vcpkg? SDL3 doesn't have a vcpkg package. How do I make SDL3 into a vcpkg package?
@MrNichosik 18 күн бұрын
Hi, I have the following problem: I need to use the Clang compiler, but the CMake generator must be Visual Studio 2022. The CMakePresets.json file states that the compiler must be Clang. The CmakeLists.txt file contains the command "set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER clang CACHE STRING "D:/programs/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe" FORCE)". The problem is this: when I build the project, the Visual Studio generator changes the Clang compiler to the MSVC++ compiler. How can I force CMake to use the Clang compiler?
@DeepDarkDweller 21 күн бұрын
Hope you're doing better now, man.
@ivanmihailichenko9158 23 күн бұрын
Liked this video. But heh, mgui technology. I'm use Qt + Cpp, and maked some scientific GUI app with math-model and modern interface, and it's need max 16 MB of RAM, but there it's 56 + MB for simple example, it's really cpp?)
@SirWrexes 26 күн бұрын
16:25 Basically you want to add quotes any time ${SOME_VARIABLE} could expand to something containing spaces. Adding quotes systematically is kind of a good practice, as you make sure that this can just never happen. It is especially relevant when treating filesystem paths, as you never know if a user has downloaded your code into a directory that result in, for example, `PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR=/home/user/Code stuff/OLAS`. Any resulting command, e.g. `make -C ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/*`, could think the directory is `/home/user/Code` and then `stuff/OLAS` is part of the sources to build.
@SirWrexes 26 күн бұрын
I know I'm 3 years late but there's a little detail that bugged me: submodules are a *git* thing rather than Github. Github and git are two separate things, the former is a platform owned by Microsoft, the latter is a CLI tool originally developped by Linus Torvalds. Great tuts' nonetheless, thanks !
@alexmattyou 27 күн бұрын
Wow, I can understand the power of Github. I never know this before. I usually download the source and built it. Great tutorial thanks.
@GenericCat 28 күн бұрын
even cmake, not just make, seems to behave differently on windows unfrotunately lol, but wsl to the rescue
@Alperic27 29 күн бұрын
sad clown with ZERO understanding of cmake…. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ … amazing how some people are clueless about their state of their crass ignorance…. whoever watches this thing, forget half of it. better yet, watch someone who Actually understands cmake.
@Alperic27 29 күн бұрын
ya just have no clue what cmake really is …. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@SirWrexes 27 күн бұрын
@Alperic27 29 күн бұрын
idiotic thing to do to run ‘make’ yourself… shows a clear lack of understanding of cmake… 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@xTheSkace 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for your outwards kindness to us all, I am sorry for your pain and loss, you're a voice of positivity in this sea of random noise, I wish you all the best. It's a rubbish message, but I feel I need to write something because I genuinely feel for you and am grateful for all the help, and you're a genuine role model with your kind nature that goes past the content of your videos
@MohamadAlajouz 29 күн бұрын
the ending got me dead 😆
@arthurdousset Ай бұрын
Muito obrigado
@satyamraj2779 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your invaluable lecture. I learned a great deal from this video. To capture the return value, try printing it using the command "echo $?".
@nadiagruber2719 Ай бұрын
Thanks for helping me. I am grateful for your time.
@terrym2007 Ай бұрын
Good Stuff. Thanks
@a.nataliia Ай бұрын
Hey there! I really love your series of game dev and I truly appreciate for showing all steps (coding, thinking, designing, debugging, playing). This is amazing❣
@playernegativezero8972 Ай бұрын
If you're having trouble getting the libraries to actually link, check where your CLion MinGW install is located in the 'external libraries' section of the file explorer and then put the extracted files there.
@SuperSyracus Ай бұрын
I'm really sorry about your loss. But honestly you did a very good thing to me as I'm in a very similar situation, not expecting a proper response to my inner feelings from anyone being around me. So although not knowing you personaly this video makes me crying and gives some faith and hope that I'm not alone with this shitty situation. Greetings from me and my two little girls feeling alone in this situation loosing a great mom and grandma. :')
@khaid.5167 Ай бұрын
thank you so much, after 3 years, your video still help alot of ones and companies. it's great.
@mouduge Ай бұрын
Nice video. However, at 6:04, the problem comes from the fact that you should use `if (myglewlib)` instead of `if (${myglewlib})`. Your code is equivalent to writing `if (/the/library/path)` when the lib is found, or `if (myglewlib-NOTFOUND)` when the lib is not found. Neither of these match any variable name, so they are both considered FALSE. Conversely `if (NOT ${myglewlib})` always evaluates to TRUE, so the `if` block will always be executed, even if the library is not found. That's not what you want! The proper solution is writing `if (myglewlib)`.
@Justice4Donnie Ай бұрын
I honestly enjoy my helpdesk position, I thinks its hit or miss from what I’ve heard
@michaeljburt Ай бұрын
Wow. I applaud you for your honesty and vulnerability in making this... that's no easy thing to do, and takes a tremendous amount of courage. Wish you all the best with your contract project as well as your own! I've enjoyed some of your videos immensely.
@micahwright7760 Ай бұрын
I tried using this method for curl but it didn't work. Could you make a video tutorial for this specific case?
@MrMariozzz78 Ай бұрын
i have trouble with import model with this file and about assimp:: importer.h
@WalkthroughGeek Ай бұрын
Any idea why a video would turn out black after render? The video plays but only shows black. Haven't found a solution yet 😐
@Yusufbek-gp2qp Ай бұрын
Thank you!!!
@wjrasmussen666 Ай бұрын
So no more make just cmake........
@musicflower-relaxingandcal2679 Ай бұрын
i just discover your video and it is fantastic. You help me alot and save me alot of time. Keep up the good work.
@rocky-ie7li Ай бұрын
Hello, if you dont mind me asking what coding software do you use>
@pwhv Ай бұрын
thanks for this tutorial, helped a lot for a beginner in c++
@AI-Youtube-pj4xz Ай бұрын
I like your videos they are amazing and I am learning from you. Best resources I found on design patterns so far. I have only one note that I really appreciate if you work on it which is : select names carefully. implement fully including smart ptrs. I have seen that you skip this but I believe it is really important to have a concrete examples.
@julianaskuratovsky8701 Ай бұрын
ultra cool thank you!!
@jiangpengli86 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this great tutorial.
@tjorloski1961 Ай бұрын
love this series!
@shavais33 Ай бұрын
First there were the raw tools. The compiler, the linker, and the terminal shell. So easy to just compile, link and run a simple program! Then the parameter lists grew and grew.. and the number of libraries, etc. Building by hand soon become completely untenable. So we made shell scripts. They were very helpful! A screenful of shell statements packed into a script. But they quickly grew into an incredible quagmire, that you could easily spend days trying to debug. Make came a long to save the day. So simple, and straight forward. A huge boon! It reduced those shell scripts down quite a bit. and kind of standardized the way they were done. Until it, too, grew into a nightmare, with jaw dropping Makefiles that furrow the brow of the most dauntless among us. The BuildTools elephant, with it's standardized approach to building "configs"... who hasn't spent weeks plumping the gunk out of BuildTools builds? Then project files were the thing, with gui tools for managing them. Just set a few properties in a gui, and you're off to the races! But build bugs still happen, and you end up actually manually editing them, and.. goly gee, did you have any idea what an incredible monstrosity they are? The reference manuals for Visual Studio's build system with it's whole config language and so on would take half a freaking lifetime to fully read and understand. These days CMake is all the rage. So easy to set up a simple project! But it, too, is actually a monster, with a whole freaking language you have to learn in order to use it for your giant project at work. And people do the most dastardly things with it, automatically organizing your code files based on the file names and things like that. The presenter is correct that there is no dominating standard. Just a huge spread of battle field remains, as far as the eye can see in every direction, slowly oozing and decaying under the work-a-day sun. Building giant complicated projects with lots of parts and pieces and dependencies and so on is just a nightmare. No matter how you slice it. There's no silver bullet. I have a bad attitude about it (in case you can't tell!) because I really hate having to spend my memory and brain cycles on the build problem. Functionality. Features. Performance! System design and so on. These are my bread and butter. The build is just an albatross. Breaking cmake down in a video serries is super helpful. We might be able to actually get away without doing quite as much rtfm-ing, and that is worth gold.