The Quest for Healthy Minds
3 ай бұрын
@MonicaSanchez-ro9ku 2 күн бұрын
Hi, there. I am Monica and I wish to describe how life had been for my younger brother living with depression induced schizophrenia and how he had been permanently able to overcome this debilitating disease via a naturopathic, herbal method. Fredo - my kid brother was twenty years old when he was brought to the emergency room by the campus police of the college from which he had been suspended several months ago. A professor had called and reported that he had walked into his classroom, accused him of taking his tuition money, and refused to leave. Although he had much academic success as a teenager, his behavior had become increasingly odd during the past year. He quit seeing his friends and no longer seemed to care about his appearance or social pursuits. He began wearing the same clothes each day and seldom bathed. He lived with several family members but rarely spoke to any of them. When he did talk to them, he said he had found clues that his college was just a front for an organized crime operation. He had been suspended from college because of missing many classes. My sister said that she had often seen him mumbling quietly to himself and at times he seemed to be talking to people who were not there. He would emerge from my room and ask my family to be quiet even when they were not making any noise. My father and sister told the staff that Fredo's great-grandmother had had a serious illness and had lived for 30 years in a state hospital, which they believed was a mental hospital. Our mother left the family when Fredo was very young. She has been out of touch with us, and they thought she might have been treated for mental health problems. Fredo agreed to sign himself into the psychiatric unit for treatment. The whole family except I had agreed to have Fredo transferred to a mental asylum. I knew inwardly there was still some plausible means by which my kid brother could overcome this condition. I knew botanical means of treatment will be more favorable than any other type of treatment, and as such, I had taken a keen interest in the research of naturopathic alternative measures suitable for the treatment of schizophrenia. I had pleaded for some little patience from the family in the delay of the transfer, I was looking forward to proving a point to the entire family, that a positive botanical remedy could combat this condition. It was during my ceaseless search on the internet I had been fortunate enough to come across Dr. Harry Obego: an African herbalist of whose professional works major on the eradication of certain viral conditions, especially schizophrenia, ( improving the cognitive skills positively), anxiety and depression via a traditional, naturopathic process. It was by the administration of this herbal specialist that my brother had been able to improve his condition for better. Before the naturopathic remedy - Fredo's story had reflected a common case, in which a high-functioning young adult goes through a major decline in day-to-day skills. Although family and friends may feel this is a loss of the person they knew, the illness can be treated and a good outcome is possible. My brother Fredo is just like many other patients out there suffering from this disease. Although he was able to overcome this condition via a naturopathic herbal remedy administered by this African herbal physician and saved completely thus, rekindling the lost joy which had been experienced by the family members. I wish to use this opportunity to reach across to anyone who may happen to be diagnosed with this disastrous condition to spread the hope of an everlasting herbal remedy that is capable of imposing a permanent end to this disease. Now is the moment to fight back against this disease and there are indeed the right resources to do that. Dr. Harry Obego is the best recommendation in the area of professional guidance in resisting this condition permanently. For more information concerning this naturopathic herbal remedy, feel free to contact this African herbal practitioner via email: [email protected]....
@مريم.محمد-و3خ 2 күн бұрын
00 I am your sister from Yemen. By God, I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my sisters, and I have been displaced from our homes because of the war. We are in a state that no one knows about Oh God, God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who have brought us to this situation 💔💔 I swear to God that I did not write this appeal out of distress and poverty, O world Please feel for us. By God Almighty, Lord of the Magnificent Throne, he is the only one who eats what I have at home. By God, my brothers, they are sitting on my mind And there is no food. By God, our situation is very difficult. We are 6 people.He entered the house. My father died, and there is no one to support us. We live in a rented house, so we cannot pay the remaining rent. ''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''' '''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' For me, my brother, my first words are: By God and the Book of God, I will not lie to you and I will not lie to you. I do not deceive you and I will not deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I are among us. It was 15 thousand Yemenis per month, and now we have 45 thousand due over 3 months, and the owner of the house is not merciful. By God, my brother, he comes every day and insults us and talks about us and wants us to move from the house to the street because we could not pay him rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back to talk to them and gave us the weekend. We swore to God. This brings us to the street. Be merciful. And we. Our country because of this warI cannot find food for the day and I am living. My sisters and I are young. Our father has passed away, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world beside us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers go out to the street and see the neighbors eating and stand at their door to give them bread even if they break it. By God, who has the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, the universe, they closed the door and kicked them out and they came back crying. They died of it. No one will have mercy on everyone and give them a refund. You would have made a living, and now blame someone for helping us with a kilo of flour. I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then you need help for the sake of God. I implore you, by God, you love goodness and will help me. WhatsApp me on this number 00967772168484 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and I will compensate you. God is good. He helped us and saved us before they expelled us on the street. We became weak or starved of hunger. My family and I are blessed by God. If you are able to help, do not be late for us.May God reward you well,.,.,:^:;^:°~°~^~°^π√^π√~π~√~√~π^~^~π~π~√√~~ππ~ π√~~^^°^^^^^^*^*^*^*..&^,:, ...,:"*:&*^*;.:;&&*.";;^*&;":.*&^;::;;*^;"...........
@beyoncewomack2688 5 күн бұрын
The dumb fool god show me 911 video's and claim a person talk to me telepathically but got to run from debris falling from the twin towers makes no sense
@richardsimms251 6 күн бұрын
Terrific. Scientific
@beyoncewomack2688 6 күн бұрын
Why do got to hear a fat black man with a cane,when I look at women, the god of Virginia is using animatronics,to huff,gas and pretend they can see what I see and nobody else and have power that even god don't but the man has a cane and can't walk without it,but have Super natural power?
@beyoncewomack2688 10 күн бұрын
If the video and a doctor say it is a chat simulation, why do god continue to use it like a childish baby
@sickntired9693 14 күн бұрын
I fully recovered from Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia I had severe Panic Attacks intrusive thoughts For 7 yrs just took medications .one day poof was gone
@sylvialander7034 15 күн бұрын
Medicines don t work.we need new medicines. What about keto and dr palmer????
@mentalhealthwithadog 17 күн бұрын
Thank you❤Very informative presentation. After 30 years and three manic episodes, I make sure I get plenty of rest, take my medication and get outside with my Emotional Support Beagle😊 #BBRFWebinar
@ckstuckey4386 20 күн бұрын
My dream is for everyone in the United States to get a neuroprofile. 😭
@zakirzak1494 21 күн бұрын
Thank you and Great Talk ….it would have been better if more info re: molecular and pathophysiology of mania was included. Also , the inflammation slide could have been elaborated a bit more .
@ckstuckey4386 21 күн бұрын
I can’t escape being distraught about this not being the biggest focus of our society. EVERYBODY needs to have a profile done. Lord, can’t you help us.
@bunglejoy3645 24 күн бұрын
Could people who are scuentists please empthaise that all famial causes if BPD are not always problem childhoods or abuse trauma is different fir all. Inmy case it was verbal bullying all through school. Also as a child back in the 1970s when if you were in hospital parents couldnt stay at night. They ciuldnt go into anasethic room with you or in recovery. Ut dudbt seem tobither ne but caused issues maby years later. I was verbally bullued from say seven right through to age 16 I was also felt iut of place as i couldnt throw, or catch a bal,l skip ,tie ny shoe laces , or balence on a beam. Aged nine my dad died from a massive cardaric arrest within minutes Myself and friends who were in free school meals at middle school stuck out as our dinner raffke tickets were different colour to ithers plus we gad to go to front if foid queue that emotional well abuse by a school eouldnt ve allowed nowadays you wouldnt get away with it but ut made us feel humilated distressed So as you cansee there was trauma vut a different trauna to usual trauma
@flossy1235 25 күн бұрын
It is now 2024 was this treatment approved
@eaglet6703 29 күн бұрын
microbiomes is bullshit when it comes to causing "depression", Many fat people are more happy than ever. This is a circuitry problem in the neuro level.
@SugarlilbitblackmagicRodriquez Ай бұрын
How can i get the voices to go away
@bunglejoy3645 Ай бұрын
I think these symptoms of cognition cues is relevant yo many serious mental health conditions like bpd and autism As someone eith bpd I've got very intermittent psychosis symptons
@Peach1111hime Ай бұрын
Please retitle this “How a mother’s depression impacts her loved ones,” not “depression and motherhood.” It’s all about her family in this video, not the mother.
@fightington Ай бұрын
distract when upset isn't just bad advice, it's abysmal that this is as good as mental health professionals can come up with. MENTALIZATION of the painful content is the answer because NOT MENTALIZING is the issue that causes BPD! Find Peter Fonagy - He's a giant in this field
@catherinemarsh5453 Ай бұрын
having a daughter with schizophrenia and relapsing many times over the last 11 years I have watched and learned through her episodes and hospitalisations. Around 30% of people with this illness don't believe they have anything wrong with them and are not responsible for taking their medication. Unfortunately, my daughter is one of them, which makes helping them stay on track very difficult. For a lot of people with this illness they are inclined to avoid good eating. When being treated for psychosis she was put on a high dose anti-psychotic which made her feel drowsy, heavy and constrained. I found that giving her 2 multivitamins every morning made a huge difference within 10 minutes. One minute you are talking to a moronic person and after 10 minutes of taking the high does multivitamins she would suddenly come to life. This is one of the many aspects to alleviating symptoms which makes a huge difference for them and everyone around them. Unfortunately she has resisted the vitamins (even though they make a huge difference), but resisting advise is one of the bummers of this illness. But I would like people to know this as this can also be incorporated into the treatment. Anything that alleviates the drag of the medication is a God send for the patient.
@liviacleary2610 Ай бұрын
But what is the recovery
@user-vk3gl6uy2c Ай бұрын
Euphoria and Suicidal , Paul excellently presents the experience. I also want to learn more about the Shaman. Thank you, Paul, for describing what I can only experience.
@ZEN_PIPZ Ай бұрын
I send INFINITE gratitude unto you! after a car serious car accident, I learned that I had NO IDEA of WHAT AND WHO GOD IS! your work iwill forever be appreciated!!!!!
@djordjo6296 Ай бұрын
@bunglejoy3645 Ай бұрын
Amagadla involved in threat fear response in people who have severe mental health issues, who have had many attempts to end their life does it mean that the mandala won't work as well as others cos it's been conditioned to not be afraid by the suicide attempts Friends have had to convince me doctors as well not to walk to my local medical centre 5 minutes from honest eleven at night say, In bemused by them as I don't feel the danger or risk
@KhalidFarooq786 Ай бұрын
brilliant presentation
@philipk3732 Ай бұрын
It's always about how many treatment resistent people get better with TMS. Why almost nobody metiones that logically people that haven't been treated before will do even better.
@georgeschiraga5725 Ай бұрын
Great news.
@beyoncewomack2688 Ай бұрын
What fool believe a voice that only speak in a language you understand so you can get angry about what you hear proof it is a switch board and god
@alien-robot-time-traveler Ай бұрын
Long story short take your meds
@MsSilver41 Ай бұрын
Please look up Dr Chris Palmer psychiatrist work with KETO and all mental disorders , you’ll be blown away by some of the comments from people who trust his protocols and slowly gotten off psych drugs. Also Georgia Eade work . Many more I could mention
@MsSilver41 Ай бұрын
If your schizophrenic test for all nutrients especially Low Vitamin D, low B12, low Niacin, low vitamin C . Never understood why they give kids a vitamin K shot at birth instead of checking ALL nutrients and MINERALS. Guarantee there’s be more kids who are nutrient deficient in any nutritient than vitamin K. Look at NIACIN and schizophrenia.. in Australia there was a doctor whose Study of aboriginal children showed The kids and babies were vitamin C deficient , he was asked by the government to study these people , yet when he showed his results t they ignored him, he lowered infant mortality and they ignored him. My sister died from SIDS at 3 months old . All my children were tummy sleepers they’re all adults now . They need to be careful of vitamins and nutrients yet they have no problems issuing schizophrenic drugs which cause a multitude of issues .. have you ever thought schizophrenia is caused by bad diet ??????? Oh my gosh listening to experts does my head in . Let food be thy medicine - but let it be good food … so glad that people are putting schizophrenia into remission through ketogenic diets wether than be plant based or meat based , from what I have observed meat based seems to work faster .
@elypearl826 Ай бұрын
I wonder if she will speak about for profits like neural link and others
@sunset33533 Ай бұрын
Interesting topic. Mindfulness meditation helped with OCD a lot. I like the workbook called 30 Days to Stop Obsessing by Harper Daniels for meditation practice.
@johnbrown8740 2 ай бұрын
Where can I get tested in Canada. My life is destroyed, I need help. Never mind. I obviously can't afford it.
@tamaru6753 2 ай бұрын
I had TRD, about 10 years, tried many variations of meds, then Ketamine (it helped for about 2 weeks then effects faded but it took away suicidal thoughts also temporarily) then ECt, then micro-dosing, then psychedelic theray (psylocybin,3g, 5g and 7g then ibogaine), I tried prami and my depression was gone (90% better) within two weeks. side effects were severe headaches and nausea but cleared after 2-3 weeks. I took mine at night because it caused fatigue. If you have tried other traditional means, pills, micro-dosing, etc, then talk to your doctor about pramipexole.
@SonOsman 2 ай бұрын
i was diagnosed with Bipolar I yesterday and i was moved by this video . so i fed the transcript to the AI. and wanted it to make some bullets for me . here's the output: Paul Dalio's experiences and insights provide valuable lessons for managing Bipolar Disorder, particularly Bipolar I. Here are some key takeaways from his discussion that might be beneficial for your situation: Finding Meaning in the Experience: Dalio highlights how transforming his traumatic experiences into something meaningful was crucial for his coping and recovery. Creating his film, "Touched with Fire," served as a therapeutic process that helped him make sense of his own struggles and connect with others who face similar challenges. Artistic Expression as Therapy: Engaging in artistic endeavors allowed Dalio to channel his experiences of bipolar disorder into creative outputs. This not only helped him heal but also helped others understand the complexities of living with bipolar disorder from a humanistic and empathetic perspective. The Importance of Hope: Having hope and a vision that one can thrive-not just survive-is essential. For Dalio, learning about other successful individuals with bipolar disorder who continued to create and contribute meaningfully gave him the motivation to pursue recovery and manage his condition proactively. Managing Hypomania and Creativity: Dalio discusses the fine line between using the creative bursts from hypomania and preventing them from escalating into full-blown manic episodes. Recognizing early signs of hypomania and taking steps to moderate these impulses is crucial for maintaining stability. Role of Physical Activity and Routine: He emphasizes the importance of physical activity and having a routine to distract from depressive thoughts or manic energy. For him, working in construction provided a structured and physical outlet that helped manage his symptoms. Utilizing Support Systems: Dalio underscores the importance of having a supportive network, particularly highlighting how his wife's understanding and intervention were crucial during times when he couldn't recognize his own symptomatic escalations. Continuous Vigilance: Managing Bipolar I Disorder requires ongoing vigilance and self-awareness. Recognizing early warning signs of both manic and depressive shifts and taking immediate action to address them helps maintain balance. Stigma and Understanding: He also speaks about the stigma associated with mental illness and how society often misunderstands the actions of those with conditions like bipolar disorder. Education and advocacy can help change perceptions and improve the lives of those affected. These insights underline the complex nature of Bipolar I Disorder and the multifaceted approach needed for effective management. They highlight the potential for individuals with the disorder to lead fulfilling lives through proper treatment, support, and personal resilience.
@beyoncewomack2688 2 ай бұрын
The fool call itself god nd only speak or type a program chat box in English? It is god but only speak English? So I can get angry at what I hear if I didn't understand it i wouldn't care
@johnneperez5408 2 ай бұрын
WHERE IS THE SLIDE!!!!???? come on camera man.
@beyoncewomack2688 2 ай бұрын
Call itself God and touch a robot toy before it touch it's own body,make a toy doll drink life water before it drink life water and call itself god
@averagebodybuilder 2 ай бұрын
How can this help people without mental illness
@JumpingJack6 2 ай бұрын
4:30 Regardless of the genetic predisposition to become addicted, does it not require initial usage to trigger that addiction? Is that not a choice?
@Theonegov 2 ай бұрын
You are NOT schizophrenic - fucked up guys using high tech. radio-weapons -
@beyoncewomack2688 2 ай бұрын
Never seen a god try to hurt a person more then this god it is not a disease it is god using a switch board to make a person mad,it only speaks in a language you understand like god is a fat sloppy gay guy or ugly lady
@Theonegov 2 ай бұрын
Know that it is male humans using Psychotronic weapons (high tech. radio- type weapons )
@meleshadgu3230 2 ай бұрын
Very professional interview. Thank you for the interview
@jwtc20c 2 ай бұрын
The "other race effect" being brought up is very telling: the construct of social cognition is rather muddled from the outset starting from the vague definition utilizing "social cues" and "emotions" as units of analysis is simplistic - social skills (social persuasion and negotiation?) are on balance a matter of "expertise" and in-the-moment global processing using contextual and situational knowledge. There's a huge literature on affective processing with an actual biological basis - cf. Tomkins, et. al. The development and formalization of "script theory" and "frame theory" in both sociology and cognitive science in latter part of the 20th century was an attempt to reason about how social interaction actually plays out in the real world and it is obviously very dynamic but also for the most part structured as a 'game' and is far from spontaneous. Presumably investigators could just as easily have schizophrenic and normal controls interact with ELIZA in GNU Emacs and put them in an MRI machine and hypothesize about differential activation in different areas of the brain.
@picartso7764 2 ай бұрын
I have bipolar 1 - It's very painful for family and friends as well.
@dorianjames4761 2 ай бұрын
utylizowac te spierdoliny aspoleczne debili jebanych
@user-rr6mz9th7k 2 ай бұрын
Ketamin Anesthetics might make a ViVid dream ( Night mere?)