NEW Hero Might Save Overwatch.....
Real Proof 6v6 Should Replace 5v5
Blizzard Speaks out on 6v6 Announcement
My Honest Opinion on Season 11
14 күн бұрын
Overwatch 2 is OVER
14 күн бұрын
Overwatch 2 NEEDS HELP..... (dying)
The Sad State of Modern Gaming....
What is going on with Genji....
@katw2134 Күн бұрын
Didn’t you leave this game for good?
@katw2134 Күн бұрын
The ethical thing Samito would be to NOT buy it. Lmao get out of here with the screaming “it’s cheating for 10 minutes”. Try and get it banned instead.
@katw2134 Күн бұрын
Did he just say profits over ethics in corporate America? Get over yourself dude.
@eddieryan7246 Күн бұрын
There is a big difference between peripherals that ALLOW you to play at your best and equipment that MAKE you play at your best (if not better). Having a better monitor doesnt make you aim better it allows you to. This keyboard MAKES you play better. Imagine i had a mouse that auto corrected my inputs to hit heads better "tHaTs AlSo HaRdWaRe"
@katw2134 Күн бұрын
“That’s cheating” as he orders the keyboard….
@hexxenhamer_7780 Күн бұрын
oh wow some advancements were made in keyboards... things get better its okay
@praetorianplays Күн бұрын
I like 2CP better than Push ever since Push came out. Haven't liked it and still don't. 2CP needed a little rework with spawns and maybe adding a choke point to go through but, it was much better. Something that I didn't realize that I like about it is, you kinda needed a 'team kill' to get point 2, which to me incentivizes teamwork. OW is an FPS but so much more is involved with teamwork and comboing vs COD where its just covering angle, lanes, etc... I'd say I'm a casual at this game, no desire to solo queue ranked, and I hate what they've done to this game. They've made it super 1 dimensional and added lots of "easy button" abilities. I still play but for me, the intricoes made this game so much more than just an FPS. || They could've fixed OW1 queue times. They've shown multiple times taht they can make a role more fun than other roles. They just had to get rid of or nerf double shield, and make tanks more fun. Like Samito has said, JQ and RAM play awesome in 6v6. They made fun roles for tanks. As a DPS enthusiast, I'd be more than willing to play JQ in the tank role. All of my friends who played OW1 don't play now and won't come back.
@asdem5844 Күн бұрын
Aight be honest who else was distracted by the 6v6 gameplay, cause that looks fun.
@PhaxtolgiaLetsPlay Күн бұрын
I don't think it'd be true to say there's no games like Overwatch. Paladins is the next closest thing to Overwatch, but it has it's own problems, mainly lacking polish and optimization (experienced crashes whilst playing the game.) For anyone that thinks TF2 still has a bot problem, for once they're bot free, for a month too! They still get cheaters, but unlike most modern games, players can votekick any unruly play out of the match.
@acematrixow Күн бұрын
Dude thats awesome
@soulful1740 Күн бұрын
Tanking is not unsolvable it just requires changes that they will never make. Characters entire kits will have to be changed.
@ChickenSoupMusic Күн бұрын
If they had kept 6v6 we would have PVE / more maps / more heroes / better balance
@stevedoom8783 Күн бұрын
I’m enjoying the buff to the tank, I stopped queuing for tank until the tank buff. I don’t know WTF these two are on about
@thisistheescapeplan Күн бұрын
Yeah no I don't agree with this. It's just like Apex. At a certain point... you HAVE to use a controller with aim-assist if you want to keep up. FFS even the pros had to do that
@OGBlackjack4701 Күн бұрын
Ok this is a piece of equipment the software is in the keyboard it's not touching the games coding at all. technically I can buy a set of pedals and hook them up to my PC and use those to strafe freeing up one of my hands to press other buttons tell me that's cheating. If this is cheating then so is buying a mouse that has extra buttons. Because when you do that then you can bind the controls to the mouse and make all your reactions and abilities easier to cast and use while never ever moving the hand that is controlling movement. By your definition that is also cheating. I have a mouse that has 4 extra buttons there are a few out there that are shaped similar to your hand and have like 20 extra buttons all placed at the tips of your fingers so it's stupid easy to do a lot of different things all at once technically I could play any game one handed with this mouse and have the same reaction times as any other player in every aspect. Now is that cheating. Remember this is a mouse so the buttons all travel very small distances making the same thing the add is talking about here very possible but you still have to press the button. That's the human error your wanting.
@pudifake6848 Күн бұрын
23:26 reaper 😂😂
@nickalexander4503 Күн бұрын
Is this game f2p and any good?
@wildwestwaifu6201 Күн бұрын
I'll never have to worry about this since I main rein and brig. And I play controller on pc. Dim2 tank dim 1 sup. I have never known a cheater.
@PierceByrom Күн бұрын
Thank you for voicing everything ive been complaining about for MONTHS. I mean I literally complain about all of this when I'm playing and vcing with my friends. Especially the widow stuff. What am I supposed to do? She has a SCOPE! I have to pop OFF to have even a mid game. This game is so horrible.
@manava13skplayer50 Күн бұрын
this reminds me of a similar situation in trackmania (racing game) there is an analog keyboard that allows you to customize your steering range in a way that is unachievable by a normal keyboard and it was deemed to be cheating.
@cyanpile7874 Күн бұрын
Crazy how no one wanted 5v5. Even the streamers that tried it before OW2 came out said it was a bad idea, but they still removed 6v6! And now they want to test out 6v6 before making it permanent? Why couldn't we test out 5v5 before making it permanent? Now they're backtracking, again..
@domo20007 Күн бұрын
Link the video in the description. Gotta give the creator credit.
@sp_ce. Күн бұрын
I actually really like the push gamemode. Runasapi has been really fun.
@sp_ce. Күн бұрын
The problem with 20 bucks for a skin means that you can’t even use them most of the time. Buying a skin for every character will cost you over 800 dollars.
@evandunn9942 Күн бұрын
Anyone know if they originally went to 5v5 because the player count was dropping in OW1?
@Haakkon Күн бұрын
Gamer autotune
@masterchiefyoumind Күн бұрын
Blizzard hears you their adding more Orisa customisation lmao
@matthewbrears2129 Күн бұрын
When in doubt, make an ability that gives over health, which is the most unsatisfying/unnoticeable mechanic in the game
@WackyToaster Күн бұрын
I agree on 2cp. The game mode absolutely had issues, but I feel like just straight up canning it wasn't the move either. I don't think the mode was unsalvageable. Most seem to agree that horizon was a terrible map but volskaya was pretty good. I simply miss the variety it provided either way. Sure it wasn't my favorite game mode but still, so many maps just got lost. One of the biggest mistakes was to add characters that seemingly existed for the purpose of countering something. Brig was added to counter dive because dive was strong at that point. Bap was added so he can lamp grav combos. The whole rock paper scissors philosophy backfired hard. They powercrept the options till it went from "rock paper scissors" to "rock paper scissors gun nuke" and then they ran out of counters. How do you counter immortality? Also there are characters that lack meaningful interactions because of that. Dva and pharah are two of those. Dva just flies at you, you literally have no counterplay to that. You can't shoot her because of matrix, even if you can, you'll never kill her because she got gigabuffed thanks to 5v5. It's miserable to play against. Unless you have some high mobility or get massive peel, you just get insta deleted. And pharah is in this odd spot where she has some good counters on paper, but she still completely shuts down half the dps cast just by existing. They don't have any meaningful interactions with pharah other than going back to spawn and switching to a hitscan. And even then she is a nightmare to play against. Even widow has that problem. She just stands in uganda, and you know it, and you cannot do anything. You literally cannot peek a good widow but there are times where you just have to and pray she'll miss. Most of these issues are made worse because of 5v5. I'd argue 5v5 can technically work, BUT they'd need to massively rework the entire game to the point where it's probably not overwatch anymore. The game was designed to be 6v6 and that design is deeply rooted in the core of the game. You cannot just remove a character slot and have it work out well. It's like playing chess without pawns, it kinda works but it's also extremely stupid.
@joshuabarnes1486 Күн бұрын
I would actually play this game if the LFG function was still there. Every match is so toxic or completely void of interaction that making friends in match is near impossible. No one talks in VC or chat, everyone hates it so they're either not talking or in a discord call with their friends that are playing better games lol. The community is kind of all this game has left and it's in the worst state I've ever seen it in.
@MatheusFreitas-wz3ii Күн бұрын
A monetização é totalmente predatória, o passe é caríssimo no meu país e são quase todas recolors fora que as skins do OW1 são postas na loja pra comprar com dinheiro real, ou seja se vc não jogou OW1 ou jogou mas não conseguiu pegar a skin se quiser agora tem que pagar por ela no preço cheio
@marvynjeanbaptiste3206 Күн бұрын
“Generalizing the tank role” I’ll be honest I genuinely dislike this take because the game NEEDS more heroes that share the same ability. I mean this only in terms like how JQ and Ana have anti healing. Nice now let’s add a 3rd maybe make it a DPS. Ram had cleave on his punches keeping double shield comps in check. Can we get a DPS with cleave or another tank? Mei freeze seems like a cool support ability. Might be cringe but there’s a character in genshin impact whose element is ice, can bubble allies (maybe leave this one out) and their ult is a big AOE freeze that also heals.
@malcky1132 Күн бұрын
It's not cheating because with practice you can physically do that. It's not breaking the limitations of the game. Some moments in games require frame perfect inputs If you can do it 100% of a time that doesn't make you a good player. There are people with super aimbot and wall hacks and still lose so optimal strafing doesn't seem crazy.
@ieToastie Күн бұрын
Marvel Rivals is EXTREMELY FUN in my opinion and I think you all should give it a fair chance.
@kurganlarsen7753 Күн бұрын
Its not cheating, and its not OW pay to win. Hate click bait, thanks for wasting everybodys time.
@JollyJester Күн бұрын
You know the thing I hate is that I feel like when they bring back 6 v 6 they are going to half ass it and then say looks guys it didn’t work
@marvynjeanbaptiste3206 Күн бұрын
I was playing Queen yesterday and my 2nd tank was on monkey. There was a play where. I got slept, Anti’d and woke up to an immediate hinder. If it was 5v5 I probably would’ve just quit to lobby but since I had a tank duo I ate the shit while he held the front. I can’t comprehend how people would want 5v5 when 6v6 just results in less steamrolls. It’s actually crazy how more stable the games are. You could get rolled then full hold a team
@Scarletfever_ Күн бұрын
The only people consuming content of this game in a year are die hard marvel fans. Way too stale. It’ll be fun for a few months tho
@JTMclarenF1 Күн бұрын
I absolutely fucking LOVE these hour long hit pieces on why the current state of OW SUCKS!!!! And the fact that such a large channel is dedicated to absolutely FLAMING Blizzard has been so fulfilling. Thank you for speaking up for us Samito. Thank you for not giving up on the game. You're doing every veteran a service for fighting for the game we loved so much
@therealzahyra Күн бұрын
Lmao that ain't cheating. It's just better technology lmfao
@EnderSakura Күн бұрын
Tbh, as someone who will forever use an outdated keyboard, this doesn't bother me. Ain't cheating to me, but that's my opinion. I don't really care if people are a bit more glitchy and freaky on their movements if I'ma hit them I'ma hit them if not then I don't, you probably ain't winning this battle Sam. But either way I am uneffected
@ebhaenger8246 Күн бұрын
Blizzard: we don't have enough tnaks, so we reduce the required ones instead of making it interesting for them. Also Blizzard: we still have nothing to make tank interesting to new playes, but we are good at making tanks suffer tho.
@sinksinksink Күн бұрын
OW1 was better in every way. Hell, if you look at the features OW1 had, OW2 is a literal downgrade. They literally removed more than they added. Im not even talking about all of the other issues OW2 has. Its ridiculous
@Phlexstone Күн бұрын
Let OW2 die. No point in playing this pile of crap anymore.
@Karthig1987 Күн бұрын
So did he ever make the tanking video?
@chickenflex4882 Күн бұрын
i used to play ow religiously, ow2 came out and the first day i fell out of love with it and its never been then same, devs/marketing team is clueless money hungry rats
@cirno9349 Күн бұрын
Even funnier now
@rayn9325 Күн бұрын
Me too... I want the game that I loved back... 😢
@daniellovisa21 Күн бұрын
great sound production in this video. voice sounds rly good
@moonbeamz8207 Күн бұрын
Why isnt there a role queue with ranking and autofill like mobas?!?!?!