What is prison good for?
14 күн бұрын
Gen Z will NEVER own a home!
CIS Nanny State Awards 2023
5 ай бұрын
Merry Christmas from CIS
5 ай бұрын
@bradleydavies4781 58 минут бұрын
Australia will have Nuclear powered submarines in the next decade so what’s the difference ?
@liamhenderson3753 Сағат бұрын
Great content. Thank you ❤
@marygreen1991 Сағат бұрын
Stop immigration
@shamster7182 5 сағат бұрын
Hear hear
@elsaturner2774 5 сағат бұрын
This is a cultural revolution. The same thing happened in china under mao zedong.
@woozledog 8 сағат бұрын
Lol CIS and nearly all Independents are now Conservatives 😂 The Left went way to hard, but it seems to be that they are banking on WW3 as their only solution. If not, they'd have stretched their tyranny over the coming decades, right?
@LL-wc4wn 9 сағат бұрын
If you make fun of them by calling them snowflakes you run the risk of thinking this is about them being weak. The same "snow flakes" were not at all phased by what they saw and heard happened to women and children on Oct 7th. This isnt about sensitive people, its about people gaining POWER.
@stevewood1090 9 сағат бұрын
Way to go Tom. What a great get!
@ngateminasmoredjo8351 10 сағат бұрын
The title is misleading. Must be: Israel, USA and EU - Hamas
@adriandocherty778 11 сағат бұрын
U grown men have plenty to say about little Greta!!🤷🏽
@adriandocherty778 11 сағат бұрын
How many Hamas terrorists have they killed??
@sharoncarolbrand1645 6 сағат бұрын
@adriandocherty778 11 сағат бұрын
I thought these guys were against identity politics?? Moving forward.??
@Yeeeap18 13 сағат бұрын
White people. White culture. No need for a 24 minute yawnathon.
@bookertendyharris396 13 сағат бұрын
I appreciate your partial understanding of global politics. However, you've totally disregarded the role of Sub-Sahara Africa. Russia and China seem to understand that Africans are humans and have been forcefully kept down in the state of undeveloped societies, whose only use is to provide raw materials for Western nations'industries; and intentionally kept forcefully underdeveloped by Western military as evidenced by their bases on the continent. The intention is to keep this region pseudo-enslaved for exploiting their resources. Russia and China understand the West's intentions about Africa fully well, and emphasize with us. The Chinese and Russians understand the West mentality of Africans is now coming to help Sub-Saharan Africa develop. Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal and more to come can relate. The West will realize when it's late and the damage can no longer be reversed. Remember, the speech you're making now with no mention of the Sub-Sahara Africa role on the world stage. Sub Africans aren't stupid as you've concluded. Learn now or it'll be the hard way for Western racist. A hint to a wise person is sufficient. We're human too. You're not more human than us!!!
@elizabethmiles8953 13 сағат бұрын
I’m a women and this nonsense about language is ludicrous, it infuriates me……who made up these rules!! The lack of focus on really important issues is maddening.
@eugenekochnieff7055 13 сағат бұрын
The elephant in the room is transport fuel, only with abundant cheap nuclear electricity can we leverage a multi billion dollar investment in transport infrastructure. With cheap excess electricity we can run refineries backwards creating synthetic fuels thus closing the loop on emissions. We have over 100 years of technological advancement in ICE Vehicles that will never be fully replaced by this silly obsession with EVs.
@Aneebanana1 14 сағат бұрын
Welby needs to GO! Hes an idio&t..
@Aneebanana1 14 сағат бұрын
Its bloody RIIDICULOUS! Woke is absolute crap!!!
@thevegandragon4676 14 сағат бұрын
Wow! So glad I never re-emigrated to Oz. It’s truly flailing in the quicksands of wokeism and has allowed the psychopaths to run the asylum! 😱😱😱
@tonyheron3228 15 сағат бұрын
Finally someone is making sense
@jollygoode4153 15 сағат бұрын
Evidence free discussion this. They start with the claim that a grid based primarily on wind and solar wont work, ignoring that South Australia already has a grid that already works on that basis. Also the claim that frequency is ruined ignores the impacts of the big batteries like Hornsdale that demonstrate every day that the grid can stay up without coal and gas. Anyway there is a big push on by the rent seekers here but it aint gonna fly, it's too late and costs too much.
@Swastika_Aryan_114 15 сағат бұрын
It's because of White R@ce that civilized society is born in West
@Swastika_Aryan_114 15 сағат бұрын
It's because of White R@ce that civilized society is born in West
@jarydf 15 сағат бұрын
AUKUS has us spending significant money on nuke subs. If we had a nuke industry that could support small reactor technology for sub and land based use, that sounds like a strategy that could win broad support.
@NoosaHeads 15 сағат бұрын
No video link for the Q&A
@Elioha-gt8pu 15 сағат бұрын
Woke together with globalism is dangerous for all countries.
@johngibson5314 15 сағат бұрын
Australia - the "can't do" country!
@nevadataylor 17 сағат бұрын
Yet capitalists always say if you dont like a product, dont buy it. Hows this not cancel culture?
@KiwiPhotoGuy 17 сағат бұрын
I love it how people think it's ok for Putin to invade Ukraine to stop NATO expansion, but Russia has no say over what any country does. Cut it out
@chocksaway100 17 сағат бұрын
So dont buy into it ...resist it... I love all my history of old ... and look forward to the future for myself and my family.
@robertbaltha3371 18 сағат бұрын
There's an easy way to test leftists and feminist activists morals. They want equality. But not if they were to be conscripted into the army. Then, suddenly, equality goes out the window. Because they believe in equality when something is to gain. Sacrifice, duty, service to others.. Not them. 😂
@geekgurl2000 10 сағат бұрын
Literally nobody should be conscripted. How about dudes quit starting wars, and we don't need to worry about who's on the front line?
@jordanwhisson5407 18 сағат бұрын
Haha the good old boys religious right wing club only ever use religion as a cover for their vile attitude towards fairness in front of the law for all. So it’s no wonder the lazy greedy religious right wing would be up in arms about something we should already have it’s written in law but has never been true for the people, ever. So the religious right wing want to continue this inequality before the law. And why wouldn’t they when the religious right wing have the system rigged as it has for ever and they get off while the poor get the jail sentences. Typical of religious right wing cowards
@abdirahmanjama9290 18 сағат бұрын
The only super power that will be final is ISLAM
@abdirahmanjama9290 18 сағат бұрын
Israel is against Islamic world of 2.2 billions It is like a squirrel trying to kill an Elephant You can tell the end of the squirrel
@keithbeaty3292 19 сағат бұрын
At last, a rational discussion re nuclear power production for Australia. But, I think we’re missing the bigger picture here. Australia has over 40% of the world’s uranium reserves. Australia could become the one stop shop for the sale and thence the safe storage of uranium once used. That’s in addition to the ten or so nuclear reactors we need for power production. We should have started 30 years ago - lots of catch up to do.
@Gracie289 19 сағат бұрын
Thanks Brendan and CIS. Woke is a neo-Marxist religious cult designed to destroy Western Civilization. The Socialists, Maoists, and Communists have taken over the West with this woke mind virus...
@awc900 20 сағат бұрын
Australia burying it's head in the sand and ignoring nuclear options including upcoming SMR, MMR and most recent, nano reactor technology is quite ludicrous. Larry Fink the chairman of Blackrock recently told the WEF that investing in renewables is a bad option. This is in part due to data centres and upcoming AI technology require stable and reliable power sources. This is something renewables cannot now or likely ever be able to provide. Going forward, nuclear has to form an integral part of the Australian grid.
@Nathan-bu5ci 20 сағат бұрын
Who has a firm religious belief? Stop projecting, Nuclear is unproven pie in the sky for Australia, you believe there is water enough, do you think your Nuclear god will make it rain a whole heap more? You guys are funny. Saying its a religious belief and not science is conservatives projecting. Always projecting. LNP cant build car parks, they hope for magic building really expensive Nuclear plants. Ours will be first as well....... Also France built them in the 80s and 90s and most of those are getting to their last legs. But really it is WATER WATER WATER and you get the LNP to convince the N in their name to give up their farms water for this. The reason France can pay back their plants and investment is the same reason she says, other countries will buy it and for an expense. We are an island, we cannot sell it to other countries like France. Starts the debate about how we are not building world first reactors and then ends by saying we need SMRs. Tells us people are not prepared for grid upgrade cost but doesnt say where the reactors will be built and how they will transmit electricity.
@andwil1959 20 сағат бұрын
Here are at least some of the lies and casuistry of Adrian Paterson: 1. Every Australian will have at least one nuclear medicine procedure during their life and we think now with the new therapeutic ones probably two..so we live in a nuclear world where radiation is taken to hospitals every day 2. [nuclear] waste is sorted out, we have the world's first synroc plant ready to go 3. the frequency [of the electricity grid] is already completely destroyed.. and we are losing businesses 4. when the lights start to go out in the offices of people in politics they will get an urgent need to get this done 5. Fukushima was not a nuclear accident. All of the calculations show that nobody will die from Fukushima apart from a couple of really brave people 6. 56 people .. died from Chernobyl 7. we are replacing a reliable system with buying everyone in Australia a bicycle, that's what intermittent renewables are 8. we have got a captured cult defining our energy future because there is no plausible basis for [renewables] 9. when anyone says that the climate is changing you say which 60 years are you talking about 10. [as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase] the deserts of Australia will gradually become light green 11. drop the word environmental because it does not mean anything.. nuclear is the best for the ecology of our country, renewables are destroying the ecology of our country
@Insanity_in_Sanity 21 сағат бұрын
‘Low unemployment rates’… yep because Ndis pretty much replaced work for the dole, with previous care people with no experience with an abn can earn max rate (max hr prices were meant for community orgs and services with over heads, staff super & tax, insurance/ liability costs etc.) of $55-$110p/hr. It’s why blue care don’t do ndis, because they can’t compete to pay staff, and losing all their quality and experienced staff, and also why burnt out hospital nurses are jumping ship in hospitals and just join mable, hire-up, care seekers etc and can charge $100p/hr and pick their hours and generally working just 1 on 1 with people. Pretty much once government got involved it imperialised disability support sector and turned it into Centrelink by removing community/ block funding and forcing people to pay people themselves. Like you better off asking for two people to carry you around all day then asking for a wheelchair to get around yourself as tend to be easier and quicker to get extra $50k in your plan reviews to pay support, then $5k for a wheelchair to be more independent and then be needing less. People are having to go to court to get a medical bed funded or reject a foldable curb/ gutter ramp because accessibility in the community is a council issue, like health care isn’t there problem and pushed all that onto the hospitals
@chuckbirdnz 23 сағат бұрын
The sooner Oz goes nuclear the sooner NZ can. I wonder what the panel thinks of thorium SMRs as are being researched and hopeful built in Denmark.
@filmjazz Күн бұрын
Everything good is racist , basically.
@jordanwhisson5407 17 сағат бұрын
For the religious right the slave owners oh yeah
@l.w.paradis2108 Күн бұрын
In the meantime, people from Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania are posting fascinating mathematics videos.
@vivienneb6199 Күн бұрын
You think Kisin is an intellectual? If you want to defend Western Civilization, then try think for yourself. You are cookie cutter whiny parrots of the same talking points. You are not dissidents, just grievance peddlers, and low IQ social media grifters. Let's see if you allow my comment to remain. I doubt it.
@l.w.paradis2108 Күн бұрын
Easy money. Simple. The problem with the West is a wave of unprecedented laziness, and vast amounts of money being raked in for no work at all.
@vivienneb6199 Күн бұрын
What is wrong with you? You couldn't find a better thumbnail? You have to rely on one women's image from 6 years ago. Maybe she is tired of being used like this. You may not like her, but do you have any human decency? You think you will grift off of mocking this woman until the end of time?
@geekgurl2000 10 сағат бұрын
Several weeks ago, she was featured at the end of a Disaffected Podcast. The rage face was after trump was elected. Someone spotted her in a group photo of Nancy Pelosi's team, looking smug and pleased. Hers is the face of narcissistic rage, of Cluster B-yotch tactics.
@RobertaSirgutz Күн бұрын
A very short-sighted analysis. Britain, Australia, America, France, Germany and MANY other Western countries became extremely wealthy by waging brutal wars on places they conquered, then Colonized. After centuries of subjugation, these indigenous people need time and support to be educated to sufficiently manage their own affairs. This "bootstrapping" mentality is used to give a "pass" to the perpetrators. To thrive through societal upheavals, an individual, community and Governmental approach must be taken to teach new skills and heal old wounds.
@AnnBurgess00 Күн бұрын
I thought the idea was that people can choose their own pronouns… and God has to put up with pronouns of our choosing, when He has clearly already chosen He/Him?
@jordanwhisson5407 17 сағат бұрын
Oh gosh the conceptualisation of a little man in the sky is the problem not the solution to anything. You clearly haven’t read the bible cause good old jesus would these peoples advocate
@user-jk3eo2mj3h Күн бұрын
you and your church are the problem Wake up ! ❤
@extremeresponsibility4325 Күн бұрын
@paulfrench9003 Күн бұрын
kzfaq.info/get/bejne/fsVkaq-Iq6erZps.html Solid video on why nuclear wont be a great fit for australia from an energy industry expert