Was the RED Megalodon real?!?!?
Irritator Belongs To Brazil
9 ай бұрын
Palaeontology Basics: The Molluscs
@tachyonmkg55414 Күн бұрын
@hanifarroisimukhlis5989 2 күн бұрын
K Just idk i like the letter Also i'll watch this for dinner 👍
@barron204 2 күн бұрын
Interesting video. Also my magic powers are not as strong as Rockman's so at this point I would be guessing letters. P
@nablamakabama488 2 күн бұрын
Did we already have R for the rockman? Otherwise I’m suggesting R.
@geoduckgeoscience4300 3 күн бұрын
2:14 I need to clarify that the uncredited photo is also from the Associated Press.
@Zulmofo 3 күн бұрын
Rockman is the hero we deserve AND the hero we need
@freehugs9223 Сағат бұрын
R U trying to scare me? U succeeded
@sparkyy0007 11 күн бұрын
Once scientism becomes secular religion with political ramifications, nonsense like the evolution myth are hard to shake, even when refuted with mathematical proofs. Peace and love in Jesus Christ God bless you all
@petrfedor1851 13 күн бұрын
Vaush refuse to tuch the grass since late cretacious
@canonbehenna612 13 күн бұрын
It’s actually a good film me and my family quite enjoyed and we’re scared of it but there some problems like the wish the theropod arrived earlier to have a dinosaur battle with the 2 T. rex and wishing there some sauropods,hardorsaurs ceratopsians and other late Cretaceous Dino’s but Dude you forgot the hadrosaur carcass and the creature that just emerged from the forest also I think T. rex seen before the raptors tried to kill mills.
@kanatigoth 13 күн бұрын
I'm so happy I found your video. I can't tell you how many videos I had to go through to find this EXACT kind of video. Most are people that have no idea about dinosaurs.
@geoduckgeoscience4300 13 күн бұрын
Glad you enjoyed and to be of help!
@DaveB-hg7el 14 күн бұрын
I truly appreciate the effort you have put into this video, but this kinda cynical viewer has become convinced that the people who make the kind of video you're responding to is never going to change their minds by the presentation of mere facts. I don't think they became a believer because of facts, and it will take more than facts before they will understand why they are wrong. But, that's just my opinion, I hope you're successful in your approach. Lol, peace 💚
@DaveB-hg7el 14 күн бұрын
I am genuinely confused when someone insists that evolution requires any specific species has to change over time. If it has found it's niche, and the niche it occupies doesn't change, then why should the species change? Peace 💚
@TheRealityWarper08 14 күн бұрын
@peterlennox4828 15 күн бұрын
I find your "Rock Man" interlude to be infantile and it detracts from your credibility. Otherwise, keep up the good work!😊
@rustylongshanks 15 күн бұрын
Subscribed! Always happy to find a good science KZfaqr
@geoduckgeoscience4300 15 күн бұрын
@Zoki4444 18 күн бұрын
Tucker Carlson's thought process is "if it's too complicated for me to understand, it must not be true". He is such a lying, stubborn scumbag.
@auroraasleep 18 күн бұрын
E is the rock-man
@theoffice4951 18 күн бұрын
@rrdutch4111 19 күн бұрын
We don’t need scientific evidence of a common ancestor, just tell those darn creationists to have faith and believe that common ancestor exists 🙏❤️
@Solokayaker888 19 күн бұрын
NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND FACT FROM THEORY! GET A FREAKIN CLUE! YOU BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOUR TOLD ABOUT EVOLUTIONARY VOLCANISM AND CREATION, WHICH IS A CROCK OF CRAP! JUST LIKE GEOLOGICAL THEORIES! NOT FACT! Show me Intrusive basalt Columnar Jointing in real time in a working model? you cant because they say it happens where you cant see it, so how do you know that's how it happened? How do you know its not actually something else making it happen? You follow like sheep!
@Solokayaker888 19 күн бұрын
Your a joke! and all you can do is REGURGITATE! i could take you to a place you have never been before and you would not be able to tell me the geological componeos because you have to look it up first from a site that knows what it is then you Regurgitate what you have been told to say! That's what all you so called geologist do! your full of nothing but MENDACITY! you couldn't tell me the difference between granite or diorite without knowing ahead of time.. i could blow you away with geology!
@FlintReadUK 19 күн бұрын
It's actually very sad that Roger's obvious imagination and curiosity have been wasted and now he is misinforming others too.
@FlintReadUK 19 күн бұрын
MFU is a ridiculous chanel run by a delusional lunatic that suffers from pareidolia and general lack of critical thinking skill
@ancientbaltoy8769 21 күн бұрын
@thevillainousqueenofhearts4976 21 күн бұрын
13:37 is it I?
@nikolazagorach1092 21 күн бұрын
Yep, just found my third favorite evolution youtuber, right after Forrest and Aron
@thisisjuleka6027 21 күн бұрын
No matter what you believe in can you really take one of these cards seriously when they say "evolution is dishonest goverment propaganda"
@Firestar-TV 21 күн бұрын
@rollinlikebuer9059 21 күн бұрын
So obscure... deep dive debunk of something I never heard about and I'm into it.
@geoduckgeoscience4300 21 күн бұрын
If you liked that you'll enjoy my deep-dive debunk video of some terrible papers.claiming dinosaurs were found on the moon!
@usapatriot444 22 күн бұрын
First let me say that I fully agree with you that Creationists should be very careful when making vids debunking evolution. That being said, I do have some issues with your side’s claims. First, no scientifically accurate creationist disagrees with minimal and limited changes to make new species. What we state is that animals and plants change within a range. There is not unlimited change. Second, your side is at least honest enough to use words like “seems to” or “appears to have” or even using “perhaps” at times. Nothing wrong with scientists guessing, but please do not call a guess a fact. Thirdly, when using radiometrically determined ages for rock layers, you must take into account that there are three unprovable assumptions that must be true, but you have no way of knowing if they are. 1. There was only parent material at the start. 2. The decay rate has been constant. 3. There has been no contamination over the millions of years from outside sources. I would love to see paleontologists radiocarbon date the soft tissues they are now often finding in fossils. Contradictory ages would be found most certainly. The last point I wish to make which calls evolution of novel structures into question is the idea that a creature must simultaneously evolve the behaviors needed to correctly use the new structure. And if this is true, then why is any human behavior wrong? After all, we are just mutated pond scum so who cares? Nothing matters, right? Thanks for taking the time to read through this.
@Yawyna124 21 күн бұрын
" And if this is true, then why is any human behavior wrong? After all, we are just mutated pond scum so who cares? Nothing matters, right?" This is so unbelievably disjointed. "And if this is true?" There is no connection between the establishment of new structures and human sociology. For the topic of adoption of new structures, it's quite convoluted to describe anything happening over millions to dozens of millions of years as "spontaneous". Can creatures, over the gradual development of features, some likely spurred on by changes in behavior, change behaviors over thousands of millennia? Plausible. At times, we're discussing not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of generations of creatures, billions for the smallest and most fecund as for bacterium and the like. Yes, behaviors can change over timespans like that. As for the latter, yes, nothing matters. Your world didn't shatter with the crack of a garden hose across my grandmother's back, the sun doesn't waver from genocides. Cosmically, the wrongdoings and abuses of humanity on itself and other beings is entirely insignificant and has no long term consequences to the universe at large. As for an evolutionary perspective on why humans are attracted to social behavior and averse to antisocial behaviors that's very simply, that it's advantageous for social creatures to be such: we live in groups, so predisposition to social organization and discomfort with things disruptive to social cohesion is useful to the wellbeing of a group. "Why is any human behavior wrong" is a rather vacuous question: it's painfully surface level and succinctly really only has the answer "because humans are discomforted by it: we do not like it and it is disruptive, therefore, it is wrong." It's probably more meaningful to look at why humans, as a whole, more commonly, regardless of the legal system, religion, etc. that they live within, assign greater significance to things like rape, the taking of another human life, etc. than, they do, say, assign wrongness to the consumption of shellfish, and the reasons which we might violate those wrongs and rights of greater significance. The Aztecs cut out people's hearts en-masse to appease God; Europeans have a storied history of dismembering people viewed as traitors and threats to society. Genocides, across cultures, frequently feature mass wrongdoings to the oppressed and would-be extirpated population. These are very dire circumstances in which things generally disallowed in a society become less-wrong to commit under extreme circumstances for the wellbeing of society itself: the genocide of an outgroup is generally for the perceived danger of the outgroup being allowed to continue existing; it has been justifiable to quarter treasonists, conspirators, and criminals and spool up their innards from their body since they prove a very real threat to the stability of society; cutting out people's hearts is callous, but the alternative at the hands of fickle gods requiring devotion is damnation. But yet you'd be very hard pressed to find diverse human populations equally so dire a disposition about the consumption of non-ruminants and shellfish, despite it being considered wrong by some.
@Yawyna124 21 күн бұрын
Furthermore, re.:"Thirdly, when using radiometrically determined ages for rock layers, you must take into account that there are three unprovable assumptions that must be true, but you have no way of knowing if they are. 1. There was only parent material at the start. 2. The decay rate has been constant. 3. There has been no contamination over the millions of years from outside sources" a) "There was only parent material at the start"; this is why radioactive dating is done through the careful study of things that were unlikely to have come together through means besides radioactive decay. The most clear example of this is with Potassium-Argon dating; it is viewed as a trustworthy method of dating rocks because it is extremely unlikely that argon, an inert gas, was part of the formation of the rocks. Therefore, the argon contained within rocks containing largely potassium is logically sourced from the potassium within the rock. b) "The decay rate has been constant". There is no reason to believe that chemical processes that behave consistently now did not behave consistently in the past. Yes, it is unprovable that the decay rate is inconsistent. That is why it's not oft considered: because it is of little merit for investigation (to the service of what hypothesis would radioactive decay be inconsistent?), and the decay rate being inconsistent is unprovable. We cannot go back 3 billion years and see if radioactive decay miraculously happened at a different rate, so nobody has put much attention to going back 3 billion years to see if radioactive decay miraculously happened at a different rate. c) "there has been no contamination over the millions of years from outside sources". This is likewise considered as per the validity of dating techniques. The durability from contamination is self evident in something going undisturbed long enough for the ground to turn from loose material to rock. That being said, there have been instances of radiactive dating methods falling out favor due to possibilities of contamination. Rubidium-strontium dating, for example, is less favored because of the tendency for those elements to follow fluids through rocks and escape during the formation of metamorphic rocks in comparison to other methodologies.
@ProfezorSnayp 21 күн бұрын
"First, no scientifically accurate creationist disagrees with minimal and limited changes to make new species." I have personally heard creationist 'luminaries' claim speciation has never been and never will be observed. I don't mean some youtube trolls but people who work for Creation Science Ministries. Do you not consider them 'real' creationists? No real Scotsman fallacy. "What we state is that animals and plants change within a range. There is not unlimited change" Argumentum ad ignorantiam - just because you place some arbitrary boundaries on what specifies as 'change' doesn't mean evolutionary biology does too. "Nothing wrong with scientists guessing, but please do not call a guess a fact" Etymological fallacy - scientists use terms like "seems to" or "appears to" for a specific reason. This being to leave the possibility of falsification and/or future refinement of given scientific theory. It's not limited to evolutionary biology and is a common language in all scientific fields except math. Just because you use it in laymen's term doesn't mean scientists do too. Regarding radiometric dating: " 1. There was only parent material at the start." That's the main point some radioactive elements were chosen for their usage in dating. There chemical nature of some specific elements preclude the existence of daughter elements in fresh samples. For example U/Pb dating is used because any existing lead ions are mobile and migrate out of the solution as long as the rock is molten. Once the rock solidifies you have minerals containing only uranium atoms, no lead is present. The radiometric clock starts ticking. Same with potassium-argon method. Argon is an inert gas and is not incorporated in the crystalline structure of minerals while they form. Ar only exists in minerals as a secondary daughter element from decay of K. Again, you have no real understanding of the topic you try to argue. Do you really think radioactive methods were created by people as illiterate as a typical creationist? They were developed by chemists and physicist who spent years researching the best combination of various elements, not taken ad hoc. "2. The decay rate has been constant" The decay rate in radiometric dating is based on number of radioactive atoms. For a given element, the decay or disintegration rate is proportional to the number of atoms and the activity measured in terms of atoms per unit time. The more radioactive atoms there are, the faster they decay. However, like a typical rate law equation, radioactive decay rate can be integrated to link the concentration of a reactant with time. As a result the half-life rate of a specific element is constant. It's not about the decay rate but the average half-life. "3. There has been no contamination over the millions of years from outside sources." Contamination exists, nobody is negating it. Actual contamination like 'reservoir effect' are well studied and taken into account while calibrating any given radiometric method. Yes, shocking, I know, calibration exists? Radiometric dating is a reliable method developed by hundreds of independent scientists over decades. If it was flawed like illiterate creationists claim, they would get a Nobel's Prize in physics for disproving it. "I would love to see paleontologists radiocarbon date the soft tissues they are now often finding in fossils." Soft tissues are 'often' found in fossils? That's news to me and I'm a paleontologist. I'm aware of a handful of examples of collagen and some other protein fragments found in dinosaur bones but the overwhelming majority of fossils doesn't contain any carbon. In cases where carbon is present dating has a limited range up to around 50 000 years. Anything older than that contains so little C14 you might as well slap a single date on it (50 000+). You know why? Because the resolution of our current detectors has a physical resolution and a detection limit. But hey, don't let me or physical laws stop you from attempting to date 150 000 000 year old bones with radiocarbon. I'm sure Ken Ham would be thrilled to get his hands on a dinosaur bone dated to 50 000 years. "Contradictory ages would be found most certainly." That's why multiple independent dating methods based on unrelated elements exist and work in tandem. Seldom is a rocks sample dated using only one method. And even when such is the case, different labs corroborate to prevent confirmation bias. "After all, we are just mutated pond scum so who cares? Nothing matters, right?" Typical religious dribble. It's like saying 'without god there is no point in living'. Nothing you said is original. All of your arguments are rehashed creationists propaganda which has little relevance to actual science. Most of these arguments are almost 100 years old and persist only because YEC refuses to acknowledge it was refuted YEARS AGO. But hey, never let facts and reason get it the way of your beliefs.
@usapatriot444 21 күн бұрын
To cut to the chase, I am glad you accept that nothing matters. You expend a great deal of passion and time, which I do appreciate, for something that does not matter. As to what is considered wrong behavior, it could be due to the fact that God has written His sense of right and wrong on our hearts. This explanation is just as logical as the evolutionary one. That the Bible is supported by the science of archeology should lend credence to that it could be true. But then again, as you say, this doesn’t matter. I enjoyed the fact that you totally ignored the use of language of doubt words that occur in most evolutionary explanations. You also conveniently avoided the C-14 test of soft tissue inside dinosaur bones. Then there is the data of fruit fly studies which show that mutations can only do three things: vary what is there, like change eye color, warp what is there, like stubby wings, or remove what is there, like eyeless flies. Obviously the mutation rates are thousands of times faster than what nature can do, so millions of years of the same things will not create the novel structures and their associated behavior changes you claim to be true. But guess what? This doesn’t matter, does it. Finally, as the origins and development of life has no practical value to solving life’s pains and hard labor, then we ought to be applying our minds to more profitable enterprises.
@Yawyna124 20 күн бұрын
@@usapatriot444 On the topic of existentialism and nihilism: " You expend a great deal of passion and time, which I do appreciate, for something that does not matter." I mean, yeah, why wouldn't I? As an overall matter, I enjoy living, no matter how relatively inconsequential my life is. Once this topic slips from my mind, you will effectively cease existing for me, in the same way that you have never existed for 99.9999% of all the other humans presently in and on this world. In a thousand years you and I will likely be forgotten entirely, or, at the greatest, will only have existed to the minority of humanity, to speak little of the countless trillions other life-forms that will never know or acknowledge your existence. We pass through our lives as a miniscule sliver of all existence, and that is just fine. There is no need for any greater meaning than satisfaction and fulfillment in our spheres than the, yes, indeed, overall meaningless enrichment of the scarce few we do encounter. "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away." "As to what is considered wrong behavior, it could be due to the fact that God has written His sense of right and wrong on our hearts. This explanation is just as logical as the evolutionary one." It is distinctly less logical to believe in magic than to believe things occur very slowly based on evidence. "I enjoyed the fact that you totally ignored the use of language of doubt words that occur in most evolutionary explanations. " Not speaking with absolute certainty about a hypothesis is not a manner of doubt, but an allowance for uncertainty in one's speculation since people are not, in fact, time travelers. It's a sign of honesty that someone is reasoning based on evidence to not declare oneself to be the arbiter of all-that-is-known when you can only piece some of what is known and information is gleaned only gradually. "You also conveniently avoided the C-14 test of soft tissue inside dinosaur bones. " This is not the blindspot that you think it is. Folks are well aware that one might find carbon within dinosaur bones. The reintroduction of carbon into very old things, which can happen through various processes, as with its rapid decay, is why C14 is only used to date things that are extremely recent and not extremely old for the same reason that the aforementioned Rubidum dating is only used favorably for very few scenarios and isn't commonly in favor in comparison to other methods. There is a reason, of the dozens of elements that may have unstable isotopes, that there are less than a couple handfuls of examples of radioactive decay that are used with any regularity to date things. It seems as though you are referring to studies where people have genetically manipulated the genome of flies in order to do things like reorder the sequence in which a fly's bodyplan appears, correct? At least, that I what I am gleaning from your comment, particulary concerning the disappearance of eyes. This genuinely has nothing to do with evolution as of current findings. True, it does not present an answer for the shift of body anatomy that we see through fossil records: this is not a shortcoming, though, because no one involved is truly of the impression that researching the introduction or removal of genes has identified the genesis of features. You are smashing a square peg into a round hole and then looking at me smugly when it didn't fit as though you have done something clever. "... we ought to be applying our minds to more profitable enterprises." I honestly didn't expect you to go for a hailing of "profitable" ventures. You do know one of the more consistent actions of Jesus speculated upon by the gospels is the ejection of merchants and currency exchangers that had congregated around and within the temple of Jerusalem to service pilgrims, right? Also, one of the first things that occurred during the Jewish-Roman war was the burning of debt records, for good measure about Jews doing profit-unfriendly actions. There is nothing wrong with doing something that isn't a "profitable enterprise" and is done to instead enrich curiosity and knowledge of our surroundings and origins. Not everything one does even needs to forward the solution of "life's pains and hard labor", or else what are you doing here? Hell, there is even a point to be made about "profitable enterprises" at times being extremely detrimental to the solution of "life's pains and hard labor" - it's why Jesus considered profitable enterprise to be the action of thieves when the profitable enterprise preyed upon pilgrims, and why the jews burned the debt records: "profitable enterprises" had become antagonistic to the pains and hard labor of many making an oftentimes ascetic pilgrimage and those who were struggling in terms of "life's pains and hard labor".
@fado792 22 күн бұрын
Creationist dont even know what was created first. Genesis 1: animals, genesis 2: humans. But they al sit on a tailbone consisting of seven merged tailbones frm the time we became apes.
@RonnyCoalman 22 күн бұрын
That first song is quite distracting
@jamesmeritt6545 22 күн бұрын
If a biorganism is adapted to. It’s niche, why should it change?
@geoduckgeoscience4300 22 күн бұрын
Because environments constantly change over time due to factors like climatic shifts, arrivals of new predator or prey species from elsewhere, changes in plant community, loss of a food source, and a whole lot more
@dankobatistic8143 22 күн бұрын
Is miniminuteman your inspiration? He is an archeologist that debunks conspiracies and you seem to have similar editing to him. You really give his kind of vibes, you feel me?
@pavelZhd 22 күн бұрын
Yeah. Some animals are pretty similar to their antient evolutionary relatives. Like Sharks, crocodilians, crustations. Jellyfish is hard to find in fossil record for obvious reasons but I would guess they had ancestors looking pretty similar to modern species. But one just have to notice how all of those families have saltwater species. And seas and oceans are great moderators of environmental shocks. Even radical change in the land and air environment will only translate into mild environmental changes. And in a stable environment, once you got into a morphology that works, evolution goes pretty lazy.
@pavelZhd 22 күн бұрын
@gyraz 22 күн бұрын
Really good and interesting video! Subscribed. Keep up the good work! Now I want more debunk videos :D
@geoduckgeoscience4300 22 күн бұрын
Glad you liked it! More debunks are on the way :D This is actually my 6th pseudoscience debunk video, I have a playlist of them here: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/ZpuHrLiB2L2pXWg.html