I Ranked Every Mainline Zelda Game
7 сағат бұрын
just the two of us
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@Smothtiger 6 минут бұрын
There can only be one good girl. Nia♥
@eschadora 4 сағат бұрын
meow meow
@eschadora 4 сағат бұрын
Yet another snub of the GREATEST game of the previous three generations of video gaming. I am of course discussing the omission, the exclusion, the outright REJECTION of including The Legend of Zelda: The Tears of The Kingdom from the S-tier. Imagine the kind of person you would have to be to disregard, ignore, neglect, overlook or pass over to rank it at the very top of the list where it rightfully belongs. Inept is the only word that could describe such behaviour. I don't think you understand the gravity of this behaviour. I am a firm believer in the monarchy. When Nintendo releases a new The Legend of Zelda game, we must acknowledge it. Praise and adoration is The Legend of Zelda's birthright. We don't question it, and we certainly do not deny it. That is what true loyalty means. Seditious traitors such as yourself do not deserve the Nintendo Switch. Am I really supposed to believe that Tears of the Kingdom ranks anywhere except S-tier? LAUGHABLE. Mr. Aounuma, PRODUCER of the entire The Legend of Zelda franchise, spoke to me in a dream. People like you deserve what is coming to you. And what is coming is execution and extinction from the world of Nintendo.
@Wildestleaf Күн бұрын
Subbed for Nia reasons, stayed for zelda reasons.
@davebob4973 2 күн бұрын
@jkid1134 2 күн бұрын
I mean this isn't the objective take or anything, but it's clearly yours, and I respect that.
@Hodyna 2 күн бұрын
First thing (to lessen the blow): I always love when a new content drop hits. I admire your work ethics and how often you actually upload (for edited, scripted content). And now... time to drop the bomb. Being a Sony kid I never really played Zelda games. Even when I started emulated various consoles or got a Wii I didn't feel like playing them all that much. I remember borrowing Twilight Princess from a friend thinking "okay, let's give it a shot" and then... well, while the 2-3 first hours were really fun and felt like something different (one thing I have to say is that the world building and the sense of adventure in these gamesare outstanding), I... didn't feel like continuing. Years later I tried the original one, 2, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, just to tried to understand them more (as I like "studying" games and building an opinion). I finished 1, 2 and Majora's Mask. The original is a timeless classic and still a very playable game. It was so ambitious, clever and full of mysteries, that no wonder that it was so highly regarded and was a foundation for one of the biggest gaming (and cultural) franchises. ...which is probably why 2 wasn't as well regarded (well, THAT'S saying it lightly, I suppose). The whole change was... ambitious? It was a really interesting experience and I had... fun! And hey, it led to many other games influenced by its gameplay! ...but yeah, it's... okay at best. Still, I love how they tried to be really experimental with it (for better or worse). At least it went better than Simon's Quest (which is... strangely similiar to this game come to think of it)! ...or with Digimon World 2 (though, that game was screwed by undercooked and STRANGE design decisions). Ocarina of Time... hm. I can see why it was so beloved (one of the highest rated games ever made), but... when I played it... it was a slog. And an unfun one. I finished the Water Temple and that was it. I did it. I didn't need to play more. Majora's Mask, while on paper VERY similiar to Ocarina of Time... was amazing. I guess the more "concentrated" and trippy setting did it for me. ...dungeons were really fun too, and so was the game being built around "sidequests". It was truly great and actually made me want to return to Ocarina of Time and give it another go. I quickly sobered up, though. Always wanted to play Wind Waker, but somehow I never did. Well, a man can dream that it will be released on the Switch once (messages in the bottle gimmick in the WiiU version was extremely cool, though)! ...Zelda's design (and character) from Skyward Sword was... top tier. Not gonna dig my grave any deeper. ...also... quite BOLD statement about cutest witch. I mean... I suppose you had a slight memory loss moment and forgot about our-queen-and-savior Witch Princess (...with Metallia being a close runner up) Tiers are fun! Basically a bunch of mini reviews that show author's preferences and let the audience know them better. Wouldn't mind seeing more of 'em in the future. But I'm at the point that I would pretty much gobble any of your content I guess. It was a good watch, even if 90% of my LoZ knowledge comes from YT and reading stuff on the Internet. Even if I'm not personally engaged in the series, it's always fun to see someone being passionate about it. Oh. And the original Darksiders is THE BEST Zelda game. ...sorry for this comment's quality - I accidentally refreshed the page while being 90% finished with my original one and it was all GONE, forcing me to start over again.
@Vanserchan 2 күн бұрын
Unforgiveable, not even the compliment can save this sin... thank you though! Understandable though, not everything can vibe with everyone, even though in my mind I always think Zelda has kinda something for everyone, even if most of them are fairly similiar to each entry. I once played Simon's Quest for a scrapped video about the NES and I blame the AVGN for giving it such a bad name, but is was even worse when he reviewed the N64 Castlevanias. I played them with zero nostalgia a couple of years ago and expected total trash because of his video on them but they are actually... really good. I know his reviews shouldn't be taken too seriously and Simon's Quest isn't a masterpiece at all but I was actually surprised by how much I still enjoyed it, even if it was actually pretty damn cryptic at times. But I just can't get into Zelda 2, every time I try it it just ends in despair for me. Even if I would use save states I wouldn't enjoy it, probably even less then. Feels like the kind of game that people love for the challenge mostly and taking that away would ruin it in a way... Still a bit mad that Digimon World 2 never had an European release because maybe I would have developed a love for dungeon crawlers like that if I played it as a kid... or maybe I would dislike them even more. The dreaded Water Temple... It's actually not that bad on the 3DS remake because you can map the boots easily so you don't always have to menu in and out but in the original it's kinda unfun to a degree because of it. As a kid I never noticed it though and thought it's hard as hell. Now as an adult it's fairly easy but once you notice the unfun menu-ing it's just... meh. I think the PC port also fixes it, but playing OoT at an acceptable framerate shouldn't be allowed. People need to suffer through that! Yeah, Majora's Mask is just that once in a lifetime achievement that can't really be created again. It's just so different from all the others that I'm a bit happy they never truly tried to made a follow-up to it because it could easily just fall flat and miss what made the original so good. A bit like what happened to the remake, even if I don't hate it. I'm actually standing on the garden hose (how we Germans like to say) and can't think of the character you call Witch Princess... And I may have to drop a hot take and while I really love Metallia I always kinda liked the dog girl a bit more in The Witch and the Hundred Knight... When will they finally port the games or at least the second game to Steam or Switch so I can finally play the sequel? I always see people say the first Darksiders is really just like the Zelda games but I have never tried it so far because I just really don't like the aesthetic of it... One day I shall play it though... It makes me a bit sad how little 3D Zelda clones we have. We have them en masse in 2D, but especially now with the Open World Zeldas lacking a bit in the dungeon department they could "easily" fill that void. Even if it's not easy at all to create such games but still! Someone has to try... That's how life is sometimes... I always respond to comments through the notifications bell thingy and if I click anywhere outside of it it also just goes poof and disappears. I could easily avoid it by just commenting through the normal page but I like to live on the edge (And I hate clicking on my own videos because I do not like seeing the like/dislike bar because I cry myself to sleep whenever I see a downvote (even if I could just close my eyes when scrolling down)) Your comment was still plenty nice though!
@Hodyna 2 күн бұрын
​@@Vanserchan​ Yeah, actually as ground-breaking and entertaining AVGN was (in the earlier days, now he.... is just a shell of his former self, being pretty much puppetered for money), many people STILL fail to understand that many of his reviews were overexaggerated and that not every game featured is actually bad. ...and how they started to mimic James, beating down on games that don't really deserve it. Like... do we really need that kind of gaming content (sure, some games deserve ridicule...)? Luckily, it's mostly phased out nowadays. And yeah - while I CAN see why they didn't want to release DW2 being so close to the premiere of DW3... It's just stupid. Maybe they were really unhappy with the sales in the states? ...then again, DW1 sold better here than there... Ah, by Witch Princess I mean a character from Harvest Moon DS. You know, the counterpart to the Harvest Goddess. I might be bit biased as I had a friend who looked exactly like her. And, I mean... another reason to buy PS4/5 I guess! Sequel is quite good, still liked the first one better but, eh. As for Darksiders... I really encourage you to try it. The setting, world and lore are also REALLY great. And that's saying nothing about the gameplay. My biggest peeve with it is changing two of the horsemen for weird terms like Fury and Strife. ...I mean... what was so bad about Hunger and Conquest? Thanks for responding!
@Vanserchan 2 күн бұрын
@@Hodyna Oh, I was thinking of another witch from Harvest Moon, the one from Animal Parade on the Wii but couldn't remember if she was a princess or not. Maybe I should play a bunch of the DS Harvest Moon games, but then it will just make me kinda sad what the franchise became since I don't even really enjoy the Story of Season games either sadly... As a kid and teen I was always wondering why the Digimon World games never went back to the first formula and just kept trying other genres. Which is kinda commendable but I think most people really just wanted gameplay like the first World again.
@KingMinionDemon 3 күн бұрын
driving home from work and this song played in my head after not playing the game since i was living in my 2nd home with my mother managed to play it on loop for hours today while doing stuff around the house today and taking a nap quite a feeling
@Smothtiger 3 күн бұрын
I've only ever managed to play though that Betweens Worlds game and I resulted following a Guide after being lost for 3 hours on where I had to go mid way through. My experience with other Zelda titles has been worse so I ultimately concluded that it's not my type of games. Most enjoyable Zelda game so far to me has been the Hyrule Warriors game but that's basically just Dynasty Warriors with a Zelda skin. Fun to see Nia being modded in. Looks so silly it's great.
@Vanserchan 3 күн бұрын
I love Hyrule Warriors just for the fact they included one of my favorite underrated Zelda NPCs in there, Agitha! It's such a random pick for a game like that and whoever had the idea of including her deserves a nice life!
@anothernoise216 3 күн бұрын
Finally someone with good taste!
@Vanserchan 3 күн бұрын
Nooo, you're supposed to say my taste is bad?!
@DaEpicFirestar2 4 күн бұрын
Why does plankton sound kinda like jalter
@sheeppf5265 6 күн бұрын
It would have been funnier if the dialogue translated into Welsh
@Vanserchan 6 күн бұрын
Welsh is a fake language made up by the Xenoblade games
@kolbra4170 6 күн бұрын
Welsh cat girls are my favorite gender
@MandoMahri 6 күн бұрын
Three words: Welsh. Cat. Girl. How can she possibly not be loved?
@MandoMahri 6 күн бұрын
Awww!~ Mother Daughter goobering time!~
@the_fire_man 6 күн бұрын
Why 14:37
@mikeAustinstonecold 6 күн бұрын
i really like this open world of xenoblade X better than all xenoblade and zelda but its was ok
@asprinjuice8877 7 күн бұрын
"Building castles in the sky" lol
@XBeatmymeatX1990 7 күн бұрын
Your English fucking sucks
@nocturnal2802 7 күн бұрын
Awww they have the ‘tism… 🥹
@Hodyna 8 күн бұрын
NO. DON'T DO IT. DON'T GO INTO THAT RABBIT HOLE! IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE! ...as for trophies... Yeah, I was really into collecting them back in a day, even if I ended up only with 78 of them (since starting in 2011 after getting PS3). I tried to get platinums from the games that meant a lot to me or were being quite tough (though my first one was Assassin's Creed 2, great game so I'm not mad). I even made a fun "streak": Nier being my 20th Platinum, Drakengard 3 30th, Nier Automata 40th. ...grindy, RNG trophies are the best, I tell you... Which brings me to... Dark Souls 2 is your favorite? Huh... that's... interesting. Actually it's the only souls game that I haven't platinumed (not counting Elden Ring, as I barely started it) - I just... wasn't really hooked on the world and it seemed like trying too hard to go on the "This is Dark Souls" meme. Demon's Souls platinum is the one im the most proud of (...grinding for that pure bladestone for 13 hours was """FUN"""), though Sekiro was also really great (and is perhaps my favorite FROMs game... not couting new Armored Core, of course). And you missed Sekiro (I still think it COUNTS as Souls game... even if it's closer to tenchu in spirit, question mark?)! Other platinums I'm really proud of are: - Monster Hunter World (for the share amount of grind and work I had to put on, essentially becoming a GOD of this game); - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (again, a lot of work AND having to work with others); - Digimon World Next Order (because COME ON, IT'S DIGIMON! ...it's a really easy one, though); - Disgaea 3 (again, having to master every mechanic... and even having to pay up 2$ for an additional character that would make one trophy NOT HELL); - Katamari Forever (oh boy. Some... parts of that trophy were... interesting); - Gravity Rush 1 & 2 (really easy ones, but these games will always remain in my heart). Ones I would love to get in my lifetime are: - MGS2 (my favorite MGS, I've managed to beat all VR missions - which is the hardest trophy, but didn't had the will to get all dog tags); - Wipeout Omega Collection (because achieving that means pretty much transcending human limits); - Ace Combat 7 (love the game, would just love to have it). Trophies are for self-satisfaction. I mean... if you like getting big numbers it's... fine? But buying games strictly for platinums (like these 1$ platinum-baits) is... silly. Trashy, AA-games are fine, though! As long as you enjoyed them. I like them (and completing them)! ...online trophies are THE WORST. ENOUGH SAID. Props for getting everything in Xenoblade Chronicles. As much as I LOVED the game (still, Xenogears is my fav xeno-game... XC2 is close second) I didn't want to put that MUCH time that the achievements require. And you know? I respect Nintendo for NOT putting any achievement system, as... as much as fun they are, achievements kind of are a distraction from the games itself, no? While playing Switch I concentrate JUST on the games.
@Vanserchan 7 күн бұрын
Too late... (Even though I haven't really gotten much more trophies since then, mostly because most of the ones I really wanna get on the PS3 are riddled to the maximum with online trophies that are just not possible anymore. I shoud really get a PS4 one of those days... ) I wouldn't really count Sekiro as a Soulsborne kind of game, it's just kinda too far away from the others. No own character, only one true way to play it, things like that. And yep, Dark Souls 2 is my favorite and one day there will be a video about that... eventually! For me it's the one with the most fun world. Sure, you don't have that interconnectivity from the first one and many people meme on the whole castle in a volcano thing but that's what I like about it, so many locations like the Black Gulch that may not be the best areas ever but they have so much of an own identity instead of just... ruins, or swamp, or the other locations you would think of when thinking Souls. Congrats on getting so many, and I don't mind grindy things either really as long as the grind can still be fun! Still prefer ones that are more unique though, something like try to use as few jumps as possible in a hard Jump N' Run level or something like that. Something that really tests your skill... (One day I will surely be able to complete every Super Meat Boy world without dying once... surely...) Well, I would say having a system is kinda better than not having one at all. People that like trophies can go for them and people who don't can just turn that stuff off, no hurt done! Also Retroachievements recently added achievements for Gamecube games and that's what I will mostly be doing, even though some of those can be WAY too extreme. Most devs kinda know trophies shouldn't be too hard or obtuse but when users are allowed to make their own trophies... there's some really sadistic people out there...
@Hodyna 7 күн бұрын
@@Vanserchan PS4 (or PS5, especially with the leaks of ACTUALL PS3, and possibly 1 and 2 in the future, physical backward compatibility being right around the corner) is well worth it. The thing I like about DS2 is theming. Majula and NPC were really high points of the game. Maybe I'll give it another go and actually try to platinum it. Maybe. I don't think I have all that much of them. ...I really miss when I actually had time to play and platinum games (college days, come back!). Now I rarely play RPGs because they are so time consuming and require a lot of my attention, when I have just several hours per week to play. Yeah, Retroachievements are cool (though some lists are... puzzling. Really puzzling), I actually thought that there were never going to do GameCube ones! Nice. Oh, and the only bad thing about trophies and achievements is when some of your friends check your list out and see, for example, that you have three platinums for Senran Kagura games and then start asking questions. Been there. My friend got screamed on by his girlfriend after she's seen the achievement for looking under 2Bs skirt 30 times on his Steam profile (outstanding trophy/achievement btw.). Other than that, I love when developers get creative with puns and images (MGS3 has AMAZINGLY groan-worthy list and I LOVE IT).
@Vanserchan 6 күн бұрын
@@Hodyna With a PS5 I would be more future-proof but that's also a bit more money than buying a PS4 nowadays... Never saw the big super duper need for one since around the PS4 times many publishers finally started also putting their bigger games onto Steam but there's still quite a few titles I really wanna play such as Gravity Rush 1&2 and the obvious candidate that I don't even have to mention, the one everyone wishes for every time they have one of their presentations... Yeah, RPGs are tough to play sometimes, especially the ones who really don't wanna end (which I love sometimes but not every single one of them needs to be 50+ hours...) Sucks when you're having fun with one and you play a bit here and there and eventually just kinda stop because of ther games or other things and lose the thread and never return to it... I think I have a Senran Kagura avatar on my PS3 profile even though there's not a single one on the actual console... Own a couple of them on Steam though and it's just one of those guilty pleasures, should be proud of those platinums! And I think everyone got that 2B trophy.. not me though, totally! I remember looking at the trophy list of MGS4 and it looks quite innocent like getting all Ipod tracks but one of the tracks requires all emblems and it takes like... 8 playthroughs of the game and I said... yep, not happening...
@Hodyna 6 күн бұрын
​@@Vanserchan Hm... I would STILL go with PS5 if you want a MODERN Sony console just for playing the games (and not for, I dunno, collecting or building a shrine). ...if not... at LEAST invest in an SSD, because loading times can be really attrocious (like really, PS5 was SUCH an increase in comfort with its lightning-fast loading times, just in Persona 5: Strikers it saved me like 8 hours of my life). And physical games for it are often cheaper (yeah, crazy, huh?) than for the PS4. So... yeah, PS5 is more like a... NEW Nintendo 3DS than a "true" successor to PS4 (which was a GREAT console). ...and sure, there aren't many exclusive worth buying it... or at least I would say that if I was writing this comment before April, because Stellar Blade ACTUALLY made it worth to have PS5. I mean... FFXVI and Rise of the Ronin ARE really nice... Ratchet & Clank was ok (you're MUCH better buying the HD collection for PS3 though, and each game has its own trophy list), Returnal is already available on steam, I think? And Demon's souls is a complete disappointment. Other than that, nearly every exclusive is just typical new-gen Sony slop, which makes me sad. GR1&2 are trully special games, especially 2nd one (without spoiling much, the quality and quantity gap between both games is HUMONGOUS). ...but as much as I love them, they also bring me a lot of grief with the knowledge that we'll never get another GR game (and that the Sony Japan studio was closed). GR2 was released in perhaps the worst time it could: we got Persona 5, Monster Hunter World and Nier Automata. Nobody bought GR2 on release (I too was guilty of that and it brings me much shame, I did few months later but I still feel horrible about it). ...50 hours is optimistic sometimes. There's a series: Trails of Cold Steel that has 4 games that continue the same plot. I finished first one in my final year of college, then work came and... in over 4 years I came to the 2/3 of the second one. The games are wonderful, plot is deep, characters are brilliantly written... but its just too much of an investment to be honest. Too old for that shit I guess. As for MGS4 trophy list... To be honest, the biggest problem with MGS4 is not getting the Big Boss emblem (it's easiest or second easiest game in the "classic" 4 games), but getting the "chicken" emblem where you have to play utterly terrible (and the playthrough takes AT LEAST 35 hours). I once was very close to getting it, but a blackout happened and EVERY save on PS3 HDD (6 years of life just went POOF) got corrupted. ...I wasn't even all that mad, I felt lucky that I got Disgaea 3 (about 100-130 hours of time investment) trophy about week before that "occurence". Yeah, MGS4 is a slog. I'll probably try to get platinum for 1 and the new list for 3. 2 can go to hell with requiring Big Boss rank and all Dog Tags.
@Hodyna 8 күн бұрын
I see someone is starting to dab into shitposting.
@Vanserchan 8 күн бұрын
It had to be done after I saw the original meme of this on my frontpage and looked up if someone already made a XB version of it and couldn't find one...
@JoyCirera 8 күн бұрын
it's not the same without the green alien singing
@Vanserchan 8 күн бұрын
Aliens are not real, catgirls are though... that's the thing...........
@clearwater4470 9 күн бұрын
I like your point about how Travis is or is not a loser. He seems to be satisfied with his life in the motel room, whereas many of the assassins like Death Metal and Dr. Peace seem miserable.
@Xenofan6471 9 күн бұрын
That's a nice cake we see when you talk about Mio's name
@Miku_ds 10 күн бұрын
What setting are you refering to at 2:50? Would love to test this out. Recent Xemu updates have made the Hourglass caves caustics lag the hell out of the game. But this didn't always happen. In version 0.6 of Xemu the fps was unaffected.
@Vanserchan 10 күн бұрын
In the NVIDIA Control Page you gotta go to the Manage 3D Settings on the left, then pick the xemu exe in the program settings and turn the Threaded Optimization off! For me that made them run as smooth as possible
@Hodyna 10 күн бұрын
Oh shit, I never knew that there was a stealth PC release. Good for the "master race" guys. I guess. And yeah, Wii version all the way. It was, probably, the first game I bought for my Wii myself. I loved it. The PS3 version isn't that bad (especially with "Super Sweet" mode ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), but nothing can beat Wii. After all, the game was MADE for it (with motions and stuff, I mean... recharging beam katana motion became iconic and actually made my dad laugh really hard when he has seen me doing it for the first time). I mean... sure... PS Move IS kind of similiar, but... it just makes you want play the Wii version. I LOVE theming of Suda51 games (ironically, NMH2 is my favorite game of his... and he wasn't even all that involved in it). It's also quite funny how Travis was designed to be a loser (and to be a slight jab at the audience), yet so many people idolizes him. My guy lives in a shitty apartment, lives in squalor, tries to hard to be cool and work shitty jobs instead of doing something with his life. Let me explain before you crucify me for this. Travis is perceived as a loser because prior to his "hero journey" he had no aspirations, goals or anything. He just... existed. That's what makes the theory about how odd jobs and assassination missions symbolize how we have to do boring stuff (school, work, chores) to get to the good ones (hobbies). That's Travis' life: doing really boring stuff for a pitiance to then enjoy something exhilarating for a bit. Hell, even Travis' initial goal was motivated just by wanting to bone a pretty lady. He gets better though (as you know). My dude went through a lot. That's the loser mentality, you know? I knew many people like Travis, really cool dudes on the surface, ones that you would really want to hang out with. But deep inside they're kind of broken men that, deep inside, are sad about their unfulfilled potential. Then again, Travis does an important step up (many steps) and stops being a loser by the end of the game. He is still really goofy and fun to be. Making earning money mandatory to get to the fun stuff was a brave move and it made the game memorable when it comes to its themes (as convenient NMH2 was, I really missed going through the boring stuff). Even Santa Destroy was great in that aspect - big, empty, meaningless... just a means to an end (like "real world" would be to an otaku). As for the jobs... Gas station attendant was my jam (though graffiti removing was fun too). ...I completely forgot that bike jumps were even a side mission, haha. And nice to meet another public transport "enjoyer". There's nothing like waking up at 5 AM, going to the train station, arriving at work at 7 AM and returning home around 4:30 PM. FUN. Well, at going by train allows me to actually learn stuff for work... otherwise I wouldn't touch the books at all. Lovikov balls aren't really basketballs. They are a reference to both Dragon Balls (there's seven of them) and characters of Suda's other game - Killer7 (which I'm glad you've enjoyed! It's trully something). Classic beat'em up analogy was really spot on. Level design didn't really bothered me to be honest. It was good. Though I really hated Destroyman's level on Bitter. Really, the one guy who put so many shooters there can... go do a flip in Minecraft. Bitter was extremely unfun, especially when doing it on a "fresh" run. As for the bosses... Letz Shake was the best, enough said (and hey, it paid off a LOT in the sequel). Plot gets really tropey and nonsensical... and that's its charm I guess. The "reveal" that Sylvia was taking Travis for a ride was really great, though. All in all... plot about unending cycle of violence reminded me a lot of a "Drakengard-lite". Though, Travis gets off of it pretty easily. And hey! Supermarket was a cool sequence, really blood-pumping on Bitter. And Margaret Moonlight was the cherry on the top. Waiting for future ones to write more long-ass comments.
@Vanserchan 10 күн бұрын
Kinda wished the PC releases would have been good and maybe sold more so they could have gotten some cool mods, I checked if there's any and it's kinda just... a bunch of new shirts. Would have been fun to see what people came up with if it wasn't so niche. I tried the PS3 version of it once and just didn't feel it at all, because the waggling in NMH has just the perfect balance and it doesn't feel the same without it. The other thing that turned me off was the newer artstyle, which just got worse in TSA and NMH3... This glowey shiny look does not appeal to me at all and I wished they would have stayed with the shading of NMH 1+2... But hey, it got cool new costumes at least! And yeah, that's what I tried to say but maybe I didn't put it into the right words. I see why people see that way of life as the "loser"-way but my definition of loser is kinda just... a bit different. As long as someone doesn't hurt innocent people on purpose or other things I deem as bad I don't think any person could ever be a loser to me, regardless of how "poor" or "broken" they are. Obviously Travis is not truly super duper innocent but I will give him a pass since he's not real! Trains are the best, but somehow I dislike busbes even though they're kinda the same. Probably because they have way more sway when they drive around corners and it shakes so much and busses here are way fuller than trains most of the time. Trains just make me think I'm going on a fun adventure while enjoying the grassy fields and other views while being on the bus just makes me feel depressed when I have to look at the view in the city. Damn, I looked up the Lovikov balls and they do look like Dragon Balls, they always just... looked like basketballs to me because they're orange and are balls... I blame the resolution on the Wii for this... And I should have mentioned the killer7 references in the techniques... Argh, I hate it when you finish a video and think you talked about most of the things you wanted to talk about and then you see things like this and think, damn, now it's too late... (Gonna be honest here, I never played through any of the games on Bitter, I don't think I would have the patience for that, Mild always felt best for me. Imagining all those shooters in his stage on Bitter or the guys in Holly's stage would probably make me go insane) The Drakengard games are also on my list of potential videos one day, only thing holding me back for now is... having to replay DR1... (DR3 is my favorite Yoko Taro game and I hope one day it can actually be played in an acceptable framerate on an actual console without having to use an emulator even though I didn't even mind playing the PS3 version normally...)
@Hodyna 10 күн бұрын
@@Vanserchan Isn't that moment of realization when you put on a long video that you forgot to mention something really cool? Yeah, I guess we all have been there. I understood what you've meant for the first time, it's just... I suppose that's just a bit touchy subject for me. I too was for a long, long time a firm believer of "live-and-let-live" philosophy. ...until I've seen how destructive it can be if you just... leave people be. And how I regret that I didn't do anything for few people when I should, and how nobody gave me a wake-up call when I was wasting my life away like Travis. It's not about being "poor" or "broken" either. It's just... about wanting to better yourself and working hard on it, you know? Travis' motivations weren't pure at all, but in the end that journey made him a better man and gave him a goal. Yeah, I prefer trains too, though... buses are EXTREMELY cool to drive (I did once on a "test" track and nearly toppled it over, so yeah, the sway is real - it makes you respect busdrivers a lot more, let me tell you). Would DIE for a chance to "pilot" a train, though. NMH1's bitter is UNFUN. Remember being angry at damage-sponginess? Multiply that about 2.5x for Bitter. It becomes kind of a zen experience by the end. Drakengard 3 is my favorite too. Zero is a great character, music is wonderful (I love how when you activate the "song" you get an alternative version of BGM that actually plays), gameplay was fun... and then there was the final challenge to get ending D. Getting that trophy (and Drakengard's3 platinum in the end) is one of my proudest achievements (somewhere around the perfect 10 in Digimon's curling). Though, I would love a remake of Drakengard 1.
@Vanserchan 10 күн бұрын
@@Hodyna Trying to get the final ending in DR3 broke me and I gave up after trying for a long time, but one day I shall return to finally beat it, I got really close to it too... So I have to kneel down to you! A remake of 1 would be great but it would also make it lose its magic for me in a way, unless they let the whole game stay the same and just rework the graphics... And yeah, I get what you mean, hope things are going better now! Change can be pretty important after all! And needed!
@goofusmaximus1482 10 күн бұрын
At 150cm, Nia is actually 4' 11" or just over 59 inches. 150cm ÷ 2.54 (cm to inches)
@metallicsnake. 11 күн бұрын
Oh hell ya. No more heroes my jam and Nia is third wife material
@reggiesuypolderhuis 12 күн бұрын
i like the kemono friends anime despite the fact that most basicly look at it with disgust.
@killbreanna420 13 күн бұрын
u r thicc for wuhhht
@davidphillips5030 14 күн бұрын
Probably the most odd heart to heart in xenoblade chronicles 2
@Edyar_Smith 15 күн бұрын
Ok but what in the world did I just watch, like I think I had a brain fart or smthn 😭💀
@BoredRabbit_ 15 күн бұрын
@eschadora 19 күн бұрын
I love your videos please don't get pregnant
@Vanserchan 19 күн бұрын
Where's the next Monster Hunter video upload!!!!!
@JalentheDictator 19 күн бұрын
im finna get this game, great video
@AGAnthonyCoimbra 19 күн бұрын
Xenoblade sus be like
@Hodyna 19 күн бұрын
Damn. I didn't even knew that there was Skate for Wii. I mean... I've seen "Skate It" but I never connected the dots, hah. I like how the series never took itself too seriously (even less than THPS), it was refreshing when contrasting with Project 8 or Proving Ground. Big console Skate games were nice toy boxes, but I've realized that... there's nothing wrong about game being level-based instead of having a large open world - I miss it being like that when nowadays nearly every game has a half-assed one of these instead of neatly curated close spaces. GTA3 really did us a number, huh? Still, it's nice that they didn't hall-assed the Wii version. Maybe I should give Wii library a look and start collecting/playing again, haha. What's your favorite skateboarding game? I would go (not counting MGS2:Substance... even if it was based on quite horrible game) with Trasher: Skate or Destroy. Crazy how it was developed around the first THPS game and came quite different. Btw. Love "Nia's response pictures" interludes. Wish I had an artistic talent like that, haha.
@Vanserchan 19 күн бұрын
My favorite one would probably be the first Underground, because it was the first skating game I really got into. I owned Pro Skater 2 before but as a kid I hated the 2 minute timelimit (nowadays I like it) and just wanted to be able to explore however I want to really, which Underground gave me! (Pro Skater 4 already let you do that too but the Pro Skater name was kinda ruined a that time for me, luckily it wasn't as ruined as it was after the fifth game...) Gave me big levels, a fun story (I hate you Eric), weird fun mission (I kinda liked the driving sections), and has some of my favorite levels. Plus that extra bit of nostalgia. Aside from that it would be Skate 2, and for a more niche pick Bomb Rush Cyberpunk, even if I wouldn't really consider it a true skateboarding game! And yeah, I don't really care if I get an open-world or a stage-based game, as long as it's well designed. The THPS 1+2 remake should show there's still demand for smaller levels that are filled with tons of stuff, so it doesn't always have to be an open-world. Kinda sad that we just never got more remakes or even another original game after it sold so well... And I'm still a bit cautious about Skate 4 but hoping for the best! Everyone can have artistic talent! Everyone starts at zero at first after all! I mostly just scramble to see if I got a fitting one for a certain section in my videos from something I have drawn before, if I had to draw so much new stuff every time for a video I would just pass out from my right hand hurting so much probably!
@Hodyna 19 күн бұрын
@@Vanserchan Yeah, I remember how I felt about time limits as a kid myself. It always stressed me a lot (I still know a lot of people who are so averted to time limits that they REFUSE to play any game with that mechanic, even if the time limit is really generous), but now... I see it more as a motivator than anything else. After all, limits force us to be better. Yeah, THPS5 was a BIG shame. I don't know WHAT made them them think that giving the main numbered installment to people who did HORRIBLE THPS HD... I mean, I know that they just wanted to release a game to keep the rights, but... damn. THUG2 Remix for PSP is amazing (even if I don't really like the original THUG2 as it was... too much of a Jackass game than TH) and if you have PSP of your own I HIGHLY advise you to get it. I have no idea what wizardry or how many blood sacrifices they did for it to be as good. ...never thought to see Bomb Rush Cyberfunk being mentioned here. It's REALLY great title, though as you've said: not really a skateboarding game. If you loved it... can I interest you in Jet Set Radio series? BRC is a spiritual successor to it (a REALLY good one, perhaps even better than the original - hope that next JSR will be good, please be good). I'm so sad that they relegated other THPS games to just being level packs for 1+2 (even when the remake was great). Oh well. And hey, I don't know if you played THPS4 for PS1 but it retains the 2:00 minute levels structure. I actually like it better than the PC/new consoles version. I don't really have the patience or manual skills to draw to be honest (which is funny as I like building airplane kits and 50% of my day job consists of hand-cutting very precise slices that can be easily ruined), so that's why I have so much respect to artists. And yeah, I know that you reuse them, BUT I really like that too. Work smarter, not harder, no?
@Vanserchan 19 күн бұрын
@@Hodyna I still loved Underground 2 because it was perfect during my MTV phase where I just loved to watch all that weird stuff like Jackass, the Bam Margera show, South Park, Drawn Together and other things that were basically our own old versions of brainrot content... I heard good things about that version of it since it also got new extra levels, just never had a PSP back in the day... American Wasteland was also still good but then the franchise fatigue set in and made me wish they would go back to being a bit more grounded or overhauling it completely but Skate ate their cake for that mostly. I played the Jet Set Radio games too actually! Just wish the PC port of it wasn't so borked because something with the saves doesn't quite work and I became a victim of it... So I just emulated the DC version of it. (There's way too many broken ports of old games being sold on Steam without any warnings). And Future works pretty well on an emulator, kinda weird how that's still stuck on the Xbox only. I think accordingly to the leaked Sega stuff they're making a new remake of the first one and also an actual new game, which apparently is gonna lean more into the whole GAAS thing... But hey, hope is the last thing that dies so let's hope for the best! Damn, an airplane kit chad... I always wanted to get a bit into self-made kits like that for figurines. There's a cool Siren set from Xenoblade 2 that you have to assemble yourself but I'm too scared to try and end up breaking something. (And well, it costs a bunch... At least it's pre-colored!)
@Hodyna 19 күн бұрын
​@@Vanserchan If you want get into model kits I STRONGLY advise Gunpla. Sure, they are bit on the expensive side, but they are really detailed, there's minimum amount of "permanent ingerention" (like cutting, gluing or having to put decals) and they are precolored. Painting models is something that I REALLY dislike, so it makes them pretty much perfect. Their Amplified Machinedramon is probably my favorite model I've ever put together (or seen for that matter... though I still want to get Kotobukiya's Metal Gear Ray). PS. Hope that these comments will somehow help you get into the algorithm, haha.
@Vanserchan 17 күн бұрын
@@Hodyna I will look into it eventually when I think I got enough money to spend on such things, and somehow I always think the word gunpla is only used for Gundam even though the world of it is way bigger than just mechas, probably because both just start with gun... The algorithm is a mystery to me and probably always will be, sometimes a video blows up, sometimes it doesn't. That's all fine by me! I just wanna make videos about stuff I wanna talk about and if it performs well it's neat, if it doesn't perform then that's just it, won't keep me from making them!
@goofusmaximus1482 21 күн бұрын
Fun fact: The odd man out of the 26 games to date in North America that got the Kryptonite ESRB rating of AO, got that rating for gambling. "Peak Entertainment Casinos" Due to the ability to gamble using real currency like a brick and mortar casino. All the other AO games got that rating due to graphic sexual imagery and/or violence.
@Hodyna 23 күн бұрын
Hey! This video taunted me for so long, because I was on vacation and I couldn't really watch it till... well, now. Month ago I've FINALLY bought the original X-box (and I love it, it's perhaps my favorite console of that generation, even when I've been PlayStation kid my whole life), mainly to finally play Blinx - the game that taunted me since its release in 2002 (and to play Crimson Skies - fantastic game, it's hard to believe that it was a launch title). Even though I read about it a lot (I mean... a 2-page review in a magazine made me want it really bad) and I've watched some videos about it, I too was quite unprepared for what it really was. The game... is a mess and nearly everything you've said is certainly true. It feels more like a proof of concept with its mechanics (and some of them are actually improved in the sequel... but it isn't too great either) and the game is really clunky. I remember reading about time mechanics (and how the game was marketed as "the first 4D game", which... isn't true at all, obviously. From the top of my head there's game made in NetYarozee - Time Slip that did the whole "record and playback" thing MUCH better) and how my tiny brain couldn't comprehend how they would do it... and I suppose it was just that: a gimmick to be sold. I mean, it's still kinda cool and makes the game memorable... but it is so underused and underdeveloped that it also misses its point. Then again, if you stripped the game of it... it would be just a really generic platformer. The art style is really cool, though! And yeah, I agree - levels and enemies just... don't fit and it makes the game much more otherworldly than it really is - which is the part of its charm I guess. It gets so hard later that I actually laguhed. It is beatable though. Am I proud that I've done it? Nah, not really, but I like the feeling of "closure", I guess. Overall... the game is a mess. The review I've talked about before gave it 7/10. If I had to rate it using numeral scale I would give it 5 or 6, but with a recommendation to check it out. It's still really interesting and I'm glad that I've bought a console just to play it like I was in 2000s again (well, not only for Blinx but... mostly for it, haha). it's more of a interesting gaming history piece than a fun game... but hey, it's something. X-box sadly didn't have too many games like this, so I can see why it was so revered. By the way, X-box games are really finicky when it comes to the emulation, so I highly encourage trying to play them on the original hardware! They really look better that way. I could see myself enjoying it years ago, but then again, I still did to some degree. Also... 1:28 - we're in Europe! There's no "Tomba", he's called "Tombi" here, you coward (let's ignore the Japanese name)!
@Vanserchan 21 күн бұрын
I have to call it Tomba to cater to my American audience because it's like 80% of it, I'm sorry to my European friends for not calling it Tombi... (Which I have tried once upon a time but didn't quite get the whole 2.5D thing and bounced off of it really quickly so I have to give those two games another chance one day, maybe if the remasters are good). Just like how Blinx would have maybe deserved another chance, if they could have ironed out some of its problems, which they probably didn't with the second game since it also didn't got the best reviews. But maybe a third game would have done it, since third time is the charm, or however people say that! Still a fairly charming game at least and was worth checking out, even if it frustrated me to no end at times... And yeah, most of the exclusive original Xbox games I always wanted to play and that I have on my list to check out don't quite run well enough for me to be able to make a video about it because it wouldn't be fair to them, luckily Blinx worked well enough after fixing the FPS drops. Xbox games still have relatively low prices for the most part, with some exceptions like the Otogi games so maybe I should get to it before they explode eventually... Why can't money just grow on trees?
@Hodyna 19 күн бұрын
@@Vanserchan I dunno, I think that our regional name change is kind of charming and it is quite interesting topic (with consensus being that it was changed around here because Tomba in Italian means "grave", which wouldn't be too good looking in a game targeted to kids... even when we have "Tomb Raider" which is nearly the same thing...). And don't forget your glorious European roots! Be proud of them! (joking) Eh? What threw you off of it? It's quite standard platforming affair and it's decent at that. Both games are really interesting and I haven't really found anything like them in my gaming career. You COULD say they''re metroidvanias, but... that wouldn't really do them justice. And they are beautiful (especially the first one) with wonderful music. Really, you should give them a chance. Remakes are looking to be pretty much just a bit better looking and optimized ports with remade music (in the community we even joke that every single bug ang glitch will be present in the "remade" version). It's SUCH A SHAME that first game has so much cut content. I mean... sure, it's nice and mysterious, but... also really depressing when you see how much of the original vision was sacrificed. Second game is much more complete and all around I would say is a BETTER game (some events in the story are also EXTREMELY unhinged and I love it). I would recommend both games whole heartedly. ...though, I might be biased as I'm stuck making ~5-6h video series about them since January... OH WELL. GOOD GAMES. GIVE THEM CHANCE (pls). It's... bit interesting with Blinx's sequel. It improved a whole loth things (even if slightly) and added a lot more stuff, and yet... the core changes weren't BIG enough (like Crash 1 > Crash 2) and added stuff made it feel more like a... sidestep instead of step forward. Added multiplayer (both competetive and co-op) was cool, so was adding a second side of the story (where you play as one of the pig gang who uses "space" instead of "time"). But it doesn't matter when the game isn't just good enough? I think that if the original formula was BETTER from the start, the sequel would be FAR more beloved. It was also released VERY late into the console's lifespan, when most people were preparing for X360. Blinx2 goes in the other end of the spectrum - it's pathetically easy. ...also, it's funny that it's called Blinx, yet you don't really play as him: you create your own Time Sweeper. Mmm, I would say that the rule of two is better most of the time. If the concept isn't working after polishing it up (sequel), most of the time it really isn't worth pursuing. Paradoxically, from what I've seen, third parts tend to be worse than their predecessors. Again, look at Crash 2, Tomb Raider 2, Spyro 2, Metal Gear Solid 2 (I'll DIE on that hill)... they are GREAT, taking what worked in the original game and cranking it up, while throwing off the chaff. Crash 3 or Spyro 3 were great too! ...but they weren't that much of an improvement and watered the core experience down with gimmicks. ...which third (and further parts) tend to do. Of course, we have situations like Jak 2, which was a COMPLETE departure from the original formula, feeling more like a sidestep. In case of sidesteps I would say that giving more chances is valid. Sorry for ranting too much.
@Vanserchan 19 күн бұрын
@@Hodyna I didn't stop playing it because I thought the game was bad but more like, "Hmmm... not feeling it right now!" and just played something else. Sometimes games just give me that feeling, it's hard to explain. That's why I wanna re-visit them both one day again, to really give them the chance they deserve this time! Creating my own Blinx?! Now I gotta play it, I can have my own Blinxsona... Funny that you mention the rule of 2 and most of those are your favorites with the 2 in them, when most of the mentioned franchises peaked with 3 for me, especially Crash and MGS (Never really played much of the Tomb Raider games because they scared me as a kid). Yeah, Spyro 3 and Crash 3 may have a bit too many gimmicks at points but somehow I just love them more than the others... It's kinda crazy to me how the perception of Jak 2 changed so much nowadays. I remember being a kid and people loved Jak 2 lots, tons of great reviews, etc. and the only thing hated was the difficulty. Nowadays it feels like it's looked down upon and people prefer the first one instead while back then it felt like a fine charming Jump N' Run but nothing more. Sometimes I wish I could wake up the next day and see Sony going back to their roots with those games a bit again... A new Jak, a new Sly Raccoon, a new good Ratchet and Clank and especially a new Ape Escape... Sadly I don't live in Dreamland. And no need to apologize for ranting, rants are great! Also good luck on the videos, my head would start spinning if I tried to make such long ones...
@tsyumamatsuthehavenofguard32 23 күн бұрын
I religiously love this girl. She's so naturally like the perfect definition of she knows how to behave but chooses to push your buttons anyway to get a smile, and... damn it she does it every time
@TheBestGroupie 24 күн бұрын
We got the same idea, cheif. She do be the best channel mascot 😂❤
@BlinxESP 25 күн бұрын
Being in my 30s, this game was a big part of my childhood. I collected everything there was to collect in the game, and the fabulous soundtrack still gives me nostalgic vibes. The moment when Blinx finally saved the princess is a memory that will forever stand out in my gaming life.
@chibirad 26 күн бұрын
i used to play blinx as a kid but man i dont remember anything past that lol
@FlyYouFools88 26 күн бұрын
I loved Blinx as a kid 🎉
@fourwingsweepa1705 27 күн бұрын
I remember buying a ton of games used for PS2 at an EB Games for 10 cents each and most were by Phoenix and blast. All of them were garbage
@LocalTorchwoodIntern Ай бұрын
While I did own some bigger budget games in my lifetime, a lot of my childhood games were "shovelware", one of my favorites is still Ultimate I Spy, a wii original game based on the I Spy books and PC games. While it isnt the best in long term or replayablity, I still end up at some point just doing a complete replay of the game and remember how stupid the rocket minigame and how jank the drum minigame is. I also had some fun shovelware on the DS but the hardest in my opinion was the Danny Phantom Urban Jungle game, it is so unfair that I never actually completed it once. The other hard as balls shovelware made for kids I had was The Secret Saturdays: The Beast Of The 5th Sun for the wii. Replaying it recently made me realize that I mustve made my father play through most of it for me because theres no way a childrens game from 2008 was this hard, maybe it was easier on other ports but the wii one was BAD. I still love it tho because underrated cartoon
@mkrool Ай бұрын
i instantly liked her just because she has a welsh accent(english VO) and sounds like she could live in my town :)
@eschadora Ай бұрын
yep... made this mistake with shovel knight... never again...!
@Vanserchan Ай бұрын