Warframe | THE Ludoplex Video
Warframe| The Farmmaxing Grindset
Baldur's Gate 3 Gnome Launch
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Tonight on Peaceframe
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Dumb Warframe meme Number 2210
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Woodle Tree 2| The Return
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2 Cubeworld Players Have an Argument
@someperson4249 Сағат бұрын
clearly, we're gonna get a technocyte lich variant of the djinn
@aquamarinerose5405 5 сағат бұрын
In terms of whether or not warframe takes place in OUR universe or not, I think the answer ends up as "Yes, but no". 1: I think that "Swear to Sol" is kind of just a placeholder type of thing where they don't want to actually explicitly make any calls to real life religions, and so they invent a NEW religion which can effectively serve as an alternative/catch-all religion for this world which may or may not have any similarities to real world religions in terms of history. (Edit/Addition: Hell, the existence of the Gregorian Calendar in this world implies that SOME christianity-equivalent and the Roman Empire both existed in the warframe universe, since the 365 day calendar we used was established by christianity and refined by Pope Gregory XIII) 2: Kinda the same thing with Hollvania and the nonsense writing system that all of the posters have, they didn't want to discriminate/be forced to translate everything by making the posters any specific real language and so filled it in with a non-specific fantastical alphabet. also Hollvania kinda being the same kind of like how Lasria is a sort of stand-in for "Insert a big city in Eastern Europe without using anything specific to the real world" So basically where the changes to the world are less "This is an alternative reality entirely" and more "It's Earth but with the serial numbers filed off"
@zachadair52 6 сағат бұрын
I actually don’t have base epitath so the prime version gonna be crazy for my kullervo
@yungmythologist 6 сағат бұрын
Sevagoth's name should be "Revenant". All I'm saying.
@aquamarinerose5405 6 сағат бұрын
I will admit, I'm still deeply upset about Hayden Tenno not being part of 1999, just becuase the idea that the Tenno got their name from some random dude from 1999 would be hilarious.
@JTRRSuwontgetoutnotat300knots 7 сағат бұрын
Letuce pray for lich hema
@Dcraft_TNT 7 сағат бұрын
What warframe are you using
@LordSubtext 7 сағат бұрын
Isn't it still possible to use 2 nekros and desecrate bodies twice? I used to farm like this back in the day with my boy
@Wizardsnail 7 сағат бұрын
1999 leak
@JTRRSuwontgetoutnotat300knots 8 сағат бұрын
Lungfish best
@HavelTheWolf 8 сағат бұрын
Calibans new skin is stolen/easter egg to the new world first boss when they were boarding the ship before it crashed onto the island
@JTRRSuwontgetoutnotat300knots 8 сағат бұрын
still an enjoyable vid
@JTRRSuwontgetoutnotat300knots 8 сағат бұрын
coment for algothyrm
@nightmareman9960 8 сағат бұрын
Other thing I noticed with the caliban rework is that it seems that the conculyst pick up and use fusion strike (his 4th) as well when you trigger it
@JTRRSuwontgetoutnotat300knots 9 сағат бұрын
11:55 Profit , Growth. Grofit, even!
@dekappatated73 9 сағат бұрын
Sol is our suns name
@JTRRSuwontgetoutnotat300knots 9 сағат бұрын
im not exactly a caliban enjoyer BUT this is what i can guess based on the vid Caliban 1st :his Spin is fast now and probably does somethimng to enemies 2nd 1 cast summons all 3 sentients instead of 1 at a time? 3rd when you cast your 4 your summons also cast it his sentient wrath if i was to guess would be a continuous cone instead of having gaps but im just guessing
@sirrivle1635 10 сағат бұрын
thirty eight is enough for two particularly expensive prime weapons
@Matau228 10 сағат бұрын
I'm realizing that Dark Sector never gave itself an actual date it was set in- I've always assumed the height of the Cold War, 1960s-1970s, if that is true, Dark Sector could easily still be canon to Warframe, making this whole thing Hayden Tenno's fault.
@Jay-ln1co 10 сағат бұрын
So, first they make Warframes remote controlled drones, rather than suits like in Dark Sector, and now they're suits again?
@johngaynor4363 10 сағат бұрын
Sol is our sun, its a little more specific than just "the sun" since there are about a septillion suns in the universe. It's the same as how warframe calls the moon Lua, because there are many moons in the origin system and it might be confusing otherwise.
@mickyflint 10 сағат бұрын
Sol is another name for the sun. Eternalism means all universes exist, your choices are what decide which universe line you go to as shoen in that zariman test. 1999, warframe, and dark sector are likely alternate universes of the same thing. This might be why the technocyte and warframes have different origins and forms in these universes. 1999: albrecht and the infested do something that results in 1999. Warframe: is warframe. Dark sector: the technocyte is made in modern day and also gives the user strange powers if they remain sane. It also grows armor on your body. Maybe the dark sector skins were from some sort of eternalism experiment or an accident that resulted in certian materials being brought into warframe hence why the protoforms origins are stated to be unknown.
@martineze9460 12 сағат бұрын
From what we know albrecht chose this time line because it's the weakest point in time for wally and uh I want the incarnation stug so badly pls DE
@martineze9460 12 сағат бұрын
16:16 Due to the laws of eternalism yes and no
@RPZSTA 12 сағат бұрын
bro Sol and Lua are the name of OUR sun and moon IRL. Its not a warframe thing haha
@martineze9460 12 сағат бұрын
There are different strains of the infestation Technocite affects technology allowing them to control devices Hemlith is the most docile used to make warframes along side repair them, Mutalist strain was a reversed engineered Technocite that can now feed and mutate non biological matter, thanks to alad v Then there was one that makes one mutate into something big( I forgot the name)
@dmajorray6154 12 сағат бұрын
Tbh as someone who loves sevy and is super excited about his prime i was caught very off guard by it. My theory about it is, that sevagoth was originally intended to be released with lavos back in 2020. So maybe they want to try to execute their first plan with the frames? Grendel and guass prime were back to back. Protea was released i think the same month her base was released back in 2020. Lavos was december, and we may be getting lavos prime either late november or early december. I hope its lavos over xaku cause base xaku IS cracked. Lavos and sevy both need very heavy investment and they cant crush level cap as easily as xaku can. So powerwise xaku needs it the least out of all 3 of them. But if it is lavos after sevy, im heavily inclined to think xaku will be after lavos. We'll just have to see. I am super confused about the situation as a whole though. Are they breaking the prime schedule? Are they changing it? What EXACTLY is the thought process for the decision they made? Is it still hype? Yeah absolutely. Is it still wack? Yeah still absolutely lmfao 😂
@BonzerMrT 12 сағат бұрын
Do I have to play the new war for 1999? Cause atm mentally I’m being stubborn cause I don’t feel like farming for voidrigg but also I don’t feel like forking up the 20 bucks for some plat.
@iotaku 4 сағат бұрын
Grind the plat through selling prime junk or smth
@julesbrass9411 12 сағат бұрын
16:57 Sol is the sun, they're swearing on the sun.
@Alphade-rp3qx 13 сағат бұрын
I always gonna love how a game like warframe drains all the excess rage out of a person , of course with the healthy dying screams of the infested , and fishing for hours , I dont regret spending 20 k standing on baits , cause I used all of em
@mostlyjoe 13 сағат бұрын
As far as I understand the tenno is disconnected from normal flow of time. All the alternate versions of ourselves are merged because of the deal we made with the man in the wall. Which like Alberct allows us to break the conventional rules of here and now.
@GamingPenguin4545 13 сағат бұрын
I'm Australian and my favorite little tidbit of info regarding this game is; despite it being banned in australia, a full copy of it was given out for free on demo disks of the main PC gaming magizine of the country
@cappinkrieg9773 14 сағат бұрын
Given the scene with the very Helminth esc creature dropping off a default Excalibur I feel like we're 100% getting our Warframe to 99 somehow.
@RobleViejo 14 сағат бұрын
🇦🇷 ¡¡¡ Proto-Trinity aka Lettie is speaking in Argentine !!! 🇦🇷 Cant believe a character in Warframe canonically said "Wacha" LMAO
@sarbe6625 14 сағат бұрын
I think the fact that we were already aware, atleast vaguely, of what the the main subjects they were going to talk about were is also part of the reason this one worked so well. They didn't have to spend any time introducing us to the ideas like they were something new, and the marketing and theming could be done in a more indepth way because it could assume the audience had atleast an awareness of 1999 (and soulframe).
@dualken7799 14 сағат бұрын
I fucking love your videos holy shit what you remind me of omni voice i love this so much
@fragg124 14 сағат бұрын
we ARE taking control of Arthur, talk to Nyx at the relay she talks about how she knows were in there. also my best guess is that excal near the end was a successful subject in the Excalibur "batch" entrati made
@Sputif 14 сағат бұрын
Sol is just spanish for sun
@ZiggityZeke 15 сағат бұрын
It's not a separate universe as the Virus we plant blossoms into an Infested Lich on our time
@axsprime 15 сағат бұрын
How did we go back in time? Eternalism, we don't have to go further than that.
@fr_z_n3727 15 сағат бұрын
Slightly angry that I farmed out 2 Calibans only for a free one to drop and his Prime is not too far out but... minion builds are sick!
@P0P218 15 сағат бұрын
yes very cool
@Frosty-kz4om 15 сағат бұрын
Sol is the Latin name for the sun, just btw
@YasaiTsume 16 сағат бұрын
The way that the player may end up in 1999 is probably the Helminth thingy vomiting out an Excalibur at the end of the gameplay demo. They may have had ways to "help Arthur" gain leads on Albrecht before by taking temporary control of his body and jotting down locations as opposed to body jacking him but eventually the Chosen Operator still needs a surrogate body in 1999 to properly carry out activities and the Helminth thing vomiting a fresh frame out could be it.
@nota444tm2 9 сағат бұрын
i doubt that helminth spits us out. i think the helminth in 1999 is a perfected helminth. already infused with dna of the og warframes, it basically became a warframe dispenser. cause the warframe pulled out an exaulted sword and clashed with arthur. if we were spat out as like...caliban or something, we wouldn't be able to do that.
@lorenmax2.013 16 сағат бұрын
Bruh, trinity is latina? Explains why I never liked her xd Why do they always make latinos speak so mixed? You don't have germans go "Hey you awschtungkaztgen, howw you doin' " Here's hoping we get a slider to mute her like nora
@unclaimedusername6608 16 сағат бұрын
I do like how, after all this time, they've looped back to basically the original concept of Dark Sector from WAY way back.
@TheNecroMeister 16 сағат бұрын
All of 2 Loki mains crying from no attention from DE No, wait Stalker killed the other 1.
@espinita. 16 сағат бұрын
Im so so excited that i can play as aoi SHES SO HOT