Terminator 2 - Eye FIXED!
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3 жыл бұрын
@maxrocketansky 20 сағат бұрын
The movie wasn't rated PG because the violence was done by a shark. It was PG because people weren't so soft back then.
@maxrocketansky 20 сағат бұрын
If they remade the movie and made Quint transphobic, it would make him the hero of the story. Screw what the audience thinks.
@maxrocketansky 20 сағат бұрын
Gender/race swapping is the worst part of remakes.
@graememcfee23 Күн бұрын
great video ruined by the murican narrating 😒
@NEUR0MANCER_ Күн бұрын
I disagree about the CGi. For a few reasons. 1 mainly because, we have no actual reference for what a liquid metal humanoid would look like in real life. Genysis is arguably the most recent throw back terminator with a T1000, and the CGI looked really no differnt. The reason why is because of the nature of reflective surfaces, and liquid metal in real life, it doesnt retain its shape. So We can only reference how it looks on the ground. Compare the shots of the mercury with the T1000 in his Liquid metal form. Theres really no difference. I have a theory about how things would look if they existed in the real world, and how WE would see them, because of our point of references and inexperience seeing real fantastical shit We tend to think certain things look fake unless it has a specific texture. But what if thats how it would look in real life? BEcause we have never seen it in the form its on TV so thinking it looks fake triggers in our mind cause we havent ever seen a walking liquid metal humanoid. and the versions we have seen, dont look how they would look in real life. Like the shot of the T1000 In his silver form at the end of the movie, where they painted robert patrick instead of CGied him. This is because the nature of the liquid metal would be fluid and shifting. So in reality the Liquid metal being would look more like the mercury then it would patrick in silver make up. Same as Creatures in movies. Animatronic heads, are actually mor erealistic then we realize. Theres a video of a real creature or cryptid sitting in a tree. Its real. Like theres no way it could be faked. But its so alien in its appearance that to us it LOOKs animatronic. But Its a living breathing creature. Just like anything else. There is a difference, But I think, the fact that we dont have these things in real life, we dont actually know or understand how they would look if they DID exist. Like a CGI robot or A T800. In real life machiens are more plastic. But If we were to build them out of titanium. It would look like a combination between the T800 in T2s opening and the T800 in Salvation or genesis. This is because our eyes, trick themselves, and our brain fill in the blanks of the pieces that dont make sense to us, so even in real life you can see things as looking fake. Like one time I saw a triangle UFO, and It was so insane and alien to me, that It looked like it was morphing, and not a solid form. This is because the nature of it, i wasnt used to seeing with my own eyes.
@PizzaPuncher2 2 күн бұрын
Nah, the negative interpretation of Jenny from Forest Gump is the one that is completely accurate. We're just pointing out her horrible actions and how the movie tries to manipulate the audience into thinking she's a good person.
@JasonHauser125 2 күн бұрын
I actually sort of like Terminator Salvation. Compared to Dark Fate, it is certainly better. There is hardly a frame of Dark Fate I found watchable. It was just bad start to finish.
@alienatedslayer 2 күн бұрын
I like last blood
@zosometalgod 3 күн бұрын
Bruce wasn't a puppet! It was an animatronic mechanical effect there's a difference
@ryanpenrod1859 3 күн бұрын
"I also like The Terminator and its two classic films that had no sequels!"
@exiverence 3 күн бұрын
This is my all time fave movie. I seen this the first time when I was 6 and it just was the best. I still love it to this day
@tomasjunior805 3 күн бұрын
this really makes sense
@melaniesmith1313 5 күн бұрын
I actually quite liked it. It was the last one I can say that about. I thought Worthington did a good job. Helena Bonham Carter did as well.
@Kriegsman1119 5 күн бұрын
You should super glue some poo to it
@basedsketch4133 5 күн бұрын
Only AvP thing I liked was the Capcom arcade game which I always play on PC when bored or the dungeons and dragons arcade game
@troy8867 6 күн бұрын
The second one was awesome
@drizztdourden1314 7 күн бұрын
@aquatofana9257 7 күн бұрын
I can't stand Grandpa Joe. Sorry.
@vivafamilia7867 Күн бұрын
You sound like one of the parents. Through his imperfection and mental health disability he gave encouragement to Charlie and in turn Charlie was his hope to live on.
@diskonnektion5496 7 күн бұрын
Good effort, but in my opinion, the first movie is a time loop that has been played over and over again, possibly a near infinite number of times. The loop had once been created but it's origin in my opinion comes from a timeline that had neither a John Connor nor Skynet. In the original timeline (T0), there was no Skynet or John Connor. The original timeline is essentially our timeline without a Judgment Day happening. Sometime in the far future (possibly the 22nd or 23rd) century, a defense-system AI technology is developed, but this technology has multiple components, including those that prevent it from attacking humans or developing self-awareness. At the same time, assisted by this new AI, humanity develops technology for limited time travel. During one the time-travel experiment, one component chip is sent back in time to 1984, creating timeline 1 (T1). In timeline 1 (T1), or the Skynet timeline, the chip sent back from the far future to 1984 is discovered by employees of Cyberdyne. Unfortunately, the chip only includes the advanced AI system that had been developed in the future without any of the protective programs that would prevent it from developing self-awareness or attacking humanity. Cyberdyne uses the chip to quickly develop Skynet that is then sold to the US Department of Defense. In 1997, Skynet is given control of the US nuclear arsenal, and the system decides to initiate Judgment Day by launching a nuclear strike against Russia, which retaliates with a nuclear strike against the United States. 3 billion people are killed, and Skynet then starts manufacturing hunter killers and terminators to exterminate or enslave the survivors. In this timeline, humanity is not very well prepared against the machines and fights a very difficult war. At the same time, Skynet develops technology for time travel. In 2029, humanity, realizing that it is losing the war, decides to send a team of elite officers led by Kyle Reese to infiltrate Skynet’s base hosting the time displacement device to travel back to 1984 to prevent the appearance of Skynet. Kyle Reese uses the time displacement device to travel back to 1984, but realizing the Resistance’s plan, Skynet sends its new T-800 series Terminator (Model 101) to go after Reese to kill the resistance fighter in 1984 before he is able to stymie Cyberdyne’s plans to develop Skynet. This leads to the creation of timeline 2 (T2). In timeline 2 (T2), or the John Connor timeline, Kyle Reese arrives to 1984 with a mission to stymie Cyberdyne’s plan to develop Skynet. He is pursued by the T-800 Terminator sent by Skynet to kill Reese. The Terminator pursues Reese for several weeks, with Reese developing a plan to destroy Cyberdyne’s headquarters. In one way or another, Reese meets Sarah Connor, a lonely waitress with a somewhat lackluster love life, and the two quickly fall in love. While Sarah Connor does not believe Reese’s stories about the future at first, she finally comes to believe him after witnessing how difficult it is to stop the Terminator. She gets pregnant from Reese. The 2 eventually try to attack one of Cyberdyne’s facilities in Los Angeles but are ambushed by the Terminator. Cyberdyne’s headquarters are blown up together with the Terminator’s head, but the explosion also kills Reese. Sarah survives and gives birth to John Connor in 1985. Unfortunately, the chip from the destroyed Terminator is discovered by Cyberdyne and the company uses information from the chip to start developing Skynet. At first, Sarah Connor is oblivious to this, but she then discovers this and realizes she has to try to destroy Cyberdyne again. Knowing that Judgment Day can still happen, she starts training John Connor and imparting the knowledge she learned from Reese. Her attempt to destroy Cyberdyne in 1991 is unsuccessful, with Sarah getting placed into a psychiatric hospital and John being placed in foster care. After numerous attempts, Sarah eventually escapes the hospital in 1997, possibly just a few weeks before Judgment Day. She manages to recruit the services of one her ex-military boyfriends to take John Connor out of the foster family and escape to Mexico. Since there is very little time, Sarah focuses on finding shelter for her son rather than destroying Cyberdyne. Cyberdyne develops Skynet and Judgment Day happens on August 29, 1997. Both Sarah and John survive the nuclear apocalypse hiding in a bunker in Mexico, and both join the human resistance to fight against the machines. In this timeline, John Connor proves to know exactly how to defeat the machines, as he has the knowledge that Sarah raised him with, with Sarah received the know-how from the time-traveling Kyle Reese from timeline 1. In timeline 2, John Connor’s leadership eventually leads humanity to victory, and in 2029, Skynet is all but defeated. Realizing its defeat, Skynet send the T-800 Terminator back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor before John Connor is conceived. This time, it is John Connor who sends back Kyle Reese to protect his mother. At the same time, John Connor discovers Skynet also sent back a T-1000 Terminator to the year 1995 to kill himself as a 10-year-old boy living with his foster family at that time. 2029 John Connor finds a T-800 Terminator in Skynet’s compound and reprograms it to then send it back to 1995 to protect his younger self from the T-1000. Thus, the time loop that we see play out in The Terminator and the first half of Terminator 2: Judgment Day is formed. This timeloop plays over and over again many times. Each time, Sarah Connor escapes Pescadero in 1995 (much earlier than in timeline 2, as she is assisted by her own son and the reprogrammed T-800 Terminator). However, since the T-1000 is hunting for John Connor, she realizes it is safer to hide in Mexico than to go back to the US to try to prevent Judgment Day. Sarah, John, and the T-800 Terminator then go into hiding in Mexico and hide until Judgment Day, with John receiving additional training in that time period. During Judgment Day, the T-1000 Terminator ends up getting destroyed in LA as he is in the epicenter of the nuclear explosion while the T-800 protector Terminator sacrifices himself to ensure Sarah and John have access to one of the most secure shelters somewhere in Mexico. John re-emerges as the leader of humanity and uses his extensive knowledge and training to lead humans to victory in the War against Skynet and the machines. In 2029, Skynet sends the T-800 Terminator to kill Sarah Connor in 1984 and the T-1000 Terminator to kill John Connor in 1995, and John Connor sends Kyle Reese to protect Sarah and the reprogrammed T-800 Terminator (this time recognizing a familiar face from his childhood) to protect himself in 1995. The time loop plays a nearly infinite number of times. Due to quantum nondeterminism, there some extremely minute differences that start to accumulate as each new time loop is played. These differences cause Sarah to experience progressively more vivid nightmares about Judgment Day while she is committed at Pescadero. At one point, this reaches a breaking point, and the neural pathways in Sarah’s brain motivate her to try to kill Skynet developer Myles Bennett Dyson, as we see in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. My theory is not perfect, but it retains the near biblical and symbolic importance of John Connor as always being the literal son of the future. A timeline without John Connor and Skynet is essentially our timeline, and a timeline with only Skynet and no John results in the annihilation of humanity, with humanity engaging a last-ditch effort to destroy Skynet before it is conceived by sending Kyle to the past. Kyle doesn't exactly succeed, but conceives a son with Sarah Connor, who, thanks to his upbringing, leads humanity to victory against Skynet by 2029.
@andrewdopple6946 Күн бұрын
damn, this is genius. I'm leaning more towards the three-universe theory, since I thought it up as a child about 10 years ago. But if i was allowed to retcon the entire terminator franchise, I would go this route. Make a new movie using the T1 timeline, a tv series covering between T1 to T2, and then an animated series filling the gaps from T0 to T2. Dark Fate and Genysis just written off as not-so-fan service.
@diskonnektion5496 Күн бұрын
@@andrewdopple6946 Thank you! Wish we could see that come to life someday…maybe a movie called Skynet about the development of that network in T1 and how it culminates in Judgment Day on August 29, 1997, with the normalcy of the first 2/3 of the movie turning into the nightmare of the flashback sequences from The first Terminator movie…if you search KZfaq for Skynet EAS scenario, that’s the kind of feel and fear-inducing scenario that would be amazing for a movie I think…no Arnie, no heroes, just protagonists we can relate to, maybe something along the lines of Rise of the Planet of the Apes where a normal world turns into something nightmarish…
@rageofinfinity2032 7 күн бұрын
this video aged well
@Swaggaccino 7 күн бұрын
I think CGI works best when it briefly complements real practical effects. When the entire screen is green, I don't want it. This is why some movies from the 80s and 90s aged flawlessly and even managed to outshine movies from today.
@JamesThomasJeans 8 күн бұрын
If I remade JAWS, I wouldn't set it in the current year, it would be a period piece -- set in the 1970s, when the original book was written.
@green9832 8 күн бұрын
I personally thought that Leigon was likely the natural genesis of AI. At some point, Legion interfered with the past and SkyNet was always an artificially accelerated version of AI. This means that none of the SkyNet timelines were authentic. This could spark a war between the two AI systems, across time.
@lordkin-kong8888 8 күн бұрын
I have to agree with your grandpa bucket take.. To have fault in World war II, come back a war hero, lose his son and then have to watch his grandson grow up. While looking exactly like his son has to be devastating.. Being constantly reminded of his son being gone has to be Spirit breaking..
@lordkin-kong8888 8 күн бұрын
I agree with everything else other than the Forrest Gump thing.. They have a very valid point🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@MrVidification 9 күн бұрын
If you ignore avatar, it seems james cameron hasn't directed a movie since Titanic in 1997
@JohnSmith-kk8eu 9 күн бұрын
семь минут песдобольства, чтобы показать вот это? ну ты чел...
@illdrillkiller 9 күн бұрын
The future wsr scenes in the first 2 movies are the greatest thing ever put on film
@illdrillkiller 9 күн бұрын
They should stop making shitty sequals and give us a future war movie filmed how the future war movies are filmed in the the first 2 movies piratical effects no cgi...or they need to reboot the franchise by making the terminator either as a standalone or part of triolgy a complete remake of the fist movie would be interesting and having another actor playing terminator instead of arnold would feel weird but i think it would if they put in the horror elements from the first and brad feidel would need to score the movie without his music it wouldn't work
@illdrillkiller 9 күн бұрын
T2 is not a good movie ....its the greatest of all time
@mr_blue8208 10 күн бұрын
That “galimar” analogy was SPOT ON! 🤣 Also, T3 is the worst iteration ever… that version of John Connor…. Come on now people… everything’s wrong with it. Lastly, T Salvation meant well and it’s really not a bad movie, buuut…. They should have left this franchise to rest after T2… it’s just dead forever, regardless of how many revivals (i.e., cash grab attempts) people try to do with it. There’s a reason why the Back to the Future movies are still GOLD! No one is allowed to redo them(ruin that story).
@JasonPurll-ep9yu 11 күн бұрын
I had nightmares for weeks after seeing this when i was smuggled into the drive-in.
@thedoneeye 12 күн бұрын
Although the new cut digitally covered up Robert Patrick's nuts NOTHING could be done when he stood up stark naked and waved to a passing commuter train while filming!!
@jimbotron70 12 күн бұрын
Bro this level of obsession will terminate you.
@crimedramadvdhotspot7720 14 күн бұрын
Here that oz e goof winkle talk, Im out four & 20 VB momos
@TheKrensada 14 күн бұрын
I pose the reason we've never heard the endoskeleton speak is because the vocal chords are gone. His facial muscles are controlled by some kind of unexplained process. So are his vocal chords. But they aren't there. I don't think he speaks with just his skeleton.
@MrSPINNER1988 14 күн бұрын
Чума. На грани детского сада. "Как я захотел починить глаз терминатору" ... И что дальше? Супер ремастеринг версию нужно выпускать с твоими исправлениями???
@campbellrocksagain 14 күн бұрын
This whole video feels like a metaphor for my alcoholism
@7swordfighter 15 күн бұрын
In this channel, a movie's flaws count only when it's not the Exorcist. If it is the Exorcist then the flaws don't count because old movie good, new movie bad.
@thesushifiend 15 күн бұрын
Now can you please fix the right front wheel on the truck when it dives into the gully? The suspension obviously breaks and the left wheel points straight ahead while the right wheel tries to drag the truck sideways. But then in the next shot the suspension has fixed itself and both wheels are pointing straight ahead. That’s the part which bugs me the most in T2.
@illdrillkiller 15 күн бұрын
Johns dad is not kyle its sarahs room mates boyfriend that phone call sarah anwcered got her wet of the guy .
@green9832 8 күн бұрын
@cgimovieman 15 күн бұрын
Not bad. I’d say a little too dark around the eye though, even for the lighting. The black around the red light makes the eye look like it’s floating, and draws too much attention to it. I agree with you though, in that T2 is nearly perfect. I was just 12 when it came out, and as I remember didn’t see it until at least the next year, being rated R. But it’s just one of those movies I’ve owned in every format over the years, and sometimes multiple editions on the same format. It may seem to younger viewers as being overrated just because of all of its releases, sequels, and even theme park rides/shows. But there is a reason for that; it’s iconic, and a masterpiece of effects, sci-fi, action, and how to make a good sequel. It’s one of those many movies from when I was growing up that I really miss today. It’s added to my clinical depression that movies have almost completely gone to crap today. Actors can’t act and have no presence, stories and scripts are just awful, and everything is an unoriginal superhero or comic book film we don’t need more of, or another remake or sequel. It makes me sad, since there were many times in my life until maybe 2012, that I’d be seeing a new movie in theaters every week, for weeks on end. And the movies were good too! And I could just walk up to a box office, buy a matinee ticket for $7-$10 the day of, and sit in any seat I wanted. The last movie I saw cost $21.10 just for the movie, and in order to get a decent seat with having assigned seats now, I had to buy my ticket over a week in advance. PLUS, the movie wasn’t even good! Sigh…it just depresses me so much.
@Eron_the_Relentless 15 күн бұрын
Disagree on two fronts: The first is the entire premise. The T-800 moving eye takes away from the scene. As it is, we are figuratively seeing his cyborg self is "dead" and human self is fully realized. "I now know why you cry." If the cyborg eye moved it would take the audience's focus away from the human half of his face, which is the correct place the audience should have their attention. He's not a killbot anymore, a fact that even Sarah Connor can't deny. I agree with the little fixes like removing the T-1000 shoulder-thread, though it may have been part of the original scrapped idea that he's losing control of his reforming process/system is being corrupted and thus he actually is being harmed by the combat he's enduring (in spite of appearance to the contrary) and thus the thread could have been intentionally placed there at the time, he's "fraying at the edges", literally as well as figuratively. Since that idea was mostly scrapped and we only see few minor instances of it in the final movie I'd agree with removing it entirely. Also, a T-1000 remaining undamaged by combat is a more powerful, dangerous, and scary T-1000 than one who is subtly being damaged over time. I also disagree on another matter entirely: I don't want the original Star Wars trilogy restored 100%. More like 98%. I want David Prowse the credit he deserves as Vader. The man wore the costume for three movies and they wouldn't let Anakin's face be his in RotJ. There was a documentary that refilmed the scenes with Prowse near the end of his life (when he was actually age appropriate). I think it fitting that he be retroactively made Anakin's face with that footage (and whatever digital trickery required to make that happen). That's the only change to the original trilogy I fully endorse and would like to see in my lifetime - a fully restored version with Prowse playing unmasked Anakin including force ghost..
@christiankeane2506 16 күн бұрын
There’s no need for a remake and if they do it should be on facts about how sharks acidently kills us and about protecting them not something to make people scared again and make the amount sharks killed each year rise
@Tanookicatoon 16 күн бұрын
Your impression of Mark Hamill is hilarious. LOL
@757Media 16 күн бұрын
Dude you little work of the eye looks awesome
@larry40 17 күн бұрын
His head took alota damage in that fight he is pretty much destroyed or close to it he can barely walk at this point it would make sense if it was still functional but kinda jammed in there now..
@illdrillkiller 17 күн бұрын
It looks good good some how it mskes im look creeper with the fixed eye
@illdrillkiller 17 күн бұрын
I never had a problem with the eye in t2 but dope they updated it the truck window and the bike stunt always took me out the movie a lil bit ...its a perfect film
@calummurray1094 17 күн бұрын
Whilst Dream Warriors is my favourite film, I'd agree the best portrayal of Freddy is in the original. He's at his most twisted and macabre. Having him speak in his natural voice is much scarier. No one understood him better than Wes. I'm surprised no sequel tried to go back to the chase element again. You run away and turn back to see how far away he is then boom. He's facing you. If Freddy gets hold of you That's terrifying. There was a sense of humour there but it was very dark and added to the chill factor rather than dilute it. His taunts here sound very much like those of a real life bully rather than added for effect.