@infamousgrosso Күн бұрын
returning because this channel is and will always be the greatest
@G-Blockster 2 күн бұрын
I like the idea of the background profession mirroring the secondary multiclass.
@anathema1828 4 күн бұрын
Keith Baker did the Eberron gnomes a solid: Zil assassin culture, the Trust, Mark of Scribing dragonmarked house, and now the seafaring Lorghalan gnomes with a lost island vibe, but elementals. What’s not to love?
@TwinSteel 4 күн бұрын
@CFHWolfe 5 күн бұрын
Loving this so far. Adding my own world ending threat, which ties in all my players plots and goals. They've got their stories woven into various chapters. Been a lot of fun!
@johnmhuizar 6 күн бұрын
I'm late to this party by five years, but... All my exes live in hexes
@hopefulAbstractierre 6 күн бұрын
Homebrews: Silver Rose 86 HGA//Angel Ziarnnq ( Barbarian Monk tht haz rage // Totem ov respectful lament for those fallen ( whether countenance & or hopes & or ) frm gangster garbage ( ie. guns [ metal // silver ] && they hopefully: stabilize emotions ov the energies about them & or channel cheery co-clericle radiance co-paladinique, disforce ov discourse & , , non-frothinize those tht vy & pry askewly
@aggarius2944 7 күн бұрын
I miss this duo :(
@gp2917 7 күн бұрын
I know I’m splitting hairs here, but your atheist paladin is actually an anti-theist paladin. I know, I know, but words matter. I think I’m gonna try this. My character will have been raised in a cult by a false prophet. His path of vengeance began with slaying the cult leader. He won’t choose a god, so it will be interesting to find out where the powers are coming from
@hugolanglois4072 8 күн бұрын
Critical roll was D&D in the first season. But it has become a tv show about D&D. Tv shows are meant to be watched not played. I agree with you : D&D is a GAME not a show.
@evwaldron 10 күн бұрын
Warhammer Fantasy RPG... that is all. Or, better yet, Mork Borg.
@dmxoan 11 күн бұрын
I have been going through and defining my old homebrew world since the late 90s, I am actually using book 3 from the OD&D as well and playing my adpted version of the Man-to-Man rules from Chainmail for combat which is a lot changing the monsters in OD&D to fit
@Thurmanation2011s 12 күн бұрын
DND is only a few steps away from removing everything that makes the races different. In the pursuit of woke points people will basically be playing grey blobs.
@philipboardman1357 12 күн бұрын
I love watching these old videos. They were, by far, the best table-top-tubers. I hope they are doing well, and someday make a return.
@RexYoung206 12 күн бұрын
You guys left out the Slithering Tracker! Talk about body horror: the Monstrous Compendium mentioned that it was theorized to be the result of a wizard's curse: Rendering an enemy into literally a boneless blob! 😆
@TwoKnowingRavens 13 күн бұрын
I hope you're all well. Thanks for the years of entertainment, and a hope for the triumphant return!
@kaneo1 13 күн бұрын
5e PHB states magic is prevalent. I'd assume nearly everyone knows at least a utility cantrip like Prestidig/Thaumat/D. Craft, Mage Hand, Mending, etc., and that Lv. 1 spells or similar effects are common. Lv. 2 & up get into the rare or legendary. It would be the odd person who Can't use magic. If I ever DM, a cantrip would be almost a prereq during character creation, if not Magic Initiate, BUT no damaging spells. Races of PCs & NPCs include elves, Asimar, & literal descendents of dragons & demons. You expect me to believe only the 'rare' adventuring types have access to magical effects?
@AccCraimer 13 күн бұрын
I have a DM that won't let us cast Guidance and hold it up on someone. He doesn't really set up the scenarios that gives us an opening to cast it. He just thrusts us into Skill checks before we can react. I tried to talk to him about it, but he won't let me "Cheat" in an extra d4, so I stopped using it. Please don't be this guy.
@RexYoung206 13 күн бұрын
I briefly played a pre-made anime-styled halfling monk, and had a great time. I would enjoy playing another one. Perhaps a halfling child sent to (or left on the doorstep) of a temple, who grows up under the tough but kind schooling of the temple masters, learning how to be both a skilled combatant, and also a humble servant of the people. After graduating from the temple, he leaves to explore the world, and serve & defend others in need. His actions are his only sermon. Perhaps he eventually falls in with a halfling shire somewhere, whose sheriff decides he'd make a good (and cheap) deputy. And now he slowly patrols the perimeter of their shire, keeping the locals safe from the edge of the wilderness. Busting up roving bandits, and warning villagers of forest fires, trolls & hill giants. ALTERNATIVELY: A luchador-themed monk! They often come from extended wrestling families who form their own stables. Kind of like the varieties of classic kung fu schools, which can frequently have competitive rivalries, sometimes having all-out blood feuds. Luchadors monks may have clan rivalries, though perhaps they try to save it for the ring. Perhaps the local town has 2 or 3 family-run public gyms, and their luchadors battle in the ring of city-run downtown venue. Their demeanor in battle (in and out of the ring) may be hyper aggressive, or outlandish (crazy, bestial, etc.). They tend to act with over the top showmanship, when they can. And short-stature characters are heartily welcomed to the glory of the luchador world. "NA-CHOOOOO!!!!!" 😃
@lindseylooft7187 14 күн бұрын
Sounds like he hasn't read the comic "Goblins" lol
@gamingat3099 14 күн бұрын
Soysaucefool. Study time
@sonder_ua 14 күн бұрын
I genuinely love the fact that in 5E (combat-focused-game) literally no giant has at least one unique ability or differences between each other. Smash twice and throw rock. So it's up to DM not only to make them interesting and special via homerules, but also balance this on your own.
@arcanerecovery2567 14 күн бұрын
perhaps it would be helpful to think of necromancy in the same veins of how you think of poison... neither is inherently evil but how often are they used for good?
@thehentaifriend5006 16 күн бұрын
A very important rule that I usualy remind myself when I'm DMing, is "If it's not engaging, it cannot be imersive, so it's not interesting" . I Always try to stick to this rule, and also the "rule of Cool!" .
@fredericleclerc9037 16 күн бұрын
Even resurrecting someone without asking the permission of the deity if quite weird. Like you character in dead and in the heaven of deity X... and you steal his soul to bring it back to a body... mmmm... let's hope I'm not that deity because you just intruded BIG time on my domain.
@RexYoung206 16 күн бұрын
A notable exception to the Scottish Dwarves trope: the classic Rankin-Bass "Hobbit" cartoon, us Gen X kids grew up on. 😀 Perhaps it pre-dates the trope...?
@arcanerecovery2567 16 күн бұрын
Also, at about the 45 min. mark it's mentioned that people in general like the guardian mode over the infiltrator mode... really, you multiclass into rogue and do lightning damage sneak attacks!!!
@arcanerecovery2567 16 күн бұрын
Just paused the video at the 34 min. mark to weigh in on something that might not be super obvious to many but the 6th and 7th level features of the base Artificer actually combo sometimes. If you have expertise with all tools and still somehow flub a skill check with them you could have a 'flash of genius' at the last minute and quite possibly turn a failure into a success.
@RS-ry4lp 19 күн бұрын
Miss you guys ❤
@garvielloken9697 19 күн бұрын
Thank you web DM
@k2k4 19 күн бұрын
I never really thought about it before, but a bard who had a 1-hit wonder and hates that song now, but everywhere he goes people keep asking for that song would be an awesome thing to roleplay. Also, jack black is probably the coolest way to play a bard, but to each their own.
@coreycoffell6219 19 күн бұрын
Did you hear Mordor went green? They converted to something they're calling Frodovoltaic energy.
@flareinc7413 19 күн бұрын
Such a good video from one of the best channels. Really missing these guys' content.
@thehentaifriend5006 20 күн бұрын
Augury is a great spell for the DM to angage otherworldy powers like Gods and what not with the players. Augury is also very easy to use. You can make it give off three different answers a Good desision, a Bad desicion and a third desicion that might be a "Big Gamble" is the party stick with it, which means it can be a bad decision that can give off even Greater resaults at the end! It's an other way for the DM to also say something like "Do you think it's a good idea to do this?" and we all know that when a DM makes such a question to the players, it's actually a really bad idea!... Guidance is a tricky "spell" to nerf. I wouldn't touch it. I'd agree that the one who cast the spell has to be responsible to emind the other PC that they have Guidance as well, The same like Bardic Inspiration dice!... Moonbeam is a great spell, I wouldn't change anything about it, well maybe the space it covers like 5ft cube is too little for a 2nd level spell, at least to me. I'd make it a 5ft radius from the point of origin or a 10ft cube instead. Also, when a spell uses specific words and most people paraphrase them it becomes even more confusic for the rest of the community. When we say "Enter" it means that someone or something takes a voluntarily desision to act by moving into a space. Enter doen't mean I shine a beam of light on your head so since you are inside it that means that you have "enter" it! NO. That's not what ENTER means at all! The creature has to make the desision and ENTER by their own acord! That's what Enter means! I don't understand why soo many people confuse this simple word with something else really!!!???... Pass without Trace is a great spell. It's a camuflage spell and it does what it was suppose to do!...Mending is probably the most useless spell I know. Even in Harry Potter one Hermiony fixed Harry's glasses with 1 action. But Mending needs time to see resaults! Also, nobody cares, cause it could have been the greatest Repair spell, if only DMs and Players cared enough to concinder that their gear or weapons actually need Mending, and as far as I know and remember only in the Black Sun campaign setting you are forced to concinder your armor and weapon durability. Like Durablity in 5e doesn't exist so why does Mending spell exists at all? Nobody cares really!... Eldritch Blast. oh boy! To me it depends in how a DM rulles the critical hits. Me persoanly I made it so you deal maximum double dam with weapons but you double the dmg dice with spells! To me at least spells that require an attack roll and the fact that THIS gives them the posibility to deal more dmg from higher level spells, for example if you take the Fireball (8d6) AoE 3rd level spell vs Scorching Ray (3 x 2d6) seperate attack rolls 2nd lvl spell. The possibility of dealling the same or more dmg depending if you roll a critical on the attack roll or not, to me at least it's a big thing! Because on a single or double crit rolls a 2nd lvl spell deals the same or more dmg from a higher level spell, also if you thing that Fireball is a DEX save spell, and Dex saves are the most common for damaging spells and can easily be avoided or countered and what not, Fireball stops been so intimidating in the end and Scorching Ray becomes more and more formidable in the end game! At least that's my personal opinioon in the matter!... Many DMs hate Healing Word because it's a bonus action long distance healing spell. I'd say, if your monster or villain uses powerful AoE spells or abilities and reduces more than one PCs in one round and the Healer can only heal one person just barely above 0hp and even with Mass Healing Word, it's still not enough healing for the players' point in regards to the adversary that they have to face! Especialy if it's a Deadly or worst encounter! Ok Cleric uses heling word on his turn, on smn that has bellow 0hp, the Pc rises once to fall dow the next turn though! H ow is that unbalanced to the DM, it's a joke to even make an arguing about this! Healing word and healing spells in general (if you dont concider the Power Word Heal and Mass Heal) is WEAK against very powerfull high level encounters that go beyong 10th level campaigns!!!... Healing Spirit SUCKS! Especialy after the last time they've changed it in the "erratas". Personaly I have revised it and made it a concentration for 1 minute, giving a 1d4+spellcasting mdfr hp to one creature that is within 10ft from the spirit using your bonus action. Like a mocing Aura of Vitality that gives 2d6 hp in one creature within 30ft of you. It's a stronger Healing Word but weaker than Mass Healing Word and closer to Aura of Vitality that can heal more hp per turn but can have a more versatile distance than an aura spell!!!... Find Familiar huh! Well, the only problem with FF I have is that you can cast touch spells indifferent of level through your Familia. I would have nerfed it so you can only cast Cantrips or up to 1st level spells from them. Also, if DMs have problems when players send their Familiar through dungeons, well the answer is simple actually. We play in a fictional FANTASTIC WORLD! Dungeons, towers, places of magic or in general places that have a magical creature living inside, or that someone has hidden a magical artifact or items inside, CAN HAVE COUNTERMESURES THAT PREVENT FAMILIARS TO ROAM FRELLY INSIDE THEM!. --- That simple and it makes sense!... Knock spell can easily be countered with a Glyph of Warding by having either a counterspell, dispell magic, wall of force, or even an othe Arcane Lock spell cast uppon the lock! You can also put a magic trap that teleports anyone who uses Knock back outside or inside a pit of snakes or whatever. Easy piezy lemon squeezy!... Fly. Again the same thing apply as the Find Familiar and Knock spells, if they try using it insid a dungeon or somewhere where something very important is hidden inside, just tell them you cannot fly because countermeasures. BECAUSE MAGIC! Let them use Fly for exploration and outside, it was made for that poprouse after all!... Finally- Counterspell. Oh boy! Personally I don't have an issue with counterspell played in the same manner like the "Aphoplisious" spell in Harry Potter. But I might make it used more like the Countercharm feature of the Bard. Like make it a concentration spell for 1 minute, an action or bonus action to cast and the users reaction to counter one casted spell for as long as they hold concentration!... My personal opinion about DMs who don't like some specific spells that their players love using or their players have based their whole characters arounf those specific spells. Just concinder if you really need to be soo dramatic about banning those spells for your world, and if yes explain the reasons why you don't want those spells in your campaign world to your players. If your players still have a problem with that, then they should either play something else or just don't play at all in that campaign or your table! Remember, "You don't always have to dramatise everything, unless it's absolutely nesesery"
@SpiritWolf1966 21 күн бұрын
I enjoy all of Web DM videos
@BBones541 21 күн бұрын
I made a back ally street urchin boxer/brawler Monk raised by his older brother that died in a underground match lol Made him more like Ryu with the Four Elements but strictly boxing and I only use the fire and air attacks
@coreycoffell6219 22 күн бұрын
My money is on the autognome.
@IgnatiousMaximus-rz6xb 23 күн бұрын
I played planescape, and that was my reaction a big yawn and telling every faction recruit to get the fuck out of my face. My past DM, was like shit. Then it got to the point that I started my own, outside of dirty sigil. My goal was to spread the factions power surrounding sigil, keeping the faction sigil quarantined in the city of filth sigil
@GenericUsername-qp1ww 23 күн бұрын
I disagree with the statement that Batman is similar to Oath of Vengeance paladin, Batman doesnt kill the bad guys
@gmtyph00n20 23 күн бұрын
Where it all began...
@andyroobrick-a-brack9355 25 күн бұрын
The reasons you criticize gollaths are the same reason I love them. They're not too alien-looking, not too beastial or feral, they're big, brawny, impossibly strong dudes wandering the most desolate lands in the realm looking for a challenge. Orcs, minotaurs, and firbolgs simply don't scratch the itch I have to play that kind of character. Plis, their simplicity allows players and DMs to do the thing that makes D&D so great: it allows for a myriad of potential angles, lore and culture to be built off of them. That's why I grabitated towards them, because of that simplicity and vagueness which allowed me to fill in the gaps. I also don't usually tie goliaths to particular elements or races, though. I'm an advocate of them mirroring the different types of giants rather than stone giants specifically. They live on the tops of mountains because, in my mind, they reflect the collective goliath attitude: big, impossibly tough, and awe inspiring in their strength.
@Hilianus 26 күн бұрын
Even though the duo here sadly parted ways, it is still such a good resource to send new players about how thry could spice up their roleplay of a particular class. Please keep it up forever! ❤
@RexYoung206 26 күн бұрын
If goblin mothers give birth to 20 babies at a time, are the babies super tiny, or are the mothers super huge (like to the point of being bed-ridden much of the pregnancy, and through weaning)?
@brunomuscolo7063 27 күн бұрын
God I miss this channel
@Thurmanation2011s 28 күн бұрын
Maybe we just stop bashing past stories with the overused "problematic." It shows your white guilt. Stop being over sensitive.
@Thurmanation2011s 29 күн бұрын
Make sure no ones feee fees are hurt.
@kalebzerger301 Ай бұрын
Perfect video! Gave me exactly what I was looking for
@JorneDeSmedt Ай бұрын
After defeating the golden bull, you must defeat the golden bear, and then the treasure will be yours. The treasure is shares in the East Faerun Trading Company.
@timhaldane7588 Ай бұрын
"Go for a walk for four miles and see what kinds of different terrain there are." Laughs in Phoenix, Arizona.