Brutal Company - Modded Madness!
So close!
5 ай бұрын
My first day at Lethal Company
Channel Update December 2023
Clanfolk ~ Early Access Showcase
Stationeers ~ Europa Ep1
9 ай бұрын
@MakarovFox 9 күн бұрын
is more practical whit the in game console
@MakarovFox 10 күн бұрын
i think they deleted that word settings file i dont have it
@alexjgilpin 2 ай бұрын
24:55 "Another thing to note is if you go from the ice ejecta to lets say here it goes back to the moon first. I don't know why it doesn't go in a straight line." Kerbal Space Program player here. It could be that the map isn't actually spatial, but a token attempt at a patched conics deltaV map (go ahead and google for some visuals). this makes sense as "landed on the planet" is shown as a location that isn't actually on the planet, but beneath it at the bottom of the screen. In which case it's quite possible that the rocket is actually taking even a brachistochrone trajectory but it must pass through an orbital of the moon. That is - the rocket could be headed straight from the ice ejecta to the asteroid fragments spatially as you suggest, but in the process must exit the major gravity well of the ice ejecta and enter that of the moon before transiting to that of the asteroid fragments... which is what is being represented on the deltaV map.
@lionllew8459 2 ай бұрын
Yeah i've heard this name too many times now. Where's my wishlist. when you put it like that it makes sense! Using gravity as a slingshot to keep up speed.
@farerse 2 ай бұрын
newbie question, are there enemies in this game? can you build vehicles or fly to other planets that you see like in KSP ?
@lionllew8459 2 ай бұрын
Currently there are no enemies, the environment is the main enemy as it were. They are developing the rocket system to be able to allow flight to other planets eventually, for now one can make the rocket and start a new game to "role play" this. They are doing a lot of work on the celestial bodies and the rocket side of the game as well as the liquid and gas system. Now, there is a rover but it is not amazing, they had another vehicle but that was shelved. I assume they will be adding more vehicles as time goes on.
@farerse 2 ай бұрын
@@lionllew8459thanks now I know a little bit more about this game. I like that it deals with pressure and temperatures.
@lionllew8459 2 ай бұрын
@@farerseThis is a very recent update... while I found it daunting and a little fiddly at first, like most things in this game for me, I have come to like it a lot. I can't wait to see what they have in the pipeline, pun intended! The pregression from learning to use a tool to automating entire stations is what make this game so addictive and fun. I have had to take a break because life got busy, but the base is coming along nicely with an atmospherics setup and sorting system nearly ready to go. I might make a video this weekend.
@AliziaKaline 2 ай бұрын
Hi ! Thanks for the video. Is the harvie able to harvest/plant hydroponic not directly under it ? Some of yours are aside.
@lionllew8459 2 ай бұрын
hi, the ones on the side have ferns, so they dn't need replantng. Only the tray under is worked. I don't know if any of this works now since the updates btw.
@Mad_Alyx 2 ай бұрын
Probably one of the better video's on the subject.
@Jesus-es4yb 2 ай бұрын
What about console commands? Press f3 and u can see some string of commands. Really, i wont know how they work, but i cant find info :(
@edwardseth1230 2 ай бұрын
Next time when you Start.. put up a Black board.. so you can get your priorities staight.. Power.... its distribution.. water.... and so on.
@crazygamer8250 3 ай бұрын
thank you very much with your usefull information now i understand
@normangaskill1972 3 ай бұрын
Can you delete things?
@lionllew8459 2 ай бұрын
If you hold C while pointing at something with the wand it will deconstruct it!
@user-xo6dz3gx5e 3 ай бұрын
Снимай это почаще ❤
@lionllew8459 3 ай бұрын
I have a series recorded, just have to edit it.
@franken_playestwo 3 ай бұрын
Oh yea by using the most annoying method knows to man
@Taolan8472 3 ай бұрын
This is faster than doing it one at a time, and easier than trying to drive the cart over top of them.
@lionllew8459 3 ай бұрын
@@Taolan8472 I've not hgad the time to experiment with a 1 or 2 block high gap that you can run under yet, I just discovered this by accident and thought I would share. I don't watch much social media for this game so I really don't know all the little tricks the community knows! I think reversing may be/has been faster than going forward based on some of the vids I saw but other than that I'm still a newb at 30 hours
@robertnett9793 4 ай бұрын
Hm... Mining ore seems awfully complicated - especially as you get just dirty ore out of the mining operation. I think in that case your deep miners doing exactly the same are the better solutuin (as of yet). However ice-mining, that's where the real benefit is. Water ice especially (well... depending on which world you play on). But you can automate ore mining pretty much, you can get most gasses from the atmosphere or your greenhouse. The only thing you struggle with on most worlds is volatiles and especially water.
@zeinkassim2785 5 ай бұрын
You could have put power production on cold area. It is unaffected by it.
@TheDainerss 5 ай бұрын
For future reference, ANY gas works in your jet pack, even your suit’s waste tank can be used. The jet pack functions on gas pressure so it does not need to be combustible, just a gas under pressure. I usually change my jet pack to use my waste gas immediately, from then on you can just keep swapping your jet pack tank and waste tank. Also, the lander comes with two locker kits in one of the cases, so no need to waste iron in the start to make one. Last tip, prioritize getting and keeping your batteries in a vacuum as the cold is constantly draining them. I vacuum my 1x1 room out whenever I am not in there to reduce battery drain.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
I usually like to keep my waste for plant food, I realise it's not an issue on Europa with so much cold you can just use cooled furnace gas to feed plants, but it's all infrastructure that takes time and effort. I ended up killing all my plants due to a CO2 shortage after planting too many that my waste tank couldn't keep up. I am just after sealing up the base and laying out the atmospherics room and it's like day 60 or something like that! I still have much more to do before it's all ready to be used, right now it's a lot of temprorary rigging to get the internl atmos warmed up so I can set up big station batts outside of the greenhouse. Planning on moving the greenhouse altogether at some point anyway to fit harvies.
@cycklist 5 ай бұрын
There's a joke to be made about the brain dead and the Houses of Parliament.
@goltzhar 5 ай бұрын
Thanx alot!!!!
@jerrebrasfield4231 5 ай бұрын
@Shlam26 5 ай бұрын
Can you make a fortress in the Pentagon in Washington DC?
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
I think people have tried but it's not possible due to mising data, but I'm not sure on that one.
@cjhere750 5 ай бұрын
Keep up the great content! I enjoyed your gameplay
@twicestan254 5 ай бұрын
4:34 Europa starts
@richardseabourne1865 5 ай бұрын
The ice crushers have a temperature. If you look below the power switch there’s a rectangle just below it and you’ll be able to see it status. The ice crusher hast to get to temperature before I can crush the ice or else.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
I was reliably told you can adjust the setting variable to change the point it metlts ice,just set it to 1c and it's fast again :)
@rachaelv3498 5 ай бұрын
the reason your room was colder than the water is you used non-insulated pipes for your room ventilation network. Since it shares the sames space as the exterior walls, it also convects warmth to the world atmosphere. change out the pipes for insulated and you should be golden!
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
That never used to happen, even after the pipes became radiant if they were in the "walls" they never used to exchange temps with the outside - this is a very reent thng.
@notechsupport 5 ай бұрын
This video was invaluable in constructing my own rocket, and I wrote a (very incomplete) wiki article based on it.
@rodneynormanhersom3583 5 ай бұрын
i would love to so a game like this made to be buidls with Meccano style ie you build and place every beam or post every plate or bolt screw pipe wires every single thing that needs to be done to build a real rocket and experimental materially ie an experimenter set for real science use, more or less if it works in the game, it works IRL
@rodneynormanhersom3583 5 ай бұрын
wow the mixed fuel system sounds real dangerous you're literally riding on a bomb.
@DeltaV3328 5 ай бұрын
Excellent Aimee installation, It was easy to follow along and I was able to use this to set up my own Aimee installation on the moon. Great series, looking forward to the next vid.
@dericholden9238 5 ай бұрын
do you like the new update
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
Ask me again late game. Every update brings good things and bad.
@explosivefrog4298 5 ай бұрын
2:23 Category: Culinary products from Lion 🤣🤏
@ketrix1594 5 ай бұрын
Rockets can be automated with IC10 chips. Just program it on a laptop or a different housing, and then move the chip over to the rocket.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
That is not useful for using logic on the ground to control the rocket, also I don't see any variables in the miner for displaying the ores remaining at a location, how do you know how long to mine for or scan for if there is no variable for these conditions? Do you have an example code we can look at?
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
OK so if you hook up a housing to the same data network as the uplink you can use the pins to access the various equipment, but that still doesn't help with discovering how many ores is in a location to make the things actually automated, on the ground r in the rocket... I'm probably missing something really obvious!
@ketrix1594 5 ай бұрын
@@lionllew8459 I haven't been able to test too much yet. I mostly used MIPS when I experimented with the gas-pressure engine, to pressurize the fuel. I don't know how to automate the actual mining part yet, I have only been looking at how to move the rocket around so far. edit: I looked at the game again, and couldn't see any way to automate commands like Chart, Discover, Survey or Mine. But a rocket can turn of everything that consumes power once it reaches its destination, so it could sit idle in a site until the player comes back and orders it to mine. I'm pretty sure it's possible to make the rocket return home when the power gets too low or the cargo is filled up.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
It wuld be nice to know how to program the rocket so that it scans until x percent and mines until depleted then moves on to another location of gold or iron or whatever and starts again, or returns home when depleted. I have no idea if that level of automation is going to be possible, but even it it has a way to turn on a light or speaker when an action is completed that would be a nice start like.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
@@thespirit7408 If you fingure out how to make a scanner rocket auto scan and move and a miner how to auto seek and mine for x ore than please do let us know. Right now the best I got is rea the import ane export count move to a register if the register is not less than the import count after x seconds plot a course for home (I am thinking this will be possible from what I have seen) but choosing where to go will need prompting.Likewise scanning will just be based on the maths of "it will take this many scans at this time, so after this many seconds do a thing" type of logic. I hope it we get some better variables to play with or someone comes up with a nice system with what we got, because it will need plyer inputs from what can see. I'll worry more about it when I am at that point of my current playthrough.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
@@thespirit7408 I agree. I don't really mind it being a bit more complicated if it is possile to set and forget. I want to be building my base and programming IC's (did I jst say I *want* to be programming IC's? Amazing how far someone can come with that!) instead of telling the rocket where to go step by step. The rocket needed nerfing, not neutering.
@ketrix1594 5 ай бұрын
When I mined out a spot (of volatiles) the computer UI had a log entry that read: "Deposit is depleted. No further resources can be mined at this location." If I interpret this correctly, it would mean that there is a finite number of resources to gather in space. I was also on the Moon, and the site was in the first "Ice ejecta" that you also found in the video, which had 5 different spots for volatile mining in it. The spot that I mined out was scanned to the highest level (+25% mining speed, I think) and I got 201k mols of Volatiles in total (22 mols per unit of ice).
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
According to this redit user you can delete and reroll the sites so they are infinate in a way.
@ketrix1594 5 ай бұрын
@@lionllew8459 That's interesting! I had totally missed that "delete location" button on the map.
@RaizerONG 5 ай бұрын
"dont miss the jump" "i wont im goated"
@deanhallrocketwerkz 5 ай бұрын
Great video. Also you don’t have to type “1” to turn things on, you can just click the little switch
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
Thanks, the sound was crap and I made several errors but didn't notice until after the fact. Nice to know the switch is functional. I don't see any variables in the new equipment to control the rockets through automation?
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
I wonder if addng more scanning units makes the scans faster, same for mining units.
@shadowdrake082 5 ай бұрын
Yes it does. Each scanner has a 20 s cycle of 30 strength. I recommend them active one after the other since as you noticed, extra points are not saved for the next.
@dragonsflame3777 5 ай бұрын
I have not played in a while, good to see a built-in wiki for alloys and specific things, very very useful
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
They have been working hard on the stationpedia, you can pause the game now when you read it as well as the program interface.
@maxkade9133 5 ай бұрын
Great, that's very useful on Europa where every starting minute matters
@Black_Savate 5 ай бұрын
#dreamteam ! 🤣
@TNTNmN 5 ай бұрын
@Black_Savate 5 ай бұрын
Nice! 🤣
@ledgendairy3056 5 ай бұрын
are all the videos overdubbed, or is any live
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
most are live, some are dubbed. This is pre the atmospherics update, just be aware.
@andrewmurray2062 6 ай бұрын
Hey enjoying your videos suggestion build a hydroponics station it has a growlight that will keep your plants happy but you need to turn it off for about 10mins each day to give the planets rest. Look forward to the next episode.
@lionllew8459 5 ай бұрын
Thanks. Nice idea, but I still prefer to make a proper hydroponics setup with a single light
@lionllew8459 6 ай бұрын
Apologies, I just noticed the first few minutes have overlap with the last episode, a nice recap for those who who were watching in August I suppose.
@jojoskunk 6 ай бұрын
Liking what you do is key. If you start to question your choices. Maybe its time for change. Dont feel pressure to take content out since you are not benefiting from it monetarily. unless that is what you try to achieve.
@Crettybocker427 6 ай бұрын
dude aim the shotgun and dont move while shooting it one taps most things in the head read damage numbers its way better vs rifle even for most ranged if you crouch while shooting it has almost no spread
@lionllew8459 6 ай бұрын
It's a bit OP at the moment.
@Crettybocker427 6 ай бұрын
best way to get rubber is just loot farm toolboxs ive never made rubber and always have tooo much
@lionllew8459 6 ай бұрын
I realised that in my adventures :)
@idonttext9783 6 ай бұрын
They will even take out your sleeping bag so you spawn far away
@idonttext9783 6 ай бұрын
Have to have hiding spots for materials
@lionllew8459 6 ай бұрын
put your most valuable stuff in the becon! It takes a lot of time or explosives to break and most won't be bothered to do it, especially the highter levels ones.
@idonttext9783 6 ай бұрын
I got wiped 2 times but I didn't have a defence
@DevonBagley 6 ай бұрын
I was pretty sure it was the CO2 from your waste tank that froze in that pipe before, so I don't think you needed to so concerned with the atmosphere phase changing in the airlock pipes. Especially true since you have the passive vents on the pipes now. They will always be at the same atmospheric pressure and temperature as the atmosphere they are connected to. You might lose a little heat through the airlock while you are outside, I suppose, but If you have conduction phase changing the CO2 in that pipe into ice again you have much bigger problems than a burst pipe.
@sfgvasdfgva 6 ай бұрын
You enjoying it so far?
@lionllew8459 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I have a week's worth of footage to go through for my next videos - got to balance between showing content and protecting the squad. We're doing raids now and kinda feel sorry for the people we hit. I'm getting into it though and might just become a good PvP player at this rate. I can't wait for the server wipe to start from scratch with a squad and have to go through the whole experience - this playthrugh I lucked out finding a great squad to teach me the late game stuff fast.
@sfgvasdfgva 6 ай бұрын
@@lionllew8459 sounds awesome. Me a 3 others are trying to scratch that "Rust-like" itch so going to dive into this tonight. Look forward to seeing more content!.
@lionllew8459 6 ай бұрын
@@sfgvasdfgva Look into the anti-cheat software ACE before you install and ensure you are totally OK with it.