Dawntrail | An Honest Review
21 күн бұрын
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@andrex1456 23 сағат бұрын
Ahh finally! The music you use in your guides! I have found that beautiful track :,D
@lunarvvolf9606 Күн бұрын
Only thing I'd add to this is if needing to access the Blacklion trader, bank, or general merchant (Ever run out of a mining pick on a rich node somewhere remote) just use the PVP lobby which is like the free user's passkey it will have all the banking trading and mercantile needs one could ever want and when you're through just leave the PVP lobby and be precisely where you were on the map before entering the lobby even if it is at the end of a jumping puzzle.
@ocram3333 Күн бұрын
I don't think enough people are questioning the ethics of what we did at the end of the MSQ. It really did make me feel like a genocidal maniac. It's also jarring how the many characters who you meet in the various zones learn of their fate and are weirdly fine with it. The endless show that they have their own thoughts, feelings, and aspirations for the future. They are most definitely sentient beings. I understand that introducing immortality at will in the story would definitely be a bad move, so the solution cannot be easy or just "immortality is now a thing and everyone has access to it". However I have two main problems with the solution we arrive at in the end: 1. I don't think the need for the aether to sustain the endless to be "living" aether was ever properly justified. I recall it being mentioned in ONE line, no reason given. With 99% of the universe now being empty as per EW, there's plenty of unused aether to go around. If they are just basically computer simulations, why would you need souls to power the computer?. Now, assuming they really do need living aether in the form of souls, this only lends more credence to the endless being living sentient people, which brings me to my second point: 2. There is a HUGE difference between letting someone die because the alternative is worse, and outright MURDERING them. Disregarding your solution with the robot bodies (which I hadn't thought about, great solution), yes, the system must stop but WHY TF DO YOU PUSH A BUTTON THAT KILLS MILLIONS? You can just stop the supply of souls and defeat Sphene and they will eventually fade away, let them live out the rest of their (un)natural lifes. The only reason it is written this way is so you can cheaply and artificially make sad farewells for some characters. Speaking of these sad farewells... If I was forced to do this, and truly, really, there was absolutely no other choice, I would be absolutely DEVASTATED and looking at what I've just done with abject horror. Instead the characters are mildly sad and still completely sure of their moral high ground.
@dilfappreciator2697 2 күн бұрын
I gotta disagree with the voice acting thing. I was fully engaged through the entire story even with a lack of voice acting in certain scenes. If you prefer the story to be told with voice acting I think that's fine but I don't think it's an "unforgivable sin"
@danmarshall4812 3 күн бұрын
Good video, thanks. I enjoyed some of the story but Wuk Lamat really dragged things down for me. At least the combat is getting better it seems.
@VideoHostSite 3 күн бұрын
Notice that nobody ever says "a dishonest review?" BTW, did you even finish the story? If you had, you'd know that the Dawnservant didn't have two heads. He had one head and one mummified corpse-skull.
@FornaxTheHerald 3 күн бұрын
@@VideoHostSite I did complete the story, and I referred to his other brother head, as his wiser aspect. This is my honest opinion of Dawntrail. Disagree all you like, but don’t accuse me of dishonesty. Thanks for feeding the algorithm.
@mudotter 5 күн бұрын
I'd like to see Braham revived, not as a youth but as a wise soul tempered by being at one with a Dragon. He was a Chosen one all along, and Janthir Wilds is his kind of territory. I could see him eventually replacing Knut White Bear as leader, therefore sent by Knut as an emissary to the Lowland Kodan. Caithe is a given from the footage, a bit of a wild card as too why, other than she could find no comfort in the grove anymore. Countess Anise and Livia makes sense.
@lososthefish3 7 күн бұрын
I read all the quests, my friend skips everything unvoiced, so when we have our play sessions progressing the story together it is quite tilting, especially since like 10 of those unvoiced cutscenes were super important for the plot, including one with Zoralja and the gate. Why was this unvoiced? There is no logic behind this.
@renandutra7564 8 күн бұрын
Your voice is so relaxing to hear, I had to watch the video twice, because in the first time I closed my eyes a lot of times
@Moinsen15 10 күн бұрын
A new MMO should not only aim at the target audience you are referring to, namely "older" people that grew up with the oldschool MMOs. It should try to innovate to get new players on board. Younger players.
@FornaxTheHerald 10 күн бұрын
@@Moinsen15 true
@GrandPaladinTyrux 11 күн бұрын
I would absolutely love for an allied race-esque thing to make its way into Guild Wars 2! Imagine if we got to play freed Mordrem Sylvari or something, that would be incredible!
@yoips4059 11 күн бұрын
You still call the character “commander” whenever we are referred to as a “wayfinder” now but I very much prefer commander and hate the other :,)
@JackThor1 11 күн бұрын
I thought the problem with the Endless wasn't storage it was energy consumption. Putting the endless in robots just moves where the energy needs to go not the elimination of the need. A total AI allegory.
@FornaxTheHerald 11 күн бұрын
@@JackThor1 you’re likely correct
@mishking9547 11 күн бұрын
Thought the demon we channeled for Revnants was pronounced MALIX while the Sylvari is MAL-ICK <3
@FornaxTheHerald 11 күн бұрын
@@mishking9547 🤔 maybe
@paradachshund 12 күн бұрын
Not expecting this for Janthir, but I hope we do start to get more world politics stuff. It makes sense to me that since the dragons were a catalyst for unification, their absence would over time cause those threads of unity to fray.
@KelaKameli 12 күн бұрын
Long video filled with lore and your thoughts about it is so good to watch! Great video Boss <3
@l3agira 12 күн бұрын
Great video! I really enjoyed your speculations about the Kodans and Mursaat.
@FutayuriShironeko 12 күн бұрын
Wuk Lamat in English is something else... Story is way too slow for what it tries to do and achieve. Wuk Lamat's dialog in general could easily cut in half without losing any character building. Game's structure doesn't work at all for "mentor" arc of story telling. Can't wait for JP voice mod port for english voiceover, would fix some of the annoyance with Wuk Lamat. Msq's structure remaining identical to every other expac when story telling shift is so major is a god damn crime. Other post msq content is good, so expac as a whole is fine. However I would be lying if I didn't say that I was looking forward to hitting skip on every Wuk Lamat's dialog on my alt. Lastly. Wuk Lamat and Sphene are strangers since, yet she still comes in Gaia style when it makes zero sense and takes all the glory and steals your final conversation with Sphene away from you... I get that DT is about her, but that moment made me straight angry at writers.
@Sylindria 12 күн бұрын
One of the things that I remember from mapping Skywatch Archipelago when you just have a Lady whispering in your mind is she says she has seen fractals in other places and they are not always about our people…. There are more out there than those we have seen
@perisemiotics3204 12 күн бұрын
8:00 There's a garden-terrace in the Wizard's Tower where some "fractal refugees" are gathered and voicing their feelings, along with some Astral Ward commenting on the scene... so I'd assume at least some of the fractal dwellers from the Archipelago have come to know better - or worse =P
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@perisemiotics3204 it’s rough Morally but interesting for a narrative point of view.
@sophoklesgreek3237 12 күн бұрын
oh I missed that .. thank u
@perisemiotics3204 12 күн бұрын
@@FornaxTheHerald oh no, you know gw2, they sugar-coat the stories to be very palatable - the refugee theme specifically I thought was tackled quite well in PoF. I made this remark just as a cue to your point about us not knowing whether the Astral Ward ended up interfering in the fractals or not.
@BrindleBoy 12 күн бұрын
Enjoyable watch as always! thank you :)
@PenRobot 12 күн бұрын
Warm milk to the ears right before bed time <3
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@PenRobot I hope you rested well.
@elocfreidon 12 күн бұрын
The Archipelago is was what happened when the kryptis hijacked the tower and it went crazy manifesting the fracals in Tyria. The wizards didn't make the fractals real on purpose. What they did wasn't any worse than what we do exploring the fractals. Clearly explained in dialogue.
@AlaiaSkyhawk 12 күн бұрын
except if you talk to one of the NPCs flagged for optional main story dialogue early in the expansion, she goes over the whole matter of the fractals. The fractals the Wizards made are alternate realities they created in the mists to study how some things could have gone/help predict potential future problems to help keep Tyria stable (there's a nearby book that describes some of the ones that didn't materialise. like the one where Queen Jennah was killed and Logan wound-up becoming Kryta's ruler before obsession with protecting his people resulted in him becoming a controlfreak dictator). Thing is for the results to be accurate to the real Tyria, the ways in which the people in the fractals behaved compared to reality, the people in the fractals had to be actual truly real people, not echos. Yeah, the Wizards tinkering with the mists caused the mists to create actual living copies of people/animals/etc, with the caviate being the fractals could have their time accellerated, slowed, or even paused completely and "put into storage". When some of the fractals materialised in real Tyria from the Tower Malfunction, all those actual living people got brought into Tyria also. They were never just echos in the Mists, and that's the issue. The Wizards and the Astral Ward had/have actual living copies of people boxed into effectively closed habitats so they can observe them. I suppose one good thing that's come out of this is that the Dwarves are no longer functionally extinct (since stone dwarves can't have any children). The copies that materialised into Tyria are like a second chance for the race.
@elocfreidon 11 күн бұрын
@@AlaiaSkyhawk They were created in the mists and influenced by the wizards to create alternate outcomes. This was first shown possible in the shattered fractal in how we can manipulate what happens just by being present. The Wizard Tower went haywire thanks to Kryptis influence. The fractals weren't real until this happened. The wizards weren't making real living copies. To come to that conclusion is filling in gaps that aren't there.
@McPilch 12 күн бұрын
Regarding the Eye of Janthir, when I played through the story again (to /sit on the throne and grab the throne POI 😅), I looked out for the Eye.. saw it.. then skyscaled/glided over to it, and when I got close, it got object text "Eye of Janthir," which wasn't there initially. Also, I found it strange that once Peitha "took the throne," the Eye disappeared. Its job was done, I guess.. but was it a success or a failure....?
@McPilch 12 күн бұрын
Great thoughts on seeing phased versions of the world incorporating the Crystal Bloom, etc. There is a very limited example of this in Amnoon.. where you hear NPC dialogue based on which faction (Sunspears, Joko, Cavaliers(?)) the character chose. I wish they would do this with any maps that had map-wide story-critical metas.. let you choose to enter a meta-enabled or meta-less map. Or even a personal instance vs. a public instance. When new story + map is released and you enter the map for the first time and see a giant meta underway - especially near the end with the boss - it can kinda spoil the "new story" experience.
@traveling.down.the.road56 12 күн бұрын
The most awesome GW2 content creator of them all! I could watch and listen to The Krytan Herald's videos all day long. I wish I had an EU account, so I could play the game with you from time to time. Do you ever play on the NA servers? Thanks for all of your videos, looking forward to the next one.
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@traveling.down.the.road56 I do pop over to the us to play with podcast buddies. Fornax7928 is my tag.
@sophoklesgreek3237 12 күн бұрын
I think I missed something important .. Fractal disaster? what happend?
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@sophoklesgreek3237 I think Scarlet happened.
@EkayTech 12 күн бұрын
@@sophoklesgreek3237 I'm pretty sure this is in reference to the opening section of the first map. Where the fractals are thrown into Tyria and we get parts of them as floating islands.
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@EkayTech They are the wizards courts creations, and to my understanding, not the same ones we adventure in.
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@EkayTech thanks for the catch, my dyslexia gets much worse when I’m tried. 🤦‍♀️
@sophoklesgreek3237 12 күн бұрын
@@FornaxTheHerald @EkayTech thank 2 both of u .. had a knot in my head ..
@nadine5616 12 күн бұрын
I'd love the idea of ascension with your character depending on what story you play through. I would love to have aurene inspired armour, That would be an awesome one to do for legendary for PVE story playthrough and craft it after collections through all the dragon inspired maps. Also having find out about the lore behind the spirits of the wild would be awesome.
@KROOF 12 күн бұрын
YAY we got the video! 🎉❤
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@KROOF finally 🤦‍♀️
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
Warning: The Video cuts off a little early at the end. >.< I thought I corrected this in editing, but nope. >.<
@daze4135 12 күн бұрын
@@FornaxTheHerald Absolutely unacceptable. I will be taking back my like, unsubscribing, and repo-
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@daze4135 😭
@tehno_thefallen386 12 күн бұрын
You did.... but you uploaded new video final final 1 instead of 2 😊
@StickofTrue 12 күн бұрын
Return? Why? it is the Master in the Genre with PvE Open World Feeling, sPvP, massive PvP / WvW = 220+ ppl Content (all Game Modes are separately Balanced), Best Fashion, Gameplay, Mechanics, Story, COMMUNITY and much more! When I play other games, everything seems so Sterile! It's not for nothing that WoW is becoming a GW2!
@FornaxTheHerald 12 күн бұрын
@@StickofTrue I was talking about characters returning to the story…
@PenguinsAreColdish 13 күн бұрын
10:44 did you never play any old FFs? couldnt disagree more with this take lol
@FornaxTheHerald 13 күн бұрын
@@PenguinsAreColdish I’ve played 14 and 17 only. Honestly I’m not talking about FF players here, Im talking about MMO gamers generally.
@ramschasar7654 13 күн бұрын
Well with the time these kind of games take, it makes sense to work on gw3 with a small crew while gw2 is running.
@SolarisNox 14 күн бұрын
I wonder if we will see Aurene again. Do you think it's possible that Isgarren might know where the five remaining gods have gone? we had our encounter with balthy, but remember he had Lyssa's mirror...how and where did he get that? did he get it from Lyssa herself, or was it something she just left behind in the mysts when they left, and he just happened to find it?
@eastbow6053 14 күн бұрын
The problem with gw2 story is that nobody is the bad guy anymore we see this in every game this days its called the woke safe story telling to not offend anybody the demons in gw2 should have never been given human characteristics they are the bad guys as much as a nature event like a tsunami is and its not offensive to tell this, they hunger and they ate like the locusts the same for the elder dragons now what they gonna do with this story? introduce the mursaat who wanted to return to their homeworld that was eaten by the demons and let us sing together in friendship forget all past wrongs? lmfao
@rpgnexus7995 14 күн бұрын
Its the first expansion ive ever skipped the story and for me its a bad msq.
@ScaricoOleoso 15 күн бұрын
Erenville: "Why didn't you tell me you were an Endless?!" Cahciua: "Why are you the only Turali with an Icelandic accent?! Even I don't have one!" Erenville: "I... shit..." Sorry, that just stuck out to me. 🤣
@FornaxTheHerald 15 күн бұрын
@@ScaricoOleoso true
@dragonfangalexander 15 күн бұрын
If Narut--- Wuk Lamat had stayed in Tuliyollal after the attack, and the story had moved onto Erenville and Krile, this could have been just on par with Stormblood or Heavensward, specially with the Final Fantasy IX themes. But no, Luff- Wuk Lamat had to return. Seriously Japanese writters sometimes just stick to a theme/character and over do it, and this was one of those times. At least i am very tired of anime narratives and specially 25 year old shonen anime narratives.
@jrey8722 15 күн бұрын
I am not done with the MSQ but I have skipped more in this Expac than all off the game combine and yes that also includes ARR lol it's very sad because I really wanted to enjoy it but sadly I just can't I am going to play the parts of the Expac that I like which so far are the classes and dungeons and raids but the MSQ I am sadly going to skip because I just really feel not motivated to go through and read/watch.
@honest_psycho7237 16 күн бұрын
While I appreciate your honesty and giving legitimate critizism, I simply hard disagree that DT is "worthwhile". The writing alone has so many flaws, with WL overextended screentime as the biggest one, and so many un-used ideas etc, that I have to recommend skipping the story all together, until the robot-invasion, because verything with the rite was basically filler that doesnt have any interesting enough story seeds for future Expansions.
@FornaxTheHerald 16 күн бұрын
Very fair.
@honest_psycho7237 16 күн бұрын
Oh boi, the paper-clip anaolgy makes this so much better to understand... And makes any kind of moral dilemma kinda... moot? Like, they're not real so its ok to delete them? So, we were rpoving Emet Selch right, after all?
@FornaxTheHerald 16 күн бұрын
I think the writers were going for the paperclip problem, but they did not stick the landing.
@Shadamehr100 16 күн бұрын
Wow, currently running my alts through the story, have looked all around that room and have never noticed the Eye !
@Hyullian 17 күн бұрын
My speculation STILL remains: Is queen Jennah Lyssa?
@lightfaster 17 күн бұрын
Brilliant review, subbed!
@AniGaAG 18 күн бұрын
The writers seriously don't have a handle on how to make the player character a deuteragonist. HW managed that, DT fails miserably - you could remove the WoL so far and nothing would change. That is a *terrible* thing to do with the *player* character.
@annapaw6614 18 күн бұрын
When you mention that "you are a better person for it," it makes me think you don't separate yourself from the narrative and the game, which was already a significant drawback, but you proved me somewhat wrong. I wish you had addressed the logical issue of how they simply bridged the gap of an "age-long war" with just a dinner. Have they never seen war? Do they really think all the maiming, hate, and worse can be forgiven so easily? I'm happy you mentioned how Zoraal Ja is nonsensical, the reason for being so "evil" is simply because "Daddy didn't give me everything for free."??? I'm also very happy you highlighted the problems with the Endless and how we are force-fed the writers' agenda and point of view on them. They literally "hear, feel, and think." Not to mention, the reason Emet-Selch said it's okay to kill is because "we are so thin of Aether." So, Endless don't have Aether in them makes it ok to kill them? I don't think Shadowlands is much worse than Dawntrail story-wise; they both have the same issues with pushing the writer's view of death down the reader's throat. Bottom line, stop accepting the dragon-tyrant. Regarding Sins: As far as unforgivable sins go, dude, I am with you. ESO has it all voiced, so why doesn't Square Enix? They're just becoming lazier and lazier. This isn't a money issue; it's a "greedy issue." The NPCs all having the same model? Honestly, I'm so used to it that I can spot all skeletons and animations on any race or monster. It's really sad at this point.
@ashlamoon7404 18 күн бұрын
Awful story writing. Look into who didnt help write this MSQ this time. And it shows.
@paulmd7747 18 күн бұрын
Whats done is done. Hopefully Square Enix doesn't compound their horrible mistake with the Dawntrail MSQ by continuing to have Wuk Lamat take center stage. As long as she just stays in her little palace and plays no part in the stories of the upcoming patches, things will be much better.
@Chocoboy_James 18 күн бұрын
Thank you for the review! You have a lovely voice to listen to, first of all! about FFXIV's Dawntrail, I agree with you completely. I find it sad many people see it as an expansion that has to be 'better' or 'just as fantastic' as the other expansions they loved so dearly. And sadly, those two expansions mainly being Shadownbringers and Endwalker. To me it feels as if ARR/HW and SB have been forgotten and seem to hold no more candle towards 'the peak expansions.' Therefore, forgetting that before ShB and EW, there too was lorebuilding, there too was world building, character- etc. you name it. So overall, I see Dawntrail as just that, new world, new characters, new lore. etc. And we've just stepped into it with what we had. You've said it perfectly that, sure it has its flaws but the journey through it was well worth it. You've also opened my eyes a bit in understanding the Solution 9 part more deeply, and I thank you for that. Keep up the good work! Definitely got my sub!
@heyjoshplays 18 күн бұрын
Can you elaborate on why you think you're a better person for playing FFXIV? o.o
@FornaxTheHerald 18 күн бұрын
I've always found it hard ethically to weigh the need for reconciliation vs justice, in civil conflicts. From South Africa, to Northern Ireland, there is/was pressure to move forward (past old hatreds), set against the need for recompense for the victims of those conflicts/historic injustices. Playing 14 from Stormblood onwards, has helped me find moral clarity in this area.
@heyjoshplays 18 күн бұрын
@@FornaxTheHerald That's fantastic! Thank you for sharing. :) I too feel like FF14 has made me a better person in that life isn't always just black and white and that most everyone in the world, and even the whole universe, is redeemable. That's one of my favorite attributes of FF14's story and has always encouraged me to be kind to others because you never know anyone's situation or why they are the way they are and can't just just write people off based on a few interactions because deep down, I believe everyone is inherently good and I think our Warrior of Light believes the same! :)