@qmzp1978 Сағат бұрын
Hey bro, firstly, I commend you for being so candid about your struggle. It's not easy to talk openly about these things and I truly admire you for that. I say this as someone who struggled (silently) with alcoholism for almost ten years. I can tell you things do get better. I celebrated two years of sobriety on 22 May 2024 and I can honestly say it gets easier with time. Thanks for sharing your story. It resonated with me as I'm 33 years old myself and am in NZ (I'm guessing you're a kiwi).
@thomasnohejl8196 3 сағат бұрын
I spent lockdowns in thailand and drank myself half to death. Brutal
@SalsaSippin_ 4 сағат бұрын
25 years, I've been an alcoholic. I don't drink everyday, or even during the day. I binge drink every two days in the evening I get so drunk that I feel like s***perpetually. I feel like I'm a robot. It's gotten really bad in the last 2 years. For 2 years I have to use eye drops because my eyes are so bloodshot.
@user-mt2ei5lt5o 9 сағат бұрын
I here you bro I was sober for almost 2 years and have recently relapsed and hate my self for it 😞
@UnseemlyGenie00 11 сағат бұрын
Everything in the USA is for profit...no publicly funded detox. Its sick
@user-zb1eu7qv7x 14 сағат бұрын
STOP waisting your time quitting cold turkey! Try NALTREXON and the Sinclair method! Wish I knew it when I was 33...
@crosscommgps 18 сағат бұрын
Your on a sober journey. Your doing good by getting back on the wagon and continuing on.
@GrungeMaster92 18 сағат бұрын
if you can dodge a wrench. you can dodge a drink.
@happybdayo 20 сағат бұрын
Well shared
@happybdayo 20 сағат бұрын
It happens to us all man it took major surgery to really sober me up... don't wait till that. 🙏 That day you don't get up WILL come unless you just take it 1 day at a time ❤
@know-your-worth7641 21 сағат бұрын
Day 1 Yes we know drink puts you on a low You have to take it one day at a time Even after 13years of being sober I've still got to do one day at a time Your get stronger but your also get days were you say F@@@ it But you got to fight it Being honest with yourself dig deep and look at yourself And stay strong 💪 Its not a party you love alcohol BUT alcohol does not like you Get your liver looked at please Take care stand strong
@know-your-worth7641 21 сағат бұрын
Hey. It's a long road. I've Been cleaned 13 years BUT took me many, many times with my head in a bottle my eldest children had to take me at my worst Keep getting up and do not give up Your do it Just keep channeling on that right road your get there good luck 👍
@DrTallHat 22 сағат бұрын
Hey brother! Don't give up. There are people posting here (and with much respect 🙏) who don't understand that your troubles come from much deeper challenges beyond your control and your past and you're doing everything you can. People who comment without experiencing this are living in 2D.. this is a 4D cheese puzzle but you will work it out. Be kind to yourself and remember you are one step away from meeting the right person or the right guide or the right replacement for what is missing in your life and it will change. Focus on why your emotional cup needs filling by alcohol.. once you work that out go forward and work out the emotional gaps from your behavior on alcohol.. then forgive yourself and make it your life mission. Once your emotional cup is full then you unlock the next level and you can help others! Keep being honest! You'll smash this!
@jenniferyule8786 Күн бұрын
Self obsessed. Selfish. Boring. Don't care. Get a grip or quit whining.
@suzannebolt7949 Күн бұрын
You need to deal with what makes you drink
@jemimalove9867 Күн бұрын
There's something a bit manic about the way you speak and behave. Have you ever wondered if you are bipolar or suffer severe anxiety? Look up both, see if they fit. You could be that you are using booze to self medicate and that's why you can't give it up. Does booze make you feel relaxed and calm? Are those the feelings that you like to get when you drink? You can get medication for both issues, medication like beta blockers for anxiety, just calms a person without the sleepy effect. Not sure what bi polar gives. The medication will help control your 'busy' head and take the need for alcohol. It's all pure speculation but I just sense something about you may need diagnosing. Of course, don't rely on my say so, research it and if you think I'm onto something then see a doctor
@beforetheapocalypsetv2580 Күн бұрын
You need to become muslim!💯
@lazlojenkins4160 Күн бұрын
If I can quit anyone can and I’ve been sober for over 12 years
@jackedkerouac4414 Күн бұрын
I managed to stay sober 51 days since I was 14 years old. That's nuts. I'm 49 now and that 7 week sobriety streak was last year. Ever since then I can go 2, maybe 5 days and it's back to binge drinking. I don't know why I lost my mojo. The only thing I can surmise is that I am not going into it with 100% confidence and dedication. You're not alone brother. Let's not dwell on the supposed failures. That inner dialog is poison. Let's f'kn do this.
@NorthCoastsFinest330 Күн бұрын
Brother, Alcoholics Anonymous. 12 steps and God. It’s that simple
@user-el5ro7uy6l Күн бұрын
you're talking the talk.........now you have to walk the walk.....be sober my friend.
@lispendens Күн бұрын
I'm getting ready for a good bender tonight to tomorrow night, recover on Sunday, then hit work hard Monday. Gonna do beer and wine. Can't wait!
@AnnLaustsen87 Күн бұрын
I support you. My vice was Xanax mixed with alcohol.
@V1010. Күн бұрын
Hi came across your channel by chance my 32 year old Son was alcohol dependant also took all sorts of street drugs and did all sorts of crazy things and put me and the rest of the family through hell he was found out of it lying in peoples front gardens and roadsides he would go weeks with out washing or eating drinking bottles of vodka it got so bad he would start going into withdrawal every hour but we have stuck by him he went through 2 relapses after 2 medicated detox treatments after the 3rd detox treatment centre he has not gone back to drinking from the time he decided he did not want to live like this anymore to actually achieving his goal took 3 years. He still goes through bouts of depression but spends a lot of time in the gym and walking which he says helps a lot.You see the thing is if you have problems with alcohol you cant do alcohol in moderation you must be realistic that part of your life must be over for good alcohol must be gone forever you have to remember it is poison it is a poison that wreaks havoc on your body your mind your relationships and seeps in to ruin every aspect of your life keep away from situations and people that may cause you to trip up it is true what they say sometimes there are certain people you have to cut out of your life for your own good. Anti craving medications can be helpful to some people and remember DON'T EVER GIVE UP TRYING TO GIVE UP KEEP GOING SOMETIMES IT FEELS LIKE ALL IS LOST KEEP GOING KEEP TRYING YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN.
@David-py4bo Күн бұрын
Get into meeting brother either aa ca or na. Do as sugested if you have the gift of despration. God moment your ready for the 12 steps. All the best brother im 10 months clean and sober today would never have come this far without CA fellowship the unity giving service, the programe of action and my sponser who took me through the work. You can do this 🙏
@eastwoofer Күн бұрын
My advice is to also quite caffeine. It will give you the true peace of mind and calmness you need. Get a good tasting decaf and start you're true day number one. You'll get great sleep and in no time meet your younger self. How good you'll soon feel will shock you. No caffeine in your life is true sobriety.
@jonp6360 Күн бұрын
One drink is too many and one drink is not enough...I'm a 35 year old alcoholic and have been sober over a year now... A year ago I was in a German hospital for 5 days from withdrawal and then shipped back to the states to rehab for 45 days. Find a meeting, get a sponsor and do the Steps. I wish you the best man! If I can do it, you can do it. I hope when you (if you) read this, you have a month of sobriety under your belt :) if not keep trying bro
@keithpilkington907 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing bro i no how hard it is relapse is inevitable we learn by our mistakes my freind good luck 👍
@emmascotter5787 Күн бұрын
Talk positively to yourself stop dwelling on the bad otherwise your going to keep on goind down the same path. Also dont go on holidays or days out that are going to trigger you. You need to find a new life style not doing the things that you do do that makes it easy for you to relapse. Try not to over do it on trying to change everything all at once. Do one thing at a time. You really need to get out of yhey way you are thinking and they way you are talking to yourself. How are you meant to change for the better when you keep telling yourself all the negative things! Focus on the positive things and what you have achieved. Also make a rule for your household NO alcohol aloud in the house at all.
@emmascotter5787 Күн бұрын
It doesn't matter how many times you have to start again! At least your still trying... one day it will stick so you should be proud of yourself for trying again. Self doubt and old ways of living are a very hard thing to brack. You just have to teach yourself how to get through the triggers that makes you want to drink or in my case drink and drugs. I know you will be getting sick of hearing what i just said but it will happen for you one day if you just keep trying. Like i have already said i am now 3 years sober from everything. You just have to find that one reason that makes you stick to it. Through my journey i have grown to end up hating drink and drugs. the longer i stayed away from it all the more i started to see how much it has stole from me. I now promise myself i will never allow it to Steel any more from me. I focus on building the bonds with my children again and also building back up my relationships with my parents and my siblings. Addiction is very hard and it takes everything away from you if you let it. Remember you have got this, you are strong and you make your decisions so take your time in making them
@codyschwabe7697 Күн бұрын
I drank heavily for 10 years. From 19 to 29. Couldnt be told by anyone that I had a problem. It gives me anxiety now thinking about drinking all the booze I did on a daily basis. I quit April 2023 and will never pick up a drink again.
@lb4256 Күн бұрын
Unfortunately, most alcoholics dont give up until it's too late. Even then, they dont stop drinking. I know someone whos an alcoholic, been told they may have gallballder cancer, still drinking daily! Get some help. Talking yourself in and out of things isn't helping, clearly.
@emmascotter5787 Күн бұрын
Well done you have started this journey. Its not going to be easy I will tell you that but if you want it bad enough you will do it. All I will say is don't give yourself to much grief while you start this journey. I'm now 3 years into no drinking, no drugs and also trying to eat and exercise properly. It is hard work but you will get there and it is reachable! Just keep on setting your good goals but please try to also be kind to yourself too. Take one day St a time that's what I did and what I'm still doing. I find giving myself a 3 month gole and what i want to see my life like in 3 months time. Then when 3 monthes is up i look at what i have achieved. Just try to remember not to take on to much tho, you have got this.
@Dexterschnauzer Күн бұрын
i need to do this, im a major alcoholic, my boyfriend has left me ive been kicked out ect, i need to quit
@nickadz5490 Күн бұрын
You don't look like you have had a single day of struggle in your life
@injesusholyname 2 күн бұрын
Your approach is wrong, don't think about forever just think about the next minute for the next hour or the next 6 hours or the next 8 hours or the next 24 hours one day 1 minute 1 hour at a time don't think long-term it will destroy your program
@heatherlindquist1899 Күн бұрын
Agreed. He’s a bit manic. Poor guy.
@goon7163 2 күн бұрын
Bro what the fuck are you talking about saying you look horrendous. Im recovering myself and cant wait to look as lean as you. Im doing an hour of cardio a day and trying to get my shit together, because I'm chasing my dream of racing motorcycles. The switch flipped for me when I found something worth pursuing that I wanted more than anything alcohol ever did or could do for me. Find your switch!!
@shsLULtv 2 күн бұрын
go help someone do some work, get a sponsor and do some work, do a real no shitter 5th step. dont lie you'll be fine if you do it. you dont need self pity. dont spend too much time up there in the noggin without supervision. less thinking, more doing. go help someone and also.. read the big book. alot.
@jonktrades1454 2 күн бұрын
Pushed through with a few drinks tho ur not meant to do that
@RasheedaRogerd-ek9vm 2 күн бұрын
Any kind of drug will ruin your life I learned from this I can overcome anything I can put my mind to thank you for posting you really touched people you have no idea and people always say I know how you feel but this is real you know what it's like and that's why I'm so touched by this 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🏤🙏🏻🙏🏻🏤
@jadomi2076 2 күн бұрын
Mate you can never drink alcohol again. Ever. Simple as that.
@luigitosti7599 2 күн бұрын
You got this buddy ! I relapsed after two years sober, took awhile, but I ended up in the same “shit pile” that I was in before. Respect from Canada, I’m 45, I just tell my friends and family, “no whiskey till I’m 60”, one day at a time ! I would say good luck, but it’s not luck, I tell myself “I don’t know if I’ll drink again, but I know that today I’m not going to drink”, helps me.
@perp4517 2 күн бұрын
You live in Alice springs….. put yourself on the alchol banned registery list if no one knows about it look at Spanians into the hood walkthrough of Alice springs Australia 🇦🇺
@perp4517 2 күн бұрын
Use medical marijuana you don’t have to inhale it there is oral oils that can help or you can vape/smoke strains
@perp4517 2 күн бұрын
Don’t say a time period I’ve learnt it’s all up to you and how you can deal with things in your everyday life . All you can do is really take it day by day try your best do it for yourself and your kids set the example all power to you brother you can do it stay strong and sober
@NickDrinksWater 2 күн бұрын
Luckily the only thing I drink excessively every day, is water.
@missrachael1709 2 күн бұрын
Feeling for you. Hope you're doing okay today. I hear so much self loathing. Please don't punish yourself because that's not the answer. Have you looked into psylocybin? Please do. Mushrooms are a teacher and will help show you the way if you let them. Peace.
@89cgil 2 күн бұрын
Get laid at least? 😂
@ddog1066 2 күн бұрын
Wish I could relate, must be nice. Nobody wants me here.
@hakanstuns43 2 күн бұрын
I think you should stop thinking. You try to think out a new way to get sober all the time. Stop doing that. You will fail all the time thinking out a way. You have to realize you will never be able to drink. Insight you are sick. And the only way for you is to be sober. Forget about everything else. Dont book a trip to be sober. It is too focused on being sober. You should just let go.
@hakanstuns43 2 күн бұрын
And maybe you should not video about this. Try to not focus on this and get a hobby.