Brits React to $100,000,000 Ranch for Sale
@ramonalfaro3252 Сағат бұрын
Houthis Put The US Eisenhower out of commission and no one in Western Media has mentioned it. Were using multimillion dollar weapons to knock out thousand dollar drones. This is how Empires die!
@ramonalfaro3252 Сағат бұрын
Look up Scott Ritter to find out the truth about US Military. Russian Ships South of Florida. Battery of The Iron Dome just got blasted. US better learn to negotiate fast! This chest thumping is going to get US ALL killed!
@ramonalfaro3252 Сағат бұрын
Tik Tok Ban Is all about covering up GENOCIDE in Palestine. #FreePalestine
@JRush374 3 сағат бұрын
Please watch Scott Horton's Enough Already playlist. It's about the US's terrorism wars and how they connect to each other and what really happened. The book is a must read. Bin Laden did 9/11 as a retaliation against US foreign policy. They didn't do it because they hated our freedom(a ridiculous claim, if you think about it). They attacked us because we were mass murdering their people(many of whom were civilians. Mohammed Atta joined Al Qaeda after the Qana massacre), supported dictators that worked for the US and caused suffering for their people, and invaded their holy land. His goal was to force the government's hand. He knew that the US government would take the bait and be goaded into a quagmire. They had no choice politically but to become the strongman and retaliate. Al Qaeda couldn't take on the US directly, so they pushed them to start quagmire wars that bogged them down and bankrupted them. The US government taught them to do this in the 90s against the Soviet Union. This then caused more groups to form, which begets more excuses to spread the conflicts. Obama murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians and fought 3 wars on Al Qaeda's side. Those people have family. These actions breed contempt and causes people to rise up against it, forming militia groups.
@TheEpicSpire 3 сағат бұрын
16:43 just so you know, it may be lost in translation.. but when he said the planes "buzzed the ship" he doesn't mean they fired at the ship... just flew real close to it. the planes did not attack the ship first.
@randieandjodistrom854 3 сағат бұрын
It is not possible to "rank" US military services as they are all part of a combined arms team. The United States Marine Corps gives the United States a extremely valuable additional capability. In a crisis situation, time is of the essence. The Marine Corps is the "911" or "kick down the door" service. They are a combined arms team with land, sea and air capabilities and can engage quickly and with great impact giving the other services, e.g., the United States Army and Air Force, time to deploy for sustained operations. China has a very large and capable military--the difference is, they can't move it beyond their borders. The United Kingdom and France have the ability to deploy to other locations, but no nation can deploy military capability on par with the United States--there's not a remote close second--having 800 installations around the world is a big plus. Military power is of little use if it can't be brought to bear at the point of conflict.
@TheEpicSpire 4 сағат бұрын
ok, disclaimer, i am an American, so when i say that i love this story.. i am Biased. but i absolutely love watching people from other countries reacting to this story. The Fat Electrician is an amazing story teller. yes he embellishes some things for dramatic effect, but it is always obvious when he does it and it is always backed up by facts. Education while entertaining.. beautiful. thanks for your video as well. this was great.
@cygnusx-3217 4 сағат бұрын
In an article in the NY Times from last week, buried in the last few paragraphs, are details of horrific acts of torture of Palestinians at Israeli operated concentration camps. Claims of sodomy and electric chairs are made. These are war crimes, if true, and need to be investigated and prosecuted.
@cygnusx-3217 4 сағат бұрын
A frightening number of people who support torture have appeared in the comments.
@seanogs 4 сағат бұрын
This little war happened in 1812. In fact, it was called "The War of 1812" in our history books across the pond here. The British tried a second time to try and retake the colonies and failed again. A year or two after the 1812 war is when Key wrote this poem, which turned into our national anthem.
@seanogs 4 сағат бұрын
The British never committed genocide. They kicked ass and invaded countries, but, never genocide.
@seanogs 4 сағат бұрын
Back then, Great Britain had the greatest navy in the world. They even kicked Spains ass which had the greatest navy before the Brits. The US navy was in its infancy back then.
@ToddOutside 5 сағат бұрын
Top 5 largest capacity college stadiums: 1. Michigan 107,601 2. Penn State 106,572 3. Ohio State 102,780 4. Texas A&M 102,733 5. LSU 102,321 There are 8 Universities with over 100,000 seat football stadiums, and 10 with over 90,000, and 16 with over 80,000.
@ToddOutside 5 сағат бұрын
In many ways college football is like a developmental league for kids too young for the NFL. The top teams that win their conferences or make the playoffs etc typically have several 1st round NFL draft picks that just 6 months later are starting in the NFL for example. Joe Burrow at QB at LSU won the natty, went #1 overall to the Bengals, and 6 months later was their starting QB. So in a way you are also watching elite and future NFL stars at 18, 19, 20 years old before they can declare for the NFL draft. The atmosphere at a college game is significantly better than an NFL game. The whole vibe is completely different as you are on a college campus with several large sections of the stadium being "student sections" plus a section for a full size marching band that all schools have not just Ohio State every single school has one and does halftime shows. Students paint their chests, make funny signs and are loud and crazy etc. You must be an active student to get in to that section, and they often camp out front of the gates for big games for days in advance as it is first come first serve so they want to get first row and often get on TV they always show the student sections.
@AussieDave69 5 сағат бұрын
B[n Laden probably died of kidney failure years before this its well reported by many experts
@Bear230grain 5 сағат бұрын
I mean no creepiness, but your girl is a very beautiful woman. Both of you are such a beautiful couple.
@chappy48 5 сағат бұрын
What is even crazier is that there is a tier of Navy SEAL above this. This is only the training to get you to become a basically qualified SEAL. Even after completing training you have to do follow on training in the actual SEAL teams before you actually get your SEAL pin. And once you are an actual Navy SEAL, there is a group known as NSWDG (Naval Special Warfare Development Group) that is the absolute best of the best of the Navy SEALs. There is a whole new selection process and training that most SEALs dont make it through. Those guys, commonly known as DEVGRU or more popularly SEAL Team 6, are the absolute best of the best and can go toe to toe with anybody in the world, SAS, SBS, Delta, etc...
@EvolutionG789 5 сағат бұрын
Bin laden was very well educated but used his brains to destroy America in the name of religion? Stupid.
@3232jrob 5 сағат бұрын
Facts Joe Biden sucks
@chappy48 6 сағат бұрын
All the SQT stuff you saw where they talked about teaching them dive physics and onward, was after Hell Week was over. So they go back to a somewhat normal schedule where they have weekends off and only do school during the day, not all through the night as well. They dont continue to only get 4 hours of sleep a week for the entire time they are training. Only for that one week.
@GarySpillane 6 сағат бұрын
I was there Operation praying mantis
@7woundsfist 6 сағат бұрын
Texas takes their football very seriously.
@ThomasChristian88 6 сағат бұрын
NOTE: The _USS Gerald R. Ford_ was deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean after Israel was attacked, and it is the largest carrier in the world, larger than the former Nimitz class carriers. It is a supercarrier. It returned to Norfolk in January 2024. It had been deployed a total of 8 months.
@cujo2816 6 сағат бұрын
If you are a terrorist, I don't care how you are "interrogated"
@cygnusx-3217 4 сағат бұрын
How do you determine if someone is a "terrorist?" Wouldn't you have to give them a fair judicial hearing to determine guilt? If the Taliban captured an American soldier, claimed he was a terr0rist, and tortured him, would that be acceptable to you?
@davidw5629 6 сағат бұрын
Interrogation of suspected Al-Qaeda higher-ups involved such methods as waterboarding.
@davidbrannon2627 7 сағат бұрын
She sang our anthem very well and it was beautiful.But it was lip synced to a recording. Her producer at the time of this even said it on record, Rickey Minor. Chris Stapleton sang the best ever live version at the Super Bowl.
@mylesgerson 7 сағат бұрын
"Interrogated" is a nice way to put it...
@allie12212 7 сағат бұрын
College sports is right below professional sports
@piskipa 7 сағат бұрын
Boils down to this; there's several players similar to Ronaldo, even active ones.. like Mbappe. But there hasn't been anyone like Messi, he's on an entirely different universe.
@motorcycleboy9000 8 сағат бұрын
We didn't imprison him because he didn't "imprison" 3,000 of us. Edit: you f*ck with one of us, you f*cked with all of us. Also, the Phillies and the Mets suck.
@williamthomas1 8 сағат бұрын
You are the Queen and King of Intelligence
@billywix7313 8 сағат бұрын
Please send out a notification when you do part 2.
@user-yu4yt2by1m 8 сағат бұрын
@wastedwanderer420 8 сағат бұрын
funny I've watch a few of these from you know and as an American that has been to war. To see you feel the same way most of use do from an outsiders prospective about Sleepy joe Biden is hmmm.. Humorous to say the least lol
@billywix7313 8 сағат бұрын
Absolutely true. President Bush approved of water boarding for info.
@joshrichert1606 8 сағат бұрын
Dominique cruz always commentates like that, I agree he is an idiot and tries to analyze shit too much, him and joe would always kinda snap back and forth during fights. He was a long time champion himself though, and you should also check out his fights, he has a really unique fighting style that is interesting to watch.
@williamthomas1 9 сағат бұрын
Seymour Hersh said they threw a body out of a helicopter, Benazir Bhutto said Bin Laden dies of Kidney failure in December 2001. Take your pick.
@kcrawford5257 9 сағат бұрын
It was even being chanted in jail
@jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj7167 9 сағат бұрын This is a better picture of college sports fans in the US
@blackpowder99 9 сағат бұрын
"Zero Dark Thirty" is a really good movie about the untold female CIA agent, whom we can largely thank for the capture of Bin laden.
@wastedwanderer420 9 сағат бұрын
i drove truck back in the 80's you can do it in 48-55hrs. driving striaght i-80 or interstate 80 it goes from ny to san fran California but laws now make it 4-5 days trip
@olindagunther8788 9 сағат бұрын
You commented on there movement and stanima to march and play their instruments. As we speak , the Osu band has Summer Camp where prospective members learn to march train to build up their stanimia for the tryouts for the auditions that the students go thru to try and secure 244 positions. They usually have 450 try out for the marching band.
@jimgreen5788 9 сағат бұрын
Cougars have 4 regional names that I know of: mtn. lion, catamount, cougar, and panther. I've seen a guy in Alaska on a TV program who raised a wolverine from a cub, as well as people who've done the same with grizzlies--either as a pet, or for Hollywood, and they're like part of the family. However, the bison tossing a stupid tourist is proof positive that the national parks aren't zoos--no bars, not tame animals. If you stay in places with tons of people, like Yosemite Valley and Yellowstone's Old Faithful geyser, you'd be totally safe. Then, if in the back country, making noise so as not to startle them will usually keep a person safe. I've lived in the Midwest of the US all my life, and I've never even SEEN a black widow, and I'm going on 77. The man with his head in an alligator's mouth was most likely part of a show for tourists in FL on the Seminole Reservation.
@tinatovar7548 9 сағат бұрын
Americans are the largest bouncers in the world
@gara9165 9 сағат бұрын
Water boarding and testicle electricity fersure
@artartful854 9 сағат бұрын
No god didn't put him here anymore than you will believe that god put slavery here. If your god did one...he did the other. Get over gods, they do not exist.
@Nimbus1701 10 сағат бұрын
Lots of people have lots of negative opinions about the US. Just a couple of thoughts on it. First, it shouldn't be the job of the US to police the world, but be glad it is the US that is doing it and not some of the other countries that would. Free trade lanes are largely secured and maintained through US escort ships. You think things are expensive now, just imagine if all the shipping lanes weren't secured. Yikes! Second, amd most importantly, the US is a patient country as far as military might. People talk all the time about Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc... as being failures militarily, but it is a bit complicated. If the US chose to unleash its military might unbridled and without constraint it would be unmistakable. We haven't unleashed our full military might since WW2. We've tried to be a little more discretionary about it and what we have seen is enemies playing on our patience and mercy. For example, Saddam Hussein routinely hid antiship missiles in schools and hospitals in Iraq, knowing we wouldn't target them. By trying to please the world in conflict, things tend to last far too long, cost far too much, and don't usually have permanent change. When Hitler was defeated, that was the permanent end of Nazi Germany, especially on a world power scale. It might be unpopular, but perhaps the most humane way of dealing with conflicts is to deal with them quickly, and overwhelmingly. Instead of condemning a country trying to follow all the rules of war, maybe start dealing with enemies that won't fight on a battlefield and use civilians and international media to garner support for the types of people that use women and children to hide behind instead of fighting on the field of battle.
@wastedwanderer420 10 сағат бұрын
I remember that game and the night i was in a bar in allentown just north of philly
@soldierthekillersavior2127 10 сағат бұрын
Daddy dana was trying so hard to save his son from the eagle
@medannylee1 10 сағат бұрын
TAKIS too salty.