The Great Mokujin Debate
5 ай бұрын
What Happened in Tekken 5?
6 ай бұрын
What Happened in Tekken 4?
6 ай бұрын
Important Channel Update
9 ай бұрын
@JnGArtimation Сағат бұрын
And that's why I'll forever say SF3 is superior.
@rayneishalowe3739 2 сағат бұрын
I always hated it when people say "it's just a fighting game! the story doesn't matter!" All you do in first-person shooters is pick up a gun, aim that gun, crouch, Crouch lower, throw grenades and kill targets. Yet one of my favorite story campaigns is from Call of Duty Black Ops 1. The last good one they did in a very long time other than Black Ops 2. I barely played Halo and my childhood yet I know a lot about the Lore, because there's so much of it the people actually write novels about it. And people always give games like BlazBlue and Guilty Gear crap for having dense backstories and lore. But I love those games for that, because at least they made an effort with their story. At least they cared!😅 but I'm a casual player of fighting games so I'm not the intended audience, I guess...
@Rajcu75 3 сағат бұрын
Bandai&capcom:Hello we like money
@Zz-_- 3 сағат бұрын
Smack yo Daddy (Jin) go on smack'em
@jasherbelton3039 4 сағат бұрын
This is why I always preach that story means nothing in fighting games. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is dlc value and replay-ability. And frankly, I’d prefer it to be this way.😝
@bando-kun842 4 сағат бұрын
@Kraken-rex9743 6 сағат бұрын
Welcome to comic book life
@santino7470 7 сағат бұрын
I actually hope Geese doesn’t come back in City of the Wolves
@shinra358 9 сағат бұрын
theres no point in collecting anymore if the stories go no where. literally a wast of time. t7 is my last tekken. sf been dead to me
@bytwentyeight 16 сағат бұрын
I just want to add something with Bison To be honest, i feel like Capcom in general is pretty bad with this kind of stuff. Just look at Zero in Mega Man X. If i remember right, he died in X5 just to come back like nothing happened in X6
@muppetry1 16 сағат бұрын
Please third season of sfVl are Remy, Q, Necro, Sean😭
@marplatense31 18 сағат бұрын
People are just now realizing this?
@RoyArkon 19 сағат бұрын
Death in fighting games DOES matter, the problem is that SF and Tekken just don't give a damn about it. Just look at Mortal Kombat. Liu Kang got killed at the beginning of MKDA and we got all of MKDA without him and he only came back in MKD as a zombie. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi both got killed in MKD, they weren't playable in that game and only came back in MKA. Then both Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn got killed in MK9, they both skipped MKX and only came back in MK11. And Quan Chi got killed in MKX, skipped MK11 and now just recently came back in MK1. So while MK chars do come back, at the very least they wait a whole full game before they come back in order to make sure that their death would still mean something for the overall plot. SF and Tekken don't care. Bison got killed in SF5 and came back in SF6 after just one season, and Heihachi didn't even wait one season is already back after Tekken 7, after both IP's made a huge deal from both getting killed, just for them to come back THIS quick, unlike MK which allows their chars to remain dead for at least one game so that the impact will be felt. So yes, death in fighting games DOES matter, it's just that it doesn't matter in SF and Tekken, or at least doesn't matter for Bison and the Mishimas, just because Capcom and Bamco don't wanna take chances with their IP's, unlike NRS/WB with MK.
@KhalidMoja 21 сағат бұрын
As long they are idiots that will buy and shill for those corporation the fighting games will never evolve 🤬🤬
@MrDarksol 22 сағат бұрын
Now I know we have to wait until the thrown into the lava but somehow he's magically alive old man elephant of the room is playable but this is just ridiculous that namco just pulled a capcom and just brought back a villain who was only gone for one game. Like seriously what was the point of tekken 7's ending and what was the point of Ryu finally offing Bison? Especially if the devs are just gonna bring these characters back one game later despite the fact that they're supposed to be dead. This is why I much preferred how arc system works for the guilty gear games and how SNK did the King of fighters games did when it came to dead characters because at least with those there was a reason for why the character stayed dead and when they did come back it was either through a prequel story or an abridged version of the game events of a previous title or a Magic mcguffin that's in the story that brings those characters back but not before a massive long wait time period in universe. Here it completely just feels like that the only reason why these 2 characters came back immediately it's because of member berries and bending over backwards for all of the fans that really really want these dead characters back regardless of whether or not it completely destroys the storyline for both titles. If that's the case then they really should have went the fatal fury route and just made M. Bison and Heihachi nightmare versions that were non cannon because it makes everything from SF5 and T7 COMPLETELY pointless. I am glad that more people are starting to understand that this is a very very scummy business decision just to keep the brand the same and keep the status quo.
@gregwilliams4926 Күн бұрын
After seeing the trailer again, I do think that this is a flashback after Tekken 2, because why is his hair not grey in the volcano shot and his actual render is the old Heihachi with a few scars on his chest. I believe this "new" Heihachi is Lidia's master or whoever that old guy is with the tiger mask. But Heihachi is also a skin like Eddie and Christie, Xiao and Miharo in Tekken 4 back then. Kinda like a what if he did survive model like what NRS did with MKX revenant characters, they made up old looks for the cast that were never canon in the story.
@adamrivera7667 Күн бұрын
I would be ok with it if they just added the characters as just playable but not involved in the story it’s the fact that they are involved in the story that I have an issue with
@curtisjackson4090 Күн бұрын
"....finally defeats Heihachi for good". Yeeeah, about that
@mpoweredfilms2456 Күн бұрын
Are you feeling okay mate? you made a whole video of what it means of characters not being in dead is a f"kn video game bro not a movie or a series it don't have ton make sense its all for shock value and how you can entertain your fan base you pleb ffs people these days man
@royasturias1784 Күн бұрын
Must have been the bitter taste a la the return of Darth Sidious / Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars Episode 9 movie and how both Lord Snoke in Episode 8 and Kylo Ren were handled. NEVER AGAIN!
@RaymonZX200 Күн бұрын
Only one thats stuck so far is Kliff in Guilty Gear
@phillipblanc4846 Күн бұрын
Heihachi Mishima is dead
@Tigerkaya Күн бұрын
Comic fan: first time?
@fightingmedialounge519 Күн бұрын
I wouldn't call it selling out since that implies the games are giving away an integrity they arguably didn't have. Bringing them back is a souless cash grab.
@Cam10_84 Күн бұрын
To be fair with Bison, his soul essentially got absorbed by his old body, so he do sorta have a newer bison who's only been here since SF4. Tldr on the Bison: Ryu's attack in SF5 split Bison's soul from the body he was using, so normal Bison was without a body while his old one gained a personality and layer absorbs Soul Bison in World Tour.
@whoisslade45 Күн бұрын
Deaths in fighting games are like deaths in comic books. Unless there’s a big reason or an especially hated. Or a love interest in some cases. They’ll get better eventually.
@bcraig1709 Күн бұрын
Hate to say it, fighting game characters rarely die, but if you thought Heihachi was dead, just remember, his son lived after being thrown off a cliff lol 😂 He's probably resurrected with a devil gene variant
@sandybrown726 Күн бұрын
Because dlc money
@Takashii85 Күн бұрын
A shame, cuz fighting game story typically have a cool concept story arc and awesome characters. But at the same time, because its a fighting game, it's limited in what it can do with its premise. If there's a enough demand, you bring em back.
@Schnirt Күн бұрын
Mind you, in the timeline, him coming back happens like a couple weeks after his death
@phazongroove Күн бұрын
Whenever a character dies in a video game or comic book that mean they are still alive or will be resurrected some type of way. It's so cliche
@lifeonleo1074 Күн бұрын
Respectfully who plays a fighting game for the story 😅, you want a good story play an RPG or a good one player sony game. I am always amazed when people complain about story IN A FIGHTING GAME. To me thats like complaing about a bad story in a Mario game. Like bro who cares about the story, get online or get with your friends and fight.
@blackdarkness6798 Күн бұрын
Stories are what makes a character more then just a bland 1 dimensional data made model bum that you are, also because of those like you, these stories you claim none cares of cant advance, due to you people asking for some characters back
@cosmicspider2 18 сағат бұрын
Why do you fuckers insist on telling people who actually give a shit about the product what we should be doing? If you don't care why don't you take your own advice and go online, fight, and stay in your lane?
@WerewulfNerd2000 16 сағат бұрын
Because they're people like me who care about the story. If no one cared about the story in a fighting game, then why are there so many videos just talking about the lore and characters? Also if story doesn't matter then why do FG devs waste their time and money making story modes or character endings if no one cares? If a game has a story it's not unreasonable to expect that story to be decent and not break itself constantly, just because most fighting games prioritize gameplay over story doesn't excuse bad writing.
@gabethepaper3916 Күн бұрын
Why don't they just make them playable, but not in the story mode?
@royasturias1784 Күн бұрын
or unlockable via certain conditions that don't involve your real-life loose change
@PortugueseMACPOW Күн бұрын
I still love my ex wife, but do I want her back? Fucc no 😂
@Vulf_Faolan Күн бұрын
If I had been behind RE3R, Jill's nightmare at the beginning would not have been of her becoming a zombie. It would have been a knock on her door, and one of the deceased S.T.A.R.S. members (Chosen at random each playthrough) would then have burst into her apartment, wounded, blaming her for not being there when they needed her, before collapsing dead in front of her. It would be traumatizing. The only exception would be if you roll Richard, who instead of blaming Jill, would instead be relieved to see that Jill had gotten out alive and made it back to safety, before too succumbing to his wounds. I would have shown how the loss of her comrades and friends truly haunts Jill, and I feel like her later nightmare about Carlos would have made a lot more sense.
@PortugueseMACPOW Күн бұрын
I love Heihachi, but why kill him just to bring him back?
@legefy Күн бұрын
I think Tekken is a bit worse for it. Heihachi had the entirety of Tekken 7 as his swansong. That was his game, his story, his death... So bringing him back completely cheapens that to the point where you can get no satisfaction from it. Yes, losing Heihachi for a game would be sad, but keep in mind that Heihachi isn't even played that much. We'd miss him, but he wasn't a core part of the Tekken gameplay scene.
@hdelmas1 Күн бұрын
Bison and Heihachi only came back because the creators wanted reactions. The more reactions, the more power “those two” would gain to return…
@knganarxhy Күн бұрын
I think the only time a character died but was still playable in a way that didn’t piss me off is nightmare geese, my whole problem is if the story isn’t going to be consistent or matter why pay writers to write those story’s in the first place, it’s a waste of money waste of effort and waste of everyone’s time, either make the story matter or don’t write one at all by “playing it safe” there making the games worse in a multitude of ways. This also effects rosters, with bison back are we ever gonna get gill or Sean or makoto back and even if we do are they even gonna matter, are these characters gonna get passed up for fuck ass Vega and( although I love boxers) balrog, what about someone like Dudley are we ever gonna see him again since there to busy paying attention to shadowloo to remember that Dudley still wants to punch gill in the face for stealing his car( my goat btw cuz real) idk I just feel like fighting games would do better by going forward rather than back but the developers seem to be unable to let SF 2 go, I’m actually not as mad at heihachi mainly cuz I’m new to tekken but I 100% understand everyone who is
@littlelw319 Күн бұрын
unless your name is Ragna, but who is he again?
@abynaxdbr2510 Күн бұрын
Playing is important in gaming not story❤
@TXMXTXEX Күн бұрын
Just today I wrote this comment: „M. Bison: I will come back from the dead Heihachi: Me too“
@noahsarc9531 Күн бұрын
The trailer literally showed him emerging from the volcano no worse for wear. I don't think it's a Nightmare Geese scenario.
@royasturias1784 Күн бұрын
Raidou's return in Dead or Alive 6 was better handled.
@AnotherYoutube24-7 Күн бұрын
I agree, I don’t care about all of the dead people either. They gone
@pinballpuppy Күн бұрын
@mbras9176 Күн бұрын
I dont mind the character returning just as a playable character as long he has no impact on history, or only be used in flashbacks. Plain resurrecting them makes their deaths pointless and the story pointless. For example jin and kaz lost their devil powers in the story mode. But now its pretty clear that means nothing and they will get their powers back somehow
@budgiecat9039 Күн бұрын
If Heihachi stayed dead nobody would care or boycott the game. Its just greed You know whos dead? Fei Long. Forest Law. Gen Wang Michael Max Everyone in Power Instinct Good female art design in Tekken
@Arupaca128 Күн бұрын
@ReysonFox Күн бұрын
I think the pilot Kevin on the Bravo Team technically is the first to die, not Edward.
@scotiaviii Күн бұрын
In the original game it was Edward, Kevin didn't exist in the remake and isn't a member of STARS so I don't really count him.
@subcorpianwest5658 Күн бұрын
Infinite retcons The only fighting game story mode that's ever been good is mk9
@user-li3yq5uk3z Күн бұрын
For Street Fighter 6... I Saw F.A.N.G. Taking His Hat. I was thinking M. Bison When Ryu Finished him... That M. Bison was Energy, that Didn't Found Peace. And For Street Fighter 6 I know, we got JP, But I was Expecting GILL. Because of some Ending. Like A Different Surprise. Yeah. Imagine Luke (Who was the Newer one Replacing Ryu (I know for SF3 We got Alex)), Going Against Gill. And Gill... Pretty Much GOD Level. And There and then We Done with Both Urien and Gill in SF6. And Eventually SF7 or SF 6 DLC We Get a Story Mission VS Akuma. I know He was (Akuma) BOSS In Street Fighter 3. IDK Why I Kinda Wated Akuma to be BOSS in SF1. Maybe After Sagat... For Heihachi Mishima in Tekken 8... I was Fine IF HE Appeares Like DLC Character... Speaking OF Gill As Street Fighter 6 BOSS... Going Like This. Gill's Arc is ON, and GILL is Secret in the Shadows. And Someone Else Like Korin is Taking and Having All the Credits and Blames. How? Things are Going Fine, then Through Time and Chapters, Our Protagonists, Main Characters and Heroes... Are Living Normaly, and Having their Thing, then Something Happens. And Slowly through time, They Get into Adventure, And Get that something is Happening (Something Bad). And Slowly they Get the Clues, Put the Pieces Together (Connecting the Puzzle), And We Have All Lines Leading to Korin. Also She Secretly has Urien as Advisor. Who's "Helping" Her Like Incognito. And He Still Working For and With Gill. And Koring (And Maybe Urien), Been Pretty Much a Distraction, For Gill's Ultimate Plan. What ya think? That's what I was Kinda Thinking BEFORE THE RELEASE OF STREET FIGHTER 6. But NOW... Could be DLC Continuing of the Story Mode. OR In Other SF Game. Like Street FIghter 7 Eventually. And IDK Why I Kinda Wanna See, a Street Fighter Game, with AKUMA, AS Final BOSS Of It. I know, in the Street Fighter 3 Games, Akuma Had a BOSS Battle Time, Even tho Gill was BOSS There Too. Just a Share.