@edwardchen9286 6 сағат бұрын
FYI if you have 6 nimmt you can play no thanks and the mind. just need 55 tokens for no thanks, which can also be used to track lives/stars for the mind.
@Kevin-rf9rg 9 күн бұрын
for the majority of AH fans we kind of consider Night of the Zealot (the core box set 3 part campaign) as the tutorial campaign to teach our friends how to play the game. That campaign is basically a feeler into the AH. The game does shine in campaigns beyond this. It's an amazing game (one of my favourites of all time) but it's definitely not a budget game either. It's a Fantasy flight game - you have to almost expect this. This is their model. That said, the game is so good it does leave people wanting more.. and often you'll not only be spending money on extra campaigns (game stuff) but you'll find yourself wanting to enhance your thematic experience with additions (fancy tokens, storage, 3d Miniatures of the investigators etc - often from places like Etsy)...because you fall in love with the game so much.
@asaswain1031 21 күн бұрын
FYI - Your issues with the slow start (especially at higher player counts) and wanting exploring map tiles to be more unpredictable are improved with the Gears of Corruption expansion.
@GemsBiscuits 21 күн бұрын
Thanks! It looked like it Gears of Corruption was fixing quite a few of my problems, but I've not had a chance to give it a go yet!
@robertthurman9866 22 күн бұрын
Very good. I'm crazy over this game and have everything. As you said the core is perhaps the low point. This is due to the lack of usable cards and the quirkiness of the scenarios. #1 too short and easy, #2 fast and furious and very good. #3 one of the hardest scenarios in all of Arkham Horror. Very unbalanced. Dunwich should be the next to try. Carcosa is considered to be the best ever, but until you get a good selection of cards and investigators Carcosa might be too much. Every cycle of campaign and investigator cards brings new mechanics, theme and locations. Each cycle will have fantastic and disappointing scenarios. But the good outweigh the bad. If you can continue through Dunwich and Carcosa. If you don't want to continue you can sell or trade them without much problem.
@Chrisosaurusrex 25 күн бұрын
Agree on the value proposition being warped if you consider this revised core in isolation, and it doesn’t compare favourably against many other games. They were constrained in that they didn’t want to alienate existing players by adding more contents to their revised core. In truth the 3 scenario mini campaign is really a tutorial and taster, rather than a full blown campaign. The luck element is kind of on theme, in lovecraftian worlds our choices have little consequence as we are tiny barely significant ants facing horrors beyond our comprehension. You are kind of “meant to” lose the last scenario in the zealot campaign, it’s trying to teach you that this game isn’t about “winning”, and that success is more granular than that. Dunwich and Carcosa are both superb campaigns with more interesting narrative, but it is a significant ask in terms of price. In my limited view, as a narrative gamer, the larger campaigns do have some replayability but it’s finite - I’m not going to play dunwich 10 times through. But with 8 scenarios, 2-3 play throughs, it is 16-24 games at 1.5-2 hours per game - so for me that feels like good value. I view the price as being more in line with a movie with a bunch of friends, rather than a typical board game where I buy it once and play it a million times. I love this game, but it isn’t cheap, so you have to decide if this experience is where you want to be spending your money. Overall good review, keep up the good work.
@ImmortalThanos 26 күн бұрын
After waiting many years, I finally got ahold of Arkham Horror in 2018 and tried it for the first time. It was a major disappointment. The game was extremely fiddly, convoluted, and it was hard to keep up with all the different aspects of the game. My wife and I tried playing it for three hours, completed 2.5 turns, and just gave up. I've been hesitant to try the game since. I wonder if the card game would be a better alternative.
@AdamJorgensen 26 күн бұрын
You could try Eldritch Horror, it's similar to AH but significantly less fiddly.
@ImmortalThanos 26 күн бұрын
@@AdamJorgensen I'll look into it. Thank you!
@Cretis 26 күн бұрын
Just finished Dunwich after the revised core set and had a blast. There is the price tag but the expansions open up replayability, together with allowing for more creative deckbuilding by growing the player cardpool. I recommend adding the dunwich and carcosa cards and trying out an expansion, the game really opens up!
@bski90 27 күн бұрын
Great video. love the last recomendation. Hilarious.
@jacewilliams7135 Ай бұрын
The core box campaign of 3 scenarios, you have to view them as an intro/tutorial/demo. Highly recommend grabbing Dunwich Legacy for the full wonderful experience that is Arkham Horror: The Card Game
@StormofSteelWargaming Ай бұрын
Good review, I think there is a reason that scenario three of the intro campaign is to show it's not all roses for players in Arkham. I know that's not to everyone's taste, but if you play Call of Cthulhu RPG then you get where the LCG is coming from. As others have said, try the longer campaigns, particularly the Dunwich Legacy as it is a 'beginner' campaign and demonstrates a lot of the great gameplay elements that AHLCG has to offer. But of course, it is your money on the line and it may be outside of your game finances. I love AH, but my major stumbling block with it is deck building inertia, once you have thousands of cards it is really difficult to build a deck as there is just too much choice. I know there are platforms that help deckbuilding or even provide random and fan made ones, but it's nice to be able to put something together yourself and with the amount of choice this is absolutely overwhelming and something only possible if you ignore every other game in your collection to concentrate on AH.
@GuardianAngelEatos Ай бұрын
One thing you can do to help with being overwhelming by having too many choices is go through your collection and cut down on which cards you have to select from by setting aside cards in one of your unused expansion boxes. That's what I do for ccgs, however for a different purpose. The bigger your collection gets in ccgs, the less you need because you get better cards, so I just set aside cards that I don't see myself playing because I have better options.
@StormofSteelWargaming 29 күн бұрын
​@@GuardianAngelEatosthat's certainly an option, but is still overwhelming as you have to study each and every card and understand how it interacts with others. So that goes back to the time dedicated to the game at the expense of others. Also, it then seems a waste to buy everything in the first place if you're never going to use some cards. And finally, feels a bit like power playing to me, when I prefer narrative games. I'd prefer the challenge of having a random deck and trying my best than organising a meta deck that makes the game less fun, IMO. But do whatever floats your boat.
@44ThaNatos44 Ай бұрын
Hi, thanks for all the suggestions ! My personnal favourite is a little game called Dicetopia, there's so much strategy in so little time with this one. But as with all good filler games, after one round you're often tempted to go for a second one instead of a bigger game...
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
I'll have to check it out! Always on the look for new engaging fillers!
@robertbouley7697 Ай бұрын
One of my all-time favorite games. Not for poor people.
I too have such mixed feelings about Arkham LCG. Love the world, enjoy the mechanical parts, love the idea of campaigns. But I agree with you about all the negatives. The brutality of the game, the susceptibility to bad luck, the frequent feelings of things not really being in your control, and then the the kicker of minimal replayability at high costs... In the end it leaves me looking for something else.
@TheHumblefish Ай бұрын
Some individual scenarios are replayable as well. Its a really common challenge to try to nab as many cultists as you can in Midnight Masks.
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
That does sound like a fun challenge! And I can see how you could try completely different approaches with how varied the conditions for some of the cultists are there
@thediminutivesoldier Ай бұрын
Great video. I have been looking at it and cant decide to get or not. I found the original one yesterday in a store for $12 and almost picked up. I subbed. Please consider sending one my way!
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
$12 is a great price! I think the original set was meant to be a bit light on investigator cards, but should have been good enough for solo or 2 player
@DrMcFly28 Ай бұрын
I was extremely lukewarm on the Core set, so much so I actually put it up on sale after two playthroughs. As luck would have it, one of the other ads was for the entire Dunwich Legacy cycle, extremely cheap, so I said screw it, I'll purchase that, play it, and then sell everything as a bundle. 6 years and 9 cycles later, I must say things didn't exactly go as planned. :)
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
Hahah, that's great to hear! I'm looking forward to seeing how the campaign cycles improve on the Core set!
@henrikwakman7776 Ай бұрын
You can also add a few one shots. The Carnevale one springs to mind.
@henrikwakman7776 Ай бұрын
I absolutely loved the story.
@henrikwakman7776 Ай бұрын
the expletives feel cringy. Don't. Try to add dignity to the world. It needs it.
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback!
@born2bwildne744 Ай бұрын
I totally agree. I certainly am not in the market for such needless choices. Stopped the video very early on and will pass on this channel.
@xSean0607 Ай бұрын
Started two weeks ago, got core and Dunwhich and already ordered carcosa stuff for later (way later). I'm starting dunwhich. 2 handing and true solo has been fun. Also the coop with someone else new to the game after going through the campaign by myself is like the closest thing to playing the campaign for the first time again, the first time going through the unknown is exciting, win or lose. And after that I get to create challenges and try different builds to see how miserably I lose lol 😆
@ShunyValdez Ай бұрын
Since you are looking for storytelling, I would recommend Carcosa. The way the story is told with your characters being the driving forces is done better than in Night of the Zealot. Dunwich is fine. It was designed at the same time as Night of the Zealot, so they still don't know what direction the LCG will go. Nothing's wrong with it, and it actually has one of my favorite scenarios. But it is simple when compared to the later campaigns, in terms of gameplay surprises and storytelling.
@DakonBlackblade2 Ай бұрын
The most recent campaign, Hemlock Vale, also has a great story and is very immersive, however the campaign itself is rather more complex than the earlier ones.
@TheOldMan-75 Ай бұрын
The game is quite good but it simply doesn't warrant the price tag.
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
That is my main issue with it. I quite liked the experience, but there are a lot of games at that price range that provide a lot more value for money
@DakonBlackblade2 Ай бұрын
@@GemsBiscuits If you are talking about the Core Box then yes, but any expansion will give you your bang for your money. And they are all very repayable, even if they are story based there is a lot of variation to the story, the scenarios themselves and randomness with the encounter cards and the ability to change difficulty to keep things fresh. Also playing different investigators change everything. And the scenarios are much more inventive. Core Box goes: simple introductory scenario, great Arkham scenario, way too difficult scenario that ramped the difficulty up way too much way too fast. The expansions however are all much more varied and have much better scenarios where the modularity of the design shines. Dunwich scenario 4 is an early standout in that regard, where you go: “wait a minute, I did not consider scenarios in this game could be that way and do those things”.
@henrikwakman7776 Ай бұрын
It used to be a great $40 set.
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
@@DakonBlackblade2 Thank you for the great, in depth comment! Yeah, the idea with this review was absolutely to review the core set as a standalone package, especially considering the pretty high price for the box. However, as I'd like to play some of the other campaigns I'd like to do reviews for those as well and discuss how they build on and improve the ideas of the core set.
@DakonBlackblade2 Ай бұрын
@@GemsBiscuits Mechanically Dunwich is pretty much identical to the core box, but the scenarios are more varied and inventive, also the fact it is eight scenarios long make for a much smoother difficulty curve and give you a lot more opportunities to upgrade your deck. Now starting from Carcosa (which is the second expansion ever released) each campaign has their own set of core mechanics making them very distinct from one another.
@diamondmeeple Ай бұрын
No Thanks is an excellent game for new players. I got Stone Age on my list for gateway games, people usually love it, and it got a bit more "meat" too it than they are used to, without being too complex. Biblios is also excellent, but hard to come by these days... A great gateway game = make the majority of those that try it want to experience board games more regularly.
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
Great suggestions! I have No Thanks on my Top 10 Filler Games and completely agree, it goes down great even if a person has never played a game before
@diamondmeeple Ай бұрын
@@GemsBiscuits What you/we want to create is the feeling: "Hmmm, yes this was really fun/interesting, guess I want to do this more often."
@GemsBiscuits Ай бұрын
@@diamondmeeple Absolutely! I learnt that pretty quickly when I tried to introduce some friends to gaming with Scythe - it was way too complex for that and not a pleasant experience for anyone involved 😅
@diamondmeeple Ай бұрын
@@GemsBiscuits The thing is... any game can be a "gateway game" to somebody... even a complex game. I got 635 games, however I have no interest in even trying Scythe... based on how the game works. I focus in general on games with "little" rules and high skill agency.
@denycast 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the warning of Muffintime😂. But a good list you have there. I really need to play one night ultimate werwolf, so I can teach the werewolf addicted groups a variant in which no one is dead for the whole game👍 My recommendation would be "Droppolter". It is my current game to get something on the table quickly 😅
@GemsBiscuits 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's what I love about One Night Werewolf! Is Droppolter the Oink game? Not seen it before, but I'm always up for more Oink games!
@denycast 2 ай бұрын
@@GemsBiscuits yeah Droppolter is an oink game😅
@GemsBiscuits 2 ай бұрын
@@denycast Thanks, I'll have to check it out!
@ezra1791 2 ай бұрын
Nice recommendations I hace some of them. It is nice to have options. I usually don’t play deduction games but some friends do. Might try the suggestions.
@Catchafire2000 2 ай бұрын
Carcassone didnt make the list?
@GemsBiscuits 2 ай бұрын
Not actually had a chance to play it! By the time I got into board gaming no one was bringing it to meet ups anymore so it kinda passed me by, definitely one I need to check out though!
@diamondmeeple 2 ай бұрын
Gang of Dice is an amazing filler by Knizia. Try it. I also love a quick round of Strike.
@chrispriscott 2 ай бұрын
I love it, thank you so much Aleks! Always a treat to watch your videos and even more so when they're of one of my games! Thank you so much for taking a look at it! The choice to add extra stones, but more importantly, the mole powers was an attempt to step it up from your standard flip & write so I'm very glad that came across! I will say I was worried for a second that there were no gifs but I was very much not disappointed when the first one came 😆
@GemsBiscuits 2 ай бұрын
I loved the mole powers! They were definitely a great addition that really shook up the gameplay!
@sharefaerber5268 2 ай бұрын
6 Nimitz or Take five as it is in the states is my go to filler. No thanks is also a game I can play with my visually handicapped game loving friend.
@unlimitedrabbit 3 ай бұрын
Cockroach Poker fits the bill at my table nearly every time.
@GemsBiscuits 3 ай бұрын
Love Cockroach poker! Was the first game I introduced to my non-gamer friends and we had a blast!
@HorseIRL 3 ай бұрын
Try Nana (or Trio). It's so good that we forget what main game we came for sometimes and play it over and over.
@GemsBiscuits 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, I've not heard of that one before so will need to check it out!
@edwardchen9286 6 сағат бұрын
​@@GemsBiscuits nana is amazing fun haha
@desertwind666 3 ай бұрын
I believe you have cause and effect backwards. It is not being first or second on the trackthat predicts winning, but rather better play and winning that predicts being first and second on the track. I will often barely move in the first round or two unless the resources land that way or that happens to be the best opportunity available, because it allows me to snag something first. Choosing the best new cards to add to your deck and having idols available I.e. creating an engine is more valuable.
@GemsBiscuits 3 ай бұрын
Oh no, I didn't mean that the person to start moving on the track first or second is going to win, I meant that, in my experience, in order to win, you have to be in either in the first or at least second spot at end of the track. I completely agree that it can be more effective to build up your engine a bit before starting up the research track, it was more a comment on the fact that focusing on research appears to be the only path to victory
@desertwind666 3 ай бұрын
​@@GemsBiscuits I see, I agree it's a major part of the game but more of a feature than a bug. I have definitely won games without finishing the track or being the last to do so, but completing "break point" parts of the tracks where the points and/or effects are significant.
@soucaco 3 ай бұрын
I was discussing this game with my wife, and we came to the conclusion that the research track IS the game. The Lost Ruins are the ruins in the research track. As you progress through the track, you go deeper and deeper in hopes to uncover whatever lies deep within the ruins (spoiler: it's victory points). The map shows different spots in the island where you can explore to gather resources, which are guarded by powerful guardians. As the rounds go by, the number of artifacts available in the market increases, and item cards decreases. That's because as you go deeper down the ruins, you uncover more artifacts, but getting help from the outside world becomes more difficult. Or maybe the real ruins of Arnak were the friends we made along the way
@armandocassiano3780 3 ай бұрын
My group loves Arnak.
@rjcarr316 3 ай бұрын
Interesting that there's no mention of Codenames. Thanks for the video, there were a few I hadn't heard of. My only suggestion would be it would have been nice to know your favorite player count for every game.
@GemsBiscuits 3 ай бұрын
I actually missed the Codenames craze! By the time I got into the hobby, it was rare that I saw anyone bring it to a game night, so only ever played the game once or twice. As for player count, most of time it probably ends up being a group of around 4-6 people, maybe a couple more if it's something like Fake Artist
@VirgilCummings 4 ай бұрын
Guillotine is my all time favorite filler game. Solid list. Keep up the good work!
@GemsBiscuits 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! Haven't tried Guillotine yet, but it definitely has one of the most unique themes I've seen!
@chrispriscott 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic to have you back Aleks!
@GemsBiscuits 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Chris! Very happy to be back!
@jarredbultema2164 5 ай бұрын
Spot on review
@amsfountain8792 Жыл бұрын
I prefer the old movie though.
@TheOldMan-75 Жыл бұрын
👍interesting video format.
@revimfadli4666 Жыл бұрын
I mean, making you get both actions from the worker spot and the card you pay to go there is quite innovative. But Underwater Cities did it earlier so... Funnily enough, even the combat itself is auction in disguise
@GemsBiscuits Жыл бұрын
Oh wow, I didn't see it before, but there are definitely a lot of similarities between combat and an auction!
@Zardichard Жыл бұрын
Combat in euros often takes the form of auctions, just look at Condottiere Auctions are just fun
@tedharrington5432 Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you are back!
@jonesfamilygamesnight1702 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff Aleks! I liked the new style.