@Pixxee__123 3 күн бұрын
Oot adult link doesn’t have the master sword when he is a child and he turns back into a child before majoras mask and after so of course it would look different and it is also confirmed by developers that twilight princess is 100 years after oot when he talks about his regrets I get that he had the ocarina of time but that doesn’t make him not have regrets BOOM you just got debunked by a young teen
@franciscobartolome9026 4 күн бұрын
People tend to wonder why you haven’t used the manga as source but they also don’t know that in the oot manga, Link was friends with Volvagia the dragon that literally eats gorons.
@jackkemp7256 4 күн бұрын
Why would you say it’s “debunked” over so little evidence?
@ratedn 4 күн бұрын
We have a full length (over half an hour long) video on the topic on our channel. This was just what we could fit in a 60s time allotment for the short.
@kyguy3242 5 күн бұрын
"The scabbards don't match up." They do... they do match up... like, incredibly well, with only minor differences. I'm actually really surprised that the developers got enough detail to match them up as close as they did. If anything, this shows that the Hero of Time intenionally customized his personal scabbard to imitate the Master Sword's, cause like others have said, it wouldn't make sense for him to still have the Master Sword or its scabbard. "The shade didn't recognize Link as the hero despite having the triforce of courage and the Master Sword." Um, TP Link doesn't have the Master Sword when they first meet... in that very clip you just showed. Also, maybe this is just me, but I think it's debatable whether or not Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf actually have a piece of the triforce in Twilight Princess. I think it's more like they have a right to each piece because they have been chosen by the gods to hold it. In any case, the shade does recognize Link as the hero of legend, or at least that he's destined to become the hero, but simply holds doubt about whether he's ready to face the challenges he's up against. "The Hero's Shade doesn't utilize any moves the Hero of Time used to take down Ganondorf." None at all? And why are we talking about JUST Ganondorf? He taught TP Link both the Jump Attack and the Spin Attack. Both moves were used by OOT Link consistently throughout his journey. The other moves he probably learned later in life as a knight. Even without official confirmation, it's very obvious through the shade's dialogue alone, not to mention also through the songs he teaches TP Link, that the shade is meant to represent OOT/MM Link.
@09Gamerlegend 5 күн бұрын
The Theory’s in this video have a good ring to them 😊❤ I love it
@gameburrito2502 7 күн бұрын
My guy really tried to argue against Nintendo, creators of LOZ about Link.
@ratedn 7 күн бұрын
Nintendo as a whole nor the developers behind Twilight Princess have ever stated anything about the Heroes Shade being Ocarina Link. The Hyrule Historia was written by people who's name you cannot find in a single Zelda title. We aren't arguing against developer intent -- we're arguing against blatant headcanon stated by people who had no part in development of the games.
@feral26 9 күн бұрын
Honestly, in the absence of greater evidence that this is Zelda dreaming, the most reasonable explanation seems to be that Nintendo simply wanted to save money by reusing a game engine they'd already developed a few years ago. And I don't have a problem with that.
@ratedn 9 күн бұрын
Certainly a possibility. 👍
@goonboi3435 10 күн бұрын
You do realize he was 10 then 10 in a 17 year olds body in oot? Shade is a grown ass Link that became a trained hylian night And why would he have the master sword he put it back c'mon man ...
@ratedn 10 күн бұрын
Hard to assume a sage-powered magical 7 year stasis wouldn't somehow represent Links adult size equivalent to if he grew naturally instead. Yes, Link could grow taller after 17, but we're looking at literally 2-3 feet extra after his already adult height. At the end of the day, that is only a supplemental detail about our debunk, if they wanted this to be OoT Link, they would have said that in the game itself regardless. Even Historia flip flops between calling it fan theory or fact. We didn't say he has/would have the Master Sword. And why would a child who had his childhood returned to him after defeating the greatest evil in the world, go on to be a generic footsoldier in later life? Idk if dude wants to clear bokoblin camps for Hyrule after all that lol, and on top of that, him dying to a random arrow to the eye is a crazy fate to suggest for someone who has committed actual superhuman feats. If you're interested in a more in-depth version of our debunks, we have a full length video on the topic on our channel. Otherwise, we're not attempting to crap on peoples fun, we just think it really doesn't fit OoT Links characterization to become the Shade-- and the lore of the games support that view as well.
@goonboi3435 9 күн бұрын
@ratedn I will give it a watch I'm gonna need some convincing lol
@ratedn 9 күн бұрын
Appreciate the open mindedness 👍
@nedia3437 13 күн бұрын
Not to be rude, but in several things, it is confirmed that it is the hero of time. Also, if it was literally any other link other than the hero time that would be flipping stupid and literally make no flipping sense. Why the hell would it be just some other link or even worse someone random. that would be boring and good storytelling in any way. It would be so unfulfilling and just less impactful. The reason it was so impactful in the first place was because it was a link that we played before not some random night of hyrule, and yes, I know commenting feeds interaction, vampires like you. But people who keep on trying to shit on things that are fun really piss me off. Even if you’re not spreading misinformation, you’re spreading boring information that makes what could be good storytelling stupid. Stop ruining a good story because you want to theorize and make everything. Not fun for everyone. just because you wanna be controversial doesn’t mean you shit maybe you should work on writing and you realize maybe if it is the time hero it would be a lot more interesting and less stupid as an inclusion
@ratedn 13 күн бұрын
Zelda as a series has historically had lore that is designed to be up to the players interpretation... We have the right to provide our interpretation just like many others. We are combating misinformation in regards to the lore, not adding to it. That's what it is at the end of the day. "Fun" ideas can be had, and we don't mean to take away from anyone's artistic contributions to the theory (I say that as the artist behind this channel), but claiming that the basis of the theory itself is anything beyond unconfirmed headcanon is silly.
@cl8804 13 күн бұрын
f gay af
@MatchaFlavoredTea 13 күн бұрын
I reject your reality, and substitute my own
@ratedn 13 күн бұрын
Fair enough
@Flynnisthename 14 күн бұрын
I like this style of video!
@Flynnisthename 15 күн бұрын
Makes me think of a link to the past
@Flynnisthename 15 күн бұрын
I was sorely disappointed to check your channel and find out that fi wasn’t in more of your shorts ):
@ratedn 14 күн бұрын
She's a permanent staple of this channel, so she will certainly show up again soon! :)
@wallygator92 15 күн бұрын
The Legend of Link Zelda's awakening.
@neonnoir9692 15 күн бұрын
I always took the Hero of Time to be a title rather than a person, and assumed the Shade was just another Hero who'd come before Link.
@StarlingKnight 16 күн бұрын
They should've just named it "Legend of Zelda; Oracle of Echoes" The world building fits, the style fits, Oracle games are mostly unconventional LoZ games. Only thing that doesn't fit are the Deku Scrubs and "Tri" theme (fairy and rod)
@theslyfox1773 18 күн бұрын
@_Sh0cking-Chu 19 күн бұрын
If it actually A Zelda awakening then maybe it represent the awakening of the triforce. If this is correct then the next game would be Ganondorf awakening
@frziez 20 күн бұрын
Bros trying to be different
@Sabamika1 20 күн бұрын
I get that the CD-I Zelda's were bad, but we need to stop pretending they don't exist. Because this isn't Zelda's first outing as the hero.
@ratedn 20 күн бұрын
For most people, it's entirely irrelevant. Just didn't think it would be worth mentioning or wasting the time to make another generic joke about it. It's certainly a piece of Zelda history, and a very popular one at that, but for all intents and purposes, this *is* and will be Zelda's first adventure.
@StarlingKnight 16 күн бұрын
This will be Zelda's first main character role in MAIN SERIES GAMES. CDi games don't exist in the official Zelda timelines continuity. They're just in some weird fever dream dimension which never actually happened/existed. Princess Zelda deserved proper, conventional LoZ game and she's finally getting to be the true hero(ine)
@Sabamika1 16 күн бұрын
@@StarlingKnight Doesn't alter my point in the least. You tried.
@AnonimitySmith 20 күн бұрын
This was fun. I like Zelda fun. Subscribe.
@PyrexNemobeats 21 күн бұрын
I’ve been seeing people say why the shade didn’t mention Navi… but now your theory might connect some dots with that because like you said maybe it wasn’t the link we think it is. Hmmmmm Good solid theory
@agent382n 21 күн бұрын
Regarding the art style.. It's clear to me that Nintendo will be using it for any "2D" Zelda game going forward
@ratedn 20 күн бұрын
Certainly possible. I think if they aren't going for the dream angle, it's either being reused to save time, or they are using it specifically because it's a potential continuation of the Hero of Legend story and his last game (LA remake) had that artstyle, and they're keeping it as a through-line. Of course it could be a combination of those factors and others too. I think I won't consider it a recurring style for now, as only 2 games with it doesn't yet strike me as something to consider permanent.
@jabarilester1885 21 күн бұрын
Naaaah you’re reachin a bit, nice theory though frfr
@Michael_can96 22 күн бұрын
I believe this game takes place after Link's Awakening link with sailing back to Hyrule from the Oracle games and on his way home he shipwrecked leading to Link's Awakening I believe this is right after link returns to Hyrule and finds out Zelda has been kidnapped leading into echoes of wisdom
@StarlingKnight 16 күн бұрын
Or it takes place right after Link defeating Ganon in ALttP with altered ending of him falling into a mysterious rift. At some point OoT Zoras and Deku people have moved in Hyrule in secrecy... hehe
@Solrex_the_Sun_King 23 күн бұрын
They better not plot twist this with "it was all a dream" or I'm gonna scream!
@OscarMemo333 23 күн бұрын
@Mr.Kitty-ui9wh 23 күн бұрын
Animation style seems similiar to link between worlds and the map is identical aswell
@StarlingKnight 16 күн бұрын
Except Death Mountain is now in the northwest side of Hyrule, not northeast. And ALbwW Hyrule is almost 1:1 the same as A Link To The Past (1990 SNES game) Hyrule so this most likely take place in the latter's continuity
@Delta-lu5kf 23 күн бұрын
Zelda fans are so fucking annoying cause they’ll active argue *against* actually good plot points and characterization Hero's Shade being the Hero of Time is just a plot point that actively bolsters OoT's atory and actually gives that version of Link characterization thats more than just being a blank piece of wood. Bro gets actual character traits and youre actively trying to take that away Also, can i just point out it how insanely hypocritical it is of you to go "oh yeah Hyrule Historia isnt canon actually because I said so", yet turn around a d use fucking CONCEPT ART only ever shown in that very book as evidence for your claims. Either Hyrule Historia is canon, or it isnt. I fucking hate this wishy washy bullshit you fuck ass Zelda theorist love to pull with the franchise's lore books. It's canon until you arbitrarily decide its not in order to support your arguments On that note, I care way more about what the actual creators of the games have to say compared to just some random guy. Hyrule Historia says the Shade is the Hero of Time, therefore thats what he is. No amount of you acting intentionally obtuse or contradicting your own arguments will change that
@ratedn 23 күн бұрын
1. The Hyrule Historia is not the origin of those concepts arts -- concept art is drawn by the studio artists before the games they are drawn for are even developed/in development... so it was drawn in the early 2000s, more than a decade before the existence of the book. No connection. 2. The actual creators of the game have never said anything about the HoT being the Shade. The book was written by people with no written credits in any Zelda game ever. Those are infact the "random guy"(s). 3. The book also calls the Shade being HoT a "theory" in another section of the book as we mentioned in the video. If you unquestionably subscribe to this source, then even it itself doesn't confirm the theory as fact because of this discrepancy. You can believe whatever you want, just as we do. We are providing an alternative viewpoint on something that the community has taken for fact, even though it's never been confirmed by any of the developers.
@skelleytor 25 күн бұрын
Don’t wanna play as freakin Zelda
@ratedn 25 күн бұрын
Then no need to play the game
@lukestarkiller1470 25 күн бұрын
If you’re not man enough to play as a girl then you can just sit this one out
@danielschommers6116 22 күн бұрын
@skelleytor agree!
@Anti-ImperialistNPC 25 күн бұрын
Not even gonna mention link between worlds the first game with this art style
@ratedn 25 күн бұрын
ALBW has a vastly different art style. Other than it looking completely different, look at how eyes are done in either style. LA/Echoes of Wisdom is obviously "toy"like and Aonuma has spoken in interviews about the style choice as well.
@matthewfuhrmeister4817 24 күн бұрын
@@ratedn Switch awakening's art style is also meant to be a 3d representation of the original gameboy release's spritework.
@Dogo-537 25 күн бұрын
Just because it's the same style doesn't mean its the same place
@Dogo-537 25 күн бұрын
Links awakening was a dream
@lukestarkiller1470 25 күн бұрын
@@Dogo-537he didn’t say it was the same place, just that it could be in a similar dream world or take place while link is in the dream world from links awakening. Maybe that’s where the portal took him.
@StarlingKnight 16 күн бұрын
​@@lukestarkiller1470 The world seems to be A Link To The Past/A Link Between Worlds Hyrule with some changes (like modern Death Mountain behind Lost Woods VS where it was in ALttP Hyrule)
@lukestarkiller1470 16 күн бұрын
@@StarlingKnight yeah I was just explaining what the video was saying, I definitely think it’s the same Hyrule as A Link to the Past/ Between Worlds. But we can’t tell yet if it’s the same Link from those games or a different one. He could be the same Link that’s in Links Awakening since they share the same art style or he could be a complete new incarnation of Link.
@mrgreatbigmoose 25 күн бұрын
Link fails in his fight with Ganon...It's the START of the Downfall Timeline!! So we see some aspects common with OoT and ALttP.
@lukestarkiller1470 25 күн бұрын
Except he did defeat Ganon in the trailer, he just fell into a portal opened up by Ganons staff. That would be a cool way to connect it to the timelines though
@johnnyguitar8067 23 күн бұрын
Nintendo doesn't care about continuity
@MysteriousTomJenkins 22 күн бұрын
​@@johnnyguitar8067 Except it does, Zelda always had continuity.
@johnnyguitar8067 22 күн бұрын
@@MysteriousTomJenkins only when it's convenient. They are constantly retconning stuff or introducing new types of magic, changing the layout of hyrule, and even its origin story
@StarlingKnight 16 күн бұрын
Someone listed all the small details like regular Zora and Deku Scrubs existing in ALttP timeline game and Seasons is the only sub-timline where this fits. So, it's basically Oracle of Dimensions
@rattiom 26 күн бұрын
CEO of waffling
@Deltabolster 27 күн бұрын
As if every single thing you mentioned as being weird hasn't already happened in the games before
@ratedn 27 күн бұрын
Just pointing out what others are saying. For example both types of zoras exist in the oracle games in Holodrum and Labrynna.
@Deltabolster 27 күн бұрын
@@ratedn only in Labrynna during a linked game one visits holodrum they don't live there
@Raphotron2000 27 күн бұрын
Oh no, a change in hyrules and geography
@loriverapsb 27 күн бұрын
I just can't wait. I want the switch lite too!!
@redsoxfox 25 күн бұрын
Don’t do it, not worth it, just spend the extra money if you don’t have a switch.
@callmerel2809 25 күн бұрын
Nah, buy switch lite and save more for switch 2
@Randomergoesbrrrr 27 күн бұрын
i just like the theory ngl like, whats the problem in thinking it ?
@ratedn 27 күн бұрын
Nothing at all 👍 We are just providing an alternative viewpoint. 🫡
@Randomergoesbrrrr 27 күн бұрын
@@ratedn sure ! +1 sub
@ratedn 27 күн бұрын
@mattsopiratoso790 28 күн бұрын
As for him accepting life as the hero... Also a far reach, for just because he is aware, does not mean that others are also aware by default. That's a fallacy.
@mattsopiratoso790 28 күн бұрын
The hidden skill talk of Shade saying that Link isn't a hero due to his lack of skill being a discrepancy is a far reach. Remember that what he said may not he supposed to be taken as literal fact. He could be darting as not being a full fledged hero because he is still growing. It could be personal bias from Time because of his regrets and even insecurities. He could have very well meant that Link is still lacking in skill, not that he isn't the true hero. It could also have been taunting, so that Link is more eager his best when fighting the Shade to prove himself.
@mattsopiratoso790 28 күн бұрын
As for the wolf transformation. Twilight Link would have never even known that he could transform into a wolf without being in direct contact with the Twilight. It is said that the transformation is supposed to protect the hero from darkness. OOT Link simply never had to transform into Wolf form due to the fact that he never had contact with Twilight energy. And as for why he knows, well, other people know too, before even Link knew it. Perhaps the knowledge could have already existed and was passed down to him. Or of course, The Hero's Shade could have been watching over Link, which is more likely.
@mattsopiratoso790 28 күн бұрын
The height difference doesn't matter at all. Stalfos are all the same tall size regardless of who they once were. Furthermore, he shouldn't go to Link's height, because most of Link's enemies are bound to be much bigger, for example, Ganondorf himself. Hero's Shade was preparing Link to fight not only against multiple foes, but also, his main antagonist. Kinda poetic that one of the skills is literally mandatory for you to finish the game. Even if he is not a Stalfos in specific, ghost monsters are known to be shaped weirdly. Just look at the poes in Arbiter's Grounds for example. His body could be warped due to his new form, or a fun theory from other fans is that he could even have absorbed some of the power within the fierce deity mask. But yeah, even if the manga accepts the Hero's Shade to be Time, this soldier could have very well been a knight who were trained by the techniques the Hero of Time passed down. I just don't get why he would call Link his child without being related to him.
@LITTLE1994 29 күн бұрын
This is why I NEVER believe in the Hyrule Historia.
@cozbyv3 Ай бұрын
Back then and to this day i velieve the shade was A link, but who knows how many there was between OOT and TP