Road to #1 ret in 2's with LFG
@Panda-ql7bd 19 сағат бұрын
huge question king 🙋🏽‍♂️ could you run cleanse toxins into shadowplay or even assassination rogue/unholy dk? playing cupid and we are getting better at beating shadowplay but assa/dk is still spanking us.
@Yuouji 12 сағат бұрын
Into splay it can be pretty good to get DP. Into assa dk though it doesn't really matter as much since they can easily reapply their dots.
@indi_indi_indi Күн бұрын
@spartachris2451 2 күн бұрын
How is your Ambush coming up on proc? I dont think you pressed dance or got a re. How do you get it to override SS like that on your bottom left?
@Yuouji 2 күн бұрын
It just does that automatically for me. Whenever I have a proc sinister strike becomes ambush
@toffeelatte6042 2 күн бұрын
This music is a fucking jam.
@Black_heartTTK 6 күн бұрын
Thanks man. I played Ret and Havoc 2200+ in S1 and then left at the start of S2. This was a great refresher.
@williamblomgren2590 6 күн бұрын
yo. how would a bop and bubble macro look like i cant get it to work. only bubble go of then bop dot after the debuff is gone ofc
@Yuouji 6 күн бұрын
So what exactly do you want it to do? Make a macro so when you press this button it casts bubble, but when bubble is on cd you cast bop?
@williamblomgren2590 2 күн бұрын
@@Yuouji yea^^ becus i never wanna bop myself over bubble ever so would be nice to save keybinds
@Yuouji 2 күн бұрын
@@williamblomgren2590 so should be super simple just /cast divine shield /cast blessing of protection /cast blessing of spellwarding. I do something similar where I have my cancel bop macrod into my bubble. But the only problem with having them all in one button is there are situations where you’d want to bop before bubbling. This kinda makes it so your forced to bubble first and the use your other cds after or vise versa. I personally recommend having a separate bop button.
@williamblomgren2590 Күн бұрын
@@Yuouji yea that dom work. Its wierd
@ryanburden8060 10 күн бұрын
Is this comp still good? Me and a friend are going to try it out tomorrow 😊
@zachyang3816 13 күн бұрын
do you coach? 😁
@Yuouji 13 күн бұрын
pm me on discrod, yuoujii
@zachyang3816 13 күн бұрын
@@Yuouji added
@ronavital1701 15 күн бұрын
can u teach me whats the plan as ret warr? do u go only dps ? and who cc's who?
@Han-wz2lp 17 күн бұрын
i never thought someone would post ret pvp guide... thanks a lot!! good stuff
@chalky77white 17 күн бұрын
Honestly you make it look so easy and then I try it 🤣
@filthcauldron2441 18 күн бұрын
Is the pvp wep better than the leggo fully upgraded?
@chifdet5878 21 күн бұрын
Hey thanks for all the content you do! I have watched your guide it is very helpful! Is it still up to date? I also watched your 6:0 shuffle vid and one playing 3s as cupid. If your target viewer group is people who wanna learn from you then it may be appreciated if „all“ your 3s videos would contain your comps. You could try putting the music to background. Also some1 already suggested adding text comments to your shuffles. Like summarizing the stages of the matches in pause. Keep the content coming please :)
@Yuouji 21 күн бұрын
So when I do voice in 3's I pretty much always include it in the video. I've just mainly been doing yolo no voice stuff this season is all.
@caine_inu 23 күн бұрын
The last couple of songs were fire. Also love the gameplay 🙏
@naturalmindy 27 күн бұрын
Thanks for the guide man! Just got my first time a paladin to 70 and was very helpful. One question I have is about consecration, should I use it? Because i know there's that talent that blades apply it but I've seen only used on pve, cheerss
@Yuouji 27 күн бұрын
Uhh the consecration on blade of justice can be decent sometimes for aoe damage. But I don't think the damage is worth getting ever personally. And outside of that you really never press it since you pretty much should always have some other better button to press instead of it. Only use is in the opener to try and get rogues out or something like that.
@naturalmindy 27 күн бұрын
@@Yuouji Yea I wondered about stealth enemies, thanks a lot for reply, keep it up the good work :)
@Erathoor 27 күн бұрын
would be cool if you record if you show talents before the game so we can see what you play :)
@Yuouji 27 күн бұрын
I usually do before shuffles, but haven't really thought of doing that before 3's games.
@atma00000 28 күн бұрын
Hey thanks always for the good videos. How do you make certain buff/debuff icons bigger than others above enemy nameplates? HOJ for example.
@Yuouji 28 күн бұрын
@jonathannoble7657 Ай бұрын
Oh no a wow video to music... I havent seen one of these in years LMAO. SO lame
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
That's nice :p
@MaverickTomcat69 Ай бұрын
Music selection of a gnat .. but excellent PVP skills
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
It’s really hard finding decent non copy written music…
@Insaki1 Ай бұрын
What is name of the first song?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Better days. But uh I forgot to save the band in my files and can't remember them. And it seems really hard to find without that. Sorry :/
@tylercaudillo3968 Ай бұрын
Do you offer any coaching services?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Haven't really done any in a while, but wouldn't be opposed to it.
@JandMAdventures Ай бұрын
Do you have any tips for triple caster lobbies? Most of the time, the enemy group just kites around the map in circles and cc's my healer and then bursts me. I can't seem to go + for those rounds. Thanks
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Those lobbies can be really hard for ret, your best bet is to just try and last till your second crusade as best as possible while still having good pressure. Perma W key one of the casters until your healer is in cc. Then either trade cd's or hug a pillar till your healer is out of cc. The big thing is to not be overly defensive while still staying safe. But even when playing perfectly it can still be really hard to win out those lobbies.
@lorenzodraguljic3733 Ай бұрын
2800mmr lobby almost and everyone is playing so bad my eyes are hurting just us lobbys i guess, there is no way you should win against boomie/dh with ret/evo also priest very sus never fades anything
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Kinda, the boomy was def not playing the best. But ret dev can definitely win against that comp in shuffle. Crusade + Dragonrage at 2 minutes with damp is practically unhealable.
@Fabolousyo Ай бұрын
Do you stream on twitch or youtube?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Nah, not really a fan of streaming.
@KoldbruiseKlips Ай бұрын
2800 and priest never faded any of your CC.....
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Yeah, I was kinda confused about that. I was trying to bait it out at first but he just never pressed it so started insta stunning them.
@Rebella1337 13 күн бұрын
some priest dont play it at all.. they can not play it if they play super far and never in hoj range but yeah
@hurricane5677 Ай бұрын
Do you pick Vanguard of Justice strictly into single target scenarios like caster cleaves or into hybrid teams as well like boomkin + dh or lock warr..etc. Or do you take 10% judge crit for cleave there ?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Lately I just take vanguard of justice every game. It feels really good rn imo.
@michaels5217 Ай бұрын
Trying to learn ret, even a few audible or text comments on what/why you're doing would make this way more informative.
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
I've been meaning to do commentary over my games, but I've just had not time lately. It ends up being pretty time consuming.
@zack5738 Ай бұрын
what talents u running right now?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@michaels5217 Ай бұрын
Hey bud, I notice stat #'s change in the pvp instance, is the 25/40 h/m #'s walking around or in the pvp instance? Thanks.
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
In pvp
@everythingtankpit Ай бұрын
This is a solid vid to showcase what to do and not to do as ret if you ever wanted to dip your toes into a commentary. You went 4-2 the other ret went 0-6. I know one round was prob on the healer for him but it would be cool to hear someone high rated share their thoughts on it. I think one game you didn’t double wall but also ended up not using sov at all do you think it’s better to have it as a just in case or to through it out when you’re tab targeted just to save the healer from using hots particularly when you’re not the target like round 3? Would it be better to just bubble or sov aggro to try to reverse pressure in those situations? I find a lot of games I’m not the target and I have no CDs to help my team mate they are on forb sanc used on healer etc I toss out a FoL or WoG but that’s all I’ve got curious what your thoughts are on those situations
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Yeah I was planning on comentating over this match, but I've just been really busy and didn't have the time. But for the most part, it the reason he went 0-6 is he didn't know how to play defensive ever. He'd have no defensives left and still just W key all game, when he should be pulling back more and at least waiting for forbearance to reset. A lot of times I don't SOV if I don't feel like I have to especially during my burst since it's an extra global I've gotta use. So I try to be pretty greedy with it, also if you can stagger them you can make both of your walls last a bit longer. Allowing you to save bubble longer. I don't think it's worth using defensives to save your healers mana, especially in shuffle. Since most of your games won't go to mana. All you really care about on ret is making it to the 2 minute mark for your second crusade. You also really want to try and save bubble for as long as possible, the only time you really ever use bubble or bop offensive is during second wings to try and end the game. You really don't have to offheal too often. It's generally only when your healer is in cc. That's the only time I ever heal my teammates for the most part. Outside of those situations you'd much rather get counter pressure.
@everythingtankpit Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji ya that’s how I use my CDs for the most part but I just notice a lot of rounds at least at lower rating I end rounds constantly with CDs never feeling like I’m in danger. I think using them aggro could def get you punished at higher rating but I just started grinding this season. Been a lot of caster lobbies usually always my team mate targeted. Guess I’ll have to feel it out until I get higher rated but I feel like I should bubble CC sometimes and try to stay aggro or blind dps or heal to try to save a team mate etc rather than just lose to a team mate dying without at least using all my spell book the healers aren’t good about dispelling cc team mates aren’t good about positioning forcing me to leave any form of los to line cc just really uncoordinated sloppy games in general. Not a good habit for higher rating but possibly a solid adjustment on the climbing games to get more Ws to get out of the bracket faster. I was surprised to see a ret at that rating playing that way lol thanks for the thought out reply though!
@Ras438 Ай бұрын
I do not understand what is happening.
@WoWUndad Ай бұрын
40 yard range on ret pally makes a lot of sense
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@stoneblood9864 Ай бұрын
ya how dare they give ranged attacks to the slowest and one of easiest classes in the game to kill.
@Sebastian-pl2rz Ай бұрын
@@stoneblood9864easiest to kill you’re on fentanyl one of the only classes in the game with a invulnerable shield stuns damage reduction cds searing glare shield of vengeance etc 🥴🤣 paladins are not the easiest to kill don’t tell bold face lies like that
@stoneblood9864 Ай бұрын
warriors and priests can dispell bubble. Bop only protects against physical. It doesn’t even protect against ranged physical (aim shot etc). Bop can also be purged by half of the class roster. Rets are the squishiest plate wearer in terms of armor. They have next to 0 mobility. they have steed on a 45 second cd but they also have to use freedom which is a 25 sec cd just to get 4 seconds of uninterrupted mobility. Oh and 90% classes roster can purge freedom too. Rets are sitting ducks against wizards 90% of the match. Also rets heals were HARD nerfed in season 1 and they never buffed it since. They have to use mana AND holy power to use word of glory that on average heals for 1/10th (and thats generous) of their max hp which is also effected by dampening. Also, lay on hands is effected by dampening as well. so my point is, just because you can’t kill rets, doesn’t mean other people cant. git gud.
@Sebastian-pl2rz Ай бұрын
@@stoneblood9864 Lmaooo I have no trouble killing rets at all the fact that your dying as a ret and think you're the squishiest class speaks volumes about your skill though I think its you who needs to stop playing like trash and get good loser
@zachyang3816 Ай бұрын
what's the addon that shows a giant icon when teammate's got cc'd?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
big debuffs
@zachyang3816 Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji i mean on the team frames, not on healthbar, is it also big debuffs?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@@zachyang3816 Yeah that's also big debuffs. You can increase the size of cc in the settings.
@zachyang3816 Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji thanks a lot! can i also see your gear? i didn't find it in the guide video
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@@zachyang3816 here ya go
@srenjrgensen8696 Ай бұрын
How do you feel about Ret+BM? My hunter partner is a lot more comfortable at BM. We are sitting at 2.1k cr atm, so still a long way to go to glad, plus the season has maybe 75 days left, should we make the change to MM, and get some good games in the remaining time of the season?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
So bm definitely works and is better in certain matchups. But mm is definitely way better overall right now. I’d personally recommend trying to learn it for this season over sticking to bm right now especially if you guys are feeling stuck in a rut.
@Fabolousyo Ай бұрын
Great gameplay. Are you still playing with the Talents from your Last Guide or did you Change something?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Same talents right now, playing the vanguard of justice build.
@XauR307 Ай бұрын
What are the advantages of playing haste?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Faster globals and shorter cd on judgement, hammer of wrath, and blade of justice.
@XauR307 Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji thank you bro <3
@felipemarcelino5082 Ай бұрын
Yo Yuoujii, How is it goin? What is the name of the addon that shows party members cc's on raid party? Is it bgi debuffs? If it is, is there any chance I can get an import from you? Or is there a video that shows your seetings?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Yeah it's big Debuffs. The only thing I change on it is increasing the size of cc to 75%.
@filipfenix Ай бұрын
playing wide on a 4:3 , huh
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@RegularDayGaming5968 Ай бұрын
Dang, gs bro. I just started getting into ret pally and enjoying it a lot so far. I also hope they don't nerf ret pally into the ground
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
I feel like at this point there might not be anymore balance changes.
@RegularDayGaming5968 Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji Hopefully so, it plays really well. After playing a prot pally since wrath it feels like a breath of fresh air playing ret.
@kylecavill9683 Ай бұрын
hi what are the addons u run for the enemy nameplates and cooldowns.
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@TheSilentpulse Ай бұрын
did they fix rating inflation? you are already around 2,5, or is it still as hard as season3? i would love to grind one gladiator out for the mount..
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
It's a lot easier than season 3, but still harder than SL. I think most people can get glad if they really want it right now.
@orangeMarmaladeFTW Ай бұрын
Nice, now i have to reinstall wow...
@aaronlogan4596 Ай бұрын
Gz on 2400 man. My goal this season is 24 on all 3 specs. All in for 3 months
@zdeycruz6225 Ай бұрын
Hi thanks for Good video quality what are your talent ?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
@zdeycruz6225 Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji thankssssdd 😁
@Fabolousyo Ай бұрын
Did you try "Vanguard of Justice" in combination with "Boundless Judgement" and "Holyblade" already?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Yeah, so boundless judgement feels really good during divine toll, but super clunky outside of it. Which isn't very good since vanguard of justice already makes your rotation a bit clunkier so having both is a bit too annoying to play with imo.
@alexcyw89 Ай бұрын
any tips to who u actually target in 2v2? i get confuse, its like do you go on healer? or dps, and what do you do if ur opponent melee dps go on your healer, and what if vs caster?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Depends a lot on what your playing/ against. So with an rdruid into caster healer you mainly want to go caster so you can stun the dps whenever the druid goes in for clones so they can't interrupt them. But if other healers a rdruid/ rhsham or hpal swapping whem whenever they push in can be really good. You also don't wanna train through big defensives like lock wall, alter, etc. Since it's kinda pointless. Into melee healer teams you generally wanna go healer a lot, but if they are kitting you a ton while having good uptime on your healer you'll wanna switch to mainly hitting the melee then swapping healer in stuns whenever you can. I'm planning on making a video going way more in depth with a lot of this in the next week or two.
@filipzila9924 Ай бұрын
nice vid man, im playing outlaw rn and its really fun to me, i was always asasination spec but i tried in s4 outlaw for the first time and i love it. btw what addon do you use to move slice n dice etc buffs?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Tell me when
@filipzila9924 Ай бұрын
@@Yuouji thanks :)
@kMhah Ай бұрын
what res is this? widescreen?
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
Nah my monitor just has really wonky dimensions. It's 1920x1200
@nikpapado9785 Ай бұрын
wtf is that zoo following you
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
ww is playing storm, earth and fire instead of serenity.
@Fabolousyo Ай бұрын
Why is nobody using "Vanguard of Justice" in combination with "Boundless Judgement" and "Holyblade". For me its hard to get exactly 4 Holypower and like you have said it feels really clunky, since i am used to the 3 Holypower spec
@Yuouji Ай бұрын
So, you always play holy blade because you already get blade of justice resets from art of war. As for boundless judgment, honestly I haven't really tried it. It could actually be decent. Especially during divine resonance you could get insane hp generation. It might feel super clunky tho since you really wouldn't have buttons to press a lot of the time. I'll try to test it out next time I q tho. Because it might not be bad since you really don't wanna press judgement if possible.