Villain Therapy: PALPATINE
14 сағат бұрын
Psychology of a Hero: MULAN
21 сағат бұрын
Movie Family Therapy: A GOOFY MOVIE
Therapist Reacts to WONKA
2 ай бұрын
Psychology of a Hero: MATILDA
Psychology of a Hero: ALADDIN
Therapist Reacts to WALL-E
4 ай бұрын
Therapist Reacts to KLAUS
4 ай бұрын
Villain Therapy: VOLDEMORT
5 ай бұрын
@y.a5427 20 минут бұрын
The hunchback of notrdawm was written in the 15th century in France. Frollow is the in body meet of the inquisition.
@altheuss 25 минут бұрын
Where can i find that someone who love me unconditionally with healthy relationships and can stay calm when im unstable?
@NeonAtary777 27 минут бұрын
I love this movie soooo much! Iago's monologue brings tears to my eyes every single time.
@life.with.sabine Сағат бұрын
I first saw him as the dentist and he was amazing.
@Rickerdzn Сағат бұрын
Since you showed a little clip of The Bear in this episode, could you cover the show as well? Would be amazing!
@andrewkozak5633 Сағат бұрын
I love these and wish I could see you do a video on the anime film "Wolf Children".
@AtarahDerek Сағат бұрын
Ratatouille is definitely in my top three favorite Pixar films. It's one of the best written films in the Pixar canon. Brave I love because Scotland (and also Merida's relationship with her dad is very similar to my relationship with my dad). And Coco I love because it was the first Pixar film that actually made me cry (it's also the most visually stunning, imo). But there's something about Ratatouille that I can't quite pinpoint. Maybe it's the culmination of a bunch of little things. But it's satisfying to watch. Much like a really good dish. Ratatouille is a perfect recipe that mixes a bunch of flavors that most people can't isolate, but would definitely miss if they weren't there. As for why Remy keeps conjuring and interacting with Gusteau, I subscribe to the theory that Remy is Gusteau reincarnated. Gusteau died before Remy was born, after all. I don't believe in reincarnation myself, but I do like it occasionally as a plot device. Also, thank you for saying that diversity of thought is FAR more important than diversity of melanin or lifestyle. Your brain is made up of neurons, not melanocytes. If more people understood that, this moronic race baiting and the division that's being manufactured by the POS (party of slavery; the Dems were literally founded to preserve slavery) wouldn't be happening. DEI = Division, Exclusion, Inequality.
@MrRobinThornton Сағат бұрын
For all the genius of lighting, notice that as Luke has slit lighting on him - half light and dark - Vader´s helmet is in blue light. Does that mean that Vader is operating from the light side of the force?
@newbiesama Сағат бұрын
You want good therapy advice from not a movie but a book? “Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing “ "Life breaks us. Then we fill the cracks with something stronger." “The wisest of men know that to render an insult powerless, you often need only to embrace it.” “I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, you will be warm again. ” “Yes, I began my journey alone, and I ended it alone.But that does not mean that I walked alone.” “The most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, is it? It's the next one. Always the next step.” “ Accept the pain, but don’t accept that you deserved it.” “I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.”
@newbiesama Сағат бұрын
These are not the voices I remember from Avatar
@riversong4997 Сағат бұрын
"His love for her compels him to push her away so she'll be safe, her love for him compels her to run right in there and save him." Meanwhile, Jonathan stands there like an idiot, because he's Jonathan. XD
@KesinX 2 сағат бұрын
I’m glad you brought up The Clone Wars. All of these themes and plots are are expanded on and delivered so much more effectively than they ever were in the prequels. I’m not incredibly fond of the prequel trilogy, but I love the world building that allowed other amazing stories.
@annabrown3337 2 сағат бұрын
It's my daughter's fave too 💓
@MrRobinThornton 2 сағат бұрын
Alan, you are not weird. Ratatouille is not just my favourite pixar film, it´s my favourite film. Of course you don´t know if I´m weird. Maybe we´re weird...
@georgezwife204 2 сағат бұрын
The sad fact is, it’d actually based on real life. But for shoya, he didn’t make it. He died around 2017-2018.
@edenchuri383 2 сағат бұрын
Therapist reacts to the sorcerer’s apprentice please!!!
@farihamohamedhilmy4700 3 сағат бұрын
Mulan has always been my favourite Disney princess character. I do look up to her for hope and inspiration! Love how Jonathan explains about self-worth. I truly needed this advice after going through a breakup from my Saudi ex boyfriend
@chichiboypumpi 3 сағат бұрын
All Brad Bird-directed films, and Ghost Protocol is the only MI movie I like.
@amwolfmusic 3 сағат бұрын
Fun little tidbit, this movie had no script. If it seemed like a good idea they went ahead and added it.
@fluffybunnybadass 3 сағат бұрын
mulan is just such a great movie in design and story and acting, but especially with like... idk if it's called screenwriting or design or wgatever, but when they're showing so many of the things people have highlighted in the comments (like the parallels. there are SO many parallels in this movie!!! everything is basically paralleled! it's not just a hero's journey but a reflection of self and there are just. SO many ways you can look at it without even knowing any historical or cultural context), and i just man i really do love this movie more than i've realized until this moment, because there's just. SO much there in it, for everyone. and then, if you add a queer(nonbinary) or neurodivergent lens on top of it, mulan is just. SUCH a great story/movie. mulan not fitting because of gender or neurodivergency (altho i don't know of anything she could specifically be considered for, ie adhd, autism, bipolar, etc) (so like. nd as a whole than a specific thing), it just. creates a whole 'nother specific thing to look at and appreciate this for. being enby and nd came to mind so much as you guys brought up the fact that she isn't quite fitting in with EITHER notion of gender, and god i had just wanted to do the gender thing like her. i was a kidbwhen it had come out, so try to pass (and prove) myself off as something else, but still maintaining my own worth at the end in spite of the constant "girls weak boys strong" mentality and my brain is going 46272946373 mph thinking of all the gender analysis you can make from this movie alone. this movie is so gender.
@benm5970 3 сағат бұрын
Even if the moral is obvious it’s still so expertly done, because they make Marlin’s mindset understandable, his wife and most of his kids except for Nemo all got killed, and not only that, Nemo got a crack in his egg before he was born which led to him literally being physically deformed, and so even if you know that helicopter parenting isn’t a good thing you can at least understand why the serious trauma that Marlin went through would make him wanna protect Nemo so much, he’s not just a delusional dad who’s viewpoints are obviously wrong, you get it, I also think it’s so emotional how the last time Nemo saw his dad before he got taken he told his dad he hated him out to pure frustration and spite, and even though we never hear it you can tell he spends the whole movie wanting to take back what he said, and so at the end when he finally says “I don’t hate you” it’s such a tearjerker, and by the end Marlin learns that he can still love and protect his son but he learns to let go and allow him to live, which ultimately brings them closer together, culminating in the movie’s final line when Nemo is leaving for school and Marlin goes “Bye son” Showing that even if he won’t always know what’s coming he’s finally willing to let Nemo go and experience life
@tehgehrmanwalf9765 3 сағат бұрын
8:26 Idk deer don't take off running when a car or truck is barreling towards them at 60 miles an hour.
@hannahwade3300 3 сағат бұрын
Ive always loved this character 💜 he is not perfect, but i have always seen him as a victom. We are talking about the film, and in that version it is shown that people, specifically mortal and or week minded/ broken people are more susceptible to the ring. The ring is Smeagols drug 💜 and it also protected him. "We survived because of me." He's just a lost broken soul that was almost redeamed and Circus is an absolute god for this performance 💜💜💜💜
@julianagoncalves5492 3 сағат бұрын
Just great, that’s all I gotta say. If I’m were to say all te thoughts and feelings that I had it would be unreasonable
@jbvin 3 сағат бұрын
I would so love to see you do a video around guilt featuring John Constantine! There are so many ways you could go with that!
@ClaudiaMakgill 4 сағат бұрын
I have to say I think you missed the point with Sarah and Carl. Carl is a side story- the actual love story is between Sarah and her brother. She has been crushing the on Carl for months and is finally in a place to act on it and her brother needs her and she does not hesitate to be there for the brother and blow off Carl. That is Sarah’s love story - Carl is just a plot device.
@rand0mguy948 4 сағат бұрын
I believe Palpetine when he says “I love democracy”, the way he says it almost makes it sound like he’s saying “democracy has enabled me to con all you morons, I’m about to seize total control and you idiots are thanking me for it”
@gemstar5242 4 сағат бұрын
On the note of other mini-series video ideas, I would HIGHLY recommend the Queen’s Gambit. The character Beth Harmon and a look at her trauma, her amazingly powerful chess-prodigy brain, her struggles with addiction (drugs & alcohol), etc. Fantastic series, and is only 7 episodes long, could be perfect.
@agirlnamedkris6374 5 сағат бұрын
I’ve always seen the “You dishonor me” scene as him trying to gain his respect amongst the other man. It was all a ploy in my eyes. The Commander in Chief just made a statement and he’s a man of armor, thus he would have made the situation worse to speak against him. So to assuage the situation, he must give them the response they are looking for. The way doesn’t say “You Dishonor me” with eye contact and sad time tell me this.
@braelynheltne6328 5 сағат бұрын
I gave up everything for my husband and we agreed at the beginning that while he deeply appreciated it, I would also never pull it back out as tit for tat. It's been 8 years and it hasn't been easy but it has definitely been worth it ❤
@GoTazR 5 сағат бұрын
All the real ones love Uncle Iroh
@majorlemming8099 5 сағат бұрын
damn i was expecting one your crazy intros that make me wanna burst into tears and i just didint get it. im gonna need a reupload for my man zuko
@Makaruu 5 сағат бұрын
Great vid as always!! This is such a fantastic film and there is so much thought and care put into every shot of it which all contributes to why it works so well! As an animator and animation nerd I could rant for many many hours but heres some fun little bits and pieces that add to it! - 10:58 when the trio all falls down from the pole theres a big camera quake upon impact but when Mulan lands the cam stays stagnant and really emphasizes her physical weakness compared to the others at this point in the story - 12:45 a nice little tidbit is how the visuals and audio time, there is a beat in the audio when Shang drops the reigns in Mulans hands and is a fun example of how well thought out and purposeful every frame of this film is! - 18:08 fun little piece of detail is if you look at Lings chest you can see one of the melons he put there roll around since it's just in there loose lolol - 18:27 all five of them started climbing at the same time but you can see Mulan is making headway much faster than the others! She's the one who came up with this idea during the training sequence and is also the most agile out of all of them so it's a fun little visual showcase of that - 19:25 Funny you mention Shan Yu's eyes! In the early development of the story they were actually exploring the concept of him having the ability to look through his falcons eyes. They actually had a scene in process for it but was cut as it took away focus from Mulan and didn't add anything meaningful to the overall story alone with unnecessarily adding supernatural elements to a story thats otherways quite grounded (besides Mushu haha!) Although the deleted scene it took place in was a very dark scene involving him stabbing one of his soldiers who tried to save a secretly save a bird after they slaughtered an entire village which would have been insane if it was kept in! I think the eye design was already finalised at this point which is why it made it to the final product. - the clip wasn't shown here but in the directors commentary version they mentioned how the two men inside the fireworks tower that jumped off after seeing Mushu were actually the directors self inserts as a little easter egg and they joked that was where their mental state was at towards the end of the production lolol (they also mentioned they wanted to avoid the classic Disney trope of their villain falling to their death which is what led them to the fireworks idea!) - 13:40 the CG technique Alan talks about during the group training sequence is actually called multiplane and was originally a huge multi layer camera setup invented by Disney and is how depth is created when a camera through a 2D scene, usually it wasn't used for characters the way it was in this sequence though but it was a clever fix to create a dynamic scene with what they had! The clip shown during his explanation showcases the way it's done digitally now which is a lot less hassle than a multiple metre tall contraption! (also these group sequences just like the huns charging down the mountain side actually reuse the same few BG character animations made but it's a lot more noticeable in this sequence if you pause it to take a look haha! Mind you this is not due to any laziness but simply efficiency, it takes a lot of time and effort to animate a character and putting all that into the dozens of BG characters for a couple of seconds is just not worthwhile for any reason!) I could break down each shot and what works about them individually but I'll refrain from writing a whole novel in a youtube comment haha
@GuineaPigEveryday 5 сағат бұрын
11:30 you guys NEED NEED to look at The Bear, this is a Perfect show for exploring therapeutic themes every character there needs therapy badly especially Carmy, honestly Season 2 of The Bear got me so badly because the way Carmy thinks is so relatable, the constant hateful self-talk and pressure/perfectionism, and the way his toxic stressful family has made him that way
@jexl1059 5 сағат бұрын
seems like a crime, you have popcorn the whole time but never eat it.
@CinemaTherapyShow 5 сағат бұрын
We were too fixated on the amazingness of Iroh! 😁
@aidancampbell1495 6 сағат бұрын
I’m absolutely obsessed with the Snape’s Memories scene. Kinda unhealthily so. Honestly makes the entire series for me. I like the Harry Potter series, but the Deathly Hallows, and more specially the entire plot line of Snape in the deathly hallows, makes me LOVE the series
@me-3- 6 сағат бұрын
always thank you guys for great videos !!!!! and plzzzzzz plz do the ‘baby reindeer' I NEED THIS
@Kiss_My_Aspergers 6 сағат бұрын
I would gladly be read to filth by Giancarlo's Stan Edgar. (The comic version isn't nearly as charming or interesting, imo.) I love his enunciation as Edgar, especially during the "we are not a superhero company" and "you are not a god... you are simply... bad product" scenes. It's got an ASMRlike quality that I think really works with his delivery style. I could listen to him read the phone book. I might just check out his new stuff the next time I need things to watch!