Starfleet Chaplain
12 сағат бұрын
Times Change, Conservatives Don't
14 сағат бұрын
Diaper Commercials: A Rant
16 сағат бұрын
Hey, Democrats! Get It Together!
MacGyver's Adventure in Baby-Expecting
Video Games Should Be Easy
The Magic of [Problematic Fave]
@dwc1964 6 сағат бұрын
4:05 - re: the crime-solving rabbi - not sure if Steve's referencing, or was even aware of, the "Rabbi Small" mystery novel series (with titles "[Day of the week] the Rabbi [did something]"). I only know of them because my mom had them.
@lisabrygger9168 7 сағат бұрын
Many American "christians" and Jewish are both Anti-Christian and Anti-Jesus, and Anti-Truth while Decrying Anti-Semitism when Compassion , Truth, Love is Expressed.
@cormorantcolors6791 7 сағат бұрын
Idk why but I’m so obsessed with the “#monologue” in the description. Makes it feel so much more intense, it’s hilarious to me
@ejigantor6634 7 сағат бұрын
You think the nakedly corrupt Supreme Court will even bother manufacturing the pretense of a justification? Nah, they'll just bleat "Presidential Immunity" and declare Trump innocent, and also POTUS for life. If the era of Trump has taught us anything it's that the appearance of impropriety doesn't fucking matter.
@bobpeters61 8 сағат бұрын
As for couples; they may never have been nor likely will ever be a couple, but I always did ship Boimler and Mariner. Opposites attract sort of thing.
@mindyp51d 8 сағат бұрын
If the rabbi at my local temple gave sermons like this, I’d go every Friday and Saturday as well as all the holidays. ❤❤❤
@solidwheel02 8 сағат бұрын
@SteveShives, I'm late to the party, but one category of bad movie I'd like to submit is the movie where nothing happens. Like My Dinner With Andre, or Slackers. I know some people like them.
@bernardkung7306 8 сағат бұрын
Now do protestors and universities?
@bernardkung7306 8 сағат бұрын
I'm trying to figure out whether different colored shirts would make this skit better, or actually not as good... 🤔
@elenadirectorofmiiss7942 8 сағат бұрын
Nailed it with the lack of action from Dems; the lack of protection for LGBTQ+ people has been infuriating during this administration. Same with CJ reform or corrective action.
@charlietuba 9 сағат бұрын
Will he live long enough until it reaches SCOTUS?
@dragonvliss2426 9 сағат бұрын
I started watching classic Trek in its first season, when I was a senior in high school. I bought a little TV to take with me to college just so I would be sure I could watch the show every episode. One of my major Personal Bests was that I was trying to imagine what Spock's home world would be like, and I postulated that it must be a desert world because of Spock's ears -- I was interested in animals, and earth animals with big ears almost always are from more desert environments than similar species of animals from damper and/or colder climates. When I found out I was correct, I was so pleased!
@stefanyalpoesy42 10 сағат бұрын
"The proper adapters..." ROTFLMAO!!!! Brilliant!!! 🤣
@reverendgaddy2435 10 сағат бұрын
"autographed by St. Peter..." 🤣
@Valkyrie9000 10 сағат бұрын
This is just what a Unitarian minister is like
@pmpowalisz 10 сағат бұрын
The political reality is that the moderate vote (center left, or right) is the most numerous and important vote, especially in swing states. Democrats have learned this the hard way in the 1980’s and the Republicans are about to learn this lesson the hard way as well (in some elections, they already have). Right now it literally won’t matter if millions more progressives vote in elections because of their locations (is it fair, no but it is the reality in our nation). In till such a time as demographics truly change (say another decade from now), moderates are still the key to winning elections. Another reality is that if President Biden takes a hard stance against the Israeli government (even if they deserve it), trump WILL win the election, and there goes our democracy. So for far left liberals I say this, patience your time will come, and when it does don’t go too crazy.
@sevanaiaseeto9456 10 сағат бұрын
This man or bear discourse really highlighted the RAPE CULTURE sentiments in men.
@paineoftheworld 10 сағат бұрын
Thank you New York. Thank you.
@georgelionon9050 10 сағат бұрын
I don't think the SC actually feels in debt to Trump.. At least if he wouldnt be elected, they would laugh him off. BTW: Albeit there is not doubt that he did it, there can be argument on the (il)legality of it all, his defense and behavior in court was "just" a total desaster... instead of arguing (il)legality of the accusation itself, they kept attacking witnesses and even the judge. PS: What I don't really understand is why the other cases take so long..
@williamcharles2117 10 сағат бұрын
Genocide Joe is also a Zio tool.
@alessandroarcuri209 11 сағат бұрын
Regarding the Pakleds... I feel there's a potential issue regarding our habit of addressing them (and the people with cognitive disabilities) as "slow". I think that the term ITSELF is wrong in some cases. Because being "slow" means that it just takes you more time to "get there"... but you eventually DO get there. Whereas for SOME cases of cognitive impairment it's not even possible to "get there", so to speak. So in that case the term "slow" is misguiding, in a way. The Pakleds, instead, might be actually "slow", but not in a derogatory sense. Maybe (and I'm just imagining, here) their brain physiology is just as capable as any other spacefaring species, just more sluggish, compared to ours, for some metabolic or biochemical reason. So we think "aaaah, they don't get it!". But they do, just as well, only at a different rate. 🤷🏻‍♂
@oliveriscoolerthanu7834 11 сағат бұрын
cant believe you failed to mention the part of amok time where kirk and spock "wrestle" on the ground for a while and that seems to cure spock's pon farr. hmm.
@oliveriscoolerthanu7834 11 сағат бұрын
also i do love the fact that this made people mad-- it's a big part of star trek culture, challenging the status quo and making people mad. it's only changing now because there's new societal norms to challenge-- people were just as mad about the interracial kiss in the 60s as they are mad now about the boimler thing.
@ghostophelia2245 11 сағат бұрын
Your impression is 10/10
@samuelrosander1048 11 сағат бұрын
This is all why people need to stop blaming Trump for everything. Trump just emboldened their base to swap out their dog whistles for bullhorns. FYI, "stopping them now" doesn't mean "vote Biden/Democrat." Democrats enabled Republicans to get us to this point. They are part of the problem, NOT part of the solution. Voting for Democrats should never be anything more than a delaying tactic for other non-electoral efforts, meaning that if you're not organizing your communities (working AND living) around democracy so that you can start to MEANINGFULLY democratize your local government (and as organization and democratization increases, higher levels of government and economy) then you're not doing anything but slowing them down. Because no vote for a Democrat will stop them. Democrats will try to "find the middle ground" every time no matter how far the middle ground keeps getting pushed to the right with their help. Democrats are trying to appeal to right wingers (conservatives, centrists, moderates and liberals) by trying to be seen as the "adults in the room" willing to negotiate...everything. They won't fight very hard for anything, and especially not for the interests of the people they claim to represent. Both parties, IN THEIR OWN WAYS, represent the same class interests, so while they do pander to the bases that they helped nurture, it's just lip service. Think about this for a minute: democracy is "rule of the people," and rule is determined by decision-making. None of us have a say in that. We are not part of it. We are only allowed to vote for a selection of aristocrats (local or national) who will sit on the thrones of power to do it in our name. That's what we stupidly, uncritically call "our democracy." "American democracy." If you want to change that then you have to organize so that "democracy" becomes the reality, not a euphemism. Organizing isn't something that people normally do in this country because we're taught that everything needs some hierarchical structure, where the people above us tell us all what to do. Democracy is also something people don't know how to participate in, much less create, because our idea of "democracy" is nothing more than parliamentarism, where a small selection of people have all of the say (again, a hierarchical structure) and create rules so convoluted and with the goal of creating laws so complex that the average person isn't SUPPOSED to be able to understand them. To combat that lack of normalcy people need to start by doing the most basic foundational thing: socialize with the people around them. Socializing is the first step towards building a community that CAN be organized, and organizing is the first step towards building democracy. If you need help figuring out where/how/why to start, there's a blog linked to my profile where I go through it with one approach. There are other guides online, but most of the ones I saw assumed you already had an unofficial organization that you wanted to make official, and not the reality that most people live in: a highly atomized society at home and at work. If you find it useful, feel free to plagiarize it as much as you want. I don't need citation or credit. All I care about is that it is useful to help get the ball rolling, and that it isn't stuck behind a paywall.
@stilluseful 12 сағат бұрын
Y’all are so close to understanding it but you all default to blaming “those dumb leftists” again and again. Exhausting. Just speak on the atrocities and failures of this and previous admins without blaming voters who believe everything you claim to believe. You’d feel better if you stood with us without trying to demand conformity from us.
@Captnemo563 12 сағат бұрын
I missed most of the clues steve brought up as the hints it was a holodeck. Lol 😆
@Phylaetra 12 сағат бұрын
More and more, they _are_!
@nathannomad984 12 сағат бұрын
Well put!
@alexcarrillo5510 12 сағат бұрын
Hey look at former President Warren Harding, and look in what happen to him? He Died in the city in where I was born - San Francisco, and their is still stories about this President like he father a Intern while in Office, and also receiving projects which sounds like Bribes, and also that their is rumors that his wife in which she was older than him travel to San Francisco to the Palace Hotel, and she did him in.. As hotel guests at the Palace Hotel still see's the ghost of Harding running down the corridors saying Help Me! Help Me... Think About it, As Trump which I hope he goes to Prison like SING-SING, and faces his worries THERE...
@Keithustus 13 сағат бұрын
6:45 but Venus is actually hotter than Mercury. Greenhouse effect.
@DDDontCare 13 сағат бұрын
Even with their Shields, the federation simply can't deal with the power levels in B5 lore. Star Trek has Shields, Babylon 5 has armor. I would rather have armor than Shields any day. You lose power or a generator or some other critical system, you lose your Shields. And under those Shields the federation ships are paper mache. Also needs to be noted that the federation ships are science and exploration based. Those Babylon 5 ships are dedicated warships. To be fair I would say a white star is equivalent to a defiant. The defiant has ablative armor and phaser cannons. The Whitestar has an organic self-healing and adaptive hull and a quantum discharge Canon main weapon which is orders of magnitude beyond any phaser array. I really do not think Star Trek Shields would stop the white stars main gun and even if they did, they'd be immediately drained.
@anubis2814 14 сағат бұрын
Made a video about a decade ago called "the cult of the divine baby" and how much people push the idea of parenting on you
@llandriell 14 сағат бұрын
Could we please feed Richard Dawkins to the bear?
@FrankLightheart 14 сағат бұрын
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
@TheMadMuttMcNally 14 сағат бұрын
When I saw the title of this video I thought I missed a question back in the day about which you’d rather have babysit your kid, an atheist or a Catholic priest. I guessed wrong.
@LuckySketches 14 сағат бұрын
In regards to elevatorgate, methinks the camp that didn't support her doth protest too much.
@LuckySketches 15 сағат бұрын
I'm a man. I would also choose the bear.
@thechrisshow9476 15 сағат бұрын
If and when SCOTUS (aka kangaroo court) overturns the that moment...that very second....the rule of law is officially over. You can burn it all to the ground. Not me. I won't have it. I will not accept any bullshit from the powers that be who worship at the altar of Trump. Nope. Trumpism is dictatorship. It's not the will of the people, it's the will of Trump. If the constitution gets in the way, burn it. And he will go after anyone who opposes him. Well, come and get me bitch because I ain't having it... MFers wearing hats and waving flags thinking they know what America is. What freedom actually is. What the constitution says. What DEMOCRACY is. They know nothing They know nothing of what hundreds of thousands of Americans fought and died for. Or as Trump calls them....suckers. Suckers. Arlington cemetery is hallowed ground. Hallowed. Sacred. Suckers, he says. And they wear their hats and wave their flags shouting "freedom!" Tyranny feeds on ignorance and fear. And downright stupidity.
@rainingwhenidie 15 сағат бұрын
I mean I'd choose the man if he was a bear cause im a 🇬🇧🚬
@TheMikemedia 15 сағат бұрын
Steve (and subscribers), please don’t think me an impudent troll. This is an honest question that I’d like an answer to. Choosing not to answer is perfectly understandable. Thus, there is no need to respond rudely. I’m just looking for motivation. Is anyone making financial donations to the Biden campaign? If so, why? I get that every enterprise requires money to function. And my old-school civics class encouraged public participation in elections. But because of my experience supporting a lot of failed election efforts. I now feel my money is simply being tossed overboard with no benefits to ever be seen. Please, if you have one, share your positive experience donating to a political campaign. Right now, I’m only doing it because supporters on the other side are doing it. Perhaps that should be reason enough?
@TheSuperhomosapien 15 сағат бұрын
7:04 The flip side of Shaw not calling Seven by her chosen name is Seven's lack of understanding of Shaw's PTSD regarding the Borg, and how referring to a crewmember with a Borg name brings back all that trauma. Seven understood it as a personal attack against her. Shaw was doing his best to manage his own trauma.
@clarkvaughan 15 сағат бұрын
Do State criminal cases rise to SCOTUS? A State business violation? 🤔🤔🤔 I don't know if he can rig this with his SCOTUS minions (Beer-Bong Brett, Neil Nonsense and their lil pet Amy).
@cumincalamity9867 15 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately (to paraphrase the movie Air Bud) there ain't no rule that a convicted felon can't be president. It's very likely to happen. Our system really is that broken.
@krock8422 15 сағат бұрын
Man or Bear is a thought experiment not a real world secnerio. No one ever faces the "Trolly Problem" in real life, no one has to actually decide whether to "Throw the fat man off the bridge" or could garantee pre-hoc how they would act if the events actually did happen in real life. The really depressing thing is people care about this stuff past its' value as a conversation starter. Now excuse me; I have to go beat up some folks that think the Apple top 100 albums is the new definitive law of music.
@j.f.fisher5318 15 сағат бұрын
Went to a week long feminist music festival with my wife. It was like 95% women, mostly lesbians. There were a few gay guys but most of the men were like me just there supporting our partners. And it was great. There was none of the usual undercurrent of measuring each other. I hadn't realized how uncomfortable I as a man am around other men until I got to the airport on the way home. It's one thing to intellectually understand that patriarchy hurts everyone but another to feel the contrast so viscerally. Definitely a bear, at least if it's a black bear haha.
@kaleidechse 15 сағат бұрын
Augh, gotta love the "don't complain about X, others have it waaaaay worse" argument. 🙄 With that mindset, I could excuse stealing someone's wallet because "other people lose their entire HOME to arson or bombs."
@stefanyalpoesy42 16 сағат бұрын
@blueroseknight 16 сағат бұрын
Bonus points for the New Israel gag. I nearly spit out my drink.