Star Wars: Apocrypha - Part 2
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Star Wars: Apocrypha - Part 1
4 жыл бұрын
@YTWanderer 3 күн бұрын
I´m sure that someone else left similar comments, and I won`t browse through almost 4k comments to make sure but: "This video essay should have been saved in the edit" Almost 2 hours ? Are you kidding me ? The section from 12:30-15:00 alone is an insufferable mess. This "point" could have been made in about a minute max before moving on. Also repeating quotes from the original video ad nauseum, these constant rewinding effects and adding the most overused sound effect tropes (record scratch) kinda makes me believe that this video was meant to be a troll piece in the first place.
@ashsquest1235 5 күн бұрын
This video kinda sucks.
@Doomlovesearth2 4 күн бұрын
Nah. It's kinda great.
@sawcrab2249 6 күн бұрын
1:36:46 aaaaa, what an iykyk moment. I researched Lucas for a school project and when researching his history I came across this. It popping up here takes me back Edit: I commented this exact same thing a year ago and forgot 💀 still gnna keep it here for the funnies
@spritecut 9 күн бұрын
Absolutely nailed it. I didn’t hate 7 and 8 (because I watched it with my 7 year old daughter) but after reading Lucas treatments I understand how off track they went. And 9 was just a hot garbage special effects movie.
@im_piano 6 күн бұрын
Wait, you can actually read George's outlines for the sequel trilogy? Like, verified?
@Orandu 10 күн бұрын
All I know is that Kathleen Kennedy is a witch… and not the good kind…
@burritobowl0190 11 күн бұрын
Disney needs to just stop with the starwars and spiderman leave my soul alone.
@burritobowl0190 11 күн бұрын
The video game highschool channel calling itself a "Film School" is WILD 😂😂😂😂
@purposeinpresence4494 12 күн бұрын
They had star wars... abandon george lucas original material .. and didnt even take the time to write a script before shooting the movie... what an abortion.
@timewarpdrive77 13 күн бұрын
"the eu was never canon" Credibility immediately dropped to ZERO.
@coletale 3 күн бұрын
cope comment
@timewarpdrive77 3 күн бұрын
@@coletale If it was never canon, then why did Disney announce it no longer being canon?
@DannoHung 14 күн бұрын
I maintain that Last Jedi had some real story problems (mostly how Holdo's secret plan/mutiny thing was structured and obviously Rose's reckless attack on Finn to save Finn from his reckless attack) but that it REALLY FUCKING WORKED EMOTIONALLY and it would've been a damn fine way to pull the trilogy out of the story structure nose dive that TFA was plummeting into is apparent to anyone with their brain turned on. Also, I soundly reject the idea that George actually has some coherent notion of how the Force works. He's the motherfucker who calls them laser swords. He's the dumbass who thought up midicholorians. It does what he wants it to do for the story when he wants it to do something. And that's how it should be treated.
@crispybacon9917 14 күн бұрын
35:00, ooh that's unfortunate
@kalkkunapaisti6664 14 күн бұрын
This dude cant even give proper feedback, but needs to make jokes abt the guy who made the original video
@Doomlovesearth2 9 күн бұрын
Rocket Jump's video is shit.
@DJKi2463 4 күн бұрын
@@Doomlovesearth2and this video is not constructive criticism
@Doomlovesearth2 4 күн бұрын
@@DJKi2463 This video exposes RocketJump's video's lies and misinformation.
@DJKi2463 4 күн бұрын
@@Doomlovesearth2 with are only lies depending on ur definition.
@Doomlovesearth2 4 күн бұрын
@@DJKi2463 Lies that are provable.
@crispybacon9917 15 күн бұрын
Damn, crazy how an edit did its job, I guess that's not normal?
@XxZmoK3sxX 19 күн бұрын
This is gold and deserves more views. Great job and I enjoyed it all!
@ryanschweikhardt 24 күн бұрын
Jar Jar Abrams is the biggest hack of all time in cinema. KK is a close second
@bar7381 28 күн бұрын
I watched the original video found it very interesting and eye-opening, I then watched this video and it changed my opinion
@PsychicAlchemy 29 күн бұрын
Regarding midichlorians: Lucas has compared them to microbiomes. What people don't realize is that you aren't just stuck with the microbiome you're born with, it's affected greatly by your actions. And you can't just implant someone with midichlorians and expect them to be Force-sensitive. They wax and wane with your intent and your spiritual development.
@bijibadness Ай бұрын
7:30 - 7:36 it's not at all fair to diminish a video's content by editing in repeated clips of that video and lambasting it for its intrusion. sure, comedy, and it's funny ... but it's low. it's a low editing trick that very possibly irks some viewers against your own edit of the content being discussed. "And that's how we got the roll-up we see today." "Wait, that's apparently true, Pollock's and Rinzler's accounts agree on this." "And that's how we got the roll-up we see today." "Shut up a second." totally unfair. comedy is one thing, but it has its effects against your target in the audience. it may be how YOU hear the arguments you're refuting, but it's not how the audience does unless you make it so. which you did. it's a subjective trick when objectivity should rule. funny, though. I can't say it isn't. just not fair. otherwise, a strong video and I appreciate many of the points made. my own opinion is that _Star Wars_ was much more than any one thing. without that exact music, it wouldn't be as good. without those exact ship designs, it wouldn't be as good. without those breakthrough special effects, it wouldn't be as good. breakthrough special effects which, it can't be undersold, were very literally BIRTHED by George Lucas; he INCORPORATED Industrial Light & Magic; had the foresight to do this. he alone. it's a pretty fatal spike through the "George Lucas Didn't Make Star Wars Successful" argument. if George were lazy like people say he was, he'd have farmed out the effects and none of it would have happened. it would have been a disaster. if nobody, including George, thought Star Wars was gonna work, I say it's pretty odd that he went and built an entirely new effects house just to achieve the visuals he had in mind. or that he tirelessly shopped the script he himself wrote to every studio around, got turned down again and again, and kept at it. redrafted. made better, tighter, faster, more intense. I don't know why people want to take George Lucas' importance to Star Wars down ... maybe it's something to do with the place Star Wars is in NOW. maybe people desperately want to prop up the new trash calling itself "Star Wars" by enabling arguments that the OLD stuff it's all cribbed from wasn't even that good in the first place. I do know lots of contemporary arguments that tried to claim _Last Jedi_ wasn't a complete embarrassment built their foundations on how Star Wars was _always_ stupid. it's a very odd position for a Star Wars fan to take. "See, _Rise of Skywalker_ isn't the lamest movie ever made, because even _Return of the Jedi_ sucked, too. Here are examples." makes you wonder why they're Star Wars fans.
@User-ge7ni 14 күн бұрын
I ain’t reading allat
@pangyre Ай бұрын
Not even watching because the title is so lame. The first cut George wanted to do was FUCKING TERRIBLE. Marcia and friends saved the movie. George had little involvement with Empire. Which is why it’s the best. Jedi, the retcons, and the prequels, show just how determined Lucas was to finally make what he wanted: AKA, bad movies.
@Doomlovesearth2 Ай бұрын
So you decide not to watch this video. Which means your opinion has no value.
@anomalyinc3239 29 күн бұрын
Empire is good but its largely clung to as being "the best" because of sheer spite since you're insistent on buying into the lie that George wasn't present for the majority of its production, and you didn't like his later movies, George wrote the script for ESB he funded the damn thing and had to apply for a second loan after Kershner and Kurtz nearly sunk the movie and after they nearly bankrupted him George was onset almost everyday, he did the battle of hoth, all the special effects sequences, edited the film and when Kershners rough cut didn't work he had to film re-shoots. In other words one could say George Lucas saved ESB in the edit. As for Star Wars: A New Hope........Marcia like the rest of them did as she was told.
@Doomlovesearth2 29 күн бұрын
@@anomalyinc3239 Well said.
@natalieportmanfan1817 12 күн бұрын
George Lucas's Star Wars prequel trilogy is a pure masterpiece, a wonderful, magnificent, exciting, significant, and extremely rich work that has greatly contributed to the story, universe, characters, lore, and mythology of Star Wars. They are the best, the greatest films of all time, a great cult and exciting trilogy from start to finish. It's the Star Wars as George Lucas always wanted it to be. It's the best Star Wars trilogy, the greatest Star Wars trilogy, the richest, most accomplished, most complete, the best period; everything is superb: the deepening of the Star Wars universe and its narrative elements are superb and exciting, and it explores in detail the period of the Clone Wars, a crucial moment in Star Wars history. A fundamental and exciting turning point. The Clone Wars period is the best period of Star Wars. The fascinating plot that unfolds throughout the films. The rise of Palpatine, Darth Sidious, is masterfully depicted. His behind-the-scenes machinations to undermine the Galactic Republic and bring the galaxy under his control are meticulously presented. His manipulation to form a massive clone army and eradicate the Jedi with Order 66 is a central element of the story, explaining how the Galactic Empire took shape following the fall of the Republic and how Anakin fell to the dark side to become Darth Vader, a fallen hero who just wanted to save those he loved. Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader is a superb, memorable, breathtaking scene. The connection with the original trilogy is very well done. Anakin's internal conflict between his loyalty to the Jedi Order and his desire to save those he loves makes his story deep and tragic. His journey to the dark side, with key moments such as his confrontation with Count Dooku and his heartbreaking final duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. The prequel trilogy also brought invaluable richness to the Star Wars universe, with a detailed look at the Jedi Order, Padawan training, Sith, combat mastery, and Jedi teachings. The spotlight on the Sith and their philosophy strengthened the dark side of the Force, adding depth and complexity to the saga. The political aspect of the prequel adds a new dimension to the Star Wars universe, with Palpatine's machinations in the Galactic Senate and growing tensions between planetary systems, creating a richer context for the later events of the Original Trilogy, the rise of the Empire, the fall of the Republic, the extinction of the Jedi, and Anakin Skywalker's tragic story. The expansion of the universe is also great. New planets, races, creatures, peoples, and cultures are introduced, contributing to creating a larger and more diverse world. Iconic locations such as Kamino, Geonosis, Utapau, Felucia, and Mustafar provide visually captivating backdrops for action scenes, development, and key plot moments. Beloved and iconic characters, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, General Grievous, Jango Fett, Watto, Sebulba. The action scenes and lightsaber battles are among the most memorable in the saga. Epic battles such as the Battle of Geonosis, the podrace on Tatooine, the Battle of Naboo, and the battle above Coruscant are very memorable and iconic of the saga. The lightsaber duels between iconic characters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, and Yoda are executed with exceptional choreography, adding a visceral dimension to the story. The prequel also enriches the Star Wars lore with new charismatic and endearing characters, unforgettable music, "Duel of the Fates," "Across the Stars," "Battle of the Heroes," a super rich, exciting, and comprehensive lore, and a talented cast of actors, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Liam Neeson. Natalie Portman is superb, magnificent, sweet, sensual, and charismatic, giving her character Padmé Amidala queen and senator of Naboo an exemplary strength, determination, and courage. She's perfect, she's iconic. Her evolution from a queen to a senator, into a badass, elegant, and determined woman, is a central characteristic of the trilogy. Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson bring memorable class and presence to the screen. Their dynamic as Jedi Masters is palpable, and they convey a wisdom and determination that anchor the story in the Jedi legacy. Additionally, Christopher Lee's presence as Count Dooku adds a touch of class, elegance, and charisma, amplified by his Shakespearean speech. The prequel was the rejuvenation of the Star Wars saga, bringing real dramatic scope, real political context, stakes, new superb and iconic characters, iconic action scenes, a much richer universe, a more developed, more diverse universe, and a much more extensive universe. It expanded the lore of the saga, and complements the original trilogy being inseparable from it. The Star Wars prequel is a masterpiece, and the Star Wars trilogy is a masterpiece and together form an incredible whole, a single great story of exceptional galactic epic. The story of Anakin Skywalker, from his Jedi training to his fall to the dark side of the Force to his redemption as a Jedi by saving his son, destroying the Sith, and restoring balance to the Force. The story of the Galactic Empire, once a democratic Republic, and the story of Palpatine, his evolution from senator to chancellor to becoming the emperor of the galaxy, his manipulations to establish his authority in the senate, to create his own Galactic Empire, to overthrow the Jedi Order, and to keep Anakin with him as an apprentice. and the technological advancement towards digital, modern technologies, computer editing, special effects, to create new worlds, new extraordinary and extraordinary world-building, new peoples and to build the extraordinary story of the Star Wars prequel, a true expanded, gigantic, extremely rich universe, with infinite possibilities, exploring new planets, new peoples, new civilizations, new technologies, new worlds, just like Avatar.
@natalieportmanfan1817 12 күн бұрын
Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie.
@traumachild1737 Ай бұрын
JJ Abrams was the Phantom Menace all along! 😱
@layla9319 Ай бұрын
TLDR: I still think the argument in this video that there was a plan which was abandoned is more convincing than the recent idea that there was never a plan at all. Rewatching these videos in light of some of the recent information about the sequels (that there was never a plan for Rey's parentage, though they did consider an Obi-Wan connection at some point) is so confusing. At face value, these statements seem to contradict the argument in this video (that Rey was always intended to be the daughter of Han and Leia, and that this was true even during TLJ.) However, there is far too much evidence and logic in this video supporting that argument for me to think that it isn't true after all. Besides, this video covers other situations where different people involved with the Disney trilogy have made inconsistent statements, and the way this was explained in Part 1 is that new behind the scenes information doesn't cancel out the old information. People can lie depending on what they want the audience to believe at a given time. So I still think that the Han and Leia idea in this video was true rather than the more recent "there was never a plan" narrative we've been seeing. I just can't figure out why Disney would think that telling fans there was no plan would be better than admitting that JJ Abrams *did* a plan, just a poorly written and predictable one which was later abandoned. Of course, I'm pretty sure Abrams himself was the one who first started the "no plan" narrative, and these videos have already established that he has a tendency to lie. So maybe that's the answer to all the confusion.
@tni3266 Ай бұрын
Personally, while I find the evidence that Rey was most likely intended to be a secret Solo during the production of The Force Awakens, I'm not so sure about The Last Jedi. The "your parents were nobodies" thing feels less like misdirection and more like trying to find an escape hatch, not in the sense that Rian Johnson was subverting JJ Abrams's plan but in the sense that higher-ups behind the scenes were getting cold feet (possibly because of criticisms of The Force Awakens being too similar to A New Hope), and so the decision was made to establish a possible out but not commit to anything until a final decision was made. Otherwise why not, for example, establish the existence of a memory tampering force power in Episode VIII, or hint that Luke knew something that he wasn't willing to say, or foreshadow the twist in any number of other ways without opening JJ's mystery box just yet? Similarly, if "they" had all been dead-set on Rey being a Solo the entire time, I don't think that Carrie Fisher's death would have stopped them. You could do stuff like "can I kill Kylo when he's the only family that I have left?" and so on. It feels more plausible to me that this was used as an excuse to change course by higher-ups who had already been nervous about going down that route for a long time. Which would also explain why "they" wouldn't want to admit to the existence of such a plan today. Mostly speculation, but I generally feel like there are details that we still don't know about how things went down behind the scenes.
@tni3266 28 күн бұрын
Furthermore, Carrie Fisher died one year before The Last Jedi was released, so maybe there were hints towards Rey Solo in scenes that were shot for The Last Jedi but were cut out of the final release. Daisy Ridley saying in November 2017 that she thought that the identity of Rey's parents still had not changed would seem to suggest that it was the backlash after the release of The Last Jedi, and not Carrie Fisher's death, that was the final straw that led them to decide to abandon their Rey Solo plans, even if higher-ups had already had doubts before then. It's a shame that this channel hasn't uploaded a new video in years. I would really appreciate a Part 3 going over since-released behind the scenes information about the making of the Rise of Skywalker.
@1977rodi Ай бұрын
Do you think Dave Filoni, as creative director, is going to incorporate some of George Lucas ideas in the Rey movie?
@DawidKov 18 күн бұрын
How would the same man that continued Disney's horrible slop in every one of their shows, including his personal playground of Ahsoka, be in any way capable of incorporating Lucas' ideas in anything else? Especially considering that Rey movies have nothing to do with George or his original ideas, since it's so far beyond the scope of whatever his vision of the sequel trilogy would have been.
@JohnSmith-yd5wq 8 күн бұрын
@JohnSmith-yd5wq 8 күн бұрын
There is no Rey movie.
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
This guy knew too much, somebody at Lucasfilm got his ass 😢😢😢
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
27:00 - 30:08 is the biggest fucking red pill I've ever taken.
@mcintma2 Ай бұрын
4 years ago you couldn't imagine how much worse it would get ... :(
@BiggieTrismegistus 7 күн бұрын
😆 Yep
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
I love how the Prequel haters have to irrationally make this video about how 1-3 are "still objectively bad" and "George was a bumbling fool who stumbled onto success rather than being the main reason it happened." It's not about you or your decrepit hate boner for a 2 decade old trilogy. In case you haven't noticed, toy sales and and box office returns have been fucked ever since 2017. This alone is evidence enough that the fans loved Star Wars more under Lucas. The hatred for the prequels was always the vocal minority lead by old bitter fans, not the majority. Its not 2010 anymore, grow the fuck up PLEASE lmao. Anyways everything in this video was solid outside of you saying the EU was never canon. If the EU was never canon, Disney wouldn't have to go outta the way to decanonize it to make room for their regurgitated stories. If you want an elaboration of George's relationship with the EU, watch Matt Wilkins' videos. George took names and concepts like coruscant and the double bladed lightsaber from the EU while creating Darth Bane for the novel trilogy. There was a give and take relationship that was handwaved in this otherwise stellar video.
@DJKi2463 Ай бұрын
I’m not saying Rocket Jump’s video is perfect but it’s honest, this video wants to portray Lucas as this “ill treated visionary” who’s work was manipulated and butchered by paid editors that worked for him. The thing is every director has his or her flaws. Lucas’s flaw was that in exchange for brilliant world building and story, his pacing was off, I think is he took input in any way from editors for his prequel films, and allowed for certain scenes to be cut or shortened or every switched out, as long as the pacing was good, those films could’ve worked, and we see this with Rocket Jumps video. The video is not perfect, like this one points out it is true Rocket Jump simplified some aspects of the process to the make it more digestible for those new to the process of editing. But it’s goes beyond that by showing the benefits of editing and the issue with this video is that they fail to recognize that, Star Wars was not perfect from the beginning, the fact that the pacing and tone was entirely different and that it took 3 editors the process to rework the film is amazing. There are films that were edited, and then there are remade. Star Wars is one of those, The reason Luke’s original intro was cut out is because it hurt the pacing, we did not need to see him until he became valuable to the story. And we needed one scene to lead to the other. On top that if feels foolish that what can I assume is some annoyed fan is trying to outdo a professor, with a degree, who has probably learned more about editing and found a way to use Star Wars as an example of what he’s learned in his career and how to desmostrate it to those who do not know the process. There is reason why no one knows about this video as much as Rocket Jump. It’s because this video is nothing more than a nitpick from someone who does not know how editing works and how the simplistic of changes can lead to better experience overall. Watch Rocket Jumps video before this one. :
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
Your opinion on Star Wars is irrelevant, this also goes for me as well and everyone else here. What's relevant are the differences and contradictions between Rocket Jump's videos and their sources of information (particularly JW Rizzlers book). Read JW Rizzlers book, otherwise you don't actually know how wrong Rocket Jump's video is, making any further arguments pointless
@DJKi2463 Ай бұрын
@@t6kr958 Rocket Jumps video at the very least states how editing works, this video is a nitpick, here’s a fan saying “oh I hate how this one professor is talking about Star Wars, I think that the film should not have been re-edited. I’m going to make one giant rant video” that’s what it is. Your video is opinionated. Rocket Jump is fact.
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
​@@DJKi2463It's not "my video", I didn't even mention Nerdonymous' video specifically, I'm referring To JW Rizzlers book because Rocket Jump contradicts it. If Rocket Jump contradicts his own sources then how can his video be "fact". Where is Rocket Jump's real source of information and why does he lie about using Rizzlers as a source? Also as a professional video editor, I guarantee you everything Rocket Jump said regarding the editing was subjective, which would be fine except he presents his subjective opinion in the context of history which comes out as false and misleading. For example, if I said Luke's green lightsaber worked better for his character, that's subjective and anyone can agree or disagree to it, but if I said that it was Mark Hamil's idea to make the lightsaber green, that's just false because that's no what happened. If Rocket Jump thought the deleted Luke scenes were boring that's completely fine.and he can express that, but he says the film makers deleted the scenes because they were boring, which is objectively false because again that's not what happened. Editing is subjective and history is objective, but you for whatever reason think it's the other way around which is concerning to say the least
@Doomlovesearth2 Ай бұрын
@@t6kr958 Well said.
@DJKi2463 21 күн бұрын
@@t6kr958 you didn’t read my comment, I’ve said my piece.
@DJKi2463 Ай бұрын
This video is cleary just some stuck up Lucas lover who wants to criticize a professor with a degree who made a video analyzing why the original cut of the film was imperfect compared to the new one, just one giant nitpick, Rocket Jump rules!
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
Can you take that shaboing outta your mouth? Rocketjump was clearly in the wrong.
@DJKi2463 Ай бұрын
@@polyman6859 they made a version of Star Wars history that was easy to understand. This video feels like if a nerd got angry cause of the fact so he made one giant rant against it.
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
@@DJKi2463 "they made a version of Star Wars history that was easy to understand." You're one word off from being correct. Add the word 'up' between 'made' and 'a' then you'll be right and also explain why you liked it. Why do literally any research into what somebody is talking about or listen to their inaccurate assessments of the film's exposition and tone when you can just not think critically? The very fact you credit RJ for being "easy to understand" shows what your priority really was, an easy made up narrative that appeals to you specifically rather than paints the truth.
@DJKi2463 Ай бұрын
@@polyman6859 there is no perfect way to discuss such a topic as editing to a newcomer, mainly the people who watch these video. This video reeks of someone who just is mad of the original video and portrayed George Lucas, the original video is far from perfect but it’s entertaining and informative. And is for the most part accurate to its source material. There are films in our history that went through crazy events, Star Wars is one of them.
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
@@DJKi2463 So you're really just gonna plug your ears and deny official comments from the editors themselves? In that case, RJ's video is STILL bad because it took quotes from them for the purpose of painting their easy to swallow made up story. Specifically, the made up narrative RJ made you believe has been debunked by George's ex wife btw.
@TreeRockCreations Ай бұрын
It's an Awkward place for a joke is because it shifts the tone from serious to funny. Don't you know anything about film making? LOL
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
That's your subjective opinion. It has not do with the film makers opinion or the real reasons why they moved it
@TreeRockCreations Ай бұрын
The "real" reasons? LOL You're brainwashed. George Lucas just doesn't want to give his three editors credit for saving Star Wars, especially when there was a release deadline set by the studios.
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
That's not my opinion, it's a fact from JW Rizzlers book, the source Rocket Jump claims to use for his video. And JW rizzlers book isn't George Lucas's perspective, it's a combination perspective of perspectives put together by a respected expert (historian). @@TreeRockCreations
@TreeRockCreations Ай бұрын
@@t6kr958 Oh! Another one of the brainwashed Star Wars "fans" that reference that "holy bible" book that was written by George Lucas. JW worked for George Lucas and was only allowed to document what George Lucas wanted documented. That book is not a creditable source because George Lucas approved everything that went into that book. It is bias.
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
​@@TreeRockCreationsWhat's your evidence that JW Rizzlers book is biased? Dave Pollock's book isn't George Lucas biased but he also says the same things as JW Rizzler. But even if JW Rizzlers book was biased or untrue, then how does that make Rocket Jump's video correct when that was his source of information? Where is Rocket Jump's real credible source of information then and why does he lie about using JW Rizzlers book? How can Rocket Jump be anymore factual than the source he himself claim to use?
@TreeRockCreations Ай бұрын
Your video is a disorganized mess. Hire an editor to save it. LOL
@kalkkunapaisti6664 14 күн бұрын
fr this youtuber sucks! Cant even give critics like a normal dude, but makes fun of the guy
@dallaspruitt2799 Ай бұрын
Holy cow. Although this video made some good points, Star Wars fans continue to be insufferable.
@anenemystand5582 Ай бұрын
Wow. I can see why you quit making videos. And we are better off for it. I'm just going to take the first part. But um professor you do realize the point they were making about inter cutting with luke is that it's drags down the pace and delivers uncessary information in an inefficient manner. Everything we learn in those scenes that matters to the trajectory of the movie we learn more efficiently and more dramatically in the actual film. No, vader walking is not the same. It still takes place in the same battle and delivers to us a new character introduction in an intimidating and interesting way. And he will continue to play a part in the battle so it's important we see him here. No c3p0 and r2d2 talking is not the same as Biggs and Luke talking because that scene is conveying information through the action vital to the continuance of the story. Oh and no lucas saying he wanted the droids to be the main characters doesn't make that scene Luke's original planned introduction. You're making a random guess there and pretending the scene is exactly the same. The thing you constantly accuse the people you criticize of doing This is a bad video. It's overly long bloated, says very little, and reeks of impotent rage at the idea star wars wasn't born for greatness. It constantly misrepresents the actual arguements of the video it pretends to be discussing in order to construct a straw man more palatable to your audience. Judging by the number of people in the comments who blindly believe the original video somehow hates George lucas, it worked. Honestly you lot should try thinking for yourselves sometime
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
You missed the point, nothing about what you said was factual. Your subjective analysis is irrelevant. This video isn't a general star wars making video, nor is it necessarily nerdonymous' opinion, this video compares Rocket Jump's video to the sources of information (JW Rizzler's book in particular) and it shows how Rocket Jump manipulate the information into something false. For example Luke's introduction, Rocket Jump says that the droid purchasing scene wasn't supposed to be Luke's original introduction, except not only is that proven false by Dave Pollock''s account at 20:58 and George Lucas' commentary at 20:35, but JW Rizzler at 23:37 also contradicts Rocket Jump's information. Rocket Jump contradicting JW Rizzler's account is especially a big deal because Rocket Jump claimed to use that particular source for his video. "no lucas saying he wanted the droids to be the main characters doesn't make that scene Luke's original planned introduction. You're making a random guess there" you clearly didn't watch the video objectively because nerdonymous did show evidence of that being the case, especially at 23:37.
@anenemystand5582 Ай бұрын
@t6kr958 and I repeat. No that's still not the case. We've already talked about how often this script was rewritten and reworked. So why would this scene be completely unaltered and unchanged. Couch your words in as much pseudo intellectualism as you like. You're still just using it to justify a nonsense crusade. The undeniable truth is when this scene was shot it was not intended to be looks introduction. That's not manipulation. But let's remove that. If this had originally been Luke's intended introduction (it's almost certainly not) how does that actually argue against the point rocket jump is making here? They're making an arguement about the importance of editing, in this case, why it's sometimes good to cut out certain scenes that don't add much and drag the pace. And the material they provide proves that either way This guy's arguement only makes sense if you accept the premise that rocket jumps video is about proving george lucas is a hack and needed to be saved by his editors. This is not the point of the video. As I stated. The actual video goes to great lengths to assert lucas' own role in the editing process.
@anenemystand5582 Ай бұрын
@@t6kr958 then again. Why am I arguing with an obvious throw away bot account
@t6kr958 Ай бұрын
I don't think you've done much research of the making of Star Wars outside of Rocket Jump's video. If you want to know the answer to your questions, read the book itself, they have the answers. JW Rizzlers book The Making of Star Wars is available on some websites, id recommend reading it yourself to find out how different the book's information is compared to Rocket Jump's garbage. Making a mistake or two is acceptable for videos, but the majority of Rocket Jump's "information" is contradicted by JW Rizzlers, the very source Rocket Jump claims to use. So objectively speaking Rocket Jump's video is bad and misinformed, which means one of two things; Rocket Nump did intentionally discredit George Lucas, OR Rocket Jump was trying to make an informative video but the majority of his information turned out to be inaccurate or misleading, making him one of the worst researchers on KZfaq. Either way Rocket Jump is worth criticizing. Everything you said can pretty much be rebuttald with "read JW Rizzlers book", @@anenemystand5582
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
Can you take rocketjump’s shaboing outta your mouth before you yap? Thanks.
@donrubix7423 Ай бұрын
Marcia Lucas is a gold digger and stole a lot of money from him
@MDarkraven Ай бұрын
There was a plan… an outline of one. But a plan. A LOST plan. But still a plan. The story of Abrams's career. I would have loved to see George’ version or Michael Arnet’s original script for the last three trilogy.
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
Part of me agrees but remember George only gave them drafts of 7-9 because the existence of the sequels was an inevitable, not because he actually wanted them to exist. They would likely be better films than the disaster we got, but the *actual first* major storytelling misstep was selling Star Wars to Disney in the first place rather than not going with the creator's plan. Star Wars was already a complete story from 1-6, there never needed to be 7-9. They were imagined out of obligation first and a passion for storytelling second. Before selling, George had been asked to make episode 7 many times and has said there is no story left to tell.
@MDarkraven Ай бұрын
@@polyman6859 Micheal Arnet’s completed screenplay was based on George’s conversations with him and original story outline notes for 7, 8 and 9.That is what was rejected. This was the conclusion I arrived. to after doing the research. It is a shame. it was a chance to have all the original characters return for one last trilogy. Instead of a “mystery box” of “shock and awe” of misdirected emptiness and meaningless plot points
@polyman6859 Ай бұрын
@@MDarkraven Agree, we should've gotten Arnet's adaptation of Lucas' drafts. This two part video is the biggest redpill I've ever swallowed. It was in all likelihood, JJ Abrams' fault for the downfall of 7-9. Jett Lucas could pull a Tolkien's son and tell us the real story since he knew it but I wouldn't keep my chin up. The hope for Star Wars is in video games, animation, novels, and comic books.
@jktwice8235 Ай бұрын
This is a master class on how not to write a persuasive essay and why the video in question fails to persuade effectively.
@Doomlovesearth2 Ай бұрын
Rocket Jump's video is terrible.
@Wired4Life2 4 күн бұрын
@@Doomlovesearth2 But damn, if it wasn’t a spell that worked some magic for a while, until someone got behind its curtains.
@Doomlovesearth2 4 күн бұрын
@@Wired4Life2 Yes indeed.
@NickyDusse Ай бұрын
Don't agree with everything said but still a damning critique of "How Star Wars was saved in the edit" - I hate having media I consumed uncritically be proven fallacious but... looks like it happened again haha
@gokhanersan8561 Ай бұрын
You can shoot all the cool ingredients. That is art no.1, the substantial one. Then there is the art no.2, the abstract one, that is, putting those ingredients on the timeline in the right order and durations. The two arts must work together to create an experience for an audience.
@carlossantibanez6014 Ай бұрын
I don’t have any evidence to support my claim but I suspect Nerdonymous was murdered by Rocket Jump Film School following the release of this video. How else do you explain Nerdonymous’ sudden disappearance????
@paytonestrada7746 Ай бұрын
Could only make it to 20 minutes. One of the worst videos. This video needs saving in the edit.
@Doomlovesearth2 Ай бұрын
Nah, this video is pretty good.
@paytonestrada7746 Ай бұрын
@@Doomlovesearth2 Nah, this video is pretty trash.
@Doomlovesearth2 Ай бұрын
@@paytonestrada7746 Nope this video is pretty good. Rocket Jump's video is trash.
@quatreraberbawinner2628 Ай бұрын
To hear these people tell it George Lucas was in the corner playing with his crayons while everyone else made star wars
@BlueBoboDoo100 Ай бұрын
JJ and Rhian are one-trick ponies that use their trick to cover for deficient storytelling. JJ has his mystery box. All questions, no answers, till it's too late for anything to make sense. Rhian loves to prank the audience. His trick is "subverting expectations." This works great with mysteries like Knives Out. Not so much with longstanding characters and mythologies. George was never an actor's director, but he was a visionary when it comes to world-building, story, and technological innovation.
@BlueBoboDoo100 Ай бұрын
Iger overpaid for Star Wars and knew it immediately. They needed short-term profits to prove it was a good investment. George Lucas is infamous for having extremely weird ideas that don't make sense to anyone else UNTIL the final product where his genius shines. Pair that with the fact that Kathleen Kennedy is a politician who separately and secretly promised George, JJ, AND Rhian creative control.
@Gna-rn7zx 2 ай бұрын
It really sucks how readily people believe a cynical lie
@TrueLunacy 2 ай бұрын
They didnt want to explore the Journey of the whills.. even though this part of lore was right there back in 77.. apparently Lucas wanted to bring Maul back..
@DarkWiisp 2 ай бұрын
Came here from Star Wars Theory. Great shit here.
@mazkeraid4039 2 ай бұрын
Then i suppose that Mr. Abrams isn’t the sharpest director in the sandbox. Wow, he really is a poser.
@simonnaylor3536 2 ай бұрын
The droids walking through the crossfire has confounded me all my life. Why weren’t they worried about it? But I never found it silly like 3-PO tangled up in the cables. Even that I never found funny, but it’s kind of lame. Walking through the crossfire is intriguing.
@monotech20.14 2 ай бұрын
"How many times have you watched this"? Yes.
@occam7382 2 ай бұрын
Hey, has anyone else noticed that the captions have disappeared? What's up with that?
@TacticalMikey 2 ай бұрын
You can tell by a vid's length that it's gonna be a pedantic-ass shit show. *10 minutes in -* Yup. You make a point in 2 minutes and take another 10 to exhaustively repeat yourself. Damn, this needed an editor
@Doomlovesearth2 26 күн бұрын
Rocket Jump's video is terrible.
@YTWanderer 3 күн бұрын
@@Doomlovesearth2 and Nerdonymous` one is terrible *too* You know, when an original video is bad, the debunk doesn`t have to be good/better by default. At least technically. Because the editing in *this* is awful.
@Doomlovesearth2 3 күн бұрын
@@YTWanderer No. Nerdonymous is good. It utterly destroys Rocket Jump's video. Also the editing is fine.