A Very Normal Look at Tarkir
Madness, Memory, Mill & Discard
2 жыл бұрын
@zapzya 4 минут бұрын
I hate all Universes Beyond cards because to me, they all feel like advertising. Nothing kills my enjoyment of something more than ads.
@richardmason2116 11 минут бұрын
Fucking love you and your content, stay awesome
@draknusdesderdus7506 16 минут бұрын
oh shit you were born in 1996 too? Wow!
@blueblue485 22 минут бұрын
Smug communists and longform video essays. Name a more insuferable duo.
@thesnack126 37 минут бұрын
at 36:00 i know its not quite what you were talking about but i thought turning ensnaring bridge into he Bridge of Khazad-Dum was very fitting narrative wise
@theswampus670 47 минут бұрын
While I would absolutely love to listen to Spice ramble about Warhammer for any length of time, I am also in full support and respect of keeping some things as separate personal hobby. More importantly our Para-social bond has been massively increased by the idea that i could play toy soldiers with my favorite internet communist.
@hunterruckriegel78 Сағат бұрын
1:42:42 - 1:43:26 I have spent a less than reasonable amount of time watching and rewatching this section of the video. Despite my general struggles with writing and expressing myself, I feel that I have to say my thoughts on the matter, namely that using one's own creativity to analyze another's creative work (or even "product") is just as valid an endeavor as using it to create an entirely new work wholesale. In watching and listening to a video essay on something, I feel that you are not engaging with a regurgitation of the genuine creativity of the work being analyzed, but with the creativity of the analyst in expressing their own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives after applying them to and being affected by an analyzed work. This is why I feel we are able to engage with video essays on media we have little to no prior experience with - for example, me stumbling upon and being thoroughly intrigued by a video by a channel known as Rhystic Studies on a card game I only had the faintest knowledge of through cultural osmosis - the creativity we engage with focuses on the shared experience of being affected and even changed by a creative work, despite us not necessarily having experienced the work ourselves. I hope my ramblings make some sort of sense to somebody, but even if not, thanks for taking the time to read what I've written.
@rowen7448 Сағат бұрын
I already liked when you were talking about the flaws of capitalism, is there another like button for agreeing that DSII is king?
@alexdziewanowski6569 Сағат бұрын
I was one of those crushed by the information that spice likes 40k, followed by the fact they will never make a video about it :^(
@hectic-glow-clouds8723 Сағат бұрын
I love the gift giving aspect of game-playing and art-making. Some of my favorite memories and experiences are collaborating on silly comics with friends or drawing homemade proxies for my commander friends. I'm still relatively new to magic (began playing around NEO), but even I feel overwhelmed by the deluge of new stuff being sold. I've had much more fun since deciding to basically just proxy any card I wanted, or engage with more fan communities like the Gladiator or Tiny Leader formats. Proxying also ended up with me making my favorite commander deck (Phylath, World Sculptor) and being able to tweak and revise it through gameplay without worrying about ordering or affording cards. I feel it's made me a better deckbuilder, and led to a lot more enjoyable and creative choices in deck construction and play. Many of my commander friends have higher-paying jobs than me, and I don't begrudge them buying their favorite cards or decks, it is interesting seeing how that mindset can be limiting. Often times there comes a moment in one of our games where someone says "oh I should really have XYZ card in this deck, but I think it's like, $25 now?" Which leads to me usually cheekily (and genuinely) saying something like "well, y'know what you can do..." while gesturing at my pile of ~70 grayscale FedEx printed and hand-drawn proxies plus basic lands. It's fascinating to me how proxying is still kind of considered a little taboo, while in my case it's only made the game MORE fun and creative, not less. It's also weird when people say "well if you proxy everything, then there is no limit on power, and that's unfair." It's like, I have a janky landfall deck that is 90 percent proxies- there are some powerful cards in there and some silly ones too. There is no financial reason not to play Scute Swarm, but I choose not to because IMO that card is obnoxious to play against and I don't inflict that on my playgroup. Decommodifying our experiences of gameplay and art WIDENS our creative decision-making capabilities, it doesn't narrow them.
@hectic-glow-clouds8723 Сағат бұрын
I will say that the UB/secret lair thing that I would absolutely eat up would be an adventure time set. I think that honestly has so much artistic and mechanic potential.
@charilex Сағат бұрын
Gatekeeping something because you play it longer makes you a Conservative ❤
@irium_pls Сағат бұрын
i got a fortnite ad on this video
@DemonOfMyMind Сағат бұрын
Interestingly, the issues I had with the secret lair Walking dead had nothing to do with the IP. It was mechanically unique cards intentionally printed in a limited print run to capitalize on FOMO. I've long had a hatred for the reserved list even as someone who previously owned some of the cheaper reserve list cards and it honestly felt like a new reserved list at the time. It seems they've since made versions of them more widely available. I quit some years ago for Financial reasons. Now my primary concern with universes beyond is its overtaking and erosion of some of the more experimental and unique stories and characters Magic would create.... As problematic some of the stories might be I still really like the Phyrexians. I Really liked the narrative of Lorwyn were it was perpetual day and during the night it transformed into shadowmoor. I like the guilds on Ravnica. I liked the shards of Alara, the Roils of Zendikar and the pulp horror of Innistrad. People don't pay that much attention to the story of magic so its a shame they opt out of more risky narrative direction.
@metalfy666 Сағат бұрын
i'll not have the disrespect of kong skull island! that scene was INTENTIONALLY FUNNY DAMNIT
@hellayeproductions6739 Сағат бұрын
if you ever do make a 40k video, you can justify it by considering it a gift to me c:
@Corsharkgaming Сағат бұрын
You got me at the end there I was really looking forward to hearing you talk about the Emperor's Children and Slaanesh.
@tikamajere316 Сағат бұрын
You didn't mention Buffy (Gallantry) and Angel (Repentant Vampire)!! I generally want nothing to do with Universes Beyond, but I do have those two cards. And I would potentially be very tempted if they did a DragonLance set...
@eduardoserpa1682 Сағат бұрын
I love this.
@CensoredHarbor Сағат бұрын
I'm ready to... suck the nectar of education
@Lunaspapa Сағат бұрын
New bad. Old good.
@Duskraven377 Сағат бұрын
Five stars for the Infinite and the Divine shoutout.
@Andreas_Buhl Сағат бұрын
Feels like MTG is becoming a marketing platform, where other developers can drop cash to get a feature...
@Aerix 2 сағат бұрын
Always enjoy your work, thank you!
@dude11579 2 сағат бұрын
Im a simple man- i see Spice8Rack (AKA what a centaur would look like if it were half sex machine and half poet laureate) and i click play.
@kylerogers964 2 сағат бұрын
Me starting any Spice8Rack video: oh boy I can’t wait to learn more about magic through a silly and informative medium Me finishing a Spice8Rack video: i think I’ve always been a communist
@snood4743 2 сағат бұрын
The card Swallow Whole printed in Ikoria not restricting targets creates more questions than the entire power and toughness debate. One squirrel can simply eat a god, no matter its indestructibility or graveyard recursion, as long as it’s tapped. Always remain vigilant lest a squirrel devour you and get a +1/+1 counter.
@bmoney6482 2 сағат бұрын
@natepriebe2647 2 сағат бұрын
Love some sneaky Kamasi in the background
@gavindewey2881 2 сағат бұрын
Did not expect correct opinions on Dark Souls 2 in this video, the PvP was so good.
@enneract9 3 сағат бұрын
The opinions of communists are definitionally wrong. Only the opinions of actual people matter.
@Tobi-ci3ns 3 сағат бұрын
Future Sight as a set perfectly captures the nostalgia I feel for the early 2000s, a memory of a time when we were excited for the future instead of terrified by it.
@tythomason6228 3 сағат бұрын
mom, the magic youtuber is making me hate the government again
@gobomania 3 сағат бұрын
Just realized in the Fomori Vault is finally a link to the future sight Fomori Nomad.
@dariengoheen747 3 сағат бұрын
I love terese nielsen's art
@Argusthecat 3 сағат бұрын
Her art is, when divorced from her personality, pretty classic Magic. I just wish she weren't such a fucking asshole.
@williamkillingly4832 3 сағат бұрын
I know about Niv Mizzets plans for Ravnica and the multiverse.
@devinayaz9210 4 сағат бұрын
Spice.....why are you so on point
@DoaTheJackalope 4 сағат бұрын
That was extremely depressing, thank you.
@dinobonoid3348 4 сағат бұрын
I think I just had an entire refresher on my art theory and criticism class, as much of the texts you mentioned were covered there
@alexbalthazor839 4 сағат бұрын
What a great video about Yogurt!
@bestnumberever73 4 сағат бұрын
The line "It is yours, and it is free, and it is free" is pure poetry. Our ability to give the gift of our creative labor isn't just without cost, it is without limit.
@namisue7293 4 сағат бұрын
The boys show is neither sanitized or about superheroes being bad. Its about america being bad and has unfortunate marketing. While the comic is about superheroes being bad
@turtleboy2150 4 сағат бұрын
@runic6668 4 сағат бұрын
debauched communist gay, yeah you got me there (Happy Pride Spice)
@SpiffyTrev 4 сағат бұрын
The most threateningly delivered “I love the Mets!” ever heard. Bravo!
@TheAweDude1 5 сағат бұрын
Here's the thing: I like playing Magic, I like the actual game aspect. I care more about the stats, costs, and effects of a card than the lore, characters, or art. I disliked the Lord of the Rings set not because it broke canon, or that it contained a blatant "hyper chase" rare, or that it coincided with a staggeringly ugly secret lair, but because I did not like the cards. Orcish Bowmaster is a bad card not because it is LOTR orcs, but because it is a polarizing effect. The One Ring is bad not because it represents an insane mcguffin that can't be replicated in-universe, but because it does terrible things to all formats it's part of. To me, the art, lore, and characters of Magic can only represent an upside. Back around M11, I played a mono-red Goblins deck because it was really cheap to build and shockingly effective. And, one of the cards was Goblin Chieftian, which gave my little gobbos haste and buffed them. The M10 and M11 printing had the flavour text "We are goblinkind, heirs to the mountain empires of chieftains past. Rest is death to us, and arson is our call to war." Then, in M12, it was reprinted with the flavour text "It's time for the ‘Smash, Smash' song!". Obviously, that is a downgrade. Literally everyone that has seen those two cards notices the disparity in flavour text. One is a badass creed, that shows goblins as more than the comedy creatures of Magic, but as an actual threat. The other just makes them look stupid. And not stupid in a way that features a bit of wordplay, like with Warren Instigator's "Danger! Danger! Come out of the safety of your holes!", but in an incredibly low brow way. You can picture the M12 Goblin Chieftian speaking in a stereotypical dumb-guy voice, a deep Patrick Star type voice. But, despite that, I still ran one or two M12 Chieftians. Because, in the end, the flavour text does not matter and I needed a full playset. The art does not matter. The only time art kind of matters is when someone plays those ridiculously ugly Secret Lair cards that are basically unreadable. And, even then, it's only that last part that bothers me, being unable to read the damn cards. It doesn't matter if the card art features non-MTG related characters, or characters that I find ugly, or characters from franchises I don't like. All that matters, to me, is the text on the card.
@magicalgirl1296 5 сағат бұрын
That segment about how everyone has exceptions has certainly been reflective of my experience talking to others. I would say that I don't have any exceptions, simply because I think the concept is bad and I would rather see magic versions and planes of stuff I like. But since this is the reality of the game now and my preferences don't matter FF, specifically FFXIV would be the neat-est to me. I would still rather not have it, I just don't like the practice.
@truemanmassat5919 5 сағат бұрын
Deeply saddened by the realization I got a Scumfuck Darkness last year, will do better with my next five dollar bill!
@djkatsuo 5 сағат бұрын
It’s quite fascinating that magic has some of the most brilliant content creators I’ve ever listened to and a fan base of so many great people that truely enjoy the game yet at the same time the one thing they all have in common is our distain for the product in terms of pushing retails to price people out of a set or format and release such a flurry of products that no one can keep up with. I stand hopeful that one day hasbro will realize that magic is eternal as could their success if they don’t think so short sighted on short term profits. Anyway great video!
@GrandDuchessTaco 5 сағат бұрын
It would be a sign that something went terribly, horribly wrong with something in the world if there was a Pokémon Universes Beyond. Edit: I'm fairly certain we'd definitely get back into Magic in cardboard if my partner found out about a Cosmere set.
@AyahBraz 5 сағат бұрын
Please Spice I'm begging you come play Netrunner ! I promise? we may be nerds playing a dead game, but the game is awesome and NSG does such a good job at keeping at great