Star Wars: The HANDO Maneuver
3 жыл бұрын
@LanceCriminal1337 15 сағат бұрын
God damn. Thank you. This is the best duel in Star Wars, everything leads up to this point . Vader could easily kill him, but he doesn’t. He wants him, he needs himself to take over the empire. If you think episode 3’s fight is better you’re a moron
@SaintNick420 15 сағат бұрын
it just makes it funnier that bill burr doesn't like star wars
@jamestolbert1856 4 күн бұрын
3:07 yes but it’s also in his nature to see the good in people like his father, the most hated man in the galaxy. He would’ve helped his nephew overcome his inner demons out of compassion
@pleasestandby59 5 күн бұрын
Miss your videos man, a lot has happened with Star Wars. Hope you come back.
@jessekramer264 6 күн бұрын
Rey not know Parents is Parents are Pooja And Noorahan
@Joecbg100 7 күн бұрын
Making him a clone would still hurt the return of Palpatine which never should have happened, bringing him back was creatively a dead end only to be killed anyways. Snoke should have been some Sith he consulted with or either Palpy cloned a Sith/ lost experiment he made during his time as Chancellor. Making him Darth Plaugeis wouldn't have worked.
@AOT_HxH95 10 күн бұрын
Star Wars is or was a black and white, good vs evil story. Moral relativism goes against everything in Star Wars until Disney and Dave Filoni came along. The Imperials on the Death Star were military personnel, they were the bad guys. Lost Stars is Disney garbage.
@sirfishe9949 11 күн бұрын
I'd like for you to explain the The Whils. Its something that George was going to tell with his sequels. I'm very intrigued by it
@julianbruce7595 14 күн бұрын
I hate anything that justifies Palpatine needing to be connected in any way to these films. It ruined the entire trilogy. I hate episode 9 almost as much as I hate episode 2.
@LVZVRUS 15 күн бұрын
It’s kinda catchy 💀
@joseantoniomillabrito2764 17 күн бұрын
@BlazingSteel 19 күн бұрын
This is honestly one of the best ways that Luke could have gone. Had he taken out Kylo Ren here, it would have been a dissatisfying arc for our villain. Had Kylo Ren taken out Luke, it would have been disappointing for our hero to be taken out by a kid almost less than 1/2 his age. How do we win? Luke's sacrifice recalls both his duel and Ben Kenobi's duels against Darth Vader. Rather than take a life and fall to the Dark Side, he bides time for those he loves to escape and allows the Sith to defeat themselves. It's the most Jedi move in Star Wars.
@an0nym0us8c 22 күн бұрын
The issue with the Special Edition versions is that it is a soft form of art vandalism, despite some changes being more justified than others (i.e amending the cardboard cutouts at the end of A New Hope). Films are never perfect. It's normal for them to have flaws and for the special effects to reflect on the time of production, especially when they are Sci-Fi films from the 70s and 80s. Even in the Special Edition releases, there are still loads of continuity errors and room for technological improvement. Imagine if they touched up the Wizard of Oz. It's basically the same thing.
@richallenxbox1976 27 күн бұрын
Sit tf down and cry me a fucking river.
@hammervansickle7042 28 күн бұрын
No it wasnt
@timwells5696 29 күн бұрын
Jedi rocks was a down grade now I liked sarlacc pitt they did that justice
@JDH109 Ай бұрын
Some of my biggest issues is Vader himself. The voice is off, i heard all the auditions for Vader and there were three I almost thought were people just sending in JEJ lines. No offense to the guy he went with, but he sounded a bit too mumbled at times, and you can really tell his natural voice is a lot higher than the one hes doing for Vader. Maybe he was willing to work for cheaper? I honestly dont know. Then theres the actual man in the suit, and you're absolutely right that he looks a bit too skinny. His gloves fit way too loosely, and the way he moves feels very off. Theres a small bit where he's talking to the commander and says "I want that Jedi" and does this little winger wag. It just felt off The way the original actor portrayed Vader was no movement was wasted, and every gesture was direct. But theres several times where it just feels wrong the way he moves in the fanfilm. That and some of the cheesier scenes with padme, or with Palatine's speech in the middle point. I'd say the best looking set overall is the one from the final scene. Id score this to be around 4.5/10
@rataroto3065 Ай бұрын
@gh0rochi363 Ай бұрын
You guys say it's the worst change, but i say it's the best.
@elsamariahertervig6171 Ай бұрын
Ben had a close relationship with Lor San Tekka, Luke and Tekka often took young Ben on missions with them to find ancinet Jedi temples and artifects. Ben is naturally curious and has a thirst for knowledge like Luke, Ben knew Tekka intemetly because of Tekka's friendship with Luke. I think his stance in this moment is because he is conflicted about seeing him again, he end up killing him as a reaction to what he said to him. I think Tekka was with Luke and Ben when they fought the Knights of Ren for the first time, I am not sure though, but all of this is in the comic "Rise of Kylo Ren". Kylo does not enjoy killing anyone just for the sake of killing, he does it as a means to an end when he has to. Had Kylo wanted to kill Rey, he would've done it the first time they met, if not then than when they fought in their final scene in "The Force Awakens", instead Kylo reminds Rey of the Force by telling her she needs a teacher and he can show her the ways of the Force while he has her pinned to an edge of a cliff. His curious nature takes over and he wants to know how powerful she really is, so he reminds her of the Force to see what she can do. He had stated to Snoke before that "She is strong in the Force, untrained but much stronger than she knows". He also tells a stoormtrooper "The longer it takes to find her the more powerful she'll become". She just accssesed his hard drive when she turned his mind prop on him, she got so much knowledge from that alone. Kylo only "lost" to Rey because he didn't want to kill her, he was also badly injured from Chewies Bowcaster and his mind was unbalanced after he murdered his father. There is a reason for why every single SW movie makes it a point to show how extremely important it is tohave a balance in the mind, if there isn't balance there is conflict and if there is conflict is one's mind, the perons doesn't act with logic but on impulse.
@maxweller3214 Ай бұрын
is your opening music riff from Solo? Sounds like track 4, Spaceport
@andylikesstuffchannel Ай бұрын
Totally agree the levels in this fight are epic
@josuanaviriopardede9334 Ай бұрын
@jamescocking6435 Ай бұрын
People hate what they don’t understand
@trumanshow162 Ай бұрын
The setting of the Spice Melange is ingenious. It reflected the growing concern about the human uplift against the health degradation with civilization. However, the drug’s organic origin & scarcity retrogressed human society to feudalism. It also tells us the need for technology policies, economic & social policies, administrative management for wealth creation & distribution, or human abilities’ utilization like democracy.
@user-ro6ou5vo6b Ай бұрын
"You-Ta-Poo" is crazy (it's pronounced 'Oo-Ta-Pow', now you know lol)
@joeyralston3773 Ай бұрын
Okay but how come you did 95% of a good job of excluding Han? All there was of him was the line that Luke hears, which could just be played off as a memory, but then in one clip you actually see him. I feel like either you spoil or you don’t. Anyway love the edit, great work!
@grayflaneur4854 Ай бұрын
I am late to this party, but thank you for this content. I know the channel is over, but I stay subscribed as your content remains of value. I appreciate your take on the sequels.
@mattlawson714 Ай бұрын
Still probably my favorite lightsaber duel because of the emotions. Duel of the Fates and Mustafar are beautiful to watch but this was so well done.
@bartsiegwart2996 2 ай бұрын
While "the force" is an anti-Christian concept, Stars Wars doesn't try to use it to trample Christianity like a lot of sci-fi, nat. geo, nova, nasa and others do. Many of the force concepts are plagerized from the Bible but that's nothing new. The Bible is the most plagerized Source in the universe. All that said, I thoughly enjoyed mandalorian, boba fett, and Obi-wan, and look forwards to what's next.
@RottenPopReviews 2 ай бұрын
I just featured Lapti Nek as one of my top 10 songs from films of 1983. It's a banger and it was done dirty.
@disneyboy3030 2 ай бұрын
From Lucas said he was never satisfied with the original scene as he envisioned it as a much bigger musical number.
@sylvesterwilliams9531 2 ай бұрын
When Luke looks at the window. Its as if he is looking at an asshole. And at that moment, he realizes, he's in A LOT of trouble. He's fucked!
@ErrollBrantley-pe6eu 2 ай бұрын
It sucks. I hate it so much. I am 50 years old and I saw Jedi in the theater and I like the band. I don't like this scene stealing scatting moron
@beholder9 2 ай бұрын
The explanation is that it is fucking stupid.
@tao2sic 2 ай бұрын
Chen (zen) Buddhism is Buddhism with Taoism mixed in (this could be why Lucas refers to Buddhism). Quanzhen Taoism is Taoism with Buddhism mixed in. Also, Chinese people don't usually practice one or the other it's all usually kinda mixed together along with Confucianism. They usually refer to them as The Three Teachings.
@Butternut-sasquatch 3 ай бұрын
of all the star wars channels I watch, not a single one pronounces Soresu (as well as Makashi) the same. it’s interesting honestly- I wonder what the pronunciation was intended to be.
@TheGoddamnJefe 3 ай бұрын
The Las Jedi was so wondrous. Love that film. My fav of the sequel trilogy.
@falnelliah2084 3 ай бұрын
You did forget to mention as well as they were on felucia as the screen images from the new bf2 are canon and on felucia the wallpaper image has the scout batallion in it.
@mr.spoopy3027 3 ай бұрын
Needed more Joh Yowza.
@jigglypuff57puff55 3 ай бұрын
Jedi rocks ruined whole original trilogy. I absolutely loath it, original is way better.
@noahbriggs8347 3 ай бұрын
Rey should have been given his moms saber
@jonesnicholos 3 ай бұрын
@danielsangeo 3 ай бұрын
For me, the "Lapti Nek" version just felt like aliens performing for Jabba. It added texture to what was to come next. "Jedi Rocks", on the other hand, stopped the plot dead in favor of a music video. If they wanted "Jedi Rocks", add it as a bonus feature. Hell, have an entire album of Max Rebo music that includes "Jedi Rocks", go for it! Don't interrupt the story for your music video. If the Cantina scene in "A New Hope" was interrupted for a music video for Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes, it TOO would've sucked. Even if the song was good. Which "Jedi Rocks" wasn't. Bring back Lapti Nek, George! That said, the special edition addition of the Twi'lek in the Rancor pit was a welcome change.
@crustysoap356 3 ай бұрын
I love this song.
@Michael_MW 3 ай бұрын
I would LOVE to see Jaster Mereel on the screen, wouldn’t that be something? He taught Jango a moral code to lead the Mandalorians into a new age of prosperity. 🙏
@ChristianFrates1997 4 ай бұрын
It makes sense when you realize Sy came up with the lyrics on the spot.
@Christopher-888 4 ай бұрын
The orginal just dates ROTJ very much and I believe Lucas is thinking in terms of what will people think of this very dated and not up to par puppet 100 years from now, and how effects determine if a film is rewatchable or not. He's just thinking farther ahead than you are although I do think he should just put all orginal on 4k alongside the changes so nobody will have an excuse to critique anymore.
@mudchumper9913 4 ай бұрын
I personally like Jedi Rocks as a song more than Lapti Nek, and I'm sorry but I really hate the design of Snootles so the CGI is a lesser-of-two-evils situation. To be fair though I don't like Star Wars, I just like the song and the Yuzzums.
@aspieangel1988 4 ай бұрын
Yeah lol 😂 according to google translate the song is disturbing 😂