@tripd4949 23 сағат бұрын
No, they don't provoke the Borg for self preservation but to keep them from expanding exponentially. If the Borg wanted too they could completely take over every habitable planet in the galaxy within years.
@christopheraaron8299 Күн бұрын
The actual answer is so much more simple than all of this. What's the real reason Janeway chose the route back to the Alpha Quadrant that she did? Answer; Because it's a scripted TV show and that's the story that the writers wanted to tell.
@LoreReloaded Күн бұрын
I have more faith in trek writers than you, it would appear
@christopheraaron8299 Күн бұрын
@@LoreReloaded Or just ignorance of how tv show production works. Someone had an idea for a show, pitched it to the network executives and got the green light. All the canon stuff gets retconned later. The concept of a journey through the Delta Quadrant was set in stone before filming began, and canon had no meaning because it was all new territory for Trek. With any fictional story, the answer to questions like "Why did _______ happen this way?" is always the same; Because that's what the story needed to happen.
@christopheraaron8299 Күн бұрын
@@LoreReloaded I mean, if you think about it, the character of the Caretaker makes no sense at all. But the Caretaker exists because, if they want to tell a story about a journey through the Delta Quadrant, they have to get there somehow, and the Caretaker was what they came up with.
@LoreReloaded Күн бұрын
@@christopheraaron8299 I mean I have a bachelors of science in Digital Cinematography which had focuses in production and writing.. but yea, I could be ignorant I suppose.. But even with out the credentials.. I've watched BSG, Doctor Who, and Babylon 5.. so I have seen how writers can write things intelligently.. I believe trek writers are on the level with them.. but that's just me.
@christopheraaron8299 Күн бұрын
@@LoreReloaded I'm not saying they're bad writers, I'm saying that's how all fictional storytelling works. The writers have a story they want to tell, and so the characters must say and do things that are compatible with that story. Why didn't Janeway go to the Gamma Quadrant? Because the TV show is about the Delta Quadrant.
@christopherwolfe1029 Күн бұрын
To late, its no secret the Q are demonstrating what its like in a placexgoverned by one party known as Democrats
@therovingrobin5938 Күн бұрын
Star fleet are space commies...so all, Sisko was doing, was to act like a proper commie and be a hypocrite!
@Krahazik Күн бұрын
I think Battleship-Carrier-Missile Cruiser would be more accurate classification lol.
@99zxk Күн бұрын
I've thought this for decades, but they did some story where he's a child Q. I believe it's non-canon, though.
@duanebrankley8984 Күн бұрын
The Arab/ Israel issue 1) FYI this Dispute is a Family Feud between the Sons of Abraham. it has been going on for 1000s of years. It is between Issac the Son of Sarah, Abraham's wife & Ishmael son of the Slave girl Hagar. The sons of Ishmael want/ demand what the sons of Issac has! 2) Also Jerusalem had been the capital of the Jewish Homeland for over 3000 years. 3) Hamas/ The Arabs don't want Peace!
@RobertL.JonesJr-hz8vl 2 күн бұрын
Clark was almost what Joe Biden is becoming today for real!
@JS-wp4gs 2 күн бұрын
No, you're creating bizarre connections were there literally could not be any. the dominion had absolutely nothing to do with the maquis and had no practical ability or reason to
@LoreReloaded 2 күн бұрын
...they had spies and sabateurs in the klingon and federation.. replaced the top military advisor of gowon but thr maquis..they just couldn't Crack that nut?
@coryd951 2 күн бұрын
The problem is that Palestine & Israel are not evenly matched. Israel has superior firepower and resources, they also don't want peace. They are pursuing complete annihilation of their "enemy" ....this particular video doesn't really apply ...one side want peace, the other wants genocide...there is no negotiation with that
@coryd951 2 күн бұрын
The continuum isn't liars and tricksters, Q is ...and the Borg can't assimilate the continuum....the el aurians have been shown to be able to perceive temporal changes. And we have seen the Borg having time travel abilities....most of the continuum favors stability....time traveling Borg would upset that so 🤷
@samspeed6271 2 күн бұрын
The problem with actual windows compared to view screens is the range. The range between ships is likely to be hundreds of km during battle, you're not going in for the melee most of the time. Active and passive sensors will be the order of the day. It also adds in the problem of laser weaponry blinding the crew if the glass isn't darkened artificially. On modern naval ships, the CIC is the heart of the ship and is buried as far away from everything as possible. No direct vision windows. You have radars, cameras, IR sensors and look outs. Even on old ships, even though the bridge was exposed, fire control was buried deep inside the citadel, and any lookouts would be using binoculars or telescopes. The material for the windows is also a problem. Even using transparent aluminium, it's a different material to duranium or tritanium and will have different properties that might make it less useful when attacked. It's a potential weak spot. Although not as efficient as Starfleet's bridge designs due to a lack of automation, the original command deck on the Battlestar Galactica is noteworthy as it was 1) very heavily armoured and shielded even though it was exposed and 2) the direct vision windows could be sealed up by blast shields that were air tight.
@casimirgroeck 2 күн бұрын
Because Tawny Newsome is just more charismatic. also Mariner doesn’t have to save all of existence every season. The stakes in Discovery are always too high. It gets in the way of good story telling.
@WhiteDragon689 2 күн бұрын
I gave up on Startrek a long time ago. These new shows are so far off the mark they are unwatchable. What ever the hell happened to the fanchize?
@stevenserna910 2 күн бұрын
In one of the movies, the Borg Queen stated, "There are forms of existence we are prepared to assume." Corporial, digital, micro, etherial?
@Cali4thvision 2 күн бұрын
Worf should have taken control of the empire
@RichardX1 2 күн бұрын
To quote a certain chancellor-turned-emperor, "... and we shall have peace."
@KarlLlewellyn-yb3ys 2 күн бұрын
My only comment is this. It was not just earth freaking out and opening fire. The Minbari scanners had overloaded the Earth jump engines. And I’m sure you know but to be clear. Earth did try to say “We mean no harm”. I’m not defending the Earth being there. The mission was ill conceived from the beginning. Earth Should’ve listened to the Centari
@JosephKemper 3 күн бұрын
I've always wondered if Garak was actually working deeply undercover.
@Yikes_its_Psychs 3 күн бұрын
5:34 I have to disagree. She wouldn’t have needed to do that, had she just used the Caretakers array to get home. They could have teleported the tri-cobalt devices (with a timer) to detonate after the Voyager & Marquis crews on their way, then activated the device and let the Kazon destroy themselves. Oh look no morals were sacrificed AND both crews get home with minimal loss of life.
@scottishadonis 3 күн бұрын
It’s more likely that it’s a way of making sure they don’t blink for example and wipe out the entire Universe, it’s a way for them to be in control and you never know just because it appears to lower life forms like that it doesn’t mean that’s how it appears in higher dimensions or whatever space they occupy outside of the continuum to interact with us on our lowly plane of existence.
@ltcmdrstamets 3 күн бұрын
It'd be really cool if you could add a shred of evidence to your video. You say "We see this time and time again" or say that we see it somewhere else but you don't bother to name an episode or describe how it happens. Honestly to me that's extremely suspect and throws your entire video into question. You're not backing up your sources which either means that you don't think it's important (in which case you can't be trusted because you don't think evidence is important), you're too lazy (see previous reason), or you're misrepresenting what happened and can't be trusted for obvious reasons.
@LoreReloaded 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like it's not the video for you.
@ozrob76 3 күн бұрын
Borg-ccination. Interesting 🤔 💉🧬🦾🦿
@tracyg7002 4 күн бұрын
More like 1964
@TheFlyWahine 4 күн бұрын
Guinan's race couldent put up a fight against the borg collective so i dont think the jem hadar whould be difrent.
@kevinbrooks9074 4 күн бұрын
In the quiet of the night aboard the USS Enterprise, Commander Riker and Captain Picard found themselves in the captain's ready room, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation. The stars outside the window formed a mesmerizing backdrop, a reminder of the vastness of space they explored together. "Jean-Luc, do you ever tire of this endless journey?" Riker asked, his voice soft, almost reflective. Picard looked up from his book, a slight smile playing on his lips. "There are moments, Will, when the solitude of command can weigh heavily. But then, I think of the crew, of the friendships we've forged, and it all seems worthwhile." Riker nodded, understanding the sentiment all too well. "We've been through so much together. It's those bonds that keep us going, I think." The captain set his book aside and leaned back in his chair. "Indeed. It's not just the exploration of the unknown that drives us, but the connections we make along the way." There was a comfortable silence between them, one that spoke of years of mutual respect and camaraderie. Riker walked over to the replicator and ordered two glasses of Saurian brandy, handing one to Picard. "To friendship," Riker toasted, raising his glass. "To friendship," Picard echoed, clinking his glass against Riker's.
@glenmassey3746 4 күн бұрын
TOS, good STNG, better DS9, great Voyager, good ENT, WTF Discovery, good Picard, better but not by much. Lower Decks, good Even Orrville does a better Star Trek and it isn't a Star Trek.
@darkadmiral106 4 күн бұрын
The Treaty of Alderaan? My friend, wrong franchise!
@WarWulf778 4 күн бұрын
I'm watching the intro, and i just thought that Shelby would have made a great choice for captain in Voyager. Does anyone know if that was an early concept or first draft?
@marcusrutkowski8919 4 күн бұрын
How is it, that there were no other ships in orbit around Khitomer? Who brought the Federations, Klingons, Romulans and maybe other delegations to the planet? There should be at least one ship of each faction in orbit. Then they should register in battle and assist.
@AdamG20 4 күн бұрын
The United States makes 4 million babies each year. The Klingons Empire would be fine. All. Martock has to do is say go have some babies rebuild your house.🎉🎉
@AdamG20 4 күн бұрын
I wish Star Trek would do a episode on how the future of earth is and what is people is like Could you imagine a people no poverty don’t have to go to work no crime free healthcare no need for money. The government takes care of them 100% sounds like a good life but when shit happens, I would think they wouldn’t know what to do
@pvtj0cker 5 күн бұрын
Garak. Elim Garak.
@MI-hz1cp 5 күн бұрын
I am not hating you friend because what you said is true. Sometimes you do have to bend to evil in order to save lives. And that is something starfleet and the federation in their arrogance forgot about war. I support Cisco 100%. And in that situation I would have done exactly the same thing. Morality, be d*****
@jstrahan2 5 күн бұрын
In the Squire of Gothos, Kirk shoots the mirror behind which is machinery. If Trelane was a Q, why would he need machinery to enhance his power? To me, this is an indication that Trelane is NOT a Q.
@jonrice9509 5 күн бұрын
I think this was The Q’s plan: to groom humanity to destroy the borg. Possibly multiple species in other quadrants too. (With TNG Q being assigned Humanity). Because the Q want to stop that future where the Borg win.
@OldTiredFat 5 күн бұрын
The Borg is just an analogue for religious terrorism.
@rushmore3927 5 күн бұрын
I’d be more horrified if fans were horrified. It ain’t reals.
@anga6275 5 күн бұрын
dangerous enough that Q would have to handle them
@nickmalachai2227 6 күн бұрын
I think the core question is "does the Federation seem like the US in space?" if yes, then it has to be deeply flawed, because the purpose of Sci fi (especially Star Trek) is to highlight the flaws of society, and we can do that by exagerrating these flaws in fictional portrayals of what we're familiar with. If not, then it has to have overcome its flaws, because the purpose of Sci fi (especially Star Trek) is to highlight the flaws of society, and we can do that by showing an idealized future we reach by overcoming those flaws. Beyond that, it's script authors writing for drama, and fans desperate to make their childhood real without confronting the inherent political contexts.
@djwambach6192 6 күн бұрын
Hamas does not want peace.
@DreadedDave 6 күн бұрын
Borg need an upgrade. And its simple. Assimilated species get the clunky implants, add their biological distinctiveness to the whole. But then they should make a higher class. A blended one. Where they have actually incorporated multiple species dna, along with technology that works with their form. Automatous entities, not just cogs in the machine like the others.
@user-np4kd5uz9s 6 күн бұрын
but once the borg are weaken Q and his immortals ( ya right ) should be able to finish them off after all they are afraid of the borg
@jaynedavies2757 6 күн бұрын
isn't it cannon that the romulans split from the vulcans, because of logic becoming like a religion on vulcan, and they rebelled against it? i'm lost.
@MurderMango 6 күн бұрын
Who wrote this??? The Orion's were enslaved by another race before they had warp drive. The Orions are survivers and little interesting in official governments. They do as they see fit to survive and have little morale concerns while doing that .
@LoreReloaded 6 күн бұрын
Got some canon to back that up?
@winterburden 6 күн бұрын
voted for Trump? lol, are you saying the Klingons went woke?