My Least Controversial Take
3 ай бұрын
The SoulsLike That Surpassed Souls
How to Enjoy Starfield
8 ай бұрын
@noconaroubideaux9423 Сағат бұрын
You seem FED up. Lol I was only able to beat him with one of my four builds so I get the frustration but the first phase of Radahn isn't what gets me. When he does the roll catch, I usually just roll into his swings. He starts with the left so I roll forward and right into the swing. If you roll straight towards him, the second swing will catch you but if your at his side and immediately roll directly to your left into his swing, you should have enough space to avoid damage. Then, when his double swing is starting to come out, roll behind him. I feel like this was the first move of his that I was actually able to counter besides that opener spin move. The bloodflame slash is difficult but I've never avoided damage rolling away. I have avoided damage rolling forward and to the side. Neither is consistent enough to call it a legitimate strat but if you're rolling backwards then you are going to get hit. This might indicate to some that one should not, I repeat NOT, roll backwards. I am actually surprised you spent most of the time on his boss fight talking about his first phase. Its not easy at all but that second phase feels damn near impossible.
@hectorbb4225 Сағат бұрын
I'm so glad there are still content creators calling out FromSoftware for betraying their audience with this horrible DLC. I pre-purchased this the same week it started showing up on steam and was so hyped for the game, just to be the most disappointed I've ever been over a videogame over a videogame when, after what seemed like 40 hours just running around with very few fighting sprinkled into it, I finish the last boss fight and got nothing. The fact that the game ended with random memory cut scene just crushed me. I just searched so hard for a "hidden ending". Just sad. I won't ever trust buy pre order ahit from anyone ever in my life.
@Dr.Decker927 6 сағат бұрын
What should not be forgotten is the horrendous framerate on (in my case) the regular ps4. The base run constantly at around 30fps which is good for the base game. The dlc however, which should be smaller than the base game doesn’t let me run forward or turn the camera without the frames committing suicide. After the patch it’s less noticeable. But when people argue that the best way to enjoy this dlc is to play the ps4 version on the ps5 then you know it stinks.
@michaelodell2732 6 сағат бұрын
100% agree
@alikujo4334 7 сағат бұрын
the point you are missing is that this dlc was the furthest thing from a failure , it was a heck of a financial success
@FrigidOven 6 сағат бұрын
So are all the new Pokemon games, even better sellers than this game, doesn't mean they aren't shitty in a lot of ways. Financial success does not equal quality.
@Matt_19-89 9 сағат бұрын
I think the DLC is about as bloated, overrated and badly put together as the main game was, a pompous self-indulgent unbalanced, technically lackluster mess with nothing to add to the already fading formula that made Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Demon's Souls fun and memorable in the first place. It was approachable enough for people that didn't know a thing about souls-likes though, I can't deny that.
@smtn9590 9 сағат бұрын
I'm impressed at the sheer amounts of arrogance, and lack of any self-reflection in this review, but I'd like to focus on the last bits of this video, since it shows the absolute worst parts of this with the way you insult the developers; I don't fucking get why you (Or many, many other reviewers on this godforsaken platform for that matter) feel the need to do that. You try to take this angle that a B-Team made this expansion by saying that SOTE's bosses are just ripoffs from their other games, while not realizing that Maliketh, one of your examples for a good base-game boss, is literally just Ludwig, the sequel. Like, come on: Maliketh, the Black Blade? Ludwig, the Holy Blade? Their boss transition cutscene where a beastly enemy pulls out their sword and gains a much more refined fighting style? Did you seriously not notice this? And of course there's the usual stuff where you call them lazy, and saying they shouldn't be allowed to make bosses or whatever, obviously showing a lack of any self-awareness on what gamedev entails. Then, there's the claim Armoured Core 6 is a possible sign of them starting to sell out, since they might want to go to smaller projects; God forbid that some developers might actually want to make shorter, more replayable, and pick up and play experiences as opposed to having to stick to a single project for 5 years to make 100 hours worth of ContentTM. And don't even get me started on that idiotic proposed business model of yours. You think that repeatedly paying $20 every few months for an expansion to the map is less cashgrabby than this? Maybe your time with Destiny affected how you see games more than you realize.
@chaseluing2449 9 сағат бұрын
Nah you just dont know how to dodge certain moves. Sounds like you are blaming your skill issue on the game. The bloodeflame move from radhan is really easy to dodge and a no hit has already been done on radhan
@kaiwardinofficial9686 3 сағат бұрын
Blud really called a guy who showed him beating every DLC boss in the B-roll no hit of having skill issue. Souls-bros ain't beating the retard allegations
@bongwaterbojack 10 сағат бұрын
My biggest disappointment with Bayle is that it feels like his design isn't part of the fight. By that I mean that he's huge, thicc, and missing two limbs, yet he still moves around like a fucking beyblade. It's a good fight, sure, but the design and movements feel at odds with each other. I also think it would've been better for his stumpy leg to be the weak point rather than his head. It rewards the player for paying attention to the boss design.
@thegoatking6695 10 сағат бұрын
Lmao still whining about malania 2 years later is crazy
@bongwaterbojack 11 сағат бұрын
I've been saying so many of these exact same things regarding the fights, and it's always dismissed with "skill issue." I'm not good enough to no-hit the game, but I can confidently say I'm an above average player. So it's nice to hear these criticisms be brought up by someone at your level.
@LaBrooh 11 сағат бұрын
Seriously, how can you tell if a dodge to a boss move is unintended by the developer without actually breaking the game with a glitch or cheat? Can you read the developer's minds? You say waterfowl dodge is 'unintended' at close range because you have to walk around her when she starts the move, yet at 29:09 you walk around Midra to avoid his aoe (which in my experience is the only sure-fire way to not take damage there) with no complaint. Is that 'unintended' or a new quirk of their boss design? If that design quirk is not your preference (which I agree can be frustrating), that's cool but I think it's far from inherently bad and sloppy. If ER has taught souls players anything, it is to think outside the box when it comes to positioning and dodging, especially with jumping and camera control - it's not DS3 where you can roll anything and everything
@rocker_step817 12 сағат бұрын
What a drone of a video. Got so tired of your complaining halfway thru. Got mad cus radahn whooped ur ass (as he did me and everyone else) but your soulslike vet ego created this video. Actually agree w some of the stuff you said in the vid, it’s just so tiring to hear you go on and on about a genuinely great game even w its flaws
@SirusTheHunter 13 сағат бұрын
As a game designer, listening to this video is akin to a historian trying to explain migration politics to twitter.
@dc8643 14 сағат бұрын
Skill issue.
@chancetherappersburner6338 12 сағат бұрын
@gubjohnson5303 11 сағат бұрын
I’m guessing you also beaten base game and dlc without being hit too right?
@Milennin 14 сағат бұрын
Elden Ring made me a fan of FromSoft, but this DLC convinced me to never buy their games again unless they change direction.
@RiSK907 14 сағат бұрын
one of the reasons I ADORE fromsoft games is it isn't like the world revolves around you - the world has gone on for countless years without you and will continue to go on once you are gone. The world is living and breathing without you and the history seeps from every corner. I personally really dislike videos like this, there's a lot of complaining without backing it up with solid points, which makes it just come across a bit.. whiney. Play any other AAA game and tell me they've put out DLC at this quality. None have (aside from maybe Witcher 3 which had horrid combat) Also.. totally.. its not like hundreds of thousands of people have continued to watch streamers and content creators challenge themselves as far as possible and seeing people overcome/overcoming yourself the hardest of Fromsofts creations is one of the most rewarding things many players have EVER experienced in the gaming medium. Maybe just go and look up all the scadutree points and summon if its too much. I know crazy thought You pay 40 dollars for 40 hours of gameplay. This DLC is special - its one of so few games where you can see the creators poured their hearts and souls into it. But people still want to pick it apart and complain. Nothing is perfect and nothing ever will be. But go off sis... or don't, actually, maybe try making something positive or critiquing something truly deserving of it 😕hit up Assassins Creed and come back to me lmao (Also when you said you have to cheese most bosses my eyes rolled so far back in my head I almost had a stroke. You cannot POSSIBLY think every player HAD to cheese those bosses because you did. Stop lmaooo 😭 you get 10 new non-mini bosses and you're mad bc you want more mini-bosses?? I'm SO lost)
@WhatsUpCOLADA 13 сағат бұрын
holyyy preach homie I couldn't have said it better its a bummer this guy's clearly talented. i cant imagine working this hard on a vid just to b*** for 2/3 of it w/o good critique "boss hard I use cheese weapon waah" like bro chill. at least he added some good critique. but this just ain't it
@despondent3427 13 сағат бұрын
It wouldve been better if he didn't often leave his criticism at "this boss sucks" or "this world sucks". he goes into some things and not others. the game definitely deserves criticism on some things but its difficult to take creators seriously when they don't give clear context.
@RiSK907 13 сағат бұрын
@@despondent3427 I will say the video gets better during the last 20 or so minutes. his critique is actually well explained. the beginning is what triggered me haha 😆
@RiSK907 13 сағат бұрын
@@despondent3427 oh nvm he just called the entire DLC a tragedy LOL disregard what I just said 💀and that "mixed reviews were too high" like please just stop lmao
@anthonycastro559 18 сағат бұрын
Whats i learned today about commander gauis is that bitch gets i frames on charge. Like who tf thought that was a great idea? He basically gets i frames 60% of the fight 😂
@watchtvatmyplace6691 18 сағат бұрын
I was also frustrated with the game to be to hard to have fun 30 hours in. Because i could not enjoy the world. But then came a easy mod for pc and it made it sooo much better.. No running away but taking in the word and everything this game had to offer.😊
@user-tp7ef6rw4l 18 сағат бұрын
Jaded dude rambles for 40 minutes. The video.
@Davaroni 19 сағат бұрын
Light greatsword is pretty cool though.
@jordansebert11 20 сағат бұрын
For me its ALLLL the empty space. I just dont feel like im rewarded for exploring i might find a rare crafting material but thats it. Elden ring would be perfect with wayy more stuff OR slightly smaller. Less is more man. I get bored running in abyssal woods running all the way around a 300 ft tree hoping to find a shiny and its just a winter lantern bug. Oof now time to hike allll the way back to the trail i was following. Thats how I feel. Ive loved all the souls games for yeeeears. I still do just think they need to polish this. Seems like they think WE think bigger is better.. its not.
@AlleinArk 21 сағат бұрын
I 100% agree with your suggestion about the splitting dlc into small parts, this dlc feels empty compared to the base game.
@raffettoman 22 сағат бұрын
I did radahn using a strength build. Took me like 3 days probs and maybe 100 attempts. Brutal but doable. The cross slash is ridiculous on paper but is far better than waterfoul. Only other thing that is ridiculous is the dive in into any of his moves. I feel like ur dislike of radahn is somewhat biased by ur desire to do hitless runs
@meinsouza Күн бұрын
Wrong... Next video
@magnaremora Күн бұрын
I wish that they would've at least kept in a potential secret ending, if you compare the DLC of Elden Ring to previous Fromsoft experiences, they felt complete, final, a complementary piece that you could bring to the base game. What does this DLC have? A few seconds cutscene for Miquella, ok, cool...
@ytshotmaker Күн бұрын
This video is only missing one key ingredient to be the definitive review of the DLC: Time. Give it a couple of years. Once the honeymoon phase has worn off you will be vindicated. If this DLC doesn't receive a post release makeover on the level of No Man's Sky, history will not be kind to Shadow of the Erdtree. There is so much more you could've said. How the poor fight design carried over to many regular enemies. How the NPC quests are some of the worst thought out I've ever seen in a Fromsoft game. How the DLC lore makes much of the base game lore make no sense. How anticlimactic it was to beat that BS final boss and then... Nothing. But this was plenty, and what you did say was right on the money.
@rigby8701 11 сағат бұрын
Keep coping
@ytshotmaker 9 сағат бұрын
​@@rigby8701Literally nothing for us to cope about when we've accepted the DLC wasn't great. You're the one here trying and failing to cope with it You say words, but you don't know what they mean
@rigby8701 8 сағат бұрын
@@ytshotmaker Cope at the fact that there is not going to be a great "realization" that the dlc is actually bad and will be turned on. The only "dlc bad" discussion that will be had is an echo chamber full of miserable people.
@Ahab9001 Күн бұрын
Thank you so much, although I have enjoyed the DLC and the quality is absolutely present, the final boss left such a sour taste because of it reminded me of the same issue as malenia, an undodgable move ( his left right cross ), add the absolute cheap holy aoes in phase 2 and you get a very cheap artificialy difficult boss that kinda made finishing the DLC less of a triumph and more of a relief
@rigby8701 11 сағат бұрын
Cry about it
@ringsouls Күн бұрын
I completely agree.. The DLC turned me off to my 2 year old Elden Ring special interest LOL
@jasperfox6821 Күн бұрын
Yeah, I found this dlc disappointing, but I loved the lore, messmer and midra were my favourite bosses in the dlc, but exploration was just poor and empty, and the difficulty was too much, we are beyond the point of "git gud" Base elden ring was a fair challenge like dark souls 3 and dark souls 1, but this is different.
@sufianzainudin8742 Күн бұрын
Tq man...well said ... developer start bullshitng with us...said it bfr too late
@hahahehe3435 Күн бұрын
why did a video from someone who only superficially understands the game blow up so hard? youtube algorithm is something i will never understand.
@kaiwardinofficial9686 3 сағат бұрын
Dude really said "No-hit" runner doesn't understand the complexity of the game. Like dawg, it takes way more understanding to do this shit than a casual run. what are you smoking?
@RanyeSouff Күн бұрын
Expectations lead to nothing but disappointment.
@blueylewis9419 Күн бұрын
Brooo don't start your critique by saying the game is a stinky pile of poopy poo poo shit. All that does is hurt your argument by making you look petty and butthurt, even though you have perfectly fair criticisms of the game.
@jador9641 Күн бұрын
The fact that 934 subjects would gladly give their services as Miyazaki's personal toilet as a long it would means justifying and defending with claws and fangs the laziness and the questionable designs which plagues this dlc is lowkey disturbing. Funny, if this DLC was being developed by Ubisoft to cite one of the many (in)famous big videogames company, all these fanboys were now with high probability throwing shit at them and sending death threats like pack of furious rabies afflicted monkeys. But then again we're talking about From Software here, everyone knows their works are sacred and immaculate as they are. Whoever dares to critique Master Miyazaki despite to how much fair their points might sounds, has to be by law subjected to capital punishment, because nobody dares to criticize From Software and live another day to tell the tale.
@MakioGoHardio Күн бұрын
Ds3 “easy mode” is the exact same as ds1 from your prospective, Morian blade, RTSR, and Flynn’s ring, setup exists.
@leonmehmet4345 Күн бұрын
The Dlc is great
@tipperdipper1149 Күн бұрын
Ebrietas dash consistent dodge I came up with: When you see the wind up, unlock and dash to the side. Never got hit when I did that.
@certifiedcib7958 Күн бұрын
I feel like Radahns fight was meant to be ridiculously difficult. I remember finally beating scarlet rot Radahn and thinking “wow I can’t imagine what kind of beast he was in his prime” and here we are lol. He’s the mightiest of all the demigods but now with a Miquella buff so it’s expected. It’s meant to be a massive wall that you initially think is impossible to scale but surely persevere through
@YoMamaIsSweet Күн бұрын
It’s a failure by Fromsoft standards. DLCs used to be 6mo to a year and were better and added lore and wonder to the games. This DLC took 2.5 years and was SUCH a letdown. Huge empty areas, no story, too much buildup in the trailer only to be ZERO cutscenes or lore. No sense of achievement when exploring and the whole thing is just a massive letdown. It’s my belief that this DLC took Elden Ring from a 10 to an 8.5 overall. It kills me to write this but it’s true. This has no replayability whatsoever
@NorbertoRivera-mm2qn Күн бұрын
@moronmountain6964 Күн бұрын
Your point about Gaius being in an open field alone reminded me of another section of the game which I thought was poorly designed. I believe it was castle ensis but essentially you climb down a ladder and fight through 15 guys some of whom are manning cannons. The entire area has no way in or out except the ladder. Past the enemies is just one chest that’s it. From a world building perspective this situation is laughable and ridiculous. It’s obvious no thought was put in beyond providing a challenge to the player by having a bunch of enemies armed to the teeth facing a fucking ladder.
@pocketbacon9636 Күн бұрын
You were disappointed because your opinion is terrible. You gush over Lies of P then shit on Bloodborne? Unsubbed. Good day.
@andrewramirez3998 Күн бұрын
Yeah lies of p is like 10x better than Bloodborne, it takes actual skill
@baconaterlover5399 Күн бұрын
The dlc wasn’t perfect, but neither was the base game and for me a lot of the problems didn’t hinder my overall enjoyment of the dlc. What I got was a shit ton of new awesome weapons and bosses (even Consort was cool but annoying), new armor sets that are peak drip, amazing music (better quality than base game imo), and a challenge for high level characters. If I had to deal with an empty but pretty open world so be it. This is coming from someone who loathes having to traverse open worlds. My negatives with the dlc weren’t enough to keep me from immensely enjoying it.
@pocketbacon9636 Күн бұрын
I’m glad you enjoyed it. For me, the dodge does not give enough distance or i-frames, the enemy windups are way too vague for a parry centric combat scheme, and the parry timing is just too narrow a timeframe. bloodborne and Sekiro make you feel like a genius once you learn the systems. This never does that because the systems suck. Also, this is not a brave opinion. It’s the crowd opinion, which you’re welcome to. I just disagree. But still, I love your content. Take my like.
@kylewolf740 Күн бұрын
I liked midra personally. Pretty much just midra and snake-boy. Wouldve liked the gank fight if i understood at all what was happening with the character quests.
@Peek0.0 Күн бұрын
The most disappointing part about the DLC is all the recycled enemies and bosses from base game. The new enemies are almost all reserved for legacy dungeons. In the overworld there are very few. A lot of reskins of enemies like red roaches, shadow dogs, etc., but those are just reskins, not new enemies. Huge areas with nothing in them comes close second, it just wasn't fun to explore. Blue flower area is just Limgrave, it even has a similar huge hole like the one after fighting Radahn. For a 40€ DLC I expected more DLC and way less base game.
@anonymous01201 Күн бұрын
Another 'bosses are unfair and unfun' 'critique', who would have thought. Literally just more bait for the scubs who try to convince themselves that it's the game and not their shitty mentality. I was disappointed by SOTE too, but because I found the final boss disappointing (not for 'it's unfair' reasons other than one BS attack I despise), a lot of the bosses too simple or easy and not meeting their potential, and because I don't like the scadutree blessing system. Not because of these moronic artificial difficulty BS claims.
@mehdiasgharpour4898 Күн бұрын
Unbelievably unstable frame rate Very poor level design Repeatitve enemy respawn Very little to no memorable boss fight Poor weapon upgrade system technically makes you to stick to one build And many more ... This game is bad. Full stop
@wurlbfree1981 Күн бұрын
I totally agree. I felt so underwhelmed with the lack of rewards for exploration and wonky bosses and overall very underwhelming rewards from said bosses. And not one time did i feel like I'd replay the dlc....and it hurts. It's a beautiful game large, BUT it's empty the game very bare!!