The Problem with Gabriel Soma
21 күн бұрын
Dead by Daylight's License Problem
Which Killers Tunnel the Most?
5 Changes I'd Make to DBD
DBD Tier List
Ай бұрын
Where I've Been & What Comes Next
Flag Nerd Ranks All European Flags
Did DBD's Alien Chapter Fail?
Ranking All 14 Hex Perks
8 ай бұрын
Dead by Daylight's Massive Win
DBD Annoyances: Commenter Edition
The Annoyances of DBD
9 ай бұрын
I Don't Think It's Predator
9 ай бұрын
DBD's Very Bad Answer
9 ай бұрын
DBD Killers That Need a Nerf
10 ай бұрын
Is It Good: The Nun 2 (Review)
The Next Big License
11 ай бұрын
We're So Back, Baby
11 ай бұрын
@creatorsoulchan 4 сағат бұрын
why does your dbd look so different??
@misterm2590 11 сағат бұрын
I agree that Adam main trench coat is not great. But all of other common and uncommon rarity he can bye are really amazing in my opinion.
@thewafflezman8853 Күн бұрын
I'm a console fan boy, but I believe in them bleeding us dry for more money just to change a gamer tag, it's hella dumb. Facts
@disfiguringthegoddess1102 Күн бұрын
nah. I get so pissed when it happens lol.
@b0nnie89 2 күн бұрын
dunno whats worse, when the ttv is not streaming (and haven't steamed in a while) or when the person was streaming but for some reason you can't watch the vod. Ngl, I do target a little the ttvs when they are streaming, but not by tunneling, quite the other way around, I always try to save them for last, so there is more content that I can watch later when I watch the streamer vod.
@arbiter771 2 күн бұрын
As someone who doesn't play dbd and only watched like...d3ad...whats the deal with the skull merchant
@callmepsycho3132 2 күн бұрын
Isn’t this only a positive? We got the terrible Forged In the Fog, Tools of Torment and the alright End Transmission, before we got Nicolas Cage, Alien, Chucky and Alan Wake in a row. All 4 being great, with two bringing in two of the most iconic horror characters. Then the second or best original chapter in the whole game, then we got DND and Tomb Raider, another two great releases. Next is Castlevania, which means more time they’re spending thinking up the next original instead of rushing one out like before. Also, licenses are a huge reason why players keep coming back or came at all. The only reason I bought this game was because of Halloween. I’ve taken multiple breaks but I always come back for a license because I’m a huge horror fan. I don’t think we should complain about getting like 6 amazing releases in a row tbh.
@satirical_snake 3 күн бұрын
Other peoples fun isnt your responsibility. End of story, no nuances. Play how you want, so long as it follows BHVR's TOS
@Ronin-R410A 3 күн бұрын
I have an idea what if they did 3 killers a year and the 4th killer at the end of he year is paid this would make evry 4th killer a paid and would also make it so they dont have to be op killers eith stupid perks.
@luthergames6930 3 күн бұрын
I will say this, Behavior knows license chapters will bring new people in. This doesn't mean they should make it strictly license based, when it comes to original chapters we know Behavior can make great chapters that are original. Unknown is living proof, I'm all for Original chapters but i really love the licenses Also I'm a Xenomorph main and I will not take Xeno slander 😤😤😤(I'm kidding it's opinions)
@anatomicallyincorrect1167 4 күн бұрын
Ive yet to have a bad match against a person with ttv in their name, however everytime i either win or lose i always stop by and say ggs or something nice if they're online bc yknow being nice is a good thing to do
@piparabbit9089 4 күн бұрын
Bro did not just pass Mikaela but smashed the clown
@FMJRaven 4 күн бұрын
I don’t think we need no new maps just updates to most of the killers that could use em. And some skin love to killers and survivors that are missing out and or that have very little
@tedtheodore5715 5 күн бұрын
2 years later xd
@apkpopper 5 күн бұрын
I think people should play the way the want. Survivors can wipe their rulebook inside their @ss3s. If I want to play Lightborn, Blood Warden, NOED and Franklin's Demise, I play it and there's nothing wrong with it.
@nooamalka4283 5 күн бұрын
So basically killers are angry, because survivors run perks that gives them jail free cards. I don't see a point in getting angry at the survivors of that. They just wanna win the game, so of course they will run the most broken shit the game has to offer. But the devs should really change the direction on certain perk designs. Maybe survivors with endurance effects don't have collision or something, so they can't take hits for the team with perks that are supposed to counter "tunneling".
@TrueDoorMan 6 күн бұрын
i change my name to TTV when i am live, and remove it when i am not live xd
@icemann42086 6 күн бұрын
And pc isn't a diabolical corporation....ok. You can't run a pc without an operating system. Aka, Microsoft. And the billions that, other, CORPORATION (Steam) makes doesn't mean anything because they let you change your name, lol😂. Ok guy, 👍 👌
@ThatOneKidWhosToCoolForSchool 7 күн бұрын
All I want is Jason voorhees Springtrap Candyman Pennywise Slenderman and Predator and then they could calm down with licenses
@ThatOneKidWhosToCoolForSchool 7 күн бұрын
I'm really hoping dead by daylight does not become like fortnite
@gumbogamer7880 7 күн бұрын
Would anyone else be hype as fuck if Art the Clown, Slenderman or The Collector would come to Dead by Daylight?
@hausofgordo 7 күн бұрын
as a content creator you should expect potential viewers to join your stream by putting TTV in your name when you throw it in without being live the expectation of seeing that person and their personality is thrown out the window. I believe it puts distain on those who are actually live who put TTV in their name. Lowering the expectations of potential viewers for everybody is harmful just because someone wants to advertise without legitimately putting the work in.
@freshbazuble 7 күн бұрын
As a killer main, I like to join into twitch streams when I see a TTV who is streaming and listen in on them to see if they smack talk me (if they dont I drop a follow and watch after for a while). There was this one guy who's stream I joined in on and I didnt say anything when I joined his stream and just had the stream on in the background. Multiple times him and his team mates would unhook right as I walked away from the hook and it would result in me doubling back the short distance I walked and downing the unhooker (I dont like tunneling). After the match he accused me of stream sniping because I guess he didnt know about the killer getting a loud noise notification when survivors get unhooked??? and then he banned me. :/
@KILLJOY522 8 күн бұрын
So many survivors don't know how Friend's Til the End works and will accuse you of stream sniping or even hacking.
@abirdicci6959 8 күн бұрын
the ammount of ttv toxic survivors i find with their max 5 viwers is insane
@slr6344 8 күн бұрын
I was playing as the huntress against a TTV. I was super confused as to why they were killing themselves on first hook. Looked up their account after the match. Turns out I was "stream-sniping." | was reported, accused of hacking for MISSING a hatchet throw, and called slurs. I hate streamers like this.
@ed74rich 8 күн бұрын
I came across a killer streaming and taking Votes in Camping Tunneling and Body Blocking.. People buying Gift Subs if hes able to Tunnel the Obsession First without hitting another Survivor... or Not hanging a Survivor until all Gens are done, then buying a Gift Sub for each sacrifice made after the last gen is done... It was amazing to watch.. There was another TTV survivor in the killers game and he went into the Basement and went undetectable with and stood in the corner... after the last Gen was popped everyone would be exposed to one hit knock down. While he was waiting on the group to finish Gens he want into the TTV Survivors chat and told her that if she looted the chest in the basement hed giver her a follow and sub. Well... after they finished the Gens she went for because it seemed pretty quiet in there.. no terror radius etc.. She walked in slow and he immediatly swatted her and hung her on the back hook.... Then went just to other side of stairs behind the wall and went still going undetecable again... She told her lobby partners it was safe he left.. and sure enough the two people she was playing with made their way to the basement after opening the gate, the killer had moved upstairs just to the left of the door that would normally have the pallet in front of it if the pallent wasnt broken. The first partner came in without noticing and down to get their friend with second partner close on his heals. The killer got one with an Axe immediatly knocking them and chase the other into the basement hitting her just before she could pull the TTV person off the hook. Killer took to purpose hanging one in the basement and then the other just outside the shack then moved to the corner just behind the jack and went still concealing this terror radius again. The issue here was he has a direct line of sight to the survivor hanging outside the shack and was undetectable but still slighting hidden by a rock. This teams Random instead of simply escaping and feeling confident because the killer hadnt hooked anyone or hit anyone while working Gens decided to go for the low hanging fruit.. the survivor hanging outside as the TTv survivor still on the hook in the basement told them the killer was waiting in the basement stairway for them to come down... so, the last survivor felt safe in pulling off the hanger outside the shed thinking that person could take the protection hit going into the basement with her following to pull the two in the basement off the hooks then the two from the basement could take protection hits on the way up and out... sounded like a good plan... She had the sprint perk so she walked to the hooked survivor outside the shed thinking to use that sprint to save herself if need be... issue was... The Huntress was in a direct line of site with a hatchet ready and tagged her just as her arms went up taking her from healthy to dying then scooped her up and took her downstairs to have a survivor reunion with her team mates.... 4 hooks , 4 sacrifices all after the last Gen was finished... I made 4 gifted subs off that plan.... btw.. the TTV survivor for sure reported me right there in her stream the only 3 people in her chat which were her two partners and the random that logged in to type to her claimed in chat text that they reported me as well... LOL.. nothing came of it... They reported me for Camping of course.. They said i was cheating using my PS4.. The claimed that i was abusive though the only thing i said was if they looted the basement chest id follow and sub, which they never even got to the box btw... They said i stream sniped... which i kinda did, but not really... there was a hell of a delay and once i hung the TTV up that was i could see was her hanging on the hook in the basement. I did not make them go into that basement... i just took advantage of the TTV need for a new follower as she only had 7 and claimed to be a pro DBD player in her profile... If i get any likes on this comment... ill reveal another DBD Trick thats just as much fun to pull on surivors with no TTVs needed. I have thought about making Videos of these crazy tricks i come up with or see other people pull off and then do myself later.. ive got probably 20 or 30 Tricks up my sleeve.
@ed74rich 8 күн бұрын
Ever come across a TTV that Super Camps... LOL they want the Heat in their Chat.. lol They want the Fire.. lol
@ed74rich 8 күн бұрын
TTV survivors Scream... Stream Snipe me.....
@bruhhhhmoment4848 8 күн бұрын
I have those mf that have ttv on their name and don’t have a Channel or just doesn’t stream
@UndyingZombie 8 күн бұрын
I have been considering coming back.. I had played this game since beta in 2015 up till a short period of time after Unknown came out... I quit not because of the game itself but because I just got tired of how toxic the community is. I will probably come back at some point but just.. Not quite yet. Though I admit if they ever do a "The Thing" or "Phantasm" chapter I will prob be back instantly just for either DLC.
@Bookwormtalksabout 8 күн бұрын
Zarina and Elodie have great cosmetics what are people talking about
@Fitz4Real 8 күн бұрын
I got bamboozled 😢
@Stranzua 9 күн бұрын
We need a RE Mansion map and Croft Mansion/Temple map.
@alphyy3107 9 күн бұрын
Eh gotta disagree with you on this one. These charscters are absolutely iconic. If BHVR gave us an option for the next killer to be Jason or some random original killer, why would you WANT the original killer? Skull Merchant over Michael Myers like come on. I just cant wrap my head around why anyone would prefer an original killer over licenses.
@Mister_Doodles 9 күн бұрын
90% of the time people with TTV in their name don’t stream so I don’t even bother to check, unless they are particularly wholesome
@themangledking1016 9 күн бұрын
I remember seeing a ttv once and chose to change my build for them. Gave them jumpscare meyers and we all had a blast
@Ronin-R410A 9 күн бұрын
Small correction for switch you don't have to pay to chage you name you just go to your profile and change it. In dbd on witch your display name is your profile name and ca be whatever you ant it to be.
@Deniolia 10 күн бұрын
I'm a sadako main, and I would like to apologize for the reputation some of us have earned. I promise we're not all like that
@VexingWeeb 10 күн бұрын
HE BAMBOOZLED ME HE TRICKED ME I CLICKED THE VIDEO NNNOOOOOO Tbf though some platforms cost money to change names like blizzard OW my name has TTV and I can’t change it without paying
@VexingWeeb 10 күн бұрын
HE BAMBOOZLED ME HE TRICKED ME I CLICKED THE VIDEO NNNOOOOOO Tbf though some platforms cost money to change names like blizzard OW my name has TTV and I can’t change it without paying What I hate is how they put TTV then get upset they got targeted or stream sniping. Like you know that was going to happen, you chose that, you have to deal with it yk?
@petalwhispers 10 күн бұрын
The thing about it not having ttv in your name when not live is that they could stream other games more often
@ToxicSentinelTTV 10 күн бұрын
I got it in my name cause I'm a console streamer 🤷🏼‍♀️ I stream 3 times a week and nobody really hops into my stream all that much so it is what it is
@bigboltam4130 10 күн бұрын
I play on Xbox and haven’t streamed in ages, recently tried to change my name to remove the TTV and apparently it’s now inappropriate💀. Gotta love Microsoft
@endeavor1808 10 күн бұрын
I've been accused for stream sniping when in reality I found them across the map hiding in a locker thanks to legion's killer instinct, yes they put TTV in their name. I was on console at the time as well and while I did have their stream on, I threw the phone behind me onto a bed, put on a max volume headset and stood up and played.
@soulsurvivor32 10 күн бұрын
The solo sikoa joke is so true he even lost his wise man, just like how BeHavior is losing some fans after a while...
@TrowsyayasapBirthday 10 күн бұрын
My favorite killer is ghostface not because i like scream, or the mask i like him for his BHVR made Lore i love the lore so much its so interesting. My second favorite killer is singularity! I love everything about HUX his amazing voice lines his interesting power and perks his lore is honestly not the greatest but i still like. I would love more original content dredge is my third favorite and knight is up there on looks alone! But i don't hate how the game is going would i love more original content. Yes. But the licensed content isn't bad by any means wesker, demo, chucky, and pyramid head are all amazing killers and i would love more like them. I think BHVR needs to strike a balance between the two. Because both of these worlds are great and I'd love to see the best of them.
@HeyHax 10 күн бұрын
I usually watched the stream afterwards and half the time the survivor entitlement is hilarious. especially calling every killer a stream sniper.
@gangr3l 10 күн бұрын
Used to stream a bit a few years back. Always boggled me when people complained about stream sniping. For me I couldn't care less.. Brought more views to my channel. Even people who just came by to try to trash talk my skill or lack there of at the time.. I usually just thanked them for the views and then didn't respond any more to them.
@darkzombie77698ttv 11 күн бұрын
ok so I would love so feed back on this because i have gotten hate and love from this so when i stream dbd i mainly play killer so if i see ttv i look you up see if your live if you are live i type see you at the end give a heart than leave there chat and head back to my chat just to by the end of the match either in end game or in there chat be told i was stream sniping or spying but i do this to network and meet people who i find are amazing some on the other hand no so much due to attitude