The Real Erik the Slayer in Skyrim
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@S0n0fG0D 19 сағат бұрын
I remember preparing so much for this guy. I finally got to him and killed him in about 10 hits 😂 You can easily wipe the floor with him by enchanting cutlary with chaos enchantments and activating the elemental fury perk. He literally dies within maybe 10 seconds if you get high enough enchants and gear. You could also cheese him by dual casting thunderbolt with the impact perk. Literally stun locks him infinitely with the correct setup.
@xskippysticky5092 20 сағат бұрын
I kinda agree on your points but its TES universe. Racist argument wont work on TES world. If you cant handle unfair race stuff i doubt this series is for you 😊
@gerpirk 23 сағат бұрын
Great video! I've been playing since the beginning, but still enjoy new content. I'll subscribe. Just an FYI - the F-Bombs aren't necessary, your video's would still be great without them.
@OsmanKemalHazir Күн бұрын
Thank you! By video was very helpful for me. You are a very good person.
@DoMyHomework_ Күн бұрын
Ahh yes, fantasy fentanyl.
@gasmanoo2 Күн бұрын
Their swordsmanship was so good and precise at one point in time that they could split atoms. Pankratosword technique was what sank Yokuda.
@moskaumaster1594 Күн бұрын
The obvious correct choice are the Longhouse Emperors.
@lakkakka Күн бұрын
Oh wait the normal elder scrolls series. I thought you were talking about eso. And I was gonna hurl insults at you for worshipping the tupe of assholes that ruin the game market for everyone not looking to make that shit a second job. Can't be bothered to grind for market shit. Has put me off of games multiple times. In games I usually just delete them from the breathing world.
@atlas94450 Күн бұрын
After revisiting FallOut 4 thanks to the show, I'm wanting to replay some Skyrim also, so this video is great for me. Thanks for uploading!
@kisovalley7234 Күн бұрын
Big fan of your content but not one of your best videos in my eyes. You use the Veiled Heritance as a big negative of the AD yet admit half of Hammerfell & not all Orcs are with the DC & actually the new King of Orsinium fully declares leaving the DC i’m pretty sure not just ‘less enthusiastic.’ The same goes for the EP. Most of Argonia are not involved with the EP & half of Skyrim isn’t either yet you bring this up but hardly. Yes the VH were actively working against the AD but the PC wipes them out. You used the PC’s actions for the Orcs but not for the VH? You complain a lot about the AD attempting to commit genocide on the Argonians of Shadowfen yet sound extremely glad when discussing Talos’s genocide on the AD which is the 2nd biggest genocide in Tamriel history just after the Sload’s genocide of half of Tamriel. You brush aside the fact that the DC kill the most civilians of the 3 factions like it’s nothing which ends up being the biggest war crime thanks to the PC stopping AD’s genocide too. Like what? Makes no sense. I’m a DC player myself & I do agree DC is the best & makes the most sense even though again all 3 races hate each other that’s why they’ve been at odds throughout Tamriel’s history but this video really doesn’t do the discussion of the 3 factions justice. Not trying to be rude, it’s genuine criticism. I love your videos otherwise, just think this one isn’t one of your best. Coulda done a lot more.
@Bongwater33 Күн бұрын
Why didnt they have an alliance of all the mer the high elves, wood elves and and Dunmer - one of "men" the Breton, the Redguard and the Nords and one of the beastfolk, the Khajit, the Argonians and the Orcs? I know because of land masses, but it would have made more sense!
@alexanderb5726 Күн бұрын
Even though I am a Daggerfall Covenant supporter myself I would suggest some hypocritical discrepancy here as you denounce the AD for racism and immorality, but good sir you align with the Telvanni who are known slave traders and themselves Dunmeri supremacists and isolationists. You shouldn't point with dirty fingers.
@popcornguy96 Күн бұрын
Why do you disenchant instead of selling it since its expensive item
@derrickmehok9465 Күн бұрын
Why would anyone join the dominion: Razum-dar. Thats the only real reason. ...Also AD has the best starting zones and its not close.
@lakkakka Күн бұрын
And there you go shouting buzzwords again. Are you a recovering feminist or something? Your name Karen?
@ItsChevnotJeff Күн бұрын
House Telvanni is like the one respectable house now that I think about it. Sure they promote racism as a holy right but that can easily be toppled or be taken advantaged of through their might makes right philosophy, and honestly the members there are more intriguing than say Hlaalu or Redoran Edit: Also kudos to Xelsaz for making me want to join Telvanni, he may be a farm tool but he is a reliable one
@Tolly7249 Күн бұрын
Having played through all three's storylines repeatedly... Daggerfall Covenant all the way! Their alliance is by far the strongest and Emeric is the most accomplished and level-headed ruler. The Dominion will tear itself apart soon enough, the Pact will implode the moment there's no external pressure keeping them together, but the Covenant has strong connections made stronger by the rebuilding of Orsinium, ties of marriage, and the support of groups like House Ravenwatch.
@destoyer094 Күн бұрын
A bit of an extra fact when it came to what the Dominion did in Shadowfen, there is a good chance that mnemic egg could have been used to cut the argonians off from the hist altogether if it had been worked on long enough. I think I remember hearing some of them say that their connection to the hist was damaged after the egg was corrupted for the first time.
@Karcarius Күн бұрын
And obviously you don't play this game because you don't know how to pronounce anything.Justiciar,they actually say this word in the game so you have no excuse not to pronounce it right.But that doesn't make you any different than any of the other idiots who make these videos
@Karcarius Күн бұрын
Sorry dude,but Feandal in Riverwood must die when you marry Camilla.He visits her in YOUR home for fuck sakes.Yeah,he must die.
@skippee358 Күн бұрын
Sorry I missed the last live stream but is there a way you can post the video. I enjoy relaxing and watching them
@XDude615 Күн бұрын
But to be fair, the Redguard’s afterlife must be for those of both high importance and those who contributed enough to their society. Sovngarde is for the warrior’s that the Nords are, and I believe the Ebony Warrior has that same spirit that a warrior of the Nord has. So he wished to travel to the afterlife of the honorable and worthy warriors. Either that or he must have some genes that are from a Nord. But I think what you said may also be true.
@XDude615 Күн бұрын
I think imma be around 16 or so when I gain level 80…but that will take a while.
@Karcarius Күн бұрын
Also Runa has the same last name as someone in Riften.
@Karcarius Күн бұрын
Lucia and Sofie are always my choices.
@Wolf_Dominic Күн бұрын
It’s not often I meet another person who actually prefers the Dawnguard to the Vampires, well met friend.
@omegawolflight9739 Күн бұрын
pact for life!!!
@haydenbsiegel Күн бұрын
The Covenant is the best and we'll put together but also the one the Daedra focus the most on messing with. The Jarl ruling the Pact couldn't even fight his own brother and that is why it is so weak. Their leader is weak. The Queen of the Dominan is totally.. well yeah actually this video is spot on.
@BlueSpams Күн бұрын
The Ebonheart Pact has the three coolest and my personal favorite Elder Scrolls races sure....but realistically this is an alliance that simply should not work at all lol
@kpapi2454 Күн бұрын
Tips: don't kill ur first mission😔
@yokai333 Күн бұрын
The best faction is house telvanni: stay out of the way and do your spellcraft. Politics is trivial
@rookie3285 Күн бұрын
AD gang
@fangslore9988 Күн бұрын
if Queen Ayren was as you said a bad leader and wanted elven supremecy then the orrey would have rejected her, when asked she will say she saw a tamriel united under her benevolence where all were equal, she's actually a good person, the Thalmor later on after the second era ended up absorbing members of the remnent veiled Heritance members began their rhetoric of elven supremacy and believing man was unfit to rule and the altmer all knew it was Mannimarco who did it and as he is the shame of their people. in fact no altmer even blame humans for the planemeld and the one that they do blame is Emperor Varen Aquilarios specifically not for being human, but for not listening to the reports about Mannimarco. the fact that Queen Ayren wasn't for elven supremacy sparked the formation of the Veiled heritance, the clandestine secret society run by High Kin Lady Estri which grew into a militant order who were all about elven supremacy and their ultimate goal was to assassinate Ayren and put her brother namon on the throne since he himself harbored elf supremacist views, and was a willing co-leader of the heritence behind his twin sister's back until the orrery revealed him to be a monster on the inside. there are good and bad in each faction each leader of each faction are good people who have good intentions but somewhat misguided. the reality is that Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri, High King Jorunn the Skald-King, and High King Emric all have the same goal in mind, to unite all races all provinces and all people in peace and equality which is the reason for the war its just that all three monarchs do not know every detail their soldiers and even generals are doing which has led to bad apples being amongst their forces. remember these words "i saw a dominion of peace were all were equal under my banner" ~High Queen Ayrenn Arana Aldemeri after the ratification ceremony at the orrery under eldenroot. she also said that she would have all be her people. also ruvatar wasn't ordered to genocide the argonians, he was sent to determine if flora and fauna of black marsh could be used in viable ways also let us not forget that the jackdaws were under ebon heart pact employ and were paid to raise the dead in Haven however the one who hired them were also working for the worm cult. also the pact is more known to delve and sanction necromancy and in some of the delves there are a lot of pact necromancers and the covenant also has just as many bad eggs. the leaders of the alliances are all good people however the alliances also reflect the grit of irl conflict, there is never going to be a faction 100% good despite how good and benevolent the leaders are, because atrocities are made and covered up by generals who order them. it literally is for these rogue generals a "what our king/queen does not know can't hurt them"
@CelesteMinerva Күн бұрын
I've challenged myself to play all three alliances in the last year. Like I know you get the chance in the game but it is different starting out. So far the Pact is coming out on top since far less war crimes. Practically I think the Covenant is the best overall. Granted I'm giving Fahara'jad the side eye. He isn't who he says he is that is for damn certain and that is going to take out yet another piece of the alliance. I think Bazrag will come around he just needs the time. But Hammerfell is weaker than it appears.
@likkl_birde9356 Күн бұрын
In the intricate tapestry of the Three Banners War, it becomes unequivocally apparent that the Aldmeri Dominion stands as the paragon of enlightened governance, cultural supremacy, and martial prowess. Nevertheless, it is an undeniable travesty that Queen Ayrenn, an erstwhile pariah whose ascension to power is nothing short of a monumental blunder, was not extinguished in her nascent state. Her continued existence and misguided leadership undermine the very fabric of the Dominion's grandeur. In stark contrast, the Veiled Heritance emerges as the rightful custodians of true Altmer heritage, their zealous advocacy for purity and tradition embodying the quintessential ethos that should govern the Aldmeri Dominion's illustrious future. Moreover, I remain resolute and impervious to the ramifications of potential banishment from Morrowind at your hands "Master" Neloth. Such an expulsion is but a trifling inconvenience, for I would never deign to forsake the paradisiacal splendor of Alinor-a realm of unparalleled beauty and sanctity that Ayrenn incessantly desecrates with her cadre of foreign interlopers. The Dominion's destiny lies in the preservation of its pure and unblemished lineage, a vision that the Veiled Heritance valiantly upholds against the pernicious influence of Ayrenn and her pet outsiders. The sole point of concurrence between us, perhaps, is the lamentable truth that I am not in a position to personally rid us of Ayrenn and enthrone our rightful sovereign, Prince Naemon. This grievous limitation is a shared regret, an impediment to the realization of a Dominion governed by its true and worthy king. Signed, High Kinlord Rilis XIII Representative of the Veiled Heritance
@zedorian6547 Күн бұрын
I, Duinor the Wood Orc, thoroughly say to take this Veiled Heritance propaganda and place it in the waste basket. It will not be tolerated and as one of the eyes of the great Queen Ayrenn this will be relayed to her by the second sundown from today. I trust you will have better judgment in the future in terms of your outlook towards those who only wish to see the world in a better place. As this is only your first written notice you will not be fined but should this occur again there will be a sum attached to the next letter to be paid to her royal highness in a not insignificant amount. I hope we do not have to communicate in this manner again. Have a nice day. Duinor, Eye of the Queen.
@fangslore9988 Күн бұрын
the funny thing is that she is a strong benevolent queen who has good intentions its just that not all of her soldiers and generals are as benevolent as her. such as the general in the shadowfen invasion who tried to genocide the argonians, queen Ayrenn would never have sanctioned that and didn't because said general who was an alchemist went rogue and his men started skin stealing
@likkl_birde9356 Күн бұрын
@@fangslore9988 Your Queen, Ayrenn, epitomizes self-serving ambition and hypocrisy. She abandoned our venerable culture to indulge in frivolous pursuits with beasts, engaging in zoophilic behavior and only the eight divines know what else. Now, she returns, driven solely by a thirst for power, seeking to impose foreign values and contemptuously disregarding our cherished traditions. Her actions are far from benevolent; they reveal her as a hypocrite of the highest order. If she truly desires to rule-or "guide," as she euphemistically calls it-the rest of Tamriel, then you and your misguided ilk must renounce any and all claims to genuine Altmer heritage. Depart from Alinor forever, and govern the creatures you so dearly cherish. Perhaps they will demonstrate their appreciation for your misguided attempts to assist them. But, for the love of our sanctified homeland, leave us out of your nonsensical war. As for the extermination of a few lizards, what of it? One less disease-ridden blight upon our blessed island.
@freshpots514 Күн бұрын
I completely agree with you. I havent played ESO in a couple years but was a day one player, and was Daggerfall Covenant from the beginning. I also came to the defence of the Ebonheart Pact when many other ES KZfaqrs said it was a stupid pact that didnt make sense because nords and dark elves hated each other. There are many instances in the real world where historical enemies united to face a greater foe. The EP were pretty interesting because of that. AD sucks lol.
@zedorian6547 Күн бұрын
While I will listen to this video and listen to all points that are made…..The Aldemeri Dominion is the best faction long live Queen Ayrenn kudos to the cat Razum Dar fuck the Veiled Heritance any who disagree are Biden supporters I’m obviously joking right now, though I do tend to side with the Dominion most times I prefer the areas for The Pact
@kn1ne Күн бұрын
I’m just a Bosmer who doesn’t like how the so called High Elves are always fantasizing about cutting down our tree for timber & was recruited by an Argonian to join the Daggerfall Covenant because Lions are dope.
@chasecoats7711 Күн бұрын
Nobody kills me in Cyrodiil I'm the second best tank in the north American server
@fangslore9988 Күн бұрын
i am the best! *dies of death*
@humman007 Күн бұрын
In military, politics and maybe economy side Daggerfall conveant is strongest faction, bretons, redguards and orks have long history of never ending wars with each other, so it they are in peace huge experienced forces are free to conquer other provinces, also hight elfs are very well organized and have best defence potential being on own islands but forest elfs most time been unorganized tribes and cats aren't big or strong nation. Nord haven't single leader, aragonian don't want join to dark elves but don't have many choices and most story of Ebonheart pact is about defending from Daggerfall invasion so they aren't very strong
@fangslore9988 Күн бұрын
all 3 factions are economically in the same state which is why the 3 banners war is at a literal standstill with no side getting the upper hand
@Nazeem_100 Күн бұрын
Greatest assassins plzzz
@mentalgymnastics6384 Күн бұрын
Elves must die.
@user-rq8uv7iz7t Күн бұрын
My favorite is Daggerfall. I personally like Emeric more than the other leaders, doing the quests for him make me respect him. And the lore about his life is really interesting.
@melchiormagni Күн бұрын
This isn't even a question, I would die for mommy Queen Ayrenn.
@fangslore9988 Күн бұрын
lol you simp over a 19 year old elf queen LMAO
@penguinmaster7 Күн бұрын
the best one is the daggerfall covenant because no elves
@Wolfknight1992 Күн бұрын
Pelinal Whitestrake would be proud... Or would he? Considering that Orcs ARE (or were?) Elves and Bretons have Elven heritage. Still, I agree with you though! DC ftw!
@mausolus8466 Күн бұрын
As someone who almost always prefer independence over empires and hates imperialism with my whole being, I'm a die-hard Pact supporter, and that comes from guiding entity (aka player) whose characters are mostly Breton, Argonian (so only 1 out of 3) and Khajiit (Khajiit and Breton siding with Pact has even pragmatic sense - as is stated in "Pact Pamphlet: Congratulations!", if you are citizen of the Pact, you cannot be enslaved regardless of your race) nowadays mostly playing as Necromancer (although following path of "benevolent necromancy" taught by the likes of Vastarie the Altmer and Yisareh the Redguard of Undaunted) and having closest to worshipping (or at least respecting the most) Daedric Prince Malacath/Trinimac (I consider them same being, a sort of "split personality" thing). Since every playthrough made by different player is different, I take it as we create our own timelines (CHIM anybody?) and sort of fan-fictions, and in my playthrough of ESO, in spite of all hardships, Pact triumphs in the end and no new Empire is formed (that's right, F-you Tiber "Talos" Septim!). Blood for the Pact!
@jonathanweed6683 Күн бұрын
This video could not be more wrong about the Aldmeri dominion. The Queen does not want one race to rule nor do all the other faction leaders. All the altmer you describe literally are the worst and are the VILLAINS OF THE MAIN QUEST-LINE that you defeat as a dominion citizen by orders of the queen. The ebonheart pcact shouldn’t be a thing cause argonians and dark elves hate each other because dark elves recently ENSLAVED the argonians. Worst alliance by far. Daggerfall isn’t too bad and comes to a close second but has no long term end goal.
@khajaazharuddinsiddiqui4844 Күн бұрын
Have you seen Varona?
@jonathanweed6683 Күн бұрын
The Aldmeri Dominion in *The Elder Scrolls Online* stands out as the most noble and just faction due to its commitment to restoring Elven dominance and wisdom to Tamriel, which promises a balanced and enlightened rule. Founded by Queen Ayrenn, the Dominion unites the High Elves, Wood Elves, and Khajiit under a banner of shared cultural reverence and mutual respect, aiming to counteract the destabilizing forces of human and Daedric interference. Unlike other factions that often resort to brutal conquest and manipulation, the Dominion's vision is guided by a philosophy of intellectual and moral stewardship, seeking to uplift all races through enlightened governance, ancient knowledge, and harmony with the natural world. This pursuit of a more enlightened and just society through unity and tradition showcases the Dominion as not only a powerful force but a morally grounded one, dedicated to the long-term prosperity and balance of Tamriel.
@Zephyrt3mp3st Күн бұрын
Can't you just use the randomly generated mercenaries at the taverns for this? I coulda swore it wasn't really necessary to kill the followers that have the ability to become blades members