@MB-rz4fx Күн бұрын
I just think people are in full FOMO and you are setting people up for failure. It doesn't feel right that I would need to pay 2-3x for something someone bought a few years ago. They usually didn't do any maintenance either, something that has doubled. It's hard to justify when most people are tapped out, we see this by looking at the decreased spending. Property taxes and insurance are increasing.. It's cool people feel rich but those who buy are likely a bag holder that will lose everything to reits. But for the government forcing banks there would be sell offs and foreclosures.
@AndrewStephens Күн бұрын
All fair thoughts to have. Market value is determined by the consumer. So as long as buyers continue to pay the prices, they’ll continue to go up. Although lots of people are being priced out, there’s enough that can afford it based on the demand we are seeing. I don’t think we’ll see the level of foreclosures that a lot of people are expecting. Mainly due to the fact that I think the banks will work with owners to restructure their mortgage, extend amortization, etc (not that I think it’s necessarily going to be in the consumers best interest in the long term). As far as setting people up for failure. I don’t push people in any direction, I simply provide them with the information, education and facts that they need to make an informed decision. The reality is that the prices are very likely to continue climbing whether or not people want to believe that at the current time. With ALL of that being said… I very much hear you regarding the price increases that we’ve seen and I agree it’s pretty crazy. I’m selling homes for 400-500k that were worth 180-220k 5 years ago. Absolutely nuts to see and it’s hard to see people struggling with not only houses prices, but everything else worked into the insane costs of living! 😬
@SailingCatamaranElement 3 күн бұрын
I built a 5 bedroom 5 bathroom single family home in BC over 3300 sq.ft as an owner builder for 575K. So a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom or 2 bedroom 2 bathroom starter home would be much less to build, but there is no money to be made by a general contractor. So people, need to start building their own homes if they want ones badly that they can afford, like we did, and my grandparents did after WW2. All the people on my grandparent's street in Saskatoon built their own homes on discounted land lots offered to veterans at the time. My grandmother built the kitchen....truly a different time with a different character of people willing todo what it takes to get ahead...
@davidmacdonald8882 5 күн бұрын
Dartmouth is on the right of the harbour.
@MrDJNightshift 7 күн бұрын
Halifax is becoming over run with homeless people because it's a liberal city. Truro and Moncton police are directed to move people along. Truro police actually go out and tear down tents in the middle of the night. Net result, no homeless people in those places camping in parks and they all end up here. Between people being stupid enough to hand money to homeless people jaywalking in traffic and letting them camp for free wherever the hell they want and do whatever the hell they want with no repercussions....Halifax has become over run with homeless people doing whatever they want. I pay 10k in property taxes to live here and if they're going to liberal it into a Los Angeleseque Liberal dump I'm afraid I'm going to have to sell out and leave. I/we work 16 hour days to pay for those parks with our tax money. If I were to pull on to the Halifax commons with a 300k camper and refuse to leave I would be towed within the hour, receive $2000 in fines and a $10,000 bill to fix the "mess" I made. Double standard much? I have to ask...why the F do I pay 10k annually to live on a 10,000 sf plot of land when Joe Homeless can go out and claim the park for his own that I supposedly paid that 10k to fund and make it so that I can't use it anymore. The way things are going the homeless are going to end up owning all of the green spaces the tax payers own thru squatters rights. As soon as a homeless camp lands in an area petty crime goes thru the roof. The west end used to be like a small town with no crime. Homeless camp sets up in Flynn Park...now everything that's not locked or nailed down vanishes. It's now progressed beyond that to car windows smashed and people trying the doors to homes to see if they're locked. It 's about time for a taxpayers revolt. Everyone stop paying your taxes until Halifax deals with this issue how it should have been dealt with in the first place, moving everyone found in a green space after 10 pm along and a I don't give a f where you go..its not my problem...get a f'ing job like the rest of us or die. You would be surprised how quickly a government faced with no money coming in changes their tune. Extremely unliberal, but when you stop catering to homeless people like houseguest relatives the problem magically disappears.
@user-bx6sf8ye9l 8 күн бұрын
Do you think this is serious or to wake up the provincial and federal governments? This problem is so out of hand all the way across Canada it’s disgusting this is happening. Starting to feel like the dirty thirties in this country.
@mohamedaabdullahi1664 8 күн бұрын
Hi Andrew, I might be coming to Truro with my family soon. I would like to know how much i can get for a two bedroom apartment. Thanks
@er985327 8 күн бұрын
To me, this program feels like it requires significant privilege to qualify first. To afford and be preapproved for a 570k home and to have an income of less than the max seems unrealistic and doesnt really help savings for people who are closest to being able to buy a home unless you have the privilege of things like no debt etc and have family money
@user-jp2hj2cg1u 8 күн бұрын
Hello, I am a large bus driver. I have experience in this field. I want to... the job
@Citygamelabs 9 күн бұрын
Who wants to live downtown anyway but still absolute stupidity At this point they just want the city and country to a greater extent to fail. Youre going to make all those parks homelessness shelters lol good bye tourism money for the downtown core and good bye places for families and kids to go enjoy their childhood and make memories. Braindead
@stefanmuller9653 9 күн бұрын
The fact that the city reacts to homelessness by suggesting public parks for the homeless to camp on, instead of providing unused buildings or other structures, or building shelters and affordable housing is most shocking. One would think that if the homeless problem becomes so bad that you are looking at parks then the city missed the mark completely to address the issue to let it get this bad.
@user-yi5nu4gw2s 9 күн бұрын
HRM council made this list to wake up the provincial government. Politics!
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
What do you think of this list? 😬
@TheTS42 9 күн бұрын
We use Bissett Road Park very often, and it is a very high traffic area and lots of people use it. I would hate to see it go to waste, because the second it becomes an encampment, is when we stop going there. Although it is very far away from everything, so Im hoping that it will be a deterrent
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
That’s another interesting point. Some of these are far away from resources, bus routes, etc
@MrDJNightshift 7 күн бұрын
Halifax is becoming over run with homeless people because it's a liberal city. Truro and Moncton police are directed to move people along. Truro police actually go out and tear down tents in the middle of the night. Net result, no homeless people in those places and they all end up here. Between people being stupid enough to hand money to homeless people jaywalking in traffic and letting them camp for free wherever the hell they want and do whatever the hell they want with no repercussions....Halifax has become over run with homeless people doing whatever they want. I pay 10k in property taxes to live here and if they're going to liberal it into a los angeleseque dump I'm afraid I'm going to have to sell out and leave. I/we work 16 hour days to pay for those parks with our tax money. If I were to pull on to the Halifax commons with a 300k camper and refuse to leave I would be towed within the hour, receive $2000 in fines and a $10,000 bill to fix the "mess" I made. Double standard much? I have to ask...why the F do I pay 10k annually to live on a 10,000 sf plot of land when Joe Homeless can go out and claim the park that I supposedly paid that 10k to fund and make it so that I can't use it anymore. The way things are going the homeless are going to end up owning all of the green spaces the tax payers own thru squatters rights. As soon as a homeless camp lands in an area petty crime goes thru the roof. The west end used to be like a small town with no crime. Homeless camp sets up in Flynn park...now everything that's not locked or nailed down vanishes. It's now progressed beyond that to car windows smashed and people trying the doors to homes to see if they're locked. It 's about time for a taxpayers revolt. Everyone stop paying your taxes until Halifax deals with this issue how it should have been dealt with in the first place, moving everyone found in a green space after 10 pm along and a I don't give a f where you go..its not my problem...get a f'ing job like the rest of us or die. Extremely unliberal, but when you stop catering to homeless people like houseguest relatives the problem magically disappears.
@Klava-te9dc 11 күн бұрын
No offense, but Dartmouth is the ugliest city I've ever seen in my life. I'm from Europe btw
@debbiestaneland231 12 күн бұрын
Personally I think that we've got a massive shock of sea levels rising and many residences near water inundated with water. So, my feeling is that as houses get destroyed the ones that are higher up will become even more valuable. We moved to the province in 2023 and bought on a hill in Lucasville. I did not want to be anywhere near water. I really hope that peoples houses aren't destroyed but the rate at which glaciers are melting it's not going to take long for a few inches rise in sea levels to cause massive damage along the entire Eastern North American coastline and elsewhere, obviously.
@DiscipleSteven 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for great insights and data. I don't think I've ever seen the analysis you did but I agree, seems insane pricing. The growth of HRM and Nova Scotia alone is significantly outpacing home building and apartments for that matter. We bought our home in Dartmouth in 2018 for around $220. If I put it on the market today it would pretty easily go for $400K I'd think or more. Sounds like I'll be a millionaire in no time unless something breaks. lol
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
Haha it will be a nice nest egg for you. Interesting when you break it down and go as far back as I did in this video eh? Not something that gets talked about a whole lot
@DiscipleSteven 9 күн бұрын
@@AndrewStephens Yep exactly! I hope to live there for a long long time but if I ever did need to sell, it will be a nice payday!
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
@@DiscipleSteven doesn’t hurt just knowing that the equity is there for a rainy day! 🤑
@jakekirker7388 13 күн бұрын
Love your videos lately! And you sure make a fella want to do everything I can to buy my next property!!
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@jaredvaughan1665 13 күн бұрын
High immigration is killing the Canadian dream
@stefanmuller9653 13 күн бұрын
@@jaredvaughan1665 It's an artificial way for goverment to boost the economy. Lure in people from other countries for a better life in Canada. With that they bring with them their life savings plus all their chips they cashed in when they packed up their lives that side (selling their homes, cars, cashing out retirement savings etc). They now arrive in Halifax (or elsewhere in Canada) with that cash and are guaranteed to spend a big junk of that just to resettle here - buy a home or pay rent, buy a car, furnish their new home, get insurance, get a phone contract, internet etc. No matter the crazy prices those are al necessities to settle in. It will only be after a year or two efore you realise it's crap expensive, you don't get paid that well because of not having Canadian experience and your qualifications aren't fully recognized. But you've already made the moved and settled and spent all that money. Can't move again. It's a bit of a trap but beneficial in the short term for government as long as you have a continuous stream of newcomers. Your gonna have big issues in the long term though if you don't keep your infrastructure up with the population growth and that's what we see now happening in Halifax. I would also argue that the real homeless number is a lot higher than the 1,300 odd that they mention. Lots of people that don't find housing are crashing with friends or families living together. Or house sharing. They do this because they can't find housing of their own. So they are technically homeless as they often have no contract in place and can lose that housing at any time. Others are one eviction away from being homeless.
@stefanmuller9653 14 күн бұрын
At what point does the housing and rent prices and overall cost of living force people to look to live elsewhere. While Nova Scotia and even HRM still have relatively affordable housing compared to the rest of Canada, wages are lagging far behind and I dont feel that wages have been increasing nearly at the same rate. On top of that I am pretty sure the cost of living here went up way above official inflation numbers. Plus some of the highest taxes. At the moment the only thing that still keep people here is the rent cap. Without that in place I would likely have to leave because I cant pay $800+ per month more for rent. And neither do I want to search for a downgrade just so my increase is $400.
@AR-pr6mt 13 күн бұрын
It's not until ppl move to Halifax to live the dream, they then realized the employment situation, VERY high taxes and high cost of living. Canada is approx 80% real estate and government. There's your answer!!
@carandkarts9558 14 күн бұрын
Interesting video! Thanks for putting this together. I am not local but pay close attention to what is going on in HRM. I'd also add that 1) Halifax has a lot of governmental support (such as universities, hospitals, navy, etc.). 2) There is not a subway or highway into the peninsula. 3) As one of your videos mentioned, there was just an approval of the upzoning by-laws. These factors tend to support prices. From an owner's perspective, you would want real estate to appreciate "quietly" at 5% per year. Nothing wrong with that as the big gains are what will result in often unwated/unnecessary governmental changes.
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
All great points. Thanks for watching! I would prefer “steady/normal” increases compared to 2020, 2021 and 2022.
@KirkSabean 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for your content. IMO The projection of what the actual average Halifax house price will be in ,say, 2030 ,and then 2040,( despite being hard to look at in terms of affordability ) is not the real issue. Like you say, it has always kind of been this way in HRM. Even during stages of N.S.'s DEPOPULATION during 2000s /teens there were modest annual price gains that resulted in substantial cost increases when looked at in one decade chunks. What IS changing is the whole narrative that house price increases will somehow slow down enough or level out while the wages/ industry salary standards of the general populace will "catch up" with the cost of everything. Sadly not happening. Equilibrium has been lost. This disproportionate gap between peoples wages and actual costs is what is opening wider and wider past the" breaking point". Unless there are real turnarounds in terms of attracting productive industry to the province we will only see further societal problems that have just started to spiral , mostly due to an exaggeratedly house-centric economy. The government cupboards are bare, and we are caught up in a vicious cycle. As you know , once you pass a certain price point there is no necessary correlation between it and quality of a city's life, no matter the worth on paper. As a Haligonian raised here in 70s and 80s but lived in big cities in Asia throughout my life unfortunately I feel the sufferfest is just beginning. I hope for the best , but expect the worst unless there some truly innovative interventions. Thanks again for the channel!
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! All good points and it will be interesting to see how the next 5-10 years go for sure
@carloandrewperrina7065 14 күн бұрын
One of the biggest catalyst for the recent dramatic price increases in the HRM is definitely the supply and demand. As Andrew mentioned at the moment there is a rather large discrepancy between housing supply and demand which is being fuelled by the population growth. Hard to envision a scenario where prices decrease when this is the case. Also, this new reality has created a lot more new investors, who may be willing to pay a premium for properties that offer the potential for rental income which is currently also higher due to demand, with the added benefit of future capital appreciation (5% year over year). Just my opinion of course.
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
All great points! I have a hard time seeing the 5% year over year growth over the next ten years... But I have a much harder time envisioning prices decreasing anytime soon. Realistically, I wouldn't be surprised to see more like 2.5-3% year over year average for the next 10 years as wages (maybe) begin to catch up to the cost of living (maybe wishful thinking). But... Even at 2.5% yearly growth compounded over ten years, it would put us around 656k in 5 years and 742k in 10 years. Which are also big numbers.. Time will tell!
@AR-pr6mt 13 күн бұрын
Investors that can't make cash flow + will have too sell, or hold cash flow negative properties. Will investors keep cash flow negative properties? Any investor who thought buying a rental condo in 2021 at 1.25% was a good idea(boc said low rates for longer which didn't happen). Those investors on renewal could be facing 6% mortgages on refinancing. If investors know they will be cash flow negative at refi time, will they keep their investments?
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
@@AR-pr6mta lot of investors would’ve already had their mortgages renew at the peak rates. Anyone who bought in 2021 or 2022 will likely be renewing in 2025/2026 at rates that are around the mid to high 3’s, not 5 or 5.5%. So I don’t think it will be as bad as people think. We may see some unloading. But it won’t be an epic collapse by any means. If that was going to happen I believe we would’ve seen it already since people have been renewing at rates around 5% or higher for some time now. People will likely restructure and push out amortization before unloading (whether or not that’s in their best interest is a different conversation). But in general, yes, we’ll see some listings due to that fact and also some foreclosures.
@AR-pr6mt 9 күн бұрын
@@AndrewStephens Interesting you feel BOC will cut that many times (or aggressively cut) in 2025/26 to get rates to 3's. variable vs fixed, not sure how different each rate would look!
@AndrewStephens 9 күн бұрын
@@AR-pr6mt based on the projections I’ve seen from several sources I think we’ll see one or two more this year (like 25 basis points each time) and then likely 3-4 next year but who really knows at this point. Most economists seem to be thinking aggressively now based on what I’ve seen but at the same time these are the same people that said Covid would crash the market and we all know how that went 😂 My thought about this year at the start of the year was 50 basis points lower by the end of the year. But I could see it being 75 points too.
@petermarshall7755 14 күн бұрын
did prices drop during the 2008-2009 Great Financial crisis? We’re about to go through something much, much worse as the credit bubble pops. Fed to start cutting interest rates>>>>>>recession.😮
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
Prices went up 2.8% in HRM between 2008-2009! They’ve only dropped one time since 1980 (1994-1995)
@petermarshall7755 13 күн бұрын
I figured data would suggest so as the GFC was a largely a US real estate phenomenon while Canada’s banks were praised for their practices. The credit problem isn’t US centric now……it’s global. Too many cracks and too wide spread to manage while BRICS makes the move to gold and resource backed trading. watch. 😎
@AR-pr6mt 13 күн бұрын
Still waiting for Andrew to do a video on price drops :P Real estate doesn't go to the moon and keep going. What goes up this high and this fast, WILL correct!!!
@AndrewStephens 13 күн бұрын
@@AR-pr6mt we’ll see and if it happens I’ll certainly do a video about it haha. 44 years with one slight drop year over year along the way is pretty reassuring
@AR-pr6mt 13 күн бұрын
@@AndrewStephens Wouldn't you say this is a "much" different real estate market?
@soi40 14 күн бұрын
Great content, thanks.
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@soi40 14 күн бұрын
Great content, thanks.
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
Are we about to hit the breaking point? 🤷🏻‍♂
@patriciadias7244 15 күн бұрын
They are destroying Halifax😢
@AndrewStephens 14 күн бұрын
A lot of folks feel this way
@Citygamelabs 19 күн бұрын
All boils down to to many people per house to much demand
@AndrewStephens 18 күн бұрын
That’s the general crux of it for sure. Already a huge housing shortage and we’re adding approx 8 people to every 1 unit of housing being built in the province…. 🫠
@Citygamelabs 17 күн бұрын
@@AndrewStephens Crazy man
@Citygamelabs 19 күн бұрын
@oldandeerie 20 күн бұрын
I'll add lots of rippers, homelessness and down on their luck folks around down town Dartmouth, tell it like it is, I like it there but be honest!
@oldandeerie 20 күн бұрын
The very first day after moving there I saw a cowboy taking a shit in the middle of the road while reading a paper and some crazy kid literally crawl out of a small green bin by the insane hospital.
@stefanmuller9653 20 күн бұрын
Would be interesting to know the stats for first time home buyers. How many of the sales were to fist time buyers, what is the average price sd to first time buyers etc.
@AndrewStephens 20 күн бұрын
For sure! I’ve been working with a lot of first time buyers this year. Most of them in the mid 400k price range and some a little higher into the low to mid 500’s.
@philipyaro 21 күн бұрын
I enjoy your videos, but the constant clicking makes them unwatchable for me. Thanks for all you do!
@AndrewStephens 20 күн бұрын
Have had lots of feedback on this and have just stopped using those transitions. Thanks for watching!
@geechiegeech 23 күн бұрын
In the 80's, the south end used to be the best but now it's full of wokeness, radical left students, blm racists, antisemites and far left lgbtq radicals. Steer clear of any areas that are close to any of the big universities. West End Halifax is way better than south end now. Less radicals and more peace.
@WillieTonka 24 күн бұрын
Halifax is extremely expensive so Dartmouth is where all the thugs and lesser desirables live just for the simple fact that they cannot afford to live in Halifax. That usually means the crime rate in Dartmouth is MUCH more higher. It's almost comparable to Spryfield (which is also a sh*thole)
@AlexHandmaster 24 күн бұрын
To everyone moving to NS from out of the country, the areas you want to avoid and the reasons why... - North End Halifax : "Woke Central" (lots of rainbows, BLM and DEI crap. Lots of car break-ins and robberies despite the gentrification) - Dartmouth : Lots of robberies, large ghetto black population. Just read the online police reports daily. - Spryfield : "The buttcrack on the HRM" - Sackville : "Suburban Coke central" The muslim / middle eastern population has quadrupled. Not many of them speak good English yet but so far they are well behaved for the most part. The black areas you'll want to avoid (especially at night although they've become dangerous in the daytime occasionally. Especially in Dartmouth) Everywhere is very expensive but the safer areas are either more expensive or are very far out. If you don't have a car, you won't last long.
@RickyVanderslice 24 күн бұрын
@@AlexHandmaster There are also a LOT of antisemitic "Free Palestine" freaks, white far-left radical liberals and Trudeau supporting mouthbreathers in the HRM as well. Lots of them are in the north end & across the commons close to the universities.
@WillieTonka 24 күн бұрын
@@RickyVanderslice Yes. Lot of those radicals in the Quinpool Rd area and surrounding. Lots of "Ukraine Rainbow Flags" and BLM signs on their lawns but it's more to ward off the violent BLM protesters.
@geechiegeech 24 күн бұрын
@@WillieTonka Downtown still extremely WOKE. They keep re-painting the BLM sign on the streets with taxpayer money and they keep changing the street names every 6 months to make black people happy. It makes your GPS useless & confuses cab drivers when they do that.
@TrustAtlanticC 25 күн бұрын
@kevinrsheils 29 күн бұрын
What is Number 3?
@nicholasbaker8158 Ай бұрын
$570k is still a little light based on housing trends. Maximum household income could also be increased as $145k doesn't go far especially if kids are involved. If you can't budget 5%, you shouldn't be allowed to participate as you are already too risky of a buyer (5% of $570k = $28,500). As you indicate, being considered a second loan really hampers its potential due to extra leveraging.
@shashwatduggal1961 Ай бұрын
Great video as always Andrew! Does this down payment program help people who already have some money saved up? Like if somebody already has $50,000 saved up can they get another $25,000 from this program for a total of $75,000. Or does it only help people who have $0 saved up for down payment. Thanks!
@AndrewStephens Ай бұрын
This program requires that the buyer not have the means for the down payment otherwise from this program. So you wouldn’t get approved if you do have the money already. Great question, thanks for watching!
@No-bull1 Ай бұрын
Very professional and well said. Keep up the good work as I always enjoy your presentations.
@AndrewStephens Ай бұрын
Thanks for the support! 🙌
@deaner6371 Ай бұрын
Dartmouth and Halifax both suck
@niceguy4421 Ай бұрын
15 mins walk to the ferry, while being asked 20 times if you want to buy drugs 😢
@briansears6449 Ай бұрын
You forgot about the Traffic!
@AndrewStephens Ай бұрын
Getting A LOT worse lately. Especially with construction season in full swing
@DaveCulligan Ай бұрын
great video and great changes!
@louskywalker9656 Ай бұрын
I just stumbled across your channel. I have some questions. I been living in my apartment for ten years. Is apartment insurance mandatory. And is it legal for the landlord to keep raising my personal liability to 2 million
@theswayzeexpress1 Ай бұрын
What percentage of properties are unoccupied? I’d be curious to know.
@clairel34 Ай бұрын
Despite all the new housing construction, the residential vacancy rate is still under 1% for Halifax.
@DaleRyanLeckie Ай бұрын
I’m a young person, and I’m not interested in solving the issue with supply. I’m interested in slowing and reversing the demand. But, as long as it’s happening in the city, and they keep this out of our rural communities, I can look the other way. I know plenty of folks that feel the same way. It’s NOT just older folks. That’s spin.
@ja-cobin Ай бұрын
Bye Bye beautiful old quaint maritime city - welcome the globalist highrise concrete and steel. We will own nothing and we will be happy(!?)
@royberger2259 Ай бұрын
I think it's cheaper to buy in Pictou County and then take the bullet mono-rail train to work in Halifax.
@danieltanner518 Ай бұрын
That's the problem... I have a land lot in Enfield, project and some downpayment. And I want to build a simple 2bd house to sell it, but no banks or government programs exist to lend me funds as a new developer
@sean45642 Ай бұрын
China and India NEED housing... not Canada