Psalm 8 - What is man?
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2 жыл бұрын
Rev. Willie Still on Justification
The Premier One - John MacArthur
Christ is Supreme - John Piper
3 жыл бұрын
Confessing Sin: Doug Wilson
3 жыл бұрын
Prophets of Satan
4 жыл бұрын
Luther's Reformation
4 жыл бұрын
Man on the Moon
5 жыл бұрын
BBC: They Can't Put out God's Light
@markbailey1970 3 күн бұрын
@dale5497 20 күн бұрын
RC's wisdom and clear teaching from the Word are so much missed today. I look forward to meeting this dear brother by the Crystal Sea in the New Jerusalem. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
@rogermoore-gd9do 27 күн бұрын
The Nuremburg rally, never seen so many lowlives in one place.
@godswarriors7543 Ай бұрын
Should a man wear a head covering? Just as women should cover their head to show they are submitting to their spouse, then men should cover to show they to need to submit to God. If he has chosen Jesus as His Lord, then he should show that commitment by wearing a head covering, just as women show their submission, so should man. The difference is not the head covering but who wears it and when. In Deut. 6:8-9, God tells us to apply the Ten Commandments on our forehead, then, when Jesus tells us to "keep" also His words, we apply the Sermon on the Mount to show our commitment to The Father and The Son. A man should never wear a head covering, in church, if they haven't chosen Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. They are not to submit to any man, company etc.. They have to remove their head covering before entering a church etc.. To not wear a head covering simply shows that you have not chosen in whom you shall serve. If a woman is married and the man has not committed to the Lord then she also should not cover, for then she would be usurping the man's authority. A woman should be covering her head, the man in her life. Every child of God should cover with The Father or The Son, or even the Holy Spirit. The scripture shows that all three would be what we should strive for. To keep using different translations is what keeps us going in circles. Choose in whom you shall serve, then stick with it.
@livingthegospel5799 Ай бұрын
You don’t need any music love the sermon but don’t like the music in the background at all
@timothyp.mcintosh2383 Ай бұрын
This guy is as crazy as Joel
@wgterry73ify 2 ай бұрын
The custom of that time has nothing to do with this text. The Corinthian men covered their heads as was custom in that time, the women didn't cover their heads. In church the worship service is all about giving glory to God. The man is the glory of God and the woman is the glory of man.
@shofarawareness5750 2 ай бұрын
False Teacher! A Place is designated for all the teachers who have caused many to go astray! We all are appointed once to die than judgement...then we all will see sir, if you're correct. Run from this heathen! In Yahusha HaMashiach Holy Name Amein 🙏🏾
@4jeffinseattle 3 ай бұрын
The Prosperity Gospel ( the make it/claim it) the more you give, the more money,etc.. you will receive. During Katrina, Joel closed his church doors to the needy. He's a multi-millionaire, drives a new Ferrari. Kenneth Copeland net worth 750 million (mansions,priivate jets, a private airport,etc.etc.) Joel smoozes with the media (Oprah,Larry King,etc) HillSong mega churches have registered as a business, committing sexual , financial crimes.Even Africa pastors exploiting their poor people and raking in millions of dollars for themselves. The Love of Money is the ROOT of all evil.
@WillNelson73 4 ай бұрын
The music is very distracting
@bonnietreitler2044 5 ай бұрын
Osteen is a heretic, wolf in sheep's clothing and an apostate pastor leading millions to hell. He's a motivational speaker at best. He preys on the weak, poor, widows and the desperate all the while he's bringing in millions. During a hurricane he turned people away and wouldn't let them in his church and then they were repairing a wall in his church and found a large sum of money in that wall.
@bluemagic9531 6 ай бұрын
can there be a more divisive preacher in america? sorry brother McA you fail like me those around us.
@MADISON87AV 9 ай бұрын
7.00 Humility. Brokenness. 12.00 Give all that you have, go home and die. This religion that does this is going down.
@jackwagon4313 9 ай бұрын
Coming from a man worth 14 million dollars. Macarthur is a rich dude, but preaches against prosperity preachers?
@xavieroseguera3758 9 ай бұрын
All I hear is justification on celebrating something that isn’t even biblical and this is something the whole world does and the Bible also tells us not to be like the world also this isn’t a good look on us Christians and what if this were to make a new Christian ( someone new to Christianity) stumble something to think about, this is such a controversial topic. May God give each and every one of us a conviction on celebrating this holiday
@YaxisX 10 ай бұрын
I read many books over the years. What I found was this. The source for the LAW OF ATTRACTION movement seems to be the Ernest Holmes book "Science of Mind" published in 1922 as far as I can tell. The LAW OF ATTRACTION information is found in the chapters at the back of the book. It reads like nonsense, with the usual "New Thought" methodology of continuous cycling and recycling of Generality after Generality after Generality. All the New Age Books use this model. Nothing specific is ever written. The other shortcoming of these books and Joel Osteen's books, is that unlike theology and philosophy, science and legal books, the New Thought or Law of Attraction books never define their terms. What this means is that these books are never logically coherent, nor are they factual. The authors really just make stuff up. In the last century, many such books have been published. According to these authors and books, it is suggested or implied that God is just some kind of "energy". One of the popular New Age books that mislead many people was "Golf In The Kingdom" by Michael Murphy published in 1971. It appeared at first to be just a "fun book" about mystical power, but many of such "fun books" have become a trap for many minds who are attracted to fantasy. and believe that "God" is just a kind of "energy" that people can control. "Playing God" has become a popular habit. Then there was "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" which is the 1979 book by Gary Zukav. While most Americans went about their lives, a revolution was taking place in the form of mental manipulation. Now, if you visit the big box book stores, you will see "Harry Potter" magic wands and broomsticks and spell books which draw in little children to the world of occultic thought and references to "energies" that can be controlled. A lot of these books derive their ideas from The Golden Dawn Society, popular in Europe in the late 1800's and that group introduced Aleister Crowley to the world. Another New Thought idea that has been popularized is the teaching of "Mindfulness". This is another form of "playing God" by policing your own thinking. Of course, if you are the policeman, that is different than inviting God to guide you. These ideas have modern people quite confused.
@npzwane9331 10 ай бұрын
The bible says grey hair is evidence of wisdom. And what this brother says is wisdom. Choosing to say the truth which may cause you to loose friends and money.
@FA-God-s-Words-Matter 11 ай бұрын
If we follow those who subscribe to the doctrine of women wearing veils, then it can be argued that the most often cited verse is 1st Corinth. 11:5, which states: “But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.” According to many of those who believe women ought to wear veils this verse supposedly implies that a woman’s uncovered head is a woman who does not wear a veil. Such a woman is either dishonoring God, their own physical head or her husband for failing to wear it which implies that they are in disobedience. Some have gone so far as to say it is a sin. Another assumption is that the woman being referred to already has long hair and since they conclude that the covering is a veil then it must be referring to an “additional” covering otherwise it would clash with verse 15 stating that God gave women long hair for a covering. Another conclusion is that women ought to be covered ONLY when praying and prophesying which would make it seem as though it were something that can be placed on or taken off like a veil. You’ve probably noticed by now it takes several assumptions for them to reach the conclusion that women ought to wear a foreign object on their heads, despite the lack of evidence. * Does the Bible really give a clear command that women should wear a veil? The first thing that everyone must understand when talking about this topic is that it DOES NOT say the word “veil “or any other physical headwear, as far as the KJV is concerned. It surely mentions that the woman’s head should be covered, and no one disputes this but it does not say that it should be covered with a veil, a shawl, a bonnet, a cap, or any other specific headwear. The verses in question within 1st Corinthians 11 mention the words, cover, covered, uncovered, and covering, but that does not mean we can translate this to mean a veil, a shawl, a bonnet, a cap, or anything else similar. In fact, it would seem more like an adverb rather than a noun. Nevertheless, the word “cover” is often unfortunately interpreted by head covering promoters to mean a veil above all other types of headwear, even if there is no evidence to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. To do so would mean that one is trying to read more into the verse than what is actually stated and is not truly seeking an exegesis of the Scriptures. Some have claimed that they are referring to a physical synthetic head covering because the Scriptures seem to indicate that there are two exclusive conditions in order to wear one and that is when a woman is either praying and/or prophesying. But does this interpretation stand up to logic? If we were to believe that under certain conditions a woman ought to wear a physical head covering, then it stands to reason that under OTHER conditions a woman should be able NOT to wear one. For example, if you are going to argue that a woman ought to wear a veil because the Bible claims there are two conditions, then it is logical to presume that any other condition would ALLOW them to be without one, like speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, healing the sick, casting out devils, etc. Now if a head covering promoter should claim that there are MORE conditions, then they admit that there aren’t really “two” conditions thereby nullifying the two-condition argument. The reasoning behind why the “two-condition” argument is important for veil promoters is because if these words were actual conditions, then it would seem as though the covering were something that can be placed on or taken off. So even though it does not literally or EXPLICITLY say anything about putting on or taking off a veil. Veil promotors form this belief based on what they believe to be IMPLIED and not by a direct statement. Many people like to believe this because they ASSUME that praying and prophesying are two conditions instead of seeing them as mere examples. * Praying and prophesying were meant to be viewed as examples, not conditions… Now I can understand how someone can mistakenly conclude praying and prophesying as conditions in verse 5, on the surface, but once you read the rest of the verses in context one cannot reach that conclusion. For example, if the strongest argument is because there were conditions for women to wear veils because of verse 5 then why don’t we hear the same thing spoken of about men in verse 4? “Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.” Normally we do not hear the argument that men ought not to have their heads covered exclusively under two conditions as we hear for women as to why they should. I think it is because that would imply that they CAN have their heads covered under other circumstances like the examples I mentioned before as in speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, healing the sick, casting out devils, etc. But I suspect a veil promoter would not go along with this. Then there is verse 7: “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.” So, there seems to be ANOTHER reason for men not to cover. Therefore, if the reason for men not to cover their heads in this verse is because he is the “image and glory of God,” then why even mention praying or prophesying in verse 4? Should a man not be covered under ANY condition since verse 7 overrides any supposed conditions? Shouldn’t that make you question that perhaps Paul was just giving a couple of examples? Verses 4 and 5 are basically the same except for whom they are directed yet when one hears the arguments by veil promoters it is typically about how verse 5 is conditional for women yet for men in verse 4 it is usually not spoken of. Again, isn’t it more likely that Paul was using the words praying and prophesying as examples in both verses? We can also get a sense that Paul was referring to praying and prophesying as examples if we read verse 13 when it only mentions the word praying and NOT prophesying. “Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?” If there were only two exclusive conditions, then why would he leave out prophesying? We can’t say he got tired in his writing as he mentioned both words in verses 4 and 5. So, what can we say about this? Just that Paul was giving us a couple of examples of how doing something HOLY or GODLY does not give a pleasant appearance if the woman is uncovered, meaning not covered in long hair and the same goes for men when their heads are covered in long hair since that is exactly one is supposed to understand when reading verse 14. * So Is the Covering Long Hair or a Veil? ….. If we examine all the verses from verses 4 to 15 without bias, we should at least agree that at certain points the verses are referring to physical heads and hair. In that case, what we should be asking when mentioning the words “covered,” “cover,” “uncovered” and “covering” is: Are they referring to long or short hair or some kind of foreign object that goes on the head? Some will even say all the above, but if we carefully examine verse 15 we would be getting a clearer picture of what was being referred to in the earlier verses when it mentions these words. “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her FOR a covering." KJV So if the covering is long hair, then the words “covered” or “cover” (which are synonymous with “covering”) should be understood as long hair as well. If that’s true, then to be “uncovered” would mean “short hair.” If so, then we can get a better picture of verse 4 when it says that it is shameful or dishonorable for a man to pray or prophesy with his head “covered.” Note the similarity of verse 4 to verse 14 that’s because they are both referring to being covered in LONG hair.
@bigjerm1631 11 ай бұрын
Well I enjoyed it. Thanks. And God bless 👍
@barend4803 11 ай бұрын
Great teaching.
@user-ls4vp7ty5l Жыл бұрын
Men: do not cover your heads when praying Women: cover your heads when praying Pray always ! It's NATURAL to have hair on your head, God created you with hair on your head. It's un-natural to cover the head for women and it's un-natural for a man to un-cover his head, to take off the hat or scarf. This requires OBEDIENCE and right action according to "thus saith the LORD" God wants OBEDIENCE! The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 (KJV)
@robertmiller812 11 ай бұрын
the major issue is that some have made a distinction between the words "covering" and "long hair" when it seems like they are both the same. So if a woman is to cover her head and long hair is the covering then isn't it logical to understand that Paul is saying that the woman is to cover her head in long hair? The counterargument to that is the fact it states that a woman is to cover her head while praying and prophesying and that men are to do the opposite. So there is a false "appearance" that such things were to be done only under two conditions. But that is not what we read. It doesn't say the word "only" and when we read further it says another reason men shouldn't cover their heads is because he is the "image and glory of God" so there goes the two-conditional argument. One assumes that there are two conditions when one can easily argue that Paul was giving just two examples. In that it would look off if a woman doing something holy LIKE praying and prophesying while having such a short haircut and the same can be said for the man with long hair. Logic also dictates that if a woman must wear a cloth covering based on two conditions then doesn't that imply that she CAN be without it if she were to do something else like say cast out demons, talk in tongues, or interpret tongues etc. This head covering doctrine fails once one put things into logical perspective.
@lukepinn621 10 ай бұрын
@@robertmiller812you take the hair is the only covering needed into verse 6 it reads like this if she does not have her hair on let her be shorn for it is shameful to be shorn or shaven let her be have her hair on. looking at this this becomes so confusing and completely doesn't make any sense, if she hasn't got her hair on then she is bald so to say that she might as well be shorn makes no sense as without her hair she cannot be shorn.
@FA-God-s-Words-Matter 5 ай бұрын
@@lukepinn621 Well if you are explaining it that way then some might see this as logical BUT your explanation isn't exactly correct to begin with, Allow me to butt in for a moment here. The idea seems like it does not make sense as it seems to be repetitive, but this is not being understood correctly. If being uncovered or not covered means having short hair and NOT BALD then it is possible that it can be shaved or shorn off. I have short hair, but neither is it a buzz cut or shaved off bald. Therefore, even though I have short hair it doesn’t mean that it cannot be cut even shorter or shaved bald. So now it is important to understand what shorn and shaven mean. The word “shorn” is the same word used when you shear sheep. A stubble is left behind. And shaven implies using a razor which implies that all the hair would be taken clean off. Note that the word “shorn” is repeated alongside the word “shaven” in the KJV as if to confirm and clarify that Paul is referring has to do with something extreme and that it causes shame. Obviously cutting off an inch of hair is not going to cause shame therefore the meaning implies something more. And since both words imply seeing the scalp he must be referring to baldness. A quick look at any dictionary will show that these words are synonymous. Therefore, by mentioning these words side by side Paul would seem to be emphasizing the fact that women with short hair may as well be made bald. Yet some refuse to see the obvious logic and will claim that it doesn’t mean baldness but just that it simply means cut, brushing aside the fact that it has a capacity of causing shame, but they don’t do the due diligence of research. For example, the SAME word “shorn” is used when Paul makes a vow and cuts off his hair. I don’t think any normal person reading this would assume that Paul took an inch off his hair right? No, it was common back then that when someone was serious about a vow, they would do a serious act like cutting ALL their hair off. There is nowhere to run away from this, shorn just like shaven has to do with baldness. It would also be very difficult to claim that Paul was speaking metaphorically as hair seems to be the main theme here and the removal thereof repeatedly. Why would he repeat the words shaved or shorn unless he was being literal? I think most of us can agree that having short hair (like in a typical male haircut) is NOT the same as having their hair shorn or shaven aka bald. Therefore, a woman being “uncovered” simply means that she has short hair and that in doing so she might as well shave the REST of her hair off. It’s not that complicated once you understand what it means to be covered or uncovered. Everything else starts to make sense when you read the other verses knowing that they are referring to hair. Unfortunately, people tend to get stuck on just a couple of words that vaguely seem like some kind of headwear but do not consider all the verses that show that “covering” means long hair and that “uncovered” means short hair. Therefore, given all this logic and proof, how can we conclude that they are referring to a hat, bonnet, or veil? I reiterate, how can one have logical judgments in the example I gave that by merely looking at a long-haired woman performing such holy acts without a veil one would automatically assume that there is a foreign object missing? It makes no logical sense. Therefore, I implore everyone to set aside any bias and explain to themselves 1st Corinthians 11:13 thoroughly, but I suspect most people will simply ignore it. This, therefore, makes the whole veil interpretation wrong, that it cannot be substantiated and should be rejected.
@richardgregg471 Жыл бұрын
John macArthur on justification four minutes
@divyaa155 Жыл бұрын
'Wretched': gave a good answer. He said that the statement of Paul, if you read it in context, is talking about creative order, expressed in cultural norms of those times. I have a friend, who after her encounter with Jesus, was convicted about her jealousy, envy, treatment of her parents, and even feelings of lust - but was NOT convicted about not wearing head-covering.
@mkneile2055 Жыл бұрын
What the early Christians believed about the woman's head covering.
@robertmiller812 11 ай бұрын
@stevemeinecke Жыл бұрын
Thank you for calling him out makes me sick thank God for great work
@mattalley4330 Жыл бұрын
One snake oil salesman doesnt like how another snake oil salesman operates it seems...
@greggmarshall80 Жыл бұрын
No wonder the is critical condition.
@jacquiedeseive3068 Жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 1:2 To the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, "with all who in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours." This is the introduction of the letter to the Corinthians, as you see whom Paul included, was not only to the Corinthians but to all in every place where believers would call on the name of Jesus Christ. This eliminates the argument it was only for the Corinthian women to cover. The order of creation Paul uses is appropriate to reiterate. The fact that God will not share His glory is obvious the woman is to cover her glory, her hair. All glory to God as we enter His presence as the Body of Christ in obedience and humility submitting to the order He has called us to.
@nwaninwakaego7724 Жыл бұрын
I have stop listening to Joel Osteen.lf Joel says that they are many ways to heaven ,l mean what is he teaching his congregation.God have mercy.
@jamesmcclelland9515 Жыл бұрын
@RealBobLoblaw Жыл бұрын
In modern society the "custom" of head coverings has been tossed along with the "custom" being in subjection to a husband!
@user-iz8np3vv4i Жыл бұрын
The 'covering' is the hair. A woman must be covered with her long hair. There are many scriptures.
@robertmiller812 11 ай бұрын
the major issue is that some have made a distinction between the words "covering" and "long hair" when it seems like they are both the same. So if a woman is to cover her head and long hair is the covering then isn't it logical to understand that Paul is saying that the woman is to cover her head in long hair? The counterargument to that is the fact it states that a woman is to cover her head while praying and prophesying and that men are to do the opposite. So there is a false "appearance" that such things were to be done only under two conditions. But that is not what we read. It doesn't say the word "only" and when we read further it says another reason men shouldn't cover their heads is because he is the "image and glory of God" so there goes the two-conditional argument. One assumes that there are two conditions when one can easily argue that Paul was giving just two examples. In that it would look off if a woman doing something holy LIKE praying and prophesying while having such a short haircut and the same can be said for the man with long hair. Logic also dictates that if a woman must wear a cloth covering based on two conditions then doesn't that imply that she CAN be without it if she were to do something else like say cast out demons, talk in tongues, or interpret tongues etc. This head covering doctrine fails once one put things into logical perspective.
@kirkhotopp2522 Жыл бұрын
False Prophets shall come forth out of all Nations before The Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!
@BibleLosophR Жыл бұрын
In addition to Jesus celebrating Hanukkah even though it was a tradition and not a holy day the Mosaic Law commanded, Jesus also participated in synagogues. Synagogues aren't commanded in the Mosaic Law either.
@MrCGal220 Жыл бұрын
When God became a man, a new age began. A light had dawned upon those living in darkness. (Isaiah 42:6-9; 49:1-8). Israel's light had come (Isaiah 60:1-6). Now, if this was the beginning of the Messianic age (which it was), and "the end of the age" has not occurred, then it is incorrect to suppose that "the end of the age" which Jesus spoke of in Matthew is the end of an imaginary "age of Moses." The ages were never meant to convey anything other than the promises of God, which were hidden in a mystery in ages past, and now revealed. These revealed mysteries were meant to be disclosed THROUGH the church to the principalities and powers of this age. Let us boldly proclaim the Gospel brothers!
@taylor3101 Жыл бұрын
another example of this phenomenon would be that the swastika has been used by many different ethnic groups and cultures, one of which being a Buddhist symbol of peace.
@Sola-Scriptura777 Жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 11:1-16 KJV 11 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. 4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. 5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. 11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. 12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God. 13 Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? 14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. 16 But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. Deuteronomy 22:5 KJV The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
@NilsWeber-mb5hg Жыл бұрын
@robertmiller812 11 ай бұрын
the major issue is that some have made a distinction between the words "covering" and "long hair" when it seems like they are both the same. So if a woman is to cover her head and long hair is the covering then isn't it logical to understand that Paul is saying that the woman is to cover her head in long hair? The counterargument to that is the fact it states that a woman is to cover her head while praying and prophesying and that men are to do the opposite. So there is a false "appearance" that such things were to be done only under two conditions. But that is not what we read. It doesn't say the word "only" and when we read further it says another reason men shouldn't cover their heads is because he is the "image and glory of God" so there goes the two-conditional argument. One assumes that there are two conditions when one can easily argue that Paul was giving just two examples. In that it would look off if a woman doing something holy LIKE praying and prophesying while having such a short haircut and the same can be said for the man with long hair. Logic also dictates that if a woman must wear a cloth covering based on two conditions then doesn't that imply that she CAN be without it if she were to do something else like say cast out demons, talk in tongues, or interpret tongues etc. This head covering doctrine fails once one put things into logical perspective.
@russelblackwell6041 Жыл бұрын
i so with we had John here in Australia amazing man of God
@LucidDreamer54321 Жыл бұрын
A Calvinist criticising a promoter of the prosperity gospel: We can call this the War of the Heretics.
@biblicalbroadcasting2639 Жыл бұрын
Don't be silly!
@LucidDreamer54321 Жыл бұрын
@Biblical Broadcasting I haven't been so far. That is your job.
@LucidDreamer54321 Жыл бұрын
Good luck trying to figure out who has taken more money from people in the name of God; John MacArthur or Joel Osteen. You would need a team of accountants for that project.
@williamhaska1703 Жыл бұрын
One is the truth and one is false
@LucidDreamer54321 Жыл бұрын
@William Haska Both are grossly false.
@menockasangma5766 Жыл бұрын
I don't like the background music at all.. It is so distracting
@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Жыл бұрын
* Starting Off on the Right Foot… It can be argued that the confusion about women having to wear a veil or something similar could be attributed to the Bible version one is using. For example some translations add the words “…a symbol…” while others do not. Also some use the word “wife” instead of “woman” or “husband” instead of “man.” Whereas other versions like the King James Version never uses the words “wife” or “husband.” For some the chapter supposedly refers only to married couples and still others believe it refers to men and women in general. In addition it delves into the creation order (See verses 8 and 9). A misunderstanding in just a few words can throw off the entire meaning of the chapter. Therefore, it’s best to use only the King James Version in this matter, which seems to be simpler and more concise. * Where the problem usually begins… If we follow those who subscribe to the doctrine of women wearing veils then it can be argued that the most often cited verse in this teaching is 1st Corinth. 11:5, which states: “But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.” According to those who believe women ought to wear veils this verse implies that a woman’s uncovered head is someone who does not wear a veil, is wrong for not doing so and assumes that such a person already has long hair. Therefore, the conclusion is that it must be referring to an “additional” covering. Another conclusion is that if a woman ought to be covered ONLY when praying and prophesying then it would seem as though it is something that can be taken on or off like a veil. But one should keep in mind that the word “veil” is not actually mentioned here neither anything that IMPLICITLY states that the covering is something can be placed on or taken off. Here’s something to consider: imagine a woman with long flowing hair praying and prophesying without a veil. Would the lack of a veil really equate to someone as if they were shaven? Why would anyone come to this conclusion? It would seem a bit odd that a woman with long hair who is not wearing a veil should somehow be equated to being shaved. This is most certainly an odd thought pattern if we accept the veil interpretation. But it does fit the narrative of those who understand the word “uncovered” to mean “not covered in long hair” or simply put, “short hair.” Looking at a woman with short hair one can easily say that she might as well be shaven. So be honest, doesn’t it make more sense that if a woman is uncovered (meaning has short hair) would be more closely relatable to being shaven than someone with long hair “without” a veil to be equated to being shaved? To put it in another way it is not a big leap to make the correlation between short hair to being shaven, unlike being asked to make a GIGANTIC LEAP OF LOGIC that an unveiled woman (even with long flowing hair) is somehow equated to being shaved. * Is the Covering Long Hair or a Veil? ….. If we examine all the verses from verse 4 to 15 without bias we should at least conclude that the passages have something to do with the physical heads of both men and women. The question we should ask is: Are they referring to hair that covers the head or some kind of veil? Some will even say both, but if we carefully examine verse 15 it would seem that we would be getting a clearer picture of what was being referred to in the earlier verses when it mentions the words, “covered,” “cover” and uncovered." “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her FOR a covering." If the covering is long hair then to be “covered” which is synonymous to “covering,” should be understood as long hair as well. Then it makes sense when it says that it is shameful or dishonorable for a man to pray or prophesy with his head “covered” because they are referring to long hair. Now logically speaking wouldn’t being “uncovered” or “not covered” then mean short hair? Therefore, if to be covered refers to “long hair” then the opposite should be true, in that to be “uncovered” should be understood as having “short” hair. * You Should Naturally Know Right From Wrong by Just Looking…. If these verses do not move you yet then here’s one that should definitely blow your mind. Paul asks you to make a judgment call in verse 13 as if one should naturally see a problem because he asks you to: "Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?" If “covering” really meant a veil then one would have to explain why anyone would possibly come up with judgment that a woman praying or prophesying WITHOUT A FABRIC VEIL ON THEIR HEAD WOULD LOGICALLY OR NATURALLY LOOK WRONG? Someone needs to explain this logically. Be honest, does looking at someone doing this naturally create a thought that a veil is missing? I have never seen or heard anyone say: "What a shame she is not wearing a veil on her head” after looking at a woman with long hair while praying or prophesying, that would be ludicrous. There is no NATURAL or NORMAL reasoning to make such a judgment. But if the word “uncovered” were to mean "short hair." then it would make logical sense. Because if I see a woman who has a manly haircut doing these holy things like we read in verse 5, then I can naturally judge that something doesn’t look right. Also, the very next verse continues this line of thinking that things should be obvious to understand by mere observation in nature. "Doth not even NATURE itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him." 1st Corinthians 11:14 Note that verses 13 and 14 are two consecutive questions both of which asks you to NATURALLY ASSUME that there something wrong by SEEING a woman’s head to be uncovered (meaning having short hair) and a man having long hair (meaning being covered). I would like to also add that it is NOT jumping from a “veil” in 13 and then suddenly to “hair” in 14 like some would like to suggest, because you will note that verse 15 refers back again to the woman which FLAT OUT STATES the “covering” to mean “long hair.” Therefore there is NO EXCUSE to not understand the previous verses. By this simple understanding we can then understand the part where it states that it is shameful or dishonoring for a man to pray or prophesy with his head covered, meaning covered in long hair, like in verses 4: “Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.” This “dishonoring” of the head fits perfectly with verse 14 where it mentions that it is “shameful“ for a man to have long hair, therefore the topic is the same throughout the verses in that the head covered in this verse refers to “long hair. ” I should also add that these verses in NO WAY imply that the covering on the man can be placed on or taken off, like some like to argue. It’s SIMPLY SAYING that it is a dishonor if a man prays or prophesies in LONG HAIR. The same should be understood in verse 7: “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.” Again, they are NOT implying something that can be put on or taken off but that the man should not cover his head (with long hair) and the reason because he is the image and glory of God. This same idea should be included in the verses that refer to women like in verse 6: “For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.” This verse is often misinterpreted like verse 5 when it’s simply mentioning in the same tone as the previous verse that if a woman has short hair then let her head be shaved BUT if it is a shame to be shaven let her be covered in long hair. It’s really not complicated once you understand what it means to be covered or uncovered. Everything else starts to make sense when you read the other verses knowing that they are referring to hair. I can only imagine how lost one must be when they are stuck on one or two verses that to them seems questionable but not take into consideration all the other verses that point to the “covering” as long hair and “uncovered” to mean short hair. Therefore, given all this logic and proof, how can one conclude that they are referring to a hat, bonnet or veil? Again, how can one have logical judgments or conclusions that by merely looking at a long-haired woman performing such holy acts without a veil that one would automatically assume that there is something off? It makes no logical sense. Therefore, the whole veil doctrine is wrong, it cannot be substantiated and should be rejected.
@daletaco835 Жыл бұрын
what an idiot, God is I am. not you
@mattlopez8391 Жыл бұрын
Still lil confused but ima keep re watching it till I get it and pray and ask God for help of understanding
@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Жыл бұрын
If we follow those who subscribe to the doctrine of women wearing veils then it can be argued that the most often cited verse in this teaching is 1st Corinth. 11:5, which states: “But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.” According to those who believe women ought to wear veils this verse implies that a woman’s uncovered head is someone who does not wear a veil. That they are wrong for failing to wear it and assumes that such a person already has long hair. Therefore, the conclusion is that it must be referring to an “additional” covering. Another conclusion is that a woman ought to be covered ONLY when praying and prophesying then it would seem as though it is something that can be placed on or taken off like a veil. If there where only two exclusive moments then one should have no problem if an “unveiled” woman speaks in tongues, interprets tongues, heals the sick, casts out devils, etc., right? Following such logic it stands to reason that the other instances that I mentioned should be acceptable WITHOUT a veil, right? Now should they say NO, then they should admit that there may be more instances; thereby making the argument that the covering is removable based on two conditions, to be false. Please keep in mind that the word “veil” is not actually mentioned here, neither anything that EXPLICITLY states that the covering is something can be placed on or taken off. People ASSUME this because they are misreading scripture. So what can we say about this? Just that Paul was giving us a couple of examples of how doing something HOLY or GODLY does not look right if she is uncovered, in other words not covered in long hair. Let’s follow the logic of verse 5 in a real life scenario. Imagine a woman with long flowing hair praying and prophesying without a veil. Would the lack of a veil really equate to someone as if they were shaven? Did people really look at unveiled women as someone shaved? I am not saying this to be funny, but people have literally stated that an unveiled woman was likened to being shaved. Given that this comparison seems illogical one should consider that someone may be reading it wrong. For if “uncovered” means “short hair” then it fits the narrative of those who understand the word “uncovered” to mean “not covered in long hair,” (aka short hair) then the verse would make more sense in that a woman with short hair might as well be shaved, since it is already short. So be honest, doesn’t it make more sense that an “uncovered” woman means a woman with short hair? Wouldn’t that be MORE closely relatable to being “shaven” than to someone who has long hair but not wearing a veil? In other words it is not a big leap to make the correlation between short hair to being shaven than to being asked to make a GIGANTIC LEAP OF LOGIC that an unveiled woman is somehow equal to being shaved. Please don’t dismiss this logic think about it for a minute. If we examine all the verses from verse 4 to 15 without bias we should at least conclude that the passages have something to do with the physical heads of both men and women as well as headship. Bit as far as the physical head is concerned the question we should ask is: When they refer to “covered,” “cover,” “uncovered” and “covering” are they referring to long or short hair or some kind of veil? Some will even say all of the above, but if we carefully examine verse 15 it would seem that we would be getting a clearer picture of what was being referred to in the earlier verses when it mentions the words, “covered,” “cover” and “uncovered." “But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her FOR a covering." If the covering is long hair then the words “covered” or “cover” which are synonymous to “covering” should be understood as long hair as well. Then it makes sense when it says that it is shameful or dishonorable for a man to pray or prophesy with his head “covered” because they are referring to being covered in LONG hair. Now logically speaking wouldn’t being “uncovered” or “not covered” then mean short hair? Therefore, if to be covered refers to “long hair” then the opposite should be true, in that to be “uncovered” should be understood as having “short” hair. Some people will try to complicate this matter by addressing the Greek translation. If we are to make an exegesis to the words presented to us in the Bible then we should be able to easily understand them without having to start studying Greek. If these verses do not move you yet then here’s one that should definitely blow your mind. Paul asks you to make a judgment call in verse 13 as if one should naturally see a problem because he asks you to: "Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?" Paul is asking us to make a judgment. Based on what? The only option is based on observation. Therefore, if “covering” really meant a veil or to be uncovered would mean to be without a veil, then one would have to explain in detail why a FABRIC VEIL would pop up into the average person’s mind when observing a woman praying? Why would you or I look at someone and think that a veil is missing and that it doesn’t look right? Someone needs to explain this logically. Again, don’t dismiss this think about it. Be honest, does looking at a woman doing this naturally create a thought that a veil is missing? I have never seen or heard anyone say: "What a shame she is not wearing a veil on her head” after looking at a woman with long hair while praying, that would be ludicrous. One would have to be literally BRAINWASHED to think that the average person would EVER think that a SEPARATE OBJECT such as a veil would be missing on such a woman’s head. There is no NATURAL or NORMAL reasoning to make such a judgment. But if the word “UNCOVERED” were to mean "SHORT HAIR." then it would make LOGICAL sense. For if I were to observe a woman who has a short haircut doing these holy things like we read in verse 5, then I can naturally judge (by sight) that something doesn’t look right. Also, the very next verse continues this line of thinking that things should be obvious to understand by mere observation in nature. "Doth not even NATURE itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him." 1st Corinthians 11:14 Note that verses 13 and 14 are two consecutive questions both of which asks you to NATURALLY or NORMALLY ASSUME or JUDGE that there is something wrong by OBSERING a woman’s head to be uncovered (having short hair) while praying and a man being covered (having long hair). I would like to also add that it is NOT jumping from a “veil” in 13 and then suddenly to “hair” in 14 like some would like to suggest, because you will note that verse 15 refers back again to the woman which FLAT OUT STATES the “covering” to mean “long hair.” Therefore there is NO EXCUSE to not understand the previous verses. By this simple understanding we can then understand the part where it states that it is shameful or dishonoring for a man to pray or prophesy with his head covered, meaning covered in long hair, like in verses 4: “Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.” This “dishonoring” of the head fits perfectly with verse 14 where it mentions that it is “shameful“ for a man to have long hair, therefore the topic is the same throughout the verses in that the head “COVERED” in this verse refers to “LONG HAIR. ” I should note that verse 4 in NO WAY implies that the covering on the man can be placed on or taken off, like some like to argue, due the aforementioned false interpretation that the verse is being exclusive to two actions instead of seeing them as two examples. As stated before this verse simply states that it is dishonoring if a man does something holy or godly like praying or prophesying while covered in LONG HAIR. The same should be understood in verse 7: “For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.” Again, they are NOT implying something that can be put on or taken off, ESPECIALLY in this verse, as it offers no examples or “supposed” exclusive conditions. In this instance it is to be understood that the man should not cover his head (with long hair) and the reason because he is the image and glory of God. This same idea should be included in the verses that refer to women like in verse 6: “For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.” This verse is often misinterpreted like verse 5 when it is simply mentioning in the same tone as the previous verse that if a woman has short hair then let her head be shaved BUT if it is a shame to be shaven let her be covered in long hair. It’s really not complicated once you understand what it means to be covered or uncovered. Everything else starts to make sense when you read the other verses knowing that they are referring to hair. I have seen too many times people getting stuck on just a couple of words that vaguely seems like some kind of headwear but do not take into consideration all the other verses that show that the “covering” means long hair and that the word “uncovered” is to mean short hair. Also, please keep in mind that there are various sections that would not make sense if you try to force the idea of veils. Therefore, given all this logic and proof, how can one conclude that they are referring to a hat, bonnet or veil?
@robertmiller812 Жыл бұрын
@@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Well said something to consider
@kelleym7623 Жыл бұрын
I am not sure where the information that a whore would walk around uncovered. If we look at scripture when Tamar played the harlot it says she took off her widows clothes and covered herself in a veil this is how Judah mistook her for a harlot and did not know her.
@defendingthegospel721 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful fact. It definitely contradicts those who make the claim that women who had their head uncovered were considered likely harlots. Wonderful just wonderful.
@realityhits3022 2 жыл бұрын
Why are people so bothered by music? I was so diligently listening to the message that i forgot a bg was being played at all. Remember bruce lee, dont miss the heavenly glory by looking at the finger that points to it.
@PresidentChristopher 2 жыл бұрын
God DAMN the head covering! FUCK this shit living in a monotonous hell society where all the women are wearing those god damn dorky-ass goddamn veils! This ain't Scuriah law! DId Jesus condemn the Samaritan woman, or Mary Magdalene, for not wearing some goddamn head covering? I thought Christianity did not enslave us to a bunch of stupid laws, just the love GOd with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself - to not steal, commit fornication, idolatry, fraud, lust, etc... God DAMN having a society full of women hiding their beauty! Fuck it! I WILL NOT follow this fucknig cutom of head coverings! God DAMN going to the mall and not seeing hot women, yes, dressed modestly, but god fucknig DAMN that god damn head covering! God did not enforce his own law in Deuteronomy 17:17 to King David and King Solomon. God turned a total blind eye to his favorites. God will just have to put up with me not forcing my women to wear that god fucking head covering. "God saves who He wants, and changes the rules. I guess He loves them and hates me, so I hate Him too." From a poem "I Hate Fod , and Religion Too".
@blessingblessing4886 2 жыл бұрын
My question is that it talks about women and husbands. Do single women need to cover their long hair too whereas they are not under a man, as in marriage. Oh! confusion oj
@FA-God-s-Words-Matter Жыл бұрын
it talks about women and husbands? Um which version are you reading? My KJV says only women and men. Plus it refers to the order of creation so it def is not about marital status.
@bluemm2852 2 жыл бұрын
Don't be fooled! You can see that these words do not match the mouth of RC Sproul in the video.
@Travis.L 2 жыл бұрын
Ty for posting
@JR-kw3be 2 жыл бұрын
Is it true that basically all Christians until about 100 years ago took 1 cor 11 to mean all women should cover their heads and all men should remain uncovered to pray?
@defendingthegospel721 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to the topic of head coverings I’ve never seen so many people make the point about how head coverings were a “cultural thing” or that the “historical evidence” shows that SOME women wore some kind of headwear for centuries and that due to certain social or cultural movements (like the feminist movement) people started to drift away from it. There are several videos online of lengthy discussions of as to how long women had been wearing something on their heads for centuries and then show how only recently women began to stop wearing them, usually because of an introduction of some evil. This is used to somehow show proof or credence to their beliefs that women ought to wear a veil or something. This is by no means a proof of any kind. One CANNOT use practices that were done by various peoples for various reasons, performed for various years as proof. If one has to resort to going outside the scope of the scriptures to prove their point then their evidence was likely very thin to begin with. Please note that Evidence that is OUTSIDE the confines of the Scriptures is NOT THE SAME LEVEL AS SCRIPTURAL EVIDENCE. Often cited are the facts that there are many ancient pictures or paintings of women wearing some kind of headwear. But again what people did in the past is irrelevant to what the Bible teaches; plus people wore headwear for all sorts of reasons, it doesn’t mean that they were abiding to Scripture either. Again, length of time of a practice cannot be used as proof. For example: The fact that people believed in using CRUCIFIXES and performed INFANT BAPTISMS for CENTURIES does not mean that we ought to accept such practices. (Feel free to Google this.) Wouldn’t those who believe in this use the same reasoning as those who point to history to lend credence to wearing veils? Of course they would. False doctrines have been around for centuries, therefore, how can anyone use paintings, photos or even writings to prove their interpretation of Scripture is correct? All it shows (like crucifixes and infant baptisms) that people can be wrong for a very long period of time. One can even point in the New Testament where people were already misinterpreting Scriptures and teaching others false doctrines. Therefore, what the people did, however long ago, does not prove that what they practiced was scriptural truth. Therefore it is irrelevant if some women in certain parts of the world wore something on their heads for many years, what matters is what the Scriptures teach. Our faith should be based on rock solid verses not the flimsy writings of man.
@JR-kw3be Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your response. I think the stated teachings of 1 cor 11 in combination with the historical interpretation of most Christians through all of church history is proof enough.
@NilsWeber-mb5hg Жыл бұрын
@@JR-kw3be Yes