A Breakdown of The Master
A (Very Late) Review of Starfield
@youdontsay193 4 сағат бұрын
The comments at the beginning are not even trying to hide they're bots
@michaelcarroll5801 6 сағат бұрын
Why is there so much misinformation about backsteps? Let's get this straight. There's no s in ds1 for backsteps. You can avoid attacks with them and they give infinite poise so you can't be staggered from an attack. So you can dodge bigger attacks or boulders with them. Further, they give access to a backstep attack which is a part of any weapons moveset. So they're not really useless
@ryszakowy 7 сағат бұрын
i like to come back to morrowind and oblivion's shivering isles specifically because those are the only 3d games with fantasy that bethesa has made i don't like neither skyrim nor oblivion look orcs and elves yay where's magical land i have no idea what the drama is about but if they are calling you "homophobic" then you have my absolute respect and props absolute chad doesn't metter what happened, if twittards are calling you homophobic then you are doing everything right it's a shame that tricky turned out to be human waste
@skrublordnord69 8 сағат бұрын
Thanks KZfaq for telling me my favorite goat boy was live… 7 hours after he was live! Also hi Cree lol
@cheezburgrproduction 8 сағат бұрын
My biggest problem with control over anything guns or drugs or licensing is that criminals are notorious for not following the law, so why would anyone controlling any amount of anything to any degree be enough to stop someone that wants something badly enough.
@chudpunter 8 сағат бұрын
I had a good time with this game... for a little while, on release. it wasn't perfect, but there was enough new stuff to check out that I had fun (also... I might not have had a ton of more exciting stuff going on at the time). then I stopped playing a stealth build. not that stealth is without plenty of issues, but it at least pretends to have actual mechanics to it. (and while 1-shotting just about every enemy you see might not be ideal, it certainly beats several minutes of weightless slap-fight with them). the cracks began to show pretty quickly. I think the game makes (or at least made) a good first impression. it's big and seemingly-detailed, and wading through mediocre gameplay seems like the price to pay to see the game develop and expand mechanically as you get further in. except it doesn't. the game never gets meaningfully deeper than it is at the very beginning of the game, which is _really_ not very.
@someshambler5536 10 сағат бұрын
Missed the stream :^(
@nicklemieux9816 12 сағат бұрын
Cree you are awesome. Thank you
@buttons551 13 сағат бұрын
The video itself is called "Why Fantasy Worlds SHOULD Be Stuck in Medieval Times" by Perseus Grim.
@RisqueBisquetz 16 сағат бұрын
Playing Fallout 4 was like drawing a high chance lottery and failing every time. Like... The premise of alot of the quest was fun and intriguing, but somehow the skill checks and quest's conclusion are just... mediocre. Not really a bad game, just never fulfilling. Especially true when it comes to the main story of all things.
@BadAtTeaDude 16 сағат бұрын
Because i need pure torment in my life i just purchased the trilogy off Amazon for 40.
@swempytimes 17 сағат бұрын
Now, I love me some good nitpicking, but I did laugh when someone said your complaints were just nitpicking and you nitpick on nitpicking. Very informative tho so I appreciate it, I just found the irony funny 🤣
@swempytimes 17 сағат бұрын
Now, I love me some good nitpicking, but I did laugh when someone said your complaints were just nitpicking and you nitpick on nitpicking. Very informative tho so I appreciate it, I just found the irony funny 🤣
@astrilume 20 сағат бұрын
rich coming from a vtuber furry
@Creetosis 20 сағат бұрын
@@astrilume what does that have to do with anything? And I'm not a furry.
@YEAREAPIRATE 20 сағат бұрын
This aged like dogwater
@Creetosis 20 сағат бұрын
@YEAREAPIRATE 20 сағат бұрын
@@Creetosis grifter
@swagshroomish8300 21 сағат бұрын
shut up homophobe
@Creetosis 20 сағат бұрын
I'm not a homophobe, wtf is wrong with you?
@ProsecutorValentine 18 сағат бұрын
The left is still using words it doesn't understand i see. Figures.
@duncanmcokiner4242 22 сағат бұрын
2:00:40 Cree: "I don't like those crystal frickers." Hydra: "I gotchu, bro."
@duncanmcokiner4242 23 сағат бұрын
Cree is getting blessed by RNGesus live in front of us.
@keepcoming Күн бұрын
7:32:24 Пиздец, каким фимозом надо быть чтобы ругать вегас за что там БОЛЬШЕ ВЫБОРА чем в 3.....
@theodderotter6635 Күн бұрын
Dude got Orris to do his fucking job and shoots a thug and then fucking passes an intelligence check to be a fucking G. Also I think Fallout died a while ago and I won't buy any Fallout games in the future.
@RorytheRomulan Күн бұрын
Another makes the pilgrimage.
@BaconMinion Күн бұрын
Looking at them a little deeper, I can say that I kind of don't blame the people who wrote the show for mangling the BoS the way they did. While it was scrapped, and for good reason, in FO4 when it came to Elder Maxon, the original idea was to take over as Elder, or have Danse do it, the fact remains that they completely bastardized the way the BoS treats its own. I'm speaking of course in regards to Danse himself. You're ordered to kill him because they find out he's a synth, and regardless of what you do, even if you have Maxon spare him, Danse is still considered to be dead to the BoS. And what happens when you go back to report? Maxon gives you all of Danse's stuff, his quarters, his power armor AND PROMOTES YOU TO HIS RANK. You can even call this out and Maxon's only reply is "to the victor goes the spoils". It's no wonder the people who wrote the show have such a twisted notion of what the BoS is, because Bethesda Fallout has twisted them so far in so many different directions that it's horrific. They're so utterly out of touch with what the BoS really are that it honestly feels more like a parody, or they're specifically trying to destroy the entire faction. That's not even mentioning that one of the side jobs you can do for the quartermaster is strong arming settlements into giving up food. The BoS has been reduced to being no better than petty raiders... and I can't even say better armed ones, because there are raiders out there already using power armor. Truly disgraceful.
@buttons551 Күн бұрын
"Hmm, you still have your senses about you? Then why won't you buy some of my moss? I need your souls! Vee hee hee!"
@GrugTalks Күн бұрын
I need Trumps dick in my life
@sheilaarkurshicin Күн бұрын
My mum and my aunt will have Full conversations in their sleep. It's hilarious. My sister sleep walks, which is terrifying. My fiance will spout off nonsense, thinking he's speaking normal sentences, and doesn't remember. And apparently I will sit up, have a conversation, my eyes are open and everything, then lay back down and was never awake. lmao
@DarkestIQ 2 күн бұрын
A looter shooter with a coat of cracking fallout paint with a splash of blade runner on top of it to cover up for the decaying fallout paint.
@sorebeick1064 2 күн бұрын
"Handing one (A Legendary Pokemon) to the player 20 minutes into the game would make them being a 'Legendary' completely meaningless" Meanwhile, the last two generations of games.
@pocketsizedweeb 2 күн бұрын
Why does everything HAVE to tie back to FO3?
@rumooooni 2 күн бұрын
@phil_firestorm 2 күн бұрын
I deleted my original comment because i admit i said something that was stupid i don't care about console wars but i respect any starfield criticism
@BaconMinion 2 күн бұрын
You 'member the ICONIC AND TOTALLY COOL MECHANIST, everybody? Do you? Do you remember? Do you? Do you? The Mechanist? Do you remember? I'm shocked they didn't try to bring back The AntAgonizer while they were at it.
@pocketsizedweeb 2 күн бұрын
A Larian Fallout game, but it's a remake of 1&2 in the isometric engine they have.
@Doc-Glock 2 күн бұрын
It is somewhat comforting to know that embarrassing, performative writing that comes off as patronizing more than anything positive isn't just a problem that's found in a lot of US-centric properties right now.
@creepyspaghetti6015 2 күн бұрын
One moment I’ll always remember from playing fallout four is role playing as a sarcastic sniper and having the “sarcasm” choice leading to no where 70% of the time
@ORKSIZDABEST 2 күн бұрын
Now for the really important question: how did you get infinite thompson ammo?
@Veaug 2 күн бұрын
No I have an issue with POC being casted in traditional European art and stories. It’s insulting
@FeliksOnline 3 күн бұрын
I agree with everything you say because I don't like british people 👍
@Passageofsky 3 күн бұрын
ManyATrueNerd: "Fallout 3 is better than you think". The viewer: "Why, yes... I suppose it is".
@trytounderstand2092 3 күн бұрын
There’s generally no reason to go for criticals on bosses in this game, especially because they get invincibility while recovering from it. You’ll do more damage if you just hit them with your strongest attacks 2 or 3 times, usually.
@Passageofsky 3 күн бұрын
Skyrim's combat is dull brainrot. One thing I'd like to throw out there is that, in Skyrims code, The Dragons had the Dragonborns shouts E.g: Storm Caller, Frost and Fire Breath... they just go unused, Dragons barely speak at all.
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 3 күн бұрын
After Seasons 11,12 and 13 FLUX! one would have thought it impossible to do worse but RTD pulled it off. We now have the four worst seasons of DW in a row. Once we would have thought that near impossible. RTD you are not in a wheelchair and I am starting to see you as evil!
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 3 күн бұрын
Who would want to live in London? One invasion after another. Tennant has been overused and I have Tennantitis. Every person who mentions DW always raves about Tennant but I find his overt often selfish emotional bellowing annoying.
@duncanmcokiner4242 3 күн бұрын
Just so you know, Cree, you can cut off that dragon's tail to get a really good early-game sword. Almost as good as the Black Knight swords.
@buttons551 2 күн бұрын
@@duncanmcokiner4242 He managed to get it.
@duncanmcokiner4242 2 күн бұрын
@@buttons551 Must have missed it. Nice.
@M1lh0u53ISGaming 3 күн бұрын
For me Starfield's story is by far the worst story that has come from Bethesda. Cheers for the video mate, another banger.
@theveteransergeant 3 күн бұрын
House is a liar in the game too. When you carefully distill down what he says in dialog vs the ending slides of he wins, tells you that all House ever was, was an extremely wealthy autocrat who wanted to build his own playground where the poor are kept pit by force. All the ending slides where House wins, life sucks for everyone except him, the Courier, and the crime families. I mean, the show does still wreck the lore, but not for House.
@buttons551 3 күн бұрын
Wombo combo.
@M1lh0u53ISGaming 3 күн бұрын
Parallel universes is such a cop out story line/plot device. Cheers mate for the video. I waited 'till i finished the game before i watched it. Better late then never I guess. Excellent. vid mate.
@DarknessSwordmaster 3 күн бұрын
Honestly even with your comment it's just hard to listen. How cay they fuck up this badly is beyond my comprehension...
@Passageofsky 3 күн бұрын
The story in this title is so boring I skipped it in this retrospective, I'm sorry it's just soo boring I never beat Fallout 3 and I doubt I could because it's absoutely worthless and uninteresting... I usually just walk through the world and take up quests occasionally at my own pace, I love the games Atmosphere... it's fantastic, the art direction is compelling if very tonally and stylistically seperate to one and two in some ways... I still think that the passing of the artist (Adam Adamowicks) was a terrible loss, the last title he worked on was The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim... and worked on The Shivering Isles and The Elder Scrolls I.V Oblivion and maybe Morrowind or one of its Dlc I don't know, I think their lead right now if I'm not mistaken is the prior enviromental concept artist.
@SpencyRockMC 3 күн бұрын
You claim to have stopped watching Doctor Who after the 50th near the end of your video. I cannot stress enough how phenomenal the Capaldi era of the show is. I agree with a good chunk of what you had to say in this video, but honestly my main takeaway is that more people should watch The Twelfth Doctor lmao
@Creetosis 3 күн бұрын
@@SpencyRockMC I have heard mixed, but generally good things. I want to do videos covering the revival to the end of Jodie's era, so I will eventually be watching Capaldi's era.