would you rather - reader edition
the oldest books on my TBR 👀
the BEST books of 2023!!!
5 ай бұрын
new year, NEW BOOKS
5 ай бұрын
(My Boyfriend's) Book Shelf Tour
I'm back... with new books!!!
Books I don't talk about enough!
@durandaldevil 7 сағат бұрын
Yes, the Folgers editions are fantastic!
@nicholashill9302 10 сағат бұрын
Poets, Larkin, Heaney, Plath; Letters Seamus Heaney,
@durandaldevil 10 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this video! By the way, speaking of opera, I love Verdi’s Macbeth.
@danflores9174 19 сағат бұрын
Teary eyed, my number one is also Anna and I 100% agree with you, Levin stole my heart!!! Question, any thoughts on the translation for WAR. We have the same copy of Anna it looks like. I would like the translation to capture the essence of the writer. Thanks in advance!! Books will save us!
@annacasablancascervantes4922 Күн бұрын
I was listening to your reading of Holden's feelings at his brother's death and I could feel so identified with it... I lost my dear sister last year and there are feelings you can't express because they can't be put into words. I am no longer a teenager, but I do understand Holden so much.
@user-jw4rd7ho7u 2 күн бұрын
Russia is a terrorist state
@greghill7691 2 күн бұрын
Another relatively short novel comparable to Flowers for Algernon is Anthony Burgess' A Clovkwork Orange. That would make a grest trio to read with evolving narrators, ethics and great movies: Color Purple, Algernon/Chsrley and Clockwork.
@greghill7691 2 күн бұрын
Flowers for Algernon is a favorite and is very similar to The Color Purple-the reader hears the narrator evolve. This is very powerful. Both were made into very good films: the former being Charley with Cliff Robertson. The book on one level deals with medical ethics and has an affinity for a later work: Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal. In the end both Charley anf in a way Algernon have a lot to forgive.
@Abuamina001 2 күн бұрын
I can recommend "Hadji Murad" by Leo Tolstoy to that list.
@Nora-yf8ne 2 күн бұрын
Here after they got married!💙
@Abuamina001 2 күн бұрын
I can recommend "Hadji Murad" by Leo Tolstoy - 100 pages, but still a 'profound' read.
@Summalogicae 3 күн бұрын
I like many of your choices. I keep trying to come up with a top ten list that everyone should read before they die/if they are currently breathing and I cannot get past the 13th century. I’ll keep trying.
@Marymooau 3 күн бұрын
I read Les misérables for the first time When I was 10. I’ve loved it ever since and read it many times again. My favourite novel of all time. Victor Hugo was a literary genius.
@user-ze6xb8yw1q 4 күн бұрын
Question : When are we gonna see the Middlemarch review with you and Emma?
@annedixon7609 4 күн бұрын
I saw one of your other videos were you and Amber starting to read the classics? I don’t remember how long ago and I don’t remember the timeframe.
@annedixon7609 4 күн бұрын
I want to read the count of Monte Cristo and annotate it. I also at some point tackle warm peace, but I have no idea what addition I should get.
@annedixon7609 4 күн бұрын
I want to start Annotate
@doowopshopgal 4 күн бұрын
Would you rather read your book while sitting in a cozy corner on a rainy day, or would you rather read your book in the park on a sunny day?
@rondoflicflac 4 күн бұрын
Read and loved both Chess and Foster! Thanks for the rec, I think Notes from Underground will be a good book to start reading Dostoevsky!!
@farnooshnoroozi9691 4 күн бұрын
All of your recommendations sound great. Thank you. I wasn’t quite sure about reading "Notes from underground" but based on your opinion, I’m going to read it asap. 😊 I don’t know if there’s an English copy of "Mortelle" by Christopher Frank, but I highly recommend it. Hope you enjoy this short story as well.
@rondoflicflac 5 күн бұрын
The photo in the back ❤😍🥰
@brentmonnett953 5 күн бұрын
Dostoevsky- Notes from Underground, Baldwin- Giovanni's Room, Joseph Benner- The Impersonal Life, James Allen- As A Man Thinketh, Gibran- The Prophet, Wilde- De Profundis, and Anne Bronte- Agnes Grey are all short/shorter books I would wholeheartedly recommend. I love your content, Carolyn! Thank you as always for being delightful. 😊
@365tage9 5 күн бұрын
boring video!
@user-gm5mk2xg6j 5 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for the interesting video, but I’m interested in whether you will read “The Master and Margarita” to share your opinion about one of my favorite novels?
@smartrat9738 6 күн бұрын
My deepest respect to the person who dared to translate the immortal Pushkin's novel into English. I've heard it in English for the first time. And yes - it's brilliant!.. (Greetings from Russia!)
@Sam-os3uv 6 күн бұрын
Please read "Mornings in Jenin"
@darvironia3578 7 күн бұрын
Thank you a lot for these tips ❤
@rondoflicflac 8 күн бұрын
Loved this!!!
@user-nd5qr5gx4i 8 күн бұрын
Really like your reviews and suggestions.
@booklady8888 9 күн бұрын
Hi, I wondered if there is a list of the books you received? There are a few I would like to read but didn't catch the full names or authors, and when I stop the video, I still can't make out the information. Thanks, and happy reading 📚 😊
@user-kw4xe4up1x 9 күн бұрын
I'm awestruck. Notes from Underground. I had just thought how fortunate I've been that I didn't start combing the works of Dostoyevsky of that book. How obnoxious a character and a book all in all! (Should I check out your vlog about that nasty little fouly? Hmm.) But what a luminous pearl one of his books is. The gambler. The perfect description of the lust for gambling.
@booklady8888 9 күн бұрын
I really enjoyed this vlog. It's nice to see a bit more than just books. Love the clothes!😊
@user-gb1pj5ns2x 9 күн бұрын
Probably 60 years ago I read "We the Living," a Russian story by Ayn Rand...it unlike any of her other books. The story fades in this old man's mind somewhat, but I remember I loved it.
@user-gb1pj5ns2x 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Carolyn! I am 80, not here for long no doubt, but I loved Russian literature since very young, studied Russian people & history and was looking for my film, (umpteenth time) "Anna Karinina," or War & Peace. I loved the book, "Brothers Karamazov," Russian poetry and love & pray for the great country of Russia and their fine, fine leader. I am perked up more than I can express...my many years ends with creaking days. I wish decades ago I'd have met an avid and intelligent reader as you. You are great. Thanks for making a lover of good books feel much better.
@Marshmallow_Venom 10 күн бұрын
Animal Farm, all the way. A powerful commentary on society and politics from George Orwell.
@oliviawd4959 10 күн бұрын
Love this! Please do more of these! ❤
@patrik_bergman 10 күн бұрын
Excellent video! I have Magarshack right now and it seems to be in the middle of all these. I made a similar video on the Brothers Karamazov where MacAndrews came out on top.
@DaleTubbs-pk2ph 12 күн бұрын
Carolyn, I'm reading AK in the Marian Schwartz translation for the second time. Are you familiar with her?
@griffinclark1319 12 күн бұрын
A Chess Story blew me away… such an amazing story in such a short novel! Some of my favorite short stories: A Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez and White Nights by Dostoyevsky
@CamsCampbellReads 12 күн бұрын
Just wonderful to see your joy. The Emma Threads edition is gorgeous. I'm reading War and Peace again right now, which is no doubt why the algorithm put your video in my feed. I won't watch your other vlogs just yet as I don't want spoilers, but the way you dealt with spoilers by holding up Tolstoy was genius!
@artmaniac7706 13 күн бұрын
Thankyou it helped alot❤❤
@mignonib 13 күн бұрын
I love this concept!
@willieluncheonette5843 13 күн бұрын
" Kafka, the story goes, encountered a little girl in the park where he went walking daily. She was crying. She had lost her doll and was desolate. Kafka offered to help her look for the doll and arranged to meet her the next day at the same spot. Unable to find the doll he composed a letter from the doll and read it to her when they met. 'Please do not mourn me, I have gone on a trip to see the world. I will write you of my adventures.' This was the beginning of many letters. When he and the little girl met he read her from these carefully composed letters the imagined adventures of the beloved doll. The little girl was comforted. When the meetings came to an end Kafka presented her with a doll. She obviously looked different from the original doll. An attached letter explained 'My travels have changed me.' Many years later, the now grown girl found a letter stuffed into an unnoticed crevice in the cherished replacement doll. In summary it said: *Every thing that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form."
@therealjetlag 13 күн бұрын
If I saw a book annotated like this in a charity shop, I would grab it with both hands and probably let out a little squeal. I think I would SKIP to the till to pay for it 😅
@WaterBearReads 14 күн бұрын
I recently read 'Roman Fever' by Edith Wharton and felt that it really packed that punch!
@libertylady4041 14 күн бұрын
Thank you all look great!
@scionsilverbeat8149 14 күн бұрын
I’ve read every book I own at least once. So I’m so excited to reread everything and this time, I wanna annotate EVERYTHING 😂 This video was really helpful ❤ Rather than colour coding, I’d love to match everything to the colour of the book. I’m okay with highlighting I think. But I’ll likely use sticky notes for writing. Thank you for the brands as well! One extra thing I think I’ll do is use a scrap book. Like you said, I don’t want my reading flow to be disrupted. So as I go, I plan to scribble page numbers and whatever it is I wish to say on the notebook. I’ll properly add in all my sticky tabs/notes and annotating after I finish the book using that 😊 If it seems fun, I might even get one other book just for quotes. Colour coding it as well, I want it so that I can have quotes from all the books together in one place
@user-bt3cn4xy8z 14 күн бұрын
I am reading Notes from Underground now - I'm about halfway through and am loving it. His critique/parody(?)/variant of egoism and the absurdity of utopianism is fascinating. I think we all know someone like the underground man (or have interacted with him online) and his wisdom contrasted with his pathetic self pitying makes for a fascinating character. I'm super excited to explore more of his works!
@CoDLover7771 15 күн бұрын
Hi, I’m new to the channel but I would love to see/hear your full spoilers included feeling on this book 🙂
@celinenasrallah7061 15 күн бұрын
I strongly recommend Letter from an Unknown Woman by Stefan Zweig!