@incredibleboy1386 Күн бұрын
You really helped me Thanks !
@AlexandruCatrina-bk6jg Ай бұрын
12:26 it could be useful for Naruto or young enid
@dacatindahat8275 2 ай бұрын
So many scrubs in hear. Heat is trash.
@motorspin 3 ай бұрын
Is Evo banned Pakistan?
@Andreslashfully 3 ай бұрын
Bro how are people not talking about this? Its absurd. Why do I have to pay for a character I will NEVER play just to lab against him. What in the fuck...
@quantruong9078 3 ай бұрын
Tekken...street fighter 6...and mortal combat 1..........IS ALL GARBAGE
@WARLORD626 3 ай бұрын
rixxie 306 what about using PC software to put a filter over Tekken 8 to make custom outfits instead of Modding,would that be legal ?
@rixxi 3 ай бұрын
Possibly it is your software!
@NoorArmoush-sd6sd 3 ай бұрын
Man i need lei wulong
@drjones694 3 ай бұрын
Lei Wu Long with a power buff like Yoshi so he can compete
@OldSnake36 3 ай бұрын
He is not wrong
@kazuyaur 3 ай бұрын
Armor king is next My Main Armor king
@rixxi 3 ай бұрын
Same brother it's only a matter of time!
@kazuyaur 3 ай бұрын
@rixxi now what Bro?leaks were true next is Marduk and Fakuram Armor king will be in season 2 now what?😔😔😔😔
@rixxi 3 ай бұрын
@@kazuyaur I saw will make a video talking about it!
@finnmarr-heenan2397 3 ай бұрын
I could tell from the first gameplay trailer .
@daddyTHEFATHER330 3 ай бұрын
Why Korea AND Pakistan? I think pakistan has by far replaced Korea pakistan Is the best and Korea is the 2nd best.
@holden6104 3 ай бұрын
EVO Japan Top 8: Ulsan, CBM, Jjeondding, JDCR, Meo-Il, Infested + 1 random Japanese + 1 random Korean. How boring.
@Tkdbar 3 ай бұрын
With knee on this. It’s novelty at the moment.
@fryguy1133 3 ай бұрын
I lost all respect for Knee....
@qweqweqwadcsc 3 ай бұрын
Jdcr was not lying
@user-hj9hk2lx7s 3 ай бұрын
응 잡다우승~
@abrahamalviarez5870 3 ай бұрын
this change is AWFUL for players from regions with few players, I play in the south america servers and with this change I spend like 2 mins looking for a match, sometimes even more time, before the change I could find a match in seconds.
@abrahamalviarez5870 3 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed being paired with people with levels much higher than mine before the change, like fighting against a tekken god it was the funny thing of quickplay, the random encounters
@MrGustavoFringW 3 ай бұрын
So many people from EU and NA play like scrub in Tekken because they get used to play MK and injustice.
@jeffbridges6110 3 ай бұрын
Yeah , this ranked match fumble will cause even more plugging. I play multiple characters because it is boring to play the same character over and over. I can't even hardly get a win anymore. They need to fix so much crap in this game.
@Qaintrain91420 3 ай бұрын
They did it because of eddy Because if you bought him in the d, l, c, you had to start off from beginner.So a lot of high level people were cherry picking people.That's the reason why they did the update
@Qaintrain91420 3 ай бұрын
I just like to play More than one character. You're good.Mine is around 230000 And i'm only a fujin
@BigDaddyWes 3 ай бұрын
This isn't news. It's just a rumor. Literally reading reddit posts and tweets and acting like it's straight from the designers. It's entirely speculation. There are other reasons why your matchmaking can "feel off" other than secret nefarious updates. Don't perpetuate stuff like this man. Tekken players complain about Tekken. That's what they do best.
@kato093 3 ай бұрын
No it's fact. I noticed that too. Matchmaking got a lot slower because I used to get matched against garyus, shinryus, tenryus, all rulers, up to kishin, with various prowess, from 90k to 200k. Now I find players at around 140k prowess only, which is close to my 145k (I was 120. Then played 5 matches and got to ruler, jumped to 145). The experience was more varied and matchmaking was a lot faster. Like a match every 5 seconds fast. Now it takes 15-30 seconds to find a match. And many times it ends up being people with 100ms ping for some reason. The game got significantly worse, with A LOT more lag as the players pool got reduced significantly
@krisztianfrandsen8780 2 ай бұрын
@@kato093yes another issue is that it Will even try and find OTHER REGIONS YES you read correctly OTHER it says OTHER sometimes and Idk why but it seems alot of High ranked players depending on where you are will be 60-100 Ping - 1-2 rollback essentially making the set unplayable. This is most likely due to you facing the small percentage of High ranked in your known area and if it cant find someone in that region you selected to match with, it Will do as mentioned above and litterally match you with just about anyone anywhere any region hence the other region. and it does it alot and i mean every second match RENEMBER TO LOOK AT YOUR MATCH OPPONENY DURING THE LOADING PHASE. for me i have EU 2 but sometimes after the change it Will say other
@AntagonisticArtichoke 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been through rank with three characters my bo is 129k this update made a wide majority of my fights easier. It’s good for the ego but getting to purple facing the same people multiple times it hit or miss some players don’t adapt at all
@BeastPriest- 3 ай бұрын
Anybody saying this is good are red ranks who get bodied often😂😂😂 if i am 250k prowess and want to learn panda and my panda is a garyu and i do not understand my character yet you are saying i have to get penalized and play God of Destructions using their main character because you are trash at tekken 😂😂😂 please Uninstall the game i stopped playing ranked and just find players to add to my friends list that are high ranked learning new characters
@michaeldietz2648 3 ай бұрын
The way I see the changes it both good and bad. It’s good for legacy players that are already very good at the game and understand the majority of characters they are going to be matched up with people of equal skill and experience. The negative is for the newcomers that are naturally good at video games that get to a higher rank and understand one character but have no experience with others characters outside playing against them. So if your Tekken process 150,000 and you pick a secondary character that you’ve never played with before it’s going to be extremely hard. Ranked matches should go by rank not prowess.
@HonorDojo 3 ай бұрын
He's just saying that US players just button mash and don't really play defensive/organized like Korea or aggressively consistent like Pakistan. If you watch
@yasinstyl3r427 3 ай бұрын
This game ia not tekken. Idk what the fk that is, but its not tekken. I wish i could refund the game
@funstorm1789 3 ай бұрын
this is cope, ranked is a meme and losing to people better than you is what creates Top 8 material. if you cared there 3 other online modes. a lot of us is on the fence of "Is Tekken8 good?" I hear many stories from non-streamers that after they have one good game of tekken, they turn it off. So is that good? or have we created a space where if you get a good outcome it no londer carrys any value?
@dylridders 3 ай бұрын
I’d put 100$ on the people that like this change are dogshit at the game. If you disagree drop your tekken id. bet there’s not one of you in gold ranks
@abrahamalviarez5870 3 ай бұрын
it kinda is good for stop the pros from beating noobs, but it is bad for players who want to learn a new character. idk i am 50/50 with the change.
@antoniocesaro5176 3 ай бұрын
Only noobs and bots are positive with the change... THE RANK SHOULD do the match up.. Ranked is pointless now .. a worse player than you can now be a much higher rank than you.. that is trash guys
@krisztianfrandsen8780 2 ай бұрын
YEEEEES FINALLY THE TRUTH exactly why many want This to stay they are afraid to go back to the phase where we were trying different characters and therefore they had to run into someone with good fundamentals and what did they do? oh Simple they ran away all the 1 an doning is over now in my games cos im now playing very serious players and not these losers who just wanna play hooneymoon tekken away from real good players or ofc as they say “smurfs” OFC they want This to stay This makes tekken Way eay easier for Them i just demolished 2 “Blue rank players who only play 2 characters privat match with my Mighty ryler Paul i am tekken King shaheen main, but i decided to see if these Two could really be Blue NO THEY WERE NOT ranked is fucking inflated and these players dont Seem yo realize how easier it is now for they dont have to play us anymore now they have honneymoon tekken version and me on 250k+ Nah im playing a different game atm.
@hilohade2167 3 ай бұрын
NO!! this is way a better rank system , tekken players crying over everything omg , that is perfect system cause it kills people who plays cheap and ranks up whit bs strats.
@johnw1339 3 ай бұрын
This literally contradicts itself, you are rewarded with lower prowess if you play cheap with 1 character. Alternatively, if you play fundamentals with multiple characters you are punished with (1) fighting higher ranked players (2) much longer queue times.
@krisztianfrandsen8780 2 ай бұрын
@@johnw1339 This is the whole thing that Will split the new players/ casual scene and High level scene comments like that guy above are insanly delusional they HATE LOSING TO GOOD PLAYERS BUT WTF DO THEY THINK WILL HAPPEN ONCE THEY START RANKING UP????? Its not going to be easier its so delusional Wheres the dedication the love for the game people just want results Nice and quiet no stress etc GO PLAY ANOTHER GAME THEN Ffs i fucking cant with these people
@Tesseract1001 3 ай бұрын
Anakin said the exact opposite of you and I think he's a way smarter Tekken player than you. His Eddy got promoted to God of Destruction after only ONE day. That's was because Eddy was a new release and he started at 'Beginner' and matched against other beginners and green ranks. The next day he said people with similar skill level should be matched together and not by what random rank their current character had. And I totally agree with that.
@rixxi 3 ай бұрын
I agree with Anakin though... and this is untrue Anakin did face a few people in beginner rank while playing Eddy. But someone in his chat said to rank up other characters to Tekken God Supreme so his Eddy would be in Fujin Rank and not have to face people in beginner and green ranks. Which he did by demoting his Feng to Tekken God and then promoting him to Tekken God Supreme. Putting Eddy in Fujin rank by default. You made it sound like he was just trashing beginner ranks the entire time which is just not true. You can find that in this VOD which clearly shows this. www.twitch.tv/videos/2108395505
@kato093 3 ай бұрын
So... You should play against god of destruction players with beginner Eddy so it takes you approx 300 years to level up to green ranks?
@Kalastrian 3 ай бұрын
Pretty sure anakin just promo’d another character to get eddy to a reasonable starting place
@Hypercube1729 3 ай бұрын
No. You are wrong. This is a way better match making system. Tekken Prowess shows how much 'Tekken' you know. People ranking up multiple characters to Mighty Ruler isn't as easy as you speak of. They should indeed meet people with the same prowess. Because they know several characters and way more match-ups and string knowledge etc. I know poeple who have been playing Tekken for 5 years who barely are Ganryus. They only know one charater. This is good for everybody. Tanks Namco!
@SpaceMonkey5000 3 ай бұрын
Right? Talk about whining over something so insignificant.
@rixxi 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for responding man I appreciate you giving your very insightful input. While I agree with you on some points about this. Tekken prowess is still not a perfect scale of how good you are at Tekken. You did mention that getting multiple characters to purple ranks isn't easy and I agree with you but I would say that getting 1 character to Tekken God is much harder than getting 5 characters to Might Ruler. And that is my point with making this video is it creates an imbalance for people who play multiple characters. There is no reason Mighty rulers should be going against people who have the same Tekken Prowess as someone who has a main in Tekken God or higher. As I said in the video these changes are big and the main reason is because we still don't know just how much this could affect the new player if people decide to prowess crash on characters that are not their mains. Also, as of right now, many people have a much higher Tekken prowess because they play different characters, which puts them up against people who aren't at their skill level. Queue times for people with high Tekken prowess have also increased significantly since it tries to find people with the same prowess level. I will be looking into this for you guys because it does seem like it's very divided opinions from you guys about this change. I will make a follow-up video about this. I also want to say that this Is what this channel is for to get a discussion going whether you guys agree or disagree with me it's a place where we can find a middle ground. Thank you guys for watching the video and make sure you all have a damn good one!
@bkarr8525 3 ай бұрын
@@rixxi I mean, i get your point and his. But if Tekken prowess is supposed to represent how much you *know* about the game, doesn't it make sense that someone who gets one character to Tekken God would know less than someone who gets 5 characters to mighty ruler? Im new to this game, and I know I dont know a lot. A big part of Tekken though are the amount of knowledge checks you need to be able to deal with. Frame data and character knowledge are invaluable. Honestly, a lot of times you only lose because you don't know something. To rank up 5 characters to Mighty Ruler means you know 5 characters well enough to use their tools against situations the rest of the cast causes which isn't easy and is respectable. Doesn't it make sense then that someone who is playing a character with 5 other characters at a high rank would be more knowledgeable than someone with just one character at that rank?
@jeffbridges6110 3 ай бұрын
@johnw1339 3 ай бұрын
@@bkarr8525 The problem with prowess based matchmaking is (1) no one knows how prowess is calculated so we can't say its a good indicator for skill or knowledge (2) Ranked points rewarded is based on rank difference rather than prowess difference (3) significantly increases the queue times for people playing their alt characters. If w,e as a tekken community, decides that prowess is the path to go, then all 3 of these points needs to be addressed.
@loto7197 3 ай бұрын
T8 is good for intermediate players from T7, but everything it took to go from intermediate to high level in 7 has been thrown out the window in t8, such as patience
@Viewer13128 3 ай бұрын
tldr: it's not that defensive players can't use skills to remain at their level, it's that everyone at around that level (regardless above or below), can decisively win or lose to anyone else. So even an aggressive pro can still receive a beat down by a weaker player. Ofc, naturally, that's why top level has to have defense/movement/punishes in it. Tekken 8 is taking that away.
@itzdcx7991 3 ай бұрын
King Basically has 2 rage arts ultimates😂
@itzdcx7991 3 ай бұрын
I'm not having that much fun it's too agressive and fast too many unbalanced bullshlt moves Like what was going through their minds when they made Eddie or King or Victor
@x3xicex3x 3 ай бұрын
I've played tekken since 5, and I like to main Asuka because I like counter hit gameplay. I have to change my whole style because of Tekken 8 mechanics, and it's hard to keep up with the rest of the cast, especially since Asuka is nerfed and not an aggressive character.
@FBA-Ninja 3 ай бұрын
I keep trying to play this game but its like playing Mario Smash or something ppl just spaming heat moves is annoying...this same exact sht happened with Soul Caliber ...they still havn't learned their lesson
@ro11ing_stone20 3 ай бұрын
lol i enjoyed tekken 8 after leaving when 4’s life cycle was done. but haven’t played for two months due to work and the way ppl been crying about this game…. im scared to even update it because all im seeing is complaints nowadays for 4 weeks straight. i’ll just keep it based as it is lol.
@enenra6417 3 ай бұрын
Tekken 8 is essentially the mk9 of the franchise
@UltraScipio 3 ай бұрын
Same with SF6 its too much mental stack and not fun it's just Drive rush over and over there is no neutral in these games, so u don't have time to think of a strategy and don't get me started on Perfect parry it's the most broken fighting game defensive mechanic ever made.
@WarriorV8 3 ай бұрын
Tekken 6 Remaster pls
@ranges787 3 ай бұрын
i think every problem this game has can and will be fixed with patches. heat will be nerfed over time
@ssgcheddar5785 3 ай бұрын
It's funny I've been playing since Tekken 1 and all these pros are losing a bit more in Tekken 8.... now they hate it! Games change you got to adapt! Tekken 8 is a great game I'm sorry
@ericalfon1620 3 ай бұрын
All Namco needs to do is remove "chip damage" and make damage calculation just like previous tekken. Heat system can stay. Can't lie, i enjoy heat system and aggressive gameplay, but hate chip damage. Defensive play in tekken is harder than other fighting game, 50:50 you have to guess if its high, middle or low. So It should be rewarded by your health stay where they are when you're defend successfully.
@force5926 3 ай бұрын
Am I wrong to say that this Tekken 8 encourages solid defense? I'm actually getting better results by improving my defense, analyzing an opponent's patterns/weaknesses, and knowing my skills in regard to their frame data. Idk man, I'm having a hard time seeing what they're saying. This game is fun as hell to me. lol