@voodoorecon8070 43 минут бұрын
3d print everything. These proxy models look better than GW production and are 1/5th the price.
@markshaffer443 Сағат бұрын
Printers go brrrrrrr
@durgedagger746 Сағат бұрын
Buy a 3D printer.
@ghostrider-sq2qd 4 сағат бұрын
If you like WW2 you can buy a full army of Bolt Action or Flames of War for the price of a combat patrol. If you want something more modern there’s Team Yankee WW3.
@noodles2459 5 сағат бұрын
I saw at my LGS a box of Darkoth raiders with 5 minis for 72 usd. I laughed. Gw models are a scam they have been for the past 5 years but it's just gotten so much worse.
@LordoftheSith 7 сағат бұрын
Prices are ludicrous, worse if you don’t live in the UK
@MaskedRiderChris 8 сағат бұрын
And the tragedy is that they have a legion of stans all over the world who will empty their bank accounts in a heartbeat to overcome their crippling levels of FOMO. And GW couldn't care less, obviously. Even on eBay the prices for their minis are crazy high! With how the economy is tanked in America at this time, I sense a lot of American fans being priced out of the hobby--but not the Internet "influencer" types who get sent freebies and basically rub it in our faces as part of stoking FOMO. Privateer Press aren't being much better these days, either. Sad times.
@nosbigdamus9665 13 сағат бұрын
Don't know if I should give this the thumbs up or the prices thumbs down
@boanoah6362 14 сағат бұрын
Is there even an excuse for this at this point? Does England have a plastic crisis I'm unaware of? Is the world running out of polystyrene? This is getting absurd, you can buy the newest top of the line 3d printer and several jugs of resin for less money.
@fast1nakus 14 сағат бұрын
Their greed will bring them more money. GW hadn't had a bad year since 2016.
@WigglesTTH 14 сағат бұрын
I think I'm noticing people gravitate toward Battletech in response to all of GW's errors
@KevinoftheCosmos 14 сағат бұрын
I want to move to different game systems and model ranges. 3D printing, essentially.
@divafever9754 15 сағат бұрын
Do junkies stop shooting up because of inflation?! Do what you gotta do, and get your fix, shakey!
@gunslingerspartan 17 сағат бұрын
Got my termination box today and it pretty much says it on the first page of the book
@ericsmith5770 17 сағат бұрын
I’ve got skitarri, gondorians, an iron strider, skinks, and a sentinel to build. I have bullgryns, commissars, a command squad, an infantry squad, and 2 tanks to finish painting. GW doesn’t need me for a while
@michaeljacobs2860 17 сағат бұрын
I have begun to purchase 3d prints only off of etsy. Gw has lost me I'm finally done buying any gw . And I have been a massive collector and gw wargaming for 30 years plus.
@Marc_4 18 сағат бұрын
I'm new to the game and not familiar with the terms yet. Does new season mean a new (third?) edition is coming?
@XRacKS 18 сағат бұрын
*chuckle in pile of shame beeing basically the better "stock" option >.<
@DukeDanseMacambre 18 сағат бұрын
Just printed 15000 points of battlefleet gothic for about £30 in resin. I fully support Warhammer and 40k but gw has done nothing but earn out scorn now for over a decade. It’s time they start paying for it. (It’s not just the cost, it’s what they are doing to harm the community, their lack of ability to deliver in all areas from virtual content to following through with commitments and product lines, squatting fantasy even with the Italian inspired reprint coming soon, abandoning game sets after people have committed, invalidating large sections of the range after selling it to be used in rules sets, fomo, I can keep listing for about a hour here but you get the point)
@MARStheFORSAKEN 19 сағат бұрын
its pretty bad that a brand new circular powersaw cost lest then a drop pod.....im so glad i dropped this hobby a couple months ago.
@mrwookie72 19 сағат бұрын
Haven't bought anyrhing direct from gw in years.. why would anyone.. but if they want a suggestion to improve our happiness levels with them.. ttry this GW. Scrap physical codexes.. they're all out of date and in need of endless updates.. (within a month of release usually) just use the app to provide them. As data cards Are now a thing we dont need both.. and stop hiding most of the functionality of the app behind a bloody paywall.. just make the rules/codexes available free online.. (Or carry on trying to fleece us "cash cows" and come up with even more things we're forced to buy to be able play "properly"! Take a leaf from the example of other games out there.. or you'll wind up turning from market leader to has been. In the same way blockbuster video, kodak and many other brand leaders did.. (but refused to adapt their respective business models in new and emerging markets. ) Oh and finally... drop the DEI bullshit . No-one is buying it. The 30/40k universe is a dystopian nightmare universe at war with itself...it does not exist and will never be "real" so why the hell should "modern sensibilities" be unironically forced into it..
@MARStheFORSAKEN 19 сағат бұрын
the CFO of games workshop sold off 2/3rds of all her shares in the company after the custodies scandal, thats all you need to know, im sure she will eventually sell them all but there are probably restrictions in place so people cant just tank a company and sell there shares overnight.
@primafacie5029 19 сағат бұрын
I stopped buying GW last year. Screw em
@arigon7013 19 сағат бұрын
once GW went over to the even editions being a chance for the gamers to PAY to beta test the game for them AND drop the new editions ever 3 years as fast as possible, my group switched to only playing Odd, non-Beta editions. a few weeks ago, when they officially became WokeHammer... we stopped buying ANYTHING from GW, we are stopping at 9th edition. we only play for fun anyway, and now refuse to give the company any more money... printer goes BBbrrrrr 🙂
@BryanLeeDavidson 20 сағат бұрын
One Page Rules is pretty fun.
@That1greykight0666 20 сағат бұрын
Yeah when I saw they’re charging $70 for a 1 killteam i was out I still gotta buy the book for them and the paints ridiculous
@christopherray6388 20 сағат бұрын
I quit 40k and moved to kill team. Kinda not interested in spending thousands for one army
@miki95f 22 сағат бұрын
GW was bought by Elegoo and we don't know it
@nunyabusiness7001 22 сағат бұрын
hahahaha you guys are still buying GW models?! suckers
@JustSumGuy 23 сағат бұрын
Inflation is here to stay this is not just a GW thing.
@testosteronicon 23 сағат бұрын
The new warmachine starterset later this year might be interesting.....
@jonathanblair9731 Күн бұрын
I remember when I got into this hobby sixteen years ago, a Land Raider was $50 and a ten man squad of Tactical Marines was $25. Now, look at them. I refuse to buy any more.
@damnroger2739 19 сағат бұрын
They priced me out of the hobby, I live in argentina so there aren't even stores selling boxes. I used to be able to travel to the us and bring back paints, space marines etc. Nowadays some boxes are worth more than what i make in a months of hard labor (I work in construction)
@LordoftheSith 7 сағат бұрын
@@damnroger2739they have priced many people out of the hobby. When Leviathan was released in Australia it was priced at over $400! I’m pretty well paid in a middle management position but I have a family (wanted to get my youngest into Warhammer) and literally cannot justify those outlays; it’s utterly absurd what they’re charging.
@Mijastik Күн бұрын
Imagine paying 70$ for guillman instead of paying 1-2$ for the resin instead
@captianbadtouch5767 Күн бұрын
I thought the price increase was to try and cover for how poorly their income has been lately
@n3wty Күн бұрын
I just got back into warhammer after 10 year so I ordered 600 bucks worth of stuff from GW. While it was on the way I found people just 3d printing minis now days, so I just returned it and now I have a Elgoo Saturn 4 on the way lol
@mikeridgeview9557 Күн бұрын
One Page Rules is practically free, and you can use all your WH40K models for it.
@andrewwoodhead3141 Күн бұрын
GW is abandoning the very idea of recruiting new blood to the game and simply concentrating of squeezing as much cash as they can out of the existing adult players.
@prototype91 Күн бұрын
This paint job is amazing! I'm tempted to try and replicate this on my new custodes as well. Do you by chance happen to have a guide for painting this color scheme?
@paul80085 Күн бұрын
I bet they still post strong profits. 3D printing is great and all, but it's not something everyone cares to do. It's work to find STLs you like, dial in the print parameters, and print everything. Buying a box of sprues skips that step and goes right to painting. Never underestimate people being willing to pay more for less work
@damnroger2739 19 сағат бұрын
They're pushing their luck till it's inevitable. They could've won against 3d printing through comfort, but the prices are reaching the "not even worth it" point. People are beginning to sell already 3d printed minis for cheap so it's the beginning of the end
@KeastKannegaard Күн бұрын
Man im glad im playing the forgotten army, dark eldar, and already got pretty much everything worth buying in that army... and new models every 10-20 years... im good :P Ye ye they sucked in pretty much all editions, but who cares ^^
@KVR5816 Күн бұрын
3D printer go bBRRRRRR
@avpfreak1911 Күн бұрын
I've said this before and I'll say it again; Ya know how most people play board games as a positive alternative to bad habits? 40k is the exact opposite, it's so expensive that a cocain addiction would probably be less harmful to you financially then buying Gw's minis.
@davidb3155 Күн бұрын
Theres no reason that plastic minis should inflate higher than gold
@hellohehe1486 Күн бұрын
Mf man🤦🏼‍♂️. I just got into this, now I gotta find another hobby that isn’t a tenth of my paycheck.
@mitchellpolinop7650 Күн бұрын
This is why we pirate and recast
@ausaskar Күн бұрын
People have been saying this for the better part of two decades now.... Yet people still buy. GW knows this. The community is all talk and comes crawling back every. single. time.
@theInsaneCashew Күн бұрын
Sucks because my wife and I LOVE stopping in to the Warhammer store and purchasing some paint pots or models. The manager is so sweet and she always has some words of wisdom for painting or list building for casual games. I just feel so much guilt paying $50 or more for a box of cultists, that's roughly a dollar per point, just nuts.
@everythingandanything1678 Күн бұрын
Naa dude I’m a admech player and I can say this stuff would be absolutely amazing and them complaining about balancing for admech which the adsoluty screwed it up at the moment is bullshit because look at space marines it double if not triple the size.
@LittleIAO Күн бұрын
Yes GW largely sucks.
@gkdaniels1 Күн бұрын
Giving games workshop has already pissed off a large portion of their base with the changes to 37 year-old canon and the subsequent gaslight of their fan base. The custodians were always women, and their promise of a new Amazon series that has been scrapped. Workshop is in no position to reach for more against their fans wishes. A pricing increase will Most certainly hurt them. But no one claimed “the woke” were smart.