Inspire Greatness | TCL
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Creating Sustainable Cities
2 жыл бұрын
@AjayInderchouhan 15 сағат бұрын
Details plz
@AjayInderchouhan 15 сағат бұрын
Detail s plz
@nancykirkendall7780 2 күн бұрын
How do you live here?
@kanewitter5424 2 күн бұрын
From late 2020 in December, I began searching places on where I can start a new life away from world civilization. I daydream about everyday since my senior year of high school because I sometimes just want to go on my own journey, adventures, and direction and because I want to feel reconnected more to the Earth itself and make it my home. I want to live off grid because there is too much problems in our world and I just don't to be in these situations for where we have to suffer with others from ongoing taxes, wars, greed, politics, conflicts, money, electricity, power,traffic, overcrowdness, and businesses.
@rupam1011 4 күн бұрын
Good Work..
@nala3038 5 күн бұрын
Costa Rica Has A Bad Reputation For Being Costa Mucho !!! LOL!!!
@nangoiboham4230 5 күн бұрын
How I wish.. India to be one of them😓😞
@yourbassist15 6 күн бұрын
There's a cafe in Manuel Antonio BECAUSE you can't bring stuff in and because people spend hours inside the park and on the beach. Comparing it to Disney is just absurd and a gross misrepresentation. Also, the parking issues you mention are not isolated to Manuel Antonio, it's all over.
@orvilleclisby6748 9 күн бұрын
They are either going up or going down, you can't simply drift aimlessly sideways.
@impetus9532 12 күн бұрын
nice veggie couple ..
@sallygilbo2716 13 күн бұрын
this is “villa” from R6 ahahahha
@bobchong9199 12 күн бұрын
@gagangayari5981 13 күн бұрын
Bring up some activity in which everyone can contribute to make the world a greener better place. India is burning.
@dave_irish 13 күн бұрын
Hello ben and clara my wife and I just watched your costa rica video, thank you what a great video so different from the regular touristy stuff you see. What month did you travel in? How were the roads for driving, good, bad? Thank you again, we will definitely visit some of the great eco spots you showed..Dave
@adamalena.f.c 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for share this video, sadly in my country we do not have this kind of construccion, I hope that they are improving.
@sofiaortiz700 16 күн бұрын
It is a interesting idea to help the planet
@Nathballesteros 16 күн бұрын
Great! This video discusses sustainable architecture and eco-friendly design and renewable materials.
@chopstix4883 16 күн бұрын
@jaiselknotoff8698 21 күн бұрын
Very well done and so very important for all of us . After volunteering at the Riverhead Marine foundation in Rivrhead long island N.Y. . I learned great appreciation for wildlife and just how important it is . Now in the philippines with my wife have taken on the responsibility of keeping long stretches of beach clean . After two years of picking up trash I will still fill up a large bag of trash each week swimming every day . Plastic needs to go or change packaging . Biology classes that intertwine beach clean up works great . Eastern long island has a program like this and beaches look a lot better than years past .
@IsaacGbornor-vxhd 22 күн бұрын
Beautiful bricks.
@amiteshpramanik6254 24 күн бұрын
Sustainable Circular Economy Reuse already manufactured things. Upscale them and use them in better and much sustainable way. Many countries export their every kind of waste to other poorer countries. Like luxury apparel brands set up their manufacturing hubs in asian or african countries'...all their toxic waste goes directly in their rivers and sewage system. Even the surrounding ground water is infected...public health hazard at its peak. To earn a living we are polluting our own countries. Even govt(govt made of our own people) does not consider about nature before authorising such plants to be set up or they are indifferent or they have been greedy. For few bucks we can't destroy our own country's. **WE THE CITIZEN MUST CHANGE** *WE HAVE TO LOOK AFTER OUR OWN 🌎 NATURE
@andrewkonopka1152 24 күн бұрын
oh oh P.S. they come with solar but add a small wind generator on the roof of the second floor AK
@andrewkonopka1152 24 күн бұрын
have they made and segments that are flat topped so you could stack them it would have to have a hole in the floor for a staircase but how hard would that be add a bioplastic greenhouse on the side and it would be perfect AK
@jodibraun6383 25 күн бұрын
Medellín has made huge strides in cooling their city with their "green corridors".
@habibosmansalem786 26 күн бұрын
Can you please give the details about this unit
@thirishinnthant4660 28 күн бұрын
I inquire about how this type of packaging is not still available widely and commercially.
@cocoawithmarshmallows5772 29 күн бұрын
solar house is really interesting. it follows the light
@TylerandKari 29 күн бұрын
Great video. Looks like a very fun ride and hopefully one my wife and I can take in the future. Thanks for sharing. Helps with planning too.
@robertwatson9940 Ай бұрын
Veoila opperates in Isreal.So the Labour councils cancelled there waste management.As Labour are jew haters.The looney left.Starmer trying to kick them out.But they wont go.Abbot.Corbyn. Khan .They dhould ban them from talking in media.Until after the election.Otherwise Farage will be in the commons. Veiloa has 100 power stations.Burning rubbish is the most expensive form of power next to nuclear.
@robertwatson9940 Ай бұрын
Veolia burns some of it or buries it in Sevenoaks Kent .Turns green frilds into toxic dumps.And they never paid me my wages when I worked there.62 hours owed.Stear clear.
@robertwatson9940 Ай бұрын
Veoila don't pay there staff.So they can't keep any staff.When I worked there was sackings all the time Manly for taking drugs and alcohol.Also doing private jobs.Arranging by managers and using staff.Its fraud.The council and Police should prosacute.Bullies and harassment when your trying to work in roads.In and unsafe manner.
@robertwatson9940 Ай бұрын
Veoila are dehourable
@ceasrmata3167 Ай бұрын
Yeah right, where are the rest of 85 % of the world population going to live?
@bobchong9199 Ай бұрын
I love these videos, and are not just watching for school, so thank you
@GoingGreenOfficial Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@anyavir4359 Ай бұрын
How should I do my holiday homework with that?!
@International-English-School Ай бұрын
The narrator states that over 6.3 Trillion tons of paper is thrown away each year. However, our research has shown that total paper usage in the UK is 12.5 Million tons. There seems to be an error in your interesting video.
@thrilla2664 Ай бұрын
this video is garbage.
@skrtdaily5533 Ай бұрын
That is awesome, would love to see some of them in the UK!
@georgeeastwood6930 Ай бұрын
@GoingGreenOfficial Ай бұрын
Yes that would be so good in London!
@danbirch3246 Ай бұрын
Genius idea: how effective is it?
@GoingGreenOfficial Ай бұрын
It stops 86% of all trash and can capture microplastics as small as 1mm 🙌
@ElenaHemingway Ай бұрын
This is awesome!!! And the bricks look so good! ❤
@MissingHomeUK Ай бұрын
I am about to start a 3000 km journey from uk to romania . please get in touch , I would love some insights . reply to comment and I will give you my direct contact
@MissingHomeUK Ай бұрын
This was probably one of the greatest things I have ever watched on youtube ever ! !!! Well done guys ! You rock !
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu Ай бұрын
Now I am going to cross some of your red lines. Ready? Humanity living in massive cities reminds me of Bile Bear Farming. Asiatic Black Bears being kept in tiny cages to be used to extract the bile. So, this Eco-society is a notion. Like a charity buying 25 acres and turning it into a Bear Rehabilitation and Sanctuary. Very nice, very artificial, but still quite better than the life the bear was living. So, you are all Asiatic Black Bears living in your tiny, little apartments going to your tiny jobs being milked of your life day by day. You think that life in the Big City has it's "opportunity" and rewards. Mostly you are slaves to the very rich that sell you the notion of success, but reward you will meager pay and high costs and a lifetime of servitude and desolation. Let's take Main Land China. I hope that the People of China see the lie in the life that the PRC was selling. It's not exclusively the domain of the PRC so you can transport this critique to Los Angles or New York, London, Mexico City, Sidney, Buenos Aires, and the list goes on and on. You all need to rethink the life you have been sold. Maybe? Maybe you could return to your home provinces and set up small farms using Syntropic Regenerative Farming Techniques and build up a nice Food Forest for your family and even sell some items too. Maybe have a small shop, or a repair shop, or teach English or Basic Electricity and other skills to the local children for a few Yuan a day too? My point is that the Big City Model may be a bit too artificial even with all the modern enhancements. Sure, there is the argument that if we are in cities, then we are not crowding out the forests and river deltas. My argument is less is more, but not just abandon the cities. But look at your options. Sorry if I offended anyone.
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu Ай бұрын
All this is nice. But...I am still for the education of girls and women and the delaying of parenting to somewhere after age 27 rather than shortly after becoming "a woman biologically". Age 27 or so after is great, slow down the reproductive cycle and have maybe 1.5-1.8 children per woman which means? It means in two generations if this were to be practiced, a billion or so humans globally. Not the worst thing we can do. Just fewer of us. Gradually bring Humanity down into a proportional balance with the rest of Nature. I like more Nature and less cities. I like more vegetarian and dairy supplements for meat based diets that require so much more land to produce the feed crops for chickens and the bigger animals. Very, very inefficient. We could use a whole lot less chickens and pigs and definitely beef cattle too. Need vs want. I need a healthy diet and a healthy climate and a healthy Natural World. I want maybe a couple days of small, clean, glassy surf not massively crowded with kids. I don't want to fly 10 thousand miles to surf a week in some remote Indonesian Island. Surfers, you are contributing to the atmospheric waste problem too. I need to ride my bike almost every day. I want to ride up and down mountain trails. But those trails leave cuts and scars in the terrain that allows fast water movement of rain water that contributes to erosion and habitat destabilization and there you go, mountains denuded of Trees and wildlife all so I can ride a bike. I don't ride in the mountains. Mountains are for bears and deer and marmots and squirrels and birds and many many insects and a whole subterranean ecosystem that I don't want to disturb.
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu Ай бұрын
I do disagree with the Disney World like portrayal of Ecology in the Singapore Eco-Tourism model. People still flew in crowded jets and spent a few days there. Did you learn anything there? Learn any Mandarin or Malay? No? Who was Raffles Street named after?
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu Ай бұрын
That concept of Eco-Tourism is an Oxymoron, you morons! Sorry. I had to say it. But we are victims of sociology and marketing. The Bucket List needs to die soon. Sorry again to the Transportation Sector-yes I own shares in US based airlines, so I don't want planes to go away. I just want People to think about travel differently. Why should we go to some "dream destination" for a week? Then next year, go to another, year after year? Did we learn anything? Did we meet people and become closer to their culture and language? I suspect that Bucket List Travel is quite unsustainable and also quite inadequate for personal satisfaction. We are being told by Marketing to do it. But I have yet to feel "satisfied" with a short trip anywhere. So, I am a seasonal expat. I live in Eastern Europe, and not in a foreigners only enclave in some resort area. In the same villa zone as the local have been living in since the collapse of Communism and the city's vineyard was slowly bought dekar by dekar by local families to have a small Summer cottage with land for cultivation. So, many of my neighbors are related, extended family that have a common grandmother or someone in the past. Not many foreigners, and very little English being spoken. But it's real. It's the real people and their real lives I am privileged to watch and try to understand. I don't belong, but I am not a tourist either. I don't expect them to help, some do, but it's their sense of community that they understand, not being left a tip on the table. It's a difference in attitude. Rich countries send a lot of richer tourists to poorer countries. I don't like the sense of entitlement and superiority we Rich Country people have. Many of the people there in my section built their own villas, from the pouring of the concrete slab, the brickwork, the rudimentary electrical and plumbing and the roof. From the dirt up. Maybe a little help from family or friends, but nobody hired a contractor. Now that's fading as some have lived abroad and came back to retire in their ancestral hometowns, and they have the money to have a local company put a new roof on. But it's still the family built villa zone. I have stopped going to the Black Sea. I just don't feel the same thing in the seaside towns, the press of the tourists and frankly the degradation of the Black Sea coastal water quality as more development has occurred.
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu Ай бұрын
First city first means of becoming sustainable TRANSPORTATION SECTOR The demise of the car is much touted and underrealized. But an absolute necessity. Remembering a week in Athens, GR in 1967 how it shut down in the afternoon and came alive in the evening again. The streets were empty. Not a car or lorry or any movement, human or animal. The Hottest Time of Day was not a problem. The second floor hotel had large windows with equally large shutters. When closed the inside was dim, not dark, but noticeably cool. So, yes change our mode of transportation. But I still see that the 9-5 rush hour madness is not viable. The size and design of city buildings will not be returning to the two story designs of 1960's Athens any time soon; with the downstairs shop and the upstairs living area of the shop keepers home. Still no need to commute. Now the Banks are crying because they have all these NON-performing loans with major property developers that built tall high rise office buildings that NOBODY wants to go back to working. People are Smart and Businesses are Smarter? So goes the saying. I have my doubts. After CoV -19 Sars or whatever it was, the world changed for a moment. The streets of Delhi and Beijing and LA and NY and Mexico City were far more empty of traffic, the skies became clear and breathable and Nature Recovered. Then December, 2020 and the world still had some spill over effects. China stayed locked down, and the streets were empty, and the rest of us realized that many could successfully WORK FROM HOME>
@eidothea Ай бұрын
This is all very interesting. I wish we can figure out how to build resilient eco-homes at scale, at an affordable rate especially for vulnerable communities.
@boatbutch Ай бұрын
Pumped storage is essentially the same concept. Not revolutionary. It all comes down to power density and scalability.
@moriahjade Ай бұрын
Now if only I could find something like this in the US. 😢 if I go to Italy, I know where I’m staying! 💚
@deangrisham2858 Ай бұрын
So…you’re vegan?😂