A Catholic and a Protestant
18 жыл бұрын
@Dancanchege 10 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@sweetyangel117 10 ай бұрын
Really I'm Happy to see this...May God Bless Egypt abundantly 🙌🙌🙌
@Hot-urMan Жыл бұрын
Hope one day i can bring my mother to this church .. Amen ❤
@zis151 Жыл бұрын
харе Рама харе Криштна православные.
@patrickhartford8741 Жыл бұрын
Praise the name of jesus. Bless all the brothers and sisters in Egypt. Soon we will meet the Lord in the clouds together. Be strong be well be blessed in jeshuas powerful name
@Beebles9140 2 жыл бұрын
Nice but I dont understand why the copts with an early christian tradition tries to imitate charismatic worship.
@RuiRom 3 жыл бұрын
Today 9 years 🙏🙏🙏
@fernandoandikahutabarat2359 4 жыл бұрын
Praise YESUS the LORD. ALLELUYAH... Amen. I'm from Indonesia.
@kaiserbooth 4 жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord , from Thailand
@garys8415 4 жыл бұрын
🕊 Walk with HIM🔥
@antonellodimarco5100 5 жыл бұрын
Che DIO vi benedica tutti fratelli e sorelle d'Egitto. Piango sempre quando rivedo dei video di questo meraviglioso incontro ma piango anche di dolore per quante dure persecuzioni provate ogni giorno per la vostra IMMENSA FEDE nel nostro Signore Gesù Cristo. DIO VI BENEDICA E VI PROTEGGA SEMPRE! E prego anche che dia a me anche solo un po' della vostra immensa FEDE.
@baruchasriel1948 5 жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏 God always bless you my brother and sister.
@canercaner5040 7 жыл бұрын
@nigelbutlerr7294 7 жыл бұрын
Egypt is a Christian country. Jesus Christ has claimed Egypt. Amen.
@mrklein5354 7 жыл бұрын
I have the chance to see the cave church last october 25, 2016 and it was captivating! I was amazed on the place. It's a must to visit when you go to Egypt. It's difficult to search but thank GOD I was able to find it. Kelvin here from the Philippines
@mercytrigustin 7 жыл бұрын
Wow so lucky you are i also wanted to visit this place one day
@Ignotusvia 7 жыл бұрын
Jesus is Lord, Savior and Life
@rafaviki7296 7 жыл бұрын
@jafetisaxon9117 7 жыл бұрын
Yeshua King of Kings and Prince of Peace , God bless and take care of my sisters and brothers in Egypt !
@srimathikumari3457 8 жыл бұрын
all nation shall bow the name of JESUS. AMEN AMAZING. PRAISE GOD . this is the end time signal
@euxy7242 8 жыл бұрын
i want to visit Cave Church one day
@1234abae 8 жыл бұрын
all of yall are pussy working for the government thats that shit i dont like
@1234abae 8 жыл бұрын
all of you bitches on here is fake
@1234abae 8 жыл бұрын
god dont like none of you bitches
@1234abae 8 жыл бұрын
all of you are fake egyptians anyway
@user-iq8vy8ny7i 8 жыл бұрын
@user-iq8vy8ny7i 8 жыл бұрын
Praise the Lord for His wonderful children around the world and for the Holy Spirit!
@yeshuayisrael944 8 жыл бұрын
by GOD I do wish that the Copt would speak their original language not arabic that's the language of their slavemaster
@faithfulsoldier519 4 жыл бұрын
Slavemaster? You're a stupid fucktard, Coptic is written in a filthy Greek alphabet, a worse slavemaster, at least they were saved by the Arabs from their fellow Christian Romans who murdered them and expelled their own popes. I bet you're of those who believe Christ has 2 natures, and thus considering Coptic Christians as heretics.
@santosgonzalez5629 9 жыл бұрын
may god watch over the Coptic church and stop the persecution for Christianity has been there before islam so the copts have the right to pray there and so do the muslims
@faithfulsoldier519 4 жыл бұрын
Who prevented Copts from praying? This something never happened since the Byzantines left Egypt.
@gabrieljibriilofelyhvhilth602 9 жыл бұрын
TO READ EVERYTHING CLICK ON: ‘Read more’ This writing contains answers to many questions. And some of them might be an answer that you might have looked for and searched for a long time. I am proof of the existence of YHVH and in this writing (many pages long,) I will explain why Atheism is a satanic religion as all false religions are. And I will also explain and prove furthermore through logic, to the religious Atheists of the false and satanic religion “Atheism” undercover but presented as "science" to better deceive, why they are not right, why from EL YHVH came into existence the universe and why from ‘nothing’ comes out ‘nothing’. If "Nothingness" or the “Atheism no-God-Nothing” brought into existence some non-intelligent energy that have created the universe, then there would be always some people who would call that "Nothingness = God". And so, would still be a so called "god”,(no matter how much you teach there is none), the “Nothingod” or ‘Naughtygod’. However since Atheists says is a non-intelligent void who created everything, then against them it would be a non-intelligent “god” “the void god, the Naughtygod” so other religions of the non-intelligent GodVoid, or ‘Naughtygod’ could start to have members who would be killing Atheists, for the reason of blasphemy (especially Islam - the Muslims {in fact they already have such members}) since their god “Allah” who said in their books of being intelligent, is accused and condemned by Atheists as being non-intelligent and just a void. Such blasphemy is not acceptable by Muslims. Truth is acceptable by all Muslims, and the truth is “Allah The Deceiver” truly does exist. They even accept the truth that “The Deceiver” deceives many Muslims all the time, and there is proof of that. And they can’t deny that the bible posts HaSatan as being The Deceiver, while the Quran posts Allah of being The Deceiver, since Allah is the last name of HaSatan not so much used in biblical times, but used after MessiYah. Saying that Allah is just nothing or void and is this nothing or void that have created the universe is blasphemy not only against EL YHVH but also blasphemy against Allah and Islam committed by Atheists and their very existence as Atheists and Atheism is blasphemy, so Muslims can not accept this. You should be aware that your faces recorded in video-clips boldly posting yourselves as Atheists all over the internet, against all other religions but not against your own satanic undercover Atheism religion, make you being on the evidence and lists of Islam and video library of all Muslims on their computers, evidence since you are not worthy to ever be accepted to convert and be Muslim since you Atheists did commit blasphemy. Muslims might have among themselves many Atheists acting as if they are Muslims so they are not subdued and forced to pay extra taxes as all non-Muslims are forced in the majority of Muslim countries, but those atheists false Muslims acting as Muslims have never posted themselves publically as you Atheists in the internet do now, and they have never committed blasphemy openly as you Atheist do against Allah and his Islam now. (So you better watch out since you do not have the protection of EL YHVH of the Torah/bible, whose existence you deny). The Muslim’s Quran/Koran jumps from one thing to another (kind of what I am doing now), and it makes no sense at all, but hundreds of years later had been added to it (by deceivers posted as ‘wise’) the Haddiths, incorporating Haddith in the Quran/Koran, especially to try to make some sense in the Quran. But even so, still makes no sense most of the time, that is why huge majority of Muslims over 95 % do not read the Quran, but trust the Imams in Mosques to teach it to them. And so Imams preach only what they feel like preaching. They do not preach also all the teaching of the Quran that contradicts the Quran because would auto destroy Islam and the Quran and the Imam jobs would disappear, and then Imams would have to start working hard jobs like everyone else. So the Imams who really believed in the Quran and discovered that Quran is unholy, satanic, from Allah The Deceiver (HaSatan), they have already left Islam and many of them have converted in secret as Christian pastors and changed their names, or as Messiyahnic elders, and some boldly did not bother to change their names. Those true Imams which have discovered truth and left the deceitful Islam of HaSatan Allah, are now earning no pay (since the Instruction of Yah, freely have been given, freely is supposed to be passed on, taught, preached, without earning a pay check because preaching for earning money is no more true faith in Yah(veh)/(Messi)Yah, no more but false religion. They are preachers and teachers but work a job such as being the gardener, maintenance man, cleaner, painter, handy man of the congregation, but not accept and not receive money for the freely given and freely to be taught Word of Yah(veh). This have been applied since the curtains of the Temple have been thorn apart and later the Temple have been destroyed so there is no Levite Priesthood, and is to be applied until MessiYah will return and reward such faithful preachers with leading jobs in governments over all countries. This is done this way to fulfil (to put in effect) Yah’s teaching: “the humble will be lifted high” and “ the humble will inherit the earth”. Think about at present the false Christianity pastors and Imams of Islam are not humble. Not even close to appear or to be considered ‘humble’ from any point of view what so ever. For one thing is that they pay others to clean up their church or mosque, to repair or paint or do maintenance work. Those who are elected by Yah to teach and preach during Sabbath day which also means the seventh and is what the English call “Saturday”, (one day out of seven days) and the rest they do the job to earn their bread by using the given by Yah(veh) gifts to know how to do (maintenance work of the congregation, cleaning, painting, gardening, ….etc) That shows they are humble and appointed by Yah(veh) and not by themselves or by some worldly government or king. In this writing I will try to jump from one subject to another and return again to the subject, to make it easier for Muslims to be able to follow since Muslims are used to such ways of reading and teaching as is taught in Mosques and Quran , but I will make as much sense as it is needed for the right people to get informed about what they need to know, which might save their lives, and their souls for eternity by ascending to Paradise which does exist, and let no one tell you that does not exist, to deceive you and fail ascending to Paradise. Believing that amongst this universe which has billions of galaxies, and each galaxy with billions of stars and solar systems such as “what you call ‘the Milky Way’,” and each solar system with vast, …huge, huge, gigantic number of planets and heavenly bodies, YET, YOU TO SAY THAT PARADISE DOES NOT EXIST anywhere amongst them or on the other side of all this because of your belief, and nothing but belief and theories, MAKES YOU BEING RELIGIOUS NUTS believing IN THE MOST OCCULT AND CRAZY FALSE STUPID RELIGION THAT COULD EVER EXIST UNDERCOVER, HAVING JUST BLIND FAITH WITHOUT EVEN WATCHING THE SKY. And really watching, not as the Atheist Evolutionists pretends to do, (pretending to watch and dare to call the blind faith satanic false and undercover religion “Atheism” as being Science brings curses against you.) Your pretending and deceiving makes not only creatures laugh but even the stones to turn against you for your foolishness and your blasphemy which will stick against you if you continue. So repent! You need to be informed and since no one seems to inform you, I will; The Torah/bible has curses against you and against all people which are members of false religions, and so unless you and them repent, those curses will stick to you when EL YHVH gets angry enough to let them stick to you. I say to you repent before would be too late (the time comes near), and you will be stuck to them and get destroyed and loose your soul to Satan in hell. -Observe that the intention of this writing study, faith science, philosophy or whatever you may want to call it, - is to help open people’s eyes to the Holy Scripture called “Instruction of Yah (in the angelic sound and inscriptions uncorrupted language means T-O-R-A-H translates from our language: ‘Instruction of Yah(veh)’ as one holy book from one cover to the other, from Genesis to the Revelations, but not as the Greek Replacement Theology practiced by false Christianity imply and try to deceive). The Instruction of Yah is the only one that teaches how to ascend (salvation) to Paradise (since time comes near (and could be your moment of death which seals your faith to heaven or hell) and you could miss the ascending [salvation] to heaven or Paradise). This is the manual, the only one and final brought by me JibrIL GabriEL of IL YHVH EL of IsraEL / IsraIL, YHVH who is not a Deceiver and not any kind of Deceiver and does not like to deceive. I bring this manual for Muslims because were deceived by Allah The Deceiver (as the Quran says he is “The Deceiver”, that the “Seal Prophet is Mohammad and is not true, since is just deceit. The Deceiver Allah used M(o)uhammad for deceiving human race which he hates”. The Seal Prophet was MessiYah from the beginning to the end since is Divine and without sin. and still is ‘The Seal’, proof is His expected return which comes for Messiyah’nics as his name prophesise “My people calls themselves with my name”. Not for Christians not for Jews not for Muslims. So if you are a Jew and you are not or you do not become Yahudah as in MessiYah (not Messiyah’nic, then you should know that MessiYah will not come for you but against you for being a false Yahudah, a claimer only, worldly and not in spirit and in faith Yah’Shua. If you are a Christian or a Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu or a Atheist or member of any other religion and do not accept the non-religion true faith “Messiyahnic faith” to become a Messiyahnic, then you should know that MessiYah will not come for you but against you. And so be prepared because all your weapons nuclear and biological against MessiYah and against the New Heavenly Jerusalem descending to earth, won’t be enough except to destroy yourself. So surrender now, by just repenting, become holy. His mark on you is HOLYNESS. MessiYah prophesied (in the Torah/bible), to come on a horse with a sword in His hand, (and think about he spoke very many times in parables [horse could be as thunder and sword as lightning] or not, (to whom it is given will understand The Truth)) and will not come to protect you who refuse to repent of all evil and become holy Messiyahnics, but to judge and condemn you and get rid of you and purify the earth of all evil, (heresy, corruption, deceiving, adultery, greed, homosexuality, feminism, atheism and all other false religions, theft, invasions, murders, … and so on and on), so many evils created by The Evil One also called “The Deceiver” and “The Destroyer” and “Allah” and “God” although he is a pathetic destroyer. Pathetic because was and is, not being able to destroy anything without EL YHVH lifting EL Yah’s protection off the targeted unholy evil and stubborn sinner, which is corrupted and until his dying breath refuses to repent. Don’t think about the destruction of the flesh which begins when you are in the middle 20 years old. Think about the destruction of the soul. Some who died, died because their time came up, and before their ticket expire were taken to heaven. All sin and corruption will be erased together with the sinners at the return of MessiYah, Yah(veh) The Divine . You creature have no right to judge The Holy Creator EL YHVH since you are sinful and are not holy and refuse to repent. Repent and become Holy if you want to be able to reason with EL YHVH. Until then you have no right what so ever in the shape you are abominable un’holy to question or to accuse EL Yah. By accusing EL you create and have more sins and become target for The Destroyer, I just told you, so you know and not say you didn’t know. By denying the existence of EL YHVH THE ESSENCE OF GOOD you do not erase YHVH. Nor can you erase evil by denying the existence of The Evil One which is a rebellious angel fallen and tolerated to exist so that any corrupted human (those who keep refusing to repent) could be punished through him, through The Deceiver called also The Destroyer and also called by EL YHVH “The Evil One” and “Allah”. Repent or you humans will perish (in hell). The honest repented who becomes holy and are Muslims from now on are called “Messiyah’nics”, the same are called the honest repented that have become holy and were Christians or Jews but are no more, and now teaching and accepting MessiYah(veh) The Divine Yah, and not the Greek Christ of Christians invented through Replacement Theology, nor Allah The Deceiver who likes to deceive and have deceived Muslims so many times using the Quran, that can’t be counted how many, that so many times. EL YHVH IL if IL wanted, would have subdued the earth until now but clearly preached in Il’s InstructionYah, (Torah) that subdue and enslavement is not what he wants although allowed it temporarily. But Allah The Deceiver wants to subdue and teaches to subdue and enslave in his Quran, yet The Pathetic Allah wasn’t able to subdue all the earth in the last 1400 years, with all His trying. It shows he is only a demon (HaSatan The Deceiver) and can’t do anything that he is not allowed to do, else he would have subdued long ago all. This writing is not The Holy Instruction of Yah called Torah. This writing is only a Faith Science Manual that helps anyone who wants to practice no more religion but true faith science in EL YHVH (Yah) as in MessiYah. Not English or English grammar science or worldly perfection science so you could find fault in this writing, is taught in hear. This manual posted 100% , using Latin Alphabet through Andalus format through Microsoft Word, letters size 12, has 96 pages. Presented to you with less pages it means is not complete. If has more pages it means it has been added by some one else. If you see another copy with the same number of pages but is different, then it means that it has been corrupted or added in it, or just changed. The teaching in here is not done to replace the Instruction of Yah, nor to add to it, nor to take anything away from it, but to expose it as it was meant and as it was given by emphasizing major subjects and truth expressed in the Torah which some people never seems to get it, or see it but do blindly go around it. That is why this writing is intentionally not perfect but it does expose (declares) truth, and only The Truth. Some of the teaching “how you ascend” (salvation) of The Torah is encrypted into the Hebrew letters in TheInstructionOfYah (short written: HaTorah) but unless you are lover of EL YHVH IL, you won’t bother yourself with any efforts to find out, which will indicate that you don’t desire strong enough to ascend to Paradise, and your wish will be granted. Only the people with strong desire of strong faith having “great love” for EL YHVH (Yah), are guided through MessiYah and the totality of Yah’s Instruction Torah from Genesis to Revelation as one single book and Testament or Instruction, to be able to receive in their souls the key code which able the faithful to ascend in Paradise and be saved. You will know now while alive in flesh, if your soul have received everlasting life in him or not. There would be some people from Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, and from other small false religions which would come out of them to become Messiyah’nics like those that have become already. And like those during the time of MessiYah until the Pagan Roman Emperor Constantine Anti-MessiYah abolisher of Messiyah’nicism, supporter and importer of Greek Replacement Theology Christian corruption, hundreds of years later after MessiYah did all this evil, you supporting it’s consequences. The Pagan Constantine and his followers after him, did all evil of the Replacement Theology heart of Christianity, that have empowered HaSatan The Deceiver to create bigger and more false religions. Your love should be for EL YHVH (Yah) and no one else, such that if someone puts a gun to your head and say to deny MessiYah (pay attention to the words is MessiYah and no other name. Who uses Christ or Mohammad or Allah or God, does so being Anti-MessiYah anti- Yah(veh)). If someone puts a gun to your head and asks you to deny MessiYah or else die, you should know in your heart and soul even now, that you would rather die than to deny MessiYah. MessiYah is to return soon and He will know who denied Him and who didn’t. So repent now while you have the chance (the time comes near) and perhaps you may delay the destruction and condemnation and save your souls. Who does not have such pure and true love for Yah, … not for Jesus but for Yah (key word Yahveh, One and the same as MessiYah (Just different titles or names just as Allah has many, Yah(veh) has many titles and names but they all are recorded in the Holy Instruction of Yah (non which is Christ, Jesus or God or Allah or Mohmammad or Buddha, or Darwin), … and who does not have such pure and true love for Yah, won’t ever see or know the faith/knowledge needed for ascending (salvation) nor will escape destruction nor will escape hell. And so since I am GabriEL JibrIL of IL Yah EL and I will never ever preach something else than IL YHVH EL (Yah’shua MessiYah EmmanuEL), nor did I ever preach anything else, (As I was accused to preach Allah and give Quran of HaSatan “The Deceiver” to Muslims, I want all Muslims to hear me and REPENT, and BECOME HOLY and run away FROM ISLAM OF HaSatan Allah The Deceiver. Start and study The Torah (Instruction of Yah in which is presented MessiYAH. Torah without MessiYAH is incomplete and is part of Allah The Deceiver strategy to keep Jews from accepting the salvation to ascend to the true heaven which is of Yah(veh)-(Messi)Yah. This is not The Messiyah’nic Instruction of Yah, so if you try to replace The Instruction of Yah with this manual, you will be cursed and see no heaven. This is a warning! But this manual helps you to understand and learn basic truth as a first step to know which Torah is True Instruction of Yah. As I said , the Torah of the Jews that do not have the Teaching of MessiYah , is incomplete. The true Torah absolutely have to have the teaching of MessiYAH or else is incomplete and not valid and not good enough to teach you how to ascend (receive Salvation) which is possible only thorough Yahveh Savior -short written Yah’Shua , Elect(ed) Yahveh -short written MessiYah. This Manual is intended to be not perfect so you can not replace the Messiyah’nic Torah. Replacing it makes you automatically to receive curses as Mohammad soul received and is in great pain and no peace what so ever, and as most Muslims who died and not at least secretly receiving MessiYah into their souls, since Yah is Essence of Divine Eternal Love indestructible and makes the soul to ascend to Paradise and not descend into hell where Allah HaSatan The Deceiver is near to be sent. It is written: ”faith comes by hearing the word of EL YHVH”. Hearing is knowledge and knowledge brings faith, therefore hearing brings faith and faith is a substance, an essence, just as Divine Eternal Love “Yah” is a substance, and essence, and super-powerful super-intelligent ETERNAL ENERGY. I will continue with this subject later on. And by the way I know that I won’t please most people --- but that is not the intent, (keep in mind). I am not here to please anyone but my Lord ELoHim Yahveh (EL YHVH). Also keep in mind the Greek word messenger is what became in English “angel”. You may need to remember this later on. I GabriEL always will belong to EL who put EL’s title mark in my name so you would know if I come to you and not preach EL but start to preach Allah or God or Buh, then you would know that I am either a traitor or someone else acting as if it were me “GabriEL”. Nevertheless I am giving you this warning: “REPENT or you will loose your soul and you have no idea what it means to loose your soul. No torture on this earth is the same like loosing your soul and it will happen in hell if you end up there. You could think of it like someone who gets the fingers cut one by one with a saw billions of times but the fingers would grow back to be cut all over again, all this while feeling the pain of the saw on your bones while cutting them, … and is still not as painful as loosing your soul. ” Later on this writing I will explain how is that you are to blame and no one else, for ending up there. It is up to you Atheists if you wish to have a Sacrificial Loving EL YHVH (Yah) The Holy One ESSENCE of LOVE, TRUTH and EVERLASTING LIFE, who desire to save you, not to make you his slaves (as Allah does his Muslims), but to make you his children and friends. It is up to you if you choose EL YHVH or else you choose the “nothing, void empty space” “the Naughtygod” known among angels as “HaSatan Allah The Deceiver and The Destroyer” to destroy your souls in hell, deceiving to have created non-intelligent stupid energy which in turn to create ‘universe’, (intelligence never comes out of non-intelligence and something never comes out of nothing. If that were to happen it would be a miracle which is YHVH and you are religious after all but not in the faith that could save your souls by teaching you how to ascend to Paradise. That is why EL YHVH is not ‘nothing’ because from nothing, nothing comes out, … EL YHVH is invisible to your eyes unless makes EL’self visible, but it doesn’t mean “is nothing”, … it is all up to you for walking in deceit or walk in The Truth (MessiYah), so don’t blame anyone else! Don’t blame as you blame now saying EL doesn’t exist or else EL Yah would not allow so much evil. But if EL makes you all by force to respect his faith you would be robots and not know what love means to love EL with it. You blame Yah(veh) EL for existence of evil among you (and by doing so you deceive and are guilty of extra sin), but you refuse to follow Yah’s faith Instruction made to stop sin, and to rule all governments and people on earth with it and nothing else, practicing Yah’s love shown through MessiYah and recorded in Yah’s Instruction. An intelligent God won’t do that (killing you), but you Atheists make it be the non-intelligent one (HaSatan Allah) and by not recognizing his existence although he is your Naughtygod Deceiver which have deceived you and you preach one of his religions “Atheism” you bring your own god’s furry and punishment against yourselves, for insulting him without having the protection of EL YHVH The Divine. Now that is very foolish, since those with true faith (although very few), could speak truth about Satan Allah and even if it appears as an insult, are protected since they have the protection of The True Divine Holy EL YHVH (Yah) IL, but you who refuse Yah or MessiYah not just through words but also through your deeds, you do not have any protection. So you loose, no matter what, both in this world and in the world to come. Unless you Repent and trust in your heart and soul MessiYah(veh) The Divine, evil is coming against you when you less expect it. Remember my words, because it will happen. Who ever trust any Deceiver to tell you that MessiYah is not Divine and that there is no Creator of the universe, since Deceivers likes to deceive, sins. Are you empty of any intelligence or wisdom to believe that the ultimate goal of A Great Deceiver is to lead you in Truth? If you do believe such think then you didn’t only loose your mind but also your soul. But if you have doubts and not believe, it is still possible to be saved from hell. A proof of the existence of EL YHVH The Divine and Holy Creator of All Existence is also that: worldly Atheistic intelligence have always lost debates and non-debates presented as science works in a competition with Faithful’s true wisdom. The great majority of those with whom Atheists have debated, did not represent the Instruction of Yah, and do not possess true wisdom and were not qualified to debate. Atheist debate with one of them is like debating with a kindergarten child. EL Yah (EL YHVH) does not support with wisdom members of false religions and when they debate, they use their own worldly intelligence which is foolishness before EL and has no power to win anything good. That is why the camouflage (undercover) Atheistic false religion Atheists, have won many of the debates with the other diverse members of false religions, but never succeeded against true faith which is no religion but pure science, EL YHVH is ESSENCE OF SCIENCE. Without EL there is no science, is just worldly foolishness, hypothetical theories that proves: “Nothing have created something”. Now that is more than a joke, is just foolishness. I will continue farther with the debate in this writing, written against any false religion existent, ..not only against Atheism. For a great blessing take this message and spread it farther to be seen by all people from all countries. Any human who get’s saved because of your help with this, will be counted to you as credit with extra blessing. I am not asking because I need your help. YHVH (Yahveh) EL (ELoHim) EL YHVH asks to do EL’s work because faith without works (without deeds), is dead. Faith without deeds can not be shown or seen. I am GabriEL JibrIL of EL YHVH IL, The Eternal Holy One, ESSENCE of Existence and of: LOVE, TRUTH, LIGHT, POWER, JUSTICE and of all good things. EL Yah is 'No Deceiver' but freed HaSatan 'The Deceiver', 'A Great Deceiver' and 'The Destroyer' mentioned in the Torah/bible, who's last name is 'Allah' posted in his Quran as 'The Deceiver', 'A Great Deceiver' and 'The Destroyer', with the same HaSatan names because he is Satan. Allah wrote in his Quran/Koran that he likes to deceive and destroy, the same like the Bible says Satan likes to do because he hates the human race (he is racist). This writing is not just a reading book. It is like a study faith science manual which repeats facts and truth to help you learn it, as you go reading through. So don’t question why I made repetitions. I am repeating the truth about some subjects, since it is through repetitions that you learn. But as you read you find more information, new information, as you progress on. The same have been the Torah written and includes the Writings through the Apostles which some of you call “Gospel”. Well, they are no ‘Gospel’ they are Torah (Instruction of Yah) although most of you read it from third hand translations of the Greek translations deceived to be the original manuscripts yet they are in hundreds of copies each all called original (which is a deceit), many thousands all together, in which have been practiced and teaches “replacement theology” to “Romanize the Torah”. And did that by changing not only the Name and titles of EL YHVH but even the meaning of the Holy Instruction and all Holy Days replaced with pagan dates or pagan names and pagan habits contrary to the desire of EL YHVH the Yah the MessiYah who showed Himself as an example how to behave in all things as I did (He said), so you do. Those corrupt interpretations didn’t corrupt The Instruction of Yah (Torah), it only have created a false religion based on the true faith, but no more true since is a deviation - a false religion, that is why Christianity is false. Through the Christian interpretation of the Torah transformed in “bible”, makes less likely to be able to have true connection and direct relationship with EL YHVH IL, and the great, great majority of Christians do not have any relation ship with the true Creator just like Muslims do not have any relationship with the true Creator. The Romanization of their translations (the Greek translations manuscripts), which were supposed to be only translations but became interpretations no more exact as in the original Aramaic or Hebrew, have created instead of a Messiyah’nic faith, …a Christian false religion broken into thousands of little sects. Yet compared with the Islam, Christianity is still much better and thousand times more accurate to the Torah, and desiring to subdue anyone by force, and the discriminatory killings of non-Muslims seen through all the Muslim Countries are not present in Countries where Christians live and which used to be Christian Countries but are no more since are Atheistic Countries which when the Muslims will grow enough in number (IF), then will be turned to Islam by force. The Romanization of the Christian bible interpretations makes sense since Greece was part of the Roman Empire and MessiYah was no Greek nor Roman, nor came to Rome or Greece nor preach in Rome or Greece. And during those times of the Greek translation manuscripts, the Roman dictators were interested to bring in the Roman Empire (Europe) an adapted religion to their traditions and interests which has nothing to do with the will of YHVH nor will help anyone ascend to Paradise. For who so ever desires to learn to ascend to Paradise (salvation), has to go back to Torah, use the whole 10 commandments and respect them to show love to their Creator which wasn’t Moses as false Christianity deceives, tear down that white page that deceives “new testament” for it has been put there only about during the invention of the printing press, for deceiving by Satan Allah The Deceiver, and start to respect the Holy Days as they were meant. Later in this writing you may find few more details. So even using those Christian Bibles translations/interpretations makes it possible to still practice true faith if you apply all is taught in here. And cross out or erase every word “God” and write over it EL or Yah or both or Elohim or YHVH as it is in most places in the Torah written, and everywhere it says Jesus Christ should be replaced back with Yah’shua MessiYah the original name that was replaced by Romans and Greeks who were anti-Semites and racists (unless you also are - then first you should repent since unless you repent you won’t see Paradise). All Sabbaths as in Torah should be respected , MessiYah Himself did, so who are you to do different? Do you consider yourself greater? MessiYah came to Israel and preached in Israel in Hebrew and Aramaic. His word in Aramaic and in Hebrew does exist. Yet those scripts won’t be used by Christianity to teach His words because it is hard if not impossible for false Christianity to give up all traditions and false holydays they have been born with, and books accumulated during 1800 years and start afresh. Christianity was invented few hundred years after MessiYah “The Truth” mission and few hundred years before Allah “The Deceiver” mission. Those who did come out of religions are called Messiyah’nic but majority of them are out of the Christianity (so far), so the use of improper Scripture words such as “God” through it, is still prevalent. Who doesn’t use God but EL or Yah or Yahveh, is because he/she truly belongs to EL YHVH while most Messiyah’nics do not at this moment, but soon might, most. Most Christianity’s imagined relationship with their God is based on ‘feeling’ but no real relationship. The teaching of Yah of moving mountains if you have the required faith, is true, but in Christianity if there is such man in 100 million people is a miracle, while among Messiyah’nics 1 in 100 thousand is considered a miracle and they do exist. Such people are humble not boastful or showy. That is why they have such faith and received such power from EL YAH(veh). To the boastful or showy is not given such power but they use deceit. The undercover Satanic deceit called ‘Atheism’ is presented as “Science” while it is an undercover religion invented by “The Deceiver” also called “The Destroyer” of the human race Allah HaSatan, or simply just called SATAN. Islam is also undercover, but is the other way around, presented as religion while is a military doctrine and scheme of conquest through evil doings and deceit and invasion by Satanists undercover as Muslims against naïve people from pagan Nations through immigration schemes legal and illegal, refugees claims, investment for residence schemes and captured citizenships, and other deceits of any kind for succeeding to overcome the native population and subdue (enslave) it by imposing their Islam so that when are in significant number to be able to impose it over the rest of the nation, to subdue (enslave) it and take control of the government and country totally turning it into Muslim Country or else divide the country and take over where they are in a greater number as to form a majority. Such is the deceit and the evil works of Allah HaSatan that his slaves “Muslims” do. They did so against more than 50 countries, more than half which were Atheo-Judeo-Christian countries. For those of you who didn’t know, before HaSatan Allah’s Koran and Satanists undercover as ‘Muslims” invasion of Egypt, Egypt was a Christian country with Christian Kings for more than 300 years where Atheists, Hindus and Buddhists minorities, lived along the Christians without fear or persecution. That is why EL YHVH have lifted EL’s protection and allowed Allah HaSatan and his Satanists undercover as Muslims to invade it and subdue it and enslave all non-Muslim population, which even in present out of the 100 % have remained only 10% and are enslaved by having to pay much more taxes than the Muslims have to pay, besides of having most of their churches, institutions and buildings destroyed or burned annually, having almost none left, as well as being killed annually to keep their numbers under 10% because by Muslim military doctrine should be under 3% as they did in all the other made by force Muslim Countries. YHVH allowed Egypt to fall because toleration of evil and toleration of religions instead of practicing one true faith of love, being good, no toleration of deceit and lies, and other sins. But Christians instead to learn to practice true faith and return to the Torah and not allow religions to grow on Yahveh’s given land, they did the opposite. So that’s why also all Christian countries are fallen and now are Atheistic more than Christian. If Atheism and Islam are not banned very soon from all former Judeo-Christian Countries, EL YHVH will allow Islam-Muslims to take over more Christian countries and ban Atheism by the way of Islam and enslave Judeo-Christianity as well with Atheists being massacred in the process and perhaps few deceivers Atheists will escape as acting as Muslims so that what they hated (other religions) will decay their souls. You could be sure of this, one way or another, EL YHVH will lift up most of EL’s little protection that remained over the former Judeo-Christian countries to allow Allah HaSatan to begin his destruction works by provoking more natural disasters, more murders, more economical disasters, more political downfalls, more immigrant Muslim invasions and terrorism, more uprising of the masses, more of everything until Judeo-Christian countries are kneel down into the dust. You may go ahead and laugh and disbelieve but it has already begin and even if it will take a while, it will continue and happen, and the only thing that it will stop is your total repentance before EL. Now I will continue talking about Satan’s fifth greatest religion which is undercover denying is religion while it is absolutely a satanic religion, and is called “Atheism”. The satanic religion ‘Atheism’ with it’s members although denies the existence of Satan, teach Satan’s lies nevertheless. One of the lies is that Atheism is not a religion. SO HERE IS THE NON-RELIGIOUSE DOCTRINE and teaching OF THE NON-RELIGION ATEISM: Atheists preach that there is no EL YHVH or IL, and no Allah HaSatan. According to them the Universe created itself from nothingness. Well then if it were true, that Universe must have been MIGHTY WISE, SUPER INTELIGENT to create itself from nothingness because we do not know of anything that could create itself from literally nothing. No one knows of anything to have appeared from nothing. The fact that Atheists claims to know, it seems to me that something about them is very wrong. Think about what could be wrong with them ! If you answered; “their pride, guilt, and desire to eliminate (deny) anything that could keep them responsible for their sins” it is a correct answer but is partial. The Instruction of Yah (Torah) teaches that EL YHVH spoke and so from THE sound of El’s Word (and sound is ENERGY /Spirit), it BROUGHT THE UNIVERSE INTO EXISTENCE. But EL YHVH Energy is not stupid energy. IS SUPER INTELIGENT SUPER POWERFUL ENERGY. Such INTELIGENCE AND POWER, that TIME OR SPACE CAN NOT CONTAIN EL YHVH (that’s why El YHVH exists also outside time and space). That is why EL YHVH is not limited or contained by time or space. Yet Atheists keep measuring space with time from their own perspective when YHVH Creator of it, does not measure it by human standard because measured that way would be a fraud. How could Yah measure it as Atheists do, when one day is like a thousand years with Yah which later took human form as MessiYah. EL YHVH dwells not only in time but also outside time and from outside the time could create 6000 years old universe in 6 days (by human counting) and allow it to look as if is 6 billion years old to ants such as humans (it will look so since the capacity of understanding is limited in human minds in present form) human which do not deserve to ascend in heaven anyway do to their descent already from Paradise. It is yet because of EL YHVH’s Love and Mercy that has been provided A WAY for ascending in Heaven or in Paradise and for humans to receive glorified bodies, way which is MessiYah Gate. The Star Gate is MessiYAH(veh). EL YHVH spoke and from the Energy of YAH’s sound (an intelligent Energy) the Universe have been created. But that is not from nothing. With nothing you create nothing. Teaching the opposite is foolishness and deceit. The signs of foolishness and fall of countries has always appeared over the countries that allowed for deceit to be taught in schools. That sign is when the governments of such countries graduates “fools” and post them as “wise” giving them “diplomas” and allowing them to teach deceit. This sign is over the countries which are to soon fall unless repenting. REPENT AND STOP PROVOKING Y.H.V.H. THE SUPER INTELIGENT CREATOR POWER BEHIND THE UNIVERSE OR ELSE YHVH WILL USE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, AGAINST YOURSELF INCLUDING YOUR OWN WEAPONS JUST TO SHOW YOU WHO IS IN CONTROL, NOT ONLY OF THE EARTH BUT OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. YOU GOVERNMENTS OF TERRA NATIONS, BE WISE AND PROMOTE REPENTANCE, STOP GIVING DIPLOMAS TO FOOLS, STOP WARS AND STOP INVADING EACH OTHER AND PUNISH THOSE WHO PRACTICE TERRORISM OR WHO ARE PROMOTING IT, OR EXPORTING WEAPONS FOR IT -SUCH AS SOON IN SECRET NORTH KOREA WILL EXPORT NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY TO IRAN. NORTH KOREA AND PAKISTAN SHOULDN’T EVEN HAVE SUCH WEAPONS BECAUSE WITH THEIR HELP THE EARTH WILL BE BURNED. PREVENT IT AND PUNISH TERRORISM BY STARTING WITH PUNISMENT AGAINST THEIR FAMILIES FIRST. AND ONLY AFTERWARD AGAINST THEIR CITIES AND COUNTRIES TO GIVE THEM UP OR ELSE BE DESTROYED, AND THAT WILL BE A LESSON FOR ALL. AND SO YOU WILL ERASE 99 % OF ALL TERRORISM. BUT IF YOU ARE NOT UNITED IN REPENTANCE, YOU WILL BE UNITED IN DESTRUCTION AND DEATH. DON’T BUILD THE WICKED OR THEIR COUNTRIES SO THAT YOUR ECONIMIES FALL TO THE GROUND. STOP TAKING ADVICE FROM ATHEISTS OR MUSLIMS FOR THEY WILL BRING DESTRUCTION. YHVH IS AGAINST THEM AND IF YOU DON’T REPENT, YHVH WILL ALLOW SATAN TO USE THEM TO DESTROY EACH OTHER WHILE YOU WILL ALSO BE DESTROYED - LONG TIME AGO (BY YOUR COUNTING) YHVH HAVE MADE YOU KNOW ALL THIS IN YAH’S INSTRUCTION YET YOU DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE AGAINST YAH’INSTRUCTION. REPENT OR BE DESTROYED! Atheists (which under Atheism all humans are their own gods or destiny makers, and by so believing they believe in billions of gods [while Hindus believe in less than a million gods]), so Atheists and their undercover Atheism false religion, declares that from nothing was created stupid non-intelligent energy which created the Universe and ultimately created the Atheists. It takes thousand times more faith to believe this satanic religious deceit, … than to believe in the Hindu false religion. Yet more than half a billion people have been deceived to trust Atheism satanic lies and deceit rather than to trust that it was the Super Intelligent/Super Powerful Energy universal present and beyond this universe present, ENERGY called EL YHVH that have created the universe through EL’s Intelligence and beyond imagination limitless Power. Atheists deceiving as being scientists teach: “Nothing” or “nothingness” formed an Energy. Certainly Atheist people belongs in psychiatric institutions to be re-educated, but sadly they have deceived Christians who used to rule those countries, to give the government control to Atheists which have created themselves public schools for re-education of religious Christianity through deceiving science preaching the undercover satanic religion called ‘Atheism’. They have the most ridiculous false religion that could ever exist while they deny is even a religion. Denial of truth does not make the truth disappear. Atheism false science undercover religion (most ridiculous false religion), Atheism teaches Nothingness have created the universe. Just do not ask them how, … ‘they are people of science, ... it just formed from nothing’. To them that is no miracle, is science. Teaching NOT KNOWING HOW it is SCIENCE to them. So, From Nothing some Energy appeared. But it is no miracle that from “nothing” Energy appears, …is just science. It is not miracle because they do not believe in miracles, and it is science because that is what they have decided their speculative hypothetical theories to be. What they practice is called science just because that is what they want to call it. They even made sure to teach in schools this satanic deceit, for which they will be kept responsible by having their souls sent in hell. So this Energy that made itself from Nothing was very stupid, none intelligent (according to Atheists). And the Stupid Non-Intelligent Energy decided (but it was a stupid decision, a non-intelligent decision), to make an accident. According to Atheist “deceiver scientists” ‘the nothingness’ transformed into a brainless energy and accidentally accident itself into a Big-Bang. Ha, ha, ha, even I as an angel could laugh, much the more ducks could laugh to such foolishness presented as “science”. How is it that no one forced Atheism and Atheists to produce something from literary “nothing” to prove their science or else to be banned from public schools deceiving (satanic deceit) into the minds of young humans, so the human race could be doomed faster for HaSatan who hates it, to rejoice sooner ? It is the duty of the faithful, where are their deeds? Clearly they are in faith only by words and no deeds, that’s one more reason why Christianity is a false religion. I suppose according to Atheist “so called science” comes the implying that Muslims are intelligent people. They use bombs and missiles to make Big - Bangs, but the Atheist no-god “nothing”, “nothingness” from the undercover satanic religion of false science, Scientific Atheism, “the nothing” transformed itself non-intelligently into non-intelligent Energy and non-intelligently created a Big-Bang and here are the results = non-intelligent atheists. Makes you wonder how much intelligence they have if any, but you do not have to wonder because I will quote Yah’s Instruction soon. It is the teaching of the Scientific Atheism that people who use bombs to make a “Big-Bang” are intelligent but the Energy that makes a Big-Bang from nothingness, it is certainly non-intelligent Energy. The Instruction of Yah (in Hebrew means Torah even if the Jews do not want to recognize that the Gospel is part of the Torah [of Yah’s Instruction]), in chapter First Corinthians sub’chapter 3 verse 19 which teaches to avoid worldly wisdom, says: “…The wisdom of this world is foolishness to ELohim Yah” (EL YHVH) MessiYah. You don’t have to guess why it is foolishness because I will tell you. Their decision to preach satanic deceit is pure foolishness because sends Atheist souls straight in hell with their non-god Satan Allah, where Atheist souls will wake up and see after all that there is an “afterlife” but that they are in the worst place they could ever be for the ‘afterlife’ and no one forced them to end up there. They just chose themselves to go to the isolation of deceit and deceiver’s place because they chose to deceive and be deceived. No wonder why they have been allowed to take control over governments over countries once used to be Christian. It is because the false Christianity which in the beginning were not called Christians but Messiyah’nic until first pagan Roman Emperor acting to convert to the bible to preach it over the Roman Empire and create Christianity by force banning the holy Sabbaths established eternally by EL YHVH. EL YHVH is Pure Holy Super-Intelligent All-Powerful Unlimited ENERGY or SPIRIT not bound by time or space. So get this into your Atheistic heads, whatever your notion of time is, for the Holy Divine One - EL YHVH IL your theory, notion and formula is NULL for many reasons. One is because EL is outside time and could bend time and go future and past at EL’s will. Second is because EL in the immensity of EL’s knowledge and intelligence could see things that you can not see or ever know to be able to make a truthful theory. Your time measuring and distance between stars are only from your point of knowledge and intelligence which is 0.00000000001 compared to EL’s knowledge and intelligence. So no matter how much you wish that there exists no one to whom you will have to give account in the ‘afterlife’, your desire won’t transform into truth just because you wish it. “The Truth” and the very ESSENCE OF TRUTH AND LIGHT AND LOVE is EL YHVH ELself and under his human form name MessiYah Himself, and so you are out of (in your terms): ‘out of your luck’ since chances to bend The Truth (to bend EL YHVH) to your will are (-) under 0. Now all those being said, don’t be sad because you have a very high percentage of chance to bend yourself to The Truth and accept it as IT IS and save yourselves by repenting and accepting MessiYah into your hearts and souls. To any Muslim I will say this: I appreciate you trying to be honest but The Holy Perfect Divine Creator EL YHVH IL which I represent, says that just trying to be honest and not being honest by following Allah who declared himself to be "The Deceiver" and "A Great Deceiver" in his Quran and also said: "he likes to deceive" (means he likes to sin) won’t get you to ascend to heaven or in Paradise. No sins, no deceit, no deceivers is allowed by EL YHVH in Heaven or paradise, not even Allah HaSatan - Being totally honest means to understand that Allah is not THE HOLY ONE EL YHVH (Yahveh) IL of the Torah or bible. No one who likes to deceive and says is A Deceiver, or The Deceiver or A Great Deceiver, (as Allah said all this in the Quran), no one, no such Allah is Holy. But exposing Allah HaSatan and teaching against his book Quran is no good for the million Imams preaching because they loose their jobs. So the Imams have to keep their jobs and have to preach the Quran or else they loose their jobs. For them worldly things and the jobs in this world is more important than heaven. They are excellent perfect actors. Those Imams are atheists who have become PERFECT actors acting extremely religious so that they could keep the jobs of Imams and get paid in all kinds of ways without the regular Muslims knowing, and having benefits for being Imams. Many Imams know that Allah is HaSatan because Allah is just the last name of HaSatan. And Allah has many of the same titles or names in the Quran as Satan has in the bible, and he likes what Satan like because he is Satan. But those dishonest Atheists that are now Imams because are very good actors and they like Imam jobs and believing that Satan or Allah does not exist, they like to keep their jobs because are good jobs with good pay or benefits. That is why they can not tell you that Allah is Satan. They only allow you to deduct and discover yourself (alone) from the Quran and from their preaching but do not allow you to ask such too many questions because they do not want to loose their jobs. Because of them and their greed for worldly things or for their jobs, you who follow them you end up in hell. They do it because they do not believe that hell exists but you regular Muslim you know it does exist. Yet you end up in hell because you follow them believing the unholy satanic religion called Islam. Islam is just like Atheism false, another religion of Satan deceiving to make you not trusting Yahveh Savior (short written Yahshua MessiYah) who teaches in Yah’s Instruction how to ascend to Paradise (how to get saved). Islam is’slam against humanity and is satanic religion. Satanic religion is any religion who teaches to believe in any god who says is a “deceiver” or great deceiver or the deceiver. Deceiving is sin. Allah said he likes to deceive it means he likes to sin (it makes sense because he is Satan). Deceiving is sin. Allowing people to have free choice and be deceived if they hear a big noise thinking is a bomb or thinking is a big invading army, is not sin because is the choice of people to have faith and defend themselves or to have no faith and run into more problems. What is sin is proclaiming to be Deceiver as Allah did in his Quran/Koran or A Great Deceiver or The Deceiver, and liking -enjoying to deceive or saying you like to deceive is sin, and is un’holiness, and is evil like Allah did in his Koran. YHVH of the Torah/bible allowed people to be deceived, but YHVH never called EL’self with Deceiver titles or names and never provoked deceit, but Satan and humans always did through different actions that they took against YHVH (Yahveh) or just Yah. EL Yah never said EL likes to deceive because EL is The True Holy One, The Truth and The Just and Justice. EL is short for ELoHim and ELohim means SupremeLordJudge in the Ancient Angelic Sound and Inscriptions Hebrew Language. If someone invented a modern word that looks like this ancient word and does not mean the same thing as this word means, it means is a corruption and you should not trust, that is if you love truth. So since Allah said he is a deceiver, a deceiver can not be trusted because could promise to take you in heaven but he does not have to keep any promise because he is a deceiver, is what he likes to be and to do. He deceives you and he told you he like to deceive so you don’t have any excuse for choosing to trust in him. So you who are Muslim, why listening and trusting a deceiver ? Is it because you have mental problems ? Problems with your head ? For mental problems you go to the doctor, not to a deceiver who only deceive you but not heal you. If you are afraid because the Quran teaching Islam says: “Kill anyone who quits Islam” then become undercover but in the good way, not as Islam is now undercover as religion but in reality is a military satanic scheme to destroy all nations make them all poor Muslim countries and at the end when all are Muslims Allah HaSatan will make nuclear war among Muslims just as they are in war non-nuclear for right now in between Muslim countries. If they are not smart to not make war against each other now, what does it make you think that they will be smart to not make war later on? SaudiArabian Muslims kills the Yemen Muslims, and as Al-Queda and ISIS Califate Muslims kills the other Muslims of Syria and Iraq. Look at you, killing each other because you follow the same Allah who said He is The Destroyer and The Deceiver. He deceive you that he deceives infidels, but he deceived you to make war and destroy each others because your Allah The Destroyer have created the Quran as a military scheme of destruction against all humans. When all earth become Muslim as Muslim IsSlam preach (by Islam scheme), they will kill each other with nuclear weapons. That is why Iran just made the first step deceiving western nations to get the time to build the technology and have it so they could have war with Pakistan and destroy it into submission (subdue as islam teach) if they refuse to accept the Shiite Islam way. If all the earth become Muslim by force, I am sure that some infidel anti Allah-HaSatan will press all nuclear buttons before loose control to Muslims and there will be enough nuclear lunched missiles to radiate all earth and make it unliveable for many hundreds of years because the new nuclear bombs are hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb and there are enough bombs to destroy all earth by radiation and kill everything alive more than five times which means that you have to stay buried into a hole very deep under the ground 200 years (for every time earth destruction bombing) 5x200 = 1000 years before you find good air outside. But no one, not even the children of the children would be alive that long. Before all that time your children will die without water and food or polluted air in the bunker or non-air or just stressed up some suicide’r who thinks he is martyr and go to heaven. Either way HaSatan Allah will not give up before each and every single human will be destroyed. The only One who could prevent all this is Elohim Yahveh (EL YHVH) short written EL Yah which took human form under the name Yah’shua MessiYah and only trough faith in him who proved love no hate, life no suicide, freedom no slavery on earth, no slavery in heaven, wisdom no foolishness, peace no war. Look at you, Muslims killing Muslims, that is war and foolishness the same foolishness and war when you killed Jews and Christians, and Atheists to take their lands in Mecca and in all the 50 countries occupied by Muslims now deceiving they are victims, just because the Satanist false prophet Muhammad let himself deceived by HaSatan preaching himself under his Allah name. War, hate, invasion, submission, slavery, suicide, rapes, and many other evils are Allah HaSatan goal and plan for the destruction of humans because he is “The Destroyer” and because he hates humans and he knows he goes to hell anyway for not repenting and likes to deceive and be A Great Deceiver and The Deceiver and The Destroyer of human souls to take with him in hell as many as it may be possible. So you the deceived are his slaves titled “Slaves of Allah” the same as all the other false religions Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Atheism, Buddhism, New-Age’ism and many other all Satanic deceits. HaSatan Allah knowing the greed and worldly wishes of Muhammad and people in general, for money, and power, and leadership positions such as Imams have, and girls, and other temporary worldly things, but Satan wanting to be worshiped under his last name “Allah”, have created the satanic Quran tempting humans in Quran exactly with what people wishes for, (for example Saudi-Arab wishing all humans on earth to be Muslims to come pilgrimage to Mecca to spend money there, so HaSatan Allah made people worship him that way in the place he fall from heaven and marked it with a stone to be his site. Allah HaSatan in his Quran teaches that all humans must become Muslims and at least one time during life time to go pilgrimage to Mecca, that way if seven billion people on earth visit Mecca, then the Arabs could just make profit out of the tourism no matter if petrol gets finished. The petrol and most land that now Muslims have was given as a blessing to the English recently in history for protecting the Jews because among them were some that belonged to MessiYah. But the English did not subdue to enslave and annihilate conquered countries as Muslims does with those who does not submit such as in most Muslim countries including Pakistan and Saudi-Arabia which puts to death Non-Muslims. However the reason they lost the territories is because they did not follow EL YHVH in faith so EL have lifted EL’s protection over the English Empire to brake apart to this day, so their lands and petrol was allowed in the hands of HaSatan Allah and his worshipers. EL YHVH is not interested in the prosperity of those who do not put their total faith in EL. So if EL stop protecting you, then HaSatan Allah or one of his demons is able to attack you much easier and hurt you much, much more even destroy your family and country or kill you for hell. The only way you are protected is through MessiYah that HaSatan Allah can not touch Him or what is His as His MessiYah’nic people who are true and not just pretending. Since even among them are pretenders and hypocrites. They won’t have to work hard labour, they just enjoy trading such as buy cheep souvenirs from China and sell to tourist pilgrims with a deceived blessing in Mecca very expansive souvenirs bought very cheep. But Iran desires all humans to go tourism in Iran and made as holy place the Jamkaran in Qom, Iran. And because they know that Sunni Muslims being 85% of Muslims on earth, will end up subdue Shiites as the Quran teaches subjugation, so because Sunni are nuclear armed through Pakistan and could summit Shiites by force when Sunni Muslims takes over all the earth enslaving (subdue) all Non-Muslims, (since Islam preaches submission by force if is not accepted by free will), then, that is why Iran also want to arm themselves but also because with such weapons they could conquer Israel much easier and take over Jerusalem. Israel was never Arab or Muslim territory. But was invaded by Romans and was Roman land for more than 600 years. But Muslims have invaded it and conquer it by defeating the Romans and made from the Roman Dome of the Rock a Mosque (as they did with the one in Turkey), and when Israel re’conquered and took back it’s own land, Muslim being hypocrites, do not like it. But when Arab Muslims invaded the Romans and occupied Israel and Byzantine /Corinth and change the name to Turkey, and Lebanon and Syria and Jordan and many other Roman NON-ARAB LANDS, …Arabs liked it very much occupying then. When Israel liberated it’s own land, the Arab hypocrites do not like it. Satanic Islam teaches twisted hypocrisy so that Muslims don’t even know that it is hypocrisy. All this it matches perfect in the Satanic plan of Allah The Deceiver and The Destroyer. He plans to make all earth Islam Muslim and then armed nuclear Muslims they will destroy each other because Arabs always will promote pilgrimage tourism in Mecca since is good for their economy, but Iran will promote pilgrimage to the Iranian declared Holy Jamkaran in Qom, Iran, so there will be by force trying submission to subdue one the other, but the Shiites are not naïve like the Atheists, Jews and Christians to allow themselves to be invaded and overcome by Muslim military scheme as religious sunny immigrants, so they will not accept, and will be a nuclear war against each other if they have no other non-Muslim country on earth to fight. That’s Allah The Deceiver and The Destroyer against humans, plan, but because he is deceiver, he also deceives himself and this plan won’t happen as he plans it. Some huge, immense great evil will happen against all humans False Christianity and Atheists, who do not belong to EL Yah, but the most greatest suffering will happen to the same Muslims who remain Muslims to please their own deceived families in Islam and HaSatan The Deceiver under his last name “Allah”. Allah of the Quran is such false god the same as any god because is a demon, is HaSatan. The Holy One of The Bible never said he likes to deceive and never said he has titles such as: A Deceiver, or The Deceiver or A Great Deceiver like Allah said he does. Does not exist any Torah or bibles with such titles or names for EL YHVH such as: A Deceiver, or The Deceiver or A Great Deceiver. EL have never had such names or titles because belongs to HaSatan. Because Allah said is a Deceiver and likes to deceive, that is why his religion Islam is false. Repent before is too late and die un’repented unholy and end up in hell. No one who follows Allah The Deceiver is holy, and none has ever been holy. Only unholy people followed Allah HaSatan The Deceiver who deceived them just by not mentioning his other name “HaSatan” or short : “Satan”. Satan when came as an angel of light to fulfil the bible prophecy, knew that if he says he is Satan and brings his Quran, almost no one follow him. But he got the idea to deceive he is me (JibrIL) but not teach the IL of IsraIL EL YHVH, but teach in his book himself under his Allah name which humans did not know of. Trying to be honest is not good enough to be given the power to your soul to ascend in Paradise or Heaven in the moment of your death and be saved. All who are saved know they are saved, before dying they know,and that is possible only through MessiYah who taught how to know to ascend and to be saved, who has never deceived anyone and who is not "Deceiver" like Allah is and wrote lies in his book. If you really want to see heaven and enter it, learn from this teaching and follow it. EL YHVH IL have chosen you for this chance if you want to become one of EL Yah's preachers to lead others also to salvation. Learn everything which is taught here and teach other as well and you could do it straight from here through internet once you learn everything. Then by great power and miracle you will be given the finance to have a building where to make a MessiYah'nic congregation for Yah (YHVH) EL IL The Holy One Not a Deceiver of any kind but The Truth which when promise, keep Yah's word. I testify to that. I am proof of the existence of YHVH and in this writing (many pages long,) I will explain why Atheism is a religion, and why other religion presented as religion or faith is not a religion and not a faith, because is a Military conquering scheme false religion used to invade other countries to conquer them and end up making them poor with bad economy like all the others that they conquer in which there is no petrol. First learn to defend yourself from Satanic Atheistic attack promoted by false undercover satanic religion of Atheism presented or camouflaged as science, to be able to make people doubting in the faith in YHVH labelled by atheists as religion so they could be able better and farther deceive souls to reject MessiYah and not be freed from the slavery to Allah HaSatan in which all un’repented unholy souls are now. (ALL FALSE RELIGIONS BELONGS TO HASATAN LAST NAME ALLAH. YAH HAS ONLY ONE TRUE FAITH AND IS THROUGH MESSIYAH SPELLED AND WRITTEN WITH “YAH” The Divine EL’s Holy Name, … AlleluYAH. ANYTHING ELSE IS FALSE AND IS SATANIC CORRUPTION MADE OR WORKED AT HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF YEARS TO DECEIVE WITH IT BECAUSE HaSatan Allah is “The Deceiver” who likes “to deceive” who he will. That means everyone of you who are not holy and did not repent yet from lies, deceit, murders, theft, adultery, hate, suicide, terrorism, rape, and teaching any lies means deceiving… and so on and on, all kinds of other sins all posted in the Instruction of Yah (Torah title replaced by little faith unholy people with the Greek word “book” in Greek being biblio, parent of word bible). If the world or if HaSatan Allah see no holiness and deeds of faith (deeds not like in the deceiving religion Islam of hate. Yes Islam teaches hate, Islam teaches hate those who are infidels against Allah HaSatan, like Jews and Atheists and Christians because are non-Muslims, hate women and little girls 9 years old which you can not marry and islam of Satan says you can as practiced in Pakistan, hate anyone Non-Muslim who refuse to be subdued as islam teach, and if you find Muslims who accepts suicide, teach them to do it and deceive they become martyr. Martyrs of HaSatan Allah are not true martyrs because they are sent to hell by EL YHVH .), If the world or if HaSatan Allah see no holiness and deeds of faith, take you as slaves to them (to Allah HaSatan and to his demons), and to The Lord you are part of them (the deceived). Your deeds so far are that lands given to you by YHVH (so called Christian countries) to rule in faith and make them holy, but you and your forefathers have been giving them into the hands of the unfaithful to rule over you, to be ruled through the constitution deceived by Satan over you. The only true constitution over you should have been the Instruction of Yah. Ruled now you are by slaves of Satan (Atheists and fake Christians pretenders with words and no deeds of applying Torah), who do not even know they are slaves, …leading you toward hell, both on earth and beyond. And take heed, EL’s Holy Name is Yah short for Yahveh written YHVH. Yah as in Yah’shua MessiYah This is EL’s Holy Name YAH. AlleluYAH (or Alleluiah) means Praise Yahveh, it does not mean Praise god since is not Allelugod. If you desire to praise god then you should say Allelugod but that is idol worship and I have warned you. The word God of English language is no where written in the Original ancient manuscripts. The word God is a replacement word because the practice of replacement theology (which is satanic and used to deceive little by little through many replacements which is not just replacing Yah with God and with other idol titles and names , words in all the other languages). It has to do with very, very, very many things, exposed in this truth revealing little manual. So start some deeds, take this information and spread it world wide and pray that most people repent, and from them many might get saved. There are people saying they have been new born again believers (of the bible) saved by ‘The Lord’ but now they have become Atheists or Muslims; they are liars since they have never got saved. You can’t follow the bible just to get saved and then go back to preach Islam or Atheism. To be truly saved means becoming the new person which could never return to the old one who died. “The old man died, the new man was born (new birth - salvation through MessiYah). Because I am asking you, return to what? to the dead? To the old dead man? How can you, he/she is a stinking corpse! It is written in the Holy Scripture (The Instruction of Yah - in angelic language Ha Torah/bible): “the old man died and the new was born in his/her place”, so there is no go back (to the dead and yet be alive), back to the worldly ways means you are no more alive, you are spiritually dead, (your salvation or new birth never took place although you deceived yourself it did - the truth is that it never happened), your soul is spiritually dead and will be sent to the place prepared for the spiritually dead - hell. So stop deceiving you were saved believer in the bible but now you have become Muslim or Atheist because you found the truth. MessiYah (Yah as in Yahveh) said: I AM “THE TRUTH”. Which truth have you found away from Yah? The devil who lately preach himself as Allah The Deceiver using the name “The Deceiver” of HaSatan from the bible? Yet along this name he also claims he is “the truth” . The truth deceiving is no more truth you wicked and deceived people! I Gabriel / Jibril could tell you this: Unless you repent, you will receive the evil that is on it’s way toward you which brings destruction against you, family and friends and country. So learn truth to get freed by the truth, if you ever return back to the old person you once were, is because you have never been born again and you have never been saved since salvation once offered and received by a soul, is eternal. Many are deceived that are saved or born again while they are not. Their deeds will prove it. And some of their deeds are those: “ I was a born again “saved” person but now I am a Muslim/ or Atheist/ or ….etc. The Quran/Koran sais Muslims are the Slaves of Allah The Deceiver. You should ask such people: How were you saved when you believed the bible, since you are now in captivity as Slave to Allah HaSatan? MessiYah said: “Love your enemies” = Pray for your enemies wishing EL YHVH (Yah) does whatever it needs to be done to kneel them to repent and be saved for eternity in heaven. Neither Atheists nor Muslims nor members of any other Non-Torah (non-bible) religions does such thing (pray for the enemies whishing them to end in heaven), or teach this Divine truth by which all are judged. How could they practice The Truth (Yah said is The Truth), since they don’t even know Yah to have a relationship with “The Truth”. It is because they are deceived by “The Deceiver” so they are lost, not saved. So if you are truly saved (not just imagine that you are or just deceive yourself that you are), (if you are truly saved) you never go back to the worldly things (Atheism, Islam …etc) because by doing so you prove by your deeds that YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN SAVED. Praying for your enemies for them to repent and go to heaven is the ultimate love for enemies. Nothing you could give them is greater than eternal life in heaven which is true love for the enemy. True love for your friends in MessiYah (which are already granted entrance in Heaven), is giving your life for them (for your friends - not for your enemies). Giving your life for your enemies (which are those denying faith in MessiYah or his Divinity (giving your life for your enemies such as allowing or helping them to invade and enslave your family and country and take your jobs away from you, or not fighting them) is no more love for your friends in MessiYah showing a contradiction and showing you are not saved and showing you yourself are a traitor of your MessiYah, of your friends of MessiYah, and of your country which you give into enemy hands. So your deeds is qualifying you as being unfaithful with other words “a traitor” who gives his family and country in the hands of the enemy who tries to exterminate anything that has to do with MessiYah and make you and MessiYah’s teaching extinct on earth. My words won’t make any sense to the slaves of Satan, some which knows they are slaves and some which don’t even know are slaves of Satan. But my words makes sense to all who belongs to EL or who are on EL YHVH list (book of life), on their way to follow Yah’s Instruction. Some are truly saved and could never and would never become ever worldly again, but others are in their way to become born again and saved. That is what it means to be saved or born again, is faith with deeds according to the Yah’s Instruction. The ancient Hebrew angelic sound language word “Torah” means Instruction (of) Yah, although now “torah” word had been transformed in anything but instruction in order to deceive and lead in wrong path or wrong ways. This writing is repetitive with some subjects because it tries to teach more truth to lovers of truth, to edify them and make them stronger to be able to defeat evil and deceit, since it is a study manual teaching and preaching “The Truth” YHVH. Some people will find it as being excellent, or very good, and those people are the lovers of truth. Born again or saved is salvation from sin, and the Father of sins (HaSatan Allah) and salvation from the worldly things to the eternal holiness life in Paradise or Heaven. My words can not be understood by the unholy which has no love for Yah (YHVH = Yahveh). Yah as in MessiYah said He is “The Truth” and The light for humans, yet the world rejects The Light because prefers to walk in darkness, …after which they question: “why so much evil in this world?” “Where is The Creator and why allow evil to happen or why are we surrounded by evil?”. I am GabriEL JibrIL and I am sent to answer those questions which have been asked not only by Atheists but even by false Christianity, and by Jews, and by Muslims and by Buddhists and by Hindus and by every other member of every other religion. True faith is no religion and needs not asking such questions since knows “The Truth” MessiYAH who said: “I AM THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE (ETERNAL) LIFE (FOR HUMANS)”. So EL YHVH had decided that I should answer especially those two questions in this writing which is kind of a manual for study with repetitive teaching to help those and only those who are sometimes searching or wondering about “The Truth”. The EL Yah as in Yah’veh and Messi’Yah said EL is not only “The Truth” but EL also said is “The Light” of men. In the darkness is where evil resides. Yet men prefers to dwell in the darkness by not accepting Yah (MessiYah- The Light), after which wonders why evil happens and why the world is surrounded by evil? You who reject “The Light” (title of MessiYah) and having no light you dwell in “The Darkness” where evil resides and works, then you complain or ask why evil surrounds you? No wonder why Yah said: The wisdom of this world is foolishness to Yah! Then you say: “what kind of god allow this to happen {to incriminate yourself Atheist who also said long ago: “there is no god (implying ‘Creator’) , we are gods”}. Therefore you gods-Atheists are found “guilty” for practicing darkness and allowing evil to happen. The evil happens and the world is surrounded by evil because the world rejects “The Light” which is another title of MessiYah the same as is “The Truth” and “The Resurrection” and “The Eternal Life” are titles of MessYah or of Yah short for Yahveh short for EL Y.H.V.H which means I WAS, I AM, I WILL BE or just I AM WHO I AM Super-Powerful Super-Intelligent ENERGY/SPIRIT. Before any time and space (universe) was, EL Yah Was. That is why MessiYah (short written = Yah) said: “The Word” (another title of Yah) was in the beginning. The Instruction of Yah (Torah) in chapter John subchapter 1 have recorded as a witness to the world: “In the beginning was Yah and Yah was with EL and Yah was EL. So saying: “Before any time and space (universe) was, EL Yah was”, it is correct and I am not speaking on my own or from my own knowledge, but I am a witness of “The Truth” to you, so that you may gain knowledge that brings faith which brings ascension (salvation) to Paradise. Yet The World rejects “The Light” (MessiYah) and prefers “The Darkness” (title of HaSatan Allah), and the world by its own choice dwells in “The Darkness” and chose “The Darkness” (HaSatan Allah, The Deceiver, deceit, evil- [no destruction or killing is good since is evil ]. Evil can not be killed by humans since the very word kill or destroy, means EVIL if killing is applied against any kind of human soul. First of all humans may kill the human flesh but the soul humans can not kill. NOT THE HUMANS COULD KILL SOULS, BUT THE DESTROYER CAN DURING A VERY LONG PERIOD OF TIME. A man’s soul is his human essence a type of fable but constant energy given by EL YHVH. So practicing killing against humans (unless is for self defence) in your house meaning in the lands of your own people, else is evil. Occupied lands by the enemies should be liberated and so the fight among two military armies, for the army who’s land was invaded and occupied, it is not practice of evil, but for the one which invades or by non-military is evil. Terrorists if they desire to fight and kill without doing evil have to become registered military of the country they fight liberating it. --- But the irony is that the Muslim terrorists in fact have no country and are non-citizens of any lands, and I could explain this. All Earth belongs not to Allah HaSatan The Deceiver and The Destroyer, but to EL YHVH The Truth, The Divine Eternal Creator who unless EL allows, destruction can not happen by Allah Satan or his Satanists undercover the name ‘Muslims’ and under other names and titles as well. So Earth belongs to EL Yah, also titled MessiYah. Any human who is infidel against Yah The Divine MessiYah, is a illegal occupier of lands on earth and at the end, unless they repent and practice faith in Divine Yah, they will be sent to hell. In the end you will see who has the true power to do as He pleases but by then it will be too late to convert because any conversions won’t be accepted and won’t happen then - see Instruction of Yah (Torah/bible). The infidels, Muslims have occupied Mecca of many religions imposing by force Satanism called IsSLAM, and later the land of all the other tribes surrounding them and later over 50 nations by deceit and force and illegal immigration also by deceit, imposing their Satanism called IsSLAM against humans, and turning entire countries into Satanic unclean Muslim Lands. They are the invaders yet they deceive that are invaded because their own Allah which they follow teaches in his Quran deceit and saying he is “A Great Deceiver”. So Muslims practice deceit as their own Allah does. If you are a Muslim, I can’t trust you. This is what should all Non-Muslims say to the Muslims; you should say: if you are a Muslim, I can’t trust you because your own Allah says in your Koran that He is a Deceiver, A Great Deceiver, and The Deceiver. Mine doesn’t say such thing in my faith and I only believe in truth and can’t trust deceivers. If you chose to trust deceivers you go to hell! It doesn’t matter if you are an Atheist, you should say: if you are a Muslim, I can’t trust you because your own Allah says in your Koran that He is a Deceiver, A Great Deceiver, and The Deceiver. Mine (Science) doesn’t say such thing in my faith and I only believe in truth and can’t trust deceivers. If you chose to trust deceivers you go to hell! I don’t believe in hell but since you do, that is where you go, in that hell that you believe exists. You should not help by any mean in any way the invading military Satanists undercover as religious Muslims. Why should you (Atheists) say what I said above and taught you above, …why say to Muslims? Here is why: 1.Because in their Muslim countries are no more left alive any Atheists unless they are undercover and are acting as if they are Muslims (because fear of death) and pay Mosques regular fees to keep Imams in jobs and the military scheme invasion doctrine and preach Satanism undercover as Islam. 2.Because their Islam it only grows outside their Muslim countries since in Muslim countries has no more to what to grow. 3.Because if you do not discourage and prevent and stop Islam, your fall (Atheism + Atheists) will come also in your own countries that you believe are yours. 4.Because Islam when has enough members infiltrated in your country it stops deceiving with peace and start by force to impose (enforce) over you (Christians do not do that because if they would have, you would not exist anymore, you would be all dead) 5.Islam only grows because you allow it to grow and encourage it by your inactivity against them. If Muslims had the percentage number of Christians that are in your country, (if they were as many as the Christians) there won’t have been any Atheists alive today in your countries (again proves are the Muslim countries where is hard to find one to say in the open publicly is Atheist as you do now here all over in public and on the internet showing your faces so that Muslims could keep your evidence so that when the time comes, will hunt you down one by one). They won’t kill Christians before they do the Atheists and the Jews, and some Christians they would allow to be able to collect heavy taxes (a kind of triple tax trinity since they have trinity God). Atheists they do not need any to spare. So those of you who are not known to be Atheists, you will be acting like Muslims or run like chicken although now you act like being bold to the pacifist Christian sheep deceived to be more than MessiYah taught in His Instruction. Atheists are so busy to fight the Christian sheep that is totally satanic pacifist deceived, and that has a religion of toleration for Atheism, but Islam has no toleration for Atheism at all, although for Christians have somewhat. Prove is you are alive in all Christian countries. None of you are alive or bold to say in public “I am Atheist” in any Muslim Countries. I invite you to go and do it and see what happens! Muslims have occupied the lands of those non-Muslims and turn them into minorities by exterminating most of them and allowing them to exist only in a very small percentage as minorities in their own lands, and only in subjugation, enslavement under heavy taxes that Muslims themselves do not pay as Non-Muslims are forced to pay. This all is evil and unless they repent and turn away from all evil not only from IsSlam, … EL YHVH will allow their own Allah HaSatan to bring even more destruction up on them and destroy all the infidels that are infidels against EL Yah “MessiYah” The Divine like the Muslims infidels are. Muslims are doers of evil on invaded lands and as occupiers, yet they act as being victims of someone’s occupation while they are the occupiers training terrorists and supporting them either financially or morally and spiritually to invade and attack other non-Muslim countries as well. Humans can’t kill evil, the so called “killing evil” it only multiplies it faster, but humans can totally isolate evil (if they want) to prevent evil from multiplying itself. (For example; on earth it should be created by the nations a place where all practitioners of evil could be isolated there with no way of escape and with created means of guarding it there to never be able to get out and corrupt the rest of the humanity. This until MessiYah comes because after that Yah will take care of the problem, but until then His faithful must show their faith through their deeds, not through empty words or through lip service and empty deeds. For one example: all evil could be isolated in the middle of one land, or it could be created in the middle of the ocean on a land or island where it could be deported all evil, hundred of millions of practitioners of evil if necessary be deported there to practice there as much as they want their own evil against themselves. Muslim terrorists and most Muslims which are sympathisers and therefore moral and spiritual supporters of terrorism, do not concern themselves with human rights when they set on fire a church with people in it [and this did happen in Muslim Countries] Evil does not concern itself with human rights observance and do not practice human rights, therefore it is only just and Justice to accord Evil no human rights. If you are deceived by “The Deceiver” you do. As an example, Muslims only apply human rights for themselves and when profitable against non-Muslims, but for the non-Muslims which they call “infidels” (because are infidels against their Allah HaSatan) they do not respect “human rights”, so you are not to force any human rights on Muslims or accord them any either. Muslims are practitioners of double standard. Forcing good on evil to corrupt that good, it only increase the power of evil and not decrease it. Evil and evil doers such as the practitioners of double standard, who refuses to repent and quit evil, has to be let alone but totally isolated there with no way out and no way for the good in, to practice their evil of destruction against each other and destroy each other or end up on their knee realizing they have to repent). It is the only solution to the diabolic problem. Be good with those who are evil is not about allowing Satan and his servants to destroy your house so there is none left to proclaim or worship or establish Lord’s Kingdom, kindness, love, truth, …etc. Be good with those who are evil is about praying for their repentance so that EL YHVH do whatever it may be needed to see them kneel on the ground and repented so they could also receive eternal life in Heaven since is the most priced and valued thing that you could offer your enemies. 100 billion dollars given to the enemy is still not worth as eternal life in heaven is. So if due to your prayers they ended having eternal life in heaven, you showed your love for the enemy and your doing good to those who do evil. But if you are deceived by a deceiver, you do it any other way for your own destruction so that The Destroyer who is The Deceiver Allah HaSatan, could destroy you. Why shouldn’t good be allowed in the place where evil should be isolated? Why should evil be allowed to dwell with the good? Heaven and hell all together makes sense to you? If you are an Atheist, and Heaven and hell does not exist in your opinion then think philosophically if it makes sense. Does it makes sense to have hell and heaven philosophically speaking, on earth together mixed up, mixed all together angel girls and demons so that the angel girls could be raped by demons? Perhaps to the deceived and the wicked it does make sense. That is what you have done and you are doing right now you the deceived who practice “turn the other cheek endlessly” playing the role of angel girls, to be raped by Satanists. MessiYah never told any followers to turn the other cheek endlessly, not endlessly. But what can we expect from the deceived, except to allow them’selves to be corrupted with evil, raped by undercover Satanists such as Muslims who worship “Allah A Great Deceiver and self proclaimed The Deceiver” teaching all the earth to worship HaSatan Allah The Deceiver, even in countries that have been reserved for The Holy One EL YHVH. When good taste evil or touches evil, it gets corrupted and brings corruption to the rest of the good. The tree of knowledge of good was corrupted by The Snake with evil, so it became to be tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then the good despite that have been warned not to, went and touched, and tasted it anyway and got corrupted. Do you want to repeat the history all over again endlessly? Why are you letting yourselves deceived? When do you ever learn from your mistakes and from history, and stop denying the past or the history? Don’t you understand that you can not defeat a killer or a terrorist with human rights? -- Why not? -- Because he uses the human rights that you give him against yourself and go and kill all over again. And so the killing will never stop as long as you allow and able, empower him to use double standard, meaning: his own standard that he won’t give up, and he will continue using it, and being allowed and taught to use also your standard to employ to escape justice being made for the victims. Don’t think only about individuals (which also gets away escaping true justice, because you empower them to use besides their own standard that they will use anyway against you, but also your standard since you allow). Don’t think only about individuals but think about entire countries. You proclaim to be lovers of justice but you discriminate against your own people by giving rights to the foreigners SPECIFICALLY MUSLIMS invading your lands, rights which are not given to your own people in those Muslim countries. As a very famous example known by almost everyone is Saudi-Arabia but also Pakistan. However all Muslim Countries treats non-Muslims as second class citizens practicing discrimination and subjugation against any kind of non-Muslim. In Saudi-Arabia building Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues and so called ‘Atheistic Science learning Centres” are totally prohibited BY MUSLIMS, and trying to build or teach such religions is punishable by death. In Pakistan, the non-Muslim institutions, churches, centres, …etc are burned almost every week BY MUSLIMS. So you are discriminating (with) EVIL against your own non-Muslim people from your own country but also against the undercover non-Muslims from the invaded by Muslim and now called “Muslim Countries”, by allowing those Muslims who prohibits building their churches, Institutions and centres there and by burning the ones that have been built and often killing your own Atheist, Christian or Jewish people (Atheo-Judeo-Christian people) from that Arab nationality as well as from yours, (your people with your non-Islamic, non-Muslim values). IS not right! You have TO stop this discrimination against what it helps to become holy, else you will be punished such ways that you will regret that you have ever been born. You discriminate against your own people from your own country as well by allowing those Muslims to COME to your country and build their Mosques and preach their Satanic undercover as ‘IsSLAM’ of HASATAN religion as well. Their people CAN build or preach in your country IS’slam against you but your people can NOT build or preach in Muslim Saudi-Arabia your religion or non-religion as you call it, without being killed. So you discriminate against your own people, allowing their enemies and your enemies to PREVAIL against you and them, and by doing so you bring your own fall and destruction, and not just yours but the fall and destruction of your entire country. YOU HYPOCRITES REPENT OR ELSE YOU WILL BE DESTROYED BY THE DESTROYER! The first repentance step would be, to forbid Muslims and IsSLAM in your countries until your own religions and practitioners of your religions would be protected in the Muslim Countries with the same exact same rights as you accord Muslims in your own Non-Muslim countries. That is the first step of repentance from the government level , or else much, much more invasion and destruction will follow and your government will certainly be thrown in the dust. Then let you see which human rights can you preach from the dust where I assure you will be, in the hands of your own enemies enslaved and in great pain. Israel refused to repent countless of times and history witness those Israeli governments’ destruction and enslavement of the entire nation, not once, or twice, but very many times, and all happen to be as an example to the rest of you, but it appears you ignore Lord’s Warning, so you deserve what is about to come to you next. MessiYah “The Eternal Life and The Water of Life with which you will never have thirst again” (indicating ascension to Paradise since descending in hell you will have great thirst), “The Door to Heaven”, “The Guide or Shepherd” Lord of many other titles all which are positive and none of “deceiver” and “destroyer” such as HaSatan Allah have in his Quran brought by deceit on earth when appearing as an Angel of light claiming he is me JibrIL (not teaching IL but himself Allah), to fulfil the Torah/bible prophecy about “The Deceiver” who is “A Great Deceiver”; EL YAH WARNS YOU! REPENT AND BECOME HOLY BECAUSE MANY OF YOU WILL SOON DIE AND WAKE UP THERE WHERE IS NO GOOD, NO PEACE AND NO LOVE FOR YOUR SOULS, BUT THERE IS A LOT OF ENDLESS PAIN FOR A VERY, VERY, VERY LONG TIME not by EL YHVH choice but by your own choice. Your deeds reflecting faith in Yah or the lack of it, choose your eternal destiny of your souls which you may know or not know to have but are your very essence of who you are. REPENT! I am GabriEL JibrIL of EL YHVH IL, The Eternal Holy One, ESSENCE of Existence and of: LOVE, TRUTH, LIGHT, POWER, JUSTICE and of all good things. Sin and sinners will be isolated in the place called “hell”. EL Yah is 'No Deceiver' but YHVH freed HaSatan 'The Deceiver', 'A Great Deceiver' and 'The Destroyer' mentioned in the Torah/bible, who's last name is 'Allah' posted in his Quran as 'The Deceiver', 'A Great Deceiver' and 'The Destroyer', with the same HaSatan names because he is Satan and posted in his Quran / Koran himself claiming that he likes to deceive and destroy. Freed him to do what he likes to do, mainly to sin, deceive and destroy and become the god of sinners, deceivers and destroyers (IN HELL). EL YHVH does not like to deceive, or to destroy any human being, but the opposite EL would like to save all humans, and is possible for all to be saved from slavery to Allah HaSatan and his deceitful heaven which is the Hell prepared for him and his slaves. It is possible to save all humans through faith in MessiYah which is the way of Salvation and Door / Gate to Paradise / Heaven. And you have to put your faith and practice your deeds in MessiYah now before the death of your carnal body, because death will seal your soul in the estate that he is. Holy souls are sealed as Holy and marked for Paradise, and unholy souls are sealed as “unholy” and marked for the unholy place of isolation of sins and sinners which is hell. So all of you who follow A Great Deceiver, saying you are his slaves, wake up! And receive Salvation from Yah’veh Saviour. (In our ancient angelic language but using your Latin alphabet Yah’veh Saviour is short written: Yah’shua and is along the title MessiYah EmmanuEL). I am Gabriel Jibril, one who belongs to EL YHVH (IL), the power of all existence. Those of you who denies the existence of evil the substance of “The Evil One”, “The Deceiver”, “The Destroyer” and hide under your undercover religion called Atheism, here is what is to be said against you, since you have been found “guilty” and your judgement and damnation by the very false religion that you ignore having allowed it to put foot in your land, …is near, and you will be exterminated by it unless EL YHVH will offer you protection. Atheism is another invented excuse and false religion of HaSatan Allah inventor of many false religions. But Atheism is a undercover false religion and is undercover by not wanting to recognise that is a religion for whatever reasons they or Satan have, you could guess. Atheists through their Atheism, from the beginning of their birth, they have declared that: “There is no god (and are right, there is no god but there is the Creator EL YHVH which they also deny), no Satan, humans are the Destiny Makers of their own destiny, they are their own gods”. This alone qualifies them as a religion without counting any other reason of blind faith in speculative theories of evolution and universe age which forms the base of their false Atheism religion undercover as science. Taking back (if they will ever do so) their own early declaration of being their own “Destiny Makers” and their own “gods” it only exposes their own contradiction but also their desire to keep their undercover false satanic religion hidden to be able to defeat other religions with it, including the truth which they hate the most. Therefore the Atheism belief that all humans are their own “Destiny Makers and gods” make Atheism a false religion with more gods than the Hindu religion since there are about seven billion humans on earth and Atheists believe to be gods or “Destiny Makers”. But Atheism is one of the most disorganized religions in the matter of registered membership only because they are desperately trying to remain undercover as being non-religion. But that only exposes them as being a satanic religion, and not a non-religion. This satanic deceit and belief imposed on by HaSatan and some very dedicated to Satan Satanists undercover the title ‘Atheists’, traitors of their own nations, tolerated by the hypocrite citizenry to work treason and their own doom and enslavement, (the Atheistic belief of being their own “Destiny Makers or gods”, is and becomes a demon laughter since it only takes one demon to enter the mind of humans to continually whisper in a mind (if he is allowed by EL Yah) and plant the thoughts in those humans about pushing atomic nuclear weapon buttons to start the final war and eliminate the human race of ironic, ridiculous, gods, some which are dying of hunger, …of course if demons are allowed but so far they have not been allowed by EL YHVH (IL) who has in control the destiny of the human race. You choose to go to heaven or hell by choosing the EL Yah’s Holy way, or the Allah HaSatan’s unholy way of invasion and subdue enslavement and deceit. Atheists said in the past that there is no God but all humans are their own gods. We know that some of you desire to be “gods” and Satan your master desires as well, but we could assure you that none of you could do that job without leading not only earth but the entire universe into chaos and destruction, and you may not want that but it is what Satan Allah “The Destroyer” likes to do whether you believe in his existence and “likes” or not, wont change anything and won’t make him disappear through your unfaithfulness (treachery) against EL YHVH (IL). Besides the very notion of ‘a god or destiny maker’ is that is IMMORTAL (much the less to suffer of hunger or to even have to eat), so you from the start do not qualify to be ‘gods’ in reference to EL as you put it in your minds, so quit your hopes which are in vain. Another reason is that the job is taken by EL YHVH who is the Unlimited ENERGY SUPER-INTELLIGENT POWER beyond any time and space or universe since is the ESSENCE OF EXISTENCE EL’SELF not only inside of the universe but also in the OUTSIDE of THE UNIVERSE since this universe alone can not contain EL YHVH. That is why it took only a limited small part of EL Yah (the MessiYah) to be able to take ‘human form’ without destroying (exploding) the planet. If all EL YHVH energy would concentrate EL’self to fit in this galaxy to be able to enter it, this galaxy would explode. So stop desiring the job because no one else than EL YHVH is qualified for it. I GabriEl JibrIL have realized this very long time ago, due to EL’s wisdom and dedication for which I prayed to receive, and that is why I have not followed Lucifer HaSatan Allah “The Deceiver” and a joke of being “The Destroyer” since he can’t destroy anything unless he is permitted by EL YHVH to destroy what have become corrupt whether could be seen or not be seen as being corrupt. As it is written: “…you do not know your own heart better than EL knows your heart”. And it is also written: “All humans on earth have sinned…” - Instruction of Yah (T-o-r-a-h) Those quotes are part of the truth. So stop deceiving as if you are victims by crying “if The Creator exists, how come so and so was left to die or that boy or girl was not saved ?” No one human on earth is a victim in the relation with EL YHVH. All humans (all have sinned), are the aggressors, NOT VICTIMS. If there is a victim against whom injustice was done, is The Creator the victim because EL’s creatures did revolt and sinned against EL, all of you, ALL HUMANS sinned. ONCE YOU RECOGNIZE THIS, CRY AND BEG FOR FORGIVENESS AND SHOW DEDICATION TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION OF YAH(veh), (YHVH), YOU START THE RECONCILIATION BY REPENTING AND LEARN TO HAVE FAITH THROUGH MESSIYAH AND GET YOUR SOUL SAVED (that means learn to ascend in Paradise because MessiYah teaches how to ascend (be saved) in Yah’s Instruction. All you have to do is read it and study it and apply it into your life to show it is heaven you desire as destination for the eternity of your soul. A good place to start reading and to study is the chapter John since it is the entire Torah/bible made in miniature as a summary or resume, and is given by EL YHVH especially for those who believes themselves to be wise or intelligent but deep down in their hearts have a desire to find the ultimate truth about existence and universe. Only practicing faith through MessiYah(veh) could make you discover the way to ascend to Paradise. There is no other way to ascend, but ways to descend in hell are many. You choose your destination, not me and not EL YHVH for you (so you could not complain later that EL chose wrong). Choosing EL Yah’s choice for you, means you respecting MessiYah’s or Yah’s Instruction as He gave Himself as an example for you to follow into all things humanly possible. And they all are possible except to pay for the sins of others by experimenting death. You could still experiment death by dying to save the life of a friend in MessiYah , but not to pay for his/her sins. That is already been taking care by Yah the MessiYah. Offering your life to die other than for to save the lives of the friends of Yah which are your family and country in defence, (not in offence) is death in vain. For example you have friends in MessiYah in Syria, (and you are sure they are in MessiYah), and are about to be killed. By you going there to save their lives, you do not die in vain and you are not a terrorist or false Martyr deceived by HaSatan Allah to believe being Martyr. The truth about those Satanists undercover the name ‘Muslims’ false Martyrs is that they are saving no-one’s life but they rather cause the death of more of their own people. For example the false Martyrs that Muslims believe are true Martyrs from 9/11 (those terrorists false martyrs) cause the death of 10 times more Muslims than the non-Muslims who were killed in the 9/11 attack (not defence of a Muslim Country). The false Martyrs of 9/11 attack caused the retaliation in Iraq and Afghanistan and now in Syria making dead 10 times more Muslims than those non-Muslim Americans who died in 9/11. And not only is that because of them died 10 times more Muslims, but also for their two buildings destroyed in NewYork, EL YHVH have allowed HaSatan Allah “The Destroyer” to destroy five Muslim countries: Afganistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria and Yemen. EL YHVH IL of me JibrIL and of IsraIL (or EL of me GabriEL and of IsraEL) have allowed HaSatan using Atheists soldiers and false Christians soldiers and VERY FEW TRUE BELIEVERS FIDELS IN EL / IL YHVH, and very many Muslims (millions) to destroy 5 Muslim countries for just two infidel to Allah buildings destroyed in New York. Tell me Muslims how are you winning by having five Muslim Countries destroyed for just two buildings of the infidels in New York 9/11, and how are false Martyrs terrorists helping you? The Muslim terrorist destroyed them even if your Allah The Deceiver because he is HaSatan last name, deceives that was not Muslims who destroyed them. Oh yes, truly and absolutely Muslims destroyed the two building during 9/11 and witnesses are all angels and EL YHVH IL the true Holy One Yah The Divine, who does not like to deceive like your Allah likes to deceive and said in your Koran that he is “The Deceiver and A Great Deceiver and “The Destroyer” and he likes to deceive who ever he may choose meaning he deceives also the Muslims. It does make sense Allah deceives also the Muslims Slaves of Allah since Allah HaSatan hates the human race, and Muslims are part of the human race, Muslims are humans and HaSatan Allah hates humans, any kind of humans, even Muslims. I am telling you Muslims the truth: those countries that you call “Christian Countries are not true Christian Countries, and the true Christians are not even calling themselves Christians. You attack Atheist and false Christian countries but for every Atheist and Jew and false Christian that you Muslims kill anywhere in the world, EL YHVH who is Chief over Allah HaSatan, allow Allah The Deceiver and The Destroyer to destroy at least 10 Muslims (for every 1 non-Muslim. Yes at least 10 Muslims die for every infidel that Muslims kill and this is because you trust Allah The Deceiver who is Satan so you are friends with Satan against EL of IsraEL or IL of IsraIL and of me JibrIL. There are about one billion and a half Muslims on earth but Muslims deceive they are two billion. All the other billions up to seven billions are considered infidels by all Muslims. Let us see how many infidels are, against Allah HaSatan The Deceiver A Great Deceiver and The Destroyer as your Koran/ Quran says he is and he likes to deceive and destroy (because the Bible says he hates ALL humans. Yet you still believe and follow your Allah Satan and his IsSLAM against humans to auto destroy yourself and to be traitor against all humans on earth. So 7 billion humans on earth - minus 1.5 billion Muslims = are about 5.5 billion considered to be infidels by the Muslims. For every one of this infidels killed by Muslims, 10 Muslims are killed back or die, either in war or some other way, many mysteriously (since Satan picks them up one by one). There are 5.5 billion infidels on earth and only 1.5 billion Muslims. Yet for every 1 infidel killed by Muslims, at least 10 Muslims die, believe it or not but is the truth. How are you winning? How are you wining anything by trusting your Allah The Deceiver and The Destroyer tell me if you know how to count and use logic? But most of you Muslims are known to be without logic because Allah HaSatan who made you his slaves (and you agreed to be slaves of Allah), had robbed you of your logic and thinking and questioning. That is why you are not allowed to question almost at all your Imams in Pakistan and Saudi-Arabia and in most Satanic Muslim countries. You are not allowed to question as much as you want the Imam and the Quran and the IsSLAM of Allah The Deceiver who deceives you the same HaSatan The Deceiver from the Bible, presenting the bible in his Quran totally the other way around to deny the Divinity of Yah in MessiYah, so you do not discover that you are Satanists without even knowing that you are, and so that you do not quit IsSLAM against the humanity and your treachery. All unsaved people die with fear of death in their hearts and souls. All Satanic Muslim false martyrs died in suicides with fear of death in their hearts. Some but were drugged either spiritually or physically before death and some were not but they died with fear of death deceiving they have no fear of death. The people of The Divine Yah ( of The MessiYah) which are not part of the false Christianity because they are MessiYah’nic of MessiYah have also among them some that are pretending to be in faith and are not truly saved, and their deeds could prove that are false. If you are truly saved, you have no fear of death in your hearts and souls, else is a sign from EL Yah that your soul is not yet saved and the eternal (immortal) Love Yah (MessiYah) is not in your soul yet. How could the soul that have the immortal Yah and Yah Love inside, …how could they fear death? Teaching against this is deceit from The Deceiver. What I have just said is the key to the Door (ascent / salvation) to Paradise, it is how you ascend (or get saved), and it could only happen through MessiYah or short said “Yah” which represents Yahveh or YHVH since is one and the same. That is why the teaching: “Father and Son is one and the same” those being only titles. But HaSatan Father of Sins, being a sinner since he likes to deceive and kill (Quran sais: “Allah likes to deceive”), and calls himself “The Deceiver” and “A Great Deceiver” and “The Destroyer” (the same like Allah in his Quran since Allah and Satan is one and the same), since he hates the human race (he is racist preaching slavery even in his heaven which in fact is hell), and desires to keep all humans slaves to sin, he being the Father of sins, means humans are his slaves and he likes to keep it that way, he has to do whatever it takes to prevent Yah’Shua = Yahveh Savior MessiYah (Yah) from saving the human souls. And he knows that Yah would not save any souls that do not truly love Yah. So all Satan had to do is to create his false religions of all kinds to make humans believe in them, that way they show no love for Yah (EL YHVH) and EL Yah would not save them. That is why HaSatan had for a long time whispered continually into the minds of some people to create false religions as the undercover religion that refuses to recognize that is a religion and presents itself only as “science” (Atheism) while is not only science but also a lot of hypothetical theories and measuring distances between stars with time, and only from the human understanding of time. Not from the super-powerful intelligent Being that is outside time, unaffected by time, and could create things that looks old to those which are mortals in time, yet the created things that The Creator created are only seconds or days or weeks old compared to what it looks to the mortals affected by time. But Satan likes to deceive with Atheism to prevent as many human souls as possible to get freed, saved from the slavery to sin and to him who know will be sent and isolated to hell. That is why HaSatan Allah did everything possible to teach also in one of his latest known books the Quran/Koran against the Divinity of MessiYah Yah’shua. (Yah’shua means Yahveh Saviour but false Christianity replaced it with Jesus). HaSatan Allah did everything possible to teach against Yah’s sacrifice of death experiencing on the cross in behalf of humanity, because loving EL Yah trusting in Yah’s sacrifice called MessiYah by faith which includes deeds (meaning follow Torah whatever could be applied from non conditioned instructions), get any enslaved soul, free and saved for Paradise or Heaven. Why Yah under His name Yah’shua Messi’Yah had to allow his human taken form to die and to experiment hell in behalf of human souls to fulfil the law of death? which is: “The Soul that sins shall die (spiritually in hell). Why? Because EL Yah if EL want’s to keep EL’s title “The Truth” has to respect EL’s own given promise or law. Yah does not like to deceive and can’t deceive and still remain “The Truth”, only Allah HaSatan and his demons like to deceive. When Yah (EL YHVH) said and established the law “the soul that sin will die”, Yah does respect it. Yet all human souls have sinned so all human souls have to be sent in hell, if the law of sin and death is respected. But since Yah have decided to save the human souls that loves Him (loves Him not only through empty words but through deeds as well, Torah applied in their own lives illustrating Yah [justice, truth, love, …etc] ) ..Yah had to cover those souls punishment to respect the law of sin and death which provides substitution. But the substitution must be great enough to cover all saved souls that might be saved, and so that those souls won’t end up in hell like all the other who doesn’t really love Yah and won’t have substitution from the penalty of law of sin of death. That is why Yah/EL have offered El’self under the name MessiYah Yah’shua EmmanuEL to experiment the punishment of “law of sin and death” in behalf of all souls which loves EL Yah and trusts EL Yah by illustrating that trust through their deeds applied in their life, Torah being the manual that teach deeds but interpreted as MessiYah did and showed as example, and not as hypocrites did or do. This law: “The soul that sins will die a spiritual death in hell” is not entire Torah since is just one little single law, instruction of it. It is this little instruction of it that was called law of sin and death and now is fulfilled but only through MessiYah (not through Mohammad or Darwin or Buddha or …etc) and only for to cover souls in love and faith in MessiYah One and The Same as Yah since is Yah, not in Allah or Buddha or Science or God or Buh or in who knows what else provided deceit by “The Deceiver”. The false Christianity is swimming in so called “love” which a false worldly love, in fact is Satanic deceit, giving a sense and feeling of being loved. The Christianity teaches that the entire (so called) old Testament which contains the ten laws or commandments, (do not kill, do not steal, do not deceive …etc) they teach is “the law of sin and death” and so being deceived by “The Deceiver Allah” they do not respect anymore The Instruction of Yah (Ha T-o-r-a-h in the Ancient angelic sound language). Souls practicing false religions are not spiritually totally dead, but they will end up dead in hell where are to be slaves to Allah HaSatan and his demons. The total spiritual death happens in hell when they will wake up and see the reality. Their physical death will happen during a very, very long time much later (-eternity feeling like,) when hell will be destroyed with everything that is in it and exist no more to put anything in it, because sin and evil won’t exist either to have to be isolated there. But for humans and human souls created to experiment time, it will feel as an eternity until then, and the same for those who are in hell, (feels as an eternity). YAH IS the ESSENCE OF ETERNAL LOVE THAT YOU HAVE TO HAVE INTO YOUR SOUL OR ELSE YOUR SOUL CAN NOT ASCEND BUT IT WILL DESCEND INTO THE HELL OF EITHER YOUR PLANET NEAR IT’S CORE OR NEARBY OTHER HEAVENLY BODIES WHICH ARE PART OF HELL against human souls and against demons, and you in the form of your soul will wake up for real, having a partially immortal body only to have no way out of hell and only to suffer (sins) what you though is no suffering but pleasure. To give an example, perhaps your favourite pleasure is adultery. Ok then think about this: hell is not called hell because to practice pleasure, not in the Torah/Bible or Quran. And it is not a place for democracy or for to be able to choose anything. Imagine a five six times your size demon in adultery with you whether you like it or not, since is no such as choice in hell where even being in pain demons still reign over the fable small human souls which are no match against HaSatan and his demons. Call it rape if you like but there is no justice in hell where the so called “Prince” HaSatan Allah while he is tortured by the heat and isolation and pain and whatever else, but he still rules with his demons the ‘no match against him human souls’. Call it cannibalism the feeding by demons during thousands of years on human souls which can not die totally but neither truly be alive since they would be in great pain not only from heat or freezing cold as it may be the case of the location of the hell part, but in pain also because being eaten alive during thousands of years. EL YHVH wishes all to repent but can’t force anyone since EL is Essence of Love and forcing would be no more love. You alone choose through your own action your eternal destiny. Being in heaven and to be forced to not steal, lie, practice adultery, homosexuality, feminism, rape or murder, and all the kinds of other sins …etc being forced is no love from EL YHVH. So EL can’t allow you in Heaven and force you to not practice what you like and train now on earth to do. So EL have hell for all sins and un’repented sinners, for all of you who like to practice in this life sins and continue to practice in the next, whether you practice sins on others or others on you. Whoever is the strongest impose themselves, (and the strongest are the demons), because in hell is no democracy and there is no justice. EL’s absence from hell and Satan presence makes impossible to have police for trying to implement justice since the very notion of hell is to make justice for the repented holy ones sent to heaven, by isolating the unholy sinful in hell, from the holy repented souls received into EL YHVH’ heaven. Sin and the un’repented or unholy sinful can not be allowed by the Holy One EL YHVH to enter Paradise or Heaven to torture with their presence the repented and holy people. It won’t be justice and EL YHVH the Holy One is also Essence of Justice. It is enough that the faithful and holy (repented) people puts up and having to tolerate the sins of the sinful unfaithful people, and by doing so they themselves suffer from the consequences of the sins of the sinful. Are tortured enough in this world and heaven is created especially for the repented holy people, as a place where they do not have to be tortured by the presence and acts of the sinful and un’repented ones. So Atheists must repent or they will discover soon that hell does exist. So when Atheists said many years ago that are their own gods they have lied, have deceived all of you who are not Atheists and they have not paid by being sentenced for their national catastrophe deceit, in many cases that ended up in ‘genocide’, example in the communist countries, for which ALL ATHEISTS FROM EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD ARE GUILTY SINCE THEY HAVE PARTICIPATED BY SUPPORTING THE ATHEISM DECEIT. And, have not been punished yet, and is no justice until they all are punished. All humans have sinned. If one says did not sin, is a liar - TheInstructionOfYah (HaTorah). HaSatan Allah will do his deceiving and destruction works which he likes to do without being asked by EL, against unprotected humans. Against the protected ones (those which are holy and in faith) can not because is not allowed to a certain level. EL YHVH have lifted up more of EL's protection EL had over the human race, because humans have began to be more evil than ever and practice more evil than ever. So EL forces no one to be good, therefore will allow humans to taste the evil they like to do to others but they think will never come to them. All are sinners and there is no one who is innocent by EL Yah's standard of holiness. The wicked and the deceived says: "where is 'god' in all this evil ? First of all, there is no 'god' but EL YHVH, so that alone posts your sin. That alone means not having love for EL’s word to follow exactly as was given and not as you desire to have it replaced, changed and fit your desires and pagan traditions handed to your from long ago Pagan Rome and pagan Emperor acting as so called ‘Christian’ while wasn’t even what today means Christian. Pagan holydays such as Sun’day and Christmas had been read in the Instruction of Yah as if are part of the instruction. You have even created deceiving science (meaning no science but lying interpretations) of star of David which also was star of MessiYah on the sky over 2000 years ago, “star of Bethlehem” which pointed a MessiYah’nic and Jewish Holyday in season and MessiYah taking human form (becoming flesh) even if He still had His Divine power to move mountains and walk on water and bring life to the dead, and that star pointing his “human form taking” before the pagan Christmas in December in the season before Christmas. Yet many of you keep spreading deceit and refuse to repent. - Second the wicked and the deceived forgot that they are the ones who desired to taste from the fruit of knowledge of good corrupted with evil, and they have freed the evil in the world with their knowledge of evil. - Third, since all men are sinners, "where is EL Yah in all this? El is just allowing the sinners to support the consequences of their sins, that's where EL Yah is. Yah came to you as Messi'Yah and gave Himself as a living example about how to apply His instruction and you still don't apply it as He had taught you to do. He said: “As I did, you go ahead and do”. The innocent among the babies do not deserve to live in this world anymore which is full of evil, so they are taken to heaven. Even babies are corrupted with the sin of their parents. The rest of you to obtain protection from YHVH EL, and only to a certain level since you deserve to taste the consequences of your sins, you must repent and become holy. MessiYah's teaching brings to you 'holiness' if you obey Yah’s Instruction leads you to everlasting life in Paradise, (on the other side). It is no more for this side that you should worry, although EL YHVH have plans for this planet as well, but you should not concern yourselves with it. Just be holy and learn to have faith that move mountains so you could move what is to be moved since there is a great invasion of evil that is to come and things will only get worse. MessiYah Himself have warned you about the last days. He has been gone only two days so far (2000 years with Yah are 2 days - read His instruction and understand through the HOLY SUPER-INTELIGENT SUPER-POWERFUL ENERGY OF EL YHVH you call ‘Holy Spirit’ as if is another person. So, back to about whom I am. I am Jibril of IL {GabriEL of EL of IsraEL}, (ILail) EL YHVH (EL Yah or Elohim Yahveh) The Divine, Holy Creator of Israil. EL YHVH is not an ‘he’ or a ‘she’ or an ‘it’ because is EL. EL YHVH is an ‘EL’, however a ‘He’ is attributed because of the decision over 2000 years ago to take human form a ‘He’ MessiYAH, through which: ‘all things have been created’ - the title ‘Son’ as well, is a created title by Yahveh (YHVH) EL’self to use it EL’self for the specific period and mission of SALVATION. Now again, back to about whom I am; I am Gabriel Jibril and I am in a certain mission that had begin by English time year 2000, and when it ends, EL YHVH knows. Provoking me could turn me into your worst nightmare, since I’ve been given the power to become nightmare against any infidel who blaspheme the Divine MessiYah(veh) Prophet Deity Divine and Holy which not even Satan could touch as Allah HaSatan also mentioned in his Quran that he couldn’t touch MessiYAH. Did you wonder why Satan could touch Mohammad and could not touch MessiYah? You didn’t ! you should wonder and question. It is the very will of EL YHVH to not believe anything that you do not question first and find a valid, logic answer. EL is not an EL of illogic or of anarchy or of no design. EL had designed EL’s universe from the greatest things to the smallest microscopic details. EL does not want humans to trust any Imam or Preacher and not follow any of them who says that humans are not suppose to ask, but they should just accept even if is out of logic. Satan said in his book called the Quran / Koran preached under his last name Allah, that Satan touched at birth all humans but not MessiYah. From the point of view that sin entered the world though Adam and Eve and was passed on to every human (so all humans have been touched by sin which mean by the Father of Sins who is HaSatan, is correct. This is one of his few truths he spoke in the Koran, since mostly he speaks deceit. So Satan touched all humans at birth, that means also Muhammad / Mohammad was touched by Satan, but not MessiYah says the Quran. Automatically because MOHAMMAD was touched by Satan, CAN NOT BE ‘THE PROPHET SEAL’ AND CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN MessiYah who was never touched by HaSatan Allah. Think about why Satan could not touch MessiYah AT BIRTH ? I Gabriel could not touch MessiYah either since MessiYah was not literarily born (since he ‘became flesh = took human form). You could say philosophical birth but is nothing the same as man and woman have sex and give human birth. MessiYah was not born literarily because existed as Torah (bible) says: “through Him all things (the universe) had been created” (see the only truthful Torah or bible called MessiYah’nic Torah, chapter John, subchapter 1). So; So how could I Gabriel Jibril touch MessiYah or how could HaSatan-Allah touch MessiYah at His birth since He had no literarily birth ? How could Satan touch MessiYah when the creature Satan did not exist when MessiYah existed before the beginning ? How could Satan touch MessiYah when MessiYah is “The Divine Yah” ? How could sinful Satan touch Holy MessiYah that Torah, Bible and Quran says MessiYah had no sins and was Holy, how could ? How could Allah HaSatan short written ‘Satan”, how could he touch MessiYah since HaSatan Allah was not one of MessiYah’s friends ? If any other translation of the Original MessiYah’nic Torah does not teach this, you could burn it since has deceit in it and is no better than the Quran. The same truth is valid about the names. If a bible translation from the MessiYah’nic Torah does not have the Holy Name EL(ohim) YHVH (Yahveh), because it replaced it with ‘god’ and does not have the name Yah’shua Messi’Yah because it replaced it with the Greek deceitful name Jesus Christ, burn it because is no better than the Quran. In fact it is the main reason why HaSatan Allah had been able to deceive Mohammad and create Islam since Mohammad could not connect Jesus to God through the name. He didn’t know that the Creator is not God. He didn’t know that The Holy Creator was the Divine Yah the same as in Messi’Yah because MessiYah is Yah. His very names says it: Yah’shua MessiYah Emmanu’EL , EL short for ELohim which is title of YHVH (Yahveh or Yah). You need a new translation if you do not want to learn ancient Hebrew. Words derivations such as Yeshua are ok in Hebrew language but spelled this way in English is no good and leads people (such as Muslims) into deceit because they can not see in it YAH of YAHVEH. The YES FROM Yes’hua DOES NOT SHOW EASILY THE: YAH who is The Holy Divine One (YAHveh). Does not exist the “Yes” the Divine, but exists the Yah The Divine right in the Torah (Instruction of Yah). Hebrew has a different grammar and alphabet than English and in Hebrew Yeshua it is not written with those very letters since those letters are Latin not Hebrew. In English it only is correct written Yahshua or Yah’shua, Yah short to say Yahveh and ‘shua’ to say Saviour. AlleluYAH is AlleluYah is NOT AlleluYES, so that is why should not be spelled Yeshua. I will explain the following way for those who have less wisdom and are slower in understanding: Yah’shua means Yahveh Savior indicating who is the saviour. Who is ? Is Yahveh. Yes’shua means Yes savior indicating who is the savior. Who is? Is Yes. The Muslim could ask: Yes who? - the deceived deceives farther: is Yes Yes. Another deceiver deceives: is Yes Savior. The Muslim responds: I am not your Saviour you infidel against my Allah. - Then you reply, no I mean YesSavior (Yeshua). - Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu or Atheist or whoever, says: - Yes Savior who is? SAVIOR. - You continue to say: the Saviour Yes - And they will continue to say: ‘But that is not Yahveh. Yes is Yes and can’t be Yahveh. Yes must be just a human prophet, you idolaters get lost from before us! - And since you can not produce the name of the Divine Yah(veh) from Yes’hua, they will just refuse your teaching as Mohammad did, and they will go ahead and create Islam and other great religions which Yah will permit so Satan could strike you down with it. That is justice for Yahveh to allow to allow to happen because you mock and corrupt Yah’s name. EL’s name is Yahveh and like it or not, it is what it is. In Hebrew to say Yes you do not write or say Yes because is a different word. On top of this the vocal E is usually not written so is enough to only write the Hebrew Y (but in Hebrew) followed by the consonants, to be the short form of Yahveh which anyway Jews do not wish to pronounce it so they replaced it with HaShem meaning TheName to refer to the YHVH (Yahveh). HaSatan Allah did so much deceiving to confuse all nations and corrupt all nations, but remember The Truth always comes out in the Light because TheTruth (Another title of MessiYah) is The Light (another title of MessiYah as well). In English Yahveh Savior made short must be spelled Yah’shua to send the Yah’s message Yah’s Instruction which could get many more souls saved and not fall into Allah HaSatan’s deceitful hands which have been playing with the minds of many of your forefathers who made all kinds of mistakes after mistakes not only to replace names or how to spell a name and to which name you should pray and teach is Saviour to confuse other nations, but even the mistakes that led to the Satanists (unbelievers against The Creator are Satanists whether they know it or not), led them and allowed them to take control over your own governments. In Yah’s Instruction, Yahveh desires the faithful to rule the country and not the unfaithful, not allow unbelief in the country, but since HaSatan Allah deceived the Christians to separate faith from Government, meanwhile HaSatan Allah trained his own Satanists undercover as Muslim to practice his Satanism right through the government, Christian lands fall in the very hands of the unfaithful and the traitor to sell his own country in the hands of the enemy. That is what traitors do, and you should not be surprised. Unfaithful to Yahveh is also unfaithful to his country. Another word for unfaithful is ‘traitor’. Mistakes by inventing anti-Messiah’nic laws to make a country’s constitution when the Constitution was supposed to be the very Instruction of Yah (Torah). The MessiYah’nic Torah proves that the Quran/Koran does NOT need to exist especially because is the book of Allah HaSatan posted as “The Deceiver” and “A Great Deceiver”, but also because it came after the Instruction of Yah brought after the Seal Prophet Divine MessiYah which is Yah’veh untouched by Satan so therefore is greater than Mohammad. I Gabriel Jibril of EL YHVH IL, say this which is the resultant teaching of the Instruction of Yah (Torah replaced by bankrupt Greeks with the title “book” in Greek = biblio) to use it in your teaching: “Any human (such as Mohammad) who had been touched by sin or by Satan (as the Quran testifies that he was touched since all humans were), can not be greater than a human untouched by sin, untouched by Satan, nor can be greater than the Divine Yah called for His Salvation Mission on earth taking human form: “MessiYah”. Why am I communicating in English ? -- Because TRUTH has been already given long ago in the Angelic Sound Communication language called Hebrew and now for humans it is only a matter of finding and practicing FAITH. -- And because at present time English IS earth’s communication language taught in every country and desired to be learned in every city of every country, by the majority of humans. No other language at present time is taught in every country or be desired and learned in every city (in general), by the majority of humans from all earth nations. I GabrieEL JibrIL am not perfect, only EL YHVH IL, the IL of IsraIL and JibrIL (my IL) is the only One perfect and everywhere present in space and time. The EL of IsraEL is Perfect, and is not able to sin by deceiving or by any other evil because EL is good and IS the ESSENCE OF GOODNESS. The English ‘mark time- year 2000’ has been established for my new mission ‘chronometer’. I am approved by EL YHVH who IS the ESSENCE OF ETERNITY AMONG OTHER ESSENCES, to say what I will say. I am not perfect but EL YHVH IL whom I serve IS PERFECT. Trying to find fault with me is trying to find fault with EL YHVH and I advice you to not do that for your own good. This is not to add or bring a new Instruction of Yah. The same old Torah (instruction of Yah, lately incorrectly called bible) still stands valid as it was promised from the beginning to be everlasting since EL YHVH IL, DOES NOT LIKE TO DECEIVE. EL said is everlasting, so it is. As EL YHVH never change, so does EL’s Word never change. EL/IL YAH said is everlasting, so IS LOVE. Who and what is everlasting ? - EL YHVH IS and his INSTRUCTION AND LOVE. EL/IL YAH said is able to protect it and preserve it uncorrupted, so it is preserved and uncorrupted. What IS preserved and uncorrupted? -- The INSTRUCTION OF YAH AND his LOVE is preserved and uncorrupted, in which there is no deceit since EL YHVH CAN NOT DECEIVE. -- Because EL YHVH IS ESSENCE OF TRUTH. “The Truth” to deceive is contradiction and no more truth which means it would autodestruct if Truth would become Deceit or Deceiver. All humans who accused ELoHim ILaIL YAHveh The Eternal Holy One, of not being able to protect and preserve his ETERNAL GIVEN INSTRUCTION of YAH in angelic language called TORAH, are cursed by the very Torah (bible) for adding to it the words of Satan which are his book spread in different nations, under different names brought extra to the Torah. CURSED UNREPENTED SINNERS (unless they repent of all evil to become holy as Elohim is Holy), will not see or enter in Paradise or Heaven because the souls of unholy people (not repented), are sent into isolation in hell where evil such as deceit, greed, adultery, raping, murders, suicide, invasion, theft, hate, homosexuality, feminism, egoism, selfishness, and other sins …etc, will be isolated from the rest of the creation of EL Yah. There are many planets and places in the universe where once human souls and angel demons are sent into isolation there, they will wish they have repented. But once in hell, no one can get out, is the reality and fact. No humans of any kind (whether of faith loyal believers or infidels [unbelievers] against the Torah,) none are holy and repented or born again, if keep practicing invasion of other people’s houses or countries, murder or killing, suicide, rape, deceit deceiving, greed, adultery, theft, hate, homosexuality, feminism, egoism, selfishness, and many other sins. Any kind of member of any kind of religion Jews, Christians, Muslims and any other kind of religious people which go into other countries and nations, and impose (forcing) ANY RELIGION, EVEN THE FAITH OF TRUTH (which is the one MessiYah(veh) taught, OR A DOCTRINE (such as DEMOCRACY), IMPOSED (BY FORCE), WORKS THE WORK OF ALLAH HASATAN. Do you really believe that IL could not create a race of robots? IL EL YHVH can impose EL’s will and by force alone EL can turn all humans into robots, make you do EL’s will, and does not need any religious people of any religion to do what EL wants. Does not need you Muslims to convert others by force because EL YHVH could do it himself, but that is not what EL wants. He does not want anyone to say they believe in the Creator because of fear of death and because of fear of enslavement being subdued or because having to pay more money donation and tax than the other people, if they do not follow your religion. Forcing any faith or religion on anyone is a sin you commit and you will be sent to hell for it as was sent Mohammad and all false prophets, unless you repent and put your faith in Yahveh Saviour short written Yah’Shua in Elect Yahveh short written: Messi’Yah who is no one else but EL YHVH. Satanic theories of trinity imposed on people won’t help anyone except it helps to sin, and you will be sent to hell if you do not repent of your sins. How Yahveh offered Yah self to be the Saviour of humans and remain in heaven at the same time, is no one’s with little brain spiritually dead, business. You either have in your heart the Saviour who is the Door of Heaven (key of your ascension) or else your soul descend in hell. There is NO other theory of trinity, nor is there anywhere mentioned in Yah’s Instruction the word spelled T R I N I T Y, none what so ever. So therefore stop using it. Stop using words that are not in the Holy Instruction of Yahveh. Stop being deceived by HaSatan Allah to interpret using your lack of vision and stop teaching or imposing deceit on anyone. No one have to know or accept any trinity in order to ascend and have his/her soul saved. All needs to know is that there is no Salvation through any other name except Yah’Shua Messi’Yah EmmanuEL accepting MessiYah as Savior not only by words but also by your deeds. Else it is not considered a true acceptance and is no true faith any other way. To ascend or to be saved you have to have the love of MessiYah in your soul (shown through his sacrifice for you), since love is eternal which makes your soul to ascend toward Paradise instead of descending to hell. MessiYah YahShua’s teaching how you get saved is all present in the Gospel but preached under the false name Jesus Christ because false Christianity love for replacement theology. The last part of the Instruction of Yah (Torah) called by some “Gospel” which are “The Words and Deeds of MessiYah”, it states clear that salvation for humans, only comes through Yah’Shua (Yahveh Savior) MessiYah (Elect(ed) or Anoint(ed) Yahveh and all you have to do to receive salvation is trust in Yahveh not only through words but also through deeds, because FAITH WITHOUT DEEDS IS A DEAD FAITH, meaning is no faith but is ‘deceit’. This question have been all the time asked by majority of humans on earth: How could all my parents and grand parents and ancestors have got wrong the religion? Christians tells Muslims that their parents got it wrong and Muslims tells Christians that their parents got it wrong. And together Christians and Muslims tell Jews that their parents got their religion wrong. And Jews tell everyone else that their parents got the religion wrong. They all together, are right, meaning each one of them (of those groups) are right. All have got it wrong not only them but also their parents and ancestors UNLESS THEY WERE FOLLOWING MESSIYAH just as He taught people to do and gave them Himself AS an EXAMPLE. What He did, you do, everything humanly possible YOU DO AS HE TAUGHT YOU. Dying for other people’s sins so that their sins are forgiven is not humanly possible, but was divinely possible for The Divine Yah which came down to earth as human flesh (taking human form) under the name MessiYah YahShua EmmanuEL. All the Holydays mentioned in the Torah, all those given as ‘eternal’ (such as the weekly Sabbath) are all valid and whosoever have faith respects them (not to get saved by them but to show their love Yah (“Whoever loves me respects my instruction (commandments) - MessiYah”). It is humanly possible to respect them and you have no excuse if you accept deceit and teaching of lies. MessiYah did not replace the Instruction but came to accomplish the prophecy called “Law of sin and death” which is: “The soul that sins shall die” meaning death in hell (imagine your soul *you*being eaten at, by demons and still not die for thousands of years but eventually die (since hell will also be destroyed with all that is in it.) So MessiYah saves any soul that puts his trust in Him, saves you from that law of sin and death which condemn sinners. But that does not give you license or permit to start violating every commandment of the *Instruction of Yah *Torah* which includes the Holydays mentioned in Torah. The Deceiver have deceived most Christianity (not all but majority) to believe that the law of sin and death is “The Torah”(The Instruction of Yah) {contradicting themselves and the Holy Scripture}, deceiving that all his instruction (Torah means Instruction of Yah) is law of sin and death. Imagine what little wisdom must have those people to believe that: the commandments: “Love Yah … - respect the Sabbaths”, “do not steal” “do not give false testimony meaning do not deceive or lie”, “do not covet your neighbour property (or his wife/ or husband or his house)” ….etc…etc, is law of sin and death. How could be sin to love Yah(veh) ? How could be sin to ‘not steal’ ? How could be sin to respect Yah’s Sabbaths ? How could be sin to not deceive or give false testimony ? How could be sin to commit adultery ? , ….and so on and on. Of course they will say that is no sin to respect His Instruction but they have a twisted way and understanding (being deceived by HaSatan Allah The Deceiver) saying: “Jesus did all this so we don’t have to” If I tell them: “So your neighbour or whoever else, someone could have sex with your wife (commit adultery) or deceive you, steal from you, rob or kill you, because your Jesus respected the instruction so none of you who says “I believe in Jesus”, none of you have to respect, right? , since that is what you teach by saying that most of the Instruction of Yah which you sinfully have divided and call “Old Testament”, is no more valid (you say), although are things in it that are proclaimed and given ETERNALY AS EVERLASTING COMMANDMENTS OR INSTRUCTION. You deceive you believe in 10 commandments and deceive you respect them, yet in reality you don’t. Much the more you do not respect the Holy Sabbath and by not doing so, you do not respect The Lord of the Sabbath either. Haven’t you learn that if someone says: “I am King of England or President of USA but without the existence of those countries, make a false claim”. You make Yah who have created The Sabbath as an everlasting commandment and who said is Lord of the Sabbath, appear to make false claim because of you who deceive that there is no more Sabbath and so you have empowered HaSatan Allah to joke and laugh against The Lord of The Sabbath. How could He be a Lord of a Sabbath that does not exist? You wicked, unless you repent, hell comes soon to you, or you will be sent in hell, ..soon. Some of you deceive that Sabbath was given only for the Israelites, (as if Adam and Eve were Israelites. If so then where are you from? You do not belong on this earth then since you must have come from outside trying to invade it.) Therefore you will be sent to hell for invading other people’s planet or countries. Others deceive that Sabbath is the idolatry pagan established Sun’day which MessiYah never used in worship in the Temple, nor in the congregations, ( word replaced by Greeks with the Greek word “Synagogues” which Jews have adopted and is a corruption.) The proper word for Messiyahnics to use is quehal or congregation. In English the word Synagogue have in it “Sin” and “Gog/magogue” therefore should never be used by anyone as a name for a house of prayer or worship, at least not in English, it shouldn’t be used in English. The Sabbaths specifically, clearly explained WHAT they are, in the Instruction of Yah, yet Emperor Constantine by decree (document existent in the Vatican library), changed the Sabbaths about 300 years after MessiYah’s mission on Earth and you have accepted what Pagan and Pretender Constantine Deceived by The Deceiver, did and respect what he did which is totally sinful and Anti-MessiYah. ---Then the false religious Christians, being hypocrites replies: oh nooo! No one should do such thing to me! (not have sex with his wife / or her husband) ---Why not? Doesn’t your church teach that MessiYah respects the instruction (since even now He does not deceive for example), so you do not have to respect (meaning you could deceive.) Is what it comes out as teaching from every of the hundred churches from all denominations I have visited in USA I have been in your churches and this is the message I got and those who are not even Christians and come to your church for the first time they get even more confused, most of them after coming for a while, never go back. Perhaps they are more honest, than you are). Yep , … go ahead and steal and practice adultery and kill and respect no Sabbath but respect Pagan Sun’day of the Sun Raw idol popular all over pagan idolatry Egypt and Babylon and Persia and Assyria adopted by the Roman Empire which decreed to abolish Sabbath and impose Sunday, … and by practicing those sins you will receive unto you according to your deeds qualifying you to enter the gates of hell. Then you will find out that after all that not Christ but MessiYah will say to you: “get away from me (take them away), because I do not know you. …..why say Lord, Lord, and not respect my Instruction (which contains no corruption). Any instruction conditioned up on the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem, or the Levite Priesthood, or the Altar, or having to do with your presence in the Land of IsraEL, (or IsraIL), of course can not apply because was conditioned on those conditions. But there is no excuse to not respect anything else as MessiYah taught all disciples to respect, and He Himself showed how and left all of you written to be as a teaching, even The Torah’s Sabbaths. It is not for nothing recorded by Yah “many will come and say Lord, Lord, …. , …. Why say Lord, Lord and not respect my INSTRUCTION ? Get away from me because I do not know you ! Through those words The Lord says: ‘you disloyal creatures who act deceiving as if you love me haven’t I told you that “IF YOU LOVE ME YOU RESPECT (keep) MY INSTRUCTION ?” (WHICH BY THE WAY CONTAINS THE SABATHS AS GIVEN IN THE TORAH AND NOT AS DECIDED LATER BY THE PAGAN ROME). To respect Sabbaths you don’t have to have a Temple or to be present in the Land called “Israel”, (even in captivity Sabbaths were respected). Nor do you have to do sacrifices since MessiYah was the self given sacrifice in behalf of everyone who trusts Him. If He ever will ask for such sacrifices, you will have to wait for His return and here from Him in person and no one else. So yes, all your parents and ancestors with the exception of those in MessiYah called Messiyah’nic but who walks in truth and in deed, not only with empty words and satanic tongues, all except those got it wrong. That is why the prophecy “Large is the way and majority goes through it, which lead to condemnation (and destruction)” was given. If Islam or if Christianity would have got it right, the large way that leads to condemnation and the majority who walks it, (as it is written in the Holy Scripture) wouldn’t be so large anymore, and the prophecy would be proven false meaning EL YHVH not be able from outside time to read time future. Counting every ‘born again’ Messiyahnic during the last 2000 thousand years, are millions of them enough to be named “a great multitude” fulfilling both prophecies of the Holy Scripture Instruction of Yah; including: “wide, straight and easy is the way and majority (many billions) who walks on it that leads to condemnation (or to everlasting destruction) … Christianity is a false religion for many reasons, besides practicing blasphemy against the Sabbath and so, against The Lord of The Sabbath, and besides the corrupting translations of the Holy Scripture to fit false religion, and not only because the predominant name preached in Christianity is the pagan name Christ and not MessiYAH(veh), Jesus and not YAH(shua/veh). Christians are not called with Yah’s name as mentioned in the Torah that Yah’s people are called with His (Yah) name, as in MessiYAHnics so that the saying or prophecy “My people are called with My name” will not apply to them, meaning they are not His people. Christians call themselves Christians NOT messiYAHnic or Spiritual IsraEL’ites. There are tens of other reasons for which Christianity is a false religion even if they use partially the Instruction of Yah replaced with the name bible. As Christianity is a false religion so is Judaism and Islam. Islam is not even a religion but a Satanic military scheme of leaving by the spear or sword, hating, invading and enslaving other nations while claiming, deceiving and pretending to be invaded. Get this into your heads all you Muslims: no land that Islam have been imposed over and corrupted, belongs to any Muslim. Your HaSatan Allah “The Deceiver” deceived you in his unholy satanic Quran that MessiYah comes for you. But the The Holy Instruction of Yah (Ha Torah /bible) says MessiYAH which is Divine YAHveh comes for YAH’s people that wear Yah’s name: MessiYAHnic. You Muslims are just like the Christians about not wearing or using to call yourself with Yah’s name. There is no name YAH in the word “muslim” so therefore you are not of MessiYah and MessiYah do not come for you. Comes to punish you and make justice sending you to hell, because you are the greatest sinners on earth among others that are members of other false religions such as: Hinduism and Buddhism who are also false religions and the undercover false religion called Atheism is also as false, as false as it could get. The Truth is all three groups Jews, Christians and Muslims, all three religions JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM, GOT IT WRONG BEING DECEIVED BY ALLAH HASATAN who posts himself in his Quran /Koran as being Allah The Deceiver, A Great Deceiver who likes to deceive who he may, and as being “The Destroyer”. Pagan Nations are all nations which do not govern themselves by the Instruction of Yah (Torah means Instruction of Yah) named replaced through Satanic deceit with the word “bible” meaning ‘book’ as if is ‘just a book’ on implying as if is an insignificant book, but also deceiving to be able to cancel portions of it by saying that’s old, and this is new (so we only follow the new), that’s fulfilled and this is not so they just pick and choose according to their own desires, hearts and minds. They forgot that is originally called “The Instruction of Yah” from the YHVH who does not change, no new no old. What is mentioned as “a new covenant” it refers to this same instruction (Torah which includes MessiYah because Yahveh is the other title of MessiYah since Yah has many titles but all written in His Instruction and none that are invented by pagans), “a new covenant” it refers to this same instruction of being written in the hearts / souls of people so there is no need to tell your neighbour “ know about Yahveh” since all will know. All that remains on earth when MessiYah returns, are in Yah and no anti-MessiYah will exist then. The Christendom (Catholicism /Christianity) have corrupted the translations to say Anti-Christ for what it was supposed to say Anti-MessiYah. Catholicism and Christianity is as much Anti-MessiYah (since they use replacement theology in their teaching) as much, or almost as much as Islam, Atheism, and any other false religion that does exist. 1000 years later (after MessiYah’s mission on earth), when printing press was invented to print books, they have added a white page to split the book in two parts on which (last part) to say “New Testament” and divide the Torah to be able to say “only this new part applies”, and claiming (under the promise of a New covenant written in the hearts of people when no one needs to tell neighbours about “The Lord” because all will know Him - which did not happen yet, but hypocrites implies it did by the splitting page in the bible on which is written “New Testament” to imply) is “the new covenant” . And that new covenant anyway will teach the same Torah given as “everlasting” unless Yah is a liar and that can not be since is “The Truth”. Who is “The Truth” can not also be “The Deceiver”. So they practice satanic deceit after deceit, that is why YHVH EL of IsraEL desires you of faith, to come out of her (out of the adulteress with and of Satan) all you who are called by His name EL Yah loyal to Yah the MessiYah and to his Sabbaths, you who call yourself Messiyah’nic, start to build your own congregations and your own country on a land where is only for Messiyah’nic and no one else allowed. Everyone else have already invaded and stole the rest of the whole world, the entire earth which belongs to EL YHVH the EL Yah who never promised it to them. There should be a land also only for MessiYah’nic. As Satanist Muslims have a land only for themselves in which no other religion or faith is allowed -as example Saudi-Arabia, …it is only just and justice that MessiYah’nics should also have a land where only they could live on and who is discovered from among them to be a deceiver and not MessiYah’nic, is to be deported outside that land to go wherever one wants to the religion of his heart that is among the nations. This was the desire of our lord in Yah’s Instruction but un’repented people refused the Instruction. Our Lord EL YHVH will allow “The Destroyer” HaSatan Allah to increase destruction against the wicked of the earth, against all countries since all are now corrupted, earth which belongs to EL Yah, and if you remain amongst them, you will become casualties even if your soul will be picked up for heaven later, still, is the will of EL Yah and have been from the beginning that you in MessiYah to have your own country ruled only in faith by people of Messiyah’nic faith land only for Messiyah’nic. As people give birth and increase, some will be rebellious, but Torah (Instruction of Yah) did ask for deportation of such people outside of the Holy land, since The Holy land is to be populated only by holy people. Holy from any point of view, so anyone whosoever is not of faith and deceives, and is found to be not Messiyah’nic, should be deported out of that land. You are not called to impose your faith on other nations, nor on natives citizens of your country that populates it now because you allowed them to multiply in unbelief when they were just a few and so that is your fault and not theirs. Exterminating anyone now is Satanic work and is sin that turns YHVH against you and make you loose even what you have. Now you have to live with their sin over you, amongst you, torturing you as a consequence of your own sins, unless you go and form another country on an empty land to make it just “MessiYahnic” forever never changing never abrogating constitution, and making it punishable with deportation even for suggesting to change or to not respect TheInstruction of Yah (HaTorah) which was given from the beginning to be your constitution by which you should rule yourself with. You MessiYah’nic people are called (in the Torah) to have your own Messiyah’nic land and govern yourself sovereign by the Instruction of Yah (Torah - which is the whole bible). Starting only with Messiyah’nics in that land, and when is born a son or daughter and start to be rebellious and in unbelief, then allow them to willingly leave from amongst you if they can not accept to live by Lord’s will and be holy on the Holy Land. If they refuse to leave, then they should be deported outside the Holy land to have them go to their kind of ideology to the nation that practice their kind of religion. Else create a land for them somewhere else controlled specifically for your own deportees. It is only justice to do so, since the non-Messiyah’nic or non-holy people have taking over the entire earth and allowing them to take over your land as well, it leads MessiYah’nics into extinction, which is not fair or right. EL of IsraEL meant IsraEl to be the Holy Land but today is everything except holy considering that have inside it about one million and a half Satanists undercover as ‘Muslims’ and the other great majority are Satanists Atheists. So since now is populated mostly by practitioners of false religions either by the undercover religion of Atheism which are in overwhelming majority, or by the refusing MessiYah Judaism which is the greatest minority after which follows Satanists Muslim and all of those are against you inside the very Israel which was supposed to be a Holy Land populated with holy people. At present time could be called anything but holy. And that is why destruction comes also against them until they will all, meaning all repent from the list to the greatest amongst them. . EL YHVH will have his own way with IsraEL but meanwhile the rest of you (the Messiyah’nics) who are in faith find a land and build the “New Israel” with “New Jerusalem” as capital and EL YHVH will bless you greatly so much that all other nations would want to take over your land but EL won’t allow them as long as you remain faithful and keep the land only for Messiyah’nics in truth and in deed by the Instruction of Yah. Immigration or refuge in it by any other kind of people should be forbidden. As soon as you rebel and not remain faithful to this desire of Yahveh posted in Yah’s Torah, then what happen to Israel and all the former Christian countries, will happen to you as well. MessiYah have been the final sacrifice so no animal sacrifices are to again happen. Only those which are in truth, which are not deceivers but in truth practicing Yah’s Instruction and keeping the ways of the world out of the New Holy Land have always been intended to be also in the Israel of EL YHVH but rebellious people never listen and allow corruption and tolerate makers of corruption. If you don’t listen either, no matter on which land you live, you will also fail and EL YHVH will allow Allah HaSatan “The Deceiver” and “The Destroyer” to deceive and destroy you as well, you who are not truthful and not truly loving, loyal to Yah with all your heart and mind and soul, by respecting EL’s Yah Instruction calling yourselves with Yah EL’s name and practice justice for all without enslavement and without subduing anyone. The Planet Earth is great enough to be populated by many times the present population and could support even more if Yah’s blessings comes over it, but that happens only is humans repent and become holy. Torah (Instruction of Yah) which was burned by Pharisees persecuting the people of Messiyah but yet it survived because EL YHVH does not count on humans to protect EL’s WORD SAYS there is NO NAME under the sun (for the human race) by which humans or human souls could be saved OTHER than Yah’Shua Messi’Yah EmmanuEL. EL mentioned also that salvation comes through the Jews (NOT THROUGH THE GREEKS OR THROUGH THE ARABS COMES SALVATION). It does mention this to let you know that Yah was pleased with the word Jews in the original form Yah’udah meaning Yah praises (while Alleluiah means Praise Yah), not allah, not god, not jesus, not Christ, but YAH. Therefore stop praying to Greek or Arab invented by Allah HaSatan deceiving names in replacement theology to replace the only key name of ASCENSION which IS Yah’Shua Messi’Yah EmmanuEL. Not Allah and not Jesus and not God but YAH. The same as Allah HaSatan has many names with which he deceives, (all written in Koran), so does EL YHVH of the Torah (bible) has many names with which EL guide ONLY IN TRUTH AND NEVER DECEIVES (all written in Torah). If is not in the Torah, is not EL’s. Replacement names (without even properly translating) through the replacement theology, are not valid. Why? Because MessiYAH means Elected / Anointed YAHveh - telling you to ELECT YAHVEH (YHVH), whether you like it or not, Yah is elected as the only way of Salvation, no other name would do it, even if you wish to refer to this one using another name your ancestors invented, it will be in vain. Christ does not mean or tell in it’s message ELECT YAHVEH nor does Jesus, nor is it the chosen name by EL YHVH IL’Self. Or what ?! you think you know better? Better than EL (or Yah) what names EL should have? So the names EL decides for ELself, is not good enough for you right?! EL’s choice you do not use, but the names that EL did not want by not putting them in his Torah, you use ? You wicked, unless you repent, hell awaits you! The part of the Torah “which is the words of Yah under his name MesiYah - so (The Words of MessiYah in the very Hebrew language) has been destroyed in the persecution of the Messiyah’nic people of MessiYah by the ancient Pharisees yet they still exist not only in Hebrew but also in Aramaic because EL YHVH have preserved and is able to do so. Doubting Yah could preserve only shows how wicked you are full of sins, so repent! Who says EL Yah was not able, commits blasphemy striping Yah of Divinity in trying to make EL Yah less than Divine and Almighty. One day you will see for yourself the entire Instruction of Yah (Torah) with the very words of MessiYah. The thousands of translation of the Gospel in Greek language using ‘replacement theology’ could still be used by people agile in mind who received wisdom from Yah and are guided by the Holy Spirit of Yah (meaning by EL YHVH HOLY ENERGY/ SPIRIT). The people who are agile in the mind with wisdom guided by the Holy Spirit do not use replacement theology words Jesus Christ or God because they use the words Yahveh, ELohim , EL YHVH, or EL, or IL, or Yah, and Yah’Shua Messi’Yah EmmanuEL the Saviour of mankind. If your church teach replacement theology satanic deceit, and if refuses to repent, quit it and join the churches which are more repentant, and let that wicked deceived preacher to preach only to himself. The word God and Jesus and Christ should come out of your vocabulary immediately or little by little and be totally out because no such name was used during MessiYah nor hundreds of years later until the pagan Emperors Constantine and Adrian because of greed for power to control his enslaved people through religion as did Allah HaSatan and Mohammad as well, Emperors Constantine and Adrian imposed those names of idols, and imposed Christianity and replacement theology over the empire. Imposing religion over anyone, it only sends you to hell together with those who ends up believing the imposed religion unless is Faith freely chosen through Messiyah. EL YHVH desire that every human, without being forced or imposed, to choose his own destiny in heaven or in hell, through the deeds of his faith and actions during his life, without fear of submission or persecution from anyone, from any religion. The name of EL YHVH specific for salvation is Yah’Shua Messi’Yah EmmanuEL. This is the key name to ascend in heaven, asking for salvation of your enslaved soul, get your soul ascend in heaven. Refusing to ask for salvation in this name and inventing your own Greek or English or Arabic name, deceives you to never ascend because THE KEY OF ASCENDING IN PARADISE IS HIS HOLY NAME ESTABLISED BY HIMSELF (not by you or by Greeks or by Arabs or by Satan) but by EL YHVH IL, IN THE MOMENT OF PLANNING TO TAKE HUMAN FORM. Hundreds of years later invented Greek or Arabic name by The Deceiver, will not make you ascend, but makes you descend. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ! No complains will be accepted or valid later. EL YHVH desire that the people love EL of their own accord by free will, and not forced by any one. Why not? Because anyone who has been made to go by force to worship anything, has no love in his or her soul (love never comes by force), and since LOVE IS ETERNAL, comes ONLY FROM THE ETERNAL ONE “THE ESSENCE OF LOVE” (Yah) (robots and love is never a good match, as if you could make people robots to love). So the souls which do not have love, do not enter heaven since do not know the gate through which you could enter or have the key of it (which is love). Stop now and think about this: Yah as in Yah’veh and Messi’Yah and Yah’shua, … Yah IS THE ESSENCE OF LOVE (which is key for entrance in heaven). At the same time Yah said is “The Gate of Heaven”. So Yah the key and Yah the gate means; who has the key knows the gate. Knowing is not in a sense of information (to know) but in the sense of a relation (to have contact points or someone who vouches for you). Both ‘key and door’ point to Yah and are in support of the statement and promise: “There is no other way but through messiYAH” talking about salvation or ascending (ascendance) to Heaven provided by the “Yah” which became ‘flesh’ or human form , or title ‘Son’ called or named: YAH’shua messiYAH adversary of Allah HaSatan who is “The Deceiver” (as Koran / Quran says so) and deceives that YAH’shua (MessiYah) is not YAHveh The Divine, but just a human prophet, EVEN IF HIS NAME Yah’shua SAIS clear: YAHveh Savior (That is what Yah’shua means = Yahveh Savior). So love comes or starts or forms freely, voluntarily, never by force. Anyone who has been forced to believe in a religion and worship the Creator, has no true love because true love never comes by force. Fake love or acting love which comes by force when is imposed, is no love but deceit. You could force someone to love you, but in his/her heart, he/she hates you and will hit you in the head or kill you if possible (when is possible without being arrested). So acting love (false love which comes when you force or impose to submission) is not good for anyone, not good for you and not good for who is forced to submit. You know why not ? --- Because you have to leave with fear all your life since the one you force, one day when the time is right will take revenge to make justice. That is what happened, the great Islamic empire was broken is small pieces when the time was right for revenge for each one to take a piece of it. If it never takes vengeance against you, then EL YHVH will do it to make justice, and that is why is not good for you to impose and forcefully submit anyone. So because Islam practice submission by force (teaches subdue them = a demonic teaching), slavery is demonic, so Islam it is the most violent and evil satanic religion on earth, more satanic than the undercover Atheism and more satanic than the Buddhism or Hinduism. You wonder why Muslims are victims all the time in many Muslim countries! That is why, because they have accepted to practice and believe in a satanic doctrine, following HaSatan Allah The Deceiver and the pathetic Destroyer (and by doing so, they create injustice). Is a Pathetic Destroyer because he can’t destroy anyone without being allowed by EL YHVH who have to lift up the protection first before Allah Satan could destroy anyone or anything. EL YHVH Super-Intelligent Super-Powerful Limitless Energy Power of the universe and beyond, which can not be contained all in one galaxy or in the entire universe , that is why EL YHVH is also outside the Universe and outside time, is so powerful that no creature angel or demon such as HaSatan Allah, no one can do something if EL YHVH does not allow. So if you become evil and infidel against EL YHVH denying Yah’s Divinity in Yah’s name “MessiYAH”, is because he allowed you to become evil and unbeliever so that he could send you to hell. EL YAH (EL YHVH) does not wish to program you to make you robot to do only what EL Yah desire, so you do not go to hell. EL YHVH DOES NOT LIKE ROBOTS but likes people who freely chooses to love him not because some one comes to subdue and impose more taxes. That is why imposing extra tax and subduing infidels is not from EL YHVH but is the satanic way of Allah HaSatan The Deceiver to deceive people and enslave their souls by making them to call themselves “Slaves of Allah” as the Quran teaches Muslims are called and named. You could say you are a Muslim that do not do injustice but the truth is that by believing in Islam and going to Mosque, you support (spiritually or philosophically besides financially) the other Muslims who does injustice practicing honestly the Koran which says to invade over the infidels against Allah Satan, and subdue them (meaning enslave them), force them to pay more taxes than you. So you see even if you think you are innocent, you are not innocent because you read Satanic Quran teaching Islam and you support Islam, religion that teaches this evil. (Besides you already know right now you are sinful and you have sin many sins and Islam of HaSatan Allah does not have in Quran any secrets of how to ascend to Paradise or ‘salvation’ to heaven as the true Holy Scripture the Instruction of Yah does, Holy Scripture which do not teach sins like Allah like to deceive, or like go and subdue other people and impose over them. Terrorist murderers, false martyrs deceived by Allah “A Great Deceiver” to believe they are martyrs read just like you read from the same unholy Quran and then go killing civilians thinking they are infidels. But the infidels are you Muslims against the ILail YHVH IL of me JibrIL and of IsraIL. You are against the Yah (YHVH) of Messi’Yah since is MessiYah True Holy Creator YHVH who has written in advance more than 600 years the prophecy about your false prophet Mohammad and Satan coming to him as an angel of light deceiving he is me JibrIL but not teach IL of the bible/torah, and you Muslim infidels if you choose to follow deceit and the deceiving Islam, will go to hell. If you do not repent and quit IsSLAM of HaSatan your Allah Satan demon, you will be sent in hell and I JibrIL GabriEL of EL YHVH IL came to warn you because EL YHVH IL asked me that is about the time to warn you since more big destructions will come over Muslims and over all the non-repentant people of the earth and against all nations when they less expect, destruction comes. Your terrorists do not kill only military or soldiers. Terrorists kill also civilians old men and women, young girls and boys and children of all ages and babies. They kill such people not only infidels but also they kill Muslims when they hide in schools of children and in hospitals and other civilian places to shoot from there for provocation of the Military Infidels anti-Allah HaSatan to shoot back and have civilian casualties so they (The Terrorists) could deceive: “look infidels kill civilians” but was not the infidels who really did arranged it, …it was the terrorists who arranged it when they chose to hide and shoot from schools and hospitals and residential neighbourhoods. EL YHVH is on the side of the infidels anti-your Allah HaSatan, so you know in those cases when you shoot at them from non-military places. And know this as well: to EL Yah IL you are the infidels since you are not his people and don’t obey his Holy Scripture which is not the Quran of HaSatan your Allah. Those infidels anti your Satan Allah, shoots back to defend themselves because of your provocation and it is because your provocation that your own people dies. So you are to blame and you can not deceive us, so you know! The Anti-SatanAllah infidel Military never shoot at anyone if they are not provoked. But most terrorists trained by Imams which also are terrorists undercover and liars or deceivers, deceives a lot since they are liars of HaSatan Allah The Deceiver, to deceive you that Muslims are victims. Because you deceive and act like victims while siding with Allah and his Koran of HaSatan, EL YHVH will make you real victims to suffer the consequences of your sins and deceit. Muslims are not victims since they are aggressors and attackers. Satan Allah The Deceiver teach deceit saying the Satanists undercover called Muslims who are terrorist aggressors attackers are victims. They go on the streets with huge manifestations sometimes almost millions saying death to infidels! EL YHVH IL of me JibrIL have heard this and had decided to lift up more of IL’s protection to allow Satan to attack and destroy you even more who say “death to infidels” because you are the infidels against IL of me JibrIL and of IsraIL from the time you allowed HaSatan Allah to deceive your with his unholy Koran teaching in it “The Deceiver” and “A Great Deceiver” The Sinful and Unholy. Anyone who deceives commits sin and if do not repent will be sent to hell together with Allah HaSatan The Deceiver. How could the Muslims terrorists (some direct some indirect by approving Islamic therrorism and sympathising with Muslim terrorists, how could they be victims ? Are you out of your mind ? Are you gone mad? So if I come to kill you I am the victim? Satan laughs now to your lack of wisdom and stupidity of your belief. Maybe my Maker allows me to appear as a Muslim victim to kill or to do Muslims many wrongs IF YOU THINK THAT Muslims who kills are victims. If I put a bomb in your house or Embassy or in your airplane or in your buss or in your car, or in your school Mosque of your children I am the victim? (as regular normal Chechen Muslims who have invaded Christian land because Christians were first there before even Mohammad existed, and those Chechen Muslims put bombs in children schools in Russia), but they say they Muslims are the victim? You hypocrites deceivers! You end up in hell if you do not repent. Tell me so I would hear from you because I have this power to become a victim and do the same to you as you do to others even if you are only sympathisers of the Muslim terrorists and killers, you are indirect killers and is the same sin. I have great powers given from YHVH such powers that no government on earth have. Haven’t you ever heard that if YHVH allows, angels could come inside a man or woman head to whisper continually until that man thinks and thinks and continually thinks and does what The Creator tell angels to do. But they (men) don’t even know that those thoughts are not even theirs. Even presidents or kings of any country, if they are whispered by angels continually day and night into their heads certain idea to do it, at the end they do it, because angels have this power against sinful unholy people. Yet no unholy people can blame angels or EL YHVH because they are unholy (with sin). You want to blame someone and have power in your blame and win the case? first you must repent and become holy. The true martyrs (and were some), were repented and holy when the Muslims invaded Egypt and all the other invaded by Muslims made Arab and Muslim countries, and they have this power. Their blood spilt by the Muslims of Mohammad (and if you are a Muslim, you are one of them), cries for justice. So EL YHVH IL asked us to make justice. Also IL Yah (EL YHVH) have lifted up more of his protection over the Muslims, against Muslims, and so more attacks from Allah HaSatan are allowed, and more destruction and more poverty. Don’t blame Yah, blame yourself because you refuse to repent and refuse to quit IsSLAM against humanity and against the human race. Do you want to blame me for anything? First you must become holy and be sure you are really holy repented and then you could blame me. Until then you have no power of blame, (you blame in vain), blaming me creates you more sin and makes you more guilty before EL YHVH and so EL’s protection for you get’s lifted up more and more of it, and Satan Allah could attack more and better bringing disasters over you and your family and country such as you haven’t had so far. Maybe one of your children or relatives died. No problem, the others could also die, and that is because of you and not because someone else. You accumulate more sin and more guilt. UNLESS YOU REPENT AND BECOME HOLY YOU WILL BE SENT TO HELL. Any evil that happens to un’repented sinful unholy people, they deserve it, and is the wage, the pay check to their sinful deeds. If a child speak one lie, he is a sinner and his parents are also partially responsible for not educating that child in the faith of EL YHVH to become holy and repent. So there are no children victims because EL YHVH, they are victims because their parents, so the parents are even more guilty for blaming EL for their own sins. More you blame, more sins you accumulate, so you know that the penalty in hell is much bigger for you who blame the most EL YHVH The Holy and Divine Yah / MessiYAH, for the evil that only you have brought against yourself. Muslims are the slaves of the Evil one Allah the last name of Satan, Allah who is HaSatan, who deceived Mohammad that he is me JibrIL angel of light but he was not since was HaSatan . Allah HaSatan deceives Muslims that he is merciful yet there is no mercy in any Deceiver. Being Merciful makes Yahveh not be a Deceiver. But Allah Satan is a Deceiver and only deceives that he is merciful. Allah is the Destroyer of the human race because he hates the human race. That is why he fall from Heaven because EL YAH (YHVH) loves the human race which EL had Created, but Satan Allah hates it because jealousy and because being racist, that is why he teaches slavery even in his false heaven (hell) where the Slaves of Allah (the Muslims) are promised to go but he deceives that only those that he chooses (because he is not sure that all Muslims remain Muslim in Islam. Allah HaSatan is afraid that some Muslims becomes Messiyah’nics so that is why he said: he will think about which ones he takes in his heaven. So deceitful he is! But so far he only had success deceiving one billion and a half humans out of seven billion to accept to be “SLAVES OF ALLAH THE DECEIVER” HaSatan name and title in the Bible, and Muslims bow down to the earth toward the centre of the earth where is the hot place, (one part of hell) to show the direction where they will be gone (toward hell). Normally people show the direction of their destination through their prayers when they face the horizon like a bird or airplane that starts to fly toward the horizon for flying up, showing their hope of ascending to heaven. But Muslims do the opposite, they show their behinds straight up toward heaven toward The Divine EL YHVH The Holy One Yah, and they face the lowest part of the earth with their prayers and faces where part of hell is, and Allah knows he will be locked, and Muslims pray with their faces toward the bottom of the earth to indicate (unconsciously) where their souls will go after the death of the flesh. Heaven is not in the middle of the Earth since that is part of hell. Inside the Earth in the middle are very high temperatures and alike volcano lava light, but before getting there is dark and hot. People, that prays with their butts, behinds up to insult the Holy One EL YHVH, and their heads down toward the centre of the earth to please Allah HaSatan, does so to the demand of Allah HaSatan who taught them in his unholy satanic Quran that way to indicate to EL YHVH IL (ELoHim Yah’veh) that Muslims Slaves of Allah, with their souls are ready to follow Allah HaSatan in down deep there where is dark and hot, even deeper where is very hot and lava kind of light. So they pray with their heads toward there and with their behinds toward heaven to show their behinds to EL YHVH The HOLY ONE who never likes deceit and is NO DECEIVER OF ANY KIND GREAT OR SMALL , and THE DECEIVER TITLE IS ABOMINABLE TO EL YHVH IL of me JibrIL and of IsraIL, EL of IsraEL and of me GabriEL who I never teach Allah to anyone, I never brought any Koran of Allah to Mohammad which now is cursed and in a waiting hellish place for all his Muslims to join him in hell if they die as Muslims. Whoever is deceived to die Muslim, will go in hell to his Mohammad who is to be raped by demons because EL YHVH demanded it to make justice for all the girls he raped and young wives of other husbands that he killed to rape them with his Muslims, some he even raped in the front of their husbands. Justice will be made and all of you who follow his Satanism called Islam even if you do not know it is Satanism but you know you are hypocrites since you treat with another measure non-Muslims by subdue (enslaving) them, making them pay much more taxes in your Muslim Countries that you took from them, (and they are the victims and you are the aggressors), even steal their properties by saying and deceiving: “they blaspheme Mohammad” and that way they are killed and you take their houses that they built working hard all their lives. All of you who are wicked, unholy refusing to repent and are in false religions you should learn and know that speaking truth about anything and about anyone IS NO BLASPHEMY. Allah HaSatan has twisted truth and turned it around all the way with the butt toward heaven. It is blasphemy when you lie and deceive, that is blasphemy against “THE TRUTH” which is YAH(veh) one and the same as MessiYAH who said about himself: “I am THE TRUTH” with other words He said: “I am YAHveh” Muslims are guilty for this since they did not protest by quitting Islam for this Islamic evil practice of deceit, murders, theft, invasions, (untruthful promise for integration to get approved your visa and residence and citizenship) but you do not integrate in the value of those countries which has never been Islam. Therefore you lied/deceived so they have the right to cancel your visa or citizenship, and deport you if they see you never integrate in their values, not yours that you bring. NO INFIDEL TO ALLAH HASATAN COUNTRY HAS VALUE ISLAM. Yet when you go into such country you promise to integrate in their value so they could approve your citizenship or immigration visa. And most of so far did not integrate proving to The Holy One EL YHVH and to all angels of light and truth that you are deceivers, promising one thing and doing something else. That’s why you are certified for hell very soon. (Only those who have repented to become honest and quit Islam of HaSatan Allah, and learn Truth and abide in Truth, (meaning always be truthful and follow no one who said is Deceiver or The Deceiver or A Great Deceiver, or his book of any kind written by anyone who likes to deceive.) Allah said in his Quran which you follow that Allah is The Deceiver and A Great Deceiver and he likes to deceive. So you Muslims you have no right to follow Allah HaSatan if you want to ascend and be saved in EL YHVH heaven. But you have the right to follow Allah if you want to be send together with your Allah HaSatan in hell. It is you who provoke those deaths of civilian, so the Divine EL has to make justice. And all you Muslims because you support those terrorists (spiritually or philosophically or financially or encourage) you are collaborators of terrorists. You give them support since you do not make huge manifestations on the streets against them, … almost never. You manifest only against the infidels which are against your HaSatan Allah, against their Military who try to make some justice but can not make it all the way, because you always oppose them. No problem, The Divine EL YHVH will make it instead. So, The Divine EL YHVH have lifted up his protection and allow your Deceiver Allah HaSatan to exterminate you by all kinds of ways and to make injustice against you because you practice the Satanic Quran and Is’SLAM of Allah HaSatan, the enemy of EL YHVH The Divine IL of me JibrIL. Your Allah is only a creature, a demon, and EL YHVH has huge power over him but uses him by allowing him (Satan Allah racist hater of human race) to destroy unholy humans who are true infidels against EL YHVH. Muslims, Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus and many others are infidels against EL / IL of me Jibril (Gabriel). But the biggest infidel Satanists are the Muslims because they have killed the most people and have invaded the most countries built and civilized settled down countries not like the almost empty vast lands in America which only had migrant people migrating moving from one region (state) to another living in tents (huge majority of them) , never settling down as EL YHVH asked people to do and never building great cities as the Romans did in Turkey Syria, Jordan, Algeria, Libya, Tunis and many other Non-Arab countries, but invaded by Arabs later. Those were built countries with many and big cities and invaded by Muslims. The native (Indians) Americans or Australians or Canadians not only were few on huge territories but majority lived in tents moving migrating, so is not the same as the Muslim Arabs attacked and invaded and took over built countries with borders with many big cities. So is not the same, so stop deceiving because if you keep deceiving, you will be sent to hell. Besides just because they did evil you are not given any excuse to do evil yourself as well. All evil doers will be sent to hell. Muslims have attacked, invaded and occupied countries where people were settled and not moving around like the native Americans having no built cities, if any could be considered, were few less than you could count on your fingers on a vast huge continent where there was place for other people to move in. Muslims have invaded not territories of migrant people but stable countries with big cities, over 50 of them taking the building and houses away from non-Muslims, and have transformed them with their satanic doctrine of “subdue them and impose more tax on those who do not convert to Islam” into Satanist Muslim Countries by force. And they still practice this today. If the Americans would practice the same satanic doctrine like you do, you would not exist anymore in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria. Those country would be now populated with non-Muslim Americans willing to take over those buildings there as you took over the buildings of the native non-Muslim people that you have invaded and occupied during the last 1300 years. Look at the native Americans (Indians) they do not have to pay triple taxes or more tax than any other regular American. And their buildings, places and reservations are not burned today like you Muslims keep doing , destroying, burning and killing non-stop non-Muslim and have kept doing this evil non-stop during last 1300 years until today against non-Muslims from which you took those countries by force. The Americans and the Europeans do not do such things to you but you do to them. I say they should treat you with the same measure that you have treated them since year 700 from MessiYah’s mission on earth. They should do that to you since turning the other cheek wasn’t meant for thousands of years, MessiYah never meant such deceit to happen but does not force people to walk in truth either until He will return physically on earth to make order and justice. It was meant for few times for toleration to turn their cheek, and for not jumping first, not practicing hate and not being evil but to do their best to be good with all mankind. But you Muslims do not try to be good with anyone else except with your own Satanists worshipers through Islam. Atheists are almost as Satanists as you are, but because they do not practice your Islam, you kill them. Now that is evil and is practice of extermination of the human race to please Satan Allah who hates it and want it all gone. Don’t let yourself deceived by your Allah self declared “Deceiver” Satan, thinking that he likes you. He doesn’t and proof is the destruction in your countries. He uses you to kill everyone else but also to turn against each others and at the end he will also destroy you. That is why the Satanists undercover as ‘Muslims’ are the greatest infidels and enemies of the Holy Divine Almighty YHVH EL / IL of GabriEL JibrIL (of me) my EL IL (ELoHim) Yahveh. So you Muslims are not only the enemies of IL EL YHVH (Yahveh), but you are also my enemy and you are the enemy of a huge multitude of angels. The Jibril you think to be your friend is Satan who appeared as an angel of light to fulfil the Bible prophecy who said that for EL YHVH one thousand years is like a day, and one day like a thousand, and in the last days (those 2000 years since MessiYah on Earth means 2 days), the Torah/bible prophecy said that HaSatan The Deceiver will come as an angel of light and deceive many, even elect his own prophet (Mohammad prophet of HaSatan Allah). This prophecy written in the Bible have been fulfilled exactly as it said during the last two days. Satan came as an angel of light (as me JibrIL but he didn’t teach IL YHVH) and teach himself under his last name “Allah”. So EL YHVH have to make justice by allowing HaSatan Allah The Deceiver who deceived you saying he is The Holy One (which is impossible because Holy means not to sin, not deceive (deceiving is sin)). So EL YHVH have to allow Allah HaSatan to do what he likes mostly (to deceive and destroy) and give him authorisation to practice his evil against you Muslims who are naïve thinking that because you serve Allah HaSatan, he won’t harm you. The truth is he destroys you because he hates ALL HUMANS, NOT ONLY CHRISTIANS OR JEWS. EL YHVH is the ESSENCE OF LOVE, desires the love of people who freely chose him without being forced or intimidated or threaten by other humans of any religion. With other words you Satanist undercover as Muslim should know that forcing a man by submission or extra tax to pay if does not become Muslim, makes him act perfectly as Muslim and make you trust him that he has become Muslim, but in reality in his heart he curses you, your Allah and your prophet because he never had love for Islam being forced on him by the fear that he has to pay extra tax and be subdued if not converting. So many convert by force and in secret hates all the rest of you and curses you every day. Why do you think there is destruction and much poverty and evil in Muslim countries if not also for this reason? And there is nothing you could do about this because you never know who does it. The other billions of infidels also have the power to curse all Muslims because are Muslims who have invaded and occupied non-Muslim lands and countries. And EL YHVH and angels carry the curses to make justice because you force and subdue practicing the deceit of HaSatan Allah through his IsSlam. The curses of people who became Muslim because Islam says if they don’t, then they have to pay extra taxes and be subdued (discriminated) treated almost like slaves, the curses of those people have huge, very huge power, are very powerful because they are the true victims. Those lands were never Muslim or Islamic so Islam and Muslims have no rights to be there. Those false Palestinians who start to use Palestine word only after Israel became again a nation and say are Palestinians but are Arabs, speaking Arabic and are Muslims preaching Islam to conquer Israel and subdue it and make them slaves of Allah HaSatan, are also cursed and you see that curses against Palestinians have much power. Palestinians have cursed Israel all the time since 1960 but their curses has no power because they are not the true victims. As the promise in the Instruction of Yah, the curses against Israel are returned back against those who curse Israel and all evil will return against those who wish it against others. They are deceived the deceivers who follow “The Deceiver” Allah HaSatan . And The Holy One The Divine EL YHVH IL of IsraIL and of me JibrIL , who I only teach IL not Allah HaSatan, we are against Muslims slaves of Allah HaSatan until they repent and stop following Islam, stop being Muslims but must become Messiyah’nic if they want to receive the blessings of MessiYah now and also after He returns to earth. Those who are of MessiYah they call themselves with His name which is YAH. So you call yourself MessiYAHnic. Not Atheist, not Buddhist, not Christian, not Muslim, not Hindu, not Whatever, but Messiyahnic / Messiahnic That is why their curses against you Muslims have much power, because you are not the victims but you are deceived to believe that you are victims. Why are you deceived? ---Because you listen to A Great Deceiver Allah (as your Quran and his Quran says that he is). When you stop being Muslim and stop preaching the Islam of HaSatan your Allah, then those curses and the curses of billions of Non-Muslims who died since Muhammad until today, will stop from having any power over you or against you. People who are forced to become Muslim (because fear of paying extra tax and be subdued), never become Muslims because of love, or with a heart full of love for Islam. The opposite is true, they have a heart full of hate for Islam and for everything else because they were forced. And this way, mainly bad things happens in your countries and they are always under curses. But Satan Allah likes hate and badness because he hates humans, that is why he invented the Satanic military Scheme Islam deceiving is religion, to invade other countries. EL YHVH allows people to choose EL’s way or Allah’s way because EL YHVH knows that at the end EL will send all those people that rejected EL’s sacrificial love named “MessiYah”, together with Satan Allah in hell about which Allah likes to deceive that is “Allah’s Heaven”. It is a deceit because not being able to come out of it, does not make it ‘his heaven’. EL YHVH send’s Allah HaSatan in hell with all that follows him, Muslims, Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, …and so on, all members of all false religions, some which are smaller and are not mentioned in here. EL YHVH has no religion for his people but only has one true faith, and that is through MessiYah which is Yah’shua meaning Yahveh Savior . So if you want to be cursed by curses that has power because it comes from people who are ‘subdued by force’ (so their curses have power), go ahead and force people to become Muslim and they will act like being great Muslims while they curses you day and night in their hearts, and not only you but also your prophet and your Allah. And so EL YHVH could hear their cry and we could make justice by having your countries punished together with all of you who are Muslims followers of Satanic Islam doctrine. And you can not read the hearts of those who curses you to know who does, because they became Muslim by force, forced by you. No human can read hearts truly or totally, not even angels. I can not read the heart of anyone, and not even HaSatan, that is why HaSatan Allah gives no assurance of ascending (salvation) in heaven or Paradise to any one in advance because he can not know the hearts of people to know if they turn away from IsSlam. But EL YHVH could read and know human hearts and souls since EL is the very soul giver and Divine Creator of all, even of Satan which used to be good but turned bad because was given the choice. EL YHVH didn’t want to make Satan a robot or to make you a robot. If you want to do bad, sin and practice evil, it’s your choice you go ahead but you go to hell for it, since that is the place created for all evil, sins and sinners. This life in here is school for souls is a Messiyahnic University, and is temporary and is for examination and practice to get Ascend Salvation Diploma (given only through MessiYah. No Christ no Allah, no Mohammad, no Darwin, no Buddha, no one else). If you pass the exam, you will know you have received the divine love of Yah in your heart and in your soul, and by it eternal life in your soul stamped with destination “ascend Paradise”. Is because divine love is the only true love and is eternal. No soul that obtain divine love can have hate in it for the enemy, and no soul that have divine love can be sent to hell because divine love is indestructible and makes the soul that receives it, indestructible. You could defend your country if you are invaded and could shoot dead the enemy without having hate in your heart and soul against the enemy. Who has hate in his/her soul against the enemy knows not MessiYah or divine love in his/her soul which is then only way of ascending in Paradise. Those with hate in their souls risk to die with hate inside their souls and are certified for descending in hell. You never know when your moment of death comes, that is why is better to have divine love in you soul that way you are assured by the Instruction of Yah by Yahveh EL IL, and prepared at any moment to ascend to Paradise. The moment of death is not known by anyone who has divine love in his/her soul. Giving your life to save another child or friend of Yah is no suicide to EL YHVH. Those who suicide themselves have no divine love and are not and can not be saved. Why not? Because EL YHVH has declared that all human bodies are EL’s creatures and belong to him as temples of EL YAH and they should be holy /but/ Those that refuse to become holy and makes themselves “Slaves of Allah The Deceiver and The Destroyer” or becomes slaves under any other of his unholy names (such as Atheism or Buddha…etc), do not receive and are never given divine love in their souls which is eternal and can not be destroyed in hell. Hell will be destroyed after what it will appear for humans as ‘an eternity’, but souls having divine eternal love which is indestructible, can not be destroyed, it’s impossible to destroy because is a piece of Yah in that soul, so that is why souls with divine Yah in them can not be destroyed. Yah is Essence of Love, so eternal love is a piece of Yah, a microscopic piece but nevertheless is a piece, a particle. That entitles, empowers the soul which obtains it, to be child and friend of Yah and could never be betrayer (traitor). That’s why if you are saved, you are forever saved, but is not based on your decision of thinking of feeling you are saved. Is based on Yah which you will never ever forever never could betray. How could you when Yah is in your soul? I Gabriel Jibril when I understood this, I lost my microscopic particle of jealousy against the humans which I had in me. Too sad that Lucifer Allah HaSatan was filled with jealousy and hate and humans from the time when EL YHVH have created them and showed EL’s love for them, and now that prevents him from repenting and escape hell and later on, destruction. You choose your own destiny by choosing the way of living (either holy or unholy) way that leads you either to heaven or to hell. Unless you are very special to EL YHVH like Noah and Abraham and Moses and David was, (and even then), you choose your own destiny by the deeds you do in this temporary examination life school to qualify either for Paradise or for hell. The time is near for the final examination. For some among you could be more near than for others since you could die tonight, never wake up, or in a accident and if you die unrepented unholy, you are certified for destination “hell” since nothing unholy is allowed to enter heaven. All Muslims are unholy because they are Satanists following The UnHoly One “The Deceiver” who sins deceiving because he is “HaSatan Allah A Great Deceiver” and his own Quran testifies he is A Great Deceiver and “The Deceiver”. Only HaSatan Allah do things by forcing and imposing and his slaves follow him and do like him. Because EL YHVH IS DIVINE LOVE ESSENCE, desire humans to be made more of essence of love (and not of hate and fear), to love EL back as EL love’s EL’s creatures. Forcing a religion or faith up on a nation, does not create love for EL YHVH in the souls of that people. Love is everlasting, is free and comes through holiness, not by force and not through invasion. Invasion creates hate and curses, against invaders, but since Muslims-Islam have invaded first non-Muslim-non-Islam Countries over 50 of them, Muslims are the invaders and aggressors against whom curses are applied, and the Non-Muslims are the victims of Muslims aggressors which chose by free will to be slaves of Islam of HaSatan Allah. EL Yah’s nation is supposed to be Messiyah’nic formed on a land only with Messiyah’nic Spiritual Israel’ites. People born afterward that rebel and chose false religion rather than to remain in faith, were supposed to leave and be sent or deported to join the false religion of their hearts in the lands that practice such religions. Were not supposed to be allowed to bring any false religion in the Holy Land but since they did not respect EL YHVH’s instruction, their protection by EL Yah has been lifted up partially and the adversary was allowed to attack the rebellious unholy people members of false religions or false interpretations creators of false religion, and hypocrites. Since you have been given many empty lands and never built EL’s nation as EL desired it to be, you have almost run out of EMPTY lands on which you could build a Messiyah’nic nation guided by the Instruction of Yah, and nothing else. In the lands where are other people with false religions you are not to force any religion over any people. The truth has to be chosen freely in order to bring divine love into the souls that chose The Truth. Divine love “Yah” can not be put in the souls which were forced to submit to a religion. The Faith, The Truth has to be freely chosen. MessiYah or Yah said about Himself“ I AM The Truth, the Way (to heaven) and The Life (everlasting in heaven). The souls of any nation on which is forced a religion such as Islam or Christianity or Judaism, have no DIVINE ESSENCE OF ETERNAL LOVE in them. HUMAN SOULS THAT DO NOT HAVE THE ESSENCE OF DIVINE LOVE IN THEM, DO NOT KNOW THE WAY OF ASCENDING OR THE DOOR TO HEAVEN, SO THEY DESCEND INTO THE FALSE HEAVEN OF ALLAH HASATAN which is HELL and wake up there realizing that they have been deceived. So do not trust the deceiver, pray always for guidance to EL in Yah’s name and you will not be deceived. No imposed by force faith or religion can bring in human souls eternal divine love, but they get to know in them hate essence which is assurance ticket to hell. EL YHVH IL, DOES NOT LIKE TO DECEIVE. EL/IL YAH said in his book Torah that IL of JibrIL (my IL), does not like to deceive because deceiving is a sin and EL/IL is Holy, is everlasting, and IS LOVE. Who sins by deceiving is not holy. Allah HaSatan in his book the Koran said he likes to deceive, means he likes to sin. Because HaSatan ALLAH sins he IS NOT THE HOLY ONE OR MERCIFUL ONE. He may deceive he is but he is not. HaSatan Allah is the demon of vengeance and unholiness. There is nothing holy or merciful in him, but likes to deceive that he is merciful, and he had success deceiving more than one billion and a half, people which of their own accord by free will they became enemies of EL YHVH IL of JibrIL (meaning of me) and of course also enemy of IsraIL. Muslims chose to become slaves to HaSatan Allah. As the Koran of HaSatan says: “Muslims are the Slaves of Allah The Deceiver” . ‘The Deceiver’ is one of the names of HaSatan in the Torah incorrectly called bible by Christian hypocrites who do not like to say only “MessiYAH” to name themselves “Messiyah’nic” so that the prophecy: “My people call themselves with my name (which is YAH{veh}) would not apply to them as being YHVH’s people, nor EL’s people since they do not post themselves as Spiritual IsraEL’ites by not claiming the Messiyah’nic name. No, they prefer to prefer to remain in the Satanic deceit and say are ‘Christians’. EL YHVH IL ‘s people are not Jews, not Christians and absolutely not Muslims. EL YHVH IL’s people are called Messiyah’nic Spiritual Israel’ites because they belong to MessiYah Yahveh in human form and have YAH, and EL or IL in their names messiYAHnic spiritual israELites or IsraILites. Is the way EL YHVH has established in EL’s instruction and only few people will follow EL since the road to heaven is not broad and few people follow it. But it is not enough just to call yourself with the name of yah if your deeds are not according to your name. Yah is Holy so your deeds must be that you are holy also. You have to become holy. Anyone who practice sin (for example deceit or killing any kind of humans no matter if you kill Christian or Jew or Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu) no killing is holy if is not used only for defence, and no deceit is holy, because it has been decreed in EL YHVH’s Instruction that deceiving and killing is sin and is not holy. Are you so stupid to think that EL YHVH can not kill if he wants to kill someone ? EL can, by allowing The Destroyer Allah HaSatan to do what Satan likes the best to do, to kill or destroy and deceive. EL won’t do it ELself, nor will EL ask HaSatan Allah The destroyer to do the killing because The Destroyer do it without being asked if only EL lifts up the protection from over the people that begs for destruction by practicing sin. And EL does allow Satan Allah to do his evil works against any human who refuse to repent and become holy. It is justice to allow lovers of unholiness and lovers of sin to be taken by the hands of The Unholy One called HaSatan Allah The Master of Sin, and become his slaves eternally if they die as slaves of Allah The Deceiver so their souls be taken by Allah HaSatan which is A Great Deceiver. Love and honesty and truth and mercy are brothers and sisters and belong to the Holy One. Hate, deceit, invasion, greed, adultery, raping, murders, suicide, theft, homosexuality, feminism, egoism, selfishness and other ways of HaSatan Allah, are brothers and sisters destined / bound for hell and any human who practice them go with them in hell, no matter if you are Christian or Jew or Muslim you go straight in hell if you practice hate, invasion or deceit or other satanic ways: greed, adultery, raping, murders, suicide, theft, homosexuality, feminism, egoism, selfishness ...etc. HASATAN ALLAH LIKES TO DECEIVE BECAUSE HE IS ESSENCE OF HATE AND said in his own Koran book that HE LIKES TO DECEIVE. Since EL Yah IL (EloHim Yahveh ILaIL) is THE ESSENCE OF TRUTH, LOVE, and JUSTICE, not as men sees justice but as it is PURE ETERNAL JUSTICE, AND ETERNAL LOVE, EL YHVH CAN NOT DECEIVE. THE ESSENCE OF TRUTH CAN NOT BE THE ESSENCE OF DECEIT. To be The Truth and The Deceiver is a contradiction. Whosoever says that The Essence of Truth Deceives, is a liar and Father of lies and hell awaits for him because The Light came to him but he prefers The Darkness. NOT FORCING PEOPLE to see TRUTH or to WALK in TRUTH and in JUSTICE, and ALLOWING PEOPLE TO BE DECEIVED or allowing them to DECEIVE THEMSELVES, is not the same as Allah HaSatan intentionally deceiving people because Satan being a demon of evil, likes to deceive, likes deceit and darkness and invasion and murders and destruction. Yahveh (YHVH) EL does not like those things since EL LIKES NO EVIL and EL is Holy. Many humans keep looking for ‘other forms of intelligent life’ [and I should mention that by intelligence they refer to what we see (their own lack of intelligence)], they keep looking in the ‘solar system’, yet other forms of much more intelligent life are even as I speak, right under their noses and eyes, which can not see nor can they smell, in part because angels are invisible to the human eyes, and in part because the great majority of humans are spiritually dead (almost) so they can not smell or feel ‘Spirit’. They are looking for biological flesh signs of life and biological life intelligent creatures (creatures created by ELohim Yahveh ILaIL, the EL YHVH IL, or EL Yah IL of JibrIL and IsraIL, GabriEL and IsraEL, EL IL Yah which came in human form as MessiYah EmmanuEL, of IsraEL. Humans are looking for extraterrestrial life in the near by galaxies ( extraterrestrial life which could bring to extinction the human race) and there is nothing humans could do to stop their own extinction other than FAITH and loyalty in EL YHVH so that EL keep protecting humans from extinction. I myself do not protect anyone who does not trust in EL’s protection, as you do not protect those who do not trust you with their protection. It won’t be right to force protection on any creature who does not want to be protected. Being able to say you want protection, or not, is a different matter. You can’t say through empty words (because that is called ‘deceiving’,) but you could say through FAITH. For those who do not know what faith is, then know it is a ‘substance’. MessiYah said; ‘who has faith moves, mountains’. In our case we moved planets and even galaxies. But some of us because lack of faith, have fallen. Keep searching for faith essence, and never give up because is the only way we could assure you that you will find it, and with it the door to heaven and ascension or salvation. Is when you give up, you won’t find anything and you will descend. Faith, Love and Hope are from Yah. Intelligent creatures (life as you say) do not have to be “biological” to exist. There are photonic life creatures, created as well by EL YHVH. There are “light particles” different from photonic life creatures which they also exist and they too are created by EL YHVH . There are intelligent creatures non-biologic mainly chemical which also have been created by EL YHVH as have everything been created, space (the universe), and time. There are so many things that you do not need to know and that they would destroy you if you knew. For one example; you did not need to know the knowledge of evil. HaSatan Allah called by us, also “The Snake”, have corrupted the tree in which the knowledge of good was. That is why ELohim Yahveh (EL YHVH) said do not consume, taste or eat from the fruit of that tree ! But you went and did as you pleased and here are the consequences, you live with them. Yet is still you who complain as if you are a victim, while you are in fact the aggressor, the trespasser. You humans keep asking: “Lord, why so much evil in this world ? Behold, I have been empowered to give you an answer since it appears that you are so full of sin that you can not find the answer on your own. --The evil in this world is here because you desired to know it when you chose to taste from the tree with the fruit corrupted with knowledge of evil and by doing so, you have opened the door to evil. That is why is so much evil in this world. You should have trusted our Father EL YHVH who said to you that, it is not good to taste from that knowledge tree since it is corrupt with poison. You didn’t listen and there you are! And you have been asked to repent, yet most of you keep not listening. It appears you didn’t learn anything. When you wake up in hell, you will probably keep asking “why is so much evil here? and why am I here ? ” You won’t get any answers there but pain that you chose to have, the choice is made now on earth in this temporary life for schooling and examination to establish yourself the destiny of your soul, whether you are alive and know you have it, or you are spiritually (almost) dead and don’t know you have a soul. Nevertheless your soul will wake up either in Paradise because ascending there or in hell because descending there and you make the decision choice by respecting or not Yah’s Instruction *Torah* which is the key to the gate of heaven “MessiYah”. Nowhere in EL’s instruction could be found as name or title of EL YHVH the word GOD, nowhere. In the English Bibles the word God exists only because people of little faith have translated from Hebrew, using REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY (from HaSatan), replacing ELohim (EL) and Yahveh (YHVH) or Yah name, with the idol title/name God which has nothing to do with EL and have never been chosen by EL who desires to be named or called with the titles and names that EL alone have decided for ELself. And while EL (Yah) became MessiYah and became a He, YahShua NOT JESUS, MessiYah NOT CHRIST. So stop doing what you have not been instructed to do, (USING SATANIC REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY TO REPLACE NAMES AND SABBATHS WITH PAGAN DAYS SUCH AS SUNDAY AND CHRISTMAS, AND NAME OR TITLE GOD OF IDOL GOD). Start doing what you have been instructed to do or you will be surprise when you will wake up in hell, and you won’t have anyone else to blame but yourself. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Allah HaSatan desire to have as many slaves (enslaved souls) as it may be possible so he won’t be alone with his demons in hell. Is better for him to have billions of enslaved souls. That is why Satan with his demons have created all kinds of deceitful religions and non-religion movements or schemes as Islam is, to deceive and make slaves from the souls that trusts in him or accepts to be his slaves. Notice that Satan does not require you to trust in him. He is happy and is enough if you only accept to be his slave. Is also enough if you allow yourself deceived and believe a lie that prevents you from ascending (salvation), so that way you become his slaves without even knowing. Provoking him by saying he doesn’t exist or he is nothing or nothingness, could be dangerous for you who do not have EL YHVH’s protection. And he doesn’t care if you register as slave under his last name which is Allah, or if you register under his first name which is HaSatan. It does not matter to him under which of his names you have registered as slave to him, but all it matters to him, is that your soul becomes his slave in hell. And he wants all human souls in hell because he hates the human race besides he doesn’t want to be alone in hell. Why he hates humans ? -- Because he is racist, that is why. You should not be surprised since even you, have racists among yourselves. Why shouldn’t angels (some which are fallen) be racists ? The reality is that some are, and will stop to nothing to see the entire human race DESTROYED. Translating and in translation replacing EL’s Name or Titles without even translating them to give their original meaning, does not make it valid just because you want it to be valid. And just because you think that you pray to EL YHVH under the ‘God’ title or name, it does not make it so (praying to EL YHVH). You may wish it but is a wishful hope. A deceit intended to deceive, does not become truth just because you want it to be truth and because you are used to it (the word god) . The red colour it is not white just because I want to believe is white. Our Father have established the order as is suppose to be and EL Yah’s beloved and preferred names and titles EL made them known not because EL does not want to be called with them BUT BECAUSE EL WANTS TO BE CALLED WITH THEM, MADE THEM HOLY AND ARE EL YAH TITLES AND NAME, LIKE IT OR NOT, WON’T CHANGE ANY THING except you going to hell if you keep being rebellious Yankees. That is because EL YHVH does not desire to force anyone to go to heaven. It’s your choice where you want to go in your final destination for eternity in the ‘after life’. All you have to do is choose EL’s way for El’s Paradise or Heaven, and if you do not truly love EL YHVH to ascend to EL’s Heaven then choose any other way and that will get you isolated from EL YHVH’s creation universe in the special place called hell to be with demons and HaSatan Allah since you prefer or like his ways which are many that leads to condemnation and destruction. You are not the one who is to establish what is valid and what is not. Besides the title ‘god’ it is taken by someone else as a name. Here are few other names of idols and some are of demons that have deceived to be worshiped as being the Creator Super-Intelligent Energy-Force of Existence, Creator of the universe and of Israel, and are worshiped by diverse nations today, under the excuse of nationalistic language, as if they are the Holy One EL YHVH IL The Creator, although they are not ‘The Creator’ EL YHVH. If there is any nationalism to ever be supported by any one of you who loves EL, it should be the chosen of EL, the Israel of EL YHVH. Under the excuse of nationalistic language, as if they are the Holy One EL YHVH IL The Creator of Israel, although they are not, some nations worship demons and idols such as: Chúa, Buh, Boh, Bondye, Allah, Jumal, Mulungu, Jainkoaren, zot, god, and dumnezeu. This last one means ‘lord zeus’ and should have given to that nation’s nationalistic people to think about to who they are praying to or give credit to. But since most people are almost spiritually dead, can not think anymore and are more robots than thinking living beings. How could they think and know that they worship Lord Zeus an idol, demon HaSatan when on the other hand English speaking people worship and pray to God an idol. They are born hearing that word all their lives that for some is almost impossible to get read of it. As most people on earth, ( nations praying to idols/demons deceivers of being the Maker of IsraEL while they are not, and the name testifies they are not, since IsraEL is not Isragod or Israbuh or Israllah or Isramulungu, and so on …etc, nor am I Gabrigod or Gabribuh or Ibriallah) Allah The Deceiver (HaSatan), uses any name and tactic to deceive sinful humans who remained unholy so that EL’s Holy Energy (which you call Spirit) be repelled to not come near them and guide them and the opposite happens, HaSatan gets attracted to them without them even knowing. He deceived the first Atheists to create Atheism so they will not ascend to Heaven, but loose their souls to Allah the Deceiver in hell. If you don’t repent and continue intentionally sinning, the Holy Spirit (the EL YHVH HOLY SUPER-INTELLIGENT ENERGY) is repelled and not come anywhere near you to guide you. I Jibril ask all Muslims to quit Islam and become MessiYah’nics to make two billion Christians together with the Catholics , full of jealousy since they are so deceived and stubborn into their use of replacement theology that includes their invented concept of trinity and their idol names God, Christ, Jesus, Christians, I do not see repentance from them any time soon to become Messiyah’nics of Yah. Although your language uses the word “UNGODLINESS”, IT DOES NOT REFER TO WHAT ELOHIM-YAHVEH or EL YHVH ILail says is ‘NOT HOLY’. Therefore I will use the word “unholiness” and if it does not exist in your language, I will make it existent by using it myself as an English word. Since EL YHVH is HOLY, can not stand (is repelled/revolted by) ‘unholiness’. Since EL is JUST, can not stand ‘injustice’. Since EL is GOOD, can not stand badness ‘sin or evil.’ Since EL is LOVE, can not stand ‘hate’. Since EL is THE TRUTH, can not stand ‘lies or deceit or ‘A Great Deceiver’ or any Deceiver. Since EL is WISDOM or INTELIGENCE, can not stand folly or stupidity Since EL is KNOWLEDGE, can not stand lack of knowledge Since EL is THE LIGHT, can not stand ‘The Darkness’ Since EL is HARMONY, can not stand ‘dissonance’ Since El is DISCIPLINE, can not stand ‘chaos / anarchy’ Since EL is PERFECT CREATOR, EL is repelled/revolted by destruction and The Destroyer. EL YHVH The PERFECT CREATOR have created ‘perfect creation’ so there is nothing to destroy and destruction is abominable to EL YHVH. ‘Perfect creation’ does not mean perfect each one on it’s own. That is not what perfect creation means since we are all made perfect through Him the ELoHim Yahveh. Since EL carries our burdens trough EL we are made perfect but apart of EL we are worse than imperfect, we are self destructive. Now if you could understand, Elohim Yahveh is not just the Essence of one of those things alone. EL is the essence of all of them combined and together makes the HOLY DIVINE ENERGY EL YHVH IL of Jibril meaning of me and of Israil, EL of IsraEL and of me GabriEL as well as of MichaEL. I remind you that I am not perfect and none like me are, otherwise won’t exist fallen angels, but it does exist proof that we are not perfect. But Yahveh IS PERFECT and only “The PERFECT ONE” on it’s own since is the ESSENCE OF ALL MENTIONED ABOVE WHICH ARE GOOD. Only ELohim Yahveh (EL YHVH) should be worshiped, unless you wish Yah’s Instruction’s curses to come over you. Angels are protectors but could also be carriers of curses over you, (punishers) without even you knowing (since angels are invisible unless they want to show and appear to you. Pray that no demons ever appears to you, because your soul will be lost most likely, or else is in imminent danger). So therefore I say to you, repent and become holy because holiness is repellent to demons. Holiness is your armour that makes you invincible, take it and put it on and be a warrior of EL YHVH. T O R A H means Instruction of YAH but Greeks have corrupted it’s name into bible and you helped them spread it farther. So stop spreading it farther ! The Instruction of Yah teaches you how to receive Holiness Spirit from EL YHVH, and how to become able to see The Door or The Gate of Heaven (means Salvation of Yahveh), which is MessiYah’veh, the EL Yahveh, how you could receive EL’s Essence which is Divine Love, into your soul to able it to ASCEND and not to descend to Allah HaSatan). HAVING DIVINE LOVE INTO YOUR SOUL IS THE ONLY WAY TO ASCEND TO HEAVEN. But divine love never could come into a soul that has hate in it. So you have to get out all the hate from your soul and from your heart, for the DIVINE LOVE to come near and ENTER YOUR SOUL AND DWELL IN IT ETERNALY. If you are a warrior of EL YHVH, you don’t have hate in your heart and soul, because if you have hate in your soul and heart and call yourself a warrior of EL YHVH, you are only a pretender and not a true warrior. You don’t need ‘hate’ to prevent the enemy invading and taking your family as slaves. All you need is ‘the love’ MessiYah taught you to have [give your life for your friends (friends are your family in MESSI’YAHveh)] since there is no greater/or truest love than this; to give your life for your friends. So you don’t need hate in your soul to fight your enemy. You could fight and kill your enemy who is EL YHVH’s enemy, in self defence, without having a particle of hate in your soul. If you do so, you are indeed a warrior of EL YHVH and a fighter for truth and justice. You could fight the enemy while you have love, because for your enemy, our Yahveh /MessiYah never said to give your life for your enemy, but he said to give it for your and his friends meaning those who are in MessiYah. A greater love for your enemy than praying so EL YHVH would do whatever it takes to see them repented to go to heaven for eternity, there is none. No matter what you could give to a enemy in this life is no greater love than if your prayer is heard and your enemy dies going eternally to heaven instead of hell. I explained this because there are very many among you who are deceived by The Deceiver to not defend his own family or his country, family friends in MessiYah and die for them (which means true love) by fighting and even killing the enemy. There are many amongst you deceived by The Deceiver to rather not fight the enemy so that enemy could take hostage and enslave not only their families and friends of MessiYah, but also your entire country. Those kinds of people are deceived by The Deceiver to believe that they are doing MessiYah’s will while it couldn’t be farther from the truth, and knowing or without knowing they are collaborators with the enemy, traitors and enemy themselves. Those kinds of people you were never supposed to have amongst you, is the teaching of the Torah. All this including how to ASCEND (SALVATION), is taught in the original Hebraic Angelic uncorrupted Sound-Language INSTRUCTION OF YAH (TORAH). Repent to Ascend in Paradise, or else you will descend to hell. There is no other way, and the time is near. Let me repeat it to you to give more chance to your ears to hear: THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO ASCEND EXCEPT THROUGH REPENTANCE. Empty yourselves of sins and of hate else you won’t ascend because you won’t have access through the gate of heaven which is MessiYah(veh) which is Divine Love Essence. Emptying yourself of hate it does not make you defenceless. In fact you are more lethal because without hate you could see much more clear and beat your enemy with his own weapons. Because of your faith, you could move mountains up on your enemy, and defeat your enemy with his own words without deceiving because who uses deceit, belongs to “The Deceiver” and is sent to hell together with The Deceiver Allah HaSatan. As I explained, being empty of hate, having faith and repenting, it does not mean that you allow your family (children, wife, parents, country) to be taken as slave by the enemy soldiers, and by doing so you cause them to sin even more and to enjoy their sins, so you are guilty yourself. You could defend your country, killing the enemy soldiers without a particle of hate while you do it. But this is to defend your countries and empty lands that you have found which are not claimed by permanent residents of them, even if wonderers goes through and migrate are still empty lands. But those that are occupied with residents you are never to invade, so do not invade other nations to take their lands. If you invade other nations to occupy their lands, or if you hate and die with hate in your heart, you belong to hell and that is where you will be sent. This is all for defending your family and country but not to invade others with the intension to occupy them and subdue them and rule over them because such thing only Satanists do and their punishment is slavery of their souls in hell with Allah HaSatan. The invasion and occupation of lands doctrine of evil it only comes from HaSatan Allah the Master of Destruction, Deceit and Evil. Killing in this kind of invasion planed to subdue nations and rule over them is pure evil, is great sin and is unholiness and who practice such satanic religion and does not repent of it to quit it, certainly ends up in hell together with his/her Imam or Preacher or King. And for a true Prophet it is not acceptable by The Holy One, The Divine EL YHVH, IL of JibrIL and IsraIL to live his life by the spear or sword. Any prophet who did so, is a false prophet. No matter what Allah The Deceiver HaSatan says and will deceive saying, it should be known that no prophets from the Torah ever lived their lives by the spear or sword much the less invading many nations to subdue them and whoever did is not posted as Prophet in the Instruction of Yah (Torah). Whoever goes on invading to kill and subdue by force other nations, is from the devil and is no true Prophet of EL YHVH IL because is a true prophet of HaSatan Allah and can not belong to both Masters, to Good and to Evil, can not belong to EL YHVH and to Allah HaSatan at the same time. Could only please one master. The Master of Evil takes his slaves in hell. It is your choice to follow HaSatan Allah but for that choice you follow your Master Allah The Deceiver, in hell. A man who lives his life by the spear or sword and is a killer, is not holy and is no prophet at all. Men could claim he is Prophet but that makes him only a false prophet, meaning still IS NO PROPHET. Example of false prophet is MOHAMMAD who got deceived by HaSatan Allah which appeared as an Angel of light to fulfil the Torah prophecy, deceiving is me JibrIL GabriEL but never preached the IL EL Yah of the Instruction of Yah = Torah (bible). Instead he preached opposing Yah (the MessiYah) preached against MessiYah deceiving that MessiYah is not Yah, and preached Allah The Deceiver which means HaSatan in our language. For a great false prophet, I could give as example Mohammad being the greatest false prophet it is known to this day among humans. He not only was greedy after power, money or wealth but also after social status. Beside being greedy, he was a murderer, a rapist of little girls and of wives of other husbands, he was a great robber and thief, and later an invader of other tribes and of other nations which did him no harm but only refused to trust Allah HaSatan and military scheme undercover as religion called “IsSLAM”. If some other people would invade his followers, they would not like it, but they instead like to invade other nations (because they are hypocrites) either by immigration and not integrating, or by false claims of refugee status or by military invasion. Such practice is hypocrisy and sin and evil. His followers called Muslims practicing those things have become the greatest sinners, hypocrites on earth and I GabriEL JibrIL testify that unless they repent and quit Allah HaSatan and his Koran of evil teaching invasion and slavery under the word “subdued”, they will be ‘subdued’ themselves and sent in hell by ELohim YHVH and they will find out that Elohim is the chief and Supreme Judge Holy Creator, as even his name indicates it, and Satan Allah is only o deceiving fallen angel now called demon. THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING ! REPENT OR YOUR SOUL WILL BE SENT TO HELL. Whether you like it or not, it will happen, and I testify to this. If you do not repent, if you do not stop sinning (of any kind of sin), you are assured by EL to DESCEND in hell. But to repent you need to know from what to repent and how. That is why it have been given to you Torah meaning the Instruction of Yah that you have been deceived by The Deceiver, to call bible so you could loose the very message of it’s title which is INSTRUCTION OF YAH (YOU NEED IT), to guide and instruct yourselves living by it all your earth life, to pass the earth exam and obtain the Paradise Certification through MessiYah since there is no other name under the heaven (or above) by which human race could obtain salvation and eternal life in Heaven or Paradise. The word lawful means BY THE LAW and LEGAL and LEGALISM. The Instruction of Yah never condemned anyone of practicing LEGALISM , but the opposite; it condemns for practicing UNLAWFULNESS meaning NOT THE INSTRUCTION OF YAH. Many people 2000 years ago made their own laws parallel to the Torah as have done Muslims with the Koran later on, and Christians with accepting and living by secular Atheistic laws and not by the Holy Law of Yah. And that is what most people do today, practice not the Instruction of EL YAH. Instead they have adopted tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands more laws MADE by MEN, and yet they don’t complain to be a burden, but the few hundreds given in the Torah BY THE DIVINE EL YAHVEH, which most can’t even be applied since were conditional by the existence of the Temple or Levites Priesthood, or the altar, …etc none which exist today, ---- therefore most of those laws can not be respected being conditioned narrowing the instruction to less than a hundred regulations. Never the less most men who doesn’t seems to find the hundred of thousands secular laws a burden, they have decided to find the few applicable laws of the Torah a burden (because are hypocrites), criticizing the Instruction of Yah listening to the same snake Deceiver and deceiving by saying “ Torah is the law of Moses” while is not of Moses but the very title TORAH means Instruction of YAH and NOT OF MOSES YOU WICKED AND MODERN PHARISIES OF FALSE CHRISTIANITY FAKE RELIGION. One by one, from time to time, there are pagan Christians who find an excuse to explain their practice of thousands of Atheistic laws and not practice or respect the few left in the Instruction of Yah, saying: “Christ respected all Yah’s instruction so we don’t have to respect anymore any.” And so they pick up whichever they like and want to respect and create others on their own outside the Yah’s Instruction. I say to you, go ahead you hypocrites and steal, kill, blaspheme the Sabbaths, deceive, and commit adultery to find out in hell that no Greek Christ ever existed and that the MessiYah of the Torah came on earth among other reasons, also to show hypocrites like you, how to respect the Torah, and not how pagans or how Pharisees pretended they did. The main reason MessiYah came on earth and took human form is to offer salvation from the law of sin and death which is this: “the soul that sins, will die” Torah in totality saying that the spiritual death in which that soul is, lead that soul to descend in hell. So MessiYah came to provide salvation from this very law. He Himself said he did not came to abrogate all laws so you could go ahead to steal, lie, blaspheme the Sabbaths, commit adultery, and so on with all sins. No, he never came to give you certification to practice sin. Sin is everything that is against the Instruction of Yah. And he never gave you certification to practice sin, with other words, to stop practicing the Instruction of Yah whatever from it is still valid. A great majority of those instructions are not valid since were conditioned up on the existence of The Temple, the Levite Priesthood, the altar and your physical presence in the land of Israel. However, Sabbaths were respected even in captivity, outside whether Temple existed in Jerusalem or not, and whether Levite priesthood existed in captivity where they were as slaves, or did not exist, didn’t matter, the Eternal Sabbath was always respected by the lovers of Yahveh. The haters of Yahveh does not respect his Sabbaths, is what it comes as main idea from the Torah. Therefore Christians are haters of Sabbaths and of Yahveh whether they recognize or not, is the truth put in practice and could be seen through their deeds. They have decided from themselves not to follow MessiYah with His Sabbaths but rather a Greek Christ in a pagan idolatry day of the sun, Sun’Day. Lovers of MessiYah respects all Sabbaths and all applicable instruction so that could be shown that they belong to Him and that they receive salvation based on His and their love. Misquoting “you are not saved by works” in order to deceive, descends you to hell. It is correct that “you are not saved by words” but you are saved by THE LOVE you show through your works or deeds that you belong to Him the ELoHim which is MessiYah that became flesh (took human form). I Gabriel testify against you the same as I testified against Muslims, that unless you repent by taking all the Instruction of Yah into your heart (all that is applicable and still valid), you will descend in hell and the very MessiYah that you put your hopes in, will condemn and judge you with a sword after the last days, saying to you: “Why say Lord, Lord but not respect YAH’s Instruction. Get away from me since I have never known you” - messiYAH. Since 1000 years is a day with YHVH and one day is 1000, the last 2000 years are just two last days. In them HaSatan appeared as an angel of light claiming he is me, Jibril /Gabriel, to deceive Mohammad and appoint him as his false prophet to build his great Satanist military conquest scheme called IsSLAM (against humanity) and to build his great Satanist Army undercover as religious Muslims of IsSLAM, all this under his last name ‘Allah’ which is still Satan. And he did conquer a multitude of nations with his Muslim army and military scheme undercover as religion. Who gets deceived by him, gives freely his soul as ‘Slave to Allah’, since this is the arrangement through his Crown he calls Koran. He desire to take all humans as slave so that this earth could be turned into hell, and he won’t have to be sent to another worst hell. But since Allah is a Deceiver HaSatan deceives even himself. Most men on earth follow satanic deceit through false religions such as Christendom meaning Christianity, and Judaism which denies the entire Torah and pretends that only a part of it is Torah negating The Words of MessiYah(veh) through the Apostles having burned original copies of it written in Hebrew. Other Satanic deceit follows military scheme presented as religion Islam, and false religions Hinduism, Buddhism, and Atheism, and there are others as well but smaller false religions. Most men on earth follow satanic deceit without realizing that are prevented by deceit to ascend to heaven by following those false religions. So the lack of love of Yah and of Yah’s Instruction, could be seen on them, while the love for this world could be exposed in their minds and thoughts by loving the laws of this world which they have accepted and practice, more than they love and practice the law of YAHveh. Although Christianity is the closest religion to the true faith in MessiYah which Messiyah’nic people practice, it mirrors the love of MessiYah but fails short to expose it in all things. That is why Christianity is labelled before Yahveh as false religion as are all the other. However just labelling a group of people with the words “Messiyah’nic Congregation” does not make them to be true if they are not practicing the truth of the Instruction of Yah, and many are not, although are formed by former Christians. Related to them is the following knowledge; Our tongue of Angels is Hebrew. But since the fall of those now called demons, other tongues have been invented by demons and are deceived into false religions as being the tongues of angels while they are not, they are the tongues of demons. Why did demons deceived humans to have demonic languages labelled “tongues of angels” planted or practiced in false religions ? -- One of the reasons is because those tongues are an extra satanic label over those religions to identify them from afar that they belong to Satan. -- Other reasons have to do with the end time but I won’t explain them since I have no clearance to do so, and that could be that an answer could confuse people more than it could help them. So if any church, congregation, mosque or temple gathering speak in tongues which are not Hebrew or any of the tongues of nations existent on earth, understood by other people present where it is spoken, ..if so then it is for a warning that is a false religion . Who’ ever has wisdom stays away from religions claiming “tongues of angels” where they do not use Hebrew or an earthly languages. False religions are also those that uses the earth languages but do not teach the Instruction of Yah (Torah) as it was shown in practice by MessiYah(veh) So for those of you who says: ‘how can I follow MessiYah in all things? Could I die for others or for other people’s sins? Yes you can, not that your death will forgive their sins since MessiYah Yahveh The Divine took care of that, but you could still die for other people to save their lives, (perhaps giving them more time in this temporary life to do the works MessiYah desires) since MessiYah said: “There is no greater (or truest) love but this: ‘that one gives his life for his friends”. And He said to His followers “…I call you ‘friends’ since I am telling you what I will do for you” So friends are those in MessiYah. Giving your life for those who are not Messiyah’nic, was never His will just as He never sacrificed Himself experimenting death for all men, since He only did for those which are lovers of “The Truth” (‘I am The Truth’ said MessiYah), for His faithful, those who would come to Him in faith (He would not reject, He said) . Friend is not the unfaithful or the enemy who is not loyal to MessiYah/veh, but is loyal to his Adversary HaSatan Allah. Not for them is to give your life, although many of you have been deceived to do. Do not let yourselves deceived by “The Deceiver”. All your space so called ‘Nasa program’ is in vain since EL YHVH Creator of vast space made it so you can not enter Paradise except through “The Gate” you call Star Gate, but EL YHVH calls it The Gate MessiYah and is MessiYah(veh) the ESSENCE OF DIVINE LOVE. UNLESS YOUR SOUL KNOWS the divine MessiYah Love Essence in him, YOU WILL NOT ASCEND BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW THE GATE and NOT KNOWING IT, YOU WILL ENTER: “A GREAT DECEIVER” LARGE GATE, AND YOU WILL DESCEND THROUGH IT IN HELL all willingly, instead of ASCENDING IN HEAVEN OR IN PARADISE, EL YHVH GRANTS so in YAH’S INSTRUCTION. Now those among you who are un’repented, deceived and who refuse to become holy to walk in holiness , do not accuse Yahveh (EL YHVH) of cruelty since you would accuse in vain and since it is you who are cruel for not accepting through repentance EL’s Divine Sacrificial Love shown to you when EL Yah walked on earth under the title name Yah'shua Messi'Yah Emmanu'EL (the translation [meaning] is: Yahveh Saviour Elected Among us ELohim. Elohim means Supreme Lord-Judge. Torah, have in it RECORDED all titles and name PLEASED by our Divine Holy Creator EL YHVH. What is not in it, is not EL’s and could belong to EL’s adversary. ‘AlleluYah = Praised is Yah ’, with which Yahveh desire to be called, (Yah or EL and NOT god) (EL YHVH) Elohim Yahveh praised, prayed to and worshiped, titles EL'self only with positive good titles and names. For example; Father, Creator, Everlasting Father. Titles or names of EL YHVH of the Yah’s Instruction, specific for His mission on earth when he took HUMAN form (and walked among us appearing like man), some of them are: "Son", Yah'shua Messi'Yah Emmanu'EL (the translation [meaning] is: Yahveh Saviour Elected Among us ELohim. Elohim means Supreme Lord-Judge. EL alone will be your final judge, so trust no one else but put your faith in EL through EL’s teachings given under his other title or name “MessiYAH” Instruction of Yah. This writing contains repetition, repeated truth because is a science teaching manual. Among the subjects taught in it is also “FAITH” which is a substance whether you see it or not, it does not change the fact that does exist. And as not all fish learned to breathe outside the water, so not all humans learned to see faith, although it does exist and is a subject of science. Learn it ! One more thing to remember is that this writing has never been intended and is not intended to replace the Instruction of Yah (Torah) nor is it to add to it, nor to go against it. And remember, Torah is not according to the understanding of the Jews who deny MessiYah or Yah’s writings though the Apostles. Torah is according to the Jews that include those writings, Jews which are called Messiyah’nic the same as the Gentile branches adopted into Spiritual IsraEL “the vine” who also are called Messiyah’nic to fulfil the prophecy that says “a people who were not my people, are my people”. Keep in mind that not the vine (Israel) have been grafted in the branches but the branches (gentiles) have been grafted into the vine (IsraEL). Israel does not have to become Christian (as satanic deceit try to deceive), but rather Christians have to become Spiritual Israel by becoming Messiyah’nic in truth and in deed. I Gabriel Jibril to the best of my ability am witness of “The Truth”. EL dictates EL’s own house with rules and gives you a choice which is; to decline the invitation to EL’s house because you have to abide by EL’s rules in EL’s House to enter EL’s house (Paradise) or else go visit EL’s adversary. For those of you who are deceived into “Atheism” saying you choose neither and prefer the middle or stay neutral I have to inform you since is ‘my duty’ : 1. In the middle is black freezing void which also ‘hell’ 2. You don’t have to choose Satan for Satan to take over your soul. All you have to do is to refuse EL’s Salvation or as you say, stay neutral and by doing so you loose EL’s protection and Satan could take over your soul whether you accept his presence or deny his presence, it won’t make any difference to Satan because he doesn’t requires love to make you his friend because is not friends he makes but slaves through hate and deceit, since he hates all humans. Which means you are sent together with HaSatan in hell since nothing unholy could enter EL’s house (Paradise or Heaven), because in order to enter EL’s house you have to become holy (clean). It is rude to enter someone’s house while you are dirty stinking with sin because your stink would get everyone else out of that house which would turn into hell. So sin stinkers are not allowed in EL YHVH’s house. You have to become holy, with other words you can not be neutral or denying the existence of EL and EL’s house and still enter it. If EL and EL’s house does not exist for you, then how can you enter something that does not exist for you? However with Satan is different. He accepts to take over your soul even if you don’t acknowledge his existence and that is because he is no love (EL is love), Satan is hate and needs no acknowledgement in order to take over your soul which he hates. That is why he offers slavery to anyone who follows him. His Quran testify that those who trust in him are (I quote the Quran: “Muslims are slaves of Allah”. In another place it says: “Allah is “A Great Deceiver” and in another: “Allah is The Deceiver”. But if you allow love (EL) in your soul, then won’t be place for Satan’s hate or deceit. Whether you believe or not, denying EL is Satanic hate or deceit and makes you belong to Allah HaSatan automatically. As I said, you don’t have to acknowledge the existence of EL YHVH or HaSatan Allah, they just exist, and you can’t just erase their existence by your denial. Air does exist even if you don’t see it, so does EL YHVH The Energy of Existence and of EL’s created universe. Use all this teaching and spread it to all nations to all people as to have it credited as deeds for your faith, and I could assure you that you will be blessed and receive credit from The Holy One EL YHVH for every single soul that get’s saved because he or she received the truth through you who practice true faith through deeds. EL has proven EL’s existence by telling you in advance things that no human could have possibly known. (Dated by you, Atheists so called ‘scientists’ with your carbon copy science) artefact piece of chapter Job of Torah, dated by you as being over 3500 years old, in which EL YHVH have declared that the earth is shaped as a ball. Yet it took your Atheist people who didn’t trust the Torah or bible, over 3000 years to discover that the earth is indeed shaped as a ball. That it certainly illustrates your lack of intelligence, so with all your propaganda and empty hypothetical theories of evolution and big-bang, you are no smarter than the regular Christian or Jew. Yet there is much more hope for Christians and Jews than there is for heavily indoctrinated Atheists. Truth have always disturbed some people but happy are those who use truth to gain knowledge and through knowledge comes faith in EL YHVH, and faith in the EL YHVH brings eternal life in Paradise. You, who claim to follow MessiYah, show your faith by deeds. Take the knowledge taught in here and spread it over all the earth to as many people as you may be able to. Translate it if you have been given the gift of other languages, and make it available in as many languages as you may be able to, and spread it. Your own Lord which is mine as well if you belong to Yah MessiYah, is watching over you. We all are watching, and want to count your righteousness, your real faith shown by deeds which are for your own blessing. All human souls that will get saved on your account of true faith shown by deeds, will be accredited to you there where thieves can not steal (since no thieves are allowed in Heaven or Paradise the same as no deceivers will be allowed). May you be blessed by the Lord of Love EL YHVH, as well as of Justice and every good thing, in MessiYah’s name, so be it. Take heed, more evil and destruction is on it’s way because most humans ask for it through their deeds. Find those which are in true faith, verify their faith by their actions so you do not get deceived, and embrace yourselves to not be swept by the wave of evil that is to come. When there are two or more, The Lord is right there in your midst. On yourself alone, you show you have no deeds worth for Lord’s presence and you are on your own even when you are amongst doubters (alone but not soul lost). Remember doubting it gets you drown in the sea (is when you put in danger your soul to get lost). The sea is a picture of this world, as the sea is polluted (made impure), so the world is corrupted. Unless it repents and become pure (holy) it will be drawn in hell. Unless you have true faith and love MessiYah who loved you first, you will not receive this teaching into your heart, nor will you do your best to send this teaching to all humanity because many are still to be saved. But those with faith and true love will. So freely you have received, freely send this farther on, and you will be rewarded with large credit (treasures) in heaven where thieves can not steal since won’t be any thieves there. I should let you know that using robot translators online such as Google Translate (and depending on language complexity (as most languages are more complex,) do not give an accurate translation on long phrases, and are creating more confusion than helping especially through the grammar. Those who know more than one language know the different problems with online translators used for large information writing as this is. Most reward will receive those who go to extra length to make this information known to all people across the earth, and not only on KZfaq but over other sites on internet and outside the internet broadcasting radio, TV and printing publications and Churches. Only people with true faith and true love for Yah will display deeds such as sending all this information farther on. Not everyone is gifted with other languages and The Lord knows everyone’s gifts and dedication and will reward everyone according to their faith displayed by deeds and dedication. May you be credited and blessed thousand times more, by the love and faith you display through your deeds for our Lord EL YHVH - MessiYah. It is because of lack of deeds and of pretended faith that your countries have become what they have become. And on top of all this, keep this in mind: I am not Gabrigod, of Isragod, that is why I am not praying or worshiping and I am not from “god” nor is MessiYah who is Yah. Nor should you “Messiyah’nic” worship anything that is not EL IL or Yah. - GabriEL JibrIL of EL YHVH [Yah’veh] IL of Israil/IsraEL and of MessiYah.
@buboylambat 9 жыл бұрын
@buboylambat 9 жыл бұрын
HO, every one that thirsteth, COME YE TO THE WATERS, and he that hath no money; COME YE, BUY, AND EAT; YEA, COME BYE WINE AND MILK WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE. Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not BREAD? And your labour for that which SATISFIETH NOT? Hearken diligently unto me, and EAT YE that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness. Incline your ear, and come unto me; hear, and your SOUL shall LIVE; and I will make everlasting covenant with you. SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND CALL YE UPON HIM WHILE HE IS NEAR. let the WICKED forsake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the LORD, AND HE WILL HAVE MERCY UPON HIM; AND TO OUR GOD ; FOR HE WILL ABUNDANTLY PARDON. For my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways; and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither; but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; SO SHALL MY WORD BE THAT GOETH FORTH OUT OF MY MOUTH; IT SHALL NOT RETURN UNTO ME VOID, BUT IT SHALL ACCOMPLISH THAT WHICH I PLEASE, AND IT SHALL PROSPER IN THE THING WHERETO I SENT IT. ----- ISAIAH 55:1; 2-11
@buboylambat 9 жыл бұрын
For unto you is born this day CITY OF David a SAVIOUR , which is CHRIST. ------LUKE 2-11
@buboylambat 9 жыл бұрын
IN THAT DAY SHALL THERE BE AN ALTAR TO THE LORD IN THE MIDST OF THE LAND OF EGYPT, AND A PILLAR AT THE BOARDER THEREOF TO THE LORD. And it shall be for a SIGN and for a witness unto the LORD OF HOSTS in the LAND of EGYPT; for they shall CRY unto the LORD because of the OPPRESSION, HE and SHALL SEND them a SAVIOR, AND A GREAT ONE, and HE shall DELIVER THEM. And the LORD shall be known to EGYPT, and the EGYPTIANS shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yea they shall vow a vow unto the LORD, and perform it IT. And the LORD shall SMITE THE EGYPT; HE SHALL SMITE AND HEAL IT; And they shall RETURN even to the LORD, and HE shall ENTREATED of them , and shall HEAL them. In that day shall there be a HIGHWAY of EGYPT to ASSYRIA; and the ASSYRIAN shall COME into EGYPT; and the EGYPTIAN into ASSYRIAN, and the EGYPTIAN shall SERVE with the ASSYRIANS. ------------ ISAIAH 19;16-23--------
@pcarvalhedo 9 жыл бұрын
WONDERFUL LORD'S WORD AND STANDING UP fulfilled in our day , Isaiah 19; 16-23 .
@fokak0 9 жыл бұрын
to be notice EGYPT is a arabian Muslim country with 80% Muslim 20% cristian and that happend in EGYPT in Peace this is the real islam but isis not muslim
@fokak0 9 жыл бұрын
If you know islam and if you ser what isis do hou will know that is not islam
@remnantchosenbygrace6285 9 жыл бұрын
Most Wanted I was Muslim and ISIS is only doing what the Islamic text says to do there for radical Islam is the purest island where as Christianity is the true peace keepers because we worship the prince of peace himselfAmen
@fokak0 9 жыл бұрын
RemnantChosen byGrace hhhhhhhhhhh i don't know what islam you was beleave in maybe Fox news Islam LoooooooooL
@johnfernandes9004 9 жыл бұрын
Most Wanted Brother what is Islam is as per to you, Killing, raping, looting, murdering - You know what ISIS doing, What are you doing to stop ISIS Killing,
@fokak0 9 жыл бұрын
john fernandes my country army fighting them and iam egyptian
@roylikesitlikethat 9 жыл бұрын
Love and peace, all glory to Yashua, Jesus Christ! Blessings to all in Christ- from Canada.