@Gathzen Күн бұрын
Great video as usual! I honestly think that Business As Usual and Logjam are a bit better than where you put them. They are key parts of my main Corp deck that I've been playing and it has done pretty well. It was 'decklist of the week' last week, so it made me really sad to learn that the first time I get a 'decklist of the week' it's a week were you are not streaming. I'd love it if you tried it and you might appreciate BAU and Logjam a bit more.
@thomasberton5657 2 күн бұрын
In terms of "lessons learned," the big one feels like Trick Shot. If I recall correctly, both Bahia and Raindrops moved up after being revisited as well. The lesson seems to be that "crantrip-like run events get undervalued, especially when they bundle together multiple effects"
@dave0754 4 күн бұрын
Wow... This means I haven't played Netrunner in more than four months! This is the set I just did not feel like playing.
@tineye5100 4 күн бұрын
Wish the RotomAppliance decks had a more detailed description to get started with playing them.
@fluter27 4 күн бұрын
@mella4376 4 күн бұрын
Always love these retrospectives!
@prenic3527 4 күн бұрын
Amazing video, watching that makes me feel like I understand the current meta while in reality I don't. <3
@moocha3689 4 күн бұрын
I felt and still feel like the support cards for Seb was overcasted by 1 or 2 credits. It felt like those cards were balanced for Seb, rather than trying to make the self-tagging cards worth it for a normal anarch to run and Seb putting them over the edge
@cephalopodwizard 4 күн бұрын
I *knew* pressure spike wasn't binder tier! Allowing shapers to finally break barriers without jumping through hoops was something I've thought Shaper needed for a long time. Also, my roommate feels you have personally wronged him by leaving Pretty Mary da Silva in the binder tier, especially while moving Spree up. This was very funny, and I encourage you to dunk on more of his pet cards.
@jairoscopic 5 күн бұрын
On a list of the top cards of RWR, trickshot shows up like 4 times
@cobalt2672 5 күн бұрын
It'll be interesting to see if Dawn brings a metagame slow enough that some of the more 'value' cards can see play; as you say, at the moment, you have to be prepared to be sprinting from turn 1 onwards or risk falling behind (with the exception of the most grind-focused control builds).
@alpi7411 5 күн бұрын
You keep motivating me to play Nuvem haha
@user-rt1ji2fq3t 5 күн бұрын
Ashen SHOULD be a BAN ME PLZ card... but now corps just slam cards on board and end the game by turn 10 so this is a basically a binder now lol (And corps SHOULD end the game by turn 10 now cuz that freakin turbine doom rig just exists... )
@celestialspark5697 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, I think it's correctly placed as an enabler because it's a serious choice as to whether it's worthwhile to have a card that is dead early and expensive to play, but lets you play that second loop of your deck. You really have to plan your deck around playing the first loop fast enough for it to be worthwhile to have a second, and weigh whether that's worth doing.
@patrickjsklar8315 5 күн бұрын
Would have been REALLY funny if immediately after Jeff says "I'm going to share an anecdote that will probably be cut for time" there's a cut but he still tells his story
@patrickjsklar8315 5 күн бұрын
People love it when I do punch-ups on their videos, right?
@colinfreyvogel3014 5 күн бұрын
I love that you both waited to do this until around the end of continentals. This meta took a while to shake out (especially with the bans) so taking the extra time definitely added to the evaluation!
@Toluvel 5 күн бұрын
I told you about the See How They Run thing because it's exactly how I got flatlined some time ago. I was also cruising on points and then boom :D
@Maw0822 5 күн бұрын
My tinfoil hat obviously not true conspiracy theory is that NSG and their play testers hate Jinteki and Shaper and intentionally give them cards that are broken so that they can ban them
@patrickjsklar8315 5 күн бұрын
Hey, NSG Security? Yeah, this comment right here.
@JM-pl3of 5 күн бұрын
I come for Pat's hijinx, and instead I get gruesome toenail injuries. Great stream!
@Sz4r1ej 5 күн бұрын
I find it hilarious that you talk about feels bad when bouncing resource with working prototype when 100% of corps and 50% of shapers bounce every corp card with Hermes sometimes multiple times a turn.
@mega-supp 5 күн бұрын
Physarium being a faction staple but for the wrong faction is so funny.
@ryushi17 5 күн бұрын
I watched all the tier lists in like 2 weeks when i first rediscovered Netrunner. lol awesome way to learn what is a good jumping off point for building something that looks fun.
@meathir4921 5 күн бұрын
New player so feel free to roast my takes. It's me, I'm the little guy under Hammer. Runner side: I despise Ashen Epilogue. I really do. I don't think decks should have a reset button. I think Cataloguer's biggest flaw is just the Corp meta in terms of deckbuilding. 3 pointers are sooo prevalent. Trying to flip off R&D consistently is so awkward when lots of Corps are loading up on 3 pointers to lower agenda density. The other big problem... they released Trick Shot in the same set. And Trick Shot is doing so much for R&D pressure, click compression and econ that Cataloguer just isn't necessary. I'm surprised you dragged Alarm Clock down, I see it happen in Deep Dive Sable occasionally. I think Jeitinho is actually quite necessary in case Corps keep running in the "make agendas impossible to find" archetype with like Drudge Works because you still have to be finding ins into centrals. We all wish Seb landed. That's all I can say about Anarch. Corp side: Powers That Be is an asset spam card. I see Ob, NBN and maybe Asa HB all considering it. Ob is so fun but so complicated. I think NSG cooked with the big W with this set. Bangers, across the board. My only problem is Logjam gives extra copies of Pharos which isn't healthy for the future, even if I like having an alternative to beat Boomerang. Holoman isn't the card that needs banned imo. I think it's Azmari. This stupid goddamn identity. Basically every identity pushes you into some sort of playstyle but Az says "play 40-44 and have an identity that is guaranteed to make money". Maybe YDL is the actual problem CARD, but Azmari is not a fun identity. Bellona is not something I mourn. Maybe I just don't like NBN. I do like Holo Man though, and Terminator tag was a fun deck. Why is Tributary 4 strength? That has always been the part that confused me. Feels like 0 strength 1 sub would make more sense for its mechanics. That said, the set proved me wrong with me thinking Jinteki ICE is bad with Boto. I think there are too many tech cards that are also just good engine that Runners have for Jinteki net kills to be real right now. I actually like how HB came out. Nothing feels too out of control. I guess that's because I don't care about Thunderbolt.
@Vysetron 5 күн бұрын
I think it bears mention that the Seb archetype, and everything around it, is very real in Startup. There's something cohesive there but it gets outpaced something fierce in Standard. The same is true of Thunderbolt! I'll be curious to revisit this set post-Dawn when a ton of established staples rotate out and we're entirely in the NSG cardpool across all formats.
@meathir4921 4 күн бұрын
I mean, with just Liberation cycle, HB's other choice is PD. Which is probably better in Startup than it is in Standard imo because everyone is weaker and all PD misses is like... Rashida and a couple of ICE.
@LazyCB 5 күн бұрын
dawn 24 hours of analysis or bust
@aksu_Netrunner 5 күн бұрын
I will never admit I was wrong on any card ever 🤐
@celestialspark5697 5 күн бұрын
Ooh, been waiting for this! Here's my own changes before I watch, as a little guesswork: Crew and Cataloger down to Archetype Enabler. Seb, Amelia, Manuel down to Slots are Hard (although I still believe Amelia will show up in a winning competitive deck someday, but it's super niche.) Muse up to Archetype Enabler (definitely enables the Rosetta list, also really strong with Physarum). Valentina and Malandragem down to Slots are Hard. Physarum up to Ban Me Plz. Woppertunity up to role-player (control Crim). Possibly Cup up to role-player as well (control Shaper). Meeting down to binder. Pressure Spike up to... not sure, it sees a fair amount of play but isn't exactly a staple? But faction staple might be the most accurate tier name, since it's almost like the non-archetype generalist fracter. 'Pretty' Mary up to role-player.
@celestialspark5697 5 күн бұрын
Having watched runner, I think I still disagree about Amelia. Watching Sokka play the Padma Amelia list did convince me that you can realistically land this card, and it combos well with your already-useful Stoneships, and the payoff is gamechanging. I don't think many decks will play it, but it's better than a binder card that is just strictly outclassed. And I think Pretty Mary does just enough to be worth playing in some decks; they may not be the meta-defining decks, but they can do well enough to make the cut. Time for corp! Tributary up to BAN ME PLZ by default. Cloud Eater down to role-player. Sudden Commandment down to... slots are hard, I guess? Practically speaking, it's just trashable Biotic but in yellow, and it's just not what yellow is doing right now, but could be someday. Derez Grid down to Slots are Hard. Hammer and Boto up to faction staple (oh my god Andrej, you must have died inside when you saw where you put these, knowing your current opinions on them). Isaac might need to go up as well, but not sure if the specific decks that are using him are actually winning with him, or he's just incidentally in similar decks to the top BtL glacier lists. Hearts and Minds up to role-player. Overall, I think you guys did pretty well on the corp list the first time around, other than the absolute whiff of Hammer and Boto. Edit: I'm going to chime in as having died on turn 3 to See How They Run enough times that it should remain where it is. Also, I couldn't see Bring Them Home and forgot it. I personally think it's a binder card because unlike Active Policing that refunds its own click spent, you usually don't have a click to play it when it's relevant, but maybe it's just Slots are Hard. Edit 2: You guys are talking about Nuvem like you're excited to play a 54 card BABW that trashes a quarter of the deck and has to worry ten times as much about agenda flood/dumping in archives. BINDER!
@meathir4921 4 күн бұрын
​@celestialspark5697 Isaac to me feels unnecessary in those BtL glacier lists. Wall to Wall is a cheaper rez, more expensive trash and has a better secondary effect whilst also letting you choose where the advancement goes completely instead only the first advancement and only in the server Isaac moves to (ie can't back to back advance two ICE on your remote for example). Until Wall to Wall goes, Isaac is stuck in Startup.
@SaferWaters03 5 күн бұрын
Love these!!!
@mikeymoose1986 5 күн бұрын
Started playing Sky Team very recently on BoardGameArena, and it's awesome! Actually playing it right now :D Incidentally, there's currently a Math Trade happening in Montreal, if you have a bunch of boardgames to trade!
@loydurham 5 күн бұрын
I believe this is actually my game (as Corp), haha - Stratagem. Embarrassing to watch it now - I think this was the first or second time I tried the decklist from your previous video and I didn't feel comfortable trying to go a more aggressive route to close the game and defaulted to my typical hyperglacier playstyle. I definitely prefer more grindy games where in the lategame the competition of economy with the runner is more my style. I feel like I've improved a lot against criminal decks since this since I'm more familiar with the various criminal cards you normally see!
@loydurham 5 күн бұрын
I believe in this game the reason why I was raising ICE so aggressively early on (like the Pharos on HQ) was because the Hermes console can really blow out unrezzed advanced ICE and you lose a lot of tempo, so I typical rez aggressively because once Hermes is down, scoring out creates huge pockets in your scoring server or centrals - I didn't want a situation where a score or a steal resulted in Pharos being bounced and then a DOF coming in. A bad choice in retrospect!
@cobalt2672 6 күн бұрын
I must admit, I'm sad that they kept the "Accelerated Meta Test" name; no matter how much NSG insists it's a casual event, the name gives off intense "competitive" vibes. A significant proportion of players won't even get the ancient card reference, either, which means it's a miss on both counts...
@TreetopCanopy 7 күн бұрын
Byes don't just encourage winners at lower-level tournaments to play at the next higher tournament. They also incentivize players who are mostly interested in the higher levels to compete in lower tournaments. And higher-skill players skipping the first round gives everyone else time to warm up (or filter out, shuffle around in the swiss, etc.)
@somefishhere 8 күн бұрын
I like Intercontinentals and the prizes there! Will the CBI winners be getting card art?
@MetropoleGrid 7 күн бұрын
Part of the the CBI champion's prizing includes the "oppportunity to work with NSG OP on art commission & champion card." 2023's CBI champ mjp had his likeness commissioned by Benjamin Giletti on an End of the Line (which was awarded as a foil promo for participation in the 2024 CBI), but we haven't yet seen any CBI winner's champ card designs.
@ianthorpe2407 8 күн бұрын
Really enjoyed watching this (I might be bias though!) - thanks for this :)
@ryushi17 8 күн бұрын
I would love to see this come to Lloydminster. Basically dead center between Edmonton Calgary Saskatoon and Regina. perfect spot for like Midwest region.
@MetropoleGrid 7 күн бұрын
I highly recommend applying for any of the upcoming Championships!
@SaferWaters03 8 күн бұрын
Thanks for covering this!
@Kontostephanos16 9 күн бұрын
I have just started playing Netrunner in Montreal and my partner ALSO crochets. Any chance you can share some patterns? She's always looking for new projects.
@MetropoleGrid 7 күн бұрын
Welcome to the game! If you haven't joined the Montreal Netrunner Discord, I highly recommend it - discord.gg/aQQJFb3V. I can share some of my partner's patterns there. She's just started working on some cute Physarum Entanglers.
@Sz4r1ej 9 күн бұрын
How is Lobisomeme not one counter per subroutine on a barrier I'll never understand
@carrypotter419 9 күн бұрын
Every deck I build start with the word tempo, most ending up grinded to lose after 15 turns.
@MetropoleGrid 7 күн бұрын
Looks like you didn't add enough tempo :p (I've deleted more decks with names containing 'tempo' than anything else.)
@aksu_Netrunner 9 күн бұрын
I am sorry about my fellow taibreakers behaviour and queing the 59 BtL list on stream. This will be repeated in the future with diffrent toxic af decks but still sorry 😔(/j)
@somefishhere 9 күн бұрын
Oooo I thought 49 BtL was spicy. Excited to see the 59
@meathir4921 9 күн бұрын
I don't think advancable ICE is problematic unless there's too many printed. I feel like the number of barrier advancable infinite scaling ICE currently out right now is a biiittt much. Like, if a deck is on 2 playsets it's not the end of the world. But we have 4 really good advancable ICE that all scale well (and Border Control, which isn't the problem but is exacerbating it).
@celestialspark5697 9 күн бұрын
My take is that advanceable ice should be balanced by having available ways to punish investment into it by cheating a limited number of pieces of it. This is what Botulus, Boomerang, and Hush are meant to do. Criminal also has derez and Hermes. But I really particularly dislike the design of Logjam, because not only does it scale infinitely, it is impossible to cheat with anything other than Hush, and it punishes the use of derez a fair bit, since it scales with number of times rezzed.
@meathir4921 9 күн бұрын
@celestialspark5697 The problem there is that right now there's enough advancable ICE that you can actually just run the Runner dry of all their pseudo-icebreakers.
@mati11223 8 күн бұрын
@@celestialspark5697 so.... ice matters finaly <wink wink>?
@tinstargames 11 күн бұрын
What’s the difference between a banned card and a cycled out card?
@MetropoleGrid 10 күн бұрын
A banned card is (or was) banned as a result of balance concerns at the time. Separate to that, to ensure that formats stay both fresh and of a manageable card pool size, formats experience regular 'rotations'. For example in the Standard format, roughly once a year coinciding with the release of a new cycle (a block of 120 new cards), the oldest cycle that is currently legal in the Standard format rotates out and leaves the Standard format (or in other words, cycles out). As an example, next year when NSG's upcoming 'Dawn' set releases, all of the remaining FFG cards in the Standard card pool are rotating out of the Standard format. This is going to be the largest rotation Standard has ever experienced, and a pretty exciting time.
@tinstargames 8 күн бұрын
@@MetropoleGrid time for me to admit I will just never be able to play this game
@tak52 11 күн бұрын
1:16:54 I'm not planning on playing much online, and got burnt out by net decking in mtg. Hoping a "local meta" develops in my house, where we can learn some deck building best practices and just try stuff. They don't have to be the best and what's legal (we own original core and all NSG stuff) doesn't matter as much (although we'll start small and maybe once standard is just NSG, follow that)
@RyanDeLaTorre 11 күн бұрын
This video and the last replay review have been some of my favorite videos you've published, love these replay deep dives!
@andrewjolly319 12 күн бұрын
Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.
@leonguy1164 12 күн бұрын
That replay was so much fun, thanks to both players and the grid for sharing it
@fluter27 12 күн бұрын
Thank you
@NestorMandela 12 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot for the video. This series is awesome for people like me learning how to become a better player. As a newcomer, I find more difficult to play as Corp, maybe because they need to lead and it's easier to just response to problems as a runner with the confidence that the late game is yours. Keep'em coming!
@MetropoleGrid 10 күн бұрын
I've always said that Runner play is much more newcomer friendly, as Runners can genuinely accidentally win the game. If you simply make enough runs, you have a chance of stealing seven points. As a Corporation, there are no accidental wins. You need a game plan, and that can be quite daunting when you're figuring this game out. Glad you've been enjoying the series, and thanks for the kind words, eh.
@cmurtwo 12 күн бұрын
I enjoy both the chat and the games. I think a better mix would be nice sometimes, not 2h talk then 2h games but more intertwined - watching decks getting played that I don't have time to check out myself is something I really love :)
@Hellnas89 12 күн бұрын
I was just going to see the first few turns to get some good insights but ended up watching the whole thing and went to bed way past midnight. Ooops. Great content.
@MetropoleGrid 10 күн бұрын
Aye! Gottem. :p
@iamtom44 12 күн бұрын
Love this review - I've been playing Built to Blast a lot and really enjoying it! These insights should be super helpful.