@jkrause365 37 минут бұрын
But I don't recall reading anything that would hint at or suggest the possibility of Sirius Black's return. Even in the final showdown in the Forbidden Forest, Sirius returns along with Remus Lupin, Lilly, & James who are clearly ghosts, indicating Sirius is one, too.
@2102082 2 сағат бұрын
It's my headcanon that Salazar learned from Helga Hufflepuff regarding the multiplication of food/water and had something setup to automate the process. Maybe a platter or something that constantly replicates the food placed upon it. Maybe a food enchanted not to spoil. Either that or just a metric shit load of rats were eaten over the centuries
@faraanbabar1473 7 сағат бұрын
The TV series is the SURPRISING ONE EVER
@elizabethoneill8612 11 сағат бұрын
That's on MS. Rolling's I hope I spelled her name right 😔
@elizabethoneill8612 11 сағат бұрын
That was Harry's fault because he didn't tell griphook to get them out of the vault and outside gringotts before he'd give him the sword, that was supposed to be part of their deal.
@elizabethoneill8612 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you for that 🙏☺️
@untitled6391 12 сағат бұрын
I find the idea that the Basilisk hunted in the lake unrealistic. Slytherin Common room jad three large windows looking into the lake and if the snake was hunting there, students would be getting killed/paralysed from time to time. Also, the chamber didn't go unopened till Riddle's time. It was opened by Cornivus Gaunt in the 18th century.
@Bluefoot65 13 сағат бұрын
alazar Slytherin would have taken appropriate precaution to insure that Basilisk would have food and any other need. Slytherin would have made sure that the basilisk would have a reason to return to the chamber.
@daniellewylie6187 15 сағат бұрын
Hedwig had to die, because it was a symbol of of Harry's childhood dying, & on a more practical level how is he going to keep an owl when he was hunting horcrux's 😂? I do like the last theory, I never thought of that.
@Spencerpro9855 23 сағат бұрын
Good video
@moshecallen Күн бұрын
No, abracadabra is from Aramaic but it is literally abra "I create" ka- [a prefix] "like" or "as" dabra "I speak" or "I say".
@untitled6391 Күн бұрын
How could he not realise he was a ghost? You have to choose to not move on and stay back as a ghost.
@elimorcos4119 Күн бұрын
Hermione explains horcrux’s cannot live without the host so if the hosts body perishes then the horcrux no longer lives inside it. So would that mean in theory that would mean if Harry died of old age so would the horcrux?
@user-sn4cw4wm2y Күн бұрын
Grindelwald is a more powerful wizard than Voldemort, and actually quite a bit more powerful.
@suefergusson5351 Күн бұрын
Because he was Johnny Depp
@RobertWWD 2 күн бұрын
Voldemort was only dangerous because of the Horcruxes kept him alive no matter how many times he died. He wasn’t the most dangerous he was just lucky to meet Professor Horace Slughorn to create Voldemort. In context Professor Horace Slughorn is way more dangerous than Voldemort ever was. His knowledge can make something way more terrifying than Voldemort could ever dream of becoming.
@janodefenua4603 22 сағат бұрын
Not realy. Voldemort already knew how to create a horcrux. That dialogue with Slughorn was Just him asking If he can Create more, and Slughorn lowkey confirmed, that one can split the soul multiple times. Even if Voldemort Did not know how to make one, He would find It later on. Litteraly He could have traveled around The world and eventualy stumble upon it, at one of the wizzarding countries. HP is not just Britain.
@tornado12193 2 күн бұрын
Dumbledore was gay though. Also, I don't think except in Cursed Child that the time turners have ever went that far back
@sailorbychoice1 2 күн бұрын
The piece in the end of Goblet describing the horseless carriages is worded as to be from Hermione's perspective. If you NEED an explanation, Hermione saw the horseless carriages and Harry was too distracted, still too in shock, by everything that had happened to bother noticing. How often do we not see things all about us and fail to see because we aren't paying attention. I think that's the reason muggles don't see more than they do~ they aren't expecting to see magic, so they don't see nuffin.
@High-Sly 6 сағат бұрын
what books are only from harry perspective not other students
@ericturner6286 2 күн бұрын
Green guts? Sounds like you should see a doctor.
@arinerm1331 2 күн бұрын
I normally like your videos, as your analyses are so well thought-out and accurate, as well as thought-provoking; however, this video was riddled (no pun intended) with errors, not least of which is the claim that the Marauders' Map showed Peter Pettigrew in the castle. This happened only in the movie, which was not canon. If we are to accept the movies as canon, then Snape was present for Lily Potter's murder.
@strongbraveloud 2 күн бұрын
Or the Hermione comments in HBP… wtf
@stephenwood-vorndam585 2 күн бұрын
Harry Potter's luck using Felix Felicis comes down to the placebo effect. The same thing that encouraged Ron to be a better a Quidditch player. If you think something is helping it will
@Larka661 2 күн бұрын
The movies dont point out the importance of Snape killing Dumbledore. He did it to save Malfoy's soul and it was all part of Dumbledore's plan. Snape didnt want to do it, but knew he had to. Snape did alot to protect the students as headmaster. Plus when Harry sees Snape's last memory he understood everything. Snape did feel remorse for what happened to Lily. And making up for that mistake on her behalf was his motivation. Snape was the one who made sure Harry got the real sword of Gryffindor. Snape was fallowing Dumbledore's painting orders. In retrospect, Snape was Dumbledores most important agent. Snape knew about the horcruxes, literally the only one in the order. Aside from Snape, Harry, Ron, and Hermione thought they were the only ones who knew. They wouldnt tell anyone else on Dumbledores orders.
@marktime8301 2 күн бұрын
I know they said he said harry brought back crucial information that sets the stage for the entire magical community to prepare for the final battle, but they really didn't prepare. It seemed most people didn't even really seem to care, and actively acted like road blocks between Harry being able to do things even knowing he was the chosen one.
@Larka661 2 күн бұрын
All of us who have read the books know these facts.
@DelbelOfTheVoid 2 күн бұрын
Wow I’m early! XD
@jusstttmay5626 2 күн бұрын
Ive always wondered why some wands changed their allegiance...thank you for this video
@vinny9988 2 күн бұрын
Criminally underrated channel
@paulinerichards5779 2 күн бұрын
Yes, a lot of the plots in the movies are not logical, but weres the fun in that?
@hopehilton 3 күн бұрын
Honestly I think that movie Harry ignores the invisibility cloak because it would just be boring to watch corridors without interactions. At least in the book, we get his internal monologue sometimes.
@Bluefoot65 3 күн бұрын
Dumbledore does not want Harry to read his mind for any number of reasons telling Snipe to teach opencv to Harry was the less dangerous option
@MAGAWITCH1990 3 күн бұрын
3:41 you're wrong on that one, I'm sorry but Snape was the adult in the situation and should have known that Harry would have eventually crossed that line. I just don't know why the hell Dumbledore thought it would be a good idea to have Snape of all people teach Harry occlumency
@Adam3k3 3 күн бұрын
First! great video as always/
@pixiephlox 3 күн бұрын
I love your voice. This is gonna be my mew background channel!
@TheRealTricky 3 күн бұрын
Cho's breakup: Important to note is also that Hermione's "SNEAK" jinx was completely omitted in the movies. Harry took pride in Hermione's stunt, while Cho was outraged. Wormtail's death: It was important, but as far as I've been told it was censoring. Harry Potter attracted a young audience and the silver hand strangling its owner was deemed too horrifying. Yet it was indeed important that Wormtail would be shown to pay off his life debt. If not by his own silver hand, than perhaps by a Death Eater casting Avada Kedavra on him, but the stun (if I ain't mistaken performed by Dobby) was the cheap way out. Merope's omission: Certainly beyond me, as it does explain a lot about the Slytherin bloodline, and perhaps also Voldemort's pride in all this. Not to mention how wrong Merope was in using a love potion to get a man to was revolted by her to love her (which is actually a kind of rape). Voldemort's death: The disintegration was also bad as it places Voldemort as having gone beyond humanity (as he took pride in). Just a normal corpse, snake like, yes, but still a normal corpse, indeed humiliated in death in face of everyone, was showing that Voldemort was just a (foolish) human being after all and that his great abilities didn't change that fact. Marauders: Not only does Harry refer to Peter as "Wormtail", but when he tries to convey the message to Snape that "Padfoot" was in danger (which Umbridge did of course not understand, but that was Harry's intention), it made no sense in the movies that Harry knew that name, nor that Snape did know what Harry meant. If you read the books, you'll know why both knew this. (The films also omitted that Snape warned Dumbledore, but perhaps that was easy to assume). In the novel Snape calls Lupin in when he confiscated the Marauder's Map, which was a hint to Lupin being one of the Marauders. In the movie Lupin just coincidentally happens to pass by. I must confess that although I've seen (and enjoyed) all the movies, that the more I re-read the books, the more I see how terrible the movie adaptations were, and yes, that began with the Prisoner Of Azkaban. A few more things that I absolute hated about the movies: - Dumbledore's hysteria when Harry name came out of the Goblet of Fire, while in the book he remained calm. - The exact reason why "priori incantatum" took place when Harry fought Voldemort at the graveyard is completely omitted in the films. Odd, since in film 1 Olivander did mention the two feathers of the same phoenix that Harry's and Voldemort's wands share, signifying the connection between Harry and Voldemort. - The fact that the prophecy could also have referred to Neville Longbottom, but that Voldemort actually chose Harry to be his nemisis, was also omitted, while this could have made Neville so much more important and shining, not to mention that the entire coming true of that prophecy was all Voldemort's work in the end. - Gellert Grindelwald never betrayed the resting place of the Elder Wand in the novels. He even predicted that the Elder Wand would never belong to the Dark Lord and that the damn thing would even be his downfall, showing his actual redemption. Voldemort was angered by it, used the killing curse on Grindelwald. This is so contractionary to the movies here he immediately tells Voldemort with an evil grin, that Dumbledore had the Elder Wand all along. Given the kind of villain Grindelwald is in the Fantastic Beasts films ruins that part of his character even more. - In the movies Barthy Crouch Jr. took pride in being revealed as a Death Eater even taunting his father with a sarcastic "hello father". In the movies he always denied being a Death Eater and was downright desperate and in true fear. In the movies Dumbledore tells Harry that the evidence against Crouch jr. was "overwhelming". In the novels Sirius tells Harry the exact opposite. This made the revelation that the fake Mad-Eye Moody was actually Crouch jr. even more of a "WHAT THE FUCK" moment. - The wolf's bane potion that Snape made for Lupin to prevent him from going berserk while in werewolf form was completely omitted in the movies, however Sirius mentioned it just before Lupin transforms into his wolf form ("Did you take your potion, tonight?") It made no sense that Sirius knew about Snape making the potion for him in the first place, plus when you never read the book the entire mention of the potion didn't make sense at all. - In the movies the trio had no idea what they were doing when hunting the Horcruxes. In the novels the only Horcrux unknown to Harry was Harry himself as Dumbledore only tells this when Harry meets him in Limbo. Them finding the Horcruxes even knowing that Hufflepuff's Cup and Ravenclaw's diadem were Horcruxes made little sense. - Wouldn't it have been better if Harry kissed Ginny passionately after Ginny made the winning move in the final Quidditch game, like in the books. Made a lot more sense than in the room of requirement after hiding the textbook of the Half Blood Prince. (Not to mention the fact the Snape demanded to see Harry's potions textbook, which was a straight in-your-face hint to Snape being the Half Blood Prince, as a result to Harry's sectumempra curse on Malfoy, was also omitted). - In the movies, the falsified memory of Voldemort asking Slughorn about the Horcruxes scrambled the word "Horcruxes". In the novels, it was clear from the start that Voldemort asked about Horcruxes, although it was only revealed after the true memory was shown what a "Horcrux" actually was. - In the novels Ron was insecure which made him sometimes not appear the best way possible, yet being brilliant at many times without him even realizing it, but in the movies he was a repulsive idiot. - Where did the portable swamp go? The best prank Fred & George pulled. - Umbridge's hand appearing in the fireplace trying to catch Sirius. This was first of all a horrifying moment in general, second it showed all the more that the Floo network was being monitored, and monitored networks are THE sign of true dictatorships, which is very horrible to realize. It also shows how stupid Umbridge was, as she revealed herself this way, while she could have scored so much more if she was more patient, even if it meant letting Sirius go, but her lack of patience, obsession to score too quickly not only led to ending up with less, but also that she revealed herself as spying the network, which is something you do not want to do when spying. The movies letting this out was not a good move. - Harry NEVER saw Wormtail on the Marauder's map in the novels. He did see Crouch jr. on the map the year after that, but as sr and jr are not shown by the map, Harry thought it was Crouch sr. A clear hint to the fake-Moody, omitted and as fake-Moody could talk Harry into lending the map to him this was awkward. (Now Lupid DID see Wormtail on the map during year #3). - Mrs Figg being a Squib who actually had to monitor Harry on Dumbledore's behalf was most of all left out. Her entry in the movie therefore made less sense. - I also wonder why the movies didn't reveal that Umbridge was the one who sent the Dementors after Harry in order to force him to use his magic, so the ministry could expel him for underage magic usage? In both the novels and the movie she does hint about it in Harry's hearing, but the movies never confirmed this. - And the story about Ariana Dumbledore was completely omitted, which is what I hated most of all. You see her portrait, but the true story was never revealed. It tells a lot about Dumbledore's character, and with Grindelwald being the main antagonist of the Fantastic Beasts series, this omission made even less sense.
@mariblue72 4 күн бұрын
I was interested because of your thumbnail, but of course: clickbait. 🫤
@ryanoconnor6805 Күн бұрын
but Cedric never even meets Bellatrix, she's still in Azkaban after he dies? also the fact that she's married
@rose.t.j 4 күн бұрын
I'd happily watch part 2 if you'd like to expand the topic
@argenisjrg 2 күн бұрын
Same! I loved this video.
@connorwiederich 4 күн бұрын
Another problem with including the attack on the burrow is it compromises the secrecy of the burrow as a safe place for Harry. The attack shows the death eaters already knew the burrow was a safe place for Harry before the Deathly Hallows movies yet the Order of the Phoenix believes it is still fitting to send Harry there. Not to mention Harry isn't even disguised under polyjuice potion at the wedding so he will be easy to find.
@briankey5538 5 күн бұрын
Mr Weasley doesn't fully understand electricity or batteries. But it was possible the battery was still good before it made it to Hogwarts. After it got to Hogwarts, I believe the lights ran on a variation of Lumos.
@AliceBlackwood 5 күн бұрын
Hogwarts' elves belong to Hogwarts, they - with very rare exceptions like Kreacher - have no family or master, because they serve the school itself, and as the leader of the institue, the all time Headmaster or Headmistress is their boss! So, at the time they answered to Dumbledore.
@johnt.inscrutable1545 5 күн бұрын
I was glad to hear some of my thoughts echoed here. Thanks for an excellent video.
@High-Sly 5 күн бұрын
thestrals explanation doesnt match hogwarts legacy... character saw them right after...
@elizabethoneill8612 6 күн бұрын
I remember 😊
@nmariejenkins2041 6 күн бұрын
Ok… no. Snape agreed to protect Harry on Dumbledore’s request for no other reason than his love for Lily. It wasn’t out of kindness for Harry in the least. He wasn’t a murderous lunatic, but he was not a benefactor at all.
@user-sn4cw4wm2y 6 күн бұрын
Unfortunately Michael Gambon is the worst possible choice for Dumbledore. Richard Harris was literally Dumbledore from the book. Just as I think the worst thing that could have happened to the movies was David Yates. He ruined the story with his movies and his vision. Chris Columbus is literally brought the HP world to the screen and they should have stuck with it to the end.
@elandthirkhaoth4718 4 күн бұрын
Unfortunately Richard Harris died between 2 and 3 being made. Michael Gambon didn't want to take away from Richard Harris's performance and felt it was a dishonor to his memory to try to emulate his portrayal... unfortunately I wish he had just emulated that portrayal.
@jasonmarin8187 6 күн бұрын
Book: "Did you put your name in the Goblet Of Fire, Harry?" Dumbledore asked calmly. Movie: "DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE!?", Dumbledore screamed at Harry looking like he was about to rip Harry's head off.
@LordVeedo48 6 күн бұрын
They always hate the best. Luna was my favorite out of all the wizard girls
@williamkeogh710 7 күн бұрын
Luna is a favorite 2ndary character of mine.
@elizabethoneill8612 7 күн бұрын
Remus and Peter followed around Sirius and James and never really tried to stop their bullying of Severus or any other student in Hogwarts, they just either thought they were cool or were afraid of them themselves.
@elizabethoneill8612 7 күн бұрын
I can go for at least a three hour long Harry Potter movie
@janesaunders8001 7 күн бұрын
More likely to be Umbridge and Fudge I think 🤷🏻‍♀️