Board Gaming Best & Worst of 2024...So Far
Brink Review: Power Comes At A Cost.
@Sc0rcher666 9 минут бұрын
I am thinking of backing for the first time and your video is the best review i've seen. Huge thank you for spending the time and honesty.
@jordanw1083 17 минут бұрын
I like the system, but as they have drawn on have picked up less each campaign. Waiting to see the final shake down, but keeping it under 150 or so total. With the marvel ones I already have so much, there is no reason to chance everything at this point
@sidneyleejohnson 59 минут бұрын
Well speaking of big boxes, the reason we never saw a big box offering for Root is that the designer/publishers said they weren't finished in response to requests for one.
@marcmadrigal353 Сағат бұрын
Great overview. I’m going for just S Squad and Arkham, but no Titans for me
@MeganDixon-vi8xe Сағат бұрын
I just don’t get the Titans expansion- looks friggin boring…not sure why you think it’s a no brainer? I’m actually getting put off by the number of stretch goals - like am I really interested in having a million minis with cards that are pretty similar to the rest of the cards? Anyway - may back base, SS, Arkham :)
@mei-mei9055 Сағат бұрын
Leder never said they were done. The last expansion was focused on 2 player.
@Mythizor 2 сағат бұрын
Campaigns (kind of) were announced earlier today
@BobbyJuno 2 сағат бұрын
Just what I needed to hear. I passed on all the Marvel sets in the past so Im new to the "United System" and it's great to hear someone explain what these expansions offer other than characters.
@Dullahan3470 2 сағат бұрын
Contrasted with DCEASED - which was very clearly experimenting and iterating on Marvel Zombies in some compelling ways - DC united just feels like it is reiterating Multiverse word for word.
@aSyphodias 2 сағат бұрын
Definitely not backing this, but I'm interested in it. I had xmen + sg + ff and sold all that. Its a fun system but not own a ton of it for me. I really like dc but the retail offering looks solid. Core + some of these non exclusive expansions are more than enough to nit give cmon outrageous shipping money.
@nakanoFIN 2 сағат бұрын
Followed the campaign some time, but DC Universe doesn’t interest me that much. Maybe the past X-Men campaign could have been a better for me. I’ll pass and consider future campaigns if a theme interests me more.
@frankc.531 3 сағат бұрын
Sold all of my season 1 and 2 of Marvel for this. I really enjoy the game, but I much prefer DC to Marvel. Also, they just added campaign decks tracing comic storylines which is amazing to me.
@Allthesmallteas 4 сағат бұрын
I dont have any Marvel United, so im going all in. I did the same with DCeased
@user-mf1cu3tn7s 4 сағат бұрын
This is very helpful I wanted to know your thoughts on rankings of the add on I loveeeee marvel United. I have played everything I own. I don’t play it everyday but I love it I bring back to table once a while
@jecabreradc 5 сағат бұрын
Base thing, arkham + Suicide + stretch goals. GG . Personal choice.
@que-tangclan5856 5 сағат бұрын
I don’t understand why titans is the best expansion bundled of all seasons period . Can anyone explain? To me just super friends with stretch goals is by far the best value for money
@que-tangclan5856 5 сағат бұрын
So far I’m backing super friends, Arkham and SS
@MrSpenceju 6 сағат бұрын
I agree with your rankings. I've missed the previous seasons on kickstarted (purchased several on ebay). I think for people who've got previous content it makes sense to get the top 4 + playmat
@mistercreed5507 6 сағат бұрын
All-in!! 😂😂
@kotuswaifu3869 6 сағат бұрын
This is my first united campaign and i love batman so im going with everything related to him. Titan pledge, Arkham, Suicide, Gotham city(coz i like the characters). And thats it. I think i will have enough content for a lifetime.
@AmineL-es3dk 8 сағат бұрын
there is only one reason not to back it: storage space
@raoulinho82 8 сағат бұрын
I cannot have both IPs for the same game since it wouldn't feel right to mix and match so passing on this one. I however wished that I did pledge for either Marvel Zombies or perhaps Dceased as a different system alongside all Marvel United things. ...but I didn't so I'm stuck with the minor Heroes Resistance box that my son almost likes more then United. Well, great that the people now have options! :)
@juliusvanbergen927 8 сағат бұрын
getting base, Arkham Asylum and Suicide Squad. Great game modes, many interesting character and villains (unique). good addition to the rest of the United stuff. don’t think it’s gonna be fresh anymore in another season. This one has some great stuff.
@vlogospheer 8 сағат бұрын
Anyone else sad to see Chris join the open mouth thumbnail club 😮😮😮😢??? Thumbs up if you agree 😂
@karaso0 8 сағат бұрын
Half the Expansions have really disappointed me. One or two solid characters mixed in with alot of mediocre ones. The lanterns add on i was waiting for doesnt even have a villian, way too many "Bats". Personally looking at the core pledge with the justice society add on.
@jgsugden 9 сағат бұрын
I went all in on all three Marvel and play it with my kid weekly. We've played nearly every hero we have from sets 1 and 2 and as East Coasters are waiting on set 3. When I heard this was coming I made a list of the 10 heroes and 10 villains I wanted. Heroes: Supes, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Green Lantern (Hal), Green Arrow. Villains: Joker, Lex, Darkseid, Gorilla Grodd, Reverse Flash, Trigon, Mirror Master, Sinestro, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Lobo. So far, I get almost everything in the base pledge and little in the expansion materials... although there are characters in those expansions that are attractive, they're not looking like enough reason to go beyond base pledge. I'm wondering how many people may downgrade to a base pledge - and staty there - before this thing ends. It also seems odd that they have a lot of low A and high B characters out there - but not enough to carry a second season like MU did with X-men.
@boxfarts3847 9 сағат бұрын
This system is by far the most played game with my family. I doubt I will go all in but right now I am sitting at Titan pledge with 3 expansions (Arkham, S.S., JLA, and painting guide). In my opinion the strech goals are the best of any campaign with every second one being a villain. Villain variety make this game sing
@isaacraze4301 9 сағат бұрын
I don’t suggest getting everything for the United system as there’s more content then most people will play with, however I’m a collector so I’ll be getting it all.
@beornthebear9023 9 сағат бұрын
I’ll get core Arkham and S Squad. Otherwise currently thinking I’ll pass on rest. Unless they do something I really want that you only get with the all in like they did with multiverse. In that case I’ll go all in and just sell some of the expansions I don’t want off. There are always 100s of people who regret not backing a few months after it delivers. I don’t like backing to sell off but they sometimes hide something I really want behind that all in paywall
@AlBundy4td 8 сағат бұрын
Same here. Half the characters I don’t know but some characters are crowdfunding exclusives with this or that expansion that I’d like to play.
@Hexsong 9 сағат бұрын
The only united I have is the X-Men retail box. So going for the base pledge plus the Arkham Asylum. Good chunk of villains with that.
@Ironhawx 9 сағат бұрын
I’m All Out.
@Kryptonite_V 10 сағат бұрын
I'm not backing this FOMO fest. Maybe I'll get the core at retail later, and there will be enough expansions should I want them. In the meantime, I'm happy with the Marvel United retail content.
@justinhaug6134 10 сағат бұрын
man, lookin like the cover of blacked on this one
@Exozik 10 сағат бұрын
I am looking forward to know more about Monolith annoncement of a Berserk board game. I am a big fan of the manga. Berserk marked my imagination a lot and still do today even after so many years since it release. It is why I like Dark Fantasy so much. I really want Monolith to mess this up.
@Gamebent1 10 сағат бұрын
Easy pass for me. I played the original Marvel United and discovered that the "united system" is just as lackluster as the current DC Universe.
@Ironhawx 9 сағат бұрын
I went from All In to All Out once those gold FOMO promos were announced
@Twineandribbon 4 сағат бұрын
@@Ironhawxwhy would you care about gold minis that have no gameplay application?
@Ironhawx 4 сағат бұрын
@@Twineandribbonto counter a phenomenon called FOMO. Exclusivity is the trick CMOn plays for all of their games and people fall for it including me. I was already trying to resist not FOMOing on the “exclusive” content in the campaign and once the gold foils were announced, suddenly it made it all the more easier! Try it, your bank account will thank you.
@jasonv8516 10 сағат бұрын
Great video Chris!
@iansutton7416 10 сағат бұрын
Re: Lacerda and going all-in on a genre. Yes I tend to agree with this view, that we can get carried away as either 'collectors' or simply being ultra-focused on a designer / style of game. I'm very influenced by the large group I mostly game with, that it's typically a random selection of games, with a random mix of gamers at the table. Thus our gaming varies significantly. In this context, having a collection dominated by Lacerda, or Awaken Realms, or Garphill, isn't a great fit for something of an 'omnigaming' group. Re: GWT. I like the game system, and the variety it offers. GWT NZ is my favourite (though I've not played Argentina), but it's already hit that point that I'd not be comfortable teaching it to someone new to the game(s). It is complex enough that we found ourselves very regularly referring to the rules on our 2nd play, despite all being familiar with the system and having played the NZ version before. So if El Paso pushes the complexity even more, that could limit how much it gets played. Reaction videos? Personally a firm no. I'm bemused by the concept. It feels very '2nd hand info'
@theodorerichter8540 10 сағат бұрын
Squirrel indeed
@ewertbellingan7450 13 сағат бұрын
Speakeasy trying the same theme space as Scarface 1920...
@emtking3385 14 сағат бұрын
Oh man unmatched gets me with TMNT and witcher super excited for them. I am cmon’d out so trying to resist on dc united I don’t want to back anymore cmon til the others are delivered.
@utahman06 16 сағат бұрын
For reasons unknown to me, Leder and Wehrle have been adamant they won’t do a Root big box and I die inside every time I remember this.
@RAPHBENOIT 19 сағат бұрын
100% agree with you regarding the need for better 2-player-games factions for Root!
@IronSalamander8 21 сағат бұрын
Man, Root is decent, but it's not one we get played much, so not sure if our local owners are getting the expansion (I sold my Root long ago, but no issue playing it). Never played a Lacerda that wasn't a tortuous, boring experience. We haven't had anyone bring Barrage to a meetup in years, thankfully. I still need to try Lacuna.
@normstewart546 23 сағат бұрын
Hold the Reaction Videos.
@KBrandes Күн бұрын
TMNT is my jam, more so than marvel. Excited for this release!!
@tyrroo Күн бұрын
No, definitely NOT interested in react videos! Imo, they're only for teenagers and people with low IQ's, they suck!
@TheRASDEL83 Күн бұрын
Unmatched Adventures was the tip of the iceberg... basically we can now get "beat em up" boardgames full of nostalgia. I am going to wait for "Masters of the Universe Unmatched" (He-Man, She-Rah, Teela with Sorceress "Help" and Man-at-Arms with Orko's "Help")
@guglielmoscecspir1053 Күн бұрын
Seeing TMNT for Unmatched, makes me hope that they decide to actually change it up a bit at CMON and bring DragonBall to United, it would be an absolute match.
@mreed7947 Күн бұрын
So you have the Hirelings. That makes the two player game viable. Have you tried that?
@LemonParty69 Күн бұрын
A Jose Canseco bat?!?!
@Olorin323 Күн бұрын
It's funny because you always hammer on Root and people not getting it played. It's my kids favorite game. Since I've got it we've played it at least 1x per month on our weekly game nights, and sometimes not on our game nights (probably had it for 5 months and we've got in 9 plays so far). It was random and I totally agree it's probably not normal, but they love the theme. Probably helps that I was able to walk them through.