@jay7033 11 сағат бұрын
It's disgusting. I am a proud canadian and ashamed of how we have used immigrants. I see it daily. It is shocking that people are getting screwed in their home country by false ads, brokers, schools and then again when they get here. There are no houses available. With sales tax you get to keep half what you make. When you die they take another 20%.. 😅. The government is anti production and extremely inefficient. Our productivity is terrible because the greedy strip companies instead of investing in research. .. we are a very poorly managed country.
@jasonlauritsen5587 17 сағат бұрын
Canada wasn't like this 10 years ago.
@0mniscient1 Күн бұрын
It's worse than a trap. It's a woke, communist fuckhole.
@greggieboy393 Күн бұрын
I’m 74 years old. Canada is not Canada ever since Trudeau government took power. Young people don’t stand a chance to get ahead unless you’re one of the lucky ones making big money. The average Canadian is in bad shape financially. Housing is out of reach. I’m a pissed off boomer on what is happening here to the younger generation.
@maravedisresearch 2 күн бұрын
best explanation i heard
@debsaville4914 2 күн бұрын
Send all the gorgeous hunky Caucasian Canadian young men to Australia , our lovely young women are in desperate need of real men
@user-co2ts8zf9j 2 күн бұрын
I too lost all my life savings close to CAD 80,000 running after the superficial canadian dream life. The jobs available for me were manual labour jobs. I finally decided to leave canda for good this january. I learnt my lesson at the cost of my families future.
@DeepakKumar-fu6ty 2 күн бұрын
Really bitter truth really well explained.🫡🫡🫡🫡
@dmitryanoshin8004 3 күн бұрын
Heh, I have 3 mortgages in Vancouver, just waiting my mortgage rate renewal:)
@cececuthill6608 3 күн бұрын
I’ve lived in Canada my entire life and honestly this also just applies to the lower and lower middle classes. I’m in my mid 20s, have thousands in debt, can barely afford to live because it’s difficult to find a second job. My first job barely gives anybody more than 12 hours a week, and it took me over a year to get that job. I make minimum wage, so I can barely afford my bills without my parents help. I’m still a student and I’m very concerned about the future because despite having multiple degrees, I know it will be a new battle to find a job in my field. As for the immigrants never owning houses, neither will locals of the younger generation. I live in a poor college neighbourhood and the prices of houses here is over $500k for the shittiest houses you can imagine. And I don’t even live in a glamorous city, but rather a small-mid sized one. It’s not just a problem for immigrants, it’s just that this country fucking sucks.
@rozannaedwro934 3 күн бұрын
As Trudeau bows down to kiss the asses of the WEF, UN and CCP he blocks his ears to the cries and concerns of his people. He is not the people’s leader but instead a leader who continuously dances to the tune of the corrupt world leaders.
@Alx-lt5ei 3 күн бұрын
In 1996 I worked at the airport and started at $21/hour. Same job today starts at $19/hour. I left a long time ago and have never regretted the move. A lot of Canadians are brainwashed.
@robinroberts3335 4 күн бұрын
Good go back
@megiddoxygen 4 күн бұрын
I"m a Canadian by birth, and I totally agree with you that immigration here is a complete fucking scam. The governments lie so hard, and NO ONE has said that they will reduce immigration significantly. Anyone who calls for a reduction in immigration gets called a racist and hater of immigrants. My hope to reduce immigration is purely about economics. The strain on Canada to absorb 250K immigrants at 1% population growth per year before Trudeau seemed manageable. Since Trudeau that number has increased to 1.2M immigrants in 2023 (announced by Statistics Canada) and 3% population growth per year starting in 2020. Not only do the governments impoverish immigrants, they are also impoverishing Canadians. I am planning to leave Canada because I don't want to be a poor tax slave, which is an inevitable fate for all of the population, minus politicians.
@ricksemeniuk629 5 күн бұрын
Canada is a cesspool for corruption, 100 times worse than Russia. Canada population 38,000,000 Russian population 140,000,000. Canada is only 30% as big as Russia, but has 100% more corruption.
@Jan-fx2ny 5 күн бұрын
Vancouver was cheap before rich Asians moved there we had a basement apt with a nice backyard roses amd garden for 525 a month.
@Jan-fx2ny 5 күн бұрын
Im here 420 yrs they did the same to me. Rewrote my resume to low level work tried to place me in Value Village! Im a health records manager, medical transcriptionist, commissionaire for port police, coder, homecare, childcare, cleaner, govt temp worker, retail.....cannot find work for 6 years,
@Jan-fx2ny 5 күн бұрын
Russia is cheap no immigrants is why and no wef...
@krazyinthekootenay712 6 күн бұрын
Excellent video maybe stay home from my third world country. And yup yup a immigration ban needs to happen
@user-jt7iv6zk1m 7 күн бұрын
@CyberPunkNeonLife 7 күн бұрын
Still way better than developing Nations like india 😂
@lamwilshangdhi612 7 күн бұрын
All the INDIAN IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS should be RAID and INVESTIGATED, Something Fishy is going on within these people.
@lamwilshangdhi612 7 күн бұрын
@jeffwould4393- " leave where" leaving the SINKING SHIP behind ? .RAISE THE VOICE, Canada belongs to Canadians. Fight for it.By the way, by leaving Canada, will it solve your problem may be short term, not long term problem.
@samndisya1922 7 күн бұрын
Same here in the USA, Time to GTFO
@ALIENAGENT 8 күн бұрын
Added to injury is the salt of racism, including in Federal Government employment, recruitment and promotions. I have the first hand experience in this. Most new comers, and professional like doctors and engineers drive taxis, do delivery jobs, Uber drivers etc. When it comes to hiring and promotions even in Federal Government, there is utter racism where Canadian white people are given preference to even the most qualified non white Canadians. Multiculturalism and equity are mere propaganda. If not for immigration Canada will be dead. Immigrants keeps economy going and pays retirees salaries. You are absolutely right.
@zxien1 8 күн бұрын
9:11 I always make this argument, but not in the way you presented it. Yes immigrants are coming to these big cities, but this is exactly what the government wants since it's where all the seats are when it comes time to vote which is the root of the problem. The issue lies with the government not giving incentives to go to areas that house good future prospects. Canada is so wide and vast, and before they gave out free land to someone who came over so long as they could develop it. Now I'm not saying everyone should be a farmer, but it is well known there is over 200 billion in oil in quebec alone that they refuse to harvest because "equalization payments." There are huge mining/oil cities ie sudbury, calgary, edmonton etc. across all of Canada that we just sell to the states so they can resell it back to us at a higher price. Canada needs to own what belongs to US, not sell off our most valuable assets to foreign nations while cramming all of our new citizens into big cities so that the corporations can make even more money when they are already rich.
@user-ew9qp2di6c 9 күн бұрын
2.5 million punjabis.. to be exact.
@lookingbehind6335 9 күн бұрын
Canadian taxes are high? Try paying taxes in the USA. They are a combined 62-67%. And, just like immigrants we don’t get a damn thing in return.
@Willpery 9 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t come to Canada if I could go back in time to 2000 We the young people just Ruining our lives immigrating to foreign countries The Canada for me is an swamp where there so many crocodiles waiting to eat you Alive The Canada Doesn’t welcomes or value the honest hard working decent people Because they immigrating you as prey to themselves As an 50 year old Turkish Canadian man I Regret coming to Canada
@margaret3153 10 күн бұрын
3:50 you do not have to wait half a year to see a Doctor, you are exagerating!
@sachinakhoury5244 10 күн бұрын
Perfectly articulated. Barbs and truth bombs without being strident. People don’t want to honestly confront their situation. In the rare event that they do, they won’t go further to share their experience with others. An honest commentary that will play its part in opening the eyes of countless ingenues out there.
@andyanderson3628 10 күн бұрын
I've lived in Toronto for 40 years. No place else that I would rather live. I have my house paid off and cash from a rental suite. Now it's time to travel more.
@srealone788 10 күн бұрын
Nah! Electricity ⚡️ costs way more in BC! Idk what he’s on? But I’m from BC my whole life and I’ve been in Alberta a few years now. And I pay way less for electricity ⚡️ here! 😒💯
@chowmarina008 11 күн бұрын
The thing is, before i came back here, i was catching my ass, i decided to return to my birth country and after i got a job and stuff im still catching my ass so im accustomed. Ill be fine as long as i watch my pennies.
@nahushkkn 11 күн бұрын
JT's policies can be described mildly as 'Cultural Anarchism'!
@Stephanie_12345 12 күн бұрын
I am a US citizen that want to escape America seeking a better life in Canada. I am still hoping this is possible in the near future.
@konnorj6442 12 күн бұрын
You came in the middle of Justin's destruction of canada and his massive importingnof immigrants where there is zero space for them Justin has created more debt for canuckistan than ALL of the previous PMs .. COMBINED!!! He has destroyed the middle class and his latest insanity trying to gouge more fromthe poor via shit like the upping of the capitol gains tax is beyond abhorrent And yet idiots still dont pay attention to the lies he and Freeland are spewing Not to mention the illegals that he welcomed in totally ignoring all of our laws and ordering our national disgrace aka the rcmp to help the criminals in ffs
@AaronJamesMacInnis 12 күн бұрын
you hit the nail on the head. 25 years ago...sure...today? no. bravo on bringing these issues up!
@solarscream88 13 күн бұрын
@kuldippelia2255 13 күн бұрын
Canada needs more immigrants, should you move to Canada? Canada will welcome 465,000, 485,000, and 500,000 immigrants in 2023, 2024, and 2025. Canada is facing shortage of workers. There are several categories under which people can apply for immigration. Opportunities for new immigrants 1. It is very easy to get a job paying minimum salary of $15 per hour. Immigrants can easily get a job as retail sales person, grocery store clerks, warehouse workers, security guards, construction workers. 2. With some training in Canada they can get even a skilled job paying up to $30 per hour. But to practice as Electrician, Welder, Mechanic, Plumber, Carpenter type of skills, you may need to spend 4-5 years to get certified in Canada. 3. There are lots of self-employment opportunities, you can become a real estate agent, mortgage agent, insurance agent, taxi driver, or open own office or retail store. 4. After settling in Canada, you can travel all over Canada, USA, and Mexico. 5. There is lots of natural scenery here, and air is clean. 6. Once you are 65, you will get old-age pension for the rest of your life. Challenges 1. Immigrants in Canada are treated as workers, regardless of their education and experience. Only small percentage of professionals like doctors, dentists, engineers lawyers get to practice their profession here, 90% or more end up as "workers". 2. Rents are increasing at a high speed. One bedroom apartment may cost you $2,000 per month, 2 bedroom $2,500, and an independent 3/4 bedroom house $3,500. 3. Food prices are also rising very fast, many vegetables cost about $6-8 per kilogram. 4. Public transportation (trains, and buses) is becoming very crowded 5. In cities, roads are becoming very congested. 6. Sales tax can cost you about 12% in most of the provinces. 7. Everybody has to file taxes at the end of year. Income tax is paid to the central government as well as to the state government. 8. Canadian School Education system is not good, it doesn't encourage students to develop their brains. All students are promoted to next class without any examination. Students don't have to remember anything, think or learn a second language. 9. Health care system is perhaps the worst in the world. Out patients in hospitals have to wait up to 12 hours to see a doctor. It may take 3 months to get a medical test like MRI, and 3-6 months to get a specialist's appointment. Canada has a huge short of doctors, hospitals, and medical equipment. 10. As there's a huge shortage of dentists, the dental services are very expensive in Canada. 11. It is very cold in Winter. The winter season lasts for about 6 months in most of Canada. Except for British Columbia, there is lots of snow falls all over Canada. Prof. Kuldip Pelia Surrey, Canada
@concernedcanadian8460 13 күн бұрын
Canada is broken and possibly irreparable.
@mapelletier76 13 күн бұрын
Western countries like Canada have based their development on lies to attract their next “participants” Born and raised in Canada, I travelled across the world and I never really understood why migrants would left behind their families , traditions and cultural background for becoming a slave fuel cell in a matrix. I guess , it’s up for those who have eyes to see what’s really worth to care in this Life.
@lostmoose9994 13 күн бұрын
Man, you are so spot on, thats absolutely amazing ! Thats exactly how it is. If I would be younger, Id leave Canada. But I am stuck.
@lostmoose9994 14 күн бұрын
Spot on. 100 %
@doolittlegeorge 14 күн бұрын
I'm not sure Canada is actually a Country but yes once everyone starts paying billions in Loonie Bucks for everything there will be some type of "reckoning." The USA doesn't actually need Canadian oil for example....but certainly British Petroleum does. Once the new Capital of Canada is declared "somewhere into upon the Arctic Circle" maybe people will understand the current crisis absolutely.
@lindaannkroeker6716 14 күн бұрын
There is no medical care in Canada any more unless you can afford private clinics . There is no affordable housing . People who have worked here for 50 years can't afford to retire , Unless you are of a specific religion there is no religous freedom here. I've had enough . I married a German , now I have a doctor , I have a beautiful home unlike the cockroach bed bug infested over priced apartment I had in Toronto. I am sad to leave the only country I have ever known but I am afraid I will die on the street if I stay
@bilsid 14 күн бұрын
Foreigners: 😍🤩 Canadians: 🤡
@aki98jon 14 күн бұрын
I was born in Canada I left Canada I am so happier.
@moniquethompson8388 14 күн бұрын
It’s a shame to see I came to this country as a child and work my ass off to be where I’m at today only for you to use your skin privileges and talk bad about this country. Bro just go back home if it’s so bad here. The funny thing is you couldn’t speak about your country this way if you lived there. Not because you can means you should. I am Canadian
@busterbiloxi3833 14 күн бұрын
This is nothing but Muscovite propaganda made by an agent of the FSB. He says he has no access to services, but if he is a legal resident he is entitled to FREE health care.