Toxic Empathy and the Spirit of Antichrist
Saving Our World From Demographic Collapse
Motherhood or STEM Career?
21 күн бұрын
@carkawalakhatulistiwa Күн бұрын
They put 2 different dystopias on one peninsula
@neostiny6076 4 күн бұрын
Churches love being "hospital churches". Keeping people just sick enough not to be able to leave and just healthy enough to keep sowing money into the church. Discipleship is everything...
@enigma-yu4jo 5 күн бұрын
@suzannehauser5850 5 күн бұрын
First time viewer. I like your format and appreciate that I feel like we would be friends in real life. I absolutely agree. As an older mom, I find it challenging to explain why I'm so "mean", when I point out simple truths to my teen using my normal adult language. All the phrases we used growing up are now offensive to someone. If my dad said no, we did not ask a second time😳
@SEKreiver 5 күн бұрын
Yes, going all the way back to the Paris Communes and Marx, the wicked have taken Christian principles and twisted them toward evil. I haven't read much from Girard, but I like what I have read. The Nazis weren't "far right". They were anti-Christian revolutionary socialists. Plus, their original cadre was riddled with sodomy. Fascist and Communist platforms in the '20s tended to look very similar. The main differences tended to fall along nationalist/internationalist lines. The two philosophies are brothers/cousins, NOT polar opposites. They ARE Satanic competitors.
@RachelDee 6 күн бұрын
I have been thrilled with a lot of Michael Knowles commentary lately. It’s not the default neo-conservative talking points.
@spytechchronicles 7 күн бұрын
I pray that population should fall below 100 million before 2100
@kimandre336 8 күн бұрын
As a person who is living in South Korea, but was born in Canada from Korean parents who were Christian missionaries, it seems that most people in the west often forget that South Korea's very militarized civilian culture for decades is also a factor to the falling birth rate. South Korea is the modern day Sparta (i.e. military-oriented culture, a noticeable presence of super-wealthy people, borderline acceptance of male h*m*s*x*ality) of Asia, believe it or not. It's to the point that China seems to be a normal country. At least China tries to fix their social problems. South Korea doesn't.
@chriswatson1698 8 күн бұрын
No fault, on demand divorce makes motherhood untenable. A woman can be divorced against her will, halving her living standard, on no grounds at all, after all the men who are worth marrying are already married and her career opportunities are gone.
@davidgavin5740 8 күн бұрын
as I remember it, in Korea there isn't "no fault, on demand" divorce. Both parties must agree, unless there are extreme circumstances and that pretty much means (in most cases) multiple, documented cases of domestic abuse, and probably the same for infidelity, but I do not recall. A friend of mine was in the former situation and getting out of that marriage was not easy.
@amysolley4268 8 күн бұрын
This kind of video needs to cease to be in my feed. Because if "education is why people aren't breeding" then the messaging is either unclear, OR--and hear me out--politicians and corporations aren't listening to educated people, and thus, the people recognize that the ENTIRE system is failing parents and children alike.
@blafonovision4342 8 күн бұрын
Israel has its birth rate due to welfare from the USA.
@blafonovision4342 8 күн бұрын
I take it your podcast is predicated on your listening believing that a god exists.
@Novgorod_Republic 8 күн бұрын
Why am I keep getting recommended these videos which say education = falling birthrates. It isn't education, it's the destruction of family values, which are a part of every traditional culture. If people were educated that the greatest value in life is family, then we would witness the opposite. But that isn't what people are being taught. It's the opposite. We're taught that our ancestors were uneducated bigots who didn't know sh!t and thus we should not be ANYTHING like them. And for them the greatest value in life was their family. Not money, not career. P.S. Honestly, if all the "progress" we witnessed has lead to people not even being able or not wanting to fulfill their MOST basic survival instinct, which is to reproduce, is this really progress? I don't think so. It is literally degeneration.
@MarakMocam 9 күн бұрын
The first female student in Harvard's Medical School was a Filipina. The Philippines has the same portion of women with college degrees as women in the USA, yet they don't seem to have these problems. This entire aging out and dying off is, as she seems to be pointing out, cultural. It is completely cultural as they do not think children are worth it anymore - yet other women do from other civilizations. Only western & westernized women are fading and dying off (and seeing what kinds of children they are raising, it isn't a bad thing that they don't want to be mothers anymore. Let the other women of the world be mothers, they know how to do it vs western ones).
@carkawalakhatulistiwa Күн бұрын
Filipina brith rate now 1.9 in 2023. Under replacemen rate 2.1
@MarakMocam Күн бұрын
@@carkawalakhatulistiwa TFR vs FR (total fertility rate vs fertility rate) TFR = 2.2, FR = 1.9. So we do have a lowering but not a collapse. Filipina birth rates seem to be spreading out more (across more years) but at just above replacement level.
@KoongYe 9 күн бұрын
There are alot of different factors that play into the birth rate in my country. Education is just a tiny part of it. Education was still pretty bad in Korea when the birth rate wasn't as bad.
@Lerian_V 9 күн бұрын
"Napoleon was asked, 'when does the training of a child begin?' He answered, twenty years before the child's birth with the education of the mother." - Fulton Sheen (Life is Worth Living | Episode 67 | The Training of Children)
@ft1725 10 күн бұрын
I am wondering what your opinion is on the numerous church families who adopt babies from places like China, Korea, Ethiopia, etc? Many of these families purchase these children as part of the adoption process. It has ignited a baby tourism market. Very few people in the church communities have framed the behaviors there to solve similar to this behavior. But, similar to the viewpoint you share about the two men, both are taking children away from their native mothers while their mothers are alive and many times well. A woman who raises you can be a mother figure, but no one can replace your mother. Any insight or reflections on how the church community should change their behavior around this?
@skylinefever 11 күн бұрын
Why rip someone out of perfect nonexistence so you can force them to cram school or go to squid game? A healthy economy has a place for average people instead of making all of it go to a few ultra ambitious go getters. I like how Bioshock mocked this kind of system by saying that it forgets someone has to clean the toilet. I think about a concept called "overproduction of elites."
@zsedcftglkjh 11 күн бұрын
When women choose, they choose not to get married. Japan and South Korea are ten years ahead of us in this. Women are the gatekeepers to sex and marriage and with all the choices they have in today's society, they don't want to marry.
@aseopva 11 күн бұрын
Shy do we need to control immigration? Passports did not exist until the 1920's.... We had no immigration law s other than racist ones (Most anti chinese and anti-mexican) until the 1880s... The US seemed to get along fine.
@aseopva 11 күн бұрын
Sorry but the population implosion doomsayers are becoming as unhinged as the Malthusian predictions of collapse due to population gain.
@henrydox 12 күн бұрын
Google about how to make screen recording properly. Users aren't interested in all these browser tabs of yours. Another point.., 1st 10 minutes kinda monolog in daughter presence. Here I stopped watching.
@MB-xq3ol 12 күн бұрын
ALL OUR PROBLEMS ARE FROM OUR ENEMIES ATTACKING US FROM WITHIN AS IN THE BOOK RED HANDER BY PETER SCHWEITZER Kruchef said 1956 that they would destroy us from within without firing a shot. 1950 America was wonderful, strong families, we made everything had religion. Then the communists had to destroy us from within and it started with a book on feminism 1963 and women were taught to replace the family with a job to be free to act like a man. This is how the Marxist destroyed the family bond and pushed the women to get their power from the STATE like Burogamy women married to the State.. No fault divorce, child support, alimony, division of property, and gays into the church, later the authors husband said it was pure fiction. Then we got the welfare state and that destroyed the cities with fatherless black boys and crime. Then we got this environmental crap that destroyed manufacturing. The Earth history had 5 extinction level events and 2200 atomic bombs exploded and the earth healed itself. Then we got affirmative action no white males need apply for a job that destroyed government because hiring was with skin color only, not excellence. Then we got wokism and gender studies that destroyed the schools. Then we got China paying off D politicians to do there dirty work like run up the nation dept to bankrupt us. They worked for China and So..s to spread covid to get rid of Trump and use mail in balots to rig election and locked down small business in blue states and destroyed them. In Ca they let all the prisoners out of prison with a lie prop 57 to destroy the cities. The Left Change the laws prop 47 to increase shoplifting raising felony rate and installed progressive DAs in with no cash bail and crime exploded in the cities. America needs children just make divorce illegal like it was done socially in 1950 and end all social welfare programs, end affirmative action and sell off all housing projects and if you break the law prison. ALL THESE PROBLEMS CAN BE FIXED BY CONSERVATIVE LEADERS NOT COMMUNISTS
@skylinefever 14 күн бұрын
I often looked at why no matter how much urbanization and industrialization there is, there is always a certain set of people who get the desire to make and raise 3 or more kids. I make an argument of that because if the old solutions do not work, perhaps a technological innovation in baby rabies may need to be invented. Have the biological clock tick loudly in people's ears so they hurry up and reproduce. Other times I joked about paying advertising wizards to say that children are the most amazing thing there is. I frequently joke about overlapping maps of children per woman and maps of national IQ. I reach one conclusion. Brawndo's got electrolytes. I love seeing Japan and South Korea not buy into magic dirt immigration, and the UN can get lost. Quite often you can let people in, but only the world's trash. I often argue that blank slate is loved by both left and right leaning people. Sure, we hear the same arguments of leftists. However, the argument that we'd all make it big with enough hustle and grind could be considered right wing blank slatism. Never mind that some people will apply themselves in school, but never get the concepts needed to get those higher paying jobs. Too many people were sold a I see Israel as finding a way to have holy orders that masses obey. Thing is, I do not know how to get the nominally atheist population to follow it. I think about how reddit sort of ended up with the kids who were told to "Just pray harder, bruh" and it didn't work. When I see an argument to make the birth rate go up, I read about Communist Romania. You might get larger families. However, what do you do when you just get a bunch of unwanted kids which parents cannot fully hide their hatred for? I hear conservatives argue that since other countries aren't communist, it won't happen. Oh, and CPS agents of the USA aren't already busy? I just want the non-Idiocracy to have some more kids. I would be just fine if the sick and stupid all went childfree by choice. I argue that many South Koreans don't have kids, because they were stuck in cram school all their youth, and saw no point subjecting their own kids to cram school. Why not break the cycle? 14:36 Either that, or we get taken over by people who don't actually want that many kids, but are too stupid to remember a condom. Idiocracy was like seeing a train wreck. I argue that birth control selects out people who just want sex and no kids, but have enough brainpower to do something about it. 16:13 Japan also had absurd low interest rates and a huge speculative bubble back then. Some of the economy was awesome. Some of it was a complete fraud. But line go up! I do see your point, I sometimes joke about what the economy of Japan would have looked like if the Ford Pinto and Chevy Chevette weren't such bad jokes. 16:48 That also assumes that in countries with more incoming people, the people entering are all net taxpayers, and none of them screw up the supply and demand. Truth is, much of this open border stuff is just megacorps trying to bust unions. It is why in the USA, Republicans would buy into it. 18:50 That assumes your kids care to show up and care for you. How many people are actually their own parents caretakers? 21:48 I first heard the point in Birthgap. It also argued that the number of families with 2, 3, and 4 children did not change. However, the number with 0 increased. 26:00 I wonder how people get to genuinely choose what to believe. I say this because I think about how much money we all could save if we could just believe everything was paradise. Unfortunately, I see that to be about as useful as the motivational coach slogans that high ranking corporate execs put in their offices, which is little to none. 27:41 I think about what it takes to generate a passion. I wonder what happens to those who can't get the passion. How many only had kids out of social pressure and miserably go through the motions? 32:05 Blame individualism? Mainland China ended the one child law years ago. The CCP is telling people to have 3 kids. Somehow the conformist country continues to have awful birth rates. Well, why have kids for the dystopia anyway? Japan and South Korea are also considered not individualistic. I find it funny how many boomers said "Rugged individualism built the wild west" 39:26 I often joke "Yes. Easy Vasectomies for those Chads and Tyrones who never want kids anyway. Have the deadbeat dad gene go extinct." I joke about similar things for women so that the Andrea Yates and Casey Anthony trypes go extinct. 43:52 This is a problem of an economy gatekept by too many degrees. Squid Game might not have caught on if the non college degree jobs were better. 46:38 I think about how many angry college grads are out there, because they worked hard, graduated, and the jobs they were sold did not exist. I think about how much desire can be shaped by narrative. I argue that the amount that desire can be shaped because if social engineering worked, the body positivity movement would produce stampedes of chubby chasers.
@techcon1293 15 күн бұрын
I believe removing any practice from the bible is unbiblical. The modern church has removed a lot of New Testament traditions and it has allowed the Devil to run rampant in the church. There are many churches who practice head coverings.
@PlankSession 18 күн бұрын
this is excellent
@PlankSession 18 күн бұрын
who is this guy?
@nathanwright5757 23 күн бұрын
I liked it because, among other reasons and being a child at the time with the appropriate level of humor, Picard got away with saying "Merde" several times in the early seasons.
@jimanderson9867 24 күн бұрын
My favorite part of this video was when your daughters didn’t say a single word. Guess women have nothing to say, right? What a great dad.
@Lt-Leinad 22 күн бұрын
Wtf is wrong w u?
@InspoDesigno 24 күн бұрын
amazon needs to pay for this insult against tolkien
@nathanpowell195 28 күн бұрын
I kept waiting for it to be a discussion by it was just one guy giving his take while his daughters listen and maybe nod. I’d have been really interested in hearing how they saw things.
@apmcrobert2270 28 күн бұрын
The translations that use the word "wife" instead of woman (the ESV mainly) is anachronistic. Most translate the word "woman".
@krispykreme3176 Ай бұрын
The propaganda and meddling with tv shows and movies were pretty prominent in the 80’s but had slightly deviated in the 90’s probably because it was rejected and didn’t sell like we’re experiencing now. The mere fact of Whoopi Goldberg being in this show at all shows there wasn’t complete creative freedom around even then
@Myke_thehuman Ай бұрын
Alright I'll assume that you guys are being honest about what you believe. I'm non binary and pan-sexual. And I'm willing to just talk to you guys. Not argue or anything like that. Just talk. And I'm atheist, just fyi. I could go into more detail if anyone is interested. But I'll just leave it at that. (Edit) I just edited my message because the last one i left sounded far more antagonistic then I intended it to.
@gbonkers666 Ай бұрын
Damn good writing, special effects, and the characters connected with the audience. Everyone loved the characters...while there was an agenda...and it got a little preachy when Jeri Taylor was subdued and as a light as a feather. Also, even that struggling 2nd season had some good episodes. The Ferengi, Kardashians, and the Jem'Hadar were horrible villans.
@SunsetStarship Ай бұрын
I disagree. It's because it was good sci fi. That's it. No extra sauce needed.
@jcpatts Ай бұрын
Very sobering... Great discussion. Enjoying these types of videos y'all have been putting out!
@GregPrice-ep2dk Ай бұрын
What you absolutely DON'T do is rant at them like some Pharisee.
@Anastasia-xp3qt Ай бұрын
"Sexually abnormal." You can't witness to us because you have such a narrow view of the world that allows for no variance or growth.
@SmeshBrohs Ай бұрын
I don't think the LGBTQ+ want the people who act the most outspoken and bigotted towards them to witness to them. They don't need people to tell them how they're wrong all the time, without genuine evidence. With the amount of effort they have to put into defending themselves from bigots, they've done just as much, if not more research into the concepts they assign to their personhood as religious people do their religious studies. They've questioned and gained a lot more from philosophy and medical science than religious folk, as they were at least willing to venture outside of pre-established, modern social constructs, rather than perpetually working within them to reinforce a status quo. Think for a moment that things aren't as cut and dry as your beliefs make things out to be. They're open to other peoples interpretations and critiques, but why can't you be?
@Brrrrrrrr Ай бұрын
Propaganda in fiction bad Except when I like it FYI in Star Wars the good guys are the Vietnamese rebelling against the American Empire
@tarrker Ай бұрын
I agree but, you definitely started loosing me with the "Father knows best" bullshit. This is the real problem in our culture. Extremes. We can't just say that they fucked up our media by caring more about political messaging than about quality writing. We have to also suggest then suggest that men should be defacto leaders. It is NO different than people on the left crying about Trump worship while also defending Biden tooth and nail. Like... you're literally doing the thing. That's you! You're complaining about the thing while doing that thing! x_x
@FayeFaye- Ай бұрын
but, star trek has loads and loads of stuff that would be considered 2slgbtqia+ stuff
@pouncepounce7417 Ай бұрын
it is a source of tons of entertaining youtube content though!
@xankubakuryu1568 Ай бұрын
You don't. You leave us alone.
@Myke_thehuman Ай бұрын
their religion demands that they refuse to leave us alone
@GregPrice-ep2dk Ай бұрын
The Great Commission says to preach the Gospel to EVERYONE. I'ts your right to decide how to respond to it.
@Myke_thehuman Ай бұрын
​Just like I said before someone deleted my comment. ​@@GregPrice-ep2dk Christians are not allowed by their religion's rules, they are not allowed to live and let live. You all must try to force everyone to think as you do. If it was just "voicing" your opinion. Then Christians wouldn't be trying to make their religion the rule of law for EVERYONE. (Edit) No one deleted my comment, KZfaq was just acting up.
@lennonbrooks1083 Ай бұрын
Please spare us your witnessing. Your way of life is not superior to ours and your god is only as real as you believe it to be. Maybe focus your attention on yourselves and improving your own community, because boy have Christians harmed a lot of people and abuse is absolutely rampant in churches.
@sicarius100 Ай бұрын
it's been great, I've saved so much money since they started ruining movies. Now instead of seeing a movie in the cinema every other weekend or so it's become twice a year affair.
@gasoline10head Ай бұрын're the only ones confused. Yt algorithm is getting grossly bigoted. Get this bigoted garbage away from me.
@dagamingsalmon7668 Ай бұрын
The fatal flaw of Liberalism is that it has no answer to Communism. Once you start privileging the victim that's just one of many ways the Socialists can hook their way into things. At the end of the day it's all just for the sake of pushing everything one step closer to pie-in-the-sky Communism.
@san4ez_01 Ай бұрын